*?%«? #*bs wfcs •>Z i-a '•/\*• ,-?ri£x;& ' i"» ..*»,/ O Uik VOL 51 Price 5 Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1951 E'l* Pages -x y_r 5»"Sl» & J­ tfK j^ggS^|iS;iS r«5tfHv„ "Vja mt$ & 4.v-s , . .. .jfo.IiV'.„ .. ,as;f' fcitA'AJ4?'' '•1 - Kt&x 1*' *•' '•'*" ,' RICHARD LEE STONE JAMES R. MEYERS JEROME H. PARKER ?f .1 «t $% { !l~ <• -• « 5» \ tJ By GENE EHRLICH for the battle. But if the weather should turn The game is to be broadcast oyer. KTBC start* • • • • Tmai* Sport* Su/f ' ' , Possibly 55,000 fans are expected to see the clear-Friday and Saturday, then at least 55,000, ing at 1:80 p.m. < <•' -ij „ Rice Owls and the Texas Longhorns clash in possibly more persons,, will witness the game. Rice is scheduled to arrive tjy bus ^iiday anc : Memorial Stadium at2 p.m*Saturday. | : Forecast for Saturday's game is jtSrtly cloudy will hold a light workout at either Clarke Field ii A slow drizzling mist, which at "thnes threat­with a tairly stiff south wind and temperature in or the Stadium after the 0wlet-Yearling contest. ened to turn to rain Thursday, hurt^ticket sales the middle.SO's. . Wet weather duryig the game presumably * would hurt the Owls' passing-game which is a majdr part their offense. . Their Dai Drake, quarterback, to En' Bill Howton, passing combi­nation has accounted for five: Rice touchdowns ani 'A2S yardbt: gained. Texas could-:;^n'ii;-ji^^^||w • better, theoretically at least, b^Jg" ALVtN M. OWNESLEY RICHARD T. CHURCHILL THOMAS B. BLACK Half-time activities at the income the section will then form of the person in front of him. he is to move, he has only to flip cause of a preponderance Texas-Rice game will salute five "Vote Yes for Amend. Two." 2r' Remove his, hat during the the card rather than put one down ground plays. It could of Texas' largest cities and boost Students sitting in the card sec­half. ' .-i-and" pick Up another. , > :. in long distance runs though. UT. tion are asked not to leave their 3. Select the correct color card Dawson, speedy left halfback, ha»-v<|' 5. Bend over as soon as the cor­ The flash card section will form seats during the .half. The Rally when the stunt number is called. rect color is chosen. scored twie'e on runs of more thaii:v^.' "Sammy Owl," as he appears on Committee also asks that each per­. 4. If he is to show two colors, T5 yards, ' ..; 6. Sit up holding the card at Rice deicals. son in the section: to place the cards showing tho&e -. Injuries eye level when the signal*is given, 1. Be sure he is. directly in back colors back to back so that when the outcome of the battle between, > On the playing field, the Long- with the color called for facing the. tough•horn Band will form a cow . in •.Vi the west stands. is a seven-point favorite. honor 'of Fort Worthy They will In the pre-game show, the band play "I'm an OJd Cow Hand," and Rice would '«eein:tp will form a UN in center field as Chancellors, honorary organiza­La# Review. and is book review editor of -the the card,section will iQark the lo­ ter of the situation^aa: regaiS3ii Jim Reed gives a special prayer. tion for law students chosen for Richard T. Churchill of Three Texas Law Review. > cation of Cowtown on I map of juries., They-lost Teddy Reed then, will Address the crowd scholarship, personality, and ach­Rivers, dean of Delta Theta Phi Thomas B. Black of Austin, BA Texas. starting offeni^:;.I»a^ack^:i|i^|§ii on the significance of United Na­ ievement, tapped six seniors Octo­law fraternity, A student at Texas with honors '49. He is a member The band will form a bowl of the SMU game. He has a sprained ; tions from a script prepared by ber 20. : AAM, * 1940 to 1943, he served of Phi Delta Phi and is an asso­cotton and; play "King Cotton shoulder but is. eaqpecied' to Radio House. — ; ­ Those tapped were: in the army for 63 months. He ciate note editor of the Texas Law March" to honor Dallas. The card some motion. , ~ -v t was selected the outstanding mid-Review. Black is also enrolled in •' • " *: Richard Lee Stone of Jackson­ section will plac« Dallas on the law student in the spring of 1951 music school.' map. . On the debit side of the leSger -s ville,' BBA with honors '60. He it "We'll have a pep rally tonight ten minutes before the" rally par­ Some Tickets for the Longhorns is anAll-Ameri>.~.;L a member of Phi Delta Phi; hon­ Houston will be' honored by the come rain,' hail, or shine," head ade starts. • f' " can defensive end, Don Mena»co^;^~ orary -legaf fraternity, and asso­playing of "Rice's Honor" and -v Longhorn spirit "rouser" Bill A car decorating booth will be He hurt an ankle in J;he Arkansas ciate note editor of the.Texas Law forming of the San Jacinto monu­ Simpsot^ said Thursday night. set up on the sidewalk across Still Available; game and definitely will'not Review. ment. Houston will be added to game' pep from the Co-Op Saturday morning. action. James R. Meyers of Houston, the card-section map. The pre-Rice rally will begin in the Tri-dorm area Sponsored by "the Intra-fraternity 9,000 Drawn Carl Mayes, left offensive half-• BA from Rice in 1,949. At Rice A formation of the Alamo will be formed while "San Antonio at Twenty-fourth and Guadalupe Councilr the booth will decorate back, and a rising Texas footballpresident -of-the student be was iars with orange-and-white crepe star, broke his-' hand in body. He is a member of Phi Delta Rose" is played, and shown on the tonight at 7 o'clock. The Longhorn Students had picked up 9,000 practice band, Silver Spurs, Cowboys, and and all the trimmings just for the Wednesday. He might get a chance Phi and associate note editor Of map. tickets for the Rice game when X. Twenty-five finalists in the Ten giiiia.Nichols, Linda Rowe, Dorie "The Eye& of Texas" be Bevo will lead the parade down asking. Ninety fraternity pledges to play with the "right hand in a the Texas Law Review. will Most Beautiful Girls contest were Scott, Peggy Scott, Raleigh Sekt, cast but it is doubtful. Jerome H. Parker Jr., of Fort played while the band forfns the the Drag, up Twcnty*first and to forth, member of the.Texas Law chosen Thursday night from a and Pat Torn. Capitol and the card section lo-the Alain Building. Simpson said So the burden of «hiJ$ii)£;:p}i^ Beview Editorial Board. Parker, group-of 55 beautiesselected Approximately 480 girls entered cates Austin. that in case of rain the rally will Despite 4Aie; *«n, ers to.give;maxiiiit«m strength liep ^^ & x Thursday afternoon. ' be held in Gregory Gym. <|JBA !42, served as a captain in the the contest, sponsored annually A football will be surrounded people showei up. for Thursday Tickets for the general public with the Longhorns. ? /;• -Army from 1942 to 1946 and is Glossy photographs of the final­by Theta Sigma Phi, national fra­by the Southwest Conference The senior members of the night's pep rally and had a small are still available in the end zones. Don Cunningham will move up ists will be sent to New York out yelling in of *• : how^a certified public accountant a schools which will drop one Longhorn football team and assis­session front the * from his right halfback defensivt ternity for women in journalism. "At"la# school he on the J. C. artist who will then select the Ten by one,• leaving Texas. in posses­tant coach Bully Gilstrap will be Texas Book Store. The Austin position to take Menasco's linw. Hoyo award to mid-law students. Most Beautiful. Johnnie Human, Judges were Irwin Coleman, the sion. at, the rally. Carroler David An­Weather Bureau said Thursday Rally Committee Meets backer slot. In Cunningham's ' AMn M. Owsley Jr. of. Dallas, content chairman, will telephone Most Typical'Freshman Boy; Mrs. A .pumpkin with the> candle .un­derson will play "The Eyes" and night that yjtermittent drizzles place will be Don Barton, playmy graduate cum taude from Prince-each finalist and make arrange­Irvin Goodfriend, Austin business­lit and then lit will commemorate "Texas Taps" on the tower chimes will continue until noon Friday. Today at 4 o'Clock double duty. ion in 1949, wherii he was a mem­ments for having the photographs woman; Jim G. Ashburne, lecturer Hallowe'en. -v When you see a friend on the All members of the Rally Com­N * ber of the Tower Club and Kappa taken. / in business services; W. D. Blunk, Next, an Aggie with somewhat Weather Forecast campus today, stop him and say, mittee will meet Friday at 4 p.m. Bill Milburn will be ready to go Sigma. He served as a sscjgeant in The ten winners will be pre­assistant to the dean of student the same shap as the pumpkin will Fog and drizzle Friday morning, "Beat the Heil out of Rice," and in Waggener Hall 401 to have a but, because of an injured back, the Army from 1943 to 1946* He sented to the campus in "Time life; and Gale R. Adkins, program be formed. becoming slightly warmer Friday bring him (or her) to the pep quick run-through of each per­he will probably be used primarily is elerk of Phi Delta Phi arid on Staggers On," musical comedy to director at Radio House. Hoping for increased University afternoon and Saturday. rally with you tonight. son's responsibility at the game. on defense. 19m editorial board of the Teka? be produced January 10, 11, and , Jack Barton, regular center,, ii ' 12. "• not scheduled to see offensive ac­ Grlevaac* Committer M««t« The twenty-fiVe finalists are 6 for Assembly, 1 Justice tion but will play defense. He hasThe Grievance Committee, iiUNoel Jean Adkins, Myrlene An a bruised hip. Bill McDonald will its first meeting of the year, set dersonS.Earlane Badtas, Betsy take over at offensive center.— tsal their meeting time as each Bell, Corinne Cowan, Ann Dono- Bill Georges, of out most theWednesday at S p.m. in Texas ghue, Jane Flinn, Martine Floyd, season with a' pulled ligament, will Union 809. Kathryn Grandstaff, Jane'Hol­ be back at the -defensive left end; Fred Kessler, chairman, an­ comb, Connie Hopping, Dana post,-^ v ^ nounced that the Grievance Com­Howe,, Jo Ann H^ltin, -Joahte The quarterback position seema'mittee will work in close co-opera­Jaworski, Lucianne Knijfht, Lynne to be fairly well settled for the tion with' the Student-Faculty Luckett,vClare Lovinggood, Ellie Announcing.for Student Assem-^ Longhorns, but Coach, Price has . CofittnittiwV'--1 .... Masterson. Connie Nelson. 'Vir fely-5pos^ju^sjU«»^^ emphasized .that competition '^ia V(|^'fteiii'*1"'ir^twCrow and Jo Prosser from mm- back, may not draw the starting oe& n ere the Collate' of" Engineering; and offensive assignment-Saturday.Charlesa Wolfe from tha-Collftfe... his stead may be Difck Ochoa, a , of Fine' Arts> vJim Leonard has hard-running junior. I 8:80-12 and.1-5 —• Last time' to i 8—Mrs. Maye KoriOth speaks at announced for Associate Justice; •-X * ' .^r ' draw for Rice game tickets,! occupational and. recreational ; Bernie Dow, sopliomore pre-! Offense on the ground ls~a Gregory Gym. | therapy *• workshop, Methodist law student from Hduston, an­ Texas specialty. They have aeeu». 8:30-l—Law election run-off, Law• Education Center. nounced his candidacy T?bursday mulated 1,180 yards in five gamea. ­ Building. 8:15^»"Torchbearers," Playhouse. for Arts and Sciences asse Passes have gained only 119 yards. ^ J:45-^Business session and^gene­SATURDAY " has more ba^ . man. Rice a evenly ^ ®:1> ral assembly of Texas Personnel 1:50—-Broadcast of game, KTBC. He is a former high school state lance offense as regard statistics.''and Management Association, 2—Texas-Rice football game, Sta­Rebate champion, a member of -00%• They have gained 544 yards rush* -Hogg Auditorium. dium. varsity debate team; Athenaeum ing and 387 passing. 9-5-—Mica to receive nominations 8:15—"Torchbearers," Playhouse. Literary Society, and an inter-Dan Drake, at the quarterbackfor Freshman Beauty, Texas society debate champion. He is a position for the Owls, has been Union 307. member of Religious Emphasis. described by at least one out-of­ 1>—-Education section of Personnel" Week Committee and has served Ausiin writer as the best T quar­% and Management' Association* on-'Free Dancer Committee, and terback since Tobin Rote. .Texas Union 315-316. ." .: Faculty ^Evaluation Committee. Their top ground gainer is Ted-' BERNIE JAMES CROW JIM LEONARD TED PRICE : ®-3p ,-rr Newcomera: Ciiib Abridge. tie-wi>a'--d«eti8d^^~:irotea^ dy Riggs who has gained 261-r . group, 3400 Duval Street. in Phi Et^ .Sigma, scholastic fra­Trabert, now a member of »the yards in 50 carries. 12 AFROTC drill, Intramural ternity for freshmen,, and .Alpha American Davis Cup squad. He i Rice's ace pass catcher, Bill ' ' Field; * , Epsiicfn pi social "fpaternity. . . 21 years old and a member of I Howton, he has caugtit 16, was a 12:15—r Personnel and Manage-RUSS Sigma Phi Epsilon social frater­sophomore during the hey-day of k m'ent Association luncheon with J&m*:* Crow, senior architecture nity. I Froggie Williams, who beat Texas­ * address by Louis G; Seaton, student from Austin, is a candi­.. '... • ,•' in 1949 with a l|6-yard field goal ., Main Ballroom, Texas Union. T3»e Phi Mu's are lioioking for date for the College of Engineer­Jo Prosser, junior meteorology j in the final 30 seconds of the ' Jzech Club picture for Cactuis, the fraternity pledge who lobbed ing Assembly iseat. He is a mem­major from Conroe, has an­game. MLB. . ,yi: a live bass into-their goldfish pond. ber of the Public Relations Com-Last year at this time, Howton nounced her candidacy for.College t—Texas Yearlings-Rice Owlets Presto! No more goldfish. mittee, vice-president of Delta Sig­ had caught 10 passes for 222 ( football game, Stadium. of Engineering assemblyman. , ma Phi social fraternity, and is a I yards and 3 touchdowns. He was ­.2-6. and 7-9—Pure Math Work­Most embarrasing moment 'in teaching fellow in architecture. She is parliamentarian of For-not a regular starter until mid-^ shop, Waggener Hall 8. the life of a University male: season of 1950. . ensica, serves as.registration .chair-*8—Hobo party starts from IJni-Wednesday, he relates, he was Jim Leonard, first year law stu-man of Great Issues Committee, Conference play-, between the* Tersttv Ereabyteriari Churcfc for icrossing the Drag when he spied dent, from Fort Worth, has filed two teems dates to 1&14, imenVotertraWd" S 6—Rice-alumni dinner, DnsSSCtT ^aSiiliar Chev^ coufTei'" Leonard is a Silver Spur ahd executive board member of Steer in gamea won ahd lost and ..the Hotel. \ Laughingly approaching the car, a meihber of Phi Kappa Tau social Here Committee., have been no deadlocks. A t—Rally on Twenty-fourth, in he decided to greet them in the fraternity}. Jo has been political and activi­Rice-Texas Competition has pro^ front of Andrews Dormitory. novel fashion of kicking the: day--He served on'the Forum Speak­ties chairrtian of Delta Zeta sd^or- duced Sv major, bowl game partici­ 1:15 -Duplicate btidge games, lifirhts out of the front jumper. He ers Committee for two yeq*s. He pant every year since 1943. ity an dis a member of University • • • • Texas Union-315. ;v did so. -•' •••'"' • was a . member of the Infcqa-fra-Symphonic Band, American Me­ 7 rfJO*—YART Squadron, Chemistry • At the same time, lie yelled,. ternjtf Council and a member of teorology Society,, Steer Here, Flva SwMth«art Finalist*. Building 15. /^ "Get out of £he > middle of the the Rouqd-Up Committee.' Charm' Committee, and Faculty Fiye Wica Sweetheart finalists JO_ PROSSER have been selected. ' ' ' CHARLESA WOLFE tion meets^*t Center to go to He tiien wallced^ttMUid to. They are Dick Carney & HarrisPBrk. Sn^tfSyJ^^BiegjSJ^junaKr ^he Ts sfr-lShrairwr Semblyman. ^ advertising; major, has; filed,-for. Gregg House _ xyever »ecn were staring ... Mil atedin Ope en Seciuew'o!ifraterpitV affiliation. ~7i80-i-Thonia» RishworiEt^speafe up in open-mduthed astonishment, sodation and is a 1950-61 basket-«-•— <*j—i u.. _—a»i„ been Talent Committee. ? ­ T«l#nt fAmmiwao Miss Siegel ha* recently Voters. on United Nations^-Hillel Foun^ <-^ it, ——< —^—i ball player. He is a senior -from appointed fof m. two year term. , .A varsitjr debatfr Iettertna7i7 Staggers, Oh." The masculine ideal of the inde» member of |pha Epsilon. Phi dation. Patient:'"Dac, I» don't smoke' A pfndent ;women win be-deci; '7:30—-.W«lfe> jy®icfr art%^»w!«^-^ ^original one-from the finalists at * »M»nday night and, «nn«une«d at ^ •V i-'Aigaj mm* 5^ we** ^ V ^ «> TWE DAILY T0CAN Pag* 2 V-tRW-C&x <•& J Jhr'MftT many yean, Since 1MJ,wneii I , • Prtti; _ both are features. Odessa plays at If predietiona are followed there Owl* started moving up into the Crucial games dot the bulging Pampa in the first showdown of will be undisputed leader of „ an top crust, Rk* has won 12 of 21 exas schoolboy football schedule the District 1race in Class AAAA. Br 9AM BLAIR one win and two losses in play to Hqrff Blecboe of Pearsall indfftfck; an* GlinWer, safety; the Southwest Conference football games. Some of-the bittejeal up- Starters for the Owlets will in­« aeeettt on conference play and the title is expected to be decided. Bice Institute's two-day inva­Wogs, 21-13, and dropped deci­Austin's Larry Lundstodt and clude Paine, left and; Robert Ca-Am o* now, TCU, Baylor, and seta Texas ever took have enae 'few battles matchihg unbeaten Both Odessa and Pampa are un­sion -of Memorial Stadium com­Kerrville's Layton Golemon pace shion, left tackle; Kenneth Paul, frdto the Owls. every class this week and with When the winner plays Lubbock r«M>* $ptria date* They hare whipped TCU's Louis Paine Of Lamar (Houston). race this week end­ sions to Del Mar Junior College, Riee are undefeated In Conference VWHfHN* defeated by Odessa has been tied. mences at 2 o'clock this afternoon 46-13, and SMU's Colts, 26-6. the Bice forward wall on bftt^of-eft guard; -Jimmy Jax, center; play. TCU isn't is danger of losing The oddb-tnakera don't *think p'VThere.-are two auch games and Lubbock, undefeated and untied, when its freshman team tangles Lundstedt, right guard; Golemon, TCU has much chance against »..•'*» ft l^ i i IN "|Lj" »"•» Providing tiie spark for the fense and defense. $ its status since it"plays Southern plays downtrodden San Angela with Texas'Yearlings. - right tackle; Bledsoe, right end; Southern CaQferdla, -toppleT of earlings' ground gam* will 1m . Coach Emerson has indicated California in an feterseetkmal this week. • <>•: " Coach Ox Emerson's Yearlings :loach, quarterback;:Taylor, left the nation's No. 1 teem—Califor­ y Quinn, last, week's top ball lie will use an offensive combina­ game at Los Angries Saturday. -In Class A Wylie of Abilene and Ylll be shooting for the' first vic­ halfback; Dick Moegle, right half­nia—la«t week. Southern Calls a carrier with 68 yards on }5 tries, tion of Moon, left end; Buck But Baylor and Rico are in dan- Cross Plains get together at Cross tory of their young collegiate ca­ back; and Don Costa, fullback. 18%-point favorite, gowever, Itfik and Ed Kelley, a -strong up-the-Lansford, left tackle; Jimmy Sam-gar. Their loss would leave TCU Plains in a battle for the leader­reers,-having dropped their season If rain continue* to fall while this la baaed largely on the }& middlerunner. uelson, left guard; Leighton high and dry in the saddle. ship of District 7. It will also have opener with Baylor's Cubs in Wa­ throughout the day, & it did anticipation that TCU will be Younger* centor;. Millert right Baylor, the last undefeated, un- In APAII-America two undefeated, untkied teams In the Aerial department, Ferdle Thursday, the game site will b« -"down" after heingso high against * 25-7 co last Friday night by jr^ard;, Lawr^icf; Kalmns, rl^it tied team in the league, plays playing each other. count. They will also be seeking Burket, who connected on 5 ofhis shifted to Freshman Field in ordar Texas A4H last week, no allow* % tosses against Baylor, will he tackle; Delaney, right end; Bucket, onee-beaten Texas A*M at' Col­ NEW YORK, Oct. 25—w— Butotherwise, battles for dis­to avenge , a 20-10 defeat which to insure a relatively dry Memorifl ance appears to have been'made quarterback; Quiinn, left halfback; lege Station. Rice, which won its IP-Two Southwest Conference and trict honors furnish the feature the Rice frosh handed them In throwing to a trio of rangy ends, Stadium turf for the varsity gaacte for Southern California being in Chester Simcik, right halfback; Conference start over SMU meets j/.^o n e Border Conference players games. Most of them are between .Houston last fall. Howard Moon, Malcolm Kitchens Saturday afternoon the same state. and Wayne Delaney. and Kelley, fullback. rugxed Texasat Austin. $?$'.we're among 18 more college toot-teams with spotted records in sea­Rice's Blue Bolts, tutored by Arkansas is a solid choice over Texas is an The Blue Bolts' standard T at­Moon will be the only double-eight-point favor­ ft,-ball stare nominated Thursday by son play but still, favorites for Charles Moore, -sport a record of Santa Clara although the Razor­ ite, AlcM is a half-point selection. tack is well-balanced. Coach duty man for the Yearlings, hold­ t>, the Associated Press All-America their district championships. backs reached into the osone last One of the most interesting Moore has a sharp passer In ing down his left end post on The Aggie-Baylor battle is the Reds May Trade Aboard for consideration on the week in beating Texas 16-14 in a v first and second games be Wichita Falls at Claude Roach, a San Jacinto defense also. Joining Moon will headliner. lit matches the circuit's All-America will major upset. Arkansas and Santa team. Texarkana. Wichita Falls, last (Houston) product, and an explo­be Harlow, r left tackle; LOimie top offensive team—Texas A&M Clara have played only One time­ year's -started sive .runner in Mac Taylor, the Weir, "left guard; Dick Hopping, Blackwell to Bums wHh a 365-yard average per game f The team will be selected at the champion, off —and the leading defensive out­in 1938, when Santa Clara won, poorly this year but has gathered state's No. 2 ground gainer while right guard; Glendon Bushong, close of the season. steam until it is considered tough The Texan playing for Lubbock in high,school right tafekle; Kitchens,' right end; NEW YORK, Oct. 25— fit—Baylor, which has stingily al 21-6. But the Broncos, with a 13 Tabbers—un- record of four losses and one win, Those named include: lowed only 198.5 yards per enough to beat Texarkana, the fazed by "Upset Week" and a, 18-7 circles last season. Taylor and Raborn Matthews, major player trade ii brewing be­do not appear topflight in any ^Offensive players: district 5 favorite in Class AAAA. record for last week's games- A pair of fine targets efor linebackers; Oliver Bradshaw, left tween Brooklyn afed the Cinein* contest. league this season*. Arkansas is a Southwest Conference — Bill Roach's passes are offered by halfback; Dick Wilding, right half-But Baylor has a topflight of There are 47 undefeated teams are back with more sparkling nsti Reds wheretxy Swell (The 18%-point favorite, which sounds Howton, Rice end, caught three fense, too, having averaged 822 left in the state's top four classi prognostications on the top Whip) Blackwell m«y go to the about right. ' touchdown passes oh plays of 62, yards, and A&M has held the oppo­ fixations with 10 of those having football tussels in tha nation. Dodgers in exchange -for one of62 and 22 yards in Owl's 28-7 vic­ties on their records. Chances are On the Southwest scene, Texan GuBtf Exprft their -top>flight-outfielders. / sition to 259 per outing. Southern Methodist is taking tory over Southern Methodist. He" Texas faces to Riee, a team that the week off to get ready for the that the list will be trimmed to Tabs see it this way; .] Brooklyn Vice-President E. J, ;ua)so played superbly, on defense. hiss been a thorn in its side for [traditional battle with Texas. around 35 this week end. Texas' Longhofnfc* afe a 12-1 (Buzzy) Bavisi Thursday admit­ 'Defensive players: choice to de-feather the Rice Owls. ted he had discussed possible Southwest Bob Griffin, Ar­ Arkansas is a runaway selection trades with Gabe Paul, new .gen­ kansas center, played 60 minutes Favoritos Advance In over Santa Clara. eral manager of the Reds; double duty and led the offense Challongo Gup Contest The Texas Aggies are an "extra- Bavasi declined to say whether lHat held mighty Texas to four favorite over Baylor. point" 7-6 Blackwell was the man he sought. , ABILENE, Kas., Oct. 26—W Get Your Arrowsfirst downs. And Southern Cal gets the nod The Reds reportedly asked for —iFavorites in the U. S. Challenge ^Sa~l Cup, the nation's top coursing over TCU's Horned Frogs, either Puke Snider, Carl Purillo, event, stayed on top in Thursday's Nationally, the Tabbers look for Texas will.be anywhere from a 6 to 14-point favorite or Andy Pafko—-in that order—­ •/& racing. closer games than usual this week, over the Rice Owls wrhen they meet in Memorial Stadium in return for The Whip. They re­ with only three being unanimous putedly were agreeable to a man-^ Cotton J. P., owned by Leland Saturday, if this week's guest experts' predictions are cor­ picks. for-man swap in the case-of Sni­ Fisher, Superior, Neb., and Den Hundred-per-cent rect.- der or ""Ms® tex Dan, owned by C. W. Floca choices are Furillo, but demanded a Temple, Tex., fought their way Michigan to top Minnesota, Michi­Most of the experts are a little leery of Rice since pitcher to go along with Pafko. |A LIFTp gan State to wham Pitt, and Texas through to capture victories in the they upset SMU last week, 28-7, however no one picks Tech to submerge Arizona. second round of the $10,000 stake, them to win. The general concensus Is that Texas will win "Red Flag, a brindle owned by H Near-perfect pidks are Tulane O. Fowler of Big Spring, Tex. over Aubunj, N<>tre Dame over by one touchdown. Only a few prognbsticators say they FOR LIFE! Purdue,' and Princeton over Cor­ gave the older dogs competition. are a two-touchdown favorite, while one predicts a tie. nell. In some that look closer, the ; TEXAS 19 RICE 13 Front HS Tabbers call for Kentucky to clip Bubba Swain, junior business administration major from ; No Other Drink Florida, Georgia Tech to wreck WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-^/P) ,Baytown, "Rice has a sophomore-studded ball club that Vanderbilt, Villanova to blast The i0 per cent admissions tax on ;>ICire YOU UP Like Houston, Maryland to trounce has been under-rated in pre-season predictions, but they tickets to high school football, bas­ your LSU, and Stanford to scalp Wash­are not the seasoned team that they will be up against ketball, and other athletic events ington. •• goes off next Thursday, No?. I. when they meet the Longhorns." Also Ohio State to smftsh Iowa, This is one of the relatively Northwestern to claw,. Wisconsin. .. ,.i vraxA$,i4..: RICE;I4 -; few tax reductions or "eliminations "Nebraska to outpoint Missouri, Margaret Mills, graduate music major from Caldwell, in the $5,691,000^)00 tax increase Pehri to sink Navy, and Illinois to bill. "That's a tough one to pick, after Rice's victory over best Indiana. The levy on the high school In games of last week end, the SMU last week. They have" a very good chance and I games was originally enacted ten in Tabbers fated little better than think it will be about even." years ago when Congress was try­ other so-called ^'experts." The ing to raise revenue for the de­ .-TEXAS 20 RICE 14 Texan Experts : were fooled by fense program. such contests as Texas-Arkansas, Jerral Skinner, freshman pharmacy major from Kerrville, The 20 per cent tax is not Rice-SMU, TCU-A&M, Ohio State-"Texas hasn't been doing as well as expected, but it eliminated on college games. The 611 CONGRESS Indiana, California-USC, etc., etc. exemption from the levy applies will beat Rice after last week's loss to Arkansas." They hope it, doesn't happen specifically td-elementary and again. TEXAS 20 RICE 7 secondary (high) schools and then Dr. Joe B. Frantz, assistant professor of history, "I don't only if "the proceeds inure exclu­Where You'll Find sively to the benefit" of these SWTC B Team Loses ^ figure Rice can hold up two week ends in a" row." Read about the spreading scandal in I institutions. Aides of the joint To Victoria, 20-0 TEXAS 21 RICE 7 Congressional committee on taxa­tion said virtually all high school VICTORIA, Oct. 25—(/P)—The Marge Hargrove, junior elementary education major from Austin's Largest Stock Victoria "College Pirates pushed games would meet the condition. Houston, "I think if we win, we will win by two touch­ across a second quarter touchdown and added two more in the fourth downs, But I'm afraid Rice will be pretty keyed-up for Maxim, Cktrlu to Fight D*c. 12 quarter to blank the Southwest the game/', NEW YORK, Oct. 25—(PP)-~ Quick THf p 0( KF T NfWS MAGAZINE Texas B team, 20-0, Thursday. Promoter Jimmy Murray Thursday TEXAS 21 RICE 14 FUR BUSY PEOPLE Victoria linebacker Morebeck announced the signing of. light Summer intercepted a pass thrown Billie Cook, senior drama major from Odessa, "This..one heavyweight champion Joey Ifo I Get your copy today 1 by San Marcos quarterback H'. C. is pretty hard to decide. Texas has a more seasonec Maxim and former heavyweight w"" u--J--.u*i piuenneke to ' set" up ti»e first champion Ezzard Charles for a MORI Pirate score. Mike Trcka powered team." 12-round non-title bout in the San position is ever TEXANS over from the three. TEXAS 20 RICE 13 Francisco Cow Palace, Dec. 12. THAN IVER FRifiK Shelly Hall, junior French major from Lubbock, "The TEXAS' OWN SOFT DRINK Owls raiseid a ruckus in Dallas last Saturday but they Faculty, end Students It turted ia TexftS—tt'« iBMt in Tixu-it'i fiowioiYithTitii! . won't give, a HOOT this week end. I'm a Texas defen Mote tbftfi it'iftfivomi "W« KnowJTouf sive fan."' . • • Tculs cttttom to *of0f MA with Dr. Pepper Dan Hall, senior advertising major from Dallas, "Ricf will N. at10,2 position be prettyv geared-up for Texas. I keep remembering Genuine Ford Parts what happened year before last and really don't know end Ford Trained Personnel Super „Sheen Gabardine what to expect of Rice." v Washing « --$1.00 TEXAS 21 RICE 14 you're perfeetly '« Wr Doris Hendoraon, sophomore Spanish major from Austin. Chassis "It will be a close game. Rice's defeat of SMU last week Lubrication . . $1.00 will give the Owls a lot of self-confidence." . ^ WRECKER SERVICE TEXAS 27 --RICE-13 ' • ' v ' v -.:-at ease in J_rrow 'Cen Tooley, Texan Sports Editor, "The Longhornis will be SWEARINGEN- tops in offensive strength Saturday, but injuries will *hui^ 4he defensive4ine-i»p which^Kill account for the ARMSTRONG 1st & Colorado Ph. 8-8457 shorts -f" Owl's two touchdowns.'* • ,*• *1.45.w Suggests Arrow Athletic Shirts .$1.00 sp Arrew T-Shlrts up. M. PlrPfR ...A NATIVE Of TEXAS, : RIGHT AT. HOME IN YOUR HOME! a&i. .Here's a delicious sparkling drink,' ^ • diffcretit from any you've tested, that^ bJind and Atriit hstpsdbuti jprLelx vour enerirv within ^AREOm *a«aaii8MBadU6Vawo8*a you op.when you re low. Noth fat tfte weatner. .. ~ A,„ . v SHIRTS •IMS •from SHIRTS a (INMRWKAR • HANDKMCHfM Sy MM like It—everyone loves it. Keep " #carton or a case at hand, for a real Parfact for all eut'oMoor tvinii. " *lilt for life." At soda fountains, too* Ligghtwaight sturdy•; twill, satin Or AnothefGrecrt Texa^ProducI gabardina {aekits in a varfaty of i iir, iM''-*1-'-- stylos and colors. ^ A "WrS-4 > ' mm: y? tSf 19 p k Bin Cnmshawj sponsor 4t Th* larger participation ia the club. NEW YORB^dcW fllgr of Tezss Sports Ane* We are asking any University sto-New1" England support fo*:fugged for Men,aimoaneed Thanh dent, who Is interested In the sport m 3 Rocky Marciana, unbeaten Brtfek-is the inaelc-nsmo that J By ORLAND SIMS "Thursday" night t d, ire more-than-even bets,to that c third phase of fha *»• to attend th$ meeting Friday aft* • t r«m Sports Stmff should break by.noon Friday, with rely oh the same formula that flame. sTt?T%W' Cloudy,drinlmg weather Thurs­the , weather remaining partly chanii-of weigfct-Uftfcng dub noon," Crenshaw stated. -day threw new confusion Into the cloudy until game time—with the has brought them success through­money for his big IQ-round test that night rnbmVma* ronid b« organised Friday at 6 #"Th* weight divisions in the scene of .-the Austin Maroons' cru­possibility of showers u the gapte. out. the season, after an opening against Joe Louis Friday night will .knock the* Scabbe in Gregory Gym ft.' It wajght-lifting sport are 112 cial District 6-AAAA battle with progresses, loss toArlington Heights—« wear* at Madison Square Garden. tirementfor keejpsM Crenshaw said the weight-lilt-pounds; 118 pounds; 126 pounds; the Bay High Texans of Corpus The Texans, in what is only ing down of the opoiition by su­Walk one side --of the street ' The; i7-yeaar-old v dub was one that comes and Christi. their second year as a separate perior numbers, and a crushing and yovi hear it's even steven—^fl the" smashing right, they-.s*^''^]!-, 192 pounds; 148 pounds; 165 Some years it la good and The game is to be played in team, have progressed to'a point ground game. The Maroons have to 5 and take your pick. On the put a ptoriOft to'-tiui ie yeaxf it is almost non-exist-pounds; 181 pounds; and heavy, Austin's House park, with kick of being considered one, of the top a practically. non-exiatant dr at­other side, Louis remains a 7 to ,of Louis. Mlfc, weight. ~ off at 8 p.m.'Friday. • AAAA elevens in the state. They, tack. , 5' favorite. By ringtime—9 ,p.m. GeB^liy«peala)%t,thS^rt^ Crenshaw said, "To have* good j The ' Texans,-earlier regarded are one of the last four undefeat­The game could develop into a (CST)—the ? 37-year-old ' Brown There are two types of oompeti- sionals—managers, seconds aitd as favorite, would appear-to be sprakling offensive ten ia -weight-lifting—lifting1 active eliib, we need at least two ed, untied Class AAAA clubs, " battle.... Each Bomber may go to 8 to matchmakersLOiiis>< 'tEhtt; more in danger from the incle­The _^?ide-open Ray attack is side has great attacking operatives. Coast-to-coast radio (ABC) and lhaxn-ini-tiie^Etreetetpes oavjL weights and body bnildinff. mm In each weight division. Light ment weather—since they resort are encouraged by the elob wieights and heiavy weights are • led by, such stalwarts as Ray The Maroons can eallv on flashy television (NBC)< will beam thu from Brockton.<./v/ ? J to lots of the "SMU-type" plays. Kmnipe, the team's leading scorer Delano Womaclc, who ran for two heavyweight brawl to • millions.' at pompettion..is the greatest In hard to find, but body builders The pitchonts, ^laterals, —80 points; Adolph Yanes; Fred long.touchdowns against Laredo, WISEST OF THEM ALL is , One ,,.vetCT^v3»»tt«8r«^Iputi^ i lifting of heavy weights. are more prevalent." Texans' Owl Coach Jess Neely who is Still, some 15,000 are expected to aptly: " and strong passing game seem cer-Morgan; Sonny Crisp; Jerry Roy Halliburton, George Ffeder-pay $150,000 or more to Bee it'It usually takes one to two taut year's outstanding weight tain to suffer if the weather steys Young; Buddy Tedder; Larry ick, and James Shurjtleff. in his twelfth year as director of "It's a case of;lw^':fa^'li|6||i^el - |yea*a of intensire work to become lifters were Sandy Dawson, Amin- Rice football fortunes. In 11 in the flesh. .s. *i?t' young guy come and how far'ba*; as it was Thursday. Weber; and John Ray. A defensive thriller, though, With 185,000 from TV and ra­ good weight man,-Crenshaw do VUlarreal*, and SeottyScott. The U.S. Weather Bureau said Austin's Maroons, on the other isn't out of &e question—since years at the Institute, Neely's the old guy gone." dio rights, the fighters will sliceid. "Therefore it Is important the Texahs allowed teams have won 69, lost 40, and up gate. Louis' per develop freshmen and sopho- have just a juicy 46 'Morals Rained Oat Tbw.day three enemy touchdowns in five tied 4. Included in his 69 vic­should jores in order to liave a good cent be about $182,000. All intramural touch football^ games, and the manpower-rich tories are some of the South-Marciano's 15 per -cent' around reight-lifting team when they are games scheduled for vThniead|$r^ Maroons always find some way to west's most criminal'upsets and. Cross Country Team miors-and seniors," he added. $44,000. night were postponed becans^ of *? opponent without giving Last' year the weight-lifting stop an one of his favorite victims has Not since Louis rocketed up ttie rain. These games will be re-echo-: up many points. ^ : am competed with Texas A&M been-Texas. ladder from the Golden Gloves duled for Monday night. The game—in some places re­ a du&l meet and again at the ferred to as the "high school game oathwestern AATJ meet, "More of the year"—could Well deter­ A s could be arranged for this if we have more interest and By JIM DODD before this year in a straight two-meet, and by that time he hopes mine the Class 6-AAAA champion, i . TenmSporU Staff mile run at College Station. It to. have an even bigger surprise and might have an important beard­The University of Texas cross was a triangular meet with the for the top-notch Aggie runners. ing on the state race. All-Father"Broadside'* country team will be an underdog Oklahoma Aggies being the third The Steers are led by captain Seats are at a premium for theSALE! SALE! Friday affernoon when they en­participant. The two Southwest C. A. Rundell, who finished third game. Corpus Christi's allocation for all-around versatility you can't beat Freeman's counter a highly seasoned Texas in the Southwest Conference meet was sold out quic&y, and they Conference schools both finished DON WEEDON AftM team at the Austin Country last year. Rounding out the first have requested more. Since the popular "Broadside.'* Its style dutiactioit.MA-/. behind the.Qklahomans with the Club. \ five with Rundell are Otis Budd, Austin block.is almost completely SERVICE STATION Longhorn harriers taking" , third The meet, scheduled" for 3&0 place. •Pat Odell, Andy Killam, and Ches­gone, Austin High officials are !X • • -^ it apart from lesser heavyweights. It^;'. p.m., jvill b^ the third'cross coun­making arrangements to have ex­ Urir Gasoline ter Bradley. Lincoln Jeanes and has the stamina for ranadobk^#. this Friday's run'will be laid out put ^ prices per gal. try ruh of, the season for Early Whitesides give the harriers tra sideline seats up. Wilta or 'Traffic •• •'" —' l*Hc Longhorns. Since the Aggie's have over 2.7 miles of the Austin Coun­ Good Golf or Re*. • 22c try^Club's golf courae. • their reserve strength. Rundell, mileage. Best of.all,itVa^tard"!^ already,participated in four other V fnolna or No-No* --. • 34c Bradley, and Odell are veterans White Sid* Will Tires encounters, and can field an all-Steer Coach Froggie Lowora of last year's team. for comfort! .Jfar'• B«c»» UMJ v * TIRE SPECIALS letterman team, the speedsters said Thursday "We won't beat the The Aggies' Veterans are paced • i STO. x IS '• «1S.9S from College Station mil be at Aggies, but1think the Cadets will by captain John Germany, Julian «W» * 16 —_ *17.tt least seven-point favorites. be in for a surprise. We are just Unconditional Guaranteed Herring, James Blaine, Charles ,The two teams have met once now beginn^tg to round our boys Huggins, and Charles Gabriel; Shot tut rfeatsfoif* »r «uc«a•»ryt into shape, and .they will give a . All but Blaine, were members better showing Fridiy than they of Coach Ray Puttman's team did in that two-mile meet at which finished second in the Con­-> A&M." ference last year. Coach Lovvorn went on to ex-Blaine is a transfer student plain that each year Texas tries from John Tarleton Junior Col­y 4.. f ^ Ito bring their crew into tip top lege, and is considered one of the shape just before the Conference Aggies' most dependable runners. thM 1,000,000 PatMis Have Hod Their Eyes Ex­ for the game amined at Texas State BPl COLUMBIA, S.C., Oct. 25.—(ff) was keyed to fever pitch while South Carolina, predicted to lose Clemson was off form. $1.25 Rich Brown The flying feet of Billy Ste­ Boottkin by one to'two touchdowns, stunned phens, defensive .halfback from Clemson Thursday with a decisive $13.95 Atlanta, gave South Carolina its WARREN'S ¥m$m Oth*r Frttiiuvn't 20-0 victory. 611 Congress >-J '' first touchdown late in the fumble-Flowers and Corsage* $».9S and UpCoftsv/t Stout and lalert defensive play, filjed opening period. Hair punted San Jacinto at 26U> College Style Center of the Southwest Phone 8-0021 ' aided by numerous Clemson fum­from Clemson's 20. Stephens Optometrists caught therball on his 27, got two bles, Was the Victory key in the fine blocks, and burst through a Southern Conference game. swarm of Clemson players >t top. The hard, fast-charging South speed for a 73-yard touchdown Carolina forwards had the jump run. on Clemson from the start. Time South Carolina racked up itsand again they smothered Billy second touchdown when quarter­ Hair, Clemson triple threat star, back Dick Balka plunged two over on his.runs and many pass at­ right guard. tempts. An alert secondary took The final score, in the finalthe sting out of Clemson's passing period, came when Clemson was attack. desperate and trying^anythrng. It was' the first time Clemson With the ball on his 12, Hairhad been held scoreless since it threw a pass. Soutfi. Carolinalost* to North Carolina State, Center Harry Jabbusch grabbed 18-0, in 1947. Notice something New? the ball inside the 15-yard line. The entire' South Carolina team He had a clear field to the goal. ntmAr TOUCH FOOTBALL L. Truman Smith vs. Jas. R. Weiershaa- TUXEDO . sen.' ' • •'X ; . CUM B Frank Cooke vs. Marco Colthprp,S o'clock Otho Crawford vs. Celestino VUlarreaLAlfca Clnb v*. Winner HA Clnb-ClJff John Ruddock va. Ralph Tatum,Court#. Thos. Liasater vs. Chaa. Fancher. ' Thdeme Co-Op •«. Winner Twin Phiel- ' Is Canon Boscoe vs. Graydon Bruton. Chins Horn*. . Abraham Santr vs. Phil Eiehelberger. Winner BiselC HaJl-AlME TI. Xarinm. Ricardo Molina vs. Lye-Hock Tent'. Wastmintttr rt. Winner UCC-BSU. fts30 o'clock •' CU*»'A".. George-Porter vs, Arthur Stiles. S •'eUek N, A. Richardson vs, Wm. Milligan, Delta Tan Ddtn r*. Kappa 8i(rma. Walter Armstrong vs. Jack Edwards. Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Winner Alpha Wm. C. Hooser vs. Bill Gibson. -Epailon Pl-Sisma ChL Warren Smith vs. Walter Shur. Calvin Koomey vs. Don Kendall. •BREASTED RTUMA SINGLES Lauchiin McLaurin -vs. Floyd WII,son. 3407 Guadalupe Clacs B '"s- 4o'dock Herbert Hill rt.Runell Harwood. Jack Tnraer Ca'rl Wilaon. Itioji Durat va. Clifton Perry, Bowling 30c a game . ' • • S o'clock ... Of SMgWyV"-';"' Winner Starman-Young: ta.JohnTord-TOONERVILLE ' • tran. ­Pan! Buckley »». Winner Sharp-Arnold. r Shoe Rental Kaceae Bell T». Corwin Anderec*,' / Featuring ~ • ,|U Ciraichail vi. John Sacarla. . Ciaaa A"- the world's best • . < -.... 4 Vcloclc Locker Rentals * Arthur Orzeck •?§. Jim Keahejr. -. Gene St. John TI. Harold Burnett. HAMBURGERS Fred Coffer *». Louie VoiUemln. 9 Da«id_Lybar*er T». Arthur Wrigrht. STEAKS This Is thfc new trend Ar\ tuxedos— John SolllTeo T», Pete Qooyeaer, , Ken Martin •». Mickey Bovea.' > e ( " Free Instructions DINNERS "Hoht. MeCaif ra.Stanler Boienberr. Stan Warburton r». Chaa. Atchinaon.-• . -e * fho jingle-breasted, shawl-collar mo 0 o'clock Tom Arnold vs. JeroId Dixi>n. Come on Out Every Tuesday & Wednesday, McXasterEdwafd Landry. deJ! This handsome tuxedo is tailored Ralph Taturo r*.Jaet HuYii. Winner Lautheratein-Perwein TS. Tonmr /•;: 2-5 p.m. : MeCampbeiL ^ Enjoy Danrfng, and Franci^ghynp TS. Winner Barton- by. Griffon of a fine, light tropical your Favorite Thomu Thrpa TS. Palmer Camminc. Leon Lamport TS. Winner Cox-Quilliam. beveragot" worsted—a very comfortable weight Badmintoa ' • * ' 7 o'clock Samael Lia TS. John Neleoa. Hear Sporting Results for Texas. Midnight blue., with ricli EXECITIVE * Prepare to step into a 'responsible Loy'd Hampton TS. Lee Dittert. Max Leater TS. Aba Hanretta. from over the natron. executiVe positioft in the retailing BUI Fost«r T»..Chas. Smlth. * * '" 11 Vnneitoln TS.; Mael and trouser stripe. •" :e»»; hn-ltoe''CK«>wi'rv|f.-'> Tom McKay TS, p. L. Smith. IR RETJULIM dbarivdy. for collegegraduites, covets merchandising, personnelmanage- OnKyw CourM promotion, and alt phase*, oi store Usllo's Fdod Chicken activity; Realistic approach tmder " . BRINGS YOU -#fi M; s/mf CCMAtCM StftlAV fOl tfTAIt /BAIN/Na THE CHICK ;ack. n« 5-5401 Congress 2 ^ * < _ „ 4^7T& r\;. J; yp*. ...j—^ "Tit T7T""V^ftl ­ • 'V/v;' WV" iyi.«'i«l"i;"i|ij'. iiB^ij.ii^Ui|jw.liiii[^ft!(nyj)i|i BBWi i -"^V.-J i -1 v' / , *? % ** **$£* i*Y r Y ife. pif JKj ITC TtHE OAltY T0(AI^ r^4 little Man on tit* Campus —By Bibltr &r~­ w&ttr *%-f« , -> twfJ r , & pKoto sequence taken, in Uat Sat-las at Arkansas removed two star Hne­orday's football game between Okla-men, Griffin and Williams, from his , hotha A&M and Drake University graph team for missing clashes—and at a time i&X&m ically illustrates the, distasteful side of when both were vitally needed. By RUS3 KERSTEN TVhabit* give the same answers. ence standpoint. Political televis­college sports and what's even worse, Not Whitworth, a black eye to the "aVf* Editor • . r _ They agree, however, that the ing, however, brings to mind foor The trouble with ^ tejevwion, way lelrore hoars are «p«iit » die-serious problems: questions* of coaching profession.*' ; eollege coaching. r eominenfed one sage obterrer^u Lotted*lately fey the mtete fast of r choice, individual rights, cost, and a rare We're grateful there few • It is probably occasion when that are that it s hard to lie about it fart ownership or non-ownership of a fair play. Apparently there exists . one player goes a long way out of his Whitworth# in coaching.; enough to keep op with the troth." TV set. All studies ednenr that no yes or ho answer. normal path to riget" another. And it Since the effects of this cont-the average viewer, -when he On the controversial matter, .of Mwnications wonderare becoming "watches at q11» is a steady cu«-what to do with education, a iight probably is even more rare when a more pronounced with each pass-tomer—from two hours' to-three has developed over'who is to he -jcoach, conscious of such an act, passes OWi y. ing month—on politics, on the "and one-half hours daily. , allotted the remainder of the the incident off lightly without disci-lives of children, on sports, on The magazine poses the ques-2,000 possible channels. V* general entertainment, ,and even tion, "Does familiarity breed neg­ ; 7 plining the offender. Both rarities, un-To the 500 executives attending the The Federal Gommtihlditlons on education—it is a wand idea lect?" Apparently, though, the Commission, controlling Mgeney fortunately, occurred in the game at Texas Personnel and Management As* query goes unanswered after nu­ to watch carefully its growth and charged with the allocations, has Stillwater, Oklahoma, in which Johnny gociation conference: howdy. progress^ merous studies, in fact, depending tentatively set aside for educa­Benefits and shortcomings. 'Lis­on who is studying the matter, the Bright of Drake left the field with a '' The University has been proud to have tion something like 200 channels. tening audiences. range from the., statistics point both ways. , • Setting aside this ten per cent broken jaw. you yesterday and tod&y, and wje hope ten-year-old; whose normal life is Concerning familiarity, experts of the channels has not, as would rA v: On the play In question, Bright—the your stay is such that you'll want to ruined to'the* busy housewife who say that the potential size of the appear ion the surface, solved the nation's television audience plus & nation's leading ground-gainer—had visit us again. gets what amounts to self-edu-problem, A tfcw batch of worries catioji by spare-time gazing at the TV's powerful impact will com­ handed off the ball and was watching lingers to give FCC head­ magic medium. There are people bine to work majtor changes, on aches. men r-scU' the progress of play when smashed, in who swear by TV and those who American living habits. ­ First, who will put these 205 the face by guard Wilbanks Smith of th€ curse the thought , of viewing it There's debate about whether channels -to their fullest Ml? fh 3unL are even in small doses. TV is supplanting our other means Aggies. The pictures clearly show the of entertainment. There*s Broadcasters don't agree.with «d- TV viewers*include such zanies debate cators that the stations will be a n deliberate nature of the violation. Sunday, October 28, doesn't mean as the man in Memphis who tossed about whether TV programs are efficiently used if educators are ;Coach J. B. Whitworth of the Aggies much to most Americans. Just another a chair' at his wifei and ducked assets or liabilities—taken m a job of programming. handed the f ffWv her h«ad in the bathtub after she whole. , admitted that the so-called "blocks" "Better clean it up today, Prof., that's the dean of women wearin* They also argue that if the educa­ typical Sunday—fc day of rest and wor­ accidentally blocked his view of Satisfying the critics and the • thrown by Smith at:Bright wer& illegal. those colored glaftsei in th'back row." tors' record in radio is any guide, the screen; a man in Bridgeport millions of set owners' places tele­ P& ; ship. they Won't use the channels Bfe added, though, that he would take who nightly put his aerial up after vision in a three-pronged dilem­ But to the people of a small nation in they're given,. In brief, the broad? . no" disciplinary action against Smith be­ d^rk' and tookv it back inside be­ma: 1, television cost "money, 2, casters think the educators.should Europe, the date has a meaning that fore going to sleep because tele­broadcasters need advertisers, and cause he was convinced that Bright was think up ideas and turn them over was never more dear. For on October vision was forbidden in his low-3, most advertisers v^ant big audi­ someone not injured purposely. housing the ences. to wh? already has' an 28, 1818, Czechoslovakia gained its' free­ cost project; and • audience and who knows how to For a coach to make such a statement uncounted masses of kids who pre­Perhaps the most important as­ put on effective programs. . dom^ and independence. There will be to pect of on the when confronted With conclusive photo­ fer six-gun Hoppy six o'clock TV is its effect On the other hand, educators no celebration of Independence Day for chow. " next generation. Books have been In feel that their programs were bt(d­ graphic evidence would not automatical­ our social them this year, but among the Ameri­Its growing effect on written on the subject, of course, ly handled on radio and would ly mean, as some sportswriters have and economic patterns has been but essentially here's the problem LONDON, Friday, Oct. 26—(JP) The polls closed Thursday night tend to lose out entirely of the cans and Texans of Czechoslovak de­ in suggested, that Whitworth instructed —The Conservatives dealt social­at 9. First returns .began coming 1 compared with that of the auto­—the kids love it, but it is brodacasters are given all th e scent this day is not being forgotten. mobile, the telephone, the electric some degree hurting their school­ his players to hurt Bright. It would con­ism a smashing blow in the na­in an hour later, and early Friday channels, since high costs make tional elections and Friday were they approached the 320-mark ex­light, and even the printing press. ing and debauching their taste. unsponsored programs harder than clusively show that his "win-at-all-costs" Now serving about "one-third of Depending on parental control, withing reach of a victory—send­pected to end the preliminary eyer to fit into a commercial In­ the interests attitude oversteps the bounds of decency, ing Winston Churchill back to the counting. The remaining 305 seats the nation's families, TV appears oiher of children gram schedule. to be capable of eventually serv­may be cast aside or woefully neg­ and character molding that should mark vcidion prime ministry after six years on will be accounted for in later tab­ All in all, it's something we'll the sidelines. ulations. ing all but a few remote areas in lected in favor of the passive ex­he hearing debated for a long,any coach. this country. Estimates on the fu-. perience of watching TV. The ordinary coach, more anxious to Hollywood moguls haven't decided yet Results in nearly half the 625 By 2 a.m., Conservative Party ture number of stations run as Two areas which have been long time, especially if educators; parliamentary districts pointed to headquarters had an air of "we're high as 2,000—the maximum that, are slow in coming out with good barely tested, considering the tre­ preserve his integrity and the good name whether Movietime USA was one of the a political and personal triumph in." But party spokesmen declined programs. is possible. • mendous potential of both, are of his school than to cripple the opposi­"world's greatest public relations stunts" warrior who led-Brit­make any statement Television's consequences are for the old to except As pointed out in a recent issue politics and education. ain to victory in World War II "we're very happy." Labor spokes­ beginning to be felt, even in tike . tion, could be counted on to suspend a or a "dismal flop." of Platform, a newsfeatiire sur­As the Kefauver committee Could be both descriptions fit likewise were found investi­partly-served Southwest^ It's here only to be brushed aside when the that men silent—offi­vey magazine controlled by News­out, congressional Wilbanks Smith without any regrets. war-weary people adopted the So­cially. and it's big. Let's hope it turns week, no two surveys of America's gations are red hot from an audi­ Last fall, for example, Coach Otis Doug* equally well. cialist (Labor) Party's promises Returns from. 300 districts gave out to be sensible'. " of a better life; "harbor 5 58 sents, The Conservatives wrested »11 tives 140 and the Liberals 2. But Dear Gene: y ™*osn»r House of Commons seats from these preliminary figures did not WELDING A Prime Minister Clement R. Att-tell the story—the real story was firing, J!iIne ­ RADIATOR lee's Laborites. The Liberal Par­in the net gains made by the Con­ WORKSr ty ousted a Laborite in another servatives. -' r (MW.Iditi district. That made a net loss of The first 275 districts reporting TeL e-aru tionalism, free speech, free study, 12 seats for the Laborites, who gave the Conservatives 47.9 per Good Work free worship, and everything ex­had fin overall majority of only cent of the total-popular vote, as TO THE EDITOR: cept free beer ... six in the last parliament. compared with 43.5 in those dis­I was passing by the Newman \Yhen internationalism, in the Having a party7 ..The Laborites, at the halfway tricts in 1950's election. The com­Annex 2, and noticed a most in­guise of the UN or any other or­ •Novelty Kahber Maeka point in tabulation, had failed to parison per By BRAD BYERS fined by the proclaimers, con-observances. He says that this for Labor was 50.5 spiring poster displaying Bevo de­ganization, has been more succes* ir Halloa Inflated Balloon* Texan Managing Editor take a single seat from Churchill's cent of the tital this year, against vouring Rice's Owl. ful than has j»ur "selfish" and , # Coattime*—Buy or Rent * sists of from four to eight .week, with its eight title*, is men—and by all normal standards * If you ever fee1 weak . .. days,) but bertainl-y should be just about typical. The Cover. 48.2«^last year. The Liberals had I think these boys have -done a "provincial" nationalism, then We have Noveltiei* of alt tffjie nor is pretty well compelled the full Conseryative strength was 1.7 per cent of the total in these great job and hope that others (and then only) Jet the UN flag You should. considered along with the rest. .AiJSTIN NOVELTY CO. -Out Jidministratiyje.officials, by precedent to grant any re--,„yet to appear,. districts, against 8.3 per cent in should follow their idea. fly in pride alongside our national '.. MO.W.,Stfc' PB. (MSW7. Another cause for obser-• like Peron of Argentina, find quests for' statewide ...obser­Churchill and his supporters 1951. VICTOR MANIKIAN AND state colors. ­ vance during these particular- it necessary to weaken their hectic days is Child Accident vances as long as he can ap­campaigned on the theme that Attlee himself was re-elected to But until then, let the UN earn opposition to keep themselves Prevention Week,-which be­prove thei'r motives. Attlee's party lacked the skill and Parliament in the London suburb * ' /Ten Most its exalted position. The -soldiers in power. Peron does it by gan Sunday. On last Monday After all, you can't go power to restore Britain to of West Walthamstow, polling 23,-' and marines dying In Korea are ONE DAY killing off' key figures. Our began Audio-visual Education around telling large groups strength and to save her from be­021 votes for an 11,574 vote mar­TO THE EDITOR: tiot doing so for the UN. They Cleaning and Pressing ,< esteemed leaders have a more Week, sponsored by the visual of people that you don't think coming the battlegroupd of a gin over a comparatively unknown / Ping Pong games in the Union are doing it for themselves and No E*tra Chargesubtle method. They proclaim education department in the their organization or cause * third world war. Churchill, . 77, Conservative, E. *D, L. Duncaiyr^ wpre briefly interrupted today their nation and because they were national weeks. University. is worth supporting. Not and next November 30, spoke of it as Last year Attlee ran up a mafgin (Thursday) by beautiful women called upon hy their nation; I, for LON&HORN CLEANERS Sunday was a historic (Jay Stfcy Governor very long, you the' "last prize" he wanted—the With Chucehill Vic-going back and, forth to.be judged one, have never seen a draft curd 283S Guwtel«9« Pa. 0-*MT Weldon Hart, press secre­ of 12,107. a for our State. It was the be­can't. chance to gpt into the fight for torV, Attlee would^-g*) back to for Ten Most Beautiful. The in­issued by the United Nations and tary to the Governor, supplied ginning of United Nations us with most of the list of To add to the general con­peace at the helm of the Govern­Parliament only ^s^Leader of this terruption we don't mind but we I suspect Mr. Kromas and Mr. _Week. It was also the begin­fusion there are the currently-ment. Opposition," tbe p-ost Churchill has do object to being held in sus­Autrey haven't either. AUTO REPAIRING ning of National Pharmacy pense and expectation and not The answer Mr. Autrey giifes running drives'—season tic­Final returns from Thursday's" hetd-thfr^^sjx-yeara;- ^ THAT LASTS! to-observe the :"f6"r thetreason^ thr'UN^fl^^wBS™ Week. Likewise ion that hal­kets for community concerts, elections are not due until tonight, The" party winning the most being allowed ac­ lowed day began Catholic tual contest jrhich Was held behin.d_ raised here is a classic of gobble-We call for it dielivtr. civic theater, cultural enter­but Labor Party leaders privately s^ats in Commons chooses t-h eYouth Organization Week. tainment, drama department, conced&d the early trend meant^^Pririne Minister and runs the gov-closed doors. degook—"to commemorate the Hurry E. Johnson Garagi And, oh yes, we almost forgot •Sick oLldt (10. Signatures) workings of a groyp that is keep­ etc, the end of Britain's era of social ernment. Each of the districts 60S Trinity St. Phono 2*2055 It also began International W#'have two if ing Mr. Ray from shooting a rifle suggestions ism. One predicted Clj-ufc-hill voted only for its own man.^ioth- Week. Nevln Jmh Balrd, Jerry Alf.rd instead of shooting-off his mouth, to relieve the congestion. One niight have a majority of 35 seats ing else. Our Colors Had enough? So have -we, !!*<», Helen. La Nell Bucek. M. D,- in the comfort of his college sur> tiva, ^ vo.^.C-ohn, LliiiiiftonUnlngton Durve* Cro**m*n.Croi»m«nK. is to proclaim an an tenia-or so in tne riouse-oi commons. Ann i« free country"— SPEEDWAY JhUr-rtwa. Duryea Interna-' the House,-Of Commons. Aneurin Bevan, left wing So-TO THE EDITOR:! roundings a Week. It, too, is currently Conicklei, Renlran Trawtek Houiton, Week, and then start measur borites have struggled along with over arnis spending policies and 'liberality' that we subjected doing all ihat," they woulfl" ItADIO are were and Viviin Elliabeth Jircik. ing time by the month. a.majorityof only a half dozen. SALES & SERVICE x vieing for attention. Alto Malcolm Thorn** Kitehertt; then closed ranks during the cam­to in your daily, the expressions, be justly proud of their accom­Then there is Czechoslova-John Francli Kutsiier, Rolf Victor The other is to break each A/swing of ' Liberal party paign, was re-elected with five of of anguish over Mr. Ray's letter plishments—they at least,would be , W. M-Walsb. Owner Laube, Sidnty Aihlt Padgatt, Frank kian Independence Day next Clark Pcndlaton, Joiaf Henry-Perry, week up into two weeks and Jptfength to Churchill's Tories was his close supporters. Bevart's about the UN flag ate possibly the keeping somebody from doing 2010 Speedway 7-3S46 Sunday, which technically, Charlta Woodrow Rau, Thomat Day one day. Monday, Tuesday, a decisive factor. chances of grabbing leadership of most outlandish. / something—a .task at which they SSmith, isn't a week (a week, as de-Allcn^ Louie Stiller, and and Wednesday would be on. In the last election the Liberals the Labor Party were* dimmed, Valari* Francca Vfnable. The two letters I refer to are .are rarely successful. week. Thursday, Friday^Snd entered 476 candidates. This time however, by Attlee's re-election. those mortal cries in protest oyer I for ene, will look with pride ^Saturday would be _^ahother. they put up only 108. The "or­ EXPRESS BUS SERVICE One of Bevan's supporters de­"the dirty blue rag," lately fiown at the east flag pole when theSunday would be.^rn off day, phan" vote went "Conservative in feated Randolph Churchill, son of on the campus flag pole. Mr. Ray. "dirty blue rag" is hauled down, Texan set aside for ^special obser- to HOUSTON districts where if hurt lab6V most. the Conservative leader. merely asked, in ah amusing sort . and the proud Lone Star^ Flag— ' vances such as Czech Indepen­ 4 Hours v Call 2-1135 of way, why the Texas flag had again takes its rightful place,'fly­ dence Day". been replaced by the UH flag. In. Kerrville Bus Co. 11m Daily Taxan, a atudant newapaper 61 l'h* Upivaratty of Texia, la ing freely alongside the national pubjifhad tn Auatin a»«ry morning except Monday and Saturday, September There would be established Daily Texan Crossword Puzzle answer, he is promptly aroused by emblem.« ' * H 8 E. 10th to June, and except during holiday and e*atnln*tlon^ period*, and> bUweekIy * National Council for Award­ . aroused testunonials of inteFna- JERRY EVANS- during th» lummei aeaalon* undoLndc the title of The Summer Texan on ACROSS 4. Wing-like 24. Timber oeaday and Frlday by Texaa Studentat PaPublication*, inc. -ing Special Weeks^opyrights. Ntw« eontributlooa 1. Of a lobe , arijl be aCceptedipled by t.telephone.. ... (2-a4T«) or at th« It would operate strictly, oir 5. Cover,with -fortification .•dItWiftf.jjfltfM .J.E. L _Oi.ja.t .the_.N«wa_:Laborat«ry. J.B. 102. tnaulrlaa . -6. Taxes . „ new top 25. Level a THE DAILY concerning delivery, and -advertUlnr thouid be made In J.B. 101 (t*247S). first-come-first-serve .basis, PRODUCE QUICK Oplnlone ot the Texan are not nece<«*rllT 'hoae at the AdmlniatnUon kicept for those who could (Shetland 6. South 26. Stitcfied ' TEXAN RESULTS or other Univeraity. olftelaJ* Is.) -'Carolinja 28. Name Answer Is SSIFIW Entered ca eecond-claee matter October 18. 1941 at the Poet OSiee at ^afford to pay five per cent, 11. Silk scarf (abbr.) 31. Raised Auatin, Texa*. under'be Act of Marcb S, I87U. donate deep freezers, or who in the (Eiccl.) 7. Rcduces'* wales on frater­ Apartment fof Rent Furnished Apartments Music ASSOCIATED PRESS WIRE SEMVICE belonged to the same 12. Discoverer 8. Operatic cloth Classified nity -as the chairman of ->the 34. City ( Ala.) The Aaeoctfcted Prea* (a excluaitely entitled to the oae for republlcatlon ol of radium melody Ads IMMED1XTELV AVAILABLE. Lovely STUDIO APARTMENT. Clean, comforta, RECORDED MUSIC. PJL System., for paper, and local Item* ol epootaneoo* origin' publlahed herein Right* of. 15. Ceremony 37. Girl's name room 210S-Woodmont. bilU student all newa dlp*itieh and landing 2-6387;-6-174S-af«r S; week eada. , Managing Ejflitpr SFffTO ProgrSirT^MONTHi lesaia *=SS*£nSKi OVerseiis' •'©^ Editorial Assistant —. Mildred Kleael ""News Editor And, while you're at it, you licensed to ,Sept. 52." <595'. Pb. 2<6682 phonet7-St05.Miss Weleb. —Marjorie Clapp p.m. • After. 5 • Sports Editor Keri Tooley might as well ^remember that THESES. DISSERTATIONS, (Electro.I \ Society Editor * Betty November 4-10 is" National FORD MODEL A—1MO. Good .shape teatie).'Dictation. Coaching. Mrs. Pet­^ Amusements' Editor Ken Gompertr C*t Week, Sound body.I JlOfl. Call, 8-2284 after mecky, 53^2212?" 6 p.m.'Photographer — ' Vernon. Lee 41. Separate, ACCURATE. TYBiNG. Pick-up asd 4*. *-assiik MOVIE CAMERA SUM Keyitone Olym­L3UUU13 L1QUUU U«er.. Mrs. Erickaoii, 6-2048. pic with c*se.j70.. Call. 2-9822 for nacinn rarannn STAFF FOR.THIS ISSUE v threads W. B, Watben. * ' M.A. cradoate. Reaa&. . .....ijinwjkjii UOQUUiiOQB avis. 6-12S7. •nooani ooon fBUiiLDOGS. WelJ-bui [3P5D anerr?... -.i«K 22^SsSSaflSW«|w4A:••>5B. .-ainrJair 'S• 2809 r 'WieUta, or caU.2-3872. COLORED LADY Assistants * • '*1^ mm** SffiX'.yJgWt-fr,-. _-.-r^.-y. .ff-P »„ ... . .V ..jy,........... ... u--.-:--M-t ----­ w1**? #4-^ -Is r Ovwr 1Kb T«€up w Wii-SS1! Pvw4% Grade Gamblti £%&!£:.53 "*K»4i *W " ^ J? --$• iiv i»R -wili UTSA clubs and. announcement the open houSaactivities* word that one fceaxi most often In stich as the great Jan Ziska, whose letter of congratulations when it "I was always watched by the have a f'Roarthg 20'i" pa^ Firk it Cada* of the UTSA officer with the Iking with the Rev. Entttfcixka, aame^the monk be^rs. was published. Cortiintihist police and heckled by day evening from 8£0 to mid* highestscholastic ttveMge high­Rcea Bludworth was elected Benedictine monk who is teaching It is something of this romance Communists," he recalled. "They night Bill DeJtwett, social chair^ lighted the UTSA .super party secretary; of #fct A^>a Tfceta, his­ % Sinde he was ordained at the man, has announced, Czech at the Univertity this year. that Father Ziska has tried to put would ask * about the Marshall Wednesday night. tory fraternity, Monday, October Benedictine Abbey in Lisle, Ill., in "The pageantry of life and the into his teaching. Plan and President Truman. 1 Football sweaters, pads, and Ancillary a»e..,lte» 22. Alice Dwyer was named trea­ Joan Ragsdale, president of soul of the people and the nation , ''From the time I arrived in this 1928, Father Ziska has had a va­showed films with tny lectures, wthte sports items will eswy a president^Mrsik. UTSA, Won first place 1ft th* sure?. are all pan of teashing a Ian* country, I sensed thatv my ffture ried career as teacher, lecturer, and the people wo\lld tell me that Jo* College atmosphere into tfctf Scholastic award with a 2A aver- guage," Father Ziska says. "You lay in education—in bringing a youth director and missionary, and they were like a 'breath from' an­pirty, hesaid. secretary} Mrt. 5^­ •MemC^^.^jf /: tlifi'fe^fi^eril _ •f'ege. Her name wilt be engnmA must teaeh all snbjects of a cul­swnse of the spirit and beauty of served SO months during World other world'.*-' y\. • Members and their date* wilt sureri Mri. Way! faeulty and their wives will Jbe 'son the scholarship plaque as the ture, of -the imagination, the heart the land to the Czech immigrants, War It as an Army chaplain. He dance to a four-man Dixieland %istoHin; afed Mi guests at Father Ziska knew the Maza­ outstanding UTSA officer of the » patio party Sun<' and tAe.mind." and in presenting their cultural was know^ as "the,singing chap­ryks, father and son, and President hand led-by Marcus Adams. «r> corrypofa^; fc^ti|^ r-jyear.;. afternoon from 8 to S o'cl Heaved in a small Cseehoelova-heritage to the young." lain on the bike." Chaperons will b« Mr. and Mrs. ifiiina >a»ig|i -ranrt -f^irtia honoring Dean and Mrs. W. I. Bene*,: both from his visits to his Orvilla Taylor, past leader of kian textile center, the son of a Dr. Ziska wrote these ideas into In 1948 he went back'to Ciecho-Earl Reinke, Mr. and Mrs. Con* native iind and their visits to the Woobich and AasUufart D«an and Fire Marsha Canter Club, was second with a weaver, Father Ziska grew up In his doctor's dissertation which he slovakia on a five-month lecture United States, whin he was some­well Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Watt* Mrs. Jehn A. Focht. The party, an ruined eastles .{2.6; Lois Olivard, leader of Bow sponsored by women the Tea atmosphere of completed in lft8l while studying and observation tour. It was at times called upon to. help' enter, liavis, and Mrs. Zula Ligon, house­ of and Arrow, was third .with a 2.55; Squares Club, will be held at the which "reeked with history*'' The at Charles V. University in thetime that thd Commvfnists were tain thton. *' 1 . mother. - Stresses Dange and Mildred Little, past UTSA countryside was, haunted with the Prague. Written in Csech* the taking over control, and Father Saturday,-preceding the Rica Engineering Building. Father Ziska feanie to the United Of Dorm Firei president Was fourth with a "2.54 traditions and legends -of the book was later translated into Ziska ,was the last person to be game, the Beta's will have a buffet x'average. Music will be famished by mem­Ctech people and the air seemed English. President Franklin D. publicly entertained In the palace States in 1608 with his parents lunch -for members and their W. L. H^aton, cltj^ ffre m v/; '• * % , --ber) Of the Longhorn Band who when he *as 14 years"old. As a guests. . discussed file jMHteiutfoii* Ht W«> are in the College of Engineering. teen-ager in Cleveland, he saw Aadrawa Dormitory will hate Down Th« Aitl# clearly the need for teachers • > i men's campus livihg 4uW*"' '^ its annual fall open house Friday Serving as hostesses are Mes-PhV S(jfma Kappa fraternity will the first meeting Of the among his fellow immigrants who from 8 to 12 p.m. The informal dames M. Van Winkle, W. W. have its fifth annual homecoming Chairmen's Association could help them adjust the old dance will haveas a theme "Hal­Dornberger, M. J. Thompson, Rob­ banquet Saturday at ^8 p.m. in day night Ut the T«aklus ^«ito«K|^U vwvswithjtoa newv loween Motive/'Chairman of the ert Stone, W. S, Ferguson, B. N. the chapter house. Guests will be Heaton emphasized the HCetSat- He decided on taking orden open hottse is Mary Velasco. Boys' Crawford, Sinks McLaurin, Har­ E. L. Howell, chapter advisor; Jim ty of holding fire drills when he was nineteen and began dormitories and fraternities have ry, Power, J. D. McFarland, Ray Hall. alfflmnl secretary; Dr. Frimk-house^and dormitory,, and; ttngadj been invited. mond Dawson, V. L. Doughtie, Joanne Anna Marti, University The bride is a former Univer­Stockton was secretary of the his training at John Carroll Uni­lin Adams, faculty adviBor; C. E. that house chairmen stressuup wn*< versity, a^ Jesuit school in Cleve­ ,v ; ' •./;••:•>.' * • V and Harwell Harris* graduate and member of Alpha sity student. Both are attending Home ficonomics Club and a mem­ Cooke Jr., Darwin BenedUm, and gers of smoking in bed and report land, and Rochester Seminary. In ; Mra. Maye Korioth, former USO Presiding at the tea. table will Delta Pi sdrority, n»arri«d William North Texas State College. ber of Delta Zeta sorority. Ray G. Wilson. •any fire hazards. He Strengthened 1017 he entered the Benedictine supervisor at Sherman, and M be Mn. C. Read Gi-anberty and Henrjjr Pharis Jr. at the First •' . • • *•_. The banquet will be followed his plea by quoting Statistic!.' Abbey at Lisle. He has also stu­ ; iti. Harper, special services direc­Mrs. Byron Short. Methodist Church in Fort W«rth Judith* Ann W«»t and James Miss Charity Eidton, University Several Austin fires. -~'* *',?v' died at the University of Chicago, tor at McCloskey General Hospi­ October 11. are from Fort Evan Stockton were married Octo­graduate from Hamilton, and Gro­ tal, Temple, will speak Friday Students inttoest4Nl In joining Worth. ber 13 in an informal double-ring Loyola Unrvcrtiiy^ GTolumbia Unl-UT Donates Half night at 8 o'clock at the occupa­Alpha Epailon Delta, honorary Ptff ceremony at the University Bap­ver C. Herring'Jr. of Dallas will versity, and Notre Dame. tional and recreational therapy medical fraternity, have been Mary France* Williams was tist Chapel. exchange marriage vows at St. Among his other activities, Fa­In Clothing Drive ther Ziska writes a column which ™ workshop Being held at the th»i-asked to send complete transcripts married to Dr. Lonis Tobian Jr. The bride and groom are ex*. Mary's Episcopal Church in.Ham­ Half of the clothes donated in is published in Csech'-langtiage pa­ vtriitf MathadUt Edacation C#n-of their college work to the fra­October 18. The bride was a mem­students of the University. Mrs. ilton November 11. the recent Clothes for Korea pers in Texas. He began writing . •• • tor. ->• ••:•* ternity office, Te*is Union 401, ber of gappa Kappa Gamma soror­ Drive in Austin came from Uni* feature stories while he was 4n the . -.. V •-, _ before November 1. ity at the University. versity students, said John Bar* The Caapap Guild Will have an Eligible ..are pre-medical stu­Dr. Tobian was gr&duated from Army and continued-with a series clay of the' Central Christian: on his European trip. . open house for its next door neigh­dents with 45 semester hours, in­ Freshman Journalist Is the University, where he was Church Saturday. The Benedictine order has been bor, the Sigma Delta Tsu sorority, cluding 15 at the University, and elected to Phi Beta-Kappa. Mr. Barclay, who headed tl)C historically the preserver of cul­ Sunday afternoon^" a B average drive in Austin, said the clothes- f: ture in Europe from this time of * Bob Waldron, Campus Guild The engagement of Margaret DAV Contest Winner should reach Koreans between its founding in the sixth century. Mu Phi Epailon, honorary music Glanville and Dr. Walter Claude k "We. differ from the Jesuits in Thanksgiving and Christmas. fraternity for women, will "Everybody has a dreaim. That Washington trip, The will shipped have Antroy Jr. has been announced. > clothes be an informal rush party for pros­She is a graduate of SMU. He dream is td be somebody," began "The most impressive and me­that we teach through the feelings Monday by freight to Oakland.THE MOST pective members Friday from 4 attended the University and re-the prite-Winning thefWe" written morable thing I saw there was the and heart, the Jesuits through sys­Mr. Barclay extended his thanksPatricia Mahfouz, third-place tem,. The Jesuits teach the liberal DISTINCTIVE to 8 p.m. The Alpha Ghi #Omega ceived his degree from Southwes­by changing of the guards at Arling. arts and sciences, the Benedic-to the University and to H. At in year's house wilt be decorated in a Hal­tern Medical School. -They will be winner last Disabled ton Cemetery," Pat reminisces. Dunn, building crew foreman, who loween theme, Martha Keller, pres­married November 24. American Veterans essay contest. She also likes to remember the tines mostly the fine arts," the was chairman of the drive on the SERVICE IN ident, said. father explained. • Pat, now a freshman in the tiftUftual circumstance of the judg­The aim of all his teaching is campus. Winfrey France* Stripling and University, entered the contest ing of the DAV contest entries to translate the Czedhoslovakian AUSTIN Walter G. Hartley Jr. will be last year. She won first place and The essays were transcribed in culture ihto everyday life and to Do (Avtrgirls Student Finish - married November 22 in Dallas. $60 in the state division* and third braille and sent to Helen Keller, When You'ro Hungry keep the Songs and stories of the Pants,30c each The bride-elect attended Geortfe place and $300 with an all-expense well-knoWh deaf and blind woman. Czech people alive. To do this, •1 ' .• Fo.r.; rnokt good) .M paid trip to^Washington, D. C. -w,.-.,-. Shirt«18ooach—- >ha& Washington-University-and_._the in the national '^contest. ...Pat, who is from,. BUrkeville, Father Ziska uses films, exhibits, Golden Brown Fried Chick«n( find butwhst happtni to ttmift Rough Dry 8c lb. Washington College of Music, fend Was editor of the anhiial^'president dramatic j^dductionS^"irtd: Sieging 'Jurcy Steaksit>f a deltctouscom'­graduated from the , University, The subject of the. theme was of the Future Homemakers of Pick-up ana Miwry Th* Most Popular in his classes. He is thinking of meal your favorite plete and Hartley is a graduate of the SMU "Equal Opportunity in Employ­America, secretary of her class, promoting a radio program on beverag* • School of Law and attended Tu ment for the Physically Handi­Future Farmers of America sweet­which his classes would present Waco 10 Eat lane University. He is a member capped." She stressed that in a heart, and was twice' voted "the plays and songs in Czech. come to the : of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and democracy there is an equal op­most intellectual ^girl." She was "The greatest thing that you THE. POCKET NEWS /YIAGAZINE Mixican Food Delta Theta Phi legal fraternity portunity for all. Valedictorian of her class. can do, whether you are preach­ -CLUB CAPE FOP BUSY PFOm • • ; -• Pat's expense-paid trip was to A journalism major, Pat won ing or teaching, is to make people 504 EAST AVE. 15% Discount on Caah-Cairry Poggyo A. Baiham and Diclt the state convention of the DAV the Wilbur S. Davidson scholar-think with you as well as listen," OPEN 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. 10'! /"• !4thatltodRirer g^lg86 Phme 7r0253 i.. _ McMahan. were married in.rWhit» in Fort Worthf where she wa8 ship this year. She works at the he sums up his philosophy. "This _ 1807 San Jaciato^.,, . ? -50^ ney August 4. r-guestspeaker! Then "ciuhe* her" Texas Employment Commission.' 1 is what I call dynamic learning." M '»; 1 ^ ><*t i ^ "tv t v' V. \ 1 i izm + *»::-si-; " t-• ­ J.,.; 3 « . Handsewn buclco loafers In grey, black. Sizes 4 to 9, AAAA to B, pair *.*5. t y ' vi Brc&p polished; l|flfther loafers, with * , ; Idng-wearing Neolife solas and heels. Sizes 4 to 9, AAA to C widths, 7.95. A' * 7 -' rT"' ^ iS&mm. '-i*i P$8SP8888! wmmmm np & in -•/ -f */lT , JSlf-1*' mmm A 'fj W'I pfllfff mz*&' v<," ' ' ^ 5 V i~'V t ia., v V**"? X*"* V V^ f" " i w?; * "*isr s» * -'• • ^ IWWT «#, 2V^;A Rouiw-up VT ^ ^ FRIDAY? ^ Alpha Gamma Delta iVflpen'Juawe loirDelta Kappa I5p-' Nine University students liave" Borden Scholarship Awardf. in Prescriptions S0OPJS v "yi?': Newly-elected staff m Georgian Tea Roegn, Twenty-na Cameron, publicity; Peggy Adair, Fouad. Aii$e, Charles Bec­received joarnalisni scholarships Journalism; Myra Wheeler of Allexcreme Cosmetica -*-» K&pp* Alpha Theta open the Longhorn Pharmacist, College 'fourth and Guadalupe. Knight, transportation; Joan ker, Don Bishop, Bob Brown, John recently, with the local chapters Houston, the Pitluk Advertising Surgical Garments Kaufman, socials; Joyce Campos, Carter, , house for Phi Delta Theta. of Pharmacy publication, are Jer­proceed! trill be -devoted to the Milton, Weldon Bill of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary Company EJ> MINOR, Ph*rm*ci*t M.v Cloyd, Pete Cooney, and T«*m Cul-Scholarship-Internship :t-8:80 <1— Lambda Chi Alpha open ry Nobles/ editor; Bonnie Evans, Kiwanis program of aid to under? year book; Fran PoncUt, program; journalism Maternity for men, and consultant editor and. business and Janelle Williams, project. linan. . .. • in JdmrpaHam; and Johnnie M. Ha­1910 Gwdsittpe • '' house for Pi Beta Phi. privileged children. ' Theta vSigma Phi, honorary jonr­ . •" Also John Dooley, Henry Ea»-inan Tyler, Women's Phooe2-5211 |$h»**3«r^ Alpha Delta Pi open manajjer; Ellis and Seburn Woods, Tickets will cost 60" cents «aeh. -' nalisnTfraternity for women, aup-of Texas for Alpha Tan Omega. assistant editors; Jim Herring, as­They are on sale at ithe Texas Mica Mar.D Randb district has ley, Paul £llis, Isaac Epstein, plying three of them. Press Association Scholarship. sistant businef^n^inager; Frances State elected officers for the fall sem­Blake Fisher Jr., Alton Ford, Ed r:8G-l8' — International ball, Bank and at Kruger's on Martha 3lcCarty of Awti" re­ Haney, productioril manager; and ester. They sire Maximo Roth, re­ Ge#eco, Barry Goodfriend, Leslie the Drag, ceived the Theta Big scholarship Main Lounge, Texas Union. Rudy Garber, circulation manag­ presentative to theexecutive coun­Greenfield, Fred Hansen, E. W. for a sophomore girl majoring m 'j$0*d +-Phi Kappa Sigma open er.^ • . cil; Bob McClin, president; Pablo Hickson, Walter Hoffie, Joe Ire^ TERRIFIC SAVINGS The Laredo Clab has elected journalism. A second Theta Sig .house for Tri Delts. Don-Clifton is assistant circula- Stein, vice-president; Dan Struve, land, L. D. Jeanes, and Don Kobe. Hortense Reuthihger president for' scholarship, awarded to i high >:16 — Phi Mu open house tion manager and Lady Thornton the fall term. Other officers are secretary; and Herbert Gallegly, Also Robert Kostohryz, Johnny school graduate entering the Uni­' BALLROOM Lowry, John McDonald, Dan Mor­ s for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. is secretary. Bill Ewing is photog­ treasurer. Carlos Kirkpatrick, vice-presi­ versity to study journaliam, went gan Jr., Sam Neuman, Ford Neifc ^8-12 — Open house, Andrews rapher. ' dent; Alicia Soto, secretary; Mary ' -',.R to Beverly R. Baker <>f 'Brown- son, Robert O'Conon James Ore, Dormitory, $ Mrs. J. Kenneth Hall, W. F. Alice Corrigan, reporter; Virginia Alba Clnb committees were wood. • . ranee oCeteond Gidley, professor of pharmacy, named by L. V. Guerra, president, Jerry Rackley, Charles Schnabel, 8-12 — Beta Theta Pi costume Reuthinger, corresponding secre­at a meeting Tuesday. Tom .Schneider, Richard Simon, Rusa Kersten of Cleburne, re­ and Wertheimer, instruc­ parity chapter house. Henry tary; Kimball Davis, Austin re­ Wil­ tor in pharmacy, are faculty spon-'Jtudy Endejfle is chairman, of Early Whitesides, Walter ceived the Sigma Delta Chi award &11 Lutheran Student Associa-porter; Edward Talamas, parlia the meeting place committee. liams, Willis Williams, and John given to an outstanding male un­7 HOURS private sors. Vtion square dance, Harris Park .* mentarian; Leonor dH la Garza, Other members are George Garcia, Winder. dergraduate by the Austin-profes­ j,"* tennis court. historian; and Carlos Leal, ser-sional chapter. Margaret Ann One, freshman George Levy, and Mercedes Ca-• HOURS PRIVATE geant-at-arms. 8-12 — Sigma Alpha Epsilon pello. Trigg Twichell, B, S. in civil Brad Byers of Kilgore was se­ home economics major, wks re­ closed house. • • The social committee includes engineering, 1926, now with the lected for the Texas Journalism cently chosen "Miss Mohair" in 58-12 —-Valhalla Co-op Halloween the state Make-It-Youraelf-With-New officers of the American Dorothy T r e V i no, chairman, U. S. Geological Survey, and Dr Scholarship. Preference is given SENSIBLY Instifote of Mechanical Engineers, George Levy, Nina Camacho, and Kenneth A. Kobe, professor of the graduate, student, fa making PRICED * party. Wool-or-Mohair contest at Kerr- are L. G. Byerley, president; Perfecto Hernandez. chemical engineering, were speak' this award. " AT f 8:80-12 — Alpha Phi closed houser ville. . Frank S. Warner^' vice-president; era at the recent meeting of the /OTAL Miss Elizabeth Tarpley, profes­—Robert©-Vela-heads the open Otherawards went toMrs.Mary ££0-11:80 — Mariner's Club in­Jesse Heath, secretary! Clyde forum and speaker committee. South Texas section of the Ameri-Ann Beaumier Sanders of Lufkin, a formal dance, Littlefield Home. sor of home economics, was judge in the contest. x Hornback; treasurer; arid JBob Other metHbers are Ricardo Mo^ can Institute of Chemical Engin-who received the Marjorie Darilek Agnew, correspondingA A«*AAN/ITTZIITTM ' AAM«ATA«M . *+ a ' .. I * _ /I— Tbla coam MUa aUawhar* #or A WW AM secretary. lina, Gustavo Martinez, and Juan eers tin Galveston. Memorial Seholanhip; Tommy WM (TWICE OUR PRICE) Sponsors are Dr. J. M. Lebeaux Saucedo. The meeting was the sixth an Van Thompson, the Fort ;.Worth Delegates Attend The bridge , group, of and B. group the N*w- WHY PAY MORE? C; Peterson. The Perfecto Hernandez is chair­nual technical conference of the professional chapter of Sigma Del­ comiri Club will -meet Friday at will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m> in man of the scholarship study com­Institute. ^ ta Chi scholarship; garlton J. HURRY! Offer Limlt*d Above Texas ThMtor 7*9439 Abilene Session 9:30 a,m. in the home of Mrs. Petroleum Engineering Building mittee. George Garcia, Carmen Spring of San Antonio, the Gail Eleanor Pace, 3400 Duval, The 307. Gosalvez, Roy Martinez, and Gon-Sixteen members have been in­ club is open to-wives of new fac­ On Recreation * zalo Campos are the other mem­itiated into Kappa Psi, fraternity • :\r. • . \ *" * ulty members and new women on Theadorne -Co-op for girls has bers. in pharmacy, this semester. Joan Ragsdale, University-of the faculty. elected its new fall officers. They Billie Trenckmann, ex-student, • They were the .first to be. in­Texas Sports Association presi­Regular meeting day for the are Sue Worthington, -coordina­asked the club to help with teen­itiated at the new fraternity house fcunous THREE'WAY dent, Helen Windom, physical Newcomers Club is the third tor; Sue Henslee, secretary; Mor-age activities at the Pan-American at 2610 Wichita. Ifi-A training instructor for women, and Wednesday of each month. Mrs. elle McCoy, reporter; Shirley center during the fall. The new pledges are Reed . Col­ members of the men's and wo­William Saunders, vice-president, Lawrence, social chairman; and • lins, Jefry Nobles, Gene Trott, men's fencing clubs are represent­said the interest groups will meet ing the of Texas Patricia Smith, inter-co-op council Tejjas Club members will have Wayne Trott, Ferdinand Will- University once or twice monthly. representative. a barn dance Saturday at 8 o'clock mann, Dewey Godwin, SebornRecreation Federation of College • • in the Boy Scout Hut. Woods, Turner Gassaway, Edward sure way Women being held in AbHeife, Oc­ The Austin district chapter of Virginia Baker, president of the • Hiller, Donald Ferguson, Charles tober 26-27. the Rica Alumni Association will" Association for Childhood Edtica Recent pledges in Alpha Phi Spangler, Jamest Herring, Allan to a ' "Our own UTSA is responsible have a buffet supper and meeting tion, recently appointed the fol­Omega, honorary service organi­Hanretta, Bill Carter, Charles for organizing the federation," Friday, 6 p.m. at the Driskill Ho are Pete Dick lowing committee chairmen: Don-zation, Acosta, Taylor, and Robert Allison lovely figuresaid Miss Anna Hiss, director of tel, President C. L. Dowell has an­ jjhysical training for women. "It nounced. was the first state organization Dr. W. H. Masterson, assistant At The Churches formed from the national athletic to President Houston, will be a ^organization." speaker. The Austin" chapter has I Miss Ragsdale will report to the presented $259, proceeds of its JK ^federation on the convention of Fondren Library Book project, as WSF Turns |i1,-slhe Athletic Federation of.College a memorial to the late Dr. C. F. .Women, which she attended last Arrowood, a former Rice profes­-apring at-the-Univeraity„ Ql.Michi-sor. - — ­ ;gan. ; ^ • " -The University's part of convenr A pancake supper will be spon­tlon entertainment will be a fenc­ ing .demonstration. Fencers sored by the University Kiwanis A "Hobo Party," sponsored by will insure youth's better citizen­retreat which was closed with a will Club Monday at 8 p.m. in the the Century Sunday School CIBBS ship to God, country, and com­procession of the Most Blessed he: Tommy Denman, Mozelle of the University Presbyterian munity. Sacrament Tuesday morning. Hampton, Elnora Noack, Betty Church, will get underway Friday "In this great nation it is the Other activities for the' weekJean Ferguson, Dorothy Lou Hol­ den, and Angiei Caldwell, all from Connolly Award afternoon at 5. responsibility of every citizen to include a party to be given for the to Guada­ Touches womenVfencing club, and Members of the class and any help the youth become better children of Our Lady of Jimmy C. Parker and Roger Scar­Won by Schwartz other students in the WSF are Americans.^ Physical strength... is lupe School by the members of not enough. Rather, the discipline the social action committee of the borough from the men's fencing invited. classes. Newton Schwartz won the Tom The * trampiest-looking clothes and cultivation of the mind has clubhand a picnic to be held Sun­ Connally Award for the outstand­always been one of the greatest day. Miss Windom, instructor of speaker in the possible will be worn, said Anne This Is the brassiere to underline your fall ing Athenaeum man may * fencing* will be the faculty spon-Literary Society contest held Shaw, associate director of Pres­ contributions a make clothes perfectly, to companion your most for the betterment of the hun^an "Our Tasks at the University" „sonJMiss Ragsdale and AIiss Den­Thursday. , byterian student work. daring formal, and still be comfortable to man are race and the betterment of condi­will be the panel discussion sub­ official delegates. The annual award of $25 waq "Lunches will be tied in sacks wear day in and'day out. Wired for strapless tions upon this earth. » ject foj* student-faculty night ^ | In shocking pinlc, black and whit* established by Senator Tom Con­and carried on sticks," she said. "The Catholic Youth Organiza­Westminster Student Fellowship uplift;->hn-Af features,double stitching on the nally, a former member. It is The group will hike to Pease tion is one of the several groups Sunday at 5:45 p.m.'' bust cup for beautiful support and molding. you gbt given to the member of Athen­Park. that have contributed to the-spiri­Aims of the program are to In nylon sheaf ana elastic at CAPITOL aeum who makes the best speech A program -has been planned tual, cultural, social, and physical encourage fellowship between the WEAR IT STRAPLESS on a subject chosen by the judges. by Claiborne Bell, president of welfare of our young .people in students and faculty and to bring WEAR IT AS A HALTER Foundations, Second ROOT The subject this year was "Re­the Century Sunday School Class. 1-DAY • Texas. In so doing, those who to light methods of helping the WEAR IT WITH STRAPS solved that the Democratic party Christian on the guide the program have constant­cause campus, should be defeated in the 1952 President Harry S; Truman, ly reminded us that one is never said Harry Neal, vice-chairman of Photo election." , Governor Allan Shivers, and May­young to be a too good citizen." the program committee. George Miller, Van Culp, John or W. L. Drake of Austin have Newman Club has planned a Faculty panel members will be Davidson, and Larry Lambert fa­designated the week of October Finishing series of activities to celebrate Olin Hinkle, associate professor vored the defeat; Schwartz,"" Ivan 2T-Z8~ 8&"Nationul-Catholic Youth CYO Week at the University. The of-journalism, and-sDr. Robert Knohler, and Boyd Taylor de­Organization Week. Rev. Gerard Maguire, the Rev. Law, professor of English. Stu­ Everything for your Camera fended the Democrats. In his proclamation, Governor Edward Peters, and the Rev. Pa­dents on the panel ^trill be Jean Officers elected at the Thurs­Shivers sjiid, "The Catholic Youth Free Camera Rental trick Curtain were retreat-masters Wesley and Jackie ? Culbertson. day meeting are Schwartz presi­Organization for 21 years has for the Newman Club's dialogue Tim Driver will be moderator. dent; Van Culp, vice-president; been providing an excellent and 8 and 18 mm Movie Projectors Knohler, secretary; Boyd Taylor well co-ordinated program of ac­ and films for rent and John Davidson, representa-tivities for youth of all ages, col­ sagawaa :tiv«»akoOratoricalAssoeiation. on, and creeds in.,this state. The Week End at Hillel: APITOL Meeting* will" be held" every problems facing today's-young-peo^ Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Law pie are great and complex. A suc­ PHOTO SUPPLIES, Building 106. All pre-law students cessful solution requires wise242ft Guadalupe 8-5717 are particularly invited. counsel and sound direction'-which Ri "Si Hillel Foundation has.scheduled ried couples group will have a a full week end of programs and picnic at Barton Springs. Theyparties. will meet in front of the bath The regular evening services will house, each family bringing its be held Friday at 7:80 p.m. at own lunch. The group will playHillel Foundation. Thomas Rish-softball and cards in the after­ worth, director of Radio House, noon. will speak on "The United Na­ Sunday at 1:30 the modern con­ tions." . versational Hebrew class will meet Sunday at^JO :15 a.m. there will at Hillel Foundation. TURN IN YOUR NOMINATIONS be a listening group for the "Eter­ The regular Sunday supper will, nal Light" radio program. Jack be at 6 p.m. • . Mendel will lead a discussion of The Hillel orientation program the program. out** -Atl£:15 Sundayj2i# Hillel mir-"#ill begin Sufiday at 7:30 p.m. with a question and answer period on "'Wfiaf is*HiHel; and' what-are I m FOR THE its aims?" A film "Hillel in Ac­tion" will be shown. Informal /mt/... dancing and refreshments will con­ Pointin' clude the program. m fcOVBLY TO IOOK AT .•. Qt The public is invited to the functions. -• Ray Levine will be the guest Acquire a well-proportioned, Bluebonnet Belle speaker at a meeting of the Inter­ " more beautiful body-—sparkling collegeiate Zionist Federation of "• energy and-good circulation-— America at~2 p.m. Sunday is the ' ^ ease and grace of relaxed Hillel Foundation., ^ . ; nerves and toned muscles— the best "dog-gone" Mr. Levine, a field worker for \ . the social poile-of an erect, ^ «so»Bw-^f^»nder iiqure. \place on the drag the southwest-region ^ of IZFA, SECTION OF THE 1952 CACTUS iV -fiHp to' Israel. He; will ap^k onr piK' 24 Treatmenls—$25 <£OU'A CoAnsth the things that he saw while he -<• . was 'there. • •. ' Delicatessen and ..Restaurant 24th St; at Guadalupe All persons interested in IZFA NOW mmmmmmmmn " mmmm+mmmmm |are urged to attend. Because it i> not possible to describe the wonderful sense of relaxation and renewed vitality you^experience, we invite ypu r" ' SPECIALIZING IN • r , * '• -••••"' 1 • ' •• " ' • , obtained In Journalism BuiMfng 108. Any appryed Uny»rtl>yyOr{ _jr • , 11 venue NOVEMBBK1 m 9S®n:aarrt»»»a* •wR^r^W V* ^r^*».Jjr 'S-SJ-iiiS'S •» < _ ^ "%t f . •-,. * •-'^Wt-MW^'pf^8&t.'t mm 5ftS-<& "3*j« \^vV"V1\ , v m o Jl*' va '5#r spilili sSfeJlR Talks on Illiteracy §pf§i .... m king meters to super-liM expanded to every state to ) -isf-lntt' i4.V »[ ft. vrofes-mow than '* M sonic aircraft, University profes­the extent that npw Scheduled Nov. 1-2 'tV ' ael to ^ia tlo^bii sors ara interested in a Variety of million parking meters Km .used The climax to International son, may be bought in front of the hill's,will be awarded to the best-fits from the booths 4rill be do­ Consumer Soft Goods T Dr/'frank Leubach, Internation­ extra-curricular"activities and no In th« United States. V Week conies into Its own with a Union or in the Foreign Student dresMd girl, boy,, and couple in nated to the World Student Ser­WB last February. longer merely limit themselves to Their main objecttv*^-4<^<^ ally known for hi* teaching me­capital "C" tonight as costumes, Advisory Office, B. Hall 21, until costume. vice Fund. lectures and lab work.1 « * to m thods of illiterates, will speak to confetti, and a carnival teingle 5 o'clock. Theyjjrill also be sold Besides dance-band music, the ulata the flow of traffic, University groups November1and 'I'his is the fourth such' dance Reader's. Digest for November bring In revenue," h« stat**. "But at the International Ball. The Ball at the (tour.* --* • Ball -will -feature international tri^offl^atti & det 2. Just returned from » seven- to be sponsored by the Interna­laa an article by Dr. DeWitt Red-ewrM will be in the Texas Union Main Those who atten<| the Ball may booths selling Chinese tea, Arabic tional Council. It climaxes a week " •ffaefc «f dick, professor of journalism, on month literary tour in AiU, Dr. Ballroom from g until 12 o'clock. wear either costumes or formal dates; other fruit, and the Ameri­of international activity dedicated Laubaich will talk on "Peace pr parking meters, titled "1Q00 Mil­Two prof«isors from the School Tickets, which are $1 per per* dress. Prises donated by Hemp­can contribution of popcorn. Pro- to the University's 400 foreign Disaster, Take Toar Choice.** lion Hour*: Bought and Paid For." of Law are' employed with the students. Bis first addresswill be to a Months of research resulted in Office of Price Stabilization. Ford nel work in state anil _ . student group Thursday, Novem­ * Included in the week were a Dr.-Reddick's Uncovering little-W. Hall, aasoiciate professor of ware ? TTnivcirtity Religions tin. Civltan Club.-the show is being Prince George, and the Duke of Chinese Students' Association/The son Saturday night, November 3, rector. The program will be in the factors under a contract with th# „ led—parties in his musical miracle." Her more popu­ «»ith a * Wagner-Beethoven pro-San Antonio Municipal Audi-Air Force., 1, ^ " Workers Association, billed as the greatest single array 7exas International filnh i» th» Dr. Laubach will describe thfe of performers in the history of honor. King George is said to have lar recordings include "Septem newest international organization torium. —. U Aiding Dr. Manuel are Dr. Gilir-^~ work of his literacy teams, now one of the world's largest collec­ber Song", "As You Desire Me", on the campus and is o^eri to any Guest soloist w ill .be Helen don V. Anderson, assistant dirae^'l' El­ and "I Cried For You." operating in eighteen countries, show business. The names of tions of Ellington records. student or faculty member who Traubel, celebrated Wagnerian tor of the Testing and GoidkiMw^i The Coliseum shtfw will' also the Metropolitan op­Mtfaty for two education classes oft "No­lington, Cole, and Vaughan speak ( The Duke's latest band is said to is interested in the cultural and soprano of Bureau; Harold Bright, vember' 1 and 7.2 in Architecture for themselves, even to the unirt-i** one of his greatest It features feature Timmie Rogers,; one bf social i^djtivities of other countries. era. Miss Traubel will sing Wag­science research auociate, and"^ Building 105 at 10 a.m. Although Louis Bellson, ex-Tommy-Dorsey New York's most popular comedi­ner's Isolde's Narrative, from Anne Fry, graduate student Oct. 26 Siam. • hits are: "Mona Lisa",' "Sweet and $1.80. Vet Purchasing System journalism, Dr. Robert L. Suther­ and Gloria MacRea are co-chair Named by Shivers men of the decorations committee. land, director of Hogg Founda­Changed, Says Roberts No Coffee Time Friday, Governor Allan Shivers has de­Other committee heads are David tion, and Thomas D. Rishworth, di­A new system for veteran pu^ Dance ?4iNo Pop Rally Dance rector of Radio House and clared this week, October 22-27, Ling, date bureau; Billie Grace chasing requisitions, necessitated chairman of radio and TV of the Saturday Nifa—Oef.-27. There will be no coffee time Ungerer, invitations, Babur Koca­ Audio-Visual Education Week in on-ii by a. drop in the veteran enroll­ National Congress of Parents and Friday morning because the main conjunction with the Audio-Visual tas,. talefit show; and Sarah Jane ment, has been instituted, says Music by Jimmy Grove Trfo Teachers, will act as consultants lounge of the Texas Union is en­Week of the Department of Sec­ Weeks, tickets and posters. Charles Roberts, director' of the for the state chairman!* workshop N«w A Enlarged Floor gaged for another event, an­ondary School. Principles of the Veterans Advisory Service. f TBI at the forty-third annual conven-­ nounced Jitter NoI.en, 'Union di­ , JCireuliar Bar V National Education Association. Beginning next semester veter­ rector. By BOB EMBRY said that the Union would be tion of the Texas Congress of In a"special message Governor Parents and Teachers." " "7 ~ ans will list on a requisition form -, --A!r CondHionad Nor will there be a pep rally The Atlantic countries would based upon the federal system of all neetfed supprM and bookB. The Shivers said* "I urge that all of to preserve The will meet in ' dance Friday night; the Main have ah opportunity the United States. "We would not . convention list will be checked, by the Veter- our citizens participate by visiting Dallas November 14-16, the state Lounge of the Union has been peace and would receive immense an our public schools to observe how ans Administration, with au-Wiliu reserved for the International benefits from trade free of gov­ sacrifice any of our sovereignty, Talent Show office in Austin has announced. thorization for purchase made by the audio-visual materials are. used rather we would gain a vote in Joint headquarters, an innovation »I0 Guad.lup. • Ball. . " ernment restrictions if they would the department heads. Previously as an integral part of classroom the new orgahization that could this year, will be at the Baker -Call. S-2859 lor ReservaHon unite in the Atlantic Union, individual' professor* instruction and in other ways co. be put to work for peace," Mr. and Adolphus Hotels. General aes Thomas Strifit, University grad­ THE TOWER operate in making Audio-Visual -Streit said. sions, conferences, and registra­ uate of '31 said Monday night Week a success worthy of a great By BRUCE JONES tion will be at the First Method­ Favorite Rendezvous of Sneaking for the Atlantic Un­Trade in the great market cre­international audience was An state." ist Church. Texas U. ion committee in Austin, he, ad­ated by the union would not be whisked away on a magic carpet — At the University the Visual In­ The theme of the convention dressed about 30-persons in the -subject to import and export quo- Bait Musiein Town of talent last night at the Music struction Bureau, Dr. Ernest Tie- will be "Safeguarding Our Freer "FrandsGoes mann, director, has a busy pro­Fellowship Hall of the University tals, "expensive government han­Building Recital Hall. Under the doms Through Responsible Citi­"RON-TIKI"Call Johnny at 2-6382 Methodist Church at 8 o'clock] dling, or difficulties due to dif­To The Races" gram serving the University and direction of Babur Kocatas, and zenship." -° ; Discussing "What the Atlantic ferent currencies, Mr. Streit Dtuld O'Conner over 1,000 schools and colleges Union Means to Business," he added. well em.ceed by Ed Frost, the In­Plptr Lauri*ternational Talent Show was a —plu throughout the Southwest. BARRICADE" solid success. The Siboney Boys— On the campus the Bureau pro­ "Winchester is Technicolor with Juan Diaz at the piano, Os­ RENT vides film and projection "service ORIVt IN IHt \IKIS i car Torrez on the drums, and Pat .73" RUTH ROMAN for class use. In their production TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Patterson shaking the gourds-— Junes Stewart Young Texas Pianist department they have three sec­ Feature Start* at 7 P. M. Shelly Winters DANE CLARK TYPEWRITERS led off with some fast south of tions; grafic arts, still photogra­ Box Oiflcs Opens SiOO Bex Office Opeu 0:00 the border numbers. phy, and motion pictures; in which Next on the program came Syl­ they;prepare materials for special Performs Here Nov. 5 DRIVE-IN via Guerrero, with a dance called 1 month .... „ 2.50 services. Monte Hill Davis, 19-year-old E-minor symphony by Dvorak, ''Silusvio." Accompanied b'y'EVan-"SANTA FE" 2 months .... 4.75 The Visual Instruction Bureau, concert pianist, will be'guest solo­and "Fingal's Cave," overture by galina Hen-era, Vilie and Mary —with—s. 3 months ... .7.00 has initiated an intern program Louise Garcia sang "Unaquita Randolph Scott ist for the Austin Symphony Or­Mendelssohn. for students to learn Audio-Visual Season tickets for the remain­Linda," or "Magic is the Moon­ chestra's second subscription "THE KILLER THAT SHOUITimC 4 months ^.... 9.25 operation while they are in school. con­ cert of the season November 5. ing eight subscription concerts are light" Mac ;Corrigan did an excel­STALKED NEW YORK" 5 months .... ...... 11.50 Dr. Tiemann stressed that the She will perform the Grieg piano being sold at reduced prices of lent interpretation of "Malegue-Evolyn Keye»—Charles Korvia 6 months ..... T3.75 service to schools outside the Uni­concerto in A-minor. „ $16, $10.70, and $7.15. General na," and .came back.Jater with AT INTCRSTATE THEATRES ? months uws^O.50 versity is very important. They Miss Davis was awarded' this admission tickets are $3.6j0 for "Espana Cani." After an informa­ Utilize materials ' for-wA-kshfeps tive! introduction by Shao Chang ^Mii^GB^Oir^£-lithar<; 'r-; 12 months 27.00 and counseling service -to aid in­ Yin, C. C. Cheng sang two Chi­ phony when she won a.state-wide struction. Their Education Infor­ nese ballads, accompanied by Chu "QUEBEC" All lata modal*—Royal Rem­ tontest held by the Wednesday Spanish Vorslon pf Tost mation Research Program provides Jun Lee at the piano. " ' —with— Morning Music Cluh last spring in ington, and Underwood. professional assistance. Finishod by UT Student Marilyn Bronson, who has her John Barrymoro Jr. PAINTING honor of Mrs. N. M. Wilcox, 1 Pablo Roca, candidate for a doc­own progTam on KTBC, sang'some Qorinno Calvert THE CLOUDS ^ r founder and life-president of the philosophy degree at old American folk songs, including •The FIGHTING SULLIVANS' tor of the Ntvloft Win* Pool Tournoy club. Miss Davis also has won con­ University, has translated the "The Colorado Trail," "Wayfaring Thomas Mitchell—Anne Baxter tests sponsored by the National HERO. The fall championship iii the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Stranger," and "Come on Blue." SUNSHINE Guild of Piano Teachers, Texas University Club's "bottle pool Children into Spanish. Comedian Jack Brown, from Chi­10 HN 00NNB­ tournament went to Dr. G. H. Federation of Music Clubsj and Dr. H. T. Manuel, director of cago, added yankee humor to' the MONTOPOLIS DEREK -REED. th e : Civic Federation Dealey Newlove, professor of accounting, the Testing and Guidance -Bureau, program as he tossed off some "FRANCiiS GOES Award in Dallas. She has !>«en last week. Runner-up wis Banks announced that his office has re­ very American jokes. TO THE ItACES" 205 Wast 9th Dial 7-4411 guest soloist with the .Dallas and McLaurin, professor of civil en­ ceived a copy of the translation. Sherry Trad did an Arabian —with—~ gineering. : Houston symphonies. JRoca, director of educational dance in which she gave the audi­Donald O'Connor • qUEEVI " She studied xith Dr. Silvio Sqf-and Jor ence an added thrill: and a research statistics the better onti and Isabel Scionti for the last "TARZAN'S PERIL" ° Puerto Rican department of edu­view by rendering' part of her RICHARD CORTEZ . Lex Baxterr—Virginia Huston IN TECHNICOLOR1 six years and -is. now studying cation;.' is -seeking a degree in -number in the aisle. "Gentleman From under them at North Texas State 4 educational psychology. Tho Warm Human Adven­College. YANK California tures of a Tough Cowpok* The Austin Symphony also will Woatber Effocto Studied . plus— MORE BATES "SANTA .FE' ^SCOTTY BECKETT "CATTLE DRIVE" ology instruetor' and branch presi-—with—. ,* , "Corky of dent, has announced that a study The Friendliest PI*c« in Town RmndolphScott -Jool Daan Chill of the effects of weather upon Gasoline Alley" -McCroa Stoekwall. .Wills' 6208 Dallas Highway "KID FROM KANSAS" business and industry is being Phono 53-9012 Dick^oran—Leo Carilio made by members of the Central Texas Branch of the American MORE C0MPUMENIS uiirsitv^ nusTin FIRJ5T SHOW 6 P.M. Whitaey Applications Duo Nov. 30 :Make reservab'ons now...Phone 6-0541 FIRST SHOW 2 P. M. JANE WENOELL Applications for 1952 John Hay POWELL COREY Whitney Opportunity Fellowship SAMUEL GOLDWYN'S awards ranging from f1,000 to "UP IN ARMS" "RICH, YOUNG |8,000 must be submitted before IN TECHNICOLOR! November 80. AND PRSTTY" starring A GREW AMERICAN COMfW-OHSBteE t Danny KAYE IN TECHNICOLOR! COME TO ARTHUR MURRAY' Dina SHORE ^ S-^-CARTOONSt—s ANDlEARNTOBf AUSTIN CIV AFTER PARTNER OVERNIGHT It s Party Time THEATRE 6UADALUPE • SHOW CALL 8-6687 TODAY How soon wiii you Hns at the Avaloo! TRULY ORIAT fly to tho moon? this ad-it's worth iwFor ms thisMsk's Coma out and anjoy yourtalvat h Portable or # Auto .THE FIRST LECIOTT wm t>SWl >/:?' -> *K'. «i ft A. 1 e WW 5' if rs'Wf^n'^/ W V-> c-' *; •v«R5i&r*^nt^^ the triaL He scanned \£exaa Personnel and Management which Justice of the jPeace Travis Robert E. Lee Road where he -newapapers 'from time to time. turned right. / Association conference on the cam- Blakeslee ordered the 30-year-old Sitting dnly a few feet away from US "Department of Agriculture . Edgar stated &at the car passed him w/K^his father, J. A. Wallace, ,|>bb emphasised economist bound over for grand approximately thirty; >er forty-Dallea «6ntractor, hi* brother, andf^'The first speaker, Dr. Thomas jury action. ? . yards from where he stood." The his wife,llfary Andre Wallace. The • Gordon of the University of Chi car was a tudor 1937-38 dark couple 'fipikve been separated since Blakeslee took action after cago, told approximately 500 lead- Buick sedan with Virginia license August s. . hearing two state witnesses, Wiley & «r» of Texas buisness, industry, O. Edgar, 503 San Jacinto Street, number 290706, he t«ltified. " , Police state they have not found §' government, and education of a and Tom Erickson, State Highway Wallace was arrested in a dark the murder weapon and. have no & "new conception of leadership'* Department license and weight di­blue -Pontiac shortly . after the clues , to .the motive behind the » which can strenghten democracy vision officer, testify. shooting on the Burnet-ftighway slaying.. 7 from within so that it can with-Edgar, who^was playing pn the by State Highway patrolmen. The stand any Communist onslaught.; eighth green" some 200 -.yards car,bore Virginia licensfcnuritber u ,.This innjer strengthening can be northeast of thte Pitch-»«d","Putt 2907S6i, Edgar stated^ after view­ achieved b'nlyjihea,.rtef Threeof Staff clubhouse,~sc«ne o{ the shooting/ ing the If' ' their trust in their grolaps; -the testified that he heard a shot, or was the car he had seen at the ¥ psychologist said.. 1 • liiftse, and looked toward the' iteflh ?g^ coiiaSe^' . ..'' window of the building. Edgar also testified that in"his' in Dr. Gordon has tried his _group* sM __ "I saw a puff of what looked opinion Wallace was the marl he 1 fz,i? trust plan with notable success like smoke coming from the win'" saw leaving the clubhouse after Three University staff members ?' in his University of Chicago dow," he said. the shots. He baaed his opinion on will present report# to the Ameri­-\'i' 4 classes. Students themselves de­Wallace's general iiippearance and can Institute of Physics now hold­fo cide on their goals, how attain walk. ing its twentieth anniversary ^ tiieir objectives, and what methods by Kellogg meeting in UT Selected Cross-examined rby. Defense At­Chicago. V to use in evaluating their progress, torney Polk She|ton, the witness Dr. A. W; Nolle," associate 'pro­ •jw Mr. Gordon also discussed his For Nursing Workshops testified he saw the man emerging fessor of physics, and, and J. F. e*f*< personal experiences with a select­ the clubhouse' from a if- from dis­ The University is one of four­ Mifsud of the Defense Research ed group-, of children from the teen schools selected by the Kel­tance of 200 yards. Ae^added that Laboratory^ are presenting the re-Chicago slums with the education he could hot sweir that the man logg Foundation-to conduct work­ sulta of a stddy of ultrasonic-wave^rV division Thursday afternoon! wS, Allen C, Thompson, Mayor of shops and institutes and offer ex­was Wallace, who spt'directly in propagation i«r rubber-like mater­ front of him in the courtroom. tension courses and consultant ials. -Jackson, Mississippi, who ad- Erickson, the state's second wit­ Service in nursing service adminis­ ' Dr. Lloyd A. Jeffress, professor 7 s, ressed the evening session of the tration. *\ ness, testified he arrested Wallace of psychology, and reeearch scien-A Most Versatile Sjwrt Jacket ^ conference in Hogg Auditorium, ^ pointed the way to more success- The Reg e n t s a c c e p t e d after receiving a police radio pick­tist, *}s porting the result* of a G. H. BYRD, Dallas oilrrtan rffd UT patron, displays his gift chaps $19,690.05 from the Foundation up broadcasfe^He said that Wallace study of tha masking effects-of ^j,lul government throngh partiei­with Sally. Nichols, drum majorette at the OU game parade. for the first year of the four-year had a .cut left index finger. "white noise," a.; combination of In Imported Dutch Heeksuede' {^" pation by citizens. Questioned . about where he'd C Speaking on the municipal-gov- program to insure "better patient all sound frequencies, upon the ( ernment level, ' Mr. Thompson care in Texas hospitals. been in the last hour, Wallace re­tone characteristics' detected by tailored by plied, "No comment," the officer ^ Training will be available to the.human «kr. W:stressed that good government will head nurses, supervisors, and di­said. • ' JStudeitta iMbo are also attending •p|follow intelligent leadership and S':f whole-hearted co-operation by citi-rectors of nursing service. *Mrs. The offic^r said no weapon Hie meeting are James H. Bots- found on Wallace. Irene Healy, Austin, associate pro­ ford, ILi Runyan, and -.|§i;sens.-.• , Blakeslee, called, by the stated fessor of nursing education, and Ruben H. Wallace. iM An intelligent voter will accept testified that as coroner he Was Miss Dorothy Haskins, Galveston, L. JU Antes, research acientist c5l his fair share of the cost of city government, he said. Other requls-assistant professor of nursing, will summoned to the golf course atld of the op4^al reasearch labora­ Best senior and president receive found Kinser dead from gunshot. tory, took -the group to the meet­ i^ites of good citizenship should "Col." David Harold Byrd, ex-work full-time with the project. Where good looks are important • • . where First Assistant District Attorney ing, v • ^include operation of business so student and-prominent Dallas oil­gold wrist watches, and the best freshman a Tom Blackwell, in a surprise de­ loving cup. J7j it will be a credit to the com- man was presented leather chaps Former Austin Athlete velopment, called District Attorney* practicality is an asset ... you'll find this 3­ • inanity, encouragement,-and co- Rising from an oil scout to geo­ by" the Texas Cowboys after the Bob Long ^to the stand. . Hadio Repairing £7$operation with elty officials, pro-logist to wildcatter, Col. Byrd, of Killed In Korean Fighting button jacket tlfie ideal solution. «The. fine im­ Longhorn Band played "The Eyes Long testified that he had of­Home end Auto t fmotion of an educational system Byrd-Frost Inc., is now on of the fered Wallace a .(piaran^eed out­ ?7' that will produce good citizens, of Texas" in his honor in the OU largest independent roil producers. Pfc. Vernon Todd, former Year­ported Dutch Heeksuede is a truly remarkable right release if a lie detector test RadioSierviceCo. and insistence that municipal sal-gam* parade in Dallas.' The title of colonel conies from ling basketball player, was killed I$08 R«d River — • 1 : '3™£aries" be high enough? to attract ~ • his-work"ariHeutenantr colonel in in iforea October l-?-*rhHe aer^.j-1,,^ tlnn*ft* Today fabric development with the feel, suppleness7\ capable officials^ 1 Col. Byrd, whose main interest the Civil Air Patrol. ing with a tank unit of the First " Phonei 7-2^04­*,$• In the government diviaion of is University athletics and the . As T^xas Wing Commander of Marine Division. Law School election run-offs and texture of leather/Tailored in the finest £ f the convention Thursday after- CAP and vice-chairman of the Todd, stfn of Mr. and Mrs. L. will be held from 8:30 to 1 o'clock Longhorn band, did the i i noon Charles C. Ford, city mana-* most of National Executive Board, he and V. Todd of Austin, joined the Friday in the Law Building. Dennis tradition. / ROBBIN'S BODY SHOP -'' ger for Dallas, described city gov-work on lining up th« Dallas par­Gen. Spaatz flew to Europe during Marines last December. Glenn* Barber anid Charlle'Post Siivu ernment as "big business" and ade. In addition to being honorary the summer of 1950 to arrange A graduate of Austin High for president, and Jean Dalby and "CvniplaU Bo4y u|Fnlit * said good serviee results in satis-president of the band and-one of for fifteen foreign aviation cadets School, he was active in junior V. G. .Kolius for secretary-treas­ $2995 it FAINTING *SEAT COVERS 7?' fied customers. its greatest benefactors, he is to visit Austin and the University league baseball and basketball. He urer are chief contenders in, the it GLASS it AUTOREFIN1SHING largely responsible for the decision under the State Department ex­lettered on the Maroons' basket­run-off. The primary was held 130S UnM Fk. 7-4*73 luAlbert A. Green, civilianper­of George E. Hurt, noted director, change program. ball team. Wednesday. See it at Reynolds-Penland today. §£--sonnel officer of Fort Sam Hous­to accept the band directorship at s* ton, in discussing oportunities in the University. the Civil Serviee, declared thai Besides furniahing many of the the idea that government em­band instruments, eafch year he &V ployes can hold their jobs and gives three awards to its members. $7/not do their work well is -a mis­ -take..He said they are fired by the li(; government just as they are fired "by private enterprise. John H. Winters, executive di­rector of the Texas Department of Public Welfare praised the state legislators for their cooperation-in. |7. carrying on the work of his de--Students planning to send •&$. partment. Christmas packages to foreign,l^y In the business section* W. E. countries and servicemen overseas Igf' Lusby, southwestern personnel fe-manager for Sears, Roebuck and should mail their parcels before fli," Company, stressed training for November 15, says A. H. Benney, the personnel in every field of superintendent of the University merchandising as the best method i*?ritirmaltingprofit. ­ ^efeauso' of the heisvy""traffic ' * *" , R. L. Sutherland, director of during the holiday a^ason, it is Hogg Foundation, also spoke in impoMible to deliver packages by y the education section..He stressed Christmas Day that were mailed ^ the value of experiences acquired after miri-November, Christmas in extra-curricular work instead of the artificial values of the cards will arrive overseas before » graded-paper system. Christmas if mailed by December -a * " I The . convention will continue 1. Friday with general assembly at _ • • _ 8:45 a.m. in Hogg Auditorium, A set of rules which studentsluncheon' at *12:15 in the Main are, urged to follow in packingBallroom of Texas Union, and Christmas parcels has been-issued another special meeting for edu­ cation iat 9 a-.m. in Texas Union by the U. S. Postal System. Fore­ < 315. ' . most .of these is that every parcel ' Speaker for the luncheon Fri­must be securely, packed in regard day will be Louis JG. Seaton, di­to nature of contents, clima$c rector of labor relations activity conditipns, and length of journey. for General Motors Corporation, Containers suitable Jor shipping Detroit. He will discuss the phil­purposes must be used. Thesie "in­ osophy behind the' long-term un­clude bags of canvas or similaj, ion agreementsi:iofrhis~company; material, double faced cardboard^ boxes, solid fiber boxes, three-ply plywood bpxes, and wooden boxes made of* lumber one-half inch thick. Pasteboard is not suitable w , , . for shipping. Slip Into • pair of these casual, e correct DacI in hinlanH . address should be "1^vJI III I llllullll 7 Printed clearly in ink inside and --— outside of the package. comfortable slacks for all occa­ ff Dr. Etta Mae .MacDonald, Uhi­^versity graduate,- has beett chosen by "the USf State Department to teach in the University of Finland sion*. A truly great value In fine, at Helsinki as an exchange pro­feasor of microbiology. IiniKiidsH ^ Pp' «. • •H*wonted gaberdine. iology in the School of'Medicine . = Free coaching is b^f^ offered fil i\i'iil;inil at Oalveston.; Last summer-she first and second yeaf physjfis stu­ worked at the nuclear laboratories dents this year. The sessions are Oak Ridge, Tenn. / for those hitting trouble in five :She holds a bachelor of science courses—Physic* 80la and b, 812 ^degree in pharmacy and a bache-a and* b^artd W0 p-lof