EO 12958 3.4 (b) (1) SYrs (S) ., d.evelop1~e11ts •. Honecker repm·tedly stated that one must was;it .to s.o.~ when tho Czechoslovnk Con1munist Party is going to proclaim a ''s~rugglo to put down the counter-revolu­ tionar.y ~orces'' 111 the CSSR. Ho11eclto1· 's lattei-remarks arc similar to those expressed in the Polish party's main daily. Tryb,pna·~, on 8 May. 5. In Prague the Czechoslovaks are continuing to enjoy their th~e~ dny holiday ~nd t6ere were no observable signs of p·ublic panic or alarm. · Ne' unusua 1 milttary activity has been d~tec·ted in Czechoslovakia. . 6. Moscow has as yet said not a word about the now Widespread reports that some of its !orces have been dep~oyed towai·d CZechoslov~kia. It si~ems clear--no rnatter how many denials may come 1ater--thnt the S~viats intend tho r~ports ·and rumors· to hnvo their effect in Prague. In the light of these developments, there seems little doubt that tbe mooting. in Moscow on Wednesday between th~ Soviet. Polish, Ba~t Gennan, H~1~2gnrian and Bulgarian leade1•s was the signal !or ·the launching of th1s war of ne1·ves against the Czecho­ . ..,Slovaks.· The propaganda plny during the last coup~e of days , jl ...NI!'' augg~sts, however, that .the J:1u11gariars and perhaps tho Bulgarlamwere· less willing to lend themselves to such a tactic than the othera. 7. Moscow's behavior so far seems more consistent with EO 12958 •.3. 4 (b·) (l) >25Yrs (S) iPa;:I 1·~..________, ·--·----·--..........····· ·--.....-.-..-·­ .. . .. ~ . EO 12958 3.4 (b) (1) (S) such ~ psych~l.ogica·l warfare plan than with an intention to movo Soviet ~orces onto Czechoslovakia territory. If this latter were. intende~, wo would have expected Soviet: propa­ ga11da to ll~ve sou11dod a rising 11ote.of alaTm or. to have begun to prapar·e a Warsaw Pact cover for inte1•vention. 9. The French ~overnment clearly is not treating the situ~t1on a..s .critical whilo Bonn as of lato last night was still analyzing tbe situation. EO 12 958 3. 4 (b) (1) >25Yrs EO 12958 3.4(b) (6)>25Yrs (S) EO'l2958 3.4(b) (1)>25Y~s (S) il!Gl\li'~ . . . ------' ..:._ .... --~~~·-·. 5Yr!: ~ . ... .. . ·.