(•H8IM MM xsrsi&>«ilR» T'*l ^«&5S wmSBlmBm Student % r£|/ c-L§ l\5 J «r * pw^L_ f Jjp»,!?5C,«1It 0 "* *. «& &***j ,a£-X""*' ^""AJ ,!• i..-^\.. •".., i...A>..vA vi, , i l VOLUME SI ?Ii -< Price Five Cenf*".flfM4^W ' AUSTIN,TEXAS .»• "!• ". > Pqyn» Spwk> Today HST Relieves v* a --a ••-& m MacArthur m jBL W?^ Pr«*id«nt Tntatea oarly today forced Qnmtl DevgU* Mae* iSSF1 CSQ':-.-u Arthur from all hi* eommand*. The Praaldent *J&i !>•:^mA cm* Ohtyum Br BARBARA RUBENSTE1* ten—he"was & theater nian work­ By MILDRED KLESEL 'eluded MacArthn^t "U city committee and set a date for meeting with the a*4 BOBBY JONES ing in the theater. Mr. Payne tlurt mv claims that Shakespeare was not able to give hi* wholahaartJa Candidates in the spring election may pick up their ex­d#tea^^5 B. Iden Payne, guest professor lapjwrt" United State* and of drama, trill give a Pop Lecture only I the greatest poet who ever United Nations policiuA ^ penditure accounts tomorrow in Texas Union 305, Larry |i|Ali^nHtoes lor office are requested to bring their . _.. ., turned his hand to play-writing, in the Main Lounge of the Texas Replacing MaeArtkur In th« "Crooke, election commission chairman, announced ^Tuesday. graph, their platform, which is not to except 50 words, andj but also a superb dramatist East Ganeral Union today at 4 o'clock on "Much Far is Matthaw a brief biographical sketch, including cmpiui'actiyi^e^^; Crooke was appointed .chairman of the commission at a Add About Nothing/' now being Beginnerit in acting gain more B. Ridgeway, former commaqd< special meeting of the Student Assembly Thursday night; Journalism Building X by 12 noon of April 23. , presented by the Drama Depart­from performing Shakespeare •r of the American Eight Army ment in Hogg Auditorium. ^r than from less complex plays, Mr, in Korea. Lt. Gen. James Van-Jerry Wohlford and Dena Faye Mayers are the other mem­. Spring elections willbe Wednesday, April 25." ft r Back in Shakespeare's day, the Payne believes. The . widely :• re­Fleet has stepped into Ridgeway's bers of the commission. ^^Candidates seeking offices are Jacob Bergolofsky, ..-w^i!3 English language was in an ex­ puted actor, director, and play­position. *•.«. ­ The ^win meet Thursday Wappoint tha pubH-Madden, and Tom Beid#for president; Wilson Foreman, P** ' really :meM.<;j%.y::<";;"'pj pne of his playa. tEST). --^ii* -i'fy.'W pd Babs ^Iawor " ~ ~ ' . "In view of my -responsibility "Nothing" $nce mejtnt "noting^ Mr. Payne has his own'inter­ to the United States Constitution Wesley for secretary. '><$•-»« which brings to mind an interest* pretation of the way Shakespeare .4"^% should be presented. He was com­and to the United Nations,!mast Charles FtofeM^,«nffing question. Does the title "Much Eleven 5oFar make a change in the Far East,"1 Ado about Nothing" refer to all mended in this month's issue of Myriek are unopposed tor Truman told reporters^"" the eavesdroping that 'went on in. "Theater Arts" for his staging editor and assistant editor «f ^ Tuesday Truman prepared the the play, or is it to be taken as' of Shakespearian productions. way for the dismissal by cancel­ Cactus; Rowland Wilson for Satfj^ B. IDEN PAYNE the Ordinary word: "nothin8^'? * "Since, the beginning of the ing ah appointment with an ger editor, Morgan Cbpeland 1% This will probably be among the which< a person may be placedin century, increasing attention has ardent MacArthur backer, Erie chief justice, and Bitty Sfmpa^i; many interesting facts about this life. Too much stress is placed on been paid to Elizabethan stage Cocke Jr., American Legion Only eleven students have en­"On the other hand, 1 tooUld other than his own, so he-'will top Shakespearean comedy which Shakespeare's^ literary aspect—it conventions, in the belief that tliey Qoinmander. For more complete tered so far in the Student Library want a student to read whatever not become narrow-minded or one­for yell, leader. * , 5 will be touched upon today. ;Ib inevitable that it would be often can, contribute to modern information pn earlier happen; Contest, offering prizes totaling he enjoys rather than force him­sided in his thinking." The non-editorial boiurd of < Shakespeare was 'unsurpassed in placed there—-but Shakespeare is productions of Shakespeai ings, see story on Page 3. $105 in books for the best personal self to be cultured," said Mrs. Dr. Leo Hughes, associate pro­Texas Student Publications hast his mastery of the technique of also a workman, Mr. Payne once play6," the article said. B. Iden library, as compared with last Annie S. Irvine,, Associate pro-fessor of English, took the "you taken no further action fmerging escenes and themes, be­said. Payne is one. of the foremost ex­year's 114 entries. _ The contest^ rfeesor of English. "The first step can't tell a book by. its cover tog an editor and ajMocieta editor lieves. Mr. Payne.'7 . He brought out one aspect of ponents of this-theory, it contin­ whieh will close Saturday1, is open should be to do anything to stimu­atitude. ".Som* emphasis should of the Texan. The board wiH alsoAfter years of acting and direct­Shakespeare that has been forgot-ued. ' • * '• Law Conference to all students. >_ late an interest in the finer liter­be-given to how well-thumbed a appoint the associate editor of the" ing many productions both here The "Basic Hundred,1* or clas­ature and then let the student book is," he said. "People may R«g«r. Previously approved, B0I and iWiroa^ Mr, Payne:accepted sics such as DickenB and Shake­choose for himself." collect books for show And hardly Bridges' did not ; the position of director of the speare, and books covering varied, Dr. Edward Bumeston, asso­ever touch them," in dpens Friday at A Aodi 5deadline. . < Shakespeare Memorial Theater in fields should be the foundation ciate professor of library science, Whether you are, «-plutocrat a' "it Stratford-on-Avon in 1934. He re­ The' "University-sponsored of the library, instructors and had. this to say: "A person should who buy* books for hit personal A |80 expense account mained there for eight years, Wright C. Morrow conference for librarians believe. Then a student read books that will -present a library or • peasant all candidates Mr. Payne, who has become An With Picnic just a poor lowed for practicing lawyers on criminal law may begin a "specialization" li­challenge to his thinking, He who borrows them! from a public campaigns. Texasinternationally-known Authority and procedure will be conducted brary,in line with his major in­should build in his library books T he Inter-Co-Op Week will be held dent the Inter-Co-Op Council library, it is good to remember Store will keep aft account for on Shakespeare, came to the Uni­ by the University School of Law terest. < that present a number of ,.ideas versity in 1946. During the sum­April 22-29 to familiarise Uni­The week's festivities will be­ what on* of the librarians in each candidate toshow what Hema at Hogg Auditorium Friday''•and gin April 20 with a preliminary the Undergraduate Reading Room have been purchased, tte prtea mer, he directs the Shakespearean versity students with life in a Saturday. . .productions at BalbOa Park, San co-op, said Glenn Brooks, presi-picnic and dance at the Boy Scout The subjects to be discussed Said: paW, and the a«gna&*ftfit % Honor Law Students purchaser.nnwhiMr. ' < » «S M®* Hut. They will close April. 29 "While you shouldn't snub the DiegO.' This group is a combina­ were"selected "by • surveying dis­ with "open houses at all co-ops. best seller? or the whodunnits ^Ilw only-oral Campaigning^ tion of the Community Theater Architects Selected trict county judges and district and Sati Diego State College. ' :; During the week, posters will and county attorneys for their completely, one of the basic marks mitted will .be personal He believes Shakespeare has For Three Girls' Co-ops be placed on bulletin boards in ideas on subjects and speakers of a well-informed, Well educated tipn of votert in a Named at Banquet • the Maim Building, and in the persan is familiarity With the tone, of vpice except" Something to say iabeautiful lan-, that would be of the most interest The firm -of --ifessen,-Jeasen, guage about every: situation in University ~ Co-Op windowsr ~ and benefit in this field of law. ; Six law students'.Teceived^mon-i year. Candidates' for the editorial great books, -of-minut«» of the hour and the1 , , Millhou^e, and Greevea has been "We hope to have" a pop lecture positftni.clip contemporary cases Megaphones and pubHc Wilis' selected as Associate architect, The Friday morning sessions be­ey awards, and the editors of the Though he is not on the^faculty by some faculty member on a to­gin at 9 o'clock. George W. Stum- from an advance sheet put out by or a librarian at the Univerai' systems may not be Used. Htt pending signing .of 'a* contract* for pic related to co-operative life/* berg, distinguished professor of Texas Law Review w^re named at the Tex%p Coutta, and-these clip* Montaigne, the . French^ essa; can^aigningwill be sllowad co-operative * three girl's houses said Brooks. law at the University, will speak the recent annual Texas Lsrw Re­pings i«j:e"used on > "news-tip" eaid on 4he subject: "In thia; in 100 feet of the polls; on 26th and Whitis Streets., . . i to the group on.fATheft and Rer view banquet. . , ba^s for making \ip the seven ciation with men I,mean w•PI&B W " '" r,d?reliininary r plans,, .Jw«3 been ^.J^arneatJL. Langley,Twinner otjcopiesr of the Review„pubU?hetf who-lb* «ialyrapproved by the Board of Regents Willis McGregor/ ojhairman w best all-around awara, 'received * each year. ,v, bfl i(... p memory of .horfBR!'-' Adds 40 Members for the building of three double-Robert j. Foster the state-wide committee on crimi­set of "Annotated Texas ^ Stat­To be elected to Chancellors Applications for Hie' the Committee on election, unit^ which will house 192 girls* New members for Beta Gamma nal law and procedure, and State utes," Harry K. Wright, second to the Order of the GdM, a -law be obtained , from. < Journalism I5^s AUliH>riMtk»B Mrsi Maryvenice E. Stewart, ad­ Blgma,highest honor society for ministrative secretary of the Representative Waggoner Qarr "place winner, received a • bound student must have done satisfac* Building 108. They-must be filled printed^ pwnted Hteratora ssiA on "Problems Related set of the Texas Law Review. in returned Wft than d»alk7written advertisement^. Futbrighf Winner students in business administra­Board of Regents said. C. D. Sim­will speak tory Law Review work. This year and not tion, are Layton Dean Hector, mons, vice-chancellor for business to Hot Checks." F.or best 'comment* George[ H. is the twenty-ninth ye*£ 12 o'clock noon Saturday. ;r v as » ' Sft Robert John Foster of San An­Discussion periods wilt be held <>, T W Leonard Earl Addicks, Philip Gro- Jowell won $100, and Marvin S. Texas Law Review. and finance, 'was authorized, to tonio, a BA with high honors, '61 after each lecture. ' Judges foi? the contest* are Prfntad »teeatQi^Mi«!ir ver Atkins Jr.', Pollie Vonna Bland, nesfotiote the contract-with the Sloman won secpndT place with a Guests" at the,banquet at the Alexander Moffit, University' Ii- HUghFraUcisBurrii,Treason"Wal-has-been-given4-Fulbright-Award--—At—the-yrKiay-aft«rnoW vSe«-{ pdrtertj arm hands, lapel tajf^ig firm. for the study of social psychology priie'6f~$75r3owel!*is tiTKddiok^ Home Ijconomics ^a Houwi werepwariin; 'Dr. Esther Stalimann, cards, blotters, and handbills, molt 4 sion, beginning o'clock, ter Coleman, Robert Isaac Ginder, at 2 Alaska with the Kavy, and Slo-two federal judges, six justices associate professor. of. libmry Estimated cost of the houses at Victoria University-Collpge in Judge K. K. Woodley of thp Court be purchased at the Texas Mrs. tteleri Frazier Hendricks, and will 'be $108,000 per double unit. ifaan%^practicing law in New Yoric the Tt^tas Supreme Court, and five science; and Frank H. Wardlaw, Store and bear' Ha tdatcd Wellington, New Zealand." of Criminal Appeals aud SpurgeonRoy Lamar Holley. The plans call for the houses to. This award is.one of about 7S0 Bell of Houston will take up "Bill .City* Richard T. Ghurcttill, of judges of the Texas Court-of director of the University Only material with thew Also Theodore Marshall Jack form a circle with a patio in the Three Rivers, received , a $75 Criminal Appeals, anjl the Attor­ grants made for study abroad un of Exceptions and Statements of stamp will be permissible. ^ son, Patty Jean Johnson, James center.-..Entrance into-the dorms dsr the Fulbright program "for Facts.11 '— award for best case notes, and n»y General' of $exii(n 4 House. , Leftis A. Schiller; legislation edi­ted to be at a meeting today* at of Foreign Scholarships. /Jf'j hold a .66ifee':!hoUr:-OT the Inter­ champ, W. A. Morrison, Lloyd W, ipwise^j ' >M ^ Also Jim G. Ashburaej James tor; and Millei; W. Meredith, asso­7 p.m. in the Texas Union. The For Announcement of the aware national R<)om . of the-. Texas Davidson, and K. K. Woodley, .Whiifcewash adv<^£™ King.Barrett, Leonidas C. Brad­ 9 ciate editor. ?/' exact' room was not determined came from Joe W. Neal, campus Union, this morning from to "' • of .the Court of-Criminal Appeals. restricted i%«ff-eiunptts ley.Jr., William N. Breswick, Jim Diaplaced stodexxts1 of the Uni- 10:8.0 a.m. This will be the sixth The four assistant case Rpte ed­at time of publication so tho meet­ Fulbright program advisor; - «n<£ Jben anljr ,^th Lewis Bridges, Chatles S. Collie?. ing placfi will be posted on..th^ versity^-members' of the DP Com­student-faculty coffee. itors are RolHe M, Koppel, John AF Recalls Capt Foot®# permlssl# of -w».-»wn«r'-'«^t -13% Murray Tenneth Cox, Thomas J. mittee, and honored guests will Errql Fry Doing B«tt«r* At acoffee held '6^ the De­Saleh, Richard L. Stone, and '_ _ Texas Union bulletin boards ' property; Ifo fhd^'Writliil ifcMEdwards, William C. Harris, Wil­have a coffee Wednesday from 7 Errol D. Fry, Longhorn lineman partment of English Tuesday, the Thomas B. Black.., * » Captain George W. Foote, BBA. Entry fee and deadlines are vertis«ments entisall9wid ' Student-faculty coffees w e}|re in circulation, only to Harvard Washington, D. G*» April 22 for-Further information about entriw TWto-M" bert Welsch; Nolan E. Williams. mittee members into a closerrelar • Mr. Fry wasnewjujiuniinjured iniii aa wreck originated by the Cowboys to pro-. Law Review, has a'staff made up assignment. Captain F^bte served may be obtaiped ^from Phillip .Dr.: Erich Wr Zimmerman, dis­tionship and, to facilitate the work April fi sonth of Austin„ a^ tto{mote a less formal relatSonship be-of the highest ranking students' four years in World War ll, two' Ran^opher at, 2-4l§l, said Webb, Sigma Xi te Hear tinguished professor of resources of the DP program. Qnion Creek bridge. tween teachers and students. selected at th* end of their first of which were In Surope. . -^ Committee heads will be at the -" |» - ! I J .) meeting today to. tell when pub­ and distinguished professor of eco Among the guests will be Miss •ML 1 1 'I "" LM)l*,M.^j l.H^llV ilfUU'.JU 1 - v _ . _ ^ nomics,was elected to membership Dorothy Gebauer, dean of. wo­licity material |s due, facts about in recognition of outstanding work men; Arno Niwotny, dean of stu­technical details on construction, ftiSsor in fb^ Departrawt d on the faculty. dent life;-Bob Gordon, director of and to answer any questions that relogjr;fuxdJNr^l^try^ tjtes the Veterans Advisory Service and may trie*. ' vefrsj&'ik. ,l»v6ip> coordinator ofr^igious activities; Va«ity Carnival will be held veston, wQlspeak before Bic^kT W. D.;B}9alt^ jWSiStant^jleaiLjOfl wr. May & at Whitaker Field. Scripts hononury , tcleac», feate?nlt' atu^eiit life; Jde Ueal, dSectbr of ma for shows must be submitted. the IntemationS^ Advisory Office; and Viola Garden-secretary of the ---Hob -Blomentlial AM; Cin^ International Advisory -Office/ • Chanberlain are Co-chairmen of The Main Building elevator will zm -the Varsity Carnival Committee. During the Japanese occupa­be operating during the coffee Sound equipment, if needed, will <>f nwnne wornsi. hour. ^ By KENNRTH GOMPERTZ % lovers' trials and tribuUtipns; j!t Hines, Antonio, his brother, Tom-«, went to, Hines-whtir«jMi Hero's be handled by Harry WebK Rep­,New offl«M^;*wSft. tion Gaii. Robert jL Eichelberger, who ii the last In a . _ Drfma r.fX' all end* happily *rver after despite my Jones, and tviar Francis, Fred father, gaye a dramatic'reading in resentatives should be able to tdil «4» mm Dr. M W. Sto^t^ pw ^ series o:' Classica—Uteraturevf mtlsic, the Qpagling* of # blad£-hearted Smith, the iovers arA reconciled the second part' of the play •that him how. much sound " fessdr ^ • electrical' S [speakers.to be presented by the Cadet Recruiten art, and drama—Seem to live on scoundrel. ^ ^ a^id the villain Sees. provoked at least a"few tears.-they will need. $. and seeratary of the fraternity. < ^ J Forum Speakers Committee, led and on and on. Yet so much of Outi of.•«,( „ . -, , ^ w In lesser roles, Jones, Charles •sa^The story itself has ,be«n more a [his Eighth Army in reshaping our contemporary worK Is soon uban once ovie*-done • since &« La«a and Miss Berman teke Baker, as an enfeebled, andent Imilitant'' and feudalistic Japan the comic honors* Both showed .the'~ forgotten after it fall* off writing of this 16th century play. """ man of law, J. D. Bonno, tod a more democrats concept Here April 23-27 best seller list or the'liit parade vitality and understanding of their Charles Yet what makes the plot so palat­ les Myler receive plaudits for living# or t ha. ii«n4Hu^wbat4i«ve-you. roles that made difficult line inter­ procurement 1 able is the manner -in wnich it is food eomfldy portray^ Gen. Eichelbei^er will speik to* Xn (UtiQGr t^am |^hy? , > told pretations as understandable as it * Shakefpea«« pb« By RtlSS lorrow at 8 p.m. in the Main for the Army and Air Force wil our Americanisms. As hafd asta Shake|jp«|rt» Perhaps B: lden Payne's pro­say. % » J. : / jt v t? m range of the Texas Union. He be on the campus in B. Ball 117 m --;' > ' *'. < * duction is to project the flowing, mi** telk about thenar 'sitaa-,fromv fl a.nu to 4 p.m., April 2^>27. duction of Shakespeare's delight­fmm only one or two lines cut circumventing lsoguaga to Ml atpf )ras;-wash-f-;?Rr«M|*w4ag ifOwp Ihe^Far East i N^t far behind as comic-in-chief ion.i»! ' Captain George W. Nelson, wrfl ful comedy "Much Ado About because they would convey little wa*;P«s^r Smiser dience used to hearing direct dia­ing the morning dishes when, she Nothing," playing In Hogg Audi­ to modern audiences, the fclay is logue of everyday use, fMudi *.1 At tbe end of the last war, atien Cadet ^rocuifement officer torium , through Saturday, give* constable. He made tiie most a loui knock il theoodtim door, lenry L. Stin^on^ then Secretary of r the Army and Air Force Re­the answer. .'4 '• , . as was -written, lit i* the story his few lines and with good timing Ado*' accdmplished a magnificent ^ of course, thst ^f War, wrote to the General:,"I cruiting Main Station, San An­( ^ of two couples* Claudio, played by voice ht lu4 the audC job. Except for rather poor per­ le s ? tJSJI -V 'Aw BeU U^t,iind Benedicki rollick- id team wilt b* to furnish interested for «a-«tage musicians, wMi« itulations to the gratituda f«at > "I'm alumni with infor­ ingly portrayed by Charles Lane] seemed almost perfect Jr Interpret [»y on? whole nation In its rejoic-students and what doe* It offer — magnilo­and Beatrice, mJbO«tnqr: ^ymon«d Tidiwt-Barbara Berman, fine soldiers of your Eighth cer programs. parts, was a steady pHnce^bout-fectiveness of the dialogue." Iqus costumes by jmodern «tan­ .. -.Aviation ^tb. pilot imd navigator Ctodii^%S4ia0V«t ty dojf he $lay*$ Bsi |Minj; of aamMM M| Hoi programk. In addition to jhaving married even thouglr villainous this came mostly through his man* ing, well-lifted sets, *nd attrao­ «• * completed 40 ««m^st«r. Iiotas o1 •• Y«t ita Tuesday ni^t Dra John, played^ )»y ^l^Kek. atrimi tivo although not lavish sesasxy Soever «w» Dttrtf t *'colteta ' aypB^antii, A ftoatnYiiwi lla¥tfir Gal, tattes helped create an atmosphere of Freak northerly vrinds will j»nh pass rigid jAyaicur standards and any campus musical or camL break them up by making Hero to reach past the fooiligh&f •o: tiiermomete^ down 15"degrees achieve minimum aco^es presentation of a modeim ^pjMar wfiMtfefttl' ^' |nd MiC'U^iwere^: bj5'. „ „ . yesterday's 80 to a high of tude tesiau Loaded with Trit, ML«lever i5 Claudio and 0 t'% % iMpK * Mm 4 ' V-" 'a*;*-* ,'.lM.>-.4UV.t.-t.HV> i*WAH>t>:Sa'ln30» Pi-'•*?'!? i>® Marshall Hughes, freshman bas­|im 3Wim hi , «it0ir '-£ ketball -coach, who is* currently tor track. Uowiw hurt his vd, a, ^bahooc* VWMUMVUD^P•,,^miili'lnm i^A iulill conducting spring work-outs ior arm in the Texas Relays * ' Steer the ^ squad •vest*, itMdudta« ^e r«l*y», *n* oagecs, sent w*ek end and spill have to through a stiff workout Tuesday, it wpf, T)£ cbuwe, no sabstitatioai will b* pwmittwi. JIM DOD& tu&*£W yoW «*Mon •!«»•» jtb« ' ftwAmm tiai yew* H» »H©w«a T»»» only w—.juttarai -trtdr hits in chalking up his last win •l#W«'ro-*omin£' «lohg, pritty To ' «a^ »lnts, \«a Sport* Staff days ago in Houston against the l^nk.MoQlnn [irain*«M t» «H wm* orfciuiitation wast w» w$r*wot»d The texas" Yearlings W^Q pTay Hice Owlets, five Tear}ingft have and ace hurler Jack Brinkley on Yearlings. good," Hughes said after practice. '"CKrs" ,. the Sfe Edwards „ University Hill-Coach . Dan Watson-plans to . "We're doing a lot of experi. Joe Cortes, up from the freshman _ , by «t Iwfc four member*. dropped two straight tilts by iden­rtd {in*U i& the *hot put and ioj^ers a return visit Wednesday, counter with on« of hia few un­menting now/*' he added. Tues­sqti*d» .ink «th*r,%««gl»yed like those his father used to hurl, Hughes . recognised Texas* • in- AUSTIN the g»»e Without* six men on it could be a rough day for Hill-ability to hit from' the outside Wt: S(-KUICF. the diamond while Roberta HaU seeking revest? at the expense topper batsmen, during the 1950-51 season and KftDIATOKS WELDING A •e^Lwiih 8,6,4, *»*'* Pfn* both gaanes they V~ tm*itwfa+ P^tii of BL £dwards but will also be "Other than the jiew>T«x*« pitah-said-he was trying to tftmedy RADIATOR *iven for th» tog foto P^cing*. then^ in the last innings of play "The University Christian trying to gain back some of the er, the iineupB of both teams are the fault. The Steers a^re .doing gP®WORKS ' . Org*Tib»tions *re limited to two Church fell before Wesley, 6-4, respect they have lost. St. Edwards will likely start the due to be identical to the ones lot of shooting -from '16 to fel. e-9793 Mteidt In #»ch «v«*t except ®« afte* taking * two ran lead in After winning the opening same batteries they used against used in the two team's last meet-* SS feet sway from.ihe bucket. ,, W6 W. 8U> St the first inning. Wesley tallied ing. Hughes l^s his charges 'workingthree runs in the aecond frame, If* vS Tr V '4 , The Yearlings will have Bob hard On Wo other phases of Intramural Schedule two in the third, and scored their Towery^at third base and as lead* 'basketball know-how. $>« final .run in tho riJtfh for the «® off hitter. Fast improving Bill First, the cagera are Working ri te >1 , * „ V (Advertisement) ¥ V Newberry will be at second. Paul bl*e* «*> triumph. dn individual defense^ ASD •-: PkglHfe Delta Kappa Epsiton got four Mohr, freshman basketball starter And second,^ they aro speeding |$,<^1 hits And »**"*»<»» in * third will be on first. Ken Horton up theit attack. The dribblers 'jrtffclSsi South American inning f-ally thatsent them on to a rounds but, the Texas infield at are learning to get down couft JWJVS Vs. , k a 12-T ^victory , oyer EK Sigma short. and take shots before the defense #\r TURKEY Qws In the garden positions, will be Kappa! can stop them. , Sigma Alpha iiuV second team Roy Kelly, Travis Eckert, and Huhf out that Doii Hughes pointed iW® got 19 hits to overwhelm Alpha By JIM ELDER Ingrain, Klein and Joe Ed Falk are ..im T*fn,SmtU SU/f Eokert and-Borton each collects Epsiloti Pi's second team, 14-1>. pfovhig Vfcry rtfi€h otrthelr shoot­ Stan CWprow and Norris Good-The catch of, tlie week as far bor, a graduate student in chem ed tWq hits Monday jlgainst the ing from the outside. He added WittSs?£^^%rE^~ friend combined with three hits fcs we are concerned" is the black istry* and a reliable mfn', except Cubs, and a«e maldng a bid to be? George Scaling's name to the list Shrink Heads!' >-tsg&sj?^Ks^as?--each in three appearances at the bass canght' in Cyrpress that he tome the team's leading hitters. of those who haire been improving, plate to lead their r teammates* Area Suhday." W. R. CcJgtote, " Firey third sacker Towery now : lie tells of a man in his home Klein has been busy with track, L6AD1NG K)NGH0RN pltch-honor with five hits in MM«-UUd n:??SSWi R. W. Wylie struchout eight owner of Blackie's Place, wrote state of Mississippi who owned a holds tiie but Hughes said the big 6 foot to Mi.crofilm shrinks newspape: ihael lUXST" betters and1 allowed only o»e hit us it weighed 7% pounds and was roadside zoo that, featured a er is Jim €hrter. He has struck fourteen trips the plate. He 6 inch center cbme£ ove* to Gre tSESsan, was held shitless, however, in six pages to the shse of a postage to pitch Thelema Co-op to a 10-2 caught on a ehugger. That puts badger. The too grow. • The own­out 16 of 38 players He has gory Gym when he can to prac­ stamp. Shrunken ;heads have.lim­ "SiVSr"' victory over Aihery House. It our 5-poundei* from the same area er put in Avjmuity Jake; stocked faced this year; times at bat against the Cubs^ tice basketball! ited uses, but, microfilm is a aui!SiS!!t?5?jK|dym-tiw. ' • . » • only took Thelnie. nuve three Mtii in the mifinow class. Blaekie said with fish to attract fish admirers. means of copying » lot of words to wrap up the contest. it was a beautiful fish.; ' Footbridges and Wooden walks or pictures in a hurry at a very T. B. Hughes reported 21% followed the lake's edge under low cost and ' is also -a greatpOunds of fish caught Saturday lazy, overhanging willowB. . At an pages, can be microfilmed at.a jy J. R. Bratton, Big Spring, One accessable. spot for feeding a saver of storage Space. Newspaper rata of 200 pages per hour and jleck weighed pounds. Whe­ black bass habitually stalked tid­ the low'.price of ther it means the crappie are tun bits throwri t^> him. The owner at very only five cents per pagef Manuscripts nsuassic ning or not is to be seen hut he fed him often to keep the fish in v? and books cat) be copied at a t^rr# -#??* , ' • iad six of them on his string; the proper spirit for entertaining. rate of 400 pages per hour andjesides three black bass. Named Henry by the-proprietor, at the price of five cents perThere are a number of fisher­the black came when called.. And, By ORLAND SIMS * which has a 3-2 record. vs. Baylor and TCU vs.-Texas; exposure, which normally includes men on the campus we would like then, he would eat from the zoo-; v ._ Ttxttn Sptirt* Staff The Steers have hit the top by Saturday, it will be A&M vs. two pages^ A? . . For Sun-For Fun to have report their catches. owner's hand. People were amased With the Southwest Conference downing Rice's last»place Owls Rice, SMU vs. Baylor, and TCI' Once It microfilm copy hal been V ., & Snackenridge Apartments house at at, Henry. They came from all baseball , race well under way, the twice, 16-2 and 3-1, and taking made,' duplicate microfilms can, vs. T«xas. And Campus east five people who fish in the ovei: to cftU Henry, feed him, and same familiar situation is noted by the measure of Baylor's Bears, be made .from the original at rlver helow the, parking area. We comment. ' j-' fans—the Texas Longhorns are 5-1. ,\ *." On Monday, these battles will the rate Of 200 pages, per.minute iave seen you down there, so send But one morning H>nry did not right up at the top of the heap. The second-place M u s t a n g s take place; Baylor vs. TCU an< and at the eXtretoely lo#"price of n the results. . The Longhorns, who haven't approximately one cent per frame. come when the owner of the zoo started by sweeping a =|>air from SMU vs. Ttai^v. ThevariglerVtfcx money will be­lofrt a Southwest Conferfenc'e Any number of duplicates canWear To gin paying dividends July.l to the cried out for him. . championship since 1948 (and few TCU, but then' were shut out be made without damage to the The following week in Madison twice by the Texas Aggies. Mon­original. ' tune o£ |s millidn per year. A before then), are all alone at the Square" Garden a fish was . billed day, . they broke their " even-up -You can read microfilm by us­ freshwater fish census is included head of the pack after the first life Guard Course ran "the talking fisV-H«w Henry record by whipping Rice,:9'8, With in'the /projects under conslderar two weeks' games. ing a projection device called a ZtAp'f,* was lured from the cool, stall Wa­Fred Benners of football fame do­"reader' which enlarges the copy ters of tH South, the owner never ; The Steers, getting fine pitching ing the hurling. / A training cpnrt* (or city back to ita original size or larger. **v Th^ri *4 Ihffe* "^ys to check learned. and great clutch hitting, hiave a : lifa(u»rd applicant* will be co«x-The University owns several ex-Henryi he said, only -answered favorites, was by tendencies.of fish to proliferate 13-0 mark, good for a one-game Texas A&M,. one of the pre­duct0d by the City R«cr«*tloi» cellent'microfilm."readera." These authorities say. The most effec those people who had a drawl. I lead over U, season upset Dcpartmint and thi» American lift! second-place readers ar#; located in .the News­itiye way to detect the non-ocean Baylor, 3-2, in the opener. They Red Ck»< at the Gregory Gym­paper Collection, The Rare Book going Rsces is stunning. Litejrally. later romped over SMU 3-0 and nasium Pool crt» April 16th to Collection, The Latin American 28th. During the first week %f Collection^ .The Journalism Libra­ The^fish is stunn^ wife aii\ elec' 4-0, only to fall before TCU Mon­ th# training period the R«A i^*nd the Archives. These "read­ trie charge causing him to surface, day 5-4, in ap ups'et. Cross Senior Life Saving eo»rs» ers" are delicate and eaqpensive; be counted* and receive a re-fourth-place Baylor has played will be tatight. Dttring the tie.1 they should not be usetFwR6 California beginning in .1955. - lOsOO P..M. manuscripts, books, and newspa­ their first two tilts to SMU. Then The Mnlor life saving ceur*e hatchery marking -of a specified j ington State will play in Austin The 1951 schedule calls for tilts pers for The University of Texas, they split; with Rice, and, improv-it open to any person U years •number of fish. L The batch is on October 2. with North. Carolina, Purdue, and •*rQf older. The wMter Columbia Univertity, and other* ing all-the time, pulled the recent thrown m with ifte umhai-ked ones j There will be no entucky. And of course, Yexas safety instructori eours* Is and a comparison is made of the j HigUights of the 1954 season> plays Notre' Dame here in 1952. >pset of the Aggies. open tOi any person 19 yeart We think we hte beginning to tf^t The Owls, firm tenants of the the hang of it. We guarantee resulting catches.; • l.^ it appears now, will probably of'ago «*'older* All applicants as Conference basement, lost, their our -copies to be as readable lake and strevoi, topography 1 ^ the September 26 gstie with for summer positions should fe/4r "? the original. HIBIR SIHIU ..i> study is another project. Remoyal, ]^0tre Dame at South Bend, Ind« first two to" Texas, and followed file their application paper* at up by splitting With TCU, and r avthke«t allof thesummer dkm and if -iwadec^--th»-.:;«!eation-.-of -Sports Notice the'city recreation department continued. by dropping on* to loeated! in the basement of the The. Douglas K. McLean Company , pcoUeM.Strapf sung the{set-. barriers ^i«h imptove ^fishing is Texas wlI1 open the 1964 seaT • All entries for Intrsmuraf ,' M price -'WAUTEDj^ REWARD for lost' ATO jewelled pin.­ r «SpeedWay S-8SS3.vOpe» till lft p.m. CaU Jack Methcws. 6-2618 or S-6468. X.s _f .'"fjf'. ' v v a rieat six-hitter at the Missions;, Fulltime Salesladies­ : -fS'nPtTWOOD-aAIJJMLA "The"5Qther two 'games—Foft 6208 "-iiH-ooks • Worth at Oklahoma City and Dal-talk BM>dkeMhl*{| DOWNTOWK KENDEROARTEKi Kwer-l MAOKUS Portable Eleatrle Orgyn. In-. Bklsry plus eomntlssion. llbeml • leneed day cwte, 2~# J«n. ' ettuipment. .$6.86 weekly, ,h»by aiUlng' straetlon sons folio., Phone B-8176. -discount on store pptcbases.­ to rain and cold weather. IWJSIfr sec hour. 400 East 2nd., 2.8663.. -r ' ..JMu ^ • ,w„m TTSagW^WBWiMa^rv rurioim 8TOlth-.Caronav^PortaW«. . ' _ * H •** msuol itlnrer-.tor. rAppty Personnel Office, Sixth FlOftlP. Ride Wanted t&i s$^ 8CABBBOUOB * SONS 2-4*27. fvK, Tennis Schedule^ 18th Apatt-me A RIDET. Paseenger Cm your >40 Acre Ramblers W^? „References exchanged. Register. . ARMY OFFICER'S •(** 4J. early. -A Ac' to "Share ~ 3>etise Bureau.; WEDNESDAY trousers, overcoat cap. sise 1. Jntlit­ »echanleB «pi»ly, TiOOa Speedway. Free :/•: Varsity Courts nia. Reasonable. B*eellent / condition. WANTED i Typewriter •UtfL |U3M|8. • SONNY SOWEU % Berkman's typewriter shop. ­ 2^0 o'clock Phone 8-5828. Jludwor^Gerhardt ya. M Special Service* MAX #ARDNEl#ik^f§ Jonha* *». Kleinecnw 1850 BLACK. BUICK ^«taiJMt« eon- Sanders vs. gtasbde**. V MARSHALL CLFG© L3T T«rt|b». 5.000 wiles. Phone 8-2554. is , t WBU> BXPKRRM03BD «»k»fe*l krfy, <• .stssye J wiNTED» IBAIESMSH.^ , ' wants to do University_«bl» fW Ws IRALPH ANIOL'®"3 RADIO "HAMS"—ATTElSfTION. CrysUl-'is , , laundry. CaU 8'6114. 1808 Singleton. foimvwl iirvlc® awltehinc, band-ehangin*. two-stage raft, tpr Msn's Shoes I.m ..mnyainy -••• — *• Stflee Vs. Ceifkardt., • Par Metal BEN JACK KINNEY tig completely enclosed to ||®-\ ior Men's P^rntshinc* . Ceurte S • x8''*8 gray wrinkle-ftntsh -jSablnet Typing ». • pi tlie Gospel meeting now In progress of the 4>V:i11,1 |'[H.wii.,1 I. L»| 1.1 L»niWi 1WewkMSt! nese Communists. • YetMnndT te^i^ey p "vrt" I *4|diholf' yon** began «N^i$^st*n* ^ has nr to The eoi^ mtMMr \ AS H. Wtoi$*uto of OtiMge wk andtrtelc shotirtttt b«ng notified \f the memorial House Co^MXdtte*. on UnAmeHean ihe UnAmerican Activities CWn-By nightfall thO Chteese irtill fund established in his honor. —viAi.i—w P d -, Qetasat Activitaee t|» ill.efexCptMa^ ™|In'rTT1 \zvyil""' The fund will be used either lor nists «rff HQiete mtrnism fn the movie industry. The dam, 4jt" miles inside N«ar& tij* . ,.™, playing MM dtiat ... the a IPaHiit Undergraduate Scholar- norA4otfft comtaittee called actot Will Geer wa jpiiltii northeast & billiards to » 'gtttofe of/Unlvfe*sity ;;mnde -Hfciji at# W ivt 9 &f«rjp.^lfppoi|il to testify today. jSeou!. ' faculty members Tuesday "St the cushion shot," this time ,witS* * R*adin# Roob^ "I have heard ih«» »»• auue^ ' In another develdpmwttft the Amertc*n mmt^irnm^rniiA JftNNftu*** torn* Tfaiverstty Club.^ tmm* „jfe ?$*S reverse English on the ball. "That Circulars have been aent ti> 2>el« very many^tftOpeanda if ex-Com-Navy announced the of air strUces beat repeatedly at ihe made a billiard X didn't want it. ta Tau Dslta ainibnl ftom the muniitl who don't know whKI to. * biifr-rauking etplosive reieiUreh Reds, j *. T> J)r. Moore, Wlftt is fat.Wfcfat local chapter*and facuity taembers do about it," Hayd«b laid. specialist, Dr» Stephen .WftiiA, fi,•! «iiini'^i(»ijiiri|)i|iiirj)Biyitii1iiMfl>|i|i^(..jJ^t^ to," apologised Dr. This plfcyer with a scientifii huve reeeived notice regardingthe The blond, six-footffour ictor m concluded his" dltoonstration and "as u Bchira M DinnM-tf teg his .gam*, weht on to *how project.. a decorated Marine Corps cap­immrn&irnmmmM' eblyillusttated Ms earner point Bow tlUT'diamond system'* works. The Mateh itstte of the Alcalde, tain who went, behind German meat employe, wae, suspended , lie that Yoti can fihd an alignment for of every thfe monthly magikine published lines as g secret agefit in the Wkf pending the outcome of her hus­explained the significance of the against technique *mall gold diamond! oti the1 Hide m«*n W. M by the Ex-Students' Association^ i—hid thi^ to say about his own band's ««*«, carried * lull pige story on the joining up with the Communists: , Bdtft w^'-lUMMa'vfv-Senatw ei thy table and how they should [fein ft* lifo ahd accontpliihment of the '"ft wu the stupidest, most ig* McCatthjr ^R-Wis) last year onhe need to line tip shots. Before Dr. Mfore's lecture he played a few practice games with D«Mr.,v: norant thintf I've ever done? t a ltst of goveilfimettt employes he —! Moore has been piayinrbilliards R> W4 Tyler, assistant professor Father ff >li$%; WW-%*' went into It with an emotional and regarded as subversive. Mfs. Bru-Rebuffed' *off and on" for the part 85 years very upsound approach," nauer denied iJEcCarthy'S charges WASHlNGtOltj; kptbw, of Romance Languages, who was distinction at serving longet as that. In feCplaining the method of representing the University in,a Dean of th| College of Arts And Rep. Moulder (D-Mo). of pe at the time. ^' %* President Truman h^ded * nte nf *m Usbfe the diamond system to cal game Against the visitor, <> 0ci«n^e« thai any other man con­UnAmerican Activities Committee Harden tiklA hT wed %p pointed rebuff yesterday to Amer­to set oprer aoeond \h+ cutate And line tip shots, Moore nected with" the University, tte told Hayden after,his thrte hoUrs with the-Comtaunists "because ican legion Commanded Erie Asiatic Wa*f.He>ac_ explained^ "This is the method died February I at the ftge of *1. of testimony that be ^deserved flit I wanted to do something iat! Cocke Jr., supporter Of Gfen. Mae- that Hoppe Usei a lot; however, the commendation of the eOmmit-a better World" ant^bfec&use he Arthur's sidek in^the row ovt*?st nger fUppOrt fn the Xdrean Dean-iParlln received his first Watt Oockersn still maintains it ate tee and the conntty" for speaking had beinstirred by the heroism of East policy. btiug# with ^ statement tfiftt S&S3& two degrees at the University of hi Useless to Mat." out a* "an intensely loyal citizen." Yugoslav partisans. hands at# tied by «A< advanc^; Colorado fchd reeeived1 his dodbet^ As the g&up of proximately WS-m& !& ate at the University of fennsyl­ twenty faculty men looked on the illege, he he Far East commands Breaking ef th#~^po^n#tr. Oil Director" fed bill glided across the green teamtb to destioy it memberships in.Phi Beta,|Capp% Cocke had, an appointment to Was ISrtt irejpOtted-. vf Kbrmcn mat table and demonstrated What World News ^irt Brief John W. Brice, who graduated and Delta Tau Delta. lay his viewi before ME fntttsu, ^ tM*t 'Joseph P. Sbofl Mld Cttfce *»•> th« particularly ^iteres-, board «pf directors'of the Cfuter military training down yesterday dent!, and alumni," -President Ond Atmored and the Fourth In­When he announced^ plans to phoned for the date, and told bow again *«*fcnisy* Oil Company. to a bare authorisation for draw- Painter skid in the Alcalde article, fantry at Fort Bettnlng, Gs., ate visit the White House, COcke. said It Wan broken. HeWill begin his work With Car­ing up a plan, to be written into In New York Monday he fully Aii Israeli gbvernme ter June 8, following the comple­Contributions may be sent to law later if* Congress then is In high. on the jist of regular units 1 jyij iw rrl»rljiai *^-iafn^.Wirt .if -He said Cocke explained hi *«* Wan Said Skirtnisbinf the H. T. Parlin Memorial Fund« which may be called. Wanted Arab* -m just hick from Rome and Wat • tion of his present term as a mem­ the humor to do it. Texai Union 211, The University KsT'Cr to see the President before he i^tme! pntrot. 'frfoc&'iim: ber of the board of directors of After Ih&t the. representatives * »" ,V--­ Standard Oil Company In New £• K put off until later in the week-a L*tiil»tof» differed yesterday morn Ii$: tmk m tMW CHINESE KITCHEN Jersey. vote on ^e%«.vthey^^^^fpy on what to do about a newspape* Senators End Went ' UMT at all. story chalrgihg a member of. the HA e^ufliMf Mum later titers 2th & Red i,Sttv»ris^fes' Brice,* native of Miami, Texas, Asiatic, Turkith Clubt I the Sea of'GalQefc. House has shaken down Harris appenred on the news ticker in­and a former Carter executive Tidelands Hearing Will S* CoffM Host* Abileste Christian College offi*- County privet* dubs with a pro­terviews by Mr. Co^te in which «r Wkatoount,the•$ vice-president and director, baa clala are investigating an incident mise to prevent passage of the he informed Hportve wlutn. hec SPEEDWAY had «. broad 24-year background WASHlNGTON,April 10—(4P) Asiatic and Turkish Club mem­in which eight pledges to a boys anti-slot machine bill ;• w*e going to tall the President, of experience in the oft industry: tthe Senate liitMot Committee „ bers will serve as.hosts for Thurs­club.,were doused with molasses Some Representative* *-^Were that point it Seemed traneces-the frontier concluded its hearing yesterday day's international coffee hour in eagigWMBit RADIO He began work in Texas as a and cornflakes, then shampooed talking privately at demanding an r fov Um have itott appoint­ field geologist for the Humble Oft the International Room of the with raw egg and red paint. investigation of the eharg* and ment. The:#ppointm«at ««c the afternoon. The spokfsiBUUk; aJaSftfc^s? w SERVICE and Refining Company. In 1931 Texas Union from 4 to 6 p»m. The The boys were found by police impeachment of the House mem­ celled.1' .A tto report on casualties. There was' no ihdicafibn when he Went to Venezuela, as » geolo-coffeo is open to all foreign.and early yesterday walking toward ber if it is proved true. the committee wifi. act on twp . the for the Creole Petroleum Corpori-American students. town. They had already walked Six , + ? * bills under study. r ^'rule to queries asto ichethet Mr. ation. Eight years later, he was Literature, paintings, and other miles. One of the fcoys said they A CommwaUt-called demonstra­ i One is legislation whicK would Truman would'ever taVe any-pub­ named assistant manager of the VeneKuelan company* aft depleting the cultures of the had been fed garlic and castor tion to protest against the U. S continue the lease contracts the lie notiie of the SlacArthut ltt|^ the Thai tribal country of> la Fiesta Eastern countries will be on dis­•oil • • *< -^ ^ 5 * Army's v preparing Frankfurt state gave oil *ompsni«s prior to ter mm* imam Brice flort came to Carter in play. The music will be Asiatic and J bridges for demolition in case of Supreme Court ruling* adveirse to Martin (Itais). whieh ocossioned «otu^li^Mdd-iiil'i Mexican food 1942 0s * director tad Vice-presi­•Turkish folk songs. S«e**tary of Commerc* Sawyer war fissled last night. the states' claims. the latest flare-upover tt»e United dent in charge of exploration, be­Members of the two sponsoring andL eight other government offi­ •tlon feetKrlpJ The communist call for a mass The second would give the Nations Tat ^ E«st eommander. • Steab end ATfo came executive Vice-president in clnbs will appear in native dresS« cials wete chafed with civil and demonstration brought out only states title to the tidelands ©tit "Whetiie* the Pteeident considered 1948. ' ' vjAhopt ISO people. A communist to three miles offshore and a 87^4 MacArthur ''imtubordinke^ end mt7m mStidn ^^ , ,rVi,r-r ideht, said. T > terday, 'Merit* Personnel Needed speaker, after a 40-minute wait, per cent interest in receipt^ from whether there was any teaction Communist Chines* . ni»i£' • Roomtto ' This coffee will be the second The charges are an outgrowth got up and declaimed 4!we' wanC minerals recovered beyond "the to published import* that, the r Private parses Charles S. Gardiner, director of in *series which will be sponsored of long-drawn out litigation over peace/1 three-mile limit. White House had "done nothing that-Communist taEegulats the Merit® SyBtem Council of the by a: different foreign students' a 68,000,000 steamship empire. The Supreme CoUrt, in cases in­to.discourage speculation that the makixaj s hit-aa .west .Of Hr-V ^ "I'm need trained and capable workefs. American Students' Unions. reinforce den. Ei^ho^owerS eration of individual naerihi.t.'?'.'' > to the submerged Jandsy ' Wf 3sasep»j»«®i»»^ ux •tm i-V-iiA i -f-4-T i'Jliir.'v VVAjO-/ J 1{ ) «3f VlJr-i f » [J. f rnWt^Kr "W" jn, swrb {• f *4 e.Cofeg.SM.^ -} ^ ' * ^ *• $\i \ ^ it t i' ^ it 1 ' , ijii 4**r%r ^ ^ >L , >*r a i i ?© " I v V •s . mmm sxtx -f' f ,-&$• i" -I ! * i- SLACKS IPiMi •'Midi* SflidiMi i»omt X> C %$%&£ H i'ixr:.« TwoSloth §m -k'SSv 7K #• BliiiHi XU wliP'Wipil! =» ,A-.-=g ym H&L-L&.'l&Z-T!i. n /SX\\ f-f i> Wfrfy i}VJM W'w fwm i^).l(iJ"l|^ljl^W>[| mw I»T th* SfctoDepartanent, for exampla. takp110 little of its origin in the public Formcmths mm.Americans have bean belief that the Department in snore in­ fe ' ;; v-.fe?­ m &t h«^»»a Unfolding stories of tereated in defending ita mistake# than Friday is tk# deadline ,for fil­^ips*?ffsi*dJ»y the Institute of ng application ior rasiaent aenoi- fixea; hpy trials, juvenile narcotic1 ifcjsorwctiiig tfeemlgg ing for residentsehol Latin^American -Studies' of the '•#*» «,» t«. MAn«L. arships to the Instituto Tecnolo^;;University for attendance at the ^yV,. M * and Influence in government it haa been pointed out that while the gico de Monterrey, Mexico. _ Tulane University Summer Field r"" Awlfeatlons alioald 1m sant The $216 scholarships, for theW>ASchool held in Guatemala June 22 . ?e»onnel Dhririon," summer school from Jfaly 14 to;-. Pe6|>i^not aacessarilyto the point lenge the competenceof a party in power, to' August 12 should be filed by Washington 25, D.C., by April 2l*i August 26, are available only MP, April 16 to Garrison Hall 105. , *.v Candidates should submita ^ Tto Tma liftgfalataTiv Ifrere TO,reasonable qowggiLMioJri -student* -ef. three inLatih- Uniteif tJUUs;/ Six "hours "of credit pleted Application for Federal Em* the Kefauver bandwagon, ther it should have the function to cha •Jools. One student each from American AreaStudies are offered plOyment form, transcript of n T£< lenge the integrity of the party in power.^.-25 juniors,.seniors, and graduate its, a letterof lees than 500 words appointstWO crime investigating com- and Stephen* College o$\Missouri, student*. will'will"kbeA accepted. I wis* r> £ I. '• . : . -describing, the students academic inittees. But Mickey Cohen laughingly Most unhappily there is now a largapi» . The' course includes formal objectives and type of experience The scholarships itvcl&de tuition, »fu#ea to attend. The Texas public does part of our fellow citizenship that is beard and lodging, laundry, medi­classroom instruction, field work, he hopes to gain with the EGA, w- and seminar discussions. , and a letter of endowment from cal care, excursions, and athletic, not item too concerned over reports of Reassured on this latter vital point one or more faculty members with ' facilities. . W: This situation ean Students going to Europe this, whom the applicant has studied. : be remedied only-.> organised crimemoving in. #'Thi* ^ krnn^iiiMl n Information concerning apptt* summer I I eatien for the scholarshlpmay be will find a low rate ^ ? Detailed mformationtlconcern* ifie must remember that some of this by action -of Hie Administration. Th«^|^ $230 for the round trip, the Coun­ obtained in the-4nternational Ad-> ingapplication.aiid desc^ptions of JSh-' President and" his associates must bring , ^ cil on Student Travel, 58 Broad­the activities of the EQA may be' ^i: nation-wide letdown has been in the < visory Office, B. Hidl 21, -The applicant be way;. New York City, has just an­obtained from the -jStudent Em­ should en­ =: ®: moral rather than the official conduct back to standards of aim-^"?-^ --'v physical field rolled in the University at the time nounced. / ployment office, B. Hall 117. Complacency can damage our national pie right and wtong. Those same stan­ of application. Two &!ps, American-built C-3's, For students who are not grant­have been provided, and these will m life in one no less than in the other* dards must be applied to all levels , of „ ed the scholarship, or who• do not carry 1,300 passengers on «Mb. An irate reader recently wrote the government and in a whole variety of-; care to apply, but wl»*» wish to at­trip. Leaving either from Montreal ^ictt cjCidt 3* tend the school, applications for or New York, the ships will make jf£ ' Dallas Morning News complaining that social relationships and obligations. ,, M-'- "Since the end of the semester lies slipped up on us and we've registration must be forwarded to a nine-day trip to Le Havre, France. . m she bad hot read anything good about /. While we will not accept a moral •V only studied from this book, we're going to have to cov&r quite a reach the Instituto before June * STUDENT HaALTH CENTER ' 30, Late registrations will be ac­• St:: cynicism as our normal approach to com­bit before the finals." *: William Haywood Bennera HI, Jana the nationaladministration "since Roose­ cepted until July 21. Applications . Summer internships are avail­Ann Bradner, Elotae Herring Cooper,. Dorothy Glass, Maurice "Dolan Gwiiin«% munity; IMngi we cannot avoid its im­ Instituto able ;with the Sk$nomic Co-opera­ velt had filled the hands of Texans." The •should b« fbrwwrded to: M«rl« 0.-Hodge, iaiaei; Kveft# Halay. Tecnologico de Monterrey, Escue-tion Administration an Waediinlr-Leonard Eldon Huber, Joyce Merpl Joha­ m* paction a large part of our people unless «oo. Gretphen Ke^«lman, Billy Kay Kara. News, ahe said, was known as the old la de Verano, Monterrey, N. L., ton. Assignments are expected Jim Richard • to K.. David" Kerchville, those in position of highest responsibility Mexico. begin on or before July 1 and last Kirchhof, Joe Jack Lones,' Donald' Grtf ory XeOormiek, Dave Daniel Naeel, Mary approximately two months. Claire Noble, Leonard Roberta,' Iiydor But citizens have a right to expect, in likewise reject it ' Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Applications for two $400 achol-be paid Schulwolf. Joanne Thompson, Ralph' Vfl- The Civil Service hasannounced Interns will at rates lafradca. these perilous times, some leadership «n examination for filling .vacan--Information Service, according to eiea.in ihe position of-investigator ; Kenneth D. McLean, Civilian Per­ from the government Unfortunately Doo 3c at antrance salaries ranging from ; sonnel Officer of the prganization. |ii|S§si I the government does not enjoy the full $3,825 to $6,400 per annum. Em> .< The positions, which are now THIS TENCB1BUILDING has gone ployment Witt be with the Office available in Washington, D. C. / confidence of the American public. Con­ too far, 4i' . -of Price Stabilization establish* and St. Louis, Mo., are Civil Ser­ gress is recalcitrant toward the admin­menti in Arkansas, Louisiana, vice positions, some requiring Civ­ Shiny new fence posts now lead stu-­ Oklahoma, and Texas. il Service Status and Aome not. istrative branch of government — and Application forms and addition, dents out the west entrance to the Main The salaries range from $2,650 to al information may be...obtained $4,600 a year, depen'ding on ,train-; : Av RUSS KERSTEW. -. cdied, fell within the class of per­Prise-winning author ef "All the ~ A writer to the New York Times-asked Building. There are approximately 100 from the post office, the Execur" ing and experience. Ttxtt Attociati Siitor sons protected in the Constitution King's Men" and noted "Minneso­ NOW THAT CALIFORNIA'S by the framers. Therefore, the ta professor, wrote:square indies of hard caliche where sup* tive Secretary, Board of US Civil Applications or requests for recently if the President did not often Examiners, Off lee of further should faculty oath headed court went reappointment Service information be loyalty is on, "My refusal to come to the Uni­ protect & friend at the expense of a prin-posedly something will attempt to grow.*/ Frice 'Stabilisation, Region 10, ^ made "to Civilian Peraonnal Offi­-down the drain, what will become could not be dfenied them solely be­versity of California is motivated of similar, superficial non-C6mmu-cause of failure to "comply with I^^elpie. Personal loyalty is honored as a .. It might utilize the taxiwyers' hard 2306 Main Street, Dallas/Texas; cer,' USAF Aeronautical Chart simply by the conviction that the nist oaths? >Remember, the Univer­ or from the Director of the Four­and Information Service, Wash­the invalid condition" in the Re­pres'ent policy of the board of re- virtue but there arecircumstances under earned money better to transport this teenth US Civil Service Region, ington 25, D. C. .« . sity still has one ...as it has sine* gents' resolution. genls constitutes not only a** which even a virtue can be abused. the summer of 1949. ", • same hard caliche to paths where Sensi­210 South Harwood Street, Dallas/ threat to academic freedom, but, The wary approach to questionsaffed-' blestudentswalk. 1, Texas. A male student is wanted for • The comparatively short-lived A ceaseless fight had been in the end, to ordinary freedom ;V:vV' . V the summer months as editor of California oath, instituted only waged by the UC student body and decency." College graduates ^with-back-* the camp paper for St. John's last year as a condition of employ­since tfye passage of the witch-Other notables.of the Warren grounds in civil engineering, geog­Camp in Delafield, Wisconsin, ment by the UC Regents, Friday hunting oath. Recently, a° 63-page '-type have concurred in his resent­raphy, geology, and mathematics which'is two"hours from Chicago. was declared unconstitutional by" -report by the Academic Senate ment and refused jobs at other­ Study as well as trained cartographers, Room, board, and laundry will the Third District Court of Ap-Comhittee summed up the univer­wise-enticing California U. photogrammetriftts... and earto-* be. provided. A salary of $150 is sity's losses in a bill of damage: * ­ 26 profs fired, 37 protest resigna­ graphic draftsmen are needed to paid for^ the three-month work. This decision followed action •. Meanwjhile, at the University of tions, and at least 47 offers of ap­ fill positions in the United States Call Candy Luckett at 7-9444. Texas,, passive resentment to the pointment to the University staff useless, < and lsn who had been dismissed August illogical, imbecilic, turned down. • —-r--V -.. -vi':. —f 25 for refusing to sign'the special unreasonable oath (similar to Cal­ accuracy that American atu-high level of education for a , oath. Of the 26 facility members . The report commented: "Only ifornia's in that it is m prerequi­ ••tUm of *« artksla* writ-#,? denta oft«st Mmark .they -are. affected by the ruling of the Re­the ignorant will estimate the loss site to employment) lingers. on. number as large as possible, ^jririna 0L1ine gents last August, twenty sued for to the university in terms of these Unfortunately, the oath cannot be but to 'raise: a comparatively • . • numbers." a««l adited But Wolfgang is a master' reinstatement. Two later dropped thrown out until there is a test ^ "*• Um-. 0f details and he ha» an in-small number as high as pos­STANDARD PRICE to me a shocking fore-runner of out, leaving eighteen of the peti­An inkling of the. report's hid--caae in the Texas courte—perhaps b» ibwt t« tom&t in "tbings.M An sible. To, the Editor: -• what could, be. At any rate, it tioners to carry the fight to its den meaning . . . months s^go not even" then. S»t laaftieA-wMbr ar|d photographer, he has Recently I read in the Texan .successful conclusion. Robert Penn Warren refused an-At last, though, the precedent They are not primarily pro-<; deeply hurt my American soul to. fcf d—t «awfat{M April collected albums of Amarican fespional schools either. All-. the plan suggested for the Univer­ if appointment to the University of: has been established. think that a -group of Americans life pictures — erssgtiling purely practical knowledge is sity Co-Op for setting a standard > In a unanimous decision, the California staff. Warren, Pulitzer Thank you, California. could get together and not feel f^om railroad station scenes taught in specialised institu-price at buying back all used books ' appellate court ruled sufficient v AMERICAN STUDENTS free to discuss anything under the to Austin foothill beauty, r ^ . tions. that should b£ bought, regardless the regular constitutional oath AREN'T the only ones who The universities are sun within the bounds of common Daily Texan Crossword Puzzle In his quiet way, hei bes supposed -to devote themselves •-of whether their present supply j with its pledge of allegiance to disagree with their cpllege e^* decency and good taste. ucationsi aystem. provided himself with an largely to research, and to was adequate ... " v" the state and nation. American ed u c ation net teach intellectual discipline > ; After today and yesterday get­Therefore^ like to take... The California court called that DOWN ^itfeeUe 24, Nevergro* Today's ." International students, who found 'in a universily, but and honesty, to train the' crit-ting ntnetar cents for a $3.50 this opportunity to reiterate what. -pledge "the highest loyalty that 1. lift ; S. Norwegian "ingold-— "Awfwifts Mm a mure "lcal lacuiiiei for later inde-speeeii book and $1.40 for a brand many others before me have said, can be demonstrated by any-citi-6. Hike dramatist 25. Narrative .European system, which pre­appropriate background t e pendent studying, and to ere-, new, untarnished, virgin, sweet .namely that it is not the frank xen, and the exacting of any other 11 Vegetable 4. Place withamon in tha vails la most other countries • teach German yooth.when he ate in the student a -feeling~. economics book that cost me $4.95, admission, of politicsfl Views, hew-test of loyalty would be anti-eth­resin , 5.Before 26. Low Classified tiie United States, also returns home. of responsibility towards his; . I -heartily agree with : your edi-• ever different, of which we need. ical to our fundamental concept 12. Godof the 6. Candle pasture ... -V"".i:ligtfit! field of.studies as such. ' torial and would be more than willr : be 'afraid.* Such statements, when. ''of:-:fraedom.^. .. '^4 sea (Teut. 7.Trust (Eng.) , Ads • ;#.:sanf Germany, with a popula-The student is expected not — ing to spend my time at' your con­we don't agree with thein^at•lesist ^ ~ Next comes a virtually automat-' " ' ' myth.) " 8. Moslem title 27.Caress ~«2ter reading thi article be­tion of 70 million, has at pre-' only "'to Absorb facts but to venience for the: hopes of making: afford us an opportunity to refute le reappointment of the nonsign--13. Flavor 9. Plain white lightly 14. Smoothing low German unhretsities •ent 20 universities-with an such a plan materialise and thus them. And if they should be of' ers to the faculty posts they for­fur (ESng.) 29. Choking felt written by Wolfgang Linke, experience also how f*cts are : ; tool 10. Chooses' 31. Stinging average enrollment of 4,8W found. He is constantly made make the Co-Op cut out the, ob­such a nature as to constitute any merly held. Of course -there Re­ 16. Plump 'exchajMte student from* Ger-,s students. The aemparlson sort of .threat to what we Ameri­15. Before insects aware of his obligations to-vious profit which it was theoret-mains a possibility that the'Re-1 16. Visionary 19.Haul along 32. Artist's 39. Oonfederawwith two. miliicm studsnte in wards his subject as well sus;rf* ically founded to keep at a mini­cans believe is best for our na­gents will appeal to the state Su-'* IT.Whether;! 20. Akind of roll stand general the United States in over 300 : towards the community that ' mum and since it used the term tional welfare, it is up to us to. preme Court for a rehearing. But 18. Ridge of 21. Breeze v 38. Ascend' 40. Kettleto this country in Sep­Universities and cellejre* "co-op." find better-arguments to put forth. maintains the institutions of a reversal seems unlikely. . • sand in a 23. Pieceof 34.Speak 41. Japanese tember aftir studying not ©n-, shows that a fundamental dif­For those students Who' work against them. No, it is certainly •k sculpture sash '* ,higher learning. griver 36. Perished ly in his -own country, but ference exists in the aims of % for fifty. cents, sixty cents, and net such frank exchanges of opin-.: -The appellate" cuort held that ,21. Hail! This explains why we can'' Also Sweden. He is interested college education in the tare -Ion that should worry us.. It is; on'' 22. A,Wheel the fortunate few for' seventy-five have our free­ the special oath "violated sections "academic in Germanic languages, his­ countries. cents, I humbly bring ,to,..the at­the contrary, the more subtle ap-.' of Article XX and Article"IX of groove • dom"; There is practically no tory, and English, which he German universities are not compulsion or supervision in • tention of the 'dense-that a $5 r proach that constitutes the real the State' Constitution. The lat­in earth epeaks with «uch « detailed meant to provide. a. fairly menace. -Its* adherents, while-re­23. COAn either'studies or private lives,V-' book represents' 10, 8 1/3, and 7 ter article, the bpinion said, con^ 1/7 hours of ~ work respectively. fusing to come out openly in favor tained a specific mandate "pro­* 24. Of beesbut also no organized gui­ S®5 27.Sounds, dance for the student. Class > RAY ALFORD 6t either-Communism or Socialism, viding that the university shall be ;,aaacat TSXAN attendance is not controlled, \ : run around trying to foster them, entirely independent of all politi­28. Companyand there are no assignments, SERPENTS AND DOVES under every conceivable guise, cal or sectarianinfluence," and ad­29. Fuel quizzes an£ examinations dur-To the Editor: ' v„ and appear to be capable" of any ded that this mandate furnished * 3d. Unit of work ^ Tt» Mb :Caa«a. * iwmM* XIm-Osivaraity of ing the whole (usually four-; ' " The other ni^ht at a party, I kind of misrepresentation. About standard for, deciding whether the 31. French la Aoatia «no;sunuaa utwt Xoadsy aa4 Sctordar,' a political dis­such people, I don't think we've f painter took adVantage of ponsigners were classified within t* Jnn«, as4 «x*«* dartos boik£*y and mmlmttw year) course of studies, Siivce fMauMt acaaloaa sadar tke title «£, nothing is graded there are V" cussion to ask a professor how ha bftgun to worry quite enough, for * the terms "office of public trust" 35. Music note . ad frfdty lqr Tom Stodaat PubMoa- their work is most insidious and 36. Loose hang­ no jgrade reports to deans and -pk felt about socialism. The Tesult as given in Article XX. **» flNMkMteH *01 b« mm by Mepfaoaa (t-S47S) «r «4": parents, either. was awkward. Neither he nor any disarming.' . . . 'v--Faculty members, the court de-ing point ¥» ettmla) iM,i.ma* the, Laberstory, J.B. 1S1. Iwpdctos 37. Skill Of the other people present felt Let us, therefore, be ascautious'" igMMgte. d«a«MV, sad ad*«rtisias ,.sfcenU be Made.. ia XJ. 10S -Courses, seminars,libraries, / Speech Profs at Meeting 38. PrinCe of and personal interviews with ^ free to express any uninhibited as serpents and as harmless as apostate tKUna « ttM tuu are not iwmmBr thee* «C the Adtaisiatra^ Two University speech profes* Hrm n. ntWflntm.11. -.",;v.:v • . », -the instructors are considered , views on the subject because, as doves in this matter of free speech, angels . soiri, Dr. Howard W. Townsend* ' WIN h matte* Oatobar IS, lilt at tbe Peat OBm m as being offered " to the stu-one or two put it, half joking 'but let us have it, nevertheless. tb« Act«r (Un* S. lS7>-^ dents as means to acquire the and whole earnest, they'd ^iave the Lom ,ojt it U, m all. thinking.,peo^ ASSOCIATED wiaa sEavicE Vm>wI»HgRihfe-wilibe-expeeted _ Legislature on theiT -n^Va ff t.heV ~ "40. Setflrmty" Tiw fxmt ia «BElart»«j» aatitlad to convention in "diapjav in his written and down titeroad to any kt; fin^ejaiftmations, to'W ggeatar very ehtightening 4iscu«#;. ... 4S.Fat •SB**? *11 mrnm. •: 44;,Pl|»t Miiig •--used^ iargidy according alon turned out-to be a eomewhat 9mmMM for NaUooal A4v«rttatea by Nstkmal AdT«rtiain« own jud^inent and the K!:-;.' embarrassing dud. The result vraiJ 45. Doorkeeper „ ... ****** Cotlasa PoWtaJw B ACROSS: . ... . . M«« TeA. m.ti .^jriee. of older students. • ~v Ajut*i4» — San ri«Bei*eo ; ^Mere cramming hardly1%; ierih$& helps to make a good exam, 'X/-^ PAILY CRYPTOQUOTE—Here's how to work tti ^SOLILOQUY FOR SOLO because evidence of jpjB^wwiisil^# Official floticei A7CTDLBAAXR , thmking and critical attitude n auascaimoM uxrts — INSTRUMENT ' 1» LONGFEI>LO W 4 are rated as much as factual tativaa of flu Gotttbdr^Wf v ». H. Qraaham Jr., «Hlitui to Gan They think One letter simply stands for another* In this example A Is used = . .#0 imM -.S» knowledge. of Aatdc* will b« «t tli< eam-aral Diza«tor *Joaka'a " eason. jy'Zltor the three 1/s, X for the two 0% etc. Single tetters, apoo­ yua en Thuradar, Ayril IX to iatarvlmr'?/ wUl ba ~ There is little organized so* •andidataa for M.S. and 8a. ia-January, IS to . . trophies, the length and formation of the words are all hints, fmi cial life at German universi­Jan* and Ao*u«t fn branelun of antf-nttafl fl*M. Itatwr^atad (todwats way^-r eode letters are different. aaariog, arts and bUiinaaa adMintotmtioii. PERMANENT STAi^ -'i.,/m . ties. The students, for various Int«raat«d atudanta ahouid eom* brjm mm Soft reasons, are very individui^ atuiMt KmykwiMtt Sawn In R.-Hul i„-^ >ataa> at^cay^npf thought." ^ CHARI£V TRIMSLE 117 i* eutk* taUfrview awointinaata. " * Editor istic, and only ten per cent .'of.;" JOE D. VARRAR, Dtawttr comes D Q WKJ^Ql* Wit? ... RUSS KERSTEN CDF^R» KDFHOB WT#^ all students belong to a atwimt Empio/niaat Boraait itorlal Aissistaats , Jim Rob Gallaway, Ann Courter . _ Mi: Fittgerald, Mary-Ann Beatimier* tW follewhia _ ^«v#unpu$pus organization. :r~; SLIBO-F^ POSDFRT -L80XIOU. ,Of*n Brewer* Betty CardwelV-W'j "Campus activities" fn.'ihaif itio&a is non-acadawie Yet, time, and fgaiar hear •U> r 1 iilkiiiiil 11 .iV .... -I ^ ^•11•.i• . A h.u.ijtt Fb* Uatyawity of ftn Yesterdays OyptoqUote: WELL A8 HE WAR IN ACT AND , l^w^^hdererass American eensej ere noaexla-phem'aa&i^ MIND. HB 1HIT NO BOLDER HEART BBHIND-flOOIT. ,7r-=—' ^?hnnle.HunHuman, Flo Cot teht. Past experiences make i AmoqbOiis Clarka (SHU tpr ta^hing ]»Mlti*«a. "This i/the beginning of The -Dtatrttwtad er Blag fMtwaa ftrsdtwU the students shun all organ-farrad. t New Day," ' , ixed recreation. They^ftttce a»aai« Mid.:.s.o«i«i''«ttt4iM And in our hearts we know tha ?)' Ken ^oley -fisu'i'tu&j.rs •MlctaatMUliaa. • £•"^ :• '.1 rjiyoi, ,L pride in. shaping their own raeaptioniat vmk. r • ^ truths Bruce Roche „ . , lives according to'their per-t dSS-Tia* An eye for aajoye; ca tooth for ,. — falrfax Onlili' raadinc apd llteratara, librarian aonal needs and iaclinattons tooth. tank taneh nautdisl Madinc. ' if in1' a small eiiwle of real >e», irt^. *iri»' p>/fi«l aduoatioB Mfwlu> " BETTY CARDW^^ friends. Even intercollegiate !Li~* athletics are a matter almost p«r nimMS iitf between the two teams .alone, But do your Bruce Roche«. do aot^difw ewnste. Mi£2^ K«i Toolej^; ' w ^gpoyt....i«thairiasfrnii1wy»r>\> *^l^in'«^h)^^Jyxgqtf>^MIfl9|^ya^^'^»r>?,-i w^mw^ssm^m •t-xWsf" Orwk Oombih^-ffftRS ;•' "l' '~«W tfi\•,«' •S3 """tiP?' 43fc" & u ave /* *£ t (iW ws f • ' > i&f «c Aw. _, trill meet at the home of tw.JS. J. Lund, 100t) Barton Bou­levard, • ^ • / The eveningmunii: appreciation group of AAUW will ntetetThurs* day at 8 p.ta. at the home Of Kiss Frances Throp, 2008 Indian Trail. Mr?. W. D. Voters will present the"*" " 111 •"•'•' ' ' • ••" ' -J-*i..... -ifi i fcu-Rlnfl» on Tlfif fingers *bp •f.rf *w WMtttiutw Student Filltwiliip brill sponsor square dancing for \»e International Folk Dance roup Wednesday evening at 7:80 ... Fellowship H&U of the XMvetf ftity Presbyterian Church. Member* of Swing and' Turn bavi been invited •* ae special guests. Members of all student de­\ nominational groups on the carn­t pas have been invited to attend* I Miss Aniie Pittman, assistant 4: professor of physical education for Iwomen and sponsor of the tnterde­f nominational folk dance group* i will, call the squares. There will •j be a few guest callers from $wing : and Tim. i Admission of 25 cents will al-J. low attenders to enter the cake |walk after the dancing. Refresh­ments will be served about 10 p.m. •• -• * ,',-r •\ The'evening bridge group of The University oftexas chapter, NAUD, will meet at 6:45 p.m. s Wednesday in the Campus Cafe­:teria, 004 West 24th. | Mesdames Robert K. McLucas, IG. J. Webb, Garland E. Bayliss, I and R. B. Brinton will act as host-Lesses at the meeting. ••.!%• • -• • 1 . The University Baptitt Church'* ^ all-church suppe^. will be held at ". The weeding will take place 6:30 p.m. today at the student Jqne 2 in Hemphill. ty members will discuss cabochon making at 8 p.m. Thursday in the auditorium of thro Austin Public Library. Dr. Stephen E. Clabaugh, assist­nt— r "—"• • •'—f w «<&• •*. T.:fif tr-•r-Taylor ?K£ -ntjBOt fa­wtod.-*; „ t |» ,:: vu%, _ An auction for tjke leiiclit of the State Mineral'Society of Tex*, as will be held during the evening.•frlini rfi ifitilr. M,n,i'?) \» 3-' *'™4*y y'*.< in • If -Hr. business in Midland, '"'"'A''' i , „' Cora ]£&thirfae Moor^, a gradu^ ate of the University, and Donald Hugh McLandress of Winnipeg^ Manitoba, Canada, are engaged to be married. . ° Miss Moore, Pi Beta Phi, served is.i Lt-(j4f.) in the Waves and later took her master's at Staf­ford University. McLandress al­so earned his Master' of Arts at Stanford. •*f ll'f Cowboys for Hl» coming year were announced at tHelr annual banquet Sunday. Kim Watson eteettd Fore­man; George Lacey, straw boss; Starr Pope, horse wrangler; and Eddie Qilbe*^ camp cook, « >6­cial ehalruian. * 1 * ' The in the Mural Delta -Upailott Is Havfitjf a houses for Delta Gamma Friday night from 8 to 121 o'clock. The Delta Upsilon house, 711 West Twenty^fifst, -will be decorated with « "Friday tbi 13th" theme, was -sr .» .*H8 warn um ifii. i&uEBl »wnD«ri HI miulM @ AlphijKoom of til© Austin £Tot^. Guests Hua&h Ddu will hold their an*xtfAM ft&aM * were Dean Amo Nowtony and Chancellor James P. fcart. Bill Mcr Gill, p*e*r**retary to the Gover­nor, and Ami fotematauef the Cowboys gave a1 talk about ^he good old days. r-­,4;'New member»< Selected by the Cowboys axe Leon Blade, Don Klein; Henry Braawell, Jim Lewis, Gene Fleming, Bill Meredith, Mar* •hall Pl -to Angelica Strasfmann, best^iU­around junior; and Peggy heat pledge. Dorothy Lou Ritchie* received the scholarship cup and JUorgaret Petty, the scholarship bracelt. , Special guests included alumnf, Mrs. Eva Pendergast, Alpha Phi housemother, and Mr*. Goldie Por­ter, one of the foundete rtiie local Omega Chapter. Anna Lib Wells was chairman of the banquet and Natalie Lege *c$ed aa mfstreps-of-ceremonie^. Delta Gamma sorority will naVe -a formal dance in the Te«aa Union Saturday night from & to IS e . rKr The ballroom will be decorated with muW-eolored sts«. '* ' ^ateHaitr.lMMr eteeii# ^ M*& Oiwr BtotUff, eminent eommaa. der; Jamei Kome, IJfetfitMutt .. ttenwt J«nkfiu, hon»e«lRige». Ala# Jim &o% pledg* manAt^l'^ Bill Hallman, rush captain; Lee* He Giddana mi Jerxy Titck«r(assistant null captions; Harland Smith, sentinel; pn Nichols, scho­ehainnin; Taster M#r Buddy Butt, alumni contafrt o£ fleers{Nat Jones, social chalrmani ! Jame« Rome, song leader; Ber­nard Reviere and Untidy Buts, inter-fraternity Council represen­.tativeai t«nd 8al^a»iP;?.«pr portarr ^ £• ^ 'tfrtMfi! M by noon. -.. V:;y; ; i • The South Central Texa* Club will meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Texas Union 316. Plans will be completed for a picnic April 22. 4r • ' ' ' IBaptist students planning to at­tend the4 state BaptUt Student Un­ion spring planning convention at .A&M April 27-28 should make their reservations this week at the student center office. ,Mias Jndjr Pollard became the brjde of William Eugene Weather­ford Il March 31 in Dallas.\ Mrs. Weatherford attended Texas Technological College' and the University, where she was a member Of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Last spring, she was selected as a Bluehonnet Belle finalist. Her husband , was graduated frdtn Southern-Methodist Univer­sity, where he was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. • Mm. Templeton attended Bay­lor University and received her bachelor's degree at. the Univer­sity. •• --""y-Mr. Templeton also attended Baylor University and graduatedfrom the University of York. He is in the insurance adjustment Models to Pose For Charm Show - I The conference will be held Fri­day morning and afternoon and Saturday morning. Transportation will be provided for those needing it. • • • Beta Bata Alpha, women's busi­ness fraternity, will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesday in Waggener Hall 21-6. Eugene -Nelson, associate profes­sor of business law, will apeak. • >­. Madame Margarita Barry Orlo­va, writer who is staying in Aus-1 tin this year, will address the, mu­sic, drama, and poetry group of AAUW-Wednesday a|3 p.m. The . . . just try to count all the girls who come v'­in the Texas ~Tl«« Betty Schwnewerk and Dr. Michael Kurilecs, University graduates, were married March Si in the Christ the King Church of Dallas.-. Mrs.* Kurilecs' was graduated from the University and was a memher of Delta Gamma sorority.^ Scholarship Offer To Fashion School Ends Sunday / Sunday is. the deadline -for re? turning contest forms for the Tobe-Coburn Scholarship to Nei­man-Marcus in Dallas. The schol­arship is designed to train young Women in the fashion field. *&&•• interested in trying out for the scholarship may secure forms by writing to Tobe-Coburn Scholarship • Secretary, Neiman-Marcus, Dallas 1. The fofoas must be returned to the stork by Sunday, at which time test topics will be sent. ^ : The award , is fnade on the basis of written test topics and personal jM.aJificatiQJj'S for young women under 30, who have completed at least two' years of college and who are residents of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, or New, Mexico, or who ,are . enrolled _ in colleges jn those areas. **v The scholarship will cover a year's tuition ($950) for 1951-52, but the winner must assume her own living and incidental expenses for that year in New,York.. Announcement of ° the; winner, Selected by judges in New York City, will be made ahout June 1. MiBS Loy Anderson of Sea-graves was last year's winner. Judging Of models, for the Charm pommittee Style Show will' be held Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock in the International Room in the Union. The models chosen from the 102 nominees will model in the "Fashion .Fantasy Show1' to be presented April 19. Judges for the models havie not been, disclosed rbut will be present to complete all judging Wednes­day night. All girls who have been notified to attend should come to the Union at 7:80 o'clock." The clothes to be modeled will be furnished by Marie Antoin­ette's, Goodfriend's, T. H. Wil­liams, Ch,enard's, and Co-Ed Shop, the • Collegiate Show, Rae-Ann's, and Dacy's, -announced Myrtle Watkins, assistant>hairman. All members of the Cham Committee arg asked to be Present also. on Sale For Scholarship What do yo«udo if you have to raise |300? : Home Economics Club . girlshave found the answer. selling cookies Monday and Tues­day in the Great Hall of the Home Economics Building. . Sales begin at 9 a.m.-and con­tinue -until the cookies aire gone. Prices are two for a nickel, half a dozen for fifteen cents, and a dozen for thirty cents. Money from the cookie sales wil be used for a scholarship, gfo? en each year by the club to a girl in the Home Economics De­partment who fulfills prescribed scholastic and character require­ments. Wzm Jk T -"" V. U^_ 'Ml '.•jwrXi.•s:-raj;^r Thirtlc of it...all the wooders of nylon —fast Hrying, superb fit, lystrous colors, all-for less than 9.001 The Inner boned bra is lined with jersey, and the sKirred front flatters your-figure. To wear strapless,,or halter strapped," in black, -; tangerine,;blue, plum, emerald. . Sizes 32 to 38T. Sports Shop^ Second Floor. our 15% nylon packdbfe, 39.95^7 The nylon extra that means extra padca*. --bility, extra_-w«ar; in ofcr^''tailored knit dress*^ ^ The open weave makes it so cool for travel, > too. In navy or sendglo, sizes 12 to 18. . -Other styles' in regular and -half sizes, > 39.95 and 49.95. Fashion Shops, Second Floor. 1 EJif i-tutt' aNi-'. "-0­ Book Store every day! Willson to Head Silver Spurs New members of the ' Silver Spurs are Robert Allison, Dick Au»tin? Monty Barber, Black; Bill Byrd, Howdy Clark, Bill Clark, Morgan Copeland, Ran­dall Dockery, W^son Foreman,' Claude Goldsmith, Homer Jack­son, Harold Kleinman, Carew Mc-Fall, Ken Mitchell, Rush Mpody, Gene Sit. Clair, and Qeorge Sulli­ -"r^AAVON. -1S^ HAIR and SCALP SERVICE All types of scalp treatment ~ Men and Women' Complete line of : : Beairfy Service by . EULA MAE WOIF, R. C. TILLIE J . BURNETTE^ " Mpartto lacilltUcrkoat 2*2009 lor Appallstnnti 221 Llttlefield Bldg. ^ •f \f>,'v*Kb if? *> a * ^ ja" "" Wi ^v-Hwf fc# van. .Officers for the year .are Sam Willson, presidentj^Petgr" vice-presidefit; Charles Pistor, DR. EUGENE HOUK^^ "second-look"blouse, t}. l^secretajry^ --and Herfe-.Pefceiaon, treasurer. Council members are Jack Kenney, Jamie 7 Clemehts, and Charles DelphenU,., " show tuck on tuck in beck! Ktaiie, lim^, coral, blue, biack or navy jcotton broadcloth, sizes 30 ^o 3i. ' Now—Pay «?ur gn gham patio dress, To.95 s W. Checked foran aftemisdn of stghit^^i' h» Mexico or a patio party in Austinl the 6-aorek HSW f^ASHIONS FpR *k* > \ \ Spdrts Shop(<$«e«id $09^ * fS. V»MimSt-Ms--Ms for ye^> fttttl Our traln&l craftsmen NOW.AND NOW ON and n^odem ttorage fpdlHies assure . y°.u best % aR-around fw-service. /jlyea _ <%es«r|pdc^B f^Ie^;A Assured Protection aga^ist fire, theft, mott ; 'tenaea IhtpHcate^^ Bonded Pidcup if deured-— Glasaes adjusted at KELLYSMITHCLEANERS " JrUfll¥W»l Optqmtfrtt Clinic f9th Nueces - v Phone 2-31tf 22^8 Guadalupe 'Phone 28SII4 •s* I'linif^"# rniy\{ BMW ppnieap N'-tetfV MSBTW liijiiiyiipimfi^ ^•sirs ?»«f«Sia« rf frfr fcSl* SlPftHi'ii' ••VIE AT INTERSTATE THEATRES PPM f/ ViTTr/ffi••••.' -•:*«•• .*•"•.• . . A ••* hie®jw. spiritspiri* in nuiiiKrcz* The resistible effervescence as "SyneO* Prom that position she progressed whocheated ux. tfini xno K tor of Bergstrom Field, chief Tormollan, her , secretary, and wwffy ff*£..r." > robust "Brothers,btowbii, Sio| On," byny pasion — uneven to stenographer and office assis­ —r*» r~. roou»fc oinf :w, pation an progression clerk of the Quartermaster Com-Mrs. Yvonne Rockett, > stenogra­ w *k?/• has lived in Austin since, her mar­day will be the Thursday meeting T• modal sound of most of the carols, city this summer must take a "PRIDE OF MARYLAND" ately have been termed 'farce.pirilonder gnffaws. Start* Tomorrow one would gather that they are training course whU:h will' be con­wltli P*t|)r SUwrt : THE GREAT MISSOURI RAID" g&viold SngllsK songs set by a modern » . ducted by the City Recreation 1 feeomposer. All were accompanied Department and the> American hy three harps. In the middle of Reel Cross'at the, Gregory Gymna­URRSITV TEL. ife ?-rar,4 § Varied Art on ji.ere rtgfthe group was an ^Interlude" for sium pool April 16-28. S$" '^the harps alone. Mary Myle* During the first week of the First Show • LAST DAY! First Show 6 pan. Sfe'^raine, instructor in harp, played .training period,; the Red Cross 9-10:30 -—-Student-faculty coffee Auditorium. , * NOW! all seats 60c v> MAURICE CHEVAUER the solo part with great taste. ia "A ROYAL AFFAIR" •Senior life saving course, will be for Collie of Education, Inter, 8-r-Advanced baUro<%»** «*"**'»' »• vices^ and color usesAcan be; ob­"TIEVERGES" ftrii SbowS p.w. •-Red Cross field representative. 2—rBattle of.. Flowers Oratorical TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY esented Girls' served in different pictures of the "EMERGENCY WEDDING" presented by rthe Girls*-Glee Cluh *y8ic Building Loggia until April 28 Classes will,-meet each evening, Confest, Geology Building 14. Featare Suvti at 7. consisted of "You'll Never Walk Nexh^bit. The compact and central-.' Lkrry PARKS f ** ———*f t* ''Ooiniii* •, The exhibit Of 20 pieces in-from 7 to SO o'clock..' S~-AAUW music, drama, ' and VAlone" from ''Carousel, . teed composition of $Ir. Wingren'$ Barbara MALEf* Through the Bye," ^Holiday eludes Dan Wingren's ''Under­"U n d eigT o u n d Events Unob­The first course is open to poetry group -to hear Madame .jAi1 Song-," anil '.'All the Things Yotf ground Events Unobserved" and aJ served" contrasts with the com­anyone 16 years of age*or older. Margarita Barry Orlova, 1000 Ire ^ Are." Accompanist for "this-17. sity Baptist Church. ABBOTraxiOmUQ 1& the five Southwestern states » Hayes-Lyon exhibits a valley 6:45—-NAUD bridge group, Cam­ •slfe Under the sponsorship of the scene in watercolor; Seymour pus Cafeteria. ONTOPOLI Meerme lim-Southwestern IntereoQ^iate Po­Fogel, "Ascending Forrm" and Deep Eddy Opening 7-8—Tea for displaced persons :$& etry Association. The association Forensica to Hold INVISIBLE : Mi® '*Grey—No. 7"; Charles ,Umlauf, Planned for April 16 and friendB, Rare. Books Room. 'LOUISA" i'TOi Will hold ite twenty-fourth annual NOW fsf'h-: an animal drawing; Lozen Moriey; 7—Freshman Fellowship, YMCA. Ronald Reagan 9ALE! MAN • $&&.: fneAing^ in the student lounge •Crown of Thorns"; Boyer Gon. Swimming days are ii6re again, 7—-Carnival committee chaifmen, Charles Cobnrn Kfc".-•-s ' :lfe «f Trinity University in San An-xales, outdoor ^cene; Eugene and Deep. Eddy..pool, located in Texas Union. "SOK QF BILLY THE KID" Reading Contest . tonio, April 27 at 7:30 O'clock. •V' • •• • the "west section of Austin on Trentham, "The Knockout"; and 7—South Central Texas Club, Lash LaRue ', ft#­ " All entries must be typed, dou­JTnlius Woelta, "Bear Loose in Forensica, women's speech club the north bank of the Colorado Texas., Union '516. -.' Fnuy St. John . ble-spaced, and mailed in tripli­a Zoo Atlaty." on campus will spohsor a ckmpus-River, will open April, 16.. 7:K>—Swing and Turn,. Main Deep Eddyis one cf two dty­ cate. Fictitious names nfbsfc be A large variety of techniques wide poetry reading contest April n„'^e^p ^T"!8 one of d Lounge, Texas Unjon. 25 ~ vned signed. An enclosed sealed en­25. • , -owned pools where admission is ami materials can be seen in this 7:30—Charm committee judgingvelope must contain the real name eAibit. In Miss Forsyth's, pieces Any Untversity' girl may enter charged, the fee being the same Of models for style showr •MYSTERY SUBMARINE" LOUISA "kOUISA M* w of the author and the school there is use of aquatint and dry as.at Bai^ton Springs, 20 cents for 7:30—WSF to see exhibition by. MacDonald Carey RomUI Rwcu Ronald Rw(u rthe: content Applications^ for Ruth Huas*y adults and 5 cents for children. RutbHu(s«y No poem may exceed two -typed polntr a type of etching. One of no International Folk Dance Group, Marta Toren. Charlas Contra • .• If ,-.77 ~ V+r V* VWMSH^t VilV •• Vi which deadline, hks been an­Char!** Cohurn . Barton's,, which opened March •LA>y OF THE PAMPAS" Edmund Gwana Edlnund Gwiraa paces and no stetfent ra*y mam ^iHa p nounced; ^Kould~"be ma3e~al~9Te subimt Mr. "Wingfren^i worlw 1 J J 21, has Been crowded with early V^SS^SKWISC:. more than three poems. The e? — — -—» * byterian Church. VUMM WMVW watercolor under«n«w imwyiuieafinely-lined inkiriK iffice in*'the Speech Building. OUTRAGEM Swimmers and suntan seekers dur-"THE ACCUSED** aays are limited to 2,600 word., Ink, watercolor, and chalk are 7:30-10—Observatory Open in Any kind of poetry may bfe Nala Powers Lor«ttii'-Young Cash prix^i will be towrded by combined in Mr. Nina's "Port of injg the recent Warm Veather. „ Physics Building. IRIS TodAndrsnni1-.. Rohert Cummiiisa ised, and it need notr-be m€ni­ • The nine.jfree pools located on San Antonio Penwomen and Call," while Mr. Motley's drawinp 8—"Much Ado About Nothing" Box Offie* Opens Sili ^rized. It may< be recited from a Bojc Ohlee Opni 6:18 playgrounds throughout the city "LA Fl/tRZA DE LA r 4ndWiduals. -is doi^e in chalks Mr, Fearing usee jook or from notes. presented by student of the r •*** *<• wiU oT»en JtiTie 2*1 SANGRE *Vr*M- ^ ** ku , im&jk- THESE 1XTRA I*: FEATURES we want to impress on ytu ^ the fact that there are a lew t ^ i- book* l^ft that can be mnrved. You might not have realized thai the Keavjr coatedpap^.u»a The Univenity of Texas Cactus U.exMedingly hard to get. We have figured that we have enough on hand color pag«s! ISP? Urg«r Sports Soction wHh Gwat Coverage Jrcv; of Texas Champion Teams] ^ ^ More Feature Pages Than Evfcrl V '1 ,NE\y Rettgious Group Section! f to print 8'090 book«-However it is not logical to order more than the students have received. Therefore it would be a good IDEA for you to make certain of yours to^ay. f W You Know How The Cactus Is Produced? RfPJSTr .\ ^plts fS1 •­I fouMt Differenf Schools!v/-^ 1 i.v Mkjrt -\ J / ^ ' a *• » j.|r jit ---i^£ * S " ' " " ? a F JvCrt #, 1 Lt J Ji, SHident Governmerttl Complete Coverage of Sections Divided by Schools 1 All Schools Have Big Write-Ups! And More Beauties Than You caii Imagine! Imagine! v *" »• I m <: MM All these NEW features^ plus lllifie Old OnJfelve ma», «ie Cactus the Nation's Outstanding Year Boole! Here's a compete Record of Everything Hiaf has happened at your Universityduring past* year* Tins book wiH mean more to you as the years potti ' |In spite of increased cast* ||evening that -goes to m^e up e greaf big bd^c Bkl this Vilr't CACTUS, the SNS ( w Pi 5 -v The average sfudent Who has never worked on a stu« dent publication does not realize the enormous amount of time and work involved in producing a ^ yearbook the lize of the CACTUS. So the staff has H .-5ma . UP ° ^i*P*ay of some of the, steps in putting *1^8^ together YOUR yearbook. These displays are located in the basement corridor of Main Building. We would ~ m' i<***"*$<*• *tWing to look theft over, ^ ^ —1THE 1951-CACTUS STAFF tl •.i.' - -zrh-*• '1*Sf ^8 5rrm7^iL prfcm remains the feme, and that's a bargain! QNLYi -4 . i t° ' #..*"• "h ! tLksm 'i-tr J •• tA"' T W Tr-^.«njing, X^WWVII IVO| »end get this best of aff possible yearbp^U « *oon as you possibly. «an •yn# ^ ij ORDERWO1 IOURNALISM BUILDING 108 /* ff 4 * 1^ -'-,r imm