w j~-"liiiujj .1 -b'f-r/ ;: , • 1 VL '-t •' ' -­ IP % 1 >f ft? ,, to '-."J ;i t vV • •aSS*'# r; — •affl *i, K1 i t^T" > m'l, !» X'AftHiHL&k •'••,•??' v; fe* •"**V7 * Ftrtt C ol I e g * b a i I y I n Th* South By AMY JO LONG VOLUME 51 "• Price Five. Cents AUSTtN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1951 Eight Pages Today No. 133 A legislative mandate to investigate Dr. Clareftce Ayrea and perhaps to fire him will lace the Board of Regents Fri* day. ' " : The House of Representatives Thursday adopts 130*1, * resolution by Representative Marshall Belf of San Anttinio* • > Dr. Ayres, professor of economics, was called "an educational termite" undermining the capitalistic system, by Uti Bell. The resolution orders the University President, Chancel­lor, and Regents to investigate statements attributed to Dr. Meet at A&M Ayres in the Texan and to notify the House within tejL day®­ By OLAN BREWER gestures andj motions to individual good new jokes intermingled with whether it plans to Critics may find tonight's Cow­males all the while. scores of old ones which have boy Minstrels a bit on the un­Longhorn footballer Sonny Sow-been polished over. Negro College Dr. Ayres is accused of advocating socialism by the reso­shaven side, because it certainly ell leads a parade of diversified Despite Thursday's action in the Admission Vote lution. . hasn't much polish. But as for western mugje. • *" Legislature, Interlocutor Johnny k Comes Up Saturday ^Dudley K. Woodward, chairman of the Board of Regents, sex appeal, western, classic, and dress the show Barnhart seemed III rehearsal not the lfeast bit sweet attiging. and shady" jokes, ^as in a meeting with Chancellor James^P, Hart and needed faster numbers, and lacked disturbed *Sh'dress rehearsal, and Ten delegates and four secre­ it has few equals. general organization and finesse promises to be much better than administrative officials Thursday afternoon. Chancellor taries left Thursday afternoon for Though the word is often mis-in stage movements. average in his role. Hart told the Texan they had not had an opportunity to used, abused, and frowned on by A high point in° the two-and-a-The chorus whie^ sings "Ui , ™ " ircollefeiate Student ' the deans, sex is doubtless the half-hour show should be Paul "Waiting for the Robert, E. Lee,' .ifeociation nvention Texas study the resolution, but that the matter .probably, would keynote of the show. Hickfang's "Old Man River." His and "Swanee" far from per­A&M. come up at Friday's meeting. ' ^ ; is Most; of it com£s~from singers singing should particularly appeal fection in both voice and. rhy. "So many schools are'.coming Dr. Ayres commented that when he Jjeard of the actios^.- Lanell Green and Jane Holcomb, to the high brows in the audience. thm. But it's loud and spirited with large delegations, we expect of tJie House, he "did at once go to Chancellor Hart and and from thinly-clad Sherry Trad. The Chi, Phi, Gam, and Sam enough. this to be a very successful con­ If Miss Green's "You Gotta Have quartet's rendition of "Dreams" Tickets to the Minstrels will vention," said Jean Wesley, dele­Assure him X was at his service in every way." " Lovin' to Stay Healthy" doesn't compares quite favorably with re­be on sale all day today at the gate from the University! Thirty-The Chancellor, President, and Board of Regentsl>ave tea equal or surpass any number on corded versions^of the same. The five schools are represented. Co-Op and on the Mall. Admission days, beginning Thursday, in» • • • •• • i,the campjis this year, then toss Forty Acre Raihblers and the Five price is 74 cents. Curtain goes' Delegates from the University which to reply to the House de­ dence. of young men and young the rotten tomatoes in this dir­Sighs also stand out. up at 8 o'clock, both Friday and are Betty Beauman, Sally See, 'inand to investigate Dr. Ayres' ection. mi.m women in their opportunities of There are at least a half-dozen Saturday in Hogg Auditorium. Bobby Duke, Bobby Jones, Bev­ views. They are called on to Miss Holcomb's "I Fall in Love making a living: in our State and. erly Potthoff, Harry Webb, Rush 'verify" statements in the resolu- Nation." Too Easily" is almost as good, Moody, Jean Wesley, Jim Tu foaled up somewhere along the Dugger. Ask anyone around JB editorials, too. This is just f^r the read -from the articles^ 'which, re^ ine. It should have read: Or ask Dugger's readers. Dugger helluvit.". -. . •• of the first class we must have a university faculty that is ported spe^hea. in which he said majority of our college graduate*' Dugger has, a lot to look for­ desire to work for someone else, Now Here's a "day" I could was , the seldom-found .combina­If Dugger thought the editorial free from the coercive and degrading pressure which has Dr. Ayres said the,, system of fre« ward to. More thinking to do at enterprise was decadent and are afraid "td" |see the go for , . . tion of an editor and a thinker— was going to be of special signi­Oxford. Possibilities of jobs with been brought to bear. .. v -. . . /Dr. Ayres told the Associated standing on their ovra feef* ti&e ' Both students and faculty at a deep thinker. ficance, he'd say I50. "Don't skip NYU take part in "Pie Fling Day," He made some people happy this, editorial," one controversial. Life Magaine or the State De­If they, fail to fulfiftjttmi Constitutional manclaie, it is Press he did not remember using legidat^r said, such-Instruction partment. And' a beautiful girl the word "decadent." and "propaganda" as he ohjeeb a day set asjkle each year solely with what he wrote. He made piece about research versus teach­ our responsibility to carry it on, • This we can do by con­ toi marry this summer. ' -" ; "I think anyone who heard my to "materially Jed to the deBtrae-]i others fume But he made them for revenge. .,. ..... ing began. _ , Right now,.' Dugger^s trying to centrtfting our efforts to protect the academic freedom which talk would consider the sentence For $5, one can plop < a pie all -think." And' that's whist ~ he . ... -— -, graduate like the rest of us. is the principle,upon which, not only our, but any institution 'the system of free^enterprise-is into the face .of any student or wanted. Tangible, human ^results off That's partly why today's paper decadent' a Very misleading som-* 1 \ 1$ 4»V?< >. "hangnail" sketch of* Bug­of learning should be based. > -c . m A prof picked out as the;victim. Dugger's writings need to be di­carries his "80" as Texan editor. mary of what I said," commented Acac/emk Freedomr4li And there's no recoufse, unless ger's editorship wili have to do. vided ilito two* lists, one of the The rest of the reason is hard to 1 : The resolution passed -by Our Legislature demanding the Dr, Ayres. of course the injured party also •• Last-June 7, he capj^d his first things he did for the Tfexan, and. put on paper. ' "I would much rather not be Chairman Appoin has five, bucks. e^lltwaal with this warning. release of one of our faculty members is a direct and 9£$ Editor Dugiger then proceded to intramuraf athletic coverage. -' ,' ' v !demicfr^mnotonger^st^S^^^^ _ the faculty of The University of meeting Will be held in • What.a. setup!,. ";*r7 keep' his word. ' Faculty contributions '^to* tha Texas, and has beien paid oat of Uxm # m Mmm % 4. Lobbied for a better than This action is an open breach of freedom, the academic Mondatf %at 4 ' i*dodt . •-jf • •• ' He hit carap^i, stale,^ iiational, expected break for the Texan on annual Red Cross drive have re­ the taxpayer? money which has freedom which you and I. as students, must fight to protect. been earned under our system of House-g|./'Itepriipiilatlwgl­ '" A University, lad was taking and world issues hard. But he Jhe blanket tax last spiring. sulted ixg.coliections of 11,122.60. free-enterprise." -Itatlon mm* 'im"~ ' his naig-hbor'* , little Idda, aged "kept the page bright' with • ^Helped "Great • Issues" at- lXOY&%AND Red Cross, Travis County ^Chup-, mental .to tiA studer* 'pleaie.? StudentPmideirt t^at ^ destroyii^cthe^&&• i y_U)N I.i.jh l|. I ^ (I III |ll |,JU IVMMIIMPiHpM '«3 WfW • :lr DAIiy TB. \tos-.JV A..fy •, ~ff..'«>­ I W't'1*v V • ^(,!tY ill i Discn First Competition *V &!?§? «w -<***»» »<* ***** ., Qrimm'a men, «W$# advantage .-the' Steer at^ck Wednesday" by & j-for YoorltfiH SqwW:^ ] #io^orni will attempt of sOme top-flight hurling, putted banging a single and double, driv­ *tip '!$«* season andseries records the Steers, 10-4, It CUbrk field ing in Texas' only two earned ^ By SAM BLAIR •Saturday afternoon at 8.. p.m. la Wednesday. Sixteen hit# and eight runs and playing errorless defen­, sptrn Ofrtf Austin'fe tHsch Field, when they baser An. bails combined to give sive ball on seven chances in the m • Led by a pair of «utstanding "•bungle wSii tfoUy Cholly Grimm's the'Milwaukeeans an easy triumph' field, • - © \i OTer the.weak-Tutting jLonghorns, sprinters, the Texas Yeatling i <• .. ,* & w » i -. \iiflwauk«» Bwswers. • For 1%xas, only t>ick Robejrsori, !_ ? tea