ynwwi'iiwiiiMn. 5v-v^ • ! rMip-si V.-'Sl-V .* •: »*.! :'--,* "*'** •*. * W '> 'J..V&5, >; ^,nrwTf1»?iirW m •ifrr— -i-lM« T ^.v-'rci':' T||11£P^ • Sight Pages Today '3S¥E*r.i '-: *•" ,•>*< :>;i -T-jyrt ; i» h r©„2> ,< . . si-"* ? ''""IN!'#' *s"*­ tf „;,ft Au'l-tpt^s. I :?*> i-'rj•»\ I'-j.^vr-. ^ jKMWSfe;-J{'\>iSt! Hi v?:^-:;>;v V/vl F-.I nal declslofc to deport the 21-year- aninstructed v#rtfcV~latw, m vKani.^ -k^IVM 't <^ u ,a .Vr-'!*• 'K.|i r«fe*r fattorney •ddi^onti ^time v to prepare deportation appeal M. E. DARSEV *d£SESf3ES5@^ ofri&uiaffas^ hearing originally act for l^riday, Coring. thejom to^tbe federal attorney- lay's registrants swelljSd ;&.'iiroa*^i'' diiwage' ^lia'lnst s|1mui been granted by the Board of official mrollment to 8078,5C> l». ' general. Then,still inJbe.evsnt of Hftrat »ilblkhe>a of -•/»•*•.': v ;Wildcata^nnrWie^^ diOnld pqmimtioB Appteali. • * ia»diU^ Viilve^r';bvonmrwM^ an unfavorable. decision for bis |t» San -Aiitonio light, alleged ®tre# Memorial Field Saturday:..§ N®urE* Austin »ttorney,G*rald ; fWeatherly, said the board chair-client, he intefcda io fight the de­falsa and mhleading reporting of afternoon* and jet airiflanes fill kijg*» telegraphed his Jfisia meaaage portation ruling iit federal court, da^Hifibn Jbrial ^latt spring. t h e a i r . ; x J • * " _ --« , ;:'i!W#dnapd«y morning; "Nouri cue Nouri, a ^Juna, tfttS,' degrie Specifically, th? *ult considers That's when the^Longhorn Sand ^Mr011. ^{^1;'tewW £#• -^fWMd»adared (for) oral argument candidate, In expecUctto graduate damaging-a,. nawa art>cliB allegedly and the 27th Fighter EUteorfWing expected to registM fi»diy. Bwite of> October 4J* -.-regardless of the outcome of his wrfttan-by John Taylor in the collaborate for half-time enter-SMpjjr assistant; 4®! ?4? Fae&ngthat tbeai* dU^gnjai* appeal duito thetinw^ttauialng X4ght of April-21," The offending him by: <9>e board to anas** appe«I procaattr^'. ' ,i :*rtlcb, : «Bnn«d *%»ntonly • and f|§|§Sil However, he «dd«d, iev^'tepi-|| Ifouri's appeal In Washington wax Commenting-, on Nouri's *26,- maliciously false" in the com­ On .the field wth the Longhorn ?red' stadents are ^expected 4» Tf* ;­ ^Bin^rieirt* Weatherly this -week 000 -damage" salt fifed against plaint, received wde'tmblidty af- Band will.be the 671st Air Force, gister late ^nd enrollmnt ntit :kad applied for a ten-day exten-Hearst Publications Jane 21, Wea­titap belngplaeedon'theAMociated Band at Bergstrom Field. 12,600 is sion. V'1 * , therly said be waa confidant thai Prtsa wire. --,. The;;itfoni^«ild; "fie 4#lijj»cte some action will be tafeeo aopn« "^ "^he principal portion of the al­JMoton Crockett, director of the ' This Vrill p»t enxolbne^£. a<^. .the<• Washington office the legedly damaging April £7 atory University* bind, said eight ttfcjla- i last Spring's level and .wUltht^ of Having ffted a motion ¥o*, U. S.'||• i the twelve roaring jets, > Z,/? Official period.for registration . pear at the hearing. He stated week" the notion likely' will be • Weatherly^s complaint "attacks Leaditig off the. half-time ac­end*,, today but r^tiatMtio^ ^ ' that be -haasent ACLXJ-headquar­argued in Federal District . Jydge thit1 statement, pointing out that tivities with "Texas Taps," the continue for new and' former stu­ters a the 'case brief-Ben Ricn'ii,Kce's courtrmlr+ '(San' Antonife). Nouxj repeatedly testified under are form large at R^fistat«'fi,;o«lc» edpy of ft«n . Longhottn to a dents the all they will need for Nouri's d&-If the' judge rtlles in Nouri's oath that he had never,associated cat between the 40 yard lines— favor, Weatherly explained, that with Conxmunists. symbolizing the Kentucky Wild--& 3"" Vi "There's supposed to he a tail ate students will be assessed.^Mt-fff alties in semester~ho undergraddateallf'ergradtiw*ekly and daily broadcaata f rom cast by pT studenta and produced for Armed Services Radio broad­will be placed in the middle of may register only with \ Hi* !texas University campus are-by Radio Houke win be carried by cast. Other special broadcasts dur­this shoe and the band will .play of the registrar. A four iemfieter planned for thiH term by Radio Station KEYL of San Antonio as ing the fall will include a series "Lucky Day.' > ^ hour, penalty is in effect after?^1 House, student broadcasting and a part of the classroom training from local Red Feather agencies • The-symbolism of that should t^esda^^^^t^ ' recording station. of the television division; for Community Chest.. These be fairly obvious, ­ 'T Graduate^aiud^nls;r-irill • l»ve#^-; The of Then the Air Force takes over, One new production,'a 26*pro-University Kentucky-broadcasts form a large part of through October 6 itt ^«gisterHn4 ; Texas football game Saturday will Radio House work Adkins said. with 671st Force Band graja series called "Know Your the Air pay fees. Semester hour penalties '• \ I Regularly scheduled programs marching down the field playing Toxas" will highlight the Radio for late registration -are notr 1 ? *Heisir^nda^F^ the US Air Force Sopg,.,pjuring barged tojgraduates»,Mr« SSipa-^g' bo October 9. Intended for in-It's q Dojg's Life educational programs for. Texas this number' the LonghorniT will elasa litfcening by Texiw school School of the^^ Air, ^4JWusic Is form a pair-of wings, and people VERY UN-IDENTICAt ^re' these .freshmetfi a broWh»tt«. Their iast name is Barron, they »r» An nnofficial check of 'addresv children, the new program is sche­ As Panther Down Yours/' teaching the .vuieties and will probably miss this because -twins Kermit whom the. t photographer: pledges,', and tna|urd)y^ from AChiO both, 8^c filled scope of goowidfe brpadcast. It that's .when the Jets start coming caught getting thar course cards from G." Scnuli-* scribers ft Gregory Qym Wrednea» . A ;'Spme -of the pertons-they <^ntiietoiJ i*t And Up Again Adventure,^^ dramatizations; of over. " „ -„• prepared in eo-operation with dSr'jper^ •| Junior Leagaa of Avstifi to books designed for young,people, Three different '^UtraticMi itiU w6riyt.fe«Jii(W.Jfba^ . eent 'of .Wediiesday'a MglB^inla --I broaden students' knowledge' of 8AN AMTONIQ, Sept. 19— and ^Is Anybody Home," designed planned to be flown, said Crock­bought Blanket: Taxes. A&h-?tbM llunt foff a blick pan­iso improve parent-child relatit>n-ett i Twelve, three, and eight. A their state. ther resumed Wednesday. ships through discussion^ by teen­running patter of speeches; froe^ti, ^ -* . -$ : All other programs are contin­ .• -Ken Roberts, Texan circulation ' The search had been called agers. and flag presentations will accroni uations of productions begun pre- manager estimated that the two* ', | off Tuesday in the belief that "Forty Acres Forecast," broad­ pany them. " viously, according to Gale Adk^ns, day total of subscribers-who : | a friendly Great Dane named' cast five.,days:weekly at 11 p.m. The Longhorn bancl Vill' Pl*y- Assistant Director of Radio HolfoeY stopped to fill out their Texan'1 f I "Gqs" had bei& mistaken for a over KTR&C, Austin, tells campus the Eyes of Texas, AAd the cere­ ' Students working toward a de­ address «ards at €800—more than-I big cat. : But; two more' persons news and. coming events. monies will conclude with The gree in radio produce and cast the 84 per cent of total registrants. m reported to Sheriff Owen Kil-A weekly Sunday afternoon Star Spangled. Banner. broadcasts isa part of their class­ Purchase of Blanket Tax«#'% ~i day they had seen-the panther. program, "Music of Distinction,'' room and laboratory training. Hal Atkins is. the drum major made optional this year for {ha 1 Some of the programs are car­The sheriff called for,-volun­present* the world's greatest mu­for the 1951-62 Longhorn Blind. Delivery of The Daily Texanto the areas housing a minimum the Sunday Issue to out-of-zoners first 1 time in five years by-the-.•• teer* with "cat dogs" to search sic on' .records at 1:30 p.m. over ried by state networks ai^d indi­ This year the band plans to march this year's subscribers -will begin subscribers. • " ; s^rft for «. booth outside the Union Board of-Regents, was.expeeted.tj&#-J the south side area where thi KTBCi " vidual stations throughout -the .1-27 men on the field. Although -Others outside the areas may from, nine to eleven o'clock on faTtto 86-90 per centr reports have-come from. Deputy The weekly "Bergstrom Field Friday or Monday morning, Ken atata as well as by local, stations. new uniform*'are ordered, tho old pick; up Texan copies by present­Sunday mornings. -->--"*• Sales thu* far during regiirtra* -| Most of the broadcastings are Sheriff Jack Young, who in-' 8how," music by Bergstrom Field's western-stylo-orange and whites Roberts, circulation manager of ing their "out-of-zone" cards^in If ¥ subscriber does not receive, tion, spurred by a ^igorbus pro** '| spected the site of one reported band, and "'"Healthy Living," a will be used for the first-of-the-the Texan and Ranger, has "an­JB 108 or the Lost and Found of­bis Texan after delivery begins, motion campaign by oiganizatio)ur «-s -1 recorded"and sentto transcription appearance of the panther said series, ^recorded for-Texas rural season. games. • nounced. " ~ ^ fice 'in tKe Union Building. he should file a eomplaint. in JB which share Blanket Tax apprb?'^ v r-': libraries for use by individual sta­tracks around' a chicken pen 8choole, eomplete the broadcasting Three flags will be ftewn dur­ Until regular delivery begins, . . Tentative plans for distributirtg 108. t rV priations and the Students' Assi* ' tions and-schools.- Were "definitely «|t trades." iBft' ing the half-time ^activities: the papers' are being sent -to last-ciation, indicate eventual salea* UN, United States, and Texas. spring's routes, may top the 90 per cent estimated The1 27th Fighter Escort Wingw-^ * In past years the Texan has -f—— : i-m which served with the. UN forces been distributed to all student te-' yii.\ in Korea—is the reason^ for, the sidenpei> in specified circulation presence of the UN flag.", -t areas and to boxes, posted on the lo|6ach May Give UT More $'s Governor-Allan Shivers 'pre­campus.* This year, however, de­sented the 27th with a flag when livery will be to blanket-tax buy­ One of ;five. constitutional i funds, e«jdowments, and interest they left for Korea. As part-of ers and'to those; who purchase Law SchoolCourse 8! on the Permanent Fund, --v v the half-time ceremonies, the 27th subscriptions.. Tax buyers should amendments to -be -voted . " , , -.f-• -. If the amendmentis passed^ ..the A will"return the favor. have signed Te*an^ddr««iife cax;4sr vember, 13»'TO»y mean about <2 t ^ Problems .of local gpvegpment. ' at registr^ipriiioi thiar Universi^wtIlreceive$5miHion in Tejtas will be thB Ofaiect of spef >%f done by presenting a blanket tax UniviBrsity Jf |»aMed, a year instead of $3 million on cial study this iall in in Journalism Building 108, Taylor, University buftness mana­•the Permanent Fund. 1 »ity of Texas Law Schobli "; J'"V-!! Those who did not contract for ger..'-. If"»the proposed constitutional Dean W. Page Keeton' today an^ " Economic Trends a blanket tax , may purchase the The .amendment i ft v o 1 v e.4» amendment' is passed, up. to 50 nounced that during the first sel Texan in' JB 108 or .get a .three changes in the^types of stocks and •pet-cent or $50. million of the mester Trueman O'Quinn^formejP rX .to nine rtojiths' subscription. bonds 'in which money from the Permanent Fund can be invested city attorney and now a "practi^.-V • Delivery .areps include ^ from Pernia'nfent Fund may be invested. in conioration iand other types bf ing attorney here,,wiU..teach.*,,njr* I Are Reflected Nineteenth : to ' Tv^'ehty-seventh The present way the University bonds at highef rates of interest. field. ^4... & V, i f"The study will -emphasize twoi f Streets from San'Jacinto to Rio gets, operating funds is compli­-Certain limitations are imposed 1490 Jobs Filled phases of local-government prob-; Grande. Papers will Kfe delivered, cated. Money _cojnes from legisla,-that wili virtually assure an .esti­ Last School Y«cir iy>on reqOeBt, to re?idences outside tive appif6pffalionc of state mated higher return-lema: relations between.local unit^.;; and < financial problems," . Mr» . After serving as-head of -the •O'Quinn said. ' ; K.'% 'Student Employment Bureau for Condi* Power The. ; n e w local-government • a' year, Joe D. Farrar sayg the course-is(the first ever offered on economic ups and downs of the a semitiar basis by'the Law School ; state are reflected in student life Dean Keeton said. The senior stu* J at tiie University. ; dents will report to Mr. O'Quinn i For example inost ituaehts.from from time to tim% forconference^ | areas in* which .there are; ri4^.j^d.::thsit.,^oods-'''bad in which austerely replied Martinez. -after—-that s how we got .messed -• Students. from areas hampered its-wir' .effort, another Then the topi; turned to safety ttj» last year, he added. drouth, floods, and [ insects have fantastic weapon or two were re-By RUS3' KERSTEN taken their"toll of crops,may come yeiled to be. on our side, austere time position", wherejis if they had of living. and the-State Highway to the' Texan*and the.1?ttiversl]^%|enrolled in' a more prosperous tk>mmission 'appropriated $600,-student, body president by the ai|. naerway k year, they would not. 000,000 for . center striping • and sistant manager of A&M's student I At any rate, from -the volume1 Other safety marking, t ;A 'crowd publications. 4,000 Longhorn over to Gregory, Qym will initiate :oi business done by the Bureau—-; These represented-a repletion boosters are Expected" to shake'' the'program, scheduled for 7 p.m. "On November S, the Battalibplast year it placed Approximately of ancient: and modern University i« pipe-smoking the Forty Acres at the first pep ; Governor Allan: Shivers msiy be co-»ponSoring a 1,490 students—-indicates that thl history. Last,year UT had its big contest with the'Memorial Student! rally of the -seasoflf Friday night/ •University population isn't 'entire­ flotfd on Octobei'14, 14-13, favor on hand to lead the parjade^ ^c^or^?; Center here at A&M. There will-, predicted Head Cheerleader Bill ing to present, members of .the ly of the country £lub variety. of Oklahoma. A few1 weeks la.ter be divisions for cigarss cigarett Simpson, with his. fingers -crossed* yell staff. Coach Prfeava^/iliiC' ' Add to that number, says Mr. Life magazine « f bund -itself ham­roll-your-owns, and pipes. Tjhe' .The Cowboys, Silver Spurs, and Wi}l also be present-/ >, Farrar, the' students who secure pered in its editorial plans whetL T*? ?SUver £ test is"ojpen"to m^ie and te> Work , through friends,-and .the the Longhorns loused up a "TopiL9nghom band will be on hand ;|=Permanent cheer ' leaders wjU alike. The'object in each divisio to start the parade and'rally wit|i bl picked by -applause meter back­ necessity for a Bureau -to help ba^k on the Top Team!" -cover except the roll-your-o-^ns, is toJ J students secure jobs becomes ap­ by defeating SMU 23-20. Then it tl^e biggest, possible bang, boosting stage and by a panel of 25 judges see which contestanf can kwpj * ' the. Steers for Saturday's -game parent. ' . .. " . «""" discovered that the student-body sMttered. throughoutUt^aiJi«SB^ «nbki alive^-lbng^^^i^S with the University: of Kentucky. The Bureau offers h+ typing liad Ha,own fantastic weapons-*^ ••The' 12 finalists -fr«wn'. yh«m^e' "Prcvi^ualyi the conteat v| Six cheer leadcrs.will be picked" bebn limited %o W, (Wrtrlirf albiw Wffli ^«yh^ «>d1rir»medidte( test to..help anyone team their1 handles burnt'day arrd night for a selections Will be' msde "are gra-Ch* students ^okisbs' Otaffe&-Pittbi^ wrtNi^1thyipi6iwydUft< exact speed to u*a in applyingbfor W«*k before->th«. gaine and^ pep. from„tlMi; l2 finalists selected to-duates of, three-^gjteli^ A&M aiitd jre^deiiM^ ttrflVj ' ma!e$ committee of faculty, er^i' -school^held Mbnai^^^^^r, Ttilt. ' l*w«yefcy';|r©J'eau or not. 'Mote stenographic before. . -. r administration^ aihletic,,and stu-' -* Wednesday. Forty-five ctfhdi-tending an invitatfoli to the sts sMi' • •-.. ­ V-, •%: 4^V:;: 7^*7 v. ' * *jU r.'M/AvtfNr £!; rmu^ay.s^rf*&ij^rTpm DTfliriixxi Ci • -W-# % » „ •&•-'oS#: XlPt&k I ^ On Booklet Sid •1^-•;"i, WAS^mGTOK, Sajpt. I*-*#?! a believe this i* a«y >».!•< tf t 4«^rtmant Wednas-is argument 'Wi.' ara. r| HOMPSON and >o«r tkltt bo*^.tlia« Jimv Maskensie and Jolm tfo-Salfofai WTII«& Uwrr, day approved le^slatiov designfd «f **y situation in wm^ar tfmijfaira awr ";•• -fr Ju*t that Saturday, ; toekie, ~two seniors who .weigh iif and 1Impounds reepeetively. to "black, 4Mit" big*t»sa i^affal Ihia type;ef 4uforniatjoa xan be jn»iHrtrt»»!ib«0]d In fact.thrTe*a* skyway bo at 220 and. 194 respecttvely may CM»ptatti Staff 1/toA*r> gambling wjith a ban on mce Wire used for any purpose aXcept g#m* s crowded with-flying spheres start at offensive slots baeked up l»oo«ed fe* All-Amerka, will etarfe «e*vfee t^ beokies. -Uingr and that ta -equally true f their Southern manner heiretf from ..the hefty arm of by reservists Chet Lukawaski, it, center with lettermen John whetiier. the information & trans-* But the Federal Cwunnnica­ rigglehivalry when they clashJ in Babe Parilli, the Wildcat <*o*r-190. pound junior, and Cahrte CMfg» and Frank.FuUcr. ready, tion* Cotamisaion disagreed, call-nutted " (directly) to bookiap or _ ,te attempts to prove to ierback. Smith, hefty 220 pound soph. for action-' 4moreapp«Wclu% n^athar ifcja pttbliAad ik n«wa-; awi Parilli ha* * eouple jrffbie po­The -all-important guard ] .. Ba4kfield ac«s inclada Kd fitam* > TapM^ir V the>8aiiafa fi *IZ defctined-«|pr Bowl tential receiver* m Bob '.fry,:a tion* wflfcfce filled ably by4Mn« 8ton, Emn* Clark, Cliff tawson< ,­ Commerce. Committee, FCC chair- Ms standout, and Paul Jones, a Oenaldsojfi, stocky 20JhWmder, Sbiny «is4 Jjuty Jonas, idigtiea! fct^ Tir ataor 4ia3Ii, 0» ^ Vf;T WW Coach Paul Bryant of J4l; senior Veteran. Other aerial and John Ignarski, veteran of two twins,' and Balph iPatrkk at half* nuur Wayne Coy urged thai Con­ju*tif». department fully endowed gress make it a federal crime to (^Sh^l«l^tttjrtwd into % chasers include Jim Proffitt, 6-£ bowl games. Bryant lables Don­baek slots with Bell Leskovar pow-two b^jtacotniiwd«ft;ky tjUt-ald llffMai coachtngposition at Ken-soph, Steve Mellinger, 6-2.1oph, aldson as the second .ltMjt player erhousing at fullbaek, and Parilli tnuihnft any infemattar «£nas 8^ate <^ii»e Inve^gatbig Celu-/ ao^ ttmr iiealinc wfth' Sat^ ba­ are ty.fcuddr five y*a*w ago.be "tated and Ted Kirn, «-l soph. . f. on the, team. Other guards at the quarterback slot. mittee which went out of axSafe * J,|.<| " f^"i"i. tiiriM^i •^•^I.JWI; I ll 11,1 MiniKitS 'r Iiiil'iw&ifaii—-jpii-iih-fmn1 n •.Yn.i ,u+. ting odds or prices paid on any •f , that it would-take fire year* ­ sports event. . • I |-Jbu get the tacular lfr-mohth inquiry into na> : -Coy Jiaid the ban. idmdd be Wildest football machine rolling. tiottwide crimes " *' "absolute,' with no exemption* for newspapera-or radio etatio«>e" e»>. PW ' Year'* mmsm Ha^ag yartyT: cept in states wkrire pariHnutuel Wwiy-ia ill* Sugar Bowl,^when 1&« M..U betting is legal. 'JlWUd&rtt*law»d the nation's No. 1 * HMup JinM^nsniSiiife^l^ Coy said he is aware of pro­ peaceful •Ciifm nut Itoat test* tiiat a complete ban would * 18-7-®>' S.::'"v • •: o::•<•:•: ;••• — W«W» «t aB try* be an "undM Tl^Welaojl on.free- Mi 'Now ill Coach Bryant has to AUSTIN NOVELTY CO, By HOWAKO PACE Price again concentrated *m kla and T. ^ohee w^tS t&e firirt of^en-do» of the press an^ radio," but fe*~li§ido it replace 19 lettermen includ-. T«mb Sjmrte tuff mt& r atrial dafef^a with not*d improve­siye unitnWednesday with Byron he told the lawmakers: * -1? Sugar Bowl offenwf# and If Kentucky?* Wildcat# have ment on the part of M« defaiutfV* Townsend at fullback and Cib defensive starter*. any ideas of pulling afew-sur­backfield. Bobby Dillon, Bob Bar Dawson and Don Barton at half­IP3a$&i JSeldoSS is a coach gifted with prises Saturday, then they'd better ley, and Don Cunnin^iaiti con­backs. Jones may get the.call *t fe^Tweh wholesale talent a* found in omit passing from their *ched^. tinued to impress with fine defen­the starting position Saturday, fy^ the Kentucky squad list. A break­-For the third straight practice sive work against the passes of Coach Price indicated^ after ^i^SIowh by position*' shows 14 ends, session" Coa«h Bd T. Jones, Dan Page, a$d Bunny • thi*. week, *•* Wednesday'! drHls. ,V ;ffejll tackles, 12 guirds, 9 centers, I Andrews. ^ '* ' > , £nds Paul Williams, Tom Stol-1AIE PARILLI |$gtiarterback*, 1? halfbacks, nd 4 Kentucky is expected to have handske, and Gilmer Spring, a WeSerye fallbacks. The 13-man squad has plenty of scoring punch, and m*st rising sophomore trojn Lufkin,all seen, expedience and 1,9 wear x of it will probably=center around looked sharp on the.receiving end • r|ettera%%i.«-* v ' •* V-A£{"'.. YoiiBetter Vito Parilli,^the leading passer % of Jones' an<^ Page's passes. "t ^ froth the Bluegrase '• The hoys Frat Football Entries the nation last season. Parilli com­Coach Price and haekfield <^oacli« atate like to throw, the pigskin pleted 123 Of 21S attempts last Bck Curtis devote half ef the jrT' ®eca* 's« S:' -'-. year for 24 touchdowns, a^NCAA session to snioothinr out the » Vi#5i Will Close Thursday oft Sharpen Dofonto record.;-:: -"li'^-0^.. ground gam* in the split-T attack. The Longhorns held $ short On the defensive ynit, guards For longhorn Tilt > . seriqimiage session Wednefd4y, 8tan Siuder and J. T< Seaholm By JEFF HANCOCK \ for a minimum of two ontries in Ti«« lntr*n*nt C.the fraternity f~$w» groups, one working against two teams met in last year's cham­ division will begin Monday. Octo-1 ; • pus defenseand the other on pionship finals and Oak Grove won finishing. AL ber 1 Will be the starting date for the title, 14-18, Other winners inLittle Harry Jones. £he 152 the other divisions. Qames will last year's team sports were Kap­ pound junior hatftoejc »om CoiiH scheduled for B p.m., 25 p.m.' .and pa Sigma in basketball, AIME in -Mile, worked on place kicking. DAN PAGE "8' p.ns; Conijwtition will' be con­ Yankees Indians Win softball, The Rinky Dinks in , Jones tried tor seven «rtra-points ducted on a double ^ elimination track, and. Delta Kaj^pa Epsilon in„^~Tn the opener against Tenneitfoe t**»d M Auotillttd Pri»4 chitfe grew 'tighter Wednesday as basis. »wi.mming. —— and" got four of thera /over ThiWs » lucky number for the Brooklyn protected' their three M-Te'atAs wishing to practice Way ' Aggie Hopes Rise; •^he crossbars. > . New York Yankees today in their game lead and added half a game, reserve a field-by phoning the In­' Kentucky hai one more session desperate bid to cop the American topping the St. Louis Cardinals, tramural Offic.e (6-8371-847) be­ iat home this week before leaving League pennant.-fore 2 p.m. -Footballs may be 8-0. Th« Yanks still c)ung to their Veteran hurler Preacher -Roe check-out at the store in the: *Iim three-percen^ge point' lead had Wa ^i^ti^'jin which he glee-. basement of Gregory Gym. Three Uclans Out LOS ANGELES, Sept. 19.—W) over the Cleveland Indians when fully accepted a new car from . TQUCH;.football teams that play UCLA'I hope* for victory over results from Wedneeday's games Dodger fans and repaid them with all their scheduled games will rev Texas AAM were dealt a -setback came through. a shutout, his 21st victory of the ceive .•60 entry, points. Tfiis in- one was Wed.nesj}ay as j>layer New York edged Chicago's season. cludes both, class'A and B teams. Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tists felled hy the professors and two The New York Gtams were idle For Houston Game White Sox, 8-2, although outhlt, Entries for.class A and B ten­:• : : .••* 1 •... * .• <.>-•' .••••.. • • -.• j.-. • •• .• • . , y "i-• • L • ".v;v: 10-i.. flome/jrona'^y last night and thereby allowed the nis singles close "Wednesday,'Octo­ Th» aca(lemic axo descended oh key Mantle a/id Gil McDougaT Dodgers to add the half game. -V ber 8. Orj^niiatioh* are limlied to •i'cOnd string tailback Johnny Flo­ |iolUhed its aerial game Wednes­rence. The Bakersfield, Calif., spelled defeat for the fourth place ; Three fast double-plays stifled eight team* in the Class A. tour­Mo. 22...THI WOODPECKER White Sox. Mantlets blow came in St. Louis bi^s to break into the nament, and four teams in thisday in preparation for The Uni-seAior was declared ineligible be­#ie Jourth inning off loser ,Loil scoring column and run Preacher's Class B« tournament, CompetiiionW(I.. *9rmy < fbt ' Houston Saturday cause of scholastic deficiencies. Kretlow after the erratic night, will he conducted on U straight Bob Moore is slated to take over ^ Quarterbacks Larry Isbell, J'im-, Florence's spot behind regular hinder had issued walks* to Ri*r lie clgfest shave came in the elimination basis, Each organiza­ -my Davenport, and Charley Bris-Teddy Narleski. • ' l" zuto and pitcher Bob Kusava. urth frame after the Dodgers tion will receive 6b entry point* ad pulled ahead, A walk to Solly^,-Jsow took turn* at tossing. Coach The flu victims-^who may or McDougal's four-bagger waa if{ Hemus and a single by Bed Scho­ ;^ffeoirife Sauer'also devoted con-/ may not be ready for the ,Aggies the third and tied the score at endienst set Hemus in scoring po­ iiderable time to punt returns as Friday*night—are guards Chuck 2-2. The only other'Yankee hit sition. Hie-took third when Stan-i(^®*eral backs alternated at catcl* Fraychineaud; and George Kroe-was a useless single, by Joe Col: SMU Drills Hard ifusial forced Schoendienst. " ' |/||\^ng punts and running them back. ber. lins in the seventh. .. Wally Westlake then lined th.e "Jjr Thjsre apparently is no ovei>> The Bruins were slated-to take The victory gave ne Yankees )>all into Roe's,glove' and the win­ ^ ieoiifidence in .the Baylor camp, one l a s t* intensive workout a 90-64 won and lost record to As Opener Nears nipg-.hurler ^twirled and th^ew. tap-?'TKe, University"of Houston Wednesday"for the interactional Cleveland's, 92-R8. Therefore,they Hemus out at third.-" — * oat us," said Coach Sauer, "But opener. •• .. lead the Redskins in all-important DALLAS, Sept. 19. (JP)' , I they do, it will he because they _ percentage.,points, .62K to .022. Royal* Top-Chiefs, 4-2 \ Southern Methodist's Mustangs are tine best team, not because our Six Boston Bed Sox hurlers went through their last rough SYRACUSE, N. ir., SeptMo "ayers are overconfident." -I/Jr? J to 'stnp the workdTut Wednesday Bifore their \ (fla)r--TheMontre"alI -Royals de­ TCU gridmen'did little contact* shellacking handed them b]^ the Season opener in Atjanta, Ga., Sat feated the Syracuse Chiefs,' 4*3, work here Wednesday, running eager Cleveland Indians who urday against the Georgia Tech' Wednesday night in the third # *'# t you get/-'--• through dummy passing and de­thoroughly routed the ^hird place Yellow Jackets. -„ gime of the best-of-seven finalfensive drills. Coach L. R. (Dutch) Sox, 15-2. The defeat moved the Putting and place kicking un­ {Initernational League's "Govern AtMeyer said light work Thursday Red Sox .to three and . one-half der pressure took up most of thi s\ i1 will'wind up practice for the sea­nors* Cup Series here to. take a games behind, the leaders, ^ 'f~'tj session/with stree* laid on punt; ItV 2-1 lead. • V ­ son opener against Kansas Univer­Maury McDermott toed the rub­return^by the defense. imA f0^' sity hero Saturday night. V'";* ber for the Red Sox to begin the The 43?man Mustang squad will game but was blasted out of the Photo leave by plane for Atlanta Fri­ box.after facing only three .xn^n. day morning. ' v-SS" SAN JACINTOIM In other American league play, j-----*-H:. Finishing' the Washington Senators downed l«tk ft the fit. Louis Browns yesterday, NATIONAL LEAGUE Hog Fullback Returns ; San Jacinto W&. Everything lor your Camera when Cass Michaels scored a bases-w 1. jwt. • V v; To Arkcinsat Workouts loaded single with iwo out in the Brooklyn 91 52^.636 ~->v $ if I f Camera Rental The Best , eighth inning. Bob Porterfield'got New York 8# 57 .610 3% FAYETTEVILLE, Ark., Sept # FooH at credit'for the victory. ^ • St. Louis ' 78 69 .524 16 •x 19—(#)—The University of Ar­ 8 and 16 mm Movie Projectors Better. -The tightening National League Boston 73 72 .503 1,9 kaiAas Rarorbacks got the, good ^ and films for rent Ph'iladelphia 70 76 .479 22^ news Wednesday that their firstCincinnati 62 84 .425 80% string full&ack, Lewis Carpenter, Pittsburgh . EA^PrTOL tainbowRoom Baseball Scores 61 86 .415 32 would be ready for the 1951 gridChicago 60 86 .411 32ft PHOTO SUPPLIES "We apjpreclate your opener Saturday. f • AMERICAN LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Z-I2S Guadalupe, 8-5717 paW New York 8, Chicago ^ w I pel.'|b Carpenter, *rho has been side­ Washington 4, St. Louis 3 New York 96 54 .625 lined with ^a severe collarbone -i —tki.'r'*J-~ Cleveland IS, Boston 2 Cleveland * 92 56 .622 bruise, will see action againfrt Ok-**\ Philadelphia 8, Detroit 1" • lahoma AAM, Goaeh Otis Douglas A" 'Boston 86 57 .601 :3ft said.' ^ J" ^ Mr*i' Philadelphia 5, Chicago 1 Philadelphia 65 82 .442 26 ft through 'contact drills Wednes­} • Jfw i J * TEXAS LEAGUE Washington 57 87 .396 33 day-that stressed all phases of de­t " IS*?**? Houston 4-3, San Antonio 8-1. St. Louis 46 9&..319 44 fense and offense. .ilQSt bit of mlw %ee^efcmn •^4 when he melded die cigarette teats! But he peeked •K* Sports ISotice ; ifc. away *ti! he nnokid out the trttth: Such an THE Any man interested in •ffieiatinf la-impmtant Hem aa mUdnets can't be toMed 68 m afe­ tramural -Toueh r««tkt|l nrttert to 6r«­ CORNER SANDWICH SHOP torr Gn til, Thuntay, Sap*. It, at 4:0O jr, . i fleeting sewjpd! A "«wift nujr' or a "perfunctory i v• . SONNY KOOKKR 1 v Dlrtetor of lwWuBa] ^ff'prw Pi amoke«,foun4one teatthat doean'tfcave you'npa fet£ %•% t 4 urchase W* Am —ntMm uStlT?' Teat, which simply asks you to try Camels aa your at iHEMPHILLS We prepare our m< i ateady smoke—on a day-altar-day baab. No snap If5 aandwicheaand M |Yw ««ilt regirter roj ^•<*, •odna to plenae Mk judfment»! Onee you've enjoyed Camejb for 30 day* •f*' w»Hjh» ^ Factory Mtfhorf "sA jour tsata , in your "T-Zona" (T for Thro«t, T for Taate), •nV lime during^ / RECAPPING you'll a«* why...4Si; ^ ^ m Bdr^iny i« new end frade­ m /, ? J-•• it -z . in lirtv—8r«ke «nd Who! Alt«r oHth*Mtkfottf t**te Cov«rt. N & '"Ml" x} C«r Heittr* V,K TRY OUR lows LUNCHES 1%*' 5^ f £»J. '.J'-, -A At' ' f i'\u ' Ok i &,¥<* "&J-^ US • I -• Jt U i *U s'/" M 3ft a^nwutwwi , RemainUnciianged *&£!•£» Bfesetar DanaX Bib!* ;stfinember of therecently twmhgvverti-^*ASTOGTON» Sept. 19.— wmfflEgmm* ebntroVeriy-^ck«d^ Xke House voted Wednesday to yP)--The Btdi* Korean war com-tnmbl# spot where th< Reds broke mande*» pmf propoMd\imm«^ them^ft August 88. Peiping Aidiofbr^s^r#^ fe?'ThiS't_ influent trfgamhUngonenkinda ate mump^on of -truce tallta at < TlMre-^aa nvimmedlate^official W by North Korean Premie® '£ ^kSW^lXtir,,?*tU*r *Hd **** Kim II Snng and CWnese^ Red «HSr-sstw'.* <%MmaeidWednesday that the milling costs for^newtpapers Md Nftwt tiritft General Peng Teh«Huat to Ge^. mes- professional gamblers in sports. over a three-year period. 'S;*m sage said "both sides should im-i mediately resume the armi^icene^ •, fafcctSan toward the control of magatinta by 30 per ofent, .spread' Matthew B, Ridgway. The The increases* were , in "a bill;*rf committee on which Mr. Mm wasappointed mioipudscd •which the Houie approved* that gotiatlonsat Kaesohg." / : : would'bring about 1126,00^,000 Th* Bed message couched •C by "Attorney General J. Howard ne*_>eVenue to-the Post, Office -on ,:, MeGrath and a meeting' was held in polity term* in ^ntra^t with dosen is his coffee in Washington last; Department, now 1n the*'red by ^ recent fiery blasts. '3 ulirm 4P'°gS^OK'd an estimated **>00,000,000 for this waak in which they set op five y«*?.v••/?:::•-.-X-r \ ,AUi®d liaison team went by . Ths raeommendations forthecurtail­helicopters to the Kaesong neutnd validity of two, .The-measure now goes to -a ^ on.th« W'rfjifiHiii;''1•: .—rrts road to peace. - zone this morning and -returned Wat^House-conference-commit- Mr, Bible stated that this meet-tee becausediffers considerably irt^rbViment program was v an­Mr. TruttaatiVi with a note handed over by Red: MilWM only a preliminary meet-from the Postal Bill'passed by the nounced bjr State 'Wghway Engi­delegates headed a officers. Presumably this was the to a second and Iargermeet- D. in ^ •Senate.: ' . jSj.a • t*. neer Oreer Austin for.AdPL Wp "1 ^ broadcast message. ^Washington October 18-19 Wednesday. ^ _ , Today's action' ctears the way ^AP Comsptmdenti^t, machinery" to deal *iH include some 506 law for, consideration tomorrow :of .a The program; authorised by the Geveraer Allan Shivers charged Tuckman who went with the liai­vionsly mehtioned>oreanient officials. •<•• 1251,000,000 bill to grant pay Highway Commission, will cover Wednesday that "nationalization son-team later rtportM .from and stimulatingWhat can be dona to cinb in* fpteatum of gamblers in -sports ra!s«a of $400: par year to ^00,000 484 projects. It will mean seal of the oil and -gas industry is the Munsan that the ridte "may lead teeing", strict agteement on t postal employes. coats, additional surfacing; widen­ tS'M early re-opening of the Ko­Kaesong *one matntHr." v; and what c4n,the Federal Gov­ tfHouse approval of «the rates, bill ing or reconditioning for approxi­ rean armistice talks." ^$•» «pptdo toassist werethe ques­ mately 8,400, mile*; of highways was by voice vote. 0i The'atmosphere r at the^ meeting y> Vilfi > t A technicality blocked a Vote on; and farm to market rofds/ the Interstate Oil Compact Com­ waa so cordial that-one Allied awsjssa^^^--^ The committee met a proposal, to elUnitoate free mail­* The work is to' be completed mission, a 22-state organization said this could be inter­ with the source DANA ing privileges for congressmen and within a year. r to exchange oil and gas conserva­preted as "good news." r ^ tATira if j Attorney general and J. Edgar Hoover, hifad of the Federal Bu­He emphasized that the commit­advantage in Stamping out inter­government agencies. Rep. Curtis • --tion data. North Korean Colonel^ Chang WORKS ; attack' reau of :; Investigation, and: thor­tee would not have authority to state gambling transactions Mur- (R-Neb), the sponsor, said it Borg*r, Hutchinten, and Braso. His on ."bureaucrats" Chuh-San, who recently hft^v been would save 180,000,000 annually. came In a speech* t(* the American oughly jBMMMMLgb*-problem the investigate or prosecute. Francis ray added. * ria. Counties in Texas were iii-impatient and angry at these road- athleticdirector stated.They tame T; Murray, director of Athletics The Hous£, exempted—by an cluded in listingsiof critical d«-Bar Association convention in At the October meeting will.be New York. ' to>.jthe conclusion that help would at the UnivefBity of Pennsytvania 89-84 standing vote—*religioii8, fense1 housing areaa, by T{ghe E. representatives from the National educational, temperance, and aci- ; , --' -ir ' come front two bills (1563 and and chairman of the coniiiAittee, Woods, rent stabilisation director. Collegiate Athletic Association, Attoraey-Geaeral Daniel lf#4) which are now before the stated at" the meeting, "In our ad-Thoroughbred Bacing Association, entific j^Mications designed spe­Rent controls were ordered into Price J&I w Senate, enforcement of, the' pre* Visory capacity we will attempt American Football Coaches Asso­cifically jot classroom or religious effect in the areas! said Wednesday he hoped he could Jack s ArounctThe Corner- only to furnish solutions to prob-use, whether they friake a profit get New Mexico to stop breaking sent laws* amd from managing to ciation, an„n1orIiIna «ae«pt Monday and 8aturd>r. S«pfpUmb«T to-J• an*.' 'an4-titled to. praised its objectives and assured ueeept durito M&w and baseball pools, (Pools —ana•XAmination periodii md * ictttUwtckly auraif iqkiidc? it of .all possible Federal assis­ . ! V1 a**;described by Mr, Bible at Stndaot PublicsUona. Ine. tance." Central Taxaa' nfaienshy which-the syndicates C&LCA.GO, Sept. 1ft—(ffi)— «®ntta»U«iBs wffl b« aeoaptM by talaphon* ' at «t tha •ditoriaj • naraotiea get information -on sports from ' Baseball club owners backing Members of the commitfcee-Serv* case wm reported Jbrdken Wednes­<• "fit ing with Murray and Mr. Bible day with five persons under ar­'I 1 all schools, figure the odds, and Walrren Giles for the $65,000 job Btvmfto'SmSbSm tlieia ot*h* Admlnistrattoa «r odm were Everett JPean, basketball Ui>lv#ralty offietoia. rest and more, than |5,000 worth then transmit them to their re-MI. commissioner waged an ib> t„ J coach at Stanford; Bert Bell, com­r.fra«\hWStaM^b%?l8?rbW 0«-a* Aaatto of dope confiscated.? :xi: • ?4 presentativea in the TArious cities,) tensive last-minute campaign missioner of the National Football The arrests and" • confiscation 4. Action to make the wagers Wednesday to gather the three ad­ • _]AS80CIAiep PR&SS WIRE S£KVICp • -i League; Ford Friclc, president of were announced ; by Austin Police awfcre that betting, placed witii ditional votes Giles needs. TYPEWRITERS baseball National League; L. C. Chief R. D. TKbrp. professional gamblers served to In preliminary balloting at McEvoy, r^resenting Will Har-Dub",lmd . ***** * The^ narcotics were taken from s -<4% alr) H Ball Room Dance Studio Spencer Draydon, president of the dallrarad or Bulled oat of that the integrity of their sport* believed to have the inside track Thoroughbred Racing Protective i, dalWarad gt malted oat at will be ^maintained. for the job. ataJM iniida Aoatta Ahove Texas Theater \\\ Bureau. ASI vue RSIA maiitd inaida i "t off the Drag—behind Varsity Theatre «r • , Featuring SPECIAL Mset, Vegetable*, Bread, BuHer, Dessert, -. and Drink. <• 8 Outstanding Features s now it s ~.'«r*t. Cioseneu to the Campus t V •••V f foods, temptingly :u. ••••• . prepared , 3. Then make yo|»r adjustment either way by-th« Pleasant Atmosphere, Continuous -Music ; . .. t<»nthf of, the following month. X • », it LOW. PRICES ; ^ if Accommodation . • /Adiusted Deposit Plan f ^0{i payior the meals you eat. Breakfast 7 fo 9 ff-f, %, -^ ^er^y^1 11^5 to 1:45 j r; pjnn«r 5 t<> 7 > t Pnvate dining rooms for groups and The Campus Cafetfria ^makes no distinction between members j> f ^ ^ y ^ ^ -«vK i. / /r ^ ; o»riMnftta«s. „ ;r; • Sdturday •he Adjusted Deposit Plan arid those *ho wish to pay for.each meal ^*5^ mm Catering ' ' +& * t € "SUja*' , . -«>.J .» ^ ' ,i separately; Everyone is welcome anytime at the Campus .Cafeteria* 7 fo 9 ^ ;t-unch* I f to f:30 '*• r j J " l i -r mi?$§ ^m 1 ft'X' 1 m te.lt -1 « .. i v^'_ Jfn5&?8>S 0-4\': * '.v ." *;.'', ;••">*"> \V'f • •"•, 5KSS® ?a..tymii .rimaii^M^1^"18**^ ISllsiililW'-' '-• msssm •Itlilff*®/- mm * v^v*5a ^^4'*'#< '^4,'^fc V 1 , ^wehingthehlstoty of Great cid*. She bellrres that you de*err* at Dallaa. True or false?" ,, education and relatedaivas and to dent aafcea at j«e„JfaiM ee att^ w„, fr. f is wide open^ »4fl»e*a la aaevera, "'•tufa ' feebi tbat.a student, wbo^is doitag ®heta aw two atarfln^ iat,.ib, fw Take antbropology ander' J* Iwslnga '~ liSwawir to ttan** hasn't boxed ^|^ln«triictto^ powriwotk dwidd ba trarttad.sfaiM of them oatfor shortage Gilbert MeAlllster, and -you'll «. ja* at aB," nU A* assistant,pro- pas and she to oat to*gireifc, , Dr. Hatch , ia a small, h&p* evaluate hiaown abilitie* tbrougb of' pharmacists.' Too, fcw, s^s nr. Breland. Toun^ life, a way of axtoteneat'?'' ^ Bmnm she thinks a freshman tacled fellow of S9 who come* the use of tests of vocational fa-iE cwdSm. there are positions available aa|? :^lftva bad the inereadn^y Smp ate. Students who develop an bon­ i tnost become aeqoainted with a front" Puyalltip, Wash. Bia wtfa Is job of filling th* biU for both the dealing witb -living organisms,' bear a lot of other thing*, too, that must be *0* Like «ne admirer coorsebefore knowing whether hi from Potlatch, la., and bothnamea aruns^, ' tbatif fliestttflent caa toui tories, and otijer fidds of that a«k>| ; pr#-eollege and the terminal ata£ est interest in their courses will particularly when their.discoveries beeauia Dr. Mac isn't known for ture^ f " said, "no matter how many de­ likef lt, Mnk Tallis'adrocetea that ar#fine old Indian names, ha saya. /'Wa-'Mant stadenti wbo are the speech, and sfwlt ft finally, jpuu m «T* * be explained*-. find that higher grades naturally are self-applicable. bridling bbr tongue just because ) ,, ><• • freshman take iftre fundamental He did bis undergraduate-worik tarested in continuing in the field the writinir will fall into Dean Burlage also teadbce a The University ia trytiig to HQ follow, she explained. . grees yon get front the University, A frwhman biolojnr course does be might step on some student'* Sffe''§ eottrsee before deciding on his ma­at Washington State University of health or physical education," mosi fMrttttally aftdeadly.f freshman class the second semes­the needa of tbe incoming Hresfe*; l(r*t'Barnea ha* bem'leaoiing macb to allay tbe.fears of wric^ yon just aren't educated unless • jor field. fearstdomany received his doctors degree ter, in addition to conducting tba^ mm realtotteaBy. ]i*t ideal. y°u've bad one4 course "*? l>i' She and *• •**** gling, moving creatoreathat many at least ;\v'^ freshmen now look for an "easy" from Purdae, I>r. Hatch cam# to ,*WW <&d. yon dedde to enter pharmacy convocation, : N at Indiana University, but in spite undef Dr. McAllister." N,» Either lov*d or'bated by hi* "We realize," aa]« Dr. Hui^iea, of*veryone" else's reaction to the young Mopl* -have piled up in conrseor;:are influenced by Mgh the University In 1940, baa been . yon ,tdce fpeshman flench the field of pbariniu^?^ "that to be a participating eidxen comparative weather she prefers their minds. Too many parent*, students, the 46-year-old, slightly Dr. Mae disagrees that tbere iwhoolexperienc^inaaiibject. teaching 605 for eight years. under II* L. PssAqr, don't ask Tlnfa one «f jIm ^oea^ia There 4* one course at the Uni» in tbe affairs of community and built professor presents a , con­should be required coupes, but: to walking tivough berated him if the people drawl down in One H.ML B«Haff* wQlbeasldng versity that every freabman 'wto'; Texas beat / says Dr. Breland, have stantly contradictory adf to any & 7-A coarse with lint. TulHs will "Why do I enjoy teaching 90S bita the Forty Acres will be e*-> state, a student mtnt learn to read snow to classes. their children for'picking np bugs he agrees that, as long"as there $•! add yon to tlielong Hat ofsta-students? They're receptive to any Southern' France. He's' already frealnnen students when be imwIs Md.aveak inttHigently.w^^'-"M • ' « and galled every living thing small peraon be happens to speak with. are, then anthropology ahottld be dente who remember her vividly attempt to make the coarse inter* asked that, and anyway, they witb them at the first of the week­posed to. Thi|t„ ia tb« v mPS||*d ti1"1 „7-. « _ "1 Hia .classroom technique to made ontb' of them. }> \ h ^1®.; ','45' don't. s } English 601. 1 . ' With the same' caution and enough to be"dutched in a child'* and make it impossible for her to eatings And another thing. At on* LYNN MeGKAW ly pharmacy convocations. ^Calculations and mathematical meticulous interest used in teach-hand "nasty." something' which he csllsJ*educa­ > He and bis wife used to sponiW ^bsrsfotjirtSSK^ time or another/ almost ail the • I ^ ^ ,~T Bk —>_ -~to-chaiye of tt Pr. L^ Huai^ asaociateTtfo-: iucei.fildJtbjbcigsJ»1 "" ing his two young |ons sfeont Jfti......Dr.Jilreland has tried W'teach ' tion by irritation," and that to the University square danc* elub, Pendley saya be enjoys teaching tmTii BSSifiTirWonaW^ lust-wtartiraound^er^fenr & campus beauties4ske the eontM." physical education instractor since Dean Bnrnge will show atadents Walter Barnes, wbo will be teach­pliant and animal kingdom, Dr. hi* sons, now ages four and nine, Then Dr. Mae ble with the neiraarv Dr. Mae'a f, • The man who firfcroduced the •"• ' ' V ?. , • " v--— be came to the University in 1048. freshmen and always tries to educational films and try.to solve fk the teachers wbo have helped sew* ing many freshmen in the depart­MRS, WALTER BARNES Osmond F. Brelaad, profossor of moat' email "0R, O. P. BRELAND peppery Mac's discovered he "was getting too gift qaeation elnto Chemistry 60S Lynn McCraw doesn't ordinar­teach at least one f reshman course as many of their probleaa aa po*-students get t'he4r grammar ment of applied mathematics this that creatures are usually vitriolic Statement* is, as iPPS Dr. McCraw teaches one sec­M$m£; : . " aa she is of tii*^ facta and figures soology and biology, attacks bis harmless. He baa an article com­bossy" so he resigned. exariks is Dr. Lewfa.#, ffatch. That ily put his students'to sleep, even «. \ f~ sible. The comrocationa contbme Xt rtraigbt. ^ faU. " ' job aa coordinator of elementary ing out soon in Pageant Magazine menting with ant nests as a little one student has put it, "You can't each year. • 4 PtS&®W& % -Going back to a meeting later, should endear him to the fresh­though one' of his first pnpils tion of a course entitled Orienta­"That's to keep in touch witb, throtightont the pharmacists' eol. f Freshman Etigiish will be one she teafebes.-' ,L^ % " • biology courses. boy in MissUsippi. " tell whether he's befaag deliberate­ It* takes much calculating to: concerning this subject entitled, men who are elated with chemistry dozed off before the roll call was tion in Health, Physical Educa­and be aware of, the difficulties lege career. of the most important factors i» handle two high school boys, a Freshmen,^ Ipaitledlarly, need "Our Children Are Uot. Afraid of He knowt that fear is set Aside ly insulting, or just in a friendly His niain'hope in careful prep-, as a degree requirement. * > finished. tion, and Recreation; Students that a freshman student has in D*a» Burlage your University career, Dr. photographer husband, and a help with mathematics, she feels. Bugs and Worma and Things.'* by knowledge and he wants to way " Copy for these pages m He gives two reaaons: M Jtafe But. thatjRost have been the taking.the course will be a bit sur­learning a foreign language/' he baa ~been teaching at the Univer-Hughes predicts. Training in cor­ aration of course study and labo­One thing he isn't insulting dachshund. Mrs. Barnes ia just as College math ip sometimes .quite ratory work is to create an inter­That is the program he baa had give that knowledge to the fresb- written by Martha McCarfy tiredof makingoutquestionsand exception' because it hasn't hap^ prised to find out just what physi­explained. " . sity since tbe faB of 1«47/He did rect um of language, plus empto-. about is anthropology. *1 consider able a manager.of her hocaehold different from a student's high est in biology showing the undeiv in mind sinea :b#~b*gan experi- MS. CORAL TULUS wanted a little relaxation, and be* pened again to the 37-year-old cal education is. The eourse, be ISf doing that be can help to Ida jm^argraduate work £a phar-DEAN H. M. BURLAGE sis on reading-comprehensiott and men at the University. it one of themost important dto-anci Bobby Jones. Ay ?x-:> Kffi <"4 "•> J, "s" Ik at Jth& ^ dfo*'A a map rf" a«, »'v -t You'll like doing business with iornaka it Firms msm rf fgfc ;• -—v­ •' : WESS WILLIAMS 29_ TEXAS THEATRE HOME DRUG COMPANY" . laundry and Dry Cleantrs Sporting Goods Company lS 2IQ0-2 Guadalupe 2224 Guadalube 2230 Guadalupe •vlrfaX-, Vi - io buy it! J2I20 Guadalupe ^:| . Phom I I Phone 7-I9 f? ITEXAS BOOK STORE UNIVERSITY CO-OP For Your Complete Shoe Repair Service 10% Rebates at­ ;3f Mike's University Fpan^m 2246 Guadahipe I V 26 tA 2244 Guadalupe ' i LoneSfar ShoeServicelnc. GOODYEAR " SHOE . SHOP • 1 1 ,£k"r-~b'-h*. * • ' : ' V.''''­ I g Friendly Service and A SquareDeal . Where You Receive Cash Dividends 2300 Guadalupe The 1951 Longhorn On AM Your ^diool Needs 2254 Guadalupe Ph. 2*9112 |9. 405 W. 23rd St. -"Air Conditioned RenWtmefif w fOC>TBALL ^WEDULE 24 Weicome^tt^^I^ Welcome to— jp» fe » / 23"***- CHENARB'S Sept* 22 University ot Kentucky • "-r--f-Austbl Longhorn Barber Shop HAGE'S 5 &10c STORE Dacy's Campus Shoe v # 2338 Guadalupe TOGGERY jlfev1-- 29 Purdue University LaFayette ; 2312 Guadalupe ' < For all your needs •v * i 21 aiicoiittun / 2348 Guadalupe Store of College Fashlo^s^ 6-5643 |Je "On The Drag'7 20 Oct. 6 U. of North Carolina • -• Austfc 11. 7 IIS.;,:,^ .. i 13 University of Oklahoma Dallat %0 University ot Arkansas^ Ltttfe Roc| SHOP VARSITY THEATRE RAE ANN DRESS SHOP JEWEL'S BEAUTY SHOP I LONGHORN SHOE REPAIR 17 16—T&tk ^ 27 Rice University Austin 24th at Guadalupe 2402 Guadalupe 2404 Guadalupe 2416 Guadalupe 2420 Guadalupe'• "A • • * • -> J 8-3497 * Nov. 3 Southern Methodist University.. Dallas 7-1786 2-9733 "Quick and Friendly" 15 1<5, 18. 19. 10 Baylort/nverifty. Austin ^4 13 IT Texas Christian University ........ Austin a VARSITY SHOP MAIPC^STORE Capital Photo Supplies OTTIS STAHL STUDIO HANK'S GRILL & LOUNGE * r 29 Texas A&M College.... College-Station :Men'» Wear n ;J£r Smart Clothes for Men -/ 2428 Guadalupe 25th & Guadalupe 2532 Guadalupe > "^"'V 10 2424 Guadalupe i ,0. 242^ Guadalupe Ph. 8-5717 "New Locaton v JL'brd St. 8-8482 2SJ 24. 9 8 7- Jackson's Service Station SPUDNUTS— LONGHORN CLEANERS COSETTE BEAUTY SHOP Harper Method Beauty Shop 2533 Guadalupe The freshest Thing in 2538 Guadalupe 2544 Guadalupe For the Best in Hair Work 2-1042 Oil Jthsmfieoph , . 2507 Guadalupe .6-3847 > 2-1557 . . -v 2605 Guadalupe 28. 130. 2-°"7 : ­ .,MCUrf fa ASUW& spu. Howell Sehriee Station Welcome to-r* SPEEDWAY RADIO 44yW/ SNAK SHAK VARSITY CLEANERS Mm Duval at San Jacinto Mobley Bros. Barber Shop Sales & Service JhaJt'A why. ihsu} JbaxJbd Good Foods & Beverages 2-4555 2010 Speedway 2004 Speedway 1^2 \ 2813 San Jacinto ^ 7-3846 20Q8 Speedway "-V 2-3208 31. ihojh (iuAinoAAoA iUUXh %tst VARSITY DRUG. STORE ssSs-.; TEXAS BAOBm SHOP HILSBERG CAFE SAN JACINTO SERVICE DUTCH GEST CLEANERS •adiwn. ^^2Ist ifi^ Wliihita • /' etSanJacinto t.*y . Across from tlie Law lldg.: 1 |yj Air Conditioned : Famous for Steaks Mobilgas—Oil Prompt Dependable Ssrvtee pjW,' 13.Ue . ^ ' Qe . 8-6346 139. —* 20*A Str**+ BOZEMAN GULF SERVICE S, T. WELLS SERVICE CO. TODDLE HOUSE Willie Kocurek Tire Co. NUSSBAUM'S BARBECUE 1811 N. Congress Complete Autoinotive Service 303 W. 19th St. fljm'll find Jtfont. • 2-7616 ^ 1900 Speedway 19th & Guadalupe TA Go—Eat Here-^Cater ^feV"''' Breakfast at Any Hour Complete Automotive Service 50 --< r •.j> f > * %\ W V " ^ i- 1814 Guadalupe r# 142. ^. 4. w 5. anxiaiti Jb pkate you •BELL & FLETCHER 4 ^ ^ + -% AUSTIN BLOSSOM SHOP CHote Sinclair Station Kelly Smith Cleaners, Inc. Phillip's Humble ServiceStatioii Texaco Service ' and ihaJbk fhiandty Corner 19th & Guadalupe 1900 Guadalupe 500 W. 19th fill W; 19th St. ^ 55 1901 Guadalupe _ • 2.3715 ; ,>, -;"cT. mm 8-7482. 2-3131 2-0978 I.P48 J ^ 3 5^ I * T., JACKSON BROS. SERVICE|TTEXAS BANK ED MINOR PHARMACIST gnu pal uJt kmsu BOOKSTALL WUKASH BROS. CAFE 43 Corner 19th & San Antonio 7 1904 Guadalupe Next * 1910-to Taxal Guadalupe State Bank ^ 2002 Guadalupe 45 44. < ^ -->--T " -" 2025 GuadalucM U ' Member F.D.I.C. Phone 8-3110 ^ y""* . ifM i V;': 4# ^ -/ j. 1 -» ' • 151 ,i v7 v1 T ^'4 ' r--^ » < -v''> ' i . ' . " pf" 2004 Guadalupe ~ -0330F * " &S££2fcHi SW*­ mtm i -j * L_ A ^ A iijr* j* >^v>^ h AS * ' mfmt " t ' t \*B * J 1 »*V"^ -: )^nft-~ifcher institutions„of tills.size are itt better *h*pe is • question that aon*"9 but EitffctMinth Century rtiinds dismiw gu& w^MS tyr~~* "HI * The trenwtadouii !crdwds packed into? Woridnrfrra big-school unions^Texas union during Freshman Orient* serveall the stw-^tion are the latest of many illustrations -tfotp^e^ that the union needs expansion and, until , * T H^*paWi<&» financial lwdp-to. put -on i0&m-qt4m$^ntfon oiMtyAte programs, ';ha» b^^bloclced, because Despite the many handicaps,.the union pith a tiny operate program ha# constantly improved in re­liitg bil^pul because JJniversfty adf cent year® and figures to be somewhat ^'strattveofficials don't feel the need/ better this year. People like Brock,made t big union program. Brock and his the betterment possible. Ipeis^ N6WheVgoiieriand"offkTak"a *A b " ' ingfor a replacement. jiversity students"should lack » Well, would anyone like the fra splete iinion while all—bar, end df**hoestringr~ " • x' kagbvpe. f ^ p-* J> Purl* JU S.ense Purdue* showing a complete disregard iorthe modern high-pressure win-or» else way of doing things, Tuesday calml/ announced that its head football coach had been given a ten-year contract, tjThat's downright revolutionary.:­ The extension had been granted^dre than a year Ago, said Pursue officials* but the news hadn't been released be-, cause it was a personal matter between the institution and the coach. Now the action is disclosed "to illustrate that.oc(#|! sjonally universities do forsake the ntac WhFrI"of demanding a winiusr—or elser ; Purdue President F. L. Hovde, in an­nouncing Coach Stu Holcomb's new con­tract, said:"One of the things that instil tutions can do is to select a._ qualified i, who hay demonstrated qualities of Ip ®fe-r M.mam _ iolving a breathless dispute, Rusk Literary and Debating Society has been declared by Student Court to be the old­est organization on the campus. -Athenaeum Literary and DebatingSo­ciety, other contender for oldest honors, didn't even bother to appear at the August hearing. " ­/ So what. a . . • -— . -J' By MILDRED KLESEL eented to the leadership and teaching ability, and then give him the same security enjoyed by other members of the »«demic staff." Widespread actions like Purdue's, it pep^^d^by victoiy^ad alumni and -students, wouiii wferve a double purpose in combating ihe current sports oyer­'emphasis. One way would be in prevention of more Blair Cherry cases-—lost a few gabies and lyas driven into retirement by the wolves. _ •e obvious benefit, as expressed by D^1. Hovde, is simply tenure—the right of\a coach to unpack his bags and live like any other staff eounci Placing one or more responsible ta^ks on already-busy schedules^ three of the University's finer professors Monday be­gan terms of duty on the Facujlty Coun­ e"*" •: j.;,'. To Dr."J. A. Burdine, Dr. DeWitt Red­dicki and C. Thompson go our con­gratulations and a hope that they will help continue the progressive movement that has marked recent Faculty Council -actions. : aiid. also for new students so Bonnie Bland was Miss-Texas, they ean bet acquainted with in 1948. campus activities: August 8—The SWEET­ , . tAueust 2—The DADS AS-HEART OF THE STEER SOCIATION of the Universe HERE committee .was an­tjf announced that they will nounced. Gloria; a sanitary . . , .afc^ ate«ialrr-«#lBAi ^i. Noyamber, „ th» best all around girl and • August 10—Six NEW Dt- Bi^r~4n-~reBidence. at the Uni-GREE programs planned byf v^ity. The a^ardi-a-perma-the University tor this .fall; nenfc gofd cup,, will, be pre-;^"%efe forbidden by. a restrict -" ."v " Service The<4>a^ Texan i 'px?announced she would "resign-. ' i. the end of -the summei sea­ -DnOs T«ua, • atttdwit MM|«m of Tha OntT«r«ity «f T«u«. U during holiday «nd azamiustion pariod*, and bt-weekly — T the mmmir •ensiona andot th« titla of Tha Summer Trnn oa . Fridky by'lexaa Stndcat Pnblleaticma. tn'e. If contribution^ will ba accaftUd by tcla»liaiMi (*.8473) or »t the we«i J.B. I. « it tin New* Laboratory, J.B.-102. Inquiries delivery.and advartiainc aboaid be mad« in J.B. 109 (*-8473). i a# f ha' T««ai> .j iL i t n•CM,*rll, ,ho" AdmtoUt"tio» erMte aJULXlSSiur a0t °' «» aacwd-claea aa^tttr Oetotwr J5, 1941 at tbe Faat OSlee at |tia,T«gM. airiw 'ha fctof Match 3, ]S7». . -•« ASSOOATED PRESS WUIE SEKVICE i AaaocUfed Prt " " ' jyha A»»ocUted ^iw» j» wlual»*ty adUUad to the ti»a for rapublfcatlon of ' •patehea'4 otharwiae credited fa ttH* cewi> 1 i®a^!f''^'Jad w " « • iStSZLS'} ,®e*'1 tteau of apoit-taoeouB origin publiahed herein. Aighta of imytotlon.of all othar Matter herein alto r»»«rycd. ?" f«r National AdTartUlnc byKaitiontil Advertising r "BopreaentatiTe^ y^Ry ' Chicago — Boaton — Loa Aagelel — San Frsneisco linifstua • SubaeiVUMi ThrM Months :. "4n Au*t,n a 7H M» 'V* *«?'M Mailed • --p if limn art«v v tii9 • pM*.. Tk« ftvm- BrBRADBYERS lie rent another?.'. production must -be*increased "by m•n -8a*4«r . rule' were Bachelor of Sci­ W"e used to look at hundreds of port -.many of the finest pictures; asi SMtk Umr n.»sN» lor a new page of college ac--Atfgust .4—JANE HOL. ence in Medical Technology, French ahd Italian'films in an ef* ever brought into this country, I c,tivities, but before you do COMB was named Miss Texas. Master of Fine-Arts in Ap­ fort to cull out a few that were -was able to maintain this activity Check wiis list to get a quick She was the fourth. Univer­plied Art, Master of Fine . woijthy of importation. only because I wm simultaneouslyrenew of what happened .on sity student' in four' years Co ^Arts in Education, Master of "Popularity in their domestic operating the Rialto Theater, the campus, win the title. The two previ­Art in History, 'Master of market-is no assurance of success . which consistently showed , tita­4' ^The Texan has published ous "years, . Yaleta Leissher, Community ' and Regional in the United States! 'The Bicycle . Worst. The profit^ on the bad pic­ this' column, for the, benefit: Miss Austin '49, and Margaret Planning, and Doctor of Phil-Thief,' for instance, was a failure tures enabled tne to stand theof former students who have Sue Sommers, Miss-Austin, » osophy in Civil Engipeering. ­ in Italy. Theatre-goers casually losses oh the good ones."/" Ttnccmbeen away for the summer >-. *'60, went to Atlantic City; . August 14—-F. R. MOE . ' dismissed the plight of the hero Mr. Mayer should move , to the "Partially," he continues, "this industry the American people have"' is merely an expression of snob­had plenty of opportunities to sup-Wclcoma Studaats 4 Ex's winners-by ' tion in the state appropria­ which so distressed American au­Univemjitjpiof Texas,-wheire stu­ diences. 'What a boob/;they said. dents can't tell the difference be-Ap«pfm«i»t for fUnt 'If his bike was sralen, •why didn't . tween the good and the bad. TJNIVKRSITY MtX. kpwrtmtmt' tm* « to 4; VtOitiw Mttf. m Wait Itt mm. Phon« S-SMS. i • / ; > Texan Crossword Puzzle .pion to go into private nUirsi r ; 14.Ag*meo£„. ^ :,5-pother *'• 30, Reveals ing.. .-.-te • t *5' relation 33. Bug LEAISH was.chosen editor"«f":^'",--^Vfc3f22SSv 34.Taut the Peregrinus, the School of vif p,!L Sj^ < 31BlightLaw's annual. ELLIS MOR-: 1?. Greekletter 9. Sky-blue 40. Entreaty ' RIS was selected associate ' 21. Humorous 11. European 42. Inscription ­ editor and BERT HOOPER, * fftrm of elk on an amulet business manager. -"" enigma August 23—T h e STU-53.1Uke ~ ­ 1 T-1 i i 1 ACROSS 52. U. S.' . : 13, Rambling * 1. Measure-r president telk (Austria). IT.-Leave out -5. River . DOWN 20. Malt kiln x(Belg.) j 1. Plump 32."Measure j•9. Apportion , 2. Lofty • of land JQProvince i mountain i5.To. be sullen :' flAdtai v. -3. District ft 27. A glacial 12. Thewest v London ridge . wind 4. Fashion 29. Less (mus.) 28. Large islandcerning the student govern­(Neth. . 11 ment body be approved by the Indies) (President of the student 30. Aman ' ' IS body, or the chairman of the servant' Public Relations Committee"? • 32. Send forth it; with" several strings attached.-: 35. Hebrew This was the'last meeting for month 24 the summer. 36. A rounded handle August 24—Porty-efx ' „ _ . . , , S» F*zrS&m­ 3d.Tear ss 41. Wide­mouthed ST uot­ 43.Tin (sym.) 44,Iiamprey*i 46.Birdsof pre/ a *£>^*3 r+&*. %»• ,, astandiffiB i» MkUwil «)h»«M *1 and agricultural feasia on wMeh it' *•«» ®? ."fflfc^baBJa «fPremier ;^;:'is *ope4 to fn»lse« thepmetit .|i||rt||ltnwiftiit; MMjbrL-m* iakfimty «a|m| 3v A .f ? Sotia&tecohomtestBtemwith the M]w attitoMM'tiNWir**•»the prodaetkwfcasa »-mk»torn 4Ut*»w»a m eomma*. Ifei^tt'WWlia'of, •n tb« fittinc4iM ewmtrr £nm t . Bo^tirfk «mphuiMed ,an4 , wis icia • " -V • »v ' v ? %P {"}$• >£<•' -steMs-f d^netcd1 by the Communist party, i« not trom a tiuwratleal,view-j"" ,-ofttt » .ctut OmmmM r**r V * tern. f H-y-r f w mt-P»8y It Is regarded by perty theorkte ;i« a Socialist «y»tem whieh —-—~— ^ • * transitional eta eYentually to be i ," t 1M»» Of 8tn4nl Ltf« replaced by a Comntqnist, syatem. The present Soviet system is All Mf» trtto >w )kr«k*l t '«Mi known as "distribution accordins rf—HWM W-"r _ ^ ataa. AiT-eondftioned. Maid Mrriut Block off camptis. I «r t aeaJs. I4I1I ATTBACTlVl! SOUTH twmH. mi. -i Today's bath with iIiWWk MhtMlvli Answer Is tranca, ren ?il*M Mill. in the :iijii-u;c ..i n nvi COOL MODKtN aemi-apartsaeat Classified Mstd service tl( iw Mil Iionse manager, Owes-•, . kn)>«-kM»* "Ads 710 W. 12%. -" -T , FURNISHED BOOMS and for boyafc at 1911 B. -Cell >1111 Hopkins at «.US7 1-0U7 or 48. Titleof ' respect Board Mythological character FAMILY 8TYUS aieela. wa*(* «Mll«r 49. North counts. Have place* for • t«sf • Wye. Dakota. S10( Bio Grand*«.2«T4. - (abbr.) Fof „ . 48. A beer mug "t -Htuithtg pHvitegea. Jt* 50. Cut W » lt'J4i4tl 51. length i Sal* ^'7 ewws >. ' * TWOi'Stair Cm*« tor sal* ST *" tk'. Mia --1' » ' '• -'l -O.V tt-tftr-i. % ^' 1 WA Si ••x 17 »J 40 44 42 4 • J. . Furnished Hous*. iri ' < • • 1«k 4 iw* \ FUBNI8HJ6D FOUB nmi nek'^MM. *4 O. private estat*. M.W. fmr** M*a* V> war-Bl#etrie |""11 • •)"," |J"" TC: m. tm. .c ­ SSZ **• <>»>» .1 nww at Wipff iv?" f "-.riKn-.-nV n»..m ;,r;ali.«iiiy,." _S»eti«ol*te« «T. PhmteU «K Wwm* wtb b» Md tb* W Ormna»lom 8«ptemW t*. _2>. tut. Permh* lor *d; sr& 1.-1. -Mi.*. » xaw tlw fcr 5#­ TEXT BOOKS and tMrm Fatvky Appmvd "m, m, WW:: For AN Ymir Coumd Vou'BIhuI correct suppHei ^m| iwefcifwef" s your cauriat ai HampWirs. Jtisf aema bi and fei^H your aourso au^obars «m1 9«t •Krif haa4 sampia of Hiat insults 1 < Furnithad ApartmanH Roomsfor Rent FOUB BLOCKS wast campus. Claaa and ,ioomr.'• Bfflcleney apartment.' Bad* MIOBLT rUBNUHXD large 4mrbl« jojbV kitefcenetta, drassiag-roon. bath. rsanaa with large eiosots. For boya. Utilities »«id;~Sil. Phone 7-»0»1. sorviso. 1#U W. Strd S-S1M. . BLOC|tt*ff cantpas.. Vivo room OTTO OOT bor to skaro roots wKli pt&m •partasint. Twe roaai roek hMs« 8-«ltl after ia*. IM1 Lavaca. -\ GABACK AFABTMKNT — }Z94. Toss CLXAN, ATTBACTIVB wm. »riv«t« Gree* -J4H. Utilities extra.-Coojrio— Wtju XHchem. |am«lrr .arlvUJiei. bedroom—kitchen. Bath, lea any time. -20a7. CLBAH COMFOBXABLB room for siaglo H^urnidied Room -.art*. Also tendsked aad anfnraisM apartmeats. Close to University. Qiki hoys. Two Booms, Bath. mlfktStfcaud^ Call »-44»4. . « stadiom. Baa, es&itel. nlslMd twe roota apart' UP8TAIBS—ATTBAOTIVI! dooMo or siaglo rooms, in private horn*. Frfvate batk aad eatraaee. Ceatral haatiag. Tele­ nmHumtp booms* see w, ut*. Pkaaa Bos. Pkoao:-S-HiS. Modem ferlek hoiWln*.AH itfiitlM jnM. -Baasonable can BoM«sm l-U»! StNGLK 'AfltS room tot boy ia +*ri»» ear Mrs. Knight T4IM at jreyt;^ Mjanws. Qtrfet, i4oal placa •todyiag. Phoaoi i-tli*. lt>B BEH stgdeats. Two rooms, private FACINC CAMrUB for fivo mm (11 and oatmnee, prlvaW bath. shower, la---llf eaeh. Two ta rooia. 1904 Speed­ •erspriag .jaattosssee. VrisMeftr* m«M way, Fhoaa «>ilB4» Cookingstovo oai-' * "m Mom «rtra. smwa SMf-A Sabiae. 2-1041 titer »*•. ^ , t ^ . MOOM. BIGHT at TTaiversHy. Ma^ optWnaL Xvary coavenfoncc. Beasoa- Services Pk the i of Melvyai Xasan Saptambar 9 in in Italy for two yaaTs. gust 21 atPeach LI2 ha Is' employad with Dallas. Be* a-JttamW Neighbor Commisstbn. SI \ Rosen raeeived %• bachelor's de­ Eaeh student who partidpate& eo-op he arastbe approved by the Ann Donoghtfe is one of the gree in' business administration ka* «M MBMMfnl in reducing other members effhe heusa. The manys freshman on • tha Forty; Judith Jardiae'Pwrkia* was mar­ from tha University where he was gUt •' satire expenses o( m«, ftfendtthasa'ef workmr togsihe* Acres. A Voice major from Hous­ried to Mai AlWrt C«rWti An- usually keepethe members «f tfce is pledge of a member of Alpha Epailbn Pi gust 30. --BV . r*fc\f$jt> h 'board, and. laundry to *8.«7 per ton, she a Kappa fraternity. His bride also attended "Janici-:'MeiflaJ^ca'_ _ „ Senseango^***•»;t >, < I •nw > Kappa Gamma sorority. •The bride ^ftendeff • Edward tMkmfirnini theUniveraity. W®sHi$$8j4>3 ,:,T^p»ii<(ttt co-epheusesam't All students In' a «*«£ km.4 m 1 * Judging from put rsfcords, yon it College in Grinnell, lows, and re­MHarriagavowaii)f« !at»iift«Ri« , vetoi* matterspertainia* tolM should be aaeing and heating ceived a bachelor of arts degree „ iw «fetiiiexpensive;Tiiey to In a formal,* dduble-ring eei'e-cWemony Augusi actions pi the house andin all®. about her often*. Sven though in English at the University where ^;Tha hridi^ooal 2i' a* much today, eoaopar*- mony September.. 1, Miss Ciola speaking, as they didthca. many a fair lasr graces tha Uni Nayda and Savariaae she is presently .employed ..as as* from Austin Hi^ School sftor Gar«i% eo-ophousee aim offer as-&rsss^jtof versity, very few have been sopho-, of.graduate Which. l»eAap«t;-'two^e^te^^ much more than just a saving of more, junior, and senior favorites placement. She isa msmberofi •Me*. ahroMfd in The brldei BBA '49, was Mica in high school. Attn was all three.! Omega sorority. A i^lssoney. DSF Will Hold Before she came to the Univer Sweetheart^ a Bluebonnet Belle, Corbett, who received an engi-vanity* i-r ;| Naw'stadents find the«o-op «p»~ president, of Touche Club, and. a mt - *ss /:£»>&«»-» combination of beta* Square Dance aity, she knew it was a wonderful iteering degree from tha Univer­ member of tha CJlab da .Mexico^ placet She had alwaysiooked for­ sity in 1949, is at present a Junior ^.jBfe and scfcaol life which fsanftpt For three: years she has been as­ ward to -the time she'would,be a in the' School of Law. Hevfii • a:•f $e found anywhere aw*?**-.A* at student here,-, especially' after she sistant to the director of the In member of Phi Kappa Tau, Tau H Greg Scot| 81 ' jMMBML_L_L. 1_" ternational Advisory Office at the Jhang squeee-deneing will be held for the Rice-Texas game a year "niveraity. "During the war he served Witfi the Boll Room Dante SfuWa at tha University Christian Church ago. , Garsa wifi,-receive a bachelor U.S. Army in Europe. > ^average af $49 a month and ffe» in* an hoar a jdsy *»,th» upkejp Friday night at 7:30. It ia being Registration;had , Ann < "acared of science degree in mathematics * • Above Texas Theatergiven by thaDiaeiple Student Fel­to daath," but Dow that it's' all from the' University |n .January. ;• Tkersa -Aaa Helta and Pfe Carl lowship, tha student organisation. Some co-ops own their own m over with for"the first.timt, she Fern Hsltom, prasiden df DSF, calla it "fun.".' She had,, heard houses whfla othars rent* Tbefu*­ will welcome nswstudents. ^uo> about how tiring it would be to nishlngs are usually bought by the lyn Ussery is in chargt af-food, atat^d in all the lines; and she ft ca-op and raaain; in tha house and Lula Margaret McMillan ia admits that it's sl"^pretty long time 9 ;:^paririiA^ chairman tf ; the welcoming com­ from^wliei|7^s1ir stwted^oot at -r-«3-ia biotight train home by the stu- Other fciiortedpieeeejuBt mittee. "9:30 Wednesday' morning to the fCM# w Okitf fc^aeeento^ and remain HughEchola of the, Univeriity time she got away from, the, gym to? *Ywili'direet the recreation. at 12:30. Of course, it was ait ex­ oftha house. Sunday evening a programwill perience, she agrees, but it is hot a wornenVhouses elset one be prasentad at the churehealled half'ss bsd M .everyone hiad told the members to b» tha eo^rii* "What la DSF?" after tha supper her itwould be. It was veil worth mator for the house. The coordi­ at 0 p»m* Fred Webstar has writ- it, she commented. nator plana tha meals, schedules duties, and represent* the house toi^ a aldt tatting the history and" A, member of Newman Club, in baainess transactions and deafc purpose of DSF. Ann is.looking forward to ainging ; '~ v> The officera for the fall semes­ in A Cappella and Girls Glee Club. ing with the Unirersity. The girla take complete charge ter are Fern Haltom^ president; She has, travelled to -Beaumont ft the cara and running of their Fred Coffey, rice-president; tnd and other Texas cities to sing. Oh feoueee. Eaeh day their dutiee are John Lea McMillM, treasurer. ANN PONQGHUE ^i ^.October |8 she'was to aing in Okla­ homa City, but clssses will keep chanced ao^ that no one has (he Conuniasidn chairman wnt Jack anna job all the time. Banner, program; Lula Kargarat her in Austin; ' Altheughtheboys work just McMillan,, mambershtp; Marianne Ann was chosen by the Kappaa ' *• r as hard as-the girls in dusting. Morris, publications; Parolyn IAk front a pledge class of 40 to rer ~mr scrubbing, washing dishes, cutting sery, recreation; ana many social affairs. ^ong sleeved cordigans are per-jewelry in the form of heraldic BOB,BREIHAN Mr. Breihan-* summed up his >aps the most frequently bought, crests sre the rage-iti bracelets, plana when he stated that "We .Before eoming to the University and by -the way, those sleeves earrings, or 'hanging from .belts are interested In providing for stu­llr. Breihan served as^confarenee are likely to be left wrist-length or neck chains. Copper jewelry dents sn atmosphere which would director of youth work leader­this Winter, ' It provides for thst or belts also add to your wardrobe THE help develop thens as mature and ship edtieation of ib* fntor-boitvd longer laok thst fashion experts if wdrn with the right things. But creative Christians.'' Council, Southwest Texas Confer^ are striving for, snd then, of above all, remember, it's better A graduate of tha Univenity, ence. He wm,Appointed associate course, it gives sdded warmth. t % NEW CAMPUS STUDIO 8chool of Theology.^' • • Norway and Sweden in 1948. the University where he was a The 'bride-to-be attended the University of -Pittsburgh where 2116 Guadalup* she was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. , House Sept 17th -22nd Derathy Schaefer is engaged to dtoms Siudutii Jiaissy F. Krtti. Both are , from New Braunfels. Miss Schaefer at­ tended the University, Where she was a member of Alpha Phi soror­ BRACKENRIDGE ity. She ia now attending Nixon-Clay Commercial College in Aus­ ^M^tvaetr tin. • •----n— WSBSsSmMS Kratr, a former student, is now In the US Air Foiree and is star '.ioned at San Antonio. DEEP EDDY" Derotkjr Kb*x Johnson, of the library staff, was married August ;'S 'St the Presbyterian 'Seminary.Chapel to Floyd Kinser,. student in the Seminary. , _ • ; ^ ,, Lais. Elaine Ander««ii, ex-stu­ From dent of the University, and Robert g,.aaehe, -jga": -r, f -SeptoWw^ Lutheran Church in Austin. They *sis-And ArtL fo ' will live in Dallas. > . Wp Murray's Your Oak Farm dairies Milkman -•# Ruth Mane Finke, teacher in 'I'"r ^/ the St. Paul Lutheran Church, was For: Service, Call married Augustsat the church to O. C. Hahii Jr., senior-business Studios AiM^4/ 2116 Guadalupe * ^* >~y***<«'-r,b+ ClcAaing and Pressing tfyTr*| |fcl*|ra Charge lA-k-f ondltioneidu • -* * ®lVR->?.« a^OYUBCAN CJ» ^ Hie,.« WP" PB®r •••'« M^*> V %u _ $m£ On the M«ond flo«r «f £JBTall, some pretty rough count*?" -r«F? *M where moet of the Uni*«rttty eol these yea^r field tripe, but ^ j^ewwr, a toeHon ie *ej»t, ««• may find *»W-onewas * talo." The trip^ to the field*ri|> to Bi« ^ thtoe from mice to »1«f»to*».Mwt Black Gap Area of Big Bend was r„ , 89 miles from the neartst town. 3£a&J$&v&tiq&g 5®f? It we* st least i degrees ewr theTexas »P»tt alligator* and * grotiltd day and for thiree' consecuitwdl^ eMi'% StSWyKSSi the mercury rose to tli, & B. Hiatorv collection. Moet-of tJeanakeabout rix,inch«« loflg. "•"""• • • • uSim 1 foiintaii, *to%tox$ghi./b*ck alive -—„•«•*.•••->W SSwlphyeir lowed *o Brackenridfe 2oo, ja Bail Antonio % -BWr; aaaoclate eMpfof aoolotfjr, wfctfamdfcet­ the expedition of el«"» »ta" explained that tip n«ual we­ ll* catchin* a snake by plee­ ___ Atnoreprofewioiul Method is ?£lSe place an ordinary stick behirfd |"f ,'it« head, grasp it in the eame spot, *loW Wr**® * g||j8Sf^ is available. * g; te; 'Contrary to-most beliefs, Dr. C||felafr "skid, there*are mora than 5£$our* types-of poisonous snake* iii &;i#ha United States. Thftee is onlyf^Wtte•''"specie of .the. copperhead,"^ypdtal snake, #aod cotton-mouth, ^fWoecasin types, but three are at Iv^Jwtst fourteen rattlesnake species. , Compared to the ooilections of cerious trips this is a small col lection, Dr. Blair said. Last year obsStill Available ys Madden *,Applications.are'still available ^fn. the Student Association Office <*-in tli* Union Building' for all on $f«8«t*aduates who are Interested ''I %' participating in student govern* i activities. Only those students who fill out ^ ^applications will-be considered for ^I'^mmittee members fnd chairmen, fig; There erjtwo applications. One for ' sophomores junior*, and aanior* who are interested' in be« leoming conprottee members and ^^bairmen. Government posts will 'fxljf* filled from these applicants at £ personal interviews with student* to interests^ experience, and p|kNMierihip. -. . '^r^Wfr z.yf Members of'the Discipline,and MDnion Board committees will be :;appointed"at tit* first .Student As-. iJaembly meeting, September 27. '/Other positions will be appointed ll^at the second meeting. y, The other application is the new n^eatnre introdnced this year for {Mt§ first time under the directiSn "fot Jack Strong,-chairman of the jttewly-created Freshman Council. ^Dnder the Council plan, all fresh­} i *en who sign ah application are >< Oriented in ktudent government ^.fnnetdoiui and are-placed in% clubs jind Organizations which coincide ivJwith their interests. , The system w|ll serve two pur­^;#oses. It will give college begin­;^Miers-a broad scope of the different P^facela of student government, and ft will give them practical exper­ ience, Strong explains. , The Council will meet twice a inonth, and student personalities each, as Wales Madden, student government president, and Mor­ to|sgan Copeland, Chief Justice of the I^S tudent Court, will explain -gov­ ernmental branches. ' Madden urges all freshmen to fwrtieipate in the Council, and to Attend student government assem­ psbly meetings, open to all students. EraiS-ii-.rr1'. •"-••• '•>. • •. • • .-.••-".•.i •" ; • Sice #8Hnd*^ottl^|r# Kf ' ** *• ^ m #• m ' place to fall wben^isu .land* Says FormerCb- Texans don't know how fortu­nate tbey really aSr^rasstTrthr opinion expressed by a former University student, Mrs. L. B. Witt in a letter1 to her former landlord, Mr, Pred A. Young. Mrs. Witt now #vca in Flushing, New York* Eggs are 93 cents a dozen in New York. Yea. can get them in Austin for^l cents and cheaper.Wages are; higher in New York than in Texas, but, still it take*; all a person makes to live in the city, Miifc Witt lay*.': "It seems amazing' and ySbfrightening to see how this place(New York City) is prepared for an atomic attack, Mrs. Witt writes. Big poster* In the down­town sections, on college cam-pu«s, all over, direct the way to shelter zones* Signs on highwaystell which onee will be closed in case of attack and which will be open. ,» "The. majority of the men in the plant where my brother-in­law works, and all plans and. of­fices throughout the city, > have been^trained in first aid,"-Mrs ;Witt~continues. Medical students at"Columbia University are receiv jng special lectures on 1 atomic medicine, she says. Mrs. Witt, who intends to enter Hiinter,College soon,, says, "Peo­plein Texas never' think of any­thing like this.' Here people have Franklinalready left , the , city because nttd his Crew, turn their attention they-'r»-so„frigbter" " Then shfTds witrSTmH; «rth*-t«tfrWhichTBU: felt Condition when fall practice brtvado, "We don't 'exactly feei&V stirts in> September.-> ".>•» at e»se ourselves}'* ^"Wherf track -season * was eom­pleted iMt spHftg, st layer1 of top­ soil fotrr iniM* tMck was spread1 «w#rr•»#.•ferit£«p;i5S33&gfi Advanced Standing Re-examinations enabled f Bermuda Grass to acked is a winter of foot- r y, ^ ^ bsiU iirack seaa^ns. The office of the Registrar Tfe^e tractors are used in lay- has released the schedule Of fng'^Qii "soil* and leveling the stir­postponed'and advanced stand­£^ces |Tbe; tractor* also are,^seding examinations and re-exam^ for,;ir»wSng (prasstduring summer inations, to be given in Geology; moifth's, When the football season Building 14, at 1 p.m. ~ ''|begins, the grass is mowed each Art, engineering (excep,t week.,Dead grass is removed, leav­drawing), English, and speech ing the field wth a well-manicured will be given ilriday,-October B,r look.' anthropology k drama, ' govern* Then tbe problem of marking , ment, philosophy, physic?, and off yardage lines is tackled. The; psychology on Monday, October week of ;a game, Mr. Franklin r 8$ and education, jonrnalismr~ niows the freld on Thursday-and and mathematics on October 9. marks it.on Friday, _ _ Examinations in all foreign 'languages, Bible, Business Ad­ ministration, drawing, and phar­ macyare held October 10; bo­•KGrcg ScottH tany, chemistry, economics, .geo­ Bail Room Dance Studio logy, and'music on October 11; ' and' bacteriology, biology, his* i tory, home economics, sociology, Above Texas fheater zoology and other subjects on -October 12. —* — < Applications must be in> the Registrar's office no later than ' September 25. ' ~ -L —yti t TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY " Feature Starts at 7 P. M. Since 1938, UT ra DRJ VULN. , , "TWO-LOST; WORLDS" ~ -Ltvnt Elliott The water consumption of the versity used in one month in 1938. "OLD TEXAS TRAIL" Rod CtuwrOn—Fussy Knight University has more than, tripled Jn this July the water meter read­since..1988 When 144: million gal­ings for the main campus totaled lons.Were used. Today the vast about 30,280,000 "gallons. The water system which runs beneath. University gets no special rate F^rrty -Acrei supplies more;,ithaa from the .city because of.quantity^ "TEX AN MEETS 462 million gallons a year. The bill is usually abput $7,000 CALAMITY JANE'' The underground system, fi­a month. , ' £ralya Ankara nanced by the late Col. George W. "THE NEXT VOICE Brickenridgi, is connected to the * * ^ Z £ > * YOU HEAR" r Jamei Wbitmor«M*NaiMy DMII Austin water systetn. ^ In 1902, with enrollment up to 800, the Read the Classifieds Board of Regents realized the MONTOPOL 4 need for ten times as much water as had been used in 1883, when "CONFLICT" there were only ZOC^students. Tlie. John WAYNE board voted f 15,000 for construc­Ward Bend tion of connections to the city; HOME DRUG "THREE HUSBANDS'* Eve Arden.—HeWard De'SUva reservoirY rather, than build a plant whkh would have to be *k Sfuthtif Lunchet niaintaineck YANK The need for "a larger supply op %:' -"FROGMEN" it Drug Supplies water was primarily . caused by Richard Widmark ' the jump in enrollment, but also, Dana Aadrdw* •Cosmetics * , fen inadequate supply was availa­ "FIGHTING COMMAND" Robt. Mitchutt—Ann* Gwynne ble for., fire protection, labora­ tories, sanitary facilities, and the 2230 Guaadlupe. preservation of .grass and shrubs, r The main' campus alone now ; ' Phone 63553".-,% i -' -' t f ^ *• " ^f­ •uses in one month almost three 'AHIJADO DE MUERTE" times as much as the whole Uni­ Kings M«n" With Th« AT INTERSTATE THEATRES Bredcrick Crawford —plu UmniOBHiii "Two Yonkt Wanda Hwulrix——­ plu> From "THE FABULOUS „ LAST DAY! i _ .. . ^ .LAST DAY I TEXAN ^vTrinidod"^ William Elliott ;^»IYGGLER'S: ISLAND" ''MASK of the AVENGER" Pat O'Brim John Carroll wlth.JEFF-CHANDLER wltk JOHN DEREK. " BM O.Hica Opwu e:00 Box Office Oaoit S:0e . Color by. Tachtiicojor C»U>rhyT«chB»color ' Start* Friday' STARTS FRIDAY! , ^"TEXAS CARNIVAL" ­;; • "JIM-THORPE " ; S5ijSifeColor-bjr Technicolor ALL AMERICAN"? 1*S* ESTHER WILLIAMS* RED SK6LTON • Starrinf #.C, i " " HOWARD KEEL •. KURT •MNCASTm-*-^* '• TYPEWRITERS queen CS3P1TOL ijCMT N # >. DONALD CRISP in BUD jj LOU ^ ffclw Iwic '^f'HOME TOWN STORY^© ABBOTT «• COSTELLO MARJORIE REYNOLDS 1 -.. "M* t-r' Vn "The Invisible Man" ZANE GREY'S "DUDE RANGER" 8 —CARTOONS^— S URRSITVB TEKDS "FMXisar r?m SHOW, i 4% ' 4V BOATS Free -^.Pliw*-x( MIB TECtiNIGOLOR -J;a' **.; French Dialogrue-Enr-Titles usTsn <*& HEM HILLS' f* y l|r )MlxSMta*. i^' ilnaitoiia to ,)hnv H»1ii3aj$rs ifrook ;^t»n«. .'SMc aeaa^K^iWt askW|'•! pear iHtUa x'wwai'­ Marked. fldNi linoutfa > to a^Mft; |80 «9pUc4tton, wore «Wlisii begins taddlatt domttfea alada unvt ba jre-JSm annmer tiia att paired. Tflia'eareWeer wem'tato* iW^^fered 'them out twice a day for each dry, hot wmtiuit. Constant water­ practice seesion. Flagpoles fare ing keeps Owfrasaia goddjoiietdi­made ready for their part fn the t t»«n. „ % -/• Saturday afternoon's * activities. ron.OBe and after the field has been mark# appfication is inad* od, huge tarps are rolled out'onto A^Hl, tti* -ae(Md'r'bc|oi^%«lbaBthe field to protect it from rain. season-is fiepteariMa^^ ' About two hours before game time the tarps are removed* The big show is ready* - Drowing S«l* ff;After a fewthousand people iKKVe sat; In the stadium for a t.'. Save on our targ*" ' -Couple of hourr-qvenching their 'I '""T used selection C thirsts and appetites, things are fewest ptjkmkdSB Irt 'a pretty general mess. Here's • • •• -^ where Mr. Franklin and aides Really have to go to work, ' "It takes , about one week to ieSfore clean up after a fame if we start vt *44+ rnnutmaom, -4 5 y you eat at the THUBSDAY W*W'lM*r' twrtki tig* iWM&atft* perfennia* «cr*j/m rtf §£ you «jimsfenserei»ardiprojecte. St twaOnatkm ste£ea far ^ flvet newJal»oratori« 1 *lw offlea ai air reaearcb is beingiutaM a. ,t«td vt/wia* done by the Consbostion Kinetka taw: fa \«petaMD«Ke'irw*' «w*» Beseareh Laboratory. The-8pee>baeii'riiippad'W the trOecopy Laboratory js making an­aaewrimenlB^ thf alyses of platiKra group vetala PRTEI^^'IIKBERATORY;'--^4 for the Atondc Energy Comnda­ iimi. y •-> * . S3 , i r u^sW"®. <£Mn 'H ' for a Italjy OlffEREHT em Wtt vlria^f ialent,Mtf«»h»enb ^ttsHnHCfvicTke&hre's'Playhoitstl ?K .» *, l*T> ' .flit r < \ 'V ) ' J* when f r w­ 20,1951 - «• t ^; Breakfast 6:30 a.m. to11:00 a.m. Si* i Smell Glass of Tomato Juice Dish of Stewed Apricots Two French Toast avid One Syrup. Two Eggs any Sty)a ....i..... Home Made Patty Sausage Fresh Baked Piccadilly Sweet Roil Fresh Hot Coffee Afweys -%j£r v Lunch tlido a.m to 4:60 p.m. '«*> Fresh Home Mede Vegeteble Sowp Fried Cod Fish and Tartar Sauce Breaded Pori Chop and Cream Gravy !*. Chicken Tie WHh Fresh Vegetables Pot Roest #nd Dressing Fluffy Meshed Potetoes end Brown Gravy waa^< ^F1.* « ¥ ^. «M«*< Stewed Fresh Cerrots Carrot ei^d Raisin Seled —; Home Made Lemon Pie Dinner -Seafood dumbo .ic grilled Chopped Baal Belted Helibut .Shrimp and Rice Creole Style Club Steak end American FriadJMetoee Roast Turkey and Oraisinig Roest Lao of Beaf Au Jut Fried Onions " Spenish Cold Slaw . Chocolate Pie with Whipped Craam s-iUmi­ i/•' •.VV-y.r,,i m mi 1 t ^ Xi** frwn6i30a.in.••S:30 p.m. « t4, w-"H k-\ ^ A«T' *\'liir S T, u •W ill 1 1% t '5»^ —'hr* ,.A?'­ i*A*T mmi^Kr ^ i% "P i -iy. ^lid' ==r % V. h