r • ~D I ' EO 12958 3.3(b) (1)>25Yrs (S) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY '· Dil"~C tor ate. of Intcll igent.:~ 22 Jttly 1968 ·INTELLIGENCE MEN..ORANDUM Tho Situo.t:ion in Czachoslovnkin ----z1\s or 1 : oo r>. ~1 • F.L>'J') l. Tl1c fir~t sma11 stop town rd a break in the stala-mate may have cc·mc with Soviet a~1·oeme11t to hold bilateral tn lks with the Czechs on C?.C'fCh soil. At solne cost to its pride> Moscow hDs dccidod to play O\t.t tho political option a bit 1.01'lgcr. 2. TASS nnnouncud t<)d:'.ly thn t the Soviet'=> ha vo agreed to moot nt an unspecified dnto wich the C~ochoslovnk~ in Czechoslovakin, with tho proviso that the meeting bo attOl'\d.E by t:hc) . :t:ull mamhcrfo;l~ips of tliCi Sov1ot Politburo and the Czechoslovak Presidium. Moscow's in~istenco on the ~t­tendanco of tho cntiro Presiclium :h'Hlicat~s that the Sovie.ts .still think these nro opportunities for wedge-driving with­in 1.he Cl'.echor;lovnk lc.:ndl11·shi1l,. a. At tho >itl mo ·t ln\o, Mt.>scuw continucd t;o hu I l cl n casu tliat could j\\St1fy 1ntcrvontion. According to sketch.y news l"CJpol.·ts, the USSR today delivered a n<.">lc SANITIZED E.O. 13292, Sec. 3.5 NLJ/flAk11-.itl By7 .~...........,o· NARA, Datel.2-31'4 ~ l