--,---·. .. . SC fJ08373/G8 EO 12 958 3. 3(b)'(1) >25Yrs ' (S) ~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Directorate of Intelligence · 2Ct July 196~ · •J • INTELLIGENCE MEMORJ\NDUM · The· S·i:tuti:t·i:on· ·in· 'CZC3'cho·s·i·ova7dn (As of 10:30 A.M. EDT) l. There is no $~gn that either the Czechs or ' .. the ·soviets are ready to. give. ground. Altho~19h there has been no official response by -the C2echoslovak party Presidium to the Soviet Politburo '.t:i "invitation" to confer on Soviet t~rritory, the Dl1bcek regime/ .stro!'lgly huttressec1 by the results of yesterday's Central Committce n\eeti!19 in Pr?gue, . is undoubtec1ly pondering its reply, : This may say . ~. that the C2echs aro ready and ..eager to talk, but. only on Czaqh soil. Uncc:m'f1rmed western _prass ·... reports from Pr~gue assert that the Czechs will .. insis·t, ·in addition, .that the Russians complete . . . their military withdrawals before discussions b~9in. Whether the two side~ will dive~g~ from their collision courses would seem now to pepend on whether such immediate issu~s as these can be ~-: •COJnpX'OlUised. 2. It is probabiy still too early to e~pect to see a public Soviet reaction to the proceodi~~s of the Czechoslovak party. in P.i:~gµe yestarday. These were a blow to any hopes Moscow may have hnd that · conservative forces within tile Czechoslovak ,par;-y could be. goaded in·to action ~qainat the reform~st leadership. The. Soviot leaders ·are, .meanwhile, .usin9' ' 4 •• -...... • the party mechanism to bri~g home to the Soviet · publio the seriousness of their concern about Czechoslovakia. Party· meeti~gs which reaffirm the li11e put forth at the Soviet Central Committee nleeti!lg earlier this week are taki~g place in provincial centers. J\n exp%ess1on of military support for the party position has also come fron\ the military newspaperr ~~, _which saf.s that "Soviet. soldiers jus-t as all S,?Viet people are deeply concerned over the intr~gues of ant"i-socialist forces in CzEichoslovakia.0 4,. The East German party has issued orders for a ~ajor prop~ganda campa~g~ des~gned.to inculcate. . . its res'tiva people with .the need for a "~esolutG and bold countez:a-t:taok on the revisionia~ and anti­ ·.• -,_.. -­ ----·~ -·---·..----·--­ .___!-~---!Qj__..___jl socialist forces (in Czechoslovakia) without da~lgerous delay.•• The Eas·t German party. central committee issuod a formal atateme~t on 19 July ' which appealed directly to orthodox Czechoslovak Communists to "immediately take firm mensures". to , protect the party•s power. It assurecl such Czecl1os lovaJc elements that the East German part~ stood "firmly at ·their sid~ in the necessary f~gl1-t for checki~g 'oounter-revol~·ti;nAry fo~ces •., The Polish party's . ~ain daily paper also played on the sanle then1e, . acc:ordi~g to we.stern news sources. 'l'o date, .these ...... a.re the most naked invitations from ne~glibori?g Communist parties to a coup .1.n Czechoslovakia. 5. 'l'lle J-tu~garinn party's warnif)9B to Pr~gue a'l;e becomi~q moJ;"e insistent in t.on~, .and now n.ote · that d~ger to Communism· in Czechoslovakia'• . •. "Clireotly. threatens the security ·of Hu!lgary as woll.•• • numan~a and Y~goslavia continue .to.give vocal suppo~t, pu~ there·ia atill no aign that Ceausescu . . or Tito a:e plarini~g to come .to Pr~gue aoon. Neithex haa '\;h•~• ~een any expl4nation of their· failure to come ao fa%. ... ~-­ · 6. Waldeck-Rochet returned t.o Paria today, . but there has boen no information on his talks . yes~orday with CzechoslovaK leade~a • . 7. Libe·ral elements in the Czechoslovak party and 9overnx<\ent are seeking public support • • J from leftist t>olitical parties in Europe, ,incl\ldi~g the French Federation o:E the Left, r.ac.corcli~q to