ft?**** ^-*• * " >Jlsifl-.V A *'«5J^ *f»«-*•* *rt»-+• ^ }^ » f? > jJfBh. --^^,/jVa­j \ t--\ w * ""^ <• s'wm-rfi,,, rJ ,^Hf.J'1 •' I f§ Student Voice 9om Fo First Co M OLUME 51 Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, THURSDAY Pages a ffi liyyywjfc - .. . , W " -, m. By KEN TOOLEY on the mound for .the Steers. He order.' He has been unable to gain Ttzan Sport* Editor a victory TOKYO, May 17.—(AP)—Massed Chinese Reds smashed the'opening stagey 6f the offensive Wednesdajfl'j® , has appeared in four of the last over the Steers, in five feeding only one more victory! five Longhorn games and is previous appearances. Obtaining Gym into Allied lines in central and eastern Korea today in the First reports on the olfensive toM only of waves of Red J a clean-cut Southwest Confer-credited with three triumphs. In Today the two schools will meet Is Big Problem opening battle of the Communists' second spring-offensive. foot soldiers but made no mention of tanks or heavy artiUery.' ice baseball championship, Coach the 28% innings that he has been for their 157th time. During that To Cultural Group The first thrusts ripj[)ed deep holes into the Allied posi­ Ibb Palk Will send his Longhorns on the mound, the surprise pitcher At Eighth Army headquarters, the assaults were described ; time the Longhorns have emerged fainst the Texas A&M nine in has allowed only one earned run. the victor 107 ties to 47 for the tions in the mountairious east. as general from the vicinity of Kapyong, in the west-central The Shankar Hindu' Ballet, Pol- Re first of a crucial two-game Senior hurler Milton Deason will Aggies. Two games ended, in ties. gar, the hypnotist, Rogers .and Spearheaded by an estimated 75,000 men in an offensive .sector, to the east coast. Kapyong is 32 miles northeast of |6ries at' Kyle Field in .College probably handle the pitching du­The Steers will be seeking their Hammerstein Nights, and the force believed to total nearly500,000, the Reds forced a SeOUl. . Ration Thursday and Friday. ties Frlday. 31st Southwest. Conference cham­ Bob Kinnan will broadcast the Pat Hubert, , the Aggie hurling pionship since the league was First Piano Quartet have been general withdrawal southwest of Inje. It is 25 air miles in­ One South Koreap division on the east coast was forced. engaged by the Cultural Enter­ liiamontl fray from College Sta­ace, will face the .Texas batting formed in 1915. Committee for. next land from the east coast and 75 miles northeast of Seoul back an unreported distance. It was the first Allied unit tainment tion through the facilities of sta­it . .... -year's attractions^ provided Greg-Allied artillery mowed down waves of attacking Reds by struck in force. The*, assault spread quickly tti ; tion KVET at" 3:15. STARTING LINEUPS ory Gym can be obtained at the the hundreds. Dispatches, delayed by censors,-reported an forces east, and' southeast of Chunchon, more than 45 JEXAS BA Po.. TEXAS A&M BA The Longhorns will go into the proper time, Dr. Archie N. Jones, series a a share of Buxtows ..,(.375)...; ...SS..... _Wallace (.373) estimated 2,00.0 Reds were"killed by artillery*al'one during miles northeastof Sepul. finch for the director of the a cappeUa choir now Womack —1.201 (.290) —-———r f, : lt:rown. They hold an 11-2 (.32$)... Ecrette and faculty advisor of The Cultur­ i— The 20-mile^ mountainous ^record while the Aggies have1 won ^aghalter (.196)^.'.....;.,_,LF DeWitt (.250) al Entertainment Committee, has stretch between Chunch&i Iflipe and lost foui1, needing a vic-Bigham (.460)...., .'lB „..Lary ..: ^(.293) announced. I 55"y on both occasions for a part, Kana (.3781) 3B-(jandelari .'i..^i.._(.239) These attractions were decided northeastward to Inje appar< [Ownership in the Conference title. Hrncir ...(.184) RF.— McPherson (..261) Upoli by the committee as a result ently was the main battle­ Bengston .^..,..'..(.235).... CF Munnerlyn ........(.1-5)6) a taken two The Steers grabbed their two-of poll at the la'st ground. Benson .......(.233)... Ogletree (.30«) [game league lead and at least a concerts which showed that stu­ Sctyborough ....(.231) P Hubert (.048) First assaults were laVtoc^' share of the crown when they dents ranked them as their prefer­ Jblanked SMU, 9-0, at Clprk Field ence. 1 ed by Red units ranging in siui, from companies to itast week. * "We are not going to sign up Topjc Chosen-;­ In Hands of Regents attractions, Communist foroea ^renj^ieb«il* If the Falkmen chalk up an- any more however, until «we find out how much mon­ tiwir resistance to Allied patrol* ither triumph, they will gain their .oUrteenth consecutive champion­ey will be available from the Blan­The Stddent Assembly's recom-recommended Blanket Tax will arily required to be .paid of *afl' in the.area around Mtonsan, Seoul ket Tax," Dr. Jones said. "Artur and; Uijongbu on the western ship and the right to represent mendation for a compulsory Blan-| cost $16.60 as compared to this students attending school undeV frbnt. ^e Conference at the* NCAA re­Rubensteyi, who was rated year's $15 tax. ket Tax .seemed likely, to go first similar circumstances." gional tournament in Arizona in by the students, will be impossible The Eighth Army reported that to the Board of Regents. , C. D. Simmons, vice-chancellor 'The final acceptance or refusal the Reds', at heavy , coat, had mad* the early part of June in defense to obtain, as he' wanted .$4,000 for business and finance, said-that of the proposal will rest in the of the NCAA crown they have for one performancej and we The report, which is an out­ three penetrations sou^hwtart: of Veteran's Administration regula-hands of the Board of Regents and aptured the past two years. Great Issues Core can't afford that." growth of the May 1 meeting of Inje. Red casualties Wedr^esday tiona specifically state that the gov­the matter is expected to be con­ The^poll was as follows: Ar­ were estimated at 2,555. In case of a tie between the two By M1LDRED KLESEL the Student Assembly, recommends ernment: will payr for veterans, sidered at the next meeting of th« irival schools, a playoff will be tur Rubenstein, Longenes Sym-. The general headquarters mt(f- Specific emphasis on the inter­Several fiiembers of the com­phonette, Rogers and Hammer­a compulsory system with the pro­only those fees which are "eustoni-Board, May 25-26 in El Pasoi . 'necessary to a repre­ vision payment morning communique reported Al» determine that exemption national relationships of America mittee will meet with a faculty stein Nights, First Piano Quartet, lied forees '^executed limited sentative to challenge Arizona in may be obtained by students who in today's worW will'be the basis committee to prepare a list of ti­Marias and Miranda, Houston withdrawals as enemy pressure fat- the NCAA meet. can: prove their inability to pay of .tlfe Great Isues course for next ttles and speakers for the program. Symphony, Polgar, Don Cosack creased." The Longhorns outscored th& year. Chorus, Hindu Ballet, the required amount. Such cases The list will be presented to the Sharikar Aggies, 14-10, in their first meet- would to Allied-*rtillery and automatlo This specific topic was decided general committee for approval San Antonio Symphony, Norwe­be presented a Board ng at Clark Field April 21. Four consisting of the president and weapon fire broke-up three com- upon at a committee meeting yesr at a meeting which will be held gian Boys Chftir, Vladimir Horo­ steer hurlers went to the mound terday. 'Dr. H. Malcolm Macdon-Monday at the YMCA at 4 :S0 p.m. witz, Salzburg Marionette vice-president, and one member of gtny-sized Chinese groups fa) ;ot check the Cadet power at the The­the Student Assembly selected by ukhan river valley northeast of jlate. ald, associate professor of govern­Students and faculty; members ater, Mischa Elman, Little Singers Seoul. -;tV the president. ' ment, suggested that in order to interested in planning the coiirse from Paris, New York Wind En­ Farther west American Infatt­ lia\ discuss "America's Place in the are invited to attend the meeting. semble, and the Austin Symphony. Charlie Robinson, head of the Annual Law Review and School Second place award of $75 was trymen and' tanks fought all day "mproved with each game offTttthe World Today" the official stand' Dr. Joiles said, that the Lt)n-Appropriations Committee, re­of Law awards were announced won by Marvin S. Sloman. season. They have been victorious ported that the recommendation long with two more Red companiea of America's international ! rela­gines Symphonette, Marias and by Conhell Ashley, editor of Pere- and killed most of thera*^U^5^, n their last five games, and have Miranda, and the Houston is "now being mimeographed and r Richard Ti Churchill got top tions must be presented. Sym-grinus, which was distributed raised the team batting average ; phony will probably be among will be sent directly to the Bo>&rd honors for the best casenote. He Most Allied officers are' agreed Student Receives He said that speakers from var­ Wednesday. from .216 to .268. The Texas lirie-of Regents for final judgment. received $75, and a iprize of $50 the full-scale Cotomuniset thrust the other, attractions procured. ious nations should be secure^to. ip averages .298,,led by first base- He added that one of the big­; Robinson Baid he got the fol­Earnesi ju Langley. received a. wa&_*warded. Cloy D. Mdnxiogo wp come .between Friday Bigham (.460), short' present their views, and the indi­ lowing set of' Annotated, Texas Statues case&ote. nan Chile viduals enrolled in-, the course in gest handicaps .the"committee has impression for the-best all-around Work on f^% second-beat Monday. A faw thought the Redr Eddie Burro,ws Iitop (.375), third is obtaining Gregory Gym-. ' recently with Dean Arno Nowot-Cecil L. Smith received -the might hold off until early 7uni, must give their opinions and ideas. the [baseman Frank Kana (.378), and A charge of aggravated assault "The gym, is an athletic build­ny, \ dean of Student Life ,,and Review. • . ; ; Wright Matthews Prise for the ,• Casualties inflicted on the Reds From these two sources conclu­ ..outfielder Frank Womack (.328). Harry K. Wright received a Tuesday werp estimated at 2,890. sions could be drawn intelligently, filed Wednesday in County Court-ing, and it seems top bad. that "we chairman) of the -Student-Faculty outstanding, paper in the field bound set of the Review for his ry?r- ij-The Aggies have only two men have to depend oil its availability Committee: "Since the University of taxation. He received $100 for Jti he said. at Law followed an altercatiori'be- work as student editor contri­ ' |on the squad that are hitting over to give programs," he said. '-'Not is now under an optional Blknket his paper which will -appear in Suggestions made by members tween a University student apd a buting the second-best work. jfbSOO, shortstop Guy Wallace (.373) only is the gym unavailable most Tax system," Robinson said, "the tho October issue of t$ie Review. s'Tand catcher A1 Ogletree (.306). at the last meeting were compiled porter of a University living unit. of the time, but. acoustically it .is Student-Faculty Committee is de­A prize of $100 was awarded LaW School prizes for 1950-51 George H. Jewell, Jr. who in now [Last year, Ogletree, a former and a list presented at the meet­Jim C. Cornish, BBA . student very poor and -very uncomfort­funct and cannot, therefore, oper­ were awarded to.four outstanding ing. From this list of 47 topics in the Navy. He deceived the mon­ ^Austin Maroon, led his teammates able. We! bought 1,000 cushions, ate as such. If the -compulsory law studentb. . (at the plate with a season average the following four occurred most living at 906 Lamar acconiing to but the people did not seem to proposal is approved by the Board ey for his paper 4'Community or : frequently: the Registrar's Office, signed the SeparateT-^-Determination of pro-James W. Wilson received $100 For Summer Term ,.-f .364. |L ! . w "i * . charge against R.D. Gilmore, Ne­want them." of -Regents, the Committee will as the outstanding all-around 1. What, is our foreign policy? again begin to function." . lit or Increase in Value." •June 5-6 has been designated With "their number-one pitched, "One of the biggest dreams senior student. gro porter of the Paso House." Jim Ehrler, still unable to get into 2. Is America'* setting an exam­ of the Cultural Entertainment Dean, Arno Nowotny, chairman ' " : • A prize of $100 went to Richard registration period < for students . The porter "was arrested by the action, the .Longhorns will be ple-for the world to follow? on Committee is1 a spring festival of the Student Faculty Committee, Law School Annuals T. Churchill for being chosen the of the 19*51 summer session; County Sheriff and released greatly handicapped when they 3. What is the economic struc­each year in the football stadium. says that when the report comes outstanding Mid-law studenfc Thojue. University -a&dents who face the strong Aggie stickmen. ture and influence of America? $300 bond Tuesday. We could get 50,000 people here, to his office 'he -plans' to call a May Be Picked up Today George E. Gilk^rson was awar-failed to preregister will follow But another righthander, Luther Report of the incident by the and it would' be another Holly­meeting of the old and UeW; offi­thf following general procedure: 4. Is the University meeting Distribution 6f Peregrlnus, law d6d a watch for being,considered city detectives recorded Cornish a send Scarborough, a. junior from Fort the needs and challenges'that we, wood Bowl. 'Aida' would be cers and then the recom­school annual, was begun Wednes­ the best, all-round law student. \ .1. Preaent photostat or record as having a stab #ouhd in the left Worth, has recently earned the good one to start with, and we mendation on to President T. S. Of credits at gKoujvd floor rotuii* as Americans, must face? „ . shoulder. The report said COrhish day, Connell Ashley, editorj an­Thomarf* J. Lykos received the inspect of Longhorn fans and could-obtain 'stars from the Met Painter and the Board of Regents. da, Main, Building on Tuesday nounced. ®\i Alpha Delta Achievement own a definite improvement since Since the committee planned to had been treated at the' University as a drawing card," Dr. Jones "The Blanket Tax proposal for. Those law students who haven't Award -which is ;-a complete set and Wednesday, June 5 and 6 make the topic more.specific for Health Center and released.' v the first of the -season. commented. . from 8-12 a.m. and 1-4 pjn. Pret. this course, it was suggested by The reported stabbing, occurred This will next year shows an increase for picked up their copies may do so of the UnifKd States Supreme Scarborough will probably be summer Dr.» Jones' each of the eight organizations in­at Jack Procter's office, in the law..Court Reporter, which»waa coiS liminary registration cards and ,Mis Sallie Roller, director of the in the Paso House Tuesday, the teach Junior College music super­cluded under the present set-up. building. " • tribute^ by the Honofl a time assignment for secutim^ YWCA-, and , Jody Edmondson , bte'Tom detectives' report showed. Cornish vision at the University of Sou­The Appropriations Committee All who haven't paid. b@t have C. Clark, A.B. 19?1, LL.B. 1922, Course Cards will be issued-there. that the committee follow Dr. is not a resident of the boys' liv­thern California and will super­ based estimates On subscribed make 2. Student* will Macdonald's suggestion of fdreign ing unit, {and the report, repealed vise writing of masters and doc­their an &en-may payment Unjvemiity of Texas, who is now then fill out policy. The committee agreed that rollment of 12,000 students, some and pi,ck up their copies, alsb, Associate Justice, United States the preliminary registration cards provoking the incident. all'four divisions would fall into no Causa toral disertations. 1,000 of, which will be exempt; The Ashley said. Supreme Court. and present them at* Waggener Hall 112 at the time ahown on the discission. the, time assignment. After cards are checked, the student ' I4ssures Encore • *• Dr. Macdonald suggested these Coffee which < hours allowed points: "" will go to Room 101 .and receive faculty and students to become -his Course Card, Tentative Course i 1. What is America's attitudeacquainted over a coffee cup will Card, Advisor Information*"Sheet,, toward the world? be continued by the Cowboys dur­ and Admission Ticket to. Gregory ing the 1951-1952 school year, Ed 2. What is the official Ameri­ Notestine, Cowboy spokesman can,, policy? He suggested tfiat a <& ."3; AfteriMsti#fiave ffifetlli^ Baid. ' -— • . — speaker from the State Depart­ ' ts % ,reS«it­ -.'IvExoepfeidaa aii?s of these had large student attend­their viewpoints. tics, was also honored. Ifc Riddlehoover; Howsril' J. Clarkj City Post American Legion Silver mental sponsor. Cater and Peggy ed were to Jackson, a Iotter of 101 to Gregory Gymnasium #-at ance, especially the administra-5. What should the foreign pol­The awards which, were present­Chaunce O. Thompson Jr., all giv­Medal for the three highest fresh-Company sponsors are, Bonniebel commendation; Ross D. Green-the time assigned; Law students* ed by University dignitaries and ion coffee, Notestine noted. r3± _ icy.. be? " ' en Reserve Officers Association men in rifle -marksmanship; and Bland, Alicemarie Meye.r^Char­ street, Chamber of -Commerce distinguished Armed Forces offi- who1 to'ttiaw -B/' iM, JNti p*No definite schedule for next 0. At the end of the course a Silver Medal.. Delbert B. Hankins, a. letter of lotte Carlisle, and Marilyn Hamp­Cup; B. J. Barnes, Reserve Offiv Gregory 6ym; and candidates for ' given for outstanding year's coffee hours has"yet been summary of America's position cers were -Also Jesse L. Bain, William W. commendation awarded by Maj. ton. Lois Wynne is-the sponsor cer's Association Medal for out-degrees invth« College of Arts! work in scholarship, in leadership, worked out," he said, ''but they should be presented. >* Beuhler Jr., Allen D. Chandler Jr., W. O. Threadgitl. * staoding sophomore cadet; W. G. ajSl Aiigu^ s on drill and rifle (teams,, and in will probably be arranged in much Dr. Macdonald illustrated these John E. Parks, rifle medal and Members of the Rangersi Army Wilson, rifle team trophy; Lane intramurals. » fund rmmrfa tf62* wWi the same way as they were this ideas by .asking the group why University intramural rifle team drill team, have been awarded to Distinguished Military Gradu­ T. Seaiy, cigarette lighter,fpr hil^i Army Cadet Col. Clarence J. to l^fL year." -. America< is a great power. One medal; Bain, the Travis Post fourrageres by the University ates Alfred J. Jackson, Virgil C. individual rifle Gym, I There wiH be some variations. of the obvious answers was her Baldwin was given the Tom Miller American Legion Silver Medal; -Post American Legion. Cadet Caasel, Heriberto De Leon, Lyn- Saber for' being the best cad«t of­ Members of the Air Foree drillf 4 At Gnwbrr^y»»­Some entire schools, rather than . economic status, which would be ficer of the year. He was also giv­ team, the Orange " Wings, were be closed" promptly at 5 their separate departments, will be brought into* the : Great Issues given drill team fourrageres. Oth­ en the Society of American Mili­ Tuesday-and WeAaesdajr, included in one coffee. Two de­course. He suggested debate on er awards presented included rifle tary Engineers Senior Gold Medal. and stodents willpartments mayh^ld ajojnt coffee-what America does to fulfill;her team medals, Forensic medals, and Company 4,A,*' the Corps of En­ and complete their hour,. he said. , • -. •••••, duty aa a great power. UT I intramural,emblems. gineers* was given an award as ' *" f { ? -yL & the best Army company of the The Naval ROTC made presen­year tations to J. L.4.Uox.d, American Rn* Ar\t Pfoyt! iuston Youth Retiring Col. Wilson was given pmuel Husto Legion Leadership Award; J. A. ^ ToB*1 Givin Tonight a:certificate signed by Governor §imm Adamcik, American Scholarship Allan Shivers, which acclaimed Eighty-six boxes of books have and fraternity bouses next week. the donations In the Main Build­Award; W. C. Swadley, Commo­:^f5Phe D^artmeat 4 him an honorary Texan. The"pre­been collected , by Uniyersity stu­Pickup of books will be^arranged ing box are due to personal con* dore E. H. Perry Award; W. A. announced two to W sentation was made by Maj. Ge*. dents aftd teachers for the en­by the campus service organixa» tacts by Mr. Dunn, who has sent Petry,commendation for outstand­mtei. ^ X r A Hoiutpn' youth"^uxi;ect atile which "sex stood out like neon K. L. Berry, adjutant general of largement of the Samuel Huston tions, said Tom Reid, chairman books to almost.every part of the ing scholarship (£aval weapons); ^te^ulation of summer camps such signs." the State of Texas. The cadet College library. of the fraternity and sorority di« world in the past few years.. -• C. W. G, Fulcher, commendation rnaneea for % Xast^ of an unidentified one he said he Rice waaone of a party of about corps, represented-by Cadet Col. A large box has been set up vision of the book drive. v The donators name can be put for outstanding scholarship (naval thesis, ^he fattended four years ago thai sub­20 persons headed by Robert Mil-Baldwin, gave the Colonel a plaque , Thia^project began when Samuel hiqtofey and orfenttioa>> ^ p^nnptlyjii in the Main Building'"and in the On a label and pasted'tn the book. " ner of Houston to urge Senate which expressed appreciation for jected him to blanket parties and lobby of the Texas Union. Others Huston College appealed for help Labels are now available at all col­Chainber' of Con&n«rce^"wO< :• rThe ,jfcrw flax,-k passage, of the incuse-passed bill. his service1 here commanding jse?cy,<>b9oka. as have beeh placed fat. all the stu­inboilditig .upitalibrary. lection boxes. Any group that has Uam medals were a» ed to H. It would require state inspection, officer., dent religious centers, mid Guy the la«t year the college coni^fc ;; €. H. FVank 'Rice, 18, related the ex- books to be takento Samuel Hus­ >erience«. to the Senate's State regulation; and licensing of , the Other Amy awartU were made Rucker, co-ordinator of the give-ceive an accredited rati ton College, ihould contact Guy Piftor, C. T;1%,O. j summer camps by the Youth De­ ^Affairs Committee, the Associated to Cadet Sgt. Nat Harris^ Th? a-book drive on the campus. its library is greatly en B»«k« at ^otuutiM^Mk C. ». Plwr, ^ ,C.W. lopment Council. Exempt would I'^Press reported. •elo' Society of American Military En-Presidents of all the sororities Alraost any boolis «an"be;lMr According be Boy and Girt Scouts, Campfire gineers Junior Gold Medal; Cadet have agreed to help colled books. iSyen If it is an old book and Dujin, most student donations will J.;Jay..• i ir-He told the Committee the faamp f CoL Geoige F. Schofner^ the and many of them havr s^t -Worthless to students, -Coi / ., [he attended at l4' held blanket on a oommereial ba^si. t "Q^rtermaster ^Association G0I4 r«. the very book theyf need, not b •*** nihn'rft rnimA J mtk m ss& m w m * DAILY tSCAN m ft Maroons, S^R? Austin Meet/in Bi-District The Austin Maroons and the this season-—both to the Unive tSUWSl Stephen F. Austin Mustangs open sity Freshmen nine. The Maroc bi-district play -in the state school­however, defeated, the Lose to • boy baseball playoff Monday af­Longhorns twice. ' " Ti; ternoon at House Park. The Ma­The Mustangs of Stephen * By tA« At»*ciaU4 "P; t — red hot Cincinnati Reds •!'V Jones all chipped in two hits the Yanks for the second day in a roons are champions of District Austin won. the 13AA crowhTues Baseball in the major leagfl&i continued their winning'waya and apiece, along Stanley, row. Mickey Mantle, the fabulous while Houston law all clubs in action Wednesday. with and "14AA the team day night when p they downed th pushed closer towards the first Musial made one of hit drives rookie, drove home four runs with took honors in District l&AA. San# Jacinto Bears, 4-2, in thIn th« National League the front- division as they -won their fifth food for a homer. a single. Bobby After first of rubber three a home-run and the game the gjame' of a gamrunning Brooklyn Dodgers too>oka victory out of their last six starts Over in the junior circuit, the best two-out-of-three series, the Brown also homered for the Yan- series. bade seat today as the fifth place by ejdng out a 4-8 victory over New York Yankees, held on to two teams willjnpve to Houston After bowing to the Bears iChicago Cuba potmded them lor the Boston Braves. U^til the their two and a half gape. ftrst- final -two & thirteen hits to gsab a 14-4 vie* W The: Chicago White Sox, mean­lor the • games Friday the first game, Coach Jake Alex eighth > inning^ ^^o^nnjf i \ Sa i n, placfe lead by blasting the Cleve­while, ke.pt pace with the front and Saturday-r-if both games are ander's charges evened the serftory. PautMinner, ex-Dodger, won as Brave's pitcher, had held the Reds land Indians, H-3, behind big Vic running" Yankees by topping the needed.. • list Monday ? night 'when the his . second / game Dee. Fondy, .to four .hits and one run, but the RaschL Raschi, winning his sixth Coach Toney Burger's:Maroons, handed San Jacinto's Claude Roach another ex-Dodger, and Ransom Boston? Red Sox,. 9-5. Bundling game againftt one defeat, held the & Jackson banged out two homers Redlegs cut loose in the last half eight of their nine hits in the first undefeated in district play this his first loss of the season as of the eigftth and scored three Tribe to seven hits as they fell to year, 'have lost only two games apiece. two inning*, the Palehose scored Stephen F. Austin won,' 8-2 runs-to wra£ up the ball game. eight runs off the slants of Chuck Hilley Recommended Whitey Lockman's single in the Stobbs and Paul Hinrichs. Joe fifth inning scored Amn Dark For Lamar Coaching Job Dobson, former Red Sox pitcher, Reliefer Joe Page from second and gave the New had trouble with only "Walt Dropo York Giants, a 2-1 victory-over Jack T. Martin was recommended and Dom Dimaggio in taking his Pittsburg. Jim Hearn, Giant right­as head basketball coach for La­ second win without a defeat. hander, scattered five hits to gain mar State College of Technology to The Detroit Tigers continued to his third victory of the season. by Stan Lambert, athletic director, mow down American League op­ Ralph Kiner, of the Pirates, col­to the regents. NEW YORK, May 16.—(AP)— position as they-sandwiched:three » Page. once great relief pitcher lected three of the five hits, a Also recommended was Lewis singles among'five walks to score the New York Yankees, got the single, double, and a triple. Seeond M. Hilley as associate professor five runs off A1 Sima in the fourth —e Wednesday as the major baseman Eddie Stanky of the of health. He would be Physical inning and defeat Washington, .7-1. ,;.j TOP SLUGGER for the Texas Lbngh'orns in their crucial two- leagues rushed to get within the Giants got on base for the 30th Education and Intramurals Direc­Dizzy Trout, in handing the Sena­ game final series with the Texas Aggies beginning Thursday, is 25-player roster limit before the consecutive game by walking in tor and tennis*and gol^ coach. tors their fourth straight loss, gavethe second inning. 0 left-handed sticker Chile Bigham, the Steers' leading fence-buster.*- midnight deadline. Martin, basketball coach 'at. up but four hits as he struck out The" red-Headed sophomore first-sacker from Dallas paces the team"' bj Others who were released, .re­Gerald Staley batted in two Hardin-Simmons College in Abi­six and walked one. and the Conference in home runs, with seven. . t tired, optioned or sold outright to pups and-pitched the St. , Louis lene, has 41-35 won-lost -record Big Gus Zernial of the Phila­ the minor ^leagues included Max CSrdlnals to -a 8-5 victory over there, where he has coached since delphia Athletics tied major Peterson and Billy Martin, Yan­the Philadelphia Phillies although graduation from the"same school r- league record as he hit two home kees; Ear] Mossor, Brooklyn; A1 Brazle had to come in to stop in 1948. runs make a total six in to of Meeks to a Charlie Bowers, Jack Britthv and a last-minute Phillie threat. The Hilley is the director of Caswell three successive games, but the r Ed Sanicki, Phillies; (Steve Bilko, Cardinals, still missing the service Tennis Courts here and is well Louis Browns won the long St. Cardinals; Hal Daugherty, De­of several of their first stringers known to University tennis fans distance driving contest, 10-9, andtroit; Tom Saffell and Monty Bas-due to a recent flu epidemic, still for his promotion of tournaments dropped the A's into the cellar. to buy gall, Pittsburgh; and Dick Little-pounded out twelve base hits. Pea­ ' r " • for -both* experienced and«**IU illVAinexperi­ —7 . W|,W*«W»«vvm Don Lenhardt also hit two homers Broadjumper Charlie Meeks will tion's big three cinder meets, -the field, White Sox. nuts Lowery, Stan Musial, and V. enced players on the campus. for the Browns. . be theUpiveraity's pole representa­Texas, Kansas, and Drake-Relays. Bilko, who failed foe the second tive in the 1951 Coliseum Relays, He holds the country's fourth time' to win the first base job with booked for Los Angeles this. Fri­best jump of the season,'' a 24-9 the Cardinals, was sold outright day nig&t, and Saturday's Califor­effort made in the Rice-A&M-to Columbus. He hit only .225 this those Texas tri-meet. season. nia Relays at. Modesto. He is two-time Southwest Con­Page's release was a surprise. The senior trackman leaves for ference champion in. the event, The 33-year-old lefthander was re­ Los Aagreles this morning along winning the title in 1950' and leased outright to Kansas City, an : with Coach Clyde Littlefield and Booked Here for Saturday College Preferred again last week at College Station. American Association farm clubthe freshman relay quartet which This is Meeks first, trip.to the of the Yankees. Peterson, 27, The second annual Invitational, teams and eight teams were selec-* • ^ * two at 10:30 a.m. The other teams' wiU compete Unattached in the two. relays.-Last year, the crack-righthander, was returned to To* Collegiate Softball Tournament, two .meets. y • ted on the basis of the speed managers will meet at the Middle varsity-sprint relay teamwas the ronto, the club from which he was sponsored by'the University,-will of-their reply. Schools that will Intramural Meeks is undefeated in the University's representative, with drafted last November. Neither he be played Saturday, May 19, on Softball diamopd at p have teams represented here Sa­9:45 a.m. Saturday for the re­ broad jump event this y?ar and Charlie Parker and Perry Samuels nor Page pitched to a batter this Whitaker Field's three diamonds. turday are Trinity University of acored a thr na­in 100-yard season. mainder of the schedule drawing. gran * ><«•** 'II'; grays, and tans. SHIRTS &TIES UNDEkWIAK • HANDKIRCHIEFS • SPOUTS SHIRTS "4 IV r \ ^tl f­ r CHAROE ACCOUNTS WELCOME MAARROW lei-at open' J 2 SJi, ARROW SHIRTS ii:"^ar9e account for v *** .1 » 1 m ¥'1 a complete selection $f * i at the campus^Si'* M, ?«i I tjH-iV i' 3 V j . <<% 'Ku mmJUma^UaUmimmSmSOL iS f-r } TOGGERY, sntcuAOALUPs m '!»» *lgOW imiV»«»MT »tYHil ' •*' apnn f fSV 1 *-. 5t '* f Ht. $S T v vTtiA <• j* * * ^ m->.$-* T S ~"V"'V 1 f S Vtf-f. 'r * "* j "* *• •* * Vlsi •'„W~' i-% a ^A ^ I c TKurj3ay, M«y 17/195f THE DAILY T00N, •-tmP 11 IL'J1W1 rail -wt J* -±i ^ T' >«*$ W*p> l' >r* rif1 Acheson Refuses m 11 niver pftrfr*1"* TOP Power in To Resigh0{tke <. " !• T*•"H. »' 2 ExiledCcmdidate on m WASHINGTON, May l«. _ not true that he had s*14 Is tits Tuesl Charge*'Cheating' (AP)—Dean Acheson, target of past that the veto could jm* be d thJ hot lire, declared Wednesday he used to keep the Chinese ottt. Be WASHINGTON', May mony—and eounter charges that Bradley, of th« Joint EARNERS k 'thi , LA PAZ, Bolivia, May 16—(4P) •a—The inquiry into" Gen. M»cAxw: the Republicans may be "trying Chiefs of Staff; to tell what was "enlisted for the duration" and said yes he had said that. gam^ -^President Mamerto Uurriolago- intends to remain as Secretary of thur's ouster exploded Wednes­to sabotage" the Asia policy in­said at the meeting which led to Burleson said he h*4 itia resigned Wednesday and State as long as the President day into a bitter wrangle among quiry because they don't like the MacArthur's dismissal six /days Acheson's resignation after consid* rs ir handed over the. government of wants him. senators over their power to force way the testimony is going. later. /Ale*. WANTED this turbulent tin-mining nation Gen. Omar N. Bradley .to tell what The statement could be taken to a junta of The Senate Armed Services and Bradley refused on-the grounds n three generals and as an answer to Rep: Burleson (D-"f, jerfteft' was said at a meeting with-Presi­Foreign 'Relations Committees «-*• that such a disclosure would da* i <** they seven colonels. Texas), who said Wednesday "Mr/ Secretary, hi all esaitir, X dent^ Truman April 6., The White conducting the hearing—will vote stroy him in the role of a confi­ coup blocked sincerely believe that yotir resig­ Soiach ,The apparently House talk was about firing the today oi} whether to try to force dential adviser to the President. night he Had made a personal ap­ n as off from the presidency the exiled Far East commander. peal to .Acheson to resign in view nation would be in the best Inter* Bradley to reveal the White House Mr. Truman upheld Bradley Wed­ 2 Victor Paz Estenssoro, the tin of-"the great sentiment opposing est of our nation beeattae there is The Summer Texan The dispute shoved aside Brad-conversation. All .the signs are nesday. in his refusal—saying miners'^ candidate of the National you/ a:great sentiment <^ppo«ing yeQ," >' * ??ivhi ley'a testimony on the" Korean war. that Bradley will be upheld in his through an aide that Bradley the Texan wrote. • Revolutionary Party (MNFt), who Burleson said he wrote the sec­ n m has openings right now for men or the most in It Brought angry talk that the refusal. should not answer. retary May 7, urging him to take • ' received votes the "Irrespective' of emues1 M&ctrlfi White House may be "pulling an This issue arose Tuesday when Bradley .told the Senators May 6, presidential election. The the initiative in a resignation be­cumstances, a deterioration of iron curtain**" down on the testi-Senator Wiley (R-Wis) asked women who can sell—-and who want government's candidate- ran sec­ Tuesday that the MacArthur pro­cause President Truman, not be­fldence has beeir taking place evegf^M " gram to extend^ the Korean ond. war ing disposed "to concede in Very omddetiAAir poiodiv.."el" r against China would involve the to earn money. (In Buenos Aires, -Estenssoro News Briefs— many things," probably will never which in my judgment 4s • United States "in the wrong war, charged the seizure of power was ask for it. ble. Ill ~ at the wrong place, at thcTwrong e a "deal" to cheat him of the Everything possible must be time and with the wrong enemy. • 1 • • • '""H$ presidency. A stormy atmosphere done to upifg the nation for the Mary Ray Goes Canp Mystii. : Truman Nominates Sheehy "The general had been created for paralyzing five-star had no tremendous tasks ahead, Burleson chance Wednesday to continue his Mary Ray, graduating senior efy^ strikes and a drying up of the said. The Daily Texan ha« For Texas Federal Judge arguments. As he sat quietly look­the University, will work ^som^^ y flow of"strategic tin to Western re­ Acheson reproved reporters who. ing on, the committee members mer at Camp Mystic, near J^ert««|^­ Based onAtaociaUd Preil armament efforts. Possible blood­ in his words, fiddle around with sfeveral openings on its staff for next shed and revolution was seen.) President Truman nominated Saratoga, Texas, he has been an quarreled over his right to refuse the technical and secondary ville, aa a riflery instructor* 'i%«. attorney at Tyler since 1936. He the testimony, and then they asked 'I'M -iff;* o The first act of the military Joe Warren Sheehy of Tyler questions of whether the United is a member of the Texas Supreme him to return Monday. The Gen­ Fall and the Texas Ranger has open­government was to declare a state Wednesday as. federal judge for States should veto Red member­ Court advisory committee on rules eral has west coast appointments of siege, a modified form of the eastern district -of Texas* ship. in the' United Nations* of civil procedure. in the meantime. . r" ings oft its staff for July (that's martial, law; ban strikes,, and au­Sheehy attended the University In apparent annoyance, Acheson Senator Wiley told reporters:' thorize general or partial mobili­of Texas and Baylor. told the -reporters to get. this , 7^* w?g.* lin® simply cannot be The' real question i? whether the zation of the army and civilians , The native Texan was nomi­ straight and advised them not to when we start selling for the Sep- held if living costs keep soaring, people are entitled to know how nated the recommendation of to maintain order. " on Secretary of Labor. Tobin told this deal (MacArthur's. dismissal) louse up, as he put it, the Question Gen. Hugo Ballivan, former Senator Johnson. Senator Connal- of American policy by getting it • tember Ranger). Congress Wednesday. was engineered and who partici­Undersecretary of Defense, was ly said he would not oppose Sh«e-Secretary of Agriculture Bran-pated in it. We want to know what confused with the veto issue. 3Spe$d'Autom$HG named by Gen. Ovidio Quiroga, hy's confirmation. While he umpefd the reporters was said." nan conceded that somelivestock Chief of the Armed Forces, to Sheehy, 40, will succeed Ran­ he seemelcfVlctually to be talking In the hearing he argued: "Ifeeders "are going to-get hurt" head the new government dolph Bryant of Sherman. Born at over their heads to members, of RADIO- pay for the sake of justice, for theby the beef price rollback but Congress and particularly some sake of truth, for the sake of the he backed up the order and dis­ you can sell and Republican Senators who have ex­ J puted claims that' it will "jeopar­people, they should tell us how PHONOGRAPH this thing (ouster) was engi­plored the veto matter recently in dize production." want to earn good money and at neered, what the facts were that the MacArthur hearings. TV Course Set Secretary of Commerce Sawyer In essence what Acheson argued they said justified the act, whatwarned that the United States Wednesday is that the important the same time train for a good job is scraping the bottom of some was said." thing is to persuade a majority ofBradley denied to the Senatorsimportant defense materials, in­the UN members that Red China, that any "iron curtain" had been in advertising when you-graduate cluding copper and zinc. For 'Summer defying the UN in Korea; must notpulled over his testimony. On those central themes the be permitted to shoot its way intoHe said he was willing to tell this is your opportunity. A course in television—acade­documentary, and possibly per­"three cabinet members carried on the'peace league. what conclusions were reached »t the administration's campaign at mic and productive—will be of­sonality sketches. the meeting attended by himself, Acheson was„ asked if it Was •t fered in summer school this year, Approximately ^ forty-five trips the capitol for extension and the President, Secretary of State said E. R. Norris, professor-of covering some 7,452 miles have broadening of the defense produc­Secretary Defense •» tion act. The law expires June Acheson, of drama. been made by University televis­Marshall and Presidential advisor You will {ind yourself No definite plans have been ion classes to -television station 30. W. AVerell Harrlman. Special ... • made for the shows to be pro­KEYL in San Antonio this past "I willing,"] he Record-breaking rains flooded am perfectly duced this summer, but the shows year. Statin KEYL lias offered said, "to tell you the reasons ad­ working with as bright a group of -the panhandle.Wednesday and for will not be strictly entertainment, time, free of charge, for the sum­ vanced by the three" Chiefs of Staff ^jfjaduaJtion the second straight day brought said Mr. Norris. Due to the handi­mer television classes too. when they gave their reasons (for students as there is on the campus. joy to cotton farmers on the south cap of the high cost of camera The six weeks course offers MacArthur's ouster) to General plains. There were many reports rehearsals that are required for three hours of credit for the reg­ Marshall," (pokbvnii fy.95 You will work, but you'll have a lot the variety or talent show, the of six, eight, or ten-inch totals But Wiley, Senator Knowland ular academic work—lectures, as they mounted in a spectacular programs will be informational, reading, etc. Students interested (R-Calif) and other Republicans Plays alt records, all absec end to perhaps the worst drought of fun. You will earn a f^ir income in the productions can sign up for insisted he should tell what was (Bachelor's Cap and automatically. G-E Elec­ in panhandle-south plains history rehearsal-performance and re­was since said in the conversations leading ^$own Fumiihed) tronic Reproducer.Woxider* • and you will gain experience that Stud.ntt welcom. . . . ceive an added two hours credit. It the first real rain to the decision. ' » ' ful AM raiJiQ, Genuine ma­ last September. Knowland" declared: "Now if hogany veneers, top and • ROBBINS BODY SHOP The television class last summer wiU be as valuable to you as any "Complete Body and Fend.r Repair" had twenty students—-many of another iron curtain is to be low­sides. Swirl .jfYA nr* ered then the question arises whe­ figured doo*s. Qrty*PAINTING •CLASS them Austin business people in ra­ther the committee should report course you are taking. •SEAT COVERS dio and journalism. Six students to the Senate "that under the con­ 1305 Lavaca Ph. 7-4973 have registered for this summer's ditions which we face, we may notcourse. If be able to carry out the obliga­ tion which we felt was resting upon us." you think you can Castaneda to Get sell advertising—apply right now to 9-5-r-Exhibit of home-made musi­ cal instruments, Music Building. Honorary Degree 10 and 8—Dr. Harry O. Marko F. R. Moerke, advertising manager speaks, University BaptistThe Catholic University of HEAVENLY! Church. of Texas Student Publications, JB America, Washington, D. C., will 2 — Intermediate Ladies Clubaward a degree of doctor of laws bridge group one, home of Mrs. 108. (honoris causa) to Dr. Carlos Opening R. G. Roessener. Eduardo Castaneda at 1b com­ 4—Scientific Management Associ­ Refreshment! mencement exercise June 6. Lavaca) ation, Texas Union 811. Dr. Castaneda, PhD, LLD, KHS, 4 — Sigma Pi Sigma to makeprofesor of Latin-American his­ awards at Physics Colloquium, tory, and noted author, has been Physics Building 201. The Produce chosen as the outstanding Latin 6—Pi Tau Sigma to'elect officers, American in Texas by*Alba,Club.; Engineering Building 138. Quick In October, 1950, Dr. Castaneda 6—Picnic, Delta Gamma house. Pdlly received the award of Knight 1-—Student Assembly. Commander in the Order of Isa­7 — Bridge tournament, Hillel Texan Results Foundation. '/ bel the Catholic for his seven-If You Do Not Plan To Be In Austin volume history of Spanish missions 7:30—Variety program by stu­ >^*'1 in the Southwest, "Our Catholic dents of Louis Flores. Interne- Apartment for Rent Furnished Room Typing Heritage in Texas." The award is tonal Room, Texas Unio^, In September When The 1951 Cac­ given for scholarly acheiyement 7:45—Intermediate Ladies Club TYPING WANTED: BBA , Graduate. MALE STUDENTS. Air ewditioned FURNISHED ROOM, priv«t« bath. 1219 6.8332. of Spanish Thesis experience. Phone recommendation the bridge group three, home of Mrs. apartment. Maid aerrtce. Between Parkway. 8-6669. University and Capitol 1709 Congress. in Spanish-American culture upon Orville WyBs. ABLE TYPIST, writing experience. Copy -8-7087. Rooms For Rent reading. Phone 6-9844. Academy. 8—Free concert by University tus Comes Off The Press> Please BACHELOR SUITES near UnW«raitr. The Catholic University of Woodwind Quintet, Music Reci­ Air -conditioned refrigeration. 2S50 SUMMER TERM. G«rage room. Adjoin­TYPING: By M. A. graduate. Reason j-.s.i tal Hall. Mtleeea. " . ing campus. East aide. Quiet. Shower. able rates. H287. America is the only pontifical Telephone. Bus. Community center. university in the United States. 8—Two original sfcudent plays, X Come By J. B. 108 Before June 1st TYPING. Thesisj themes, cto. Call Mrs. >6-9701. 2607 San Jacinto. Sherrod. Hall. Coaching MALE 8TUDENTS. Pleasant air-condi­ALL TYPING i will 11:Q5-r-"Forty Acres Forecast," tioned single or double rooms. You'll KINDS neat work, Home-made Instruments KTBC. like here! Scboen House. 1709 Congress. call for and deliver. 2-9606 or 2-48S8. To Check Your Address And Pay DIONETICS Oertifled Auditor. 38 hours, 8-7097. EXPERIENCED typist) Theses, themes, In Music Lobby DisplcjY *180. t-«S08. . ^«eeeeeeeeeee*teeee»e*^ etc. University neighborhood. 2-4945. room*. Rooms or room and board. A display of .home-made music MALE, STUDENTS) Air conditioned TYPIST'S POOL* All experienced typists. Meafla served puniiy style. Brunette be e The Mailing Charges To Have The For Sale Student .House. 1H blocks, campus; 1908 6-4747 evenings. ' instruments will on exhibit » Wiebitai 2-41*1. in the Music Building Lobby e THESES, themes, reports. University graduate. Mrs. Julian, 8-8628. though Friday. These instruments OUTSTANDING BARGAINS, new auto UNIVERSITY MEN. Enjoy a cool sum­ parti. Grille*, *cce«ori«», akirta, hub-mer. Reserve apace now.. Refrigerated Were made by the class in»Crea­e Book Sent To You. cas*> lunvtiori, radiators, etc. Texas air-conditioning. Every room with a pri­typing DONE in my home Call SHIP tive Music in Elementary Grades iWreeking. 806 Ea»t 6th. vate bath. ' Right at campus. THE S3-9546. . e BRIDGEWAY, 2614-16 Wichita, Phone as term projects. -• 2-2817 or 8.8208. DEPENDABLE work i Theses, reports. e Included in the exhibit are e NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, Holiday, Call 2-7198. fortwSr tlt«4 (or SL MntbMk SPECIAL SUMMER RATES $14 to $20 drums made from barrels with • Itttona, Western*. Seience fletion. Rjad. for University men. block north THESES, DISSERTATIONS. Eleetromatle e KATY i Pi«Mt,„ Coronet, Fashion* and »af> side campua. Private batn, private en-typewriter. Mfs, Petjneclcy. 68-2212. the ends covered with thick rub­ -e e te* How** ' iIOo-t'8 for SQo. Otatu, Be. trance, fans, cool. 2614 Wichita. Phone ber sheets, xylophones made of • 8-2817. TBDESES, themes, reports. 2-4715 after California red-wood and bamboo 6 p.m, 2817 Oldham. BOYS: ONLY $12.50 PER MONTH. sticks and Chinese 'shakers' which CRATE •> Convenient location, Screened sleeping THESIS, tbemes, »nd outlines. Evenings a,S0 CHEVROLET. 2^1oor Fl»«tUn« Delnx* quarters, study rooms. Modern spacious and Sunday. Satisfaction guaranteed. are small cans filled with some OR Bring Your Auditor's Receipt sedan. Radio. white sidewaU tire». S«« lounge. 2100 Mo Grands. Phone 7-S222. 6-9551. form of pebbles and rattles. at «08 Park Placa or call SUnley at CARLOAD t-MM. • • : . &AEGE COOL ROOMS. On* block from One of the most uriusal instru­m • eampus. Reasonable price. 3iltpn, |809 Unfurnished Rooms ments is the guitar which is com­e San Antonio Street. Help Wanted 814-B WEST 84TH ST. Attractive cot-posed of large rubber bands TWOi ROOMS for two wen. Private tea* (1 bedroom), tile bath, kitchen, streched over a brightly painted •e jt*N OR WOMEN student* witk selling blinds,bath,inneraprlng«how«r, Mattresses, entrance. maid Venetian ser­shower, garage, storerooip* cigar box. ^ e e. Showing Payment of Fee fbOltr* w;'«wy4 ky tfai Suwwer able J^ne lst. phone 2-6876. Tewn, Vk* fexaa Ran»er tad tk« Deily vice. Cool. 206S Sabine. Call 2-1648. At an adjoining table, a col­ *•»»"*and not ftO. Apply SS3S Wanted lection of children's music was • > advertising m»ni ger , in tie-bosi^Ma displayed. e Ride Wanted tapmf adcnt PnUieattoBti 48 HIGHEST OASH PRICES Mid for second . e Office Of ti 101. hand clothing, shoes, blankets, furni­-The Cr.eatvie Music course is WANT A RIDE7 Passenger for jronr ture «*d . scything of Tajtafc Ph»»e taught du Bois, e MATIMU tOOTE MfT lk|*rences...exchanged. Register 6-8084. 11 by Charlottee •any, A Autfl Bhare Expense Bureau. associate professor of music edu­• J91KS 2002 Speedway, free pisk-up. )i-8ai8. HOpEBN ^-bedroom home (or in MAILING rent cation. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* CHARGES WELL , CED Houston, convenient .to" downtown. Univaraity ^ LEAVING POB MEMPI Tenn. May Available sfter June let. Permanent Jaundry. Mia ins hllii Saturn June 6th bone 2-C681. tenants. Unfurnishffi, #76 ,»o»tbly. C. •' .1 i'.l.J, ...LHI.1...... . M?Cames. 23(> HaM»St. Honaton, Twm. ..Individual IN lira. OtHlie , , GIRL desiring summer job. spec/ AlIZIN G 50c In Texas *; 75c Out of Sto ' • . .. Struv«T>Wmf T-1M8. vMMtm iilWHU ursemaid .two little boys. July 1st— O • ' . • . •--.V M CimMWr.l Mi A Ssat; Ijt^ 1100 «iontb, privste Mom, # Steaks board. Write Mrs. Phit Turk, Boy l48C, FurnUhed Apartment tiniiLwi Odessa, Texai staUng experience If any. : ; s', 4 : v> inns ion:ii!i»i> iliimil utMjn in n »n•Hi"^^Ai 1JMjgl1!ill•»,T)i'm» .w• H-, ^• «r4t> *r°* 'i ^ ,v.__ •r ^ 5M ?"*• v H » » %>< 4l 11 ^js? xlr^Vf't -A im»! t,v S3.v^ A-' > ^TWSfg I li m M& I ^w»fSS&& ^< UtN* Man »n Cammii Gf «ssrr«- 'wf > #•> i SXT*& esmfeSKK.' sMK 'oWx/' mpt hyism [ IIS; 5F3«®' V\"^p ^ x*.' * fn? ^ g' */, tm a, ** ** £-it* ?UK > * * W.. fc-5 ' W MOST OF THE COUNTRY has for-accepting1 them he appealed to the same -i»n*"«*e „ views were not accepted cinlly a woman student who in colleges elsewhere. Student and eight of the commission members had and in living units, we can meet this , G. Best/ Assistant Manager will be at arts (grades 2-5).,., English as a foreign , , -, „ j ' informed a faculty member that faculty spokesmen here said that] language, art and English (junior high formerly. John Sanders, re-. the Student Employment Center (B. Hall submitted their resignations. But before worth-while cause., -• " ' 117) Friday, May 18, to interview ap­school), music and social studies (junior tiring student' body president, ex­her name had been put on a Com­organizations still were willing t, high school), health and physical educa­ munist-front mailing list, and fa­ plicants. > tion (grades 2-5, two men and two wo­plained: p ,speak out in a noncomformist vein JOE D. FARRAR, Director men). culty members called in the FBI to but individuals tended to be mor "The liberal traditions of the Student Empl6yment Bureau Interested teachep. placement service registrants shoul*T contact our offices university -are still intact. I do investigate. reticent. Girls taking physical training, mast for appointments. * not feet that there has been any They rep'orted that a student The pattern at the bulk of othe have everything out of their lockers in HOB GRAY, Directof* Both Sides of Tea House the Women's"~Gym hST May 23. Physical Teacher Placement Service particular increase in restriction who submitted an article compar­private New England school sivj training, classes will end for the semester of student expression over the past ing modern subversive investiga­Which reportedly have never seem| on Thursday (May 17) and Friday (May All book, supply, and equipment requi­ 18). yefcr by the university administra­with was told much political activity, remained ' sitions for veterans students for the tions witch, trials ANNA HISS, Director Spring Semester must be picked up in tion. that it could hot be printed be­virtually unchanged. V. Hall 102 before 5 p.ift., May 21. „ Down The Cora Crawford Scholarship with a "Ws, however, are not by our cause it was too controversial. At the country's leading Catho­ stipend of approximately tlBO is avail- By RUSS KERSTEN -waitresses be acceptable academic status isolated from the They also noted that the uni­lic colleges, deans and students to favor of giving the same sur­° able to a student majoring in English, Texan Aawwtt Editor for the Long Session, 1961-1952. Award prevailing climate of opinion. The versity organization to which all explained that any pressure the Tea House customers? plus to faculty cost-of-living is made >ipon recommendation o£ the fear of., new ideas students belonged halted was TODAY'S FIRING LINE growing and foreign toward conformism virtually There has been some scat­adjustments. budget council, of the Department of contains borne potent letters English. Preference is given to appli­of different ideas, largely a conse­programs on political and': inter-nonexistent because student and tered dissatisfaction at the su­Senator Albert Boutwell, cants from County. Siclz f=Hul Cooke Applications of witch- students concerning th® touchy ques­per eatery on San Jacinto for chairman, of the finance and should be made at once to D. T. Stamen, quence the "McCarthy , national issues when faculty thinking and action were tion of Tuesday's -walkout by , chairman of the budget council, Msin , hunts, has had its effect on stu­from Asia and elsewhere were consistent with the Catholic point months,'Both labor and man­taxation committee, said that Building 2806. student workers at the Home agement haven't liked the by earmarking all sums in & Student Health jCenter dents, as on citizens ev&rywhere.". accused of being communistic. of view. D. T. SiTARNES. Chairman, Margaret Ellen Abel, John Sam Ras- Economics Tea House. way things have been going. the appropriation bill, faculty English Dept. Budget Council. Barbara Charles Carroll •Henry Bowery jiewly elected At six Midwestern campuses--The sameness « published within the next few us of the layoff even at the late : be so. people who preserve truth. D»*-1_ msi--shdrtly before finals? cannot take the place of the coming; biennium. There .'v.-'J.;: ;^.v. date that it was forced upon her. THe reason all the waiters did ' The other side poses ques­bread." " The Texaa, reserve* the Tight not quit was not because of amy. Everyone, they say—:and gyp-, Smith talks of the whole mattar" are other ways of Jioosting sal­, , Several of the boys who are sies know—has a right to his own as if it were a closed shop. Hope tions, too. Will the new sys^ The 'Bajna appropriation aries-. to delet^,material it .considers sense of justice, but because,.of !!•' remaining on the job are staying opinion. Mr. Smith has opined, the unions haven't got a toe-hold tem really be more efficient? bill has this commendable fea­• * defamatory or libelous w any for one^pr morecof the following finances and the necessity for and now it's someone else's turn. yet. Will the new system result in. ture: it is wooded 'so that the AT CHICAGp University, way. . r a s o s , food. We don't agree with his state­ e n ROBERT C. JONES a saving of several-thousand use o'f surplus funds for new the weekly Maroon is Under ^ Unsigned letters will not 1. Bpcause of the very lucra­Mimy~ boys are graduates of he ments. Knowledge should make a CHARLES RICHEY dollars annually? Will Negro, buildings will be stopped in sharp fire .from all.quarters. , printed, but initials will he used tive offer of free chow for a the University today because of Latest* blow on the long-» if requested.) • whole week if they remain; or the Tea House; The Tea House op­suffering student paper, ' r-' * ' . 2. Because financial hardships erates at a deficit. If "you as tax­which is put out without th« THE REAL STORY .... would ^force them to withdraw payers are supporting an institu­Daily Texan Crossword Puzzle benefit of a journalism school, • ®cr.the.Ediior^ ( ".v " from ij^fehool so near the end of tion of students does it not seem is a student-fj^feult^adminis-the term. right, for -the benefits to be for Concerning your article on the tration joint cry ;fojp|iji inves­ University students? -No one asks D«i!y Twbmj. • student newspaper Of The University of Teui^fi Teas House affair in the Wednes­Their hearts are certainly not ACROSS DOWN 16. Mulberry \. published in Austin svery morning cxpept Monday and Saturdsy. September tigation of '^he^uality of the day edition; X am now an ex-stu­in their work. for anything except the oppor­1. Marsli'bird. 1. Trusted 19. Unadorned . to June, and. axeept during holiday and examination s>eriodi, cad bi-weekly Maroon's service to the cam- tunity to work. Und£r the present 5. Bryophytic 2. Tart 20. Complete dorinjr the summer sessions onder the title The Summer Texan on * puS." , dent employe of this organization It is h9ped that corrective ac­management this will not be pos­plant 3. River 23. Vex Answer Is TttMiday and Friday by Te*a» 8tudent Publications, ine. . and feel that th* complete justif»-tion wjll be taken-by the proper ; Kfws contributions will b* accepted by,„telephone <2-2478) or at the President C. M.'Schwab, in­ sible. 9. Birthplace (So.Am.> 26. Pen point -in the -seen t. versity must ganization. Tea Hous,e. No, 1^ graduate this 30. List of Austin, Texas, unde^ the Act of March 8, 1878. ' . •• . .. . publication assume 12. Ancient a.fly in my life." . in Writing about such unfortunate . KEN STONE term, but there are others who Greek poem 6. Fetish names Reasons given for the inves­ -situations that arise within the * • ' will follow me. The Tea House 13. Category (W. Afr.) 31. Shake . jASSOCIATED PRESS WIRE SEKVICE tigation: '. , ; \ ­ The Associated Fress U e*clusiv«Iy entitled to the dse for republication of University; -organization and for AND MORE... v has .helped me through school. It 14. Performed 7. Dispatch 32. American *11 news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited'in this news-1. The Maroon , iff stylisti-: this treason I* am-submitting this can help them (with the proper 15. Loose hang­8. Layers : -lizard ~ To the Editor: **???• ind 1?c*! ltfmM «' spontaneous origin published herein. Bights of cally poor, and its news' cov-. 9. Small fly iYi. publtcatioo of til other natter l»r«in «)to r«tcrf« 33. Legislatures 41. Peruse . f s.-ir erage is .biased*'for political The gross injustice done the 17. Dip slightly 11. Leaf of a 36. Greekletter 43. Man's nam^e frA the-read£rs may have a more com­A. P. W. Represented for National Advertising by National Advertising effect. • so-called Tea House" coal miners -:• into water calyx . 39.Support 45. Color „ i i „ I--Service, inc.. College Pnblishers Representative 2. The l^aroon staff is not plete picture.'of the situation. needs correction. I would like to * 18. Earth asa «« Madison Ave. New York. N.Y. WE OPINE Chicago — Boston Los Angeles — San Francisco representative politically, of > "' The management of the Tea point out some facts that to me goddess To the Editor: the student body. House bad not even hinted to us seem salient and pertinent, 19; Any guide mM 3. Students have indicated that we were to be fired; not with Miss .Odem stated that colored We find it hard to believe the „ ; 21. Tantalum li? to Schwab that these condi-: Ike fifteen-day notice mentioned help would work cheaper. How statements attributed to T. V. (sym.) •ikgi-'' /SK. Smith could have been made be­ mmm* tions prevail because persons In your article or with any ad-mucl cheaper can a student work 22. Magistrate (Rom.) vance notice whatsoever."' Oft the before a group of Phi Beta Kap­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES .with political views different ' for than his meals? If a colored 24. Of tone • from those of the majority of contrary many of the boys were; person eats less than we do none' pas. The statements are so unin-26.Sun god * month • 4m0m -» .60 planning to cOntiii^e working" tellectual as to verge on being "M^er monUt, mailed "in town_ Z . ^0 Maroon staffers are made . of my studies at the University 27. Music note $§s,sp«r month, mailed out of town_ through the summer session, feel­to nauseating. "Scientists are the -28. A dervish ° -,«0' miserable by devious tactics has revealed it me. Further­ of leflast Staff members, and ing seepre in . their employment. more I say that if they will work only preservers of truth." The 31. Furious MEMBER Associated Collegiate Press Ail-Americaii Pacemaker for this reason they leave the The management, had even given for less yoti are~ exploiting them. only reply possible to this and in* 34. Kingof '' us a false sense of security by deed the only one necessary, is Bashan r,'"": ©MX*. this what we stand for. There This newspaper business conducting a survey to see who ,4s something incongruous. one made by Kahlil Gibran, "Say (Bib.) 'Editor-ia-Chi«{ PERMANENT STAFF has its bad moments. * -wanted to work this summer. It She also states that the cost not that you have found the -35. Prickly pear — CHARLEY TRIMBLE • 37. Gill (abbr.)':. f. : Associate Editor __ RUSS KERSTEN was purely by accident that the -jof maintaining the present waiters , truth, but rather that you have 98. Lofty .. * * ^Editorial Assistants fj secret plan was learned, not fif-itcOsts |12200 per year. (The Tex-found a truth." ' ,' &• Jim Bob Gallaway, Ann Courter . * « \ f * r * * * ^ mountain Jews Editors Mary Ann Beaumier Sunday Library Hours ^ teen days before the firing day,ss Sra . attributed this statement to Here is a man separating'truth,, . U0,Perch ; •' Oian Brewer,' Betty Cardwell; , Object of Aisemblv f''^'R two weete^ but less than « q. McCwin^l, noCW^to beauty, and relig%r from each 41. Regret'^ Marian Pendergrass ' ' week before the surprise was K^Odom—Ed.) Simple arithmetic other. Can &ot each have its-, 42. Deserve ,'v Editors Johnnie Human, Flo Cox, The Student Assembly will the Remanent,that at th#t figure the truth? Indeed we insist that each i t,'44. Carefor y,tl- Wti" Jennilu Kelly, Ken Gompertz^ begin ' its summer -meetings -staff knew, the Texas Employ-,C08t for food would, be 90,. cen^s; does ind that-Some of them are j /-medically •?, « X L Marjorie^Clapp r/with plans for establishing li-. went Bureau knew, even certain,?|yper meal for each waiter* The by far greater than the truths -U-46. Shop* orts BdH»r 471 RecUnes " ^ _ Ken Tooley^ brajy hours on Sundays, members of our own group we have eaten, have not yet turned . up -by scientists. And' :iate Sports Editor 48. iteat igrs TiW«t Wales gladden, student presi-M (**<>"» »efrec3r) k»ew. In view, ( cost that much ... that the truths of one do not ne-,;; ^?49. Old Noiift Estes Jon2 ;di.e "* iw No assemhlv meetings will decided not to wait, for the sur-facts '• i.i H i' * II' .w ".Mm .»'MUI.".||)W^.>I WUIiI'lL'' Hit". J.'.' c.nlr v-V "ft v u"1 f Gambits-— TneMiliArt Ringing-— Ov«r T-Cup— '»lfl m 1 "P III"' Hill. IIIIW.-'• APO Initiation; fit. tP /Nff-m • DG Picnic Today "o W \ $• Banquet, Dance Qtricers Announee Held Saturday Delta. Gamma will honor ' its shae, treasurer. -The wadding of Mia* Halan Ka-,... senior member* with a chapter • By Science BBA's picnic at the house at 6 p.m. Pi Beta Phi members living in ' Awards for outstanding service thariaa Bark and Tho«na« Graham * * -r> , the chapter house had a senior were persented at Alpha Phi Olaas Jr. will be held June 9 at Officera for the newly organ­ing will be held in either roaa Thursday. '. ? farwell "dinner Tuesday night. Omega's spring initiation banquet tite First Presbyterian Church in ized Sciantifie Manageroant Asso­or room 217 of the Engi&e«ying . .The picnic will initiate „the new held at the Hitchin* Post; The ham Sap Antonio. " u "> w -j meet Thursday SuiMng, said ^Eugene Pofihlt thk barbecue pit, and a skit will be At a meeting following the din-quet followed "the formal ciation to at 4 initia­. Miss Burk graduated from the p.m. in Texas Union SU, are Pat year's treasurer. ner, Ellen Todd, program^ chair­ given. tion which was Saturday after-V^versity last year with a bache­ Patterson, chairman; Harris A. 1 ^ :X:: : man, presented the annual pro? ;L • * . ... ; n<&>n« . ' v'-f-• *•; lor • of science degree in hdme Marr, vice-chairman; and B. New officers of th« Gta officer* are Johp president* was presented with a and Delbert Stephens,' president Gown, and the Saxi.Antonio Club.- business administration student* and Walter Gusciora, secretary- gift from the chapter. ; R. Stockton Jr., vice-president; • for both semesters of this year, In 1949 Miss Buirk waa chosen taking the engineering routp^ Wel-treasurer. . " j, William Lirette, recording secre­was awarded*, an engraved gavel San Antonio Rose. born R. Hudson, lecturer in 'me­The club will wind up the yearns Diane Sweatman has been elec­ tary; Claude Villarreal, corres­for outstanding service. chanical engineering; and Donald activities with a weiner roast Sat­ ted as president of Chi Omasa and Mr.; Glass was a member of m ponding secretary; and, Allan Lfew-Dean Arno Nowotny was the Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Epsilon T. Beaman, instructor in manage­urday, May 19, at Barton Sptings was installed Monday night. guest speaker and Robert G. Gor­ ment, have been spon­me«t la Delta, National honorary pre-medi- appointed at 3 pjm. Member* will She is replacing Colette Kohler, don, director of the University cal society, and Sigma Pi Sigma, sors of the group. front of the Music Ballding at CHICAGO COLLEGE OF, who has been accepted by the Veterans Advisory Service, was honorary physics society while in Summer project of a statistical 2:30 for University of Texas School of. Ttftaster of ceremonies. the University. Now JIr*.Glass is survey of a sample of all industrial Tickets will fee: oft sale'at ft -OPTOMETRY Medicine at Galveston. •i Those boys who were initiated attending the University, of Texas companies was recently adopted. cetots each in front'of rthia Toois Fully Accredited were Bill Armstrong, Bob Arm­School of Medicine in Galyesti&n, They hope to find the positions Union from 12 to E p.m. Friday. Kappa Alpha Theta gave awards strong, Neyer Chdskin, Clairborne An Outstanding Collega in a where he is a member of Chi Phi students-hold and the opinion thes* Graduate students and friends axe Splendid Profaaaiop Monday night at chapter dinner Bell, Raja Hasen, Gordon Burner, medical fraternity. companies have of a Universiti invited. to Arden Stewart for most outr Thomas Goode, A1 Knaggs, Martin • " degree in this field. The project is Activities for the picnic will in­Entrance requirement thirty standing senior and Ellen Thomas Kreinfcrman, and Hilmer Lassberg. Patricia Pigraan and Lt.Richard to be completed by next fall and clude softball and-group singing. semester hours of credits in for most outstanding intramural Also Kent Mcilyar, John McMil-were married April Rowden 29, made available to students want­ specified courses. Advanced ist. ^'len, Charles Russell", Charlie in the Austin Presbyterian Theo­ ing,to enter this route. Flozelie Jones is the new pr«s» standing granted for addi­Schwarz, John Shryrock, Joe Mar­logical Seminary Chapel. The dub constitution has re­Ident* of Bluaatockinga fortional L. A. credits in speci­tin, . James Seitz, and Franklin Mrs. Rowden will receive a cently been adopted and a char­next semester. Other officers s*eff|| fied courses. Speaks. • . CASH FOR BOOKS bachelor of journalism degree in ter for University approval is be­Euline Williams, vice-president Registration Now Open June. She is past^ president of Al­ing submitted Monday. Plans for Dorothy .Ashbaugh, • secretary Slide Rules, Typewriters, Ex Promoted by Naimari-Mareus national organi­ -«* Excellent clinical facilities. pha Gamma Delta sorority and a affiliating with a Mary Lee Fleming, treasur«f aniA^ Recreational and athletic ac­Minusa Drawing Sets William Johnson, who attended member of-Mortar Board, Thet^ zation of Scientific Advancement Joyce Rosenberg, reporter. • tivities. Dormitories on cam­' i the University, in 1927 and is now Sigtaa Phi, and Cap and Gown of Management, are being dis­pus. Approved for Veterans. vice-president of the National Re­Council. cussed. It is possible to affiliate New officers of -Th«ta Slcmaf^ J. BERKMANS tail Credit Association, has recent­ by June 1. Phi Alumnae, to be Installed Jon#'; Lt. Rowden is serving with the 2313 No. Clark Street ly been named sales promotion United Marine '* • 6, are Miss < LeGene Lott, States Corps and CHICAGO 14, 1LLINIOS College S+cre director of Neiman-Marcus Com­ P' Tau Sigma, honorary me­dent; Miss Mary Stuart Warren^,f|j is currently stationed at Camp chanical engineering fraternity, vice-president; Mrs. James E. Pat* .3 pany. Pendleton, Calif. He received a bachelor of arts degree from the MRS. HICHARD ROW^N will elect its new officers for th% terson, secretary^ and'Miss Flojr^ I; year 1951-52 in Engineering Johnson, treasurer. University in June, 1950. He is a Pfc. Ridley, a member of Kappa rant, is now working on her mas­ member of Kappa Alpha frater­ Building 138 at 5 p.m. Thursday. » Sig-rna fraternity, attended the ter's degree. Mr. Scrivner is pro­ nity. In the event that foom 138 is University until last fall when he fessor of education at Arlington OR. EUGENE H. DUKE •k t \ not vacant by 5 • o'clock the meet- joined the Marine Corps. The wed­State College. A candidate for a Optometrist The engagement of Mary Kincey ding will be in late August.-doctor of philosophy degree from Gunter to Pit. Wade Clark Ridlay • the University, he graduated from has been announced. Miss Gunter, Virginia McNaili was married Birmingham Southern College and" Otto to Receive a sophomore education major, is to Harry Jung in Spur May 12. received masters, degrees from a member of Kappa Alpha Theta She is a member of Chi Omega. Yale and Emery Universities. Minnesota Award sorority and Ashbelr Literary So­ Jung, a member of Sigma Jfu, • Dr. Henry J. Otto, professor ofciety. graduated from the University last Betty Jean Vaughan and Aldo education, will receive the Univer­June. He is stationed in San An­J; Castiglioni were married at St. sity of Minnesdta|s.-Outstanding SPEEDWAV tonio. Mary's Cathedral . in Galveston Achievement Award on the Minne­ • May 12. •' .. — sota campus May 2.4. Miss -Lucratia Haggard, social The bride is a graduate of Ajithor of "Principles of Ele RADIO director of Carothers Dormitory, Draughon's Business College and mentary Education," Dr. Otto reSERVICE and Parry 01 Scrivner of Arling­is member of Epsilon Sigma Al­ceived his master of arts degree 2010 Speedway 7-3846 ton will bg maddied in June. pha sorority. The groom is a grad­frpm Minnesota in 1927 and his sates Miss Haggard, a graduate of uate of the University with a de-doctor of philosophy „in 1931. Southwestern State College in Du-gree in pharmacy. The award is given to former students of the institution who i have attained hi&h eminence and distinction. ' * EL MATAMORO^ ue NOWI :5S^x«cww»eeeftV9c-tt&>»iq| City Panhellenic 0 PRESCRIPTION THE MOST POPULAR Honors Officers Gives Comic SUN GLASSES! PLACE TO EAT -Mrs. Hew-Martin, newly-elected * "The Heaven League of Women age and hour standards. The de­president of Austin. ^Panhellenic, Eyes ^camined MEXICAN FOOD Voters," over which angelic offi­pression period, in which many of and -other-new officers of "the group, Prescriptions Filledcials Angie Strassmann and Julie these measures, were pushed, was will be honored Thursday at 12:30 Lockman officiated, furnished com­represented by Alice Whitmore. p.m. at a style-show' luncheon at Lenses Duplicated 504 East Ave. 7-0253 ic relief to the dramatized history The later 30's were represented the Austin Country Club. Glasses a4just«fd at . ,of the League of Women Voters by Shelby Reed. During this time Other officers ,„are Mrs. KellyMonday afternoon. the League supported measures for McAdams, Alpha Gamma Delta, Univenity. ^ The skitf which was under the slum clearance, better housing pro­vice president; Mrs. C. E. Berk- Optomefric Clinic direction Of Shelby Reed, program jects, the merit system .of govern­man, Alpha' Xi Delta, correspond­ READY TO MOVE? chairman, was presented at the ment to fight corruption, and pure ing secretary; Mrs. R. M. Gibbon-S228 Guadalupa Phons 28684 GOING ON VACATION we will last Campus League meeting of food and drug acts. ey, Delta Delta Delta, treasurer. c* •/f Pack your per»onal effect! for the semester. Shortly preceding World ;War shipment. LU Take The Summer Texan with you— ir Pick up your b*|pi<>-deliver It Campus League members repre­II the League sent petitions to ' to bus station or depot. senting 'the -various periods since Congress, urging support of the5 Bonded Warehouse and " l§2ty-and costumed in appropriate League of Nations. . FOR LEISURE HOURS Household Good Storage Only $1.00 all summer or $.75 for garb, presented the historical facts The modern day League member 2 Just Call 6-1200 concerning the national league's was represented by Ann Rosbor­six weeks. z> work. ough. Some of the present move­ ft, • , <• ^ RED BALL Jean Welhausen and Noreen Ke-ments of the League are work for %/% Van appeared *as two of the first improvement of4the juvenile court Transfer and Storage group in the' League of Women system, civil liberties, educational 606 San'Jacinto A1 Dyer, Owner Voters, which evolved from the equality, and a public health pro­ women suffrage group. After suf­gram. frage was passed the group which SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS Joan Ragsdale depicted the typi­had pushed the bill so vigorously cal Campus Leaguer. She gave the Don't Forget to Check The Summer adopted the name" of Leagued of high points of „the history of-the THE Women Voters* • University's Campus Le a g ue, Texan onYour Auditor's Receipt < After the League ast formed it which was founded in 1941. began working for stich things as a child labor bills, better working conditions for women, and better * CNIVERS1TY fHE^UMMEFl TEXAN WILL BE DELIVERED— • • Tc> all subscriber^ between 19th and 27th Sree^s atid Is this sleveless Women Voters CHINESE "Ben-C KITCHEN Speecf^ay to Rio Grande. * . -, LL. OF TEXAS Appoint Two 2th 4 Red River gal" • To all dormitories—cfeliyfered directly to your room if Simplicity THE TEXAN cannot be left in your box. \ : offers through To League Bodrd pique piping J.oai} Ragsdale and Jody Hollon AUSTIN • To Deep Eddy, Brackenridge Apts., Oak Grove Courts, the have been appointed to the execu­ WELDING & tons. Colors: and Little Campus Courts directly to your\ apartment tive board of the Campus League RADIATOR of " W<5men Voters, Mary . Ann •if at. least one-third of the residents request subscrip- WORKS < EXTENSION Beaumier, League president, has ' tions". (If' you wish a subscription only if there is deli-: r«t 8-3733 Q announced. , very.ieave your name at J. B. 10.8.) Miss Ragsdale, who is--a past MOW StbSt ui DIVISION president of the League, ^replaces ui • To any house outside the delivery zope that has at least * V •» Jean;Wesley as chairman of the 10 subscriptions. „. < student participation committee. 265 Courses Because the League is, a nod-parti­; I-san organization, i$ maintains that THE SUMMER TEXAN WILL BE; MAILED— ---' V, by no member of the executive board Waiting For ­>-may hold an office in student gov­ • Anywhere outside of Austin for the same rate as stated Mail Orders Filled •/l Correspondence ~ ernment and retain their position Students' Wives above. in the League. Miss Wesley's resig­There's a quick, easy way for Add IBe Postage given by » nation was tendered upon her elec­wives of students to get good­ • Anywhere inside Austin for an additional 50c mailing tion to the office of secretary of .the paying part or full tim^ jobs fee; ^ •• ,-7"-Students' Association. fn Austin. 145 Faculty H MisaiHollon was selected to com­At Durham's Business Col­ lege , here,girls can iearn THE 41 SUMMER TEXAN CAN BE PICKED UP— „ / plete the unexpired .term of Norewi ' " , Ij i •• i' •' --v •' Q Members* "Spfee^writing," the modern, Kevan as membership chairman. nationally-known Shorthand in ' • In Journalism Building 108. >- Miss Kevan will not he in the LU only six weeks -time. University next fall. "Speedwriting is entirely on- SUBSCRIBE TO THE SUMMER TEXAN NOW X like the old shorthand methods. isi -_ Room 108 •— Journalism Building $^a^on* » -i.-s »-. .. '.i i*-' h-•• —: For fur+har information K^i * !<• EXTENSION g TEACHING BUREAU • rn'ut ^•*Univ».r»Hy of Texas "Speedwriting" uses the ABC's ~it just turns your' longhand r'.w 5EIBERLING into Shorthand. Visit or write Durham's at 600A Lftvaea Street—or tele­ TIRES phone8*&446 for full informa­ tion. Durham's Is exclusively au­ thorised tQ teaeh .*?Speedwrt ing" in Austin. It Is the only Bargfa* In New and Trada-la buriSess college here bearing r.raa -' gS ^the apiurOval of the State De­ partanaflnt of Education and .: Braka^Jt • Whaal; Sarriea.. Vj, fully accredited by the Ameri­•m Factory MMb«i R«cip|MS| can Asso«iatioa of Commercial Colleges. , u SeaICovers Car HS5 Cocteau sfEternal ' ite Censorship V"> s<-* $atl1o Fromojt, Br KENNETH GOMPERTZ the1 castle beautiful ftath&lie vhid The superb acting of one of4 World Relations , T—M Drama CritU • '* . dutifully marries "Uncle Mark. "VOkfit Jean Cocte&u decided to France's best actors-^—a midget— But Patrick and Nathalie fall in J £em Scarbrough, Austin bust- fills the movie's eeriest moments use-the motion picture as an out­love. They have an affair and areItlwiniTn of 241? Whitis Avenue, BY BABS RUBENSTEIN I eyes,'* Feldman explained. "It's Using »;constant height of. live let for his many talents, hepre­then separated. with a sense of terror and drama Felciman related. One boy"'""per­ that keep Cocteau audiences in «' 'has been authorixed by the Eng- The psychologists call itpercep-just that one sense isn't folly de­feet, he has narrowed the object cipitated a movement to utilize Apart, the two lovers pine ceived a rise in the sidewalk^and state of suspense.' Ssh-Speaking Union of the United tion of obstacles by the blind. $tu- veloped." Even people with visjon as much as to one-fourth of an the unexplored surrealistic possi-away. Patrick and Nathalie die No But .this American edition has, States to take steps to establish dents of the Texas State School can develop it, he added, because inch. The position of the obstacles a crack just beyond, matter bilities,of W^medium—an attompt find in d^ath find love eternal. ' » branch of. that organization in for the Blind call it "radar." It vary» too. They may be from 6 to where he started, he always knew to break avfay from theJtraoition-While the quality of the pho particularly lose LO^ER f», Among various"activities of the Dr. Worchel a meaL Office, Western Union, and the their bearing^ in the snow. !£ .. English-Speaking Union are. fel-"We aren't aware of our sensi­telephone, company restrict "such It is fantastic to what extent lowships for graduate students, tivity because we depend on our things. blind people can perceive objects, _|f" teacher exchanges, informational |* < programs on radio and TV, news­*' i,paper' and magazine articles, a j£. speakers' bureau, travel guidance, fhospitality, a Pen Friends Depart­ |r1ment, and m Books Across, the Sea ^/Library. . -This ..Spring tile organization sent a collection of 50 outstand­'j. lag contemporary British paintings " tour of the United States and BARBARA MAYS to patients to wear after being but there is still need for more ^ sponsored the visit to this country The Committee for Volunteer reconditioned by a sewing centef j material of this sort. . i/»f " WO Tgifi JBAIES" " CAFETERIA CONGRESS