m a*. -r>:: **»? By AN«fe CHAlbm'.#?W only force that can provide continuing tensi./ /< Sri experience tells you is significant and what it says, is. in­v Dr* Nelson-listed five characteristics of a theistic jethie: Asked what the<&$ Yale Divinity School presented tp the. Great Issues coUrae He cited John J^aileyV remark that "it is always right Oft Being an inward ethic, it depends not only on what you do, ""uesdayTuesd night. A comparatvely', small crpwd heard, him do right." * I \ : : . but what you/wl'like doing. 'i "In a generation like this that is so shy of itiiegnigrv -^peak- ?.y c on "Ethics and the Status Quo.4* A totalitarian power which dictates ethics, an *'anti- ­ , A theistic ethic demand free will. fealtyto a particular ideal, * person's individualjDr. Nelsoni> one of America's religious leaders^ said, "In nomian ethic," and a pragmatic ethic are those ethical situa­"If I am not really free iff choose, J cannot h&vea theistic is necessary, o t, v c,sS" ­• the same dernands of everyone. - One of Dr. Nelson's principal reasons far his it&jtiii* A theistic ethic, which he defined as "believing that there , "A person has to have a theistic ethic because some dark Finally, a person having a theistic ethic has the ideal of the strength of theistic ethics is that "this is * a .power in the universe infinitely greater than us/' is the night he will say that the ideal he has been living by doesn't perfection before him all the time,; ri ; uriiverte with personal values at the heart of things.** '«» r®r & A mmw &£&. * Student Community . is?*** First C o II «ifr75!:IO all y l h X h • S o u t h c *$£/& VOLUME 51 Price Fivo Gents AUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1950 Four Pages Today MH* gat' "" *> t 3fW' J-< * ' "" \' ' '' ' * Ui *J T§ * ^ 'i imm-< °mf> Texas A&M .Three Towns Fall WW Under Red ^ontrol tf TOKYO, Wednesday, ttov. 29.—(AP)—Chinese Bede swung', 13 miles in behind American positions in Northwest^­Korea today through the crushed'east flank of the '76-mile^ ^nited-Nations-front.—-r-1 —^r—,—r^ American reinforcements and tanks rushed up;to the flank menace while UN forces 1n the west and center of| ON THROUGH THE" NIGHT fraternity •JPkato, ly .Nolo* Borden By A. R. EMBREY the aigns.'in front i>f the frAter-,the Spur's fcrtraal dance Weclnes the line made an orderly-withdrawal ^up to 10 miles south* i pledges teep a constat vigil over the growing Thie Aggies will have it fbugh nities, sororities, and dormitories. Ai day night. pranks by any stray Aggies before the bonfire ward toward the Chongchon River. ^ Thursday. is ,the \stacks o| wood on Fresliman^field to prevenf Wednesday night... At-jleast that The sfgn contest which,fs spon "Other •" ]organizations enterix^ sda; opinion The withdrawing forces yielded Vongsan on the camPus the Spur Sign Contest are Alpha 0 e sored annually iby < the Silver rrtakers. J3p8ilon Pi, Hosford House, Pi west side of the river and Won on the east bank. . The poor 'tfarmejfi^tmsp.'-g5>'ini' Spurs, will be% judged from 1:30 Kappja: Alpha, Alpha Tau Omega, The critical situation, to be tossed into the air and tram* to 5 p.m. Wednesday. The winner Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, pled by Bevo and to add insult •will be announced and a loving and Phi Gamma Delta. " -* Ugly Man Contest< by 200,000 Chinese_ to injury they will wind up waitr cup, which the Winner may keep 70,000 North K o x•&} Also, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Kap­ ing on the Texaa team. So say permanently will be presented at • pa Psi, Alpha. 'Chi Omega, Sigma Candidate Found amounted to "an entirely hewJ Phi Epsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha, Kappa Psi, Alpha Phi, Kappa Sig- After Long Wait and Alpha Epsilon Phi. said -in a special •rr* Also, Delt* Delta Delta, Bet# ••• «»e. ___ ^EFF HANCOCK Several huge heaps »f wood drink that tea Thursday atujioon Theta Pi, Acacia, Sigma Chi, Phil have forked over $5 to t^e (his t#o top genera^ fin . Fire3-up Longhorn supporters a Signia, Clii Omega, Kappa Ugly Man Eleetiea Commission Tokyo for an «m«^ges(^> May Be Drawn Today ' will get' a chance to yell to their Tuesday ni^it and trucks were, the Farmers." * . ~ Alpha, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Upsilon, for their candidate, Lt. Comm. ence. It lasted four hour*. lungs' content at two rallies still hauling in wood. Bintliff announced that next Only-3,000 A&M tickets remain as many applications for non-stu­Alpha Gamma Delta, Sigma Alpha W. K. Coker, associate profes-' From R^d-captured Tokchon, Wednesday. Tuesday night four hjundred en­ Epsilon, and Roberts HaTL-sor of naval science. the end A rally will be held in front of week will be Blair Cherry Week to be drawn by the extended dead­dent tickets were received as are east of tlie. front,,: thusiastic Longhorri rooters yelled in honor of the head mentor who line, 3 p. m., Wednesday, Miss . Also,.Delta Zeta, Chi Phi, Little No other candidates had filed onrushing Communists reSet^ the Main Building at 11:50 their lungs out in front of Hill available.• Those who sent in ap» will be on the Longhorn bench for Alice Archer, ticket manager of Campus Dorm, Alpha Delta Pi, on Tuesday, the second day of... miles southeast to the town Wednesday morning until 12 npOn. Hall Tuesday night. the next-to-last time in the LSU intercollegiate athletics, an­plications will receive either the Sigma Nu, YMCA Dorm, Phi Kap­filing for the "Ugly Man" Con­Samso. It is 13 aii^ mfliw soptfc «l Bintliff stated that it will not in­* Quarterback Ben Tompkins, in battle December 9. nounced Tuesday afternoon. tickets or have their money pa Tau, Phi Mu, Zeta Tau Alpha test, Jack Steele, chairman of Won on igchow River* re­the ^ongtAo^ ter#ere*ith-el4BseB, —^— ~ mittee. / ....n.is -^ ,«, t„>irjjjj$A6a are the tstv-•m/.m.i.,., nn crop gracefully. Looking down Lloyd HandT student president; first and second place winners by Wednesday morning after a Tues­% Zeke Zbranek, Mica president; the TKE's at the Wednesday night day night-enlistment campaign, the cadet's • spine is a pleased but ~d¥termijieci Longhorn. " > ~~ v' and Jackle Farrk,. —University pep~rallfrirr^r— Strong said. i--! i WmM Space for the caricature was sweetheart. 4* * » Wl ^ « L donated by the Austin Coca Cola: Co-chairman Guerry Strong. >, of * 1? jot Bottling Company. Packer Incor­ porated placed the signs. Aggies March Thursday sizP&xty UT Rally Committee *•' There are also te& poster­ "Ti "J* X pictur«|/exhibited adong the^ wails In Traditional Parade This unpaid athletic of the ground-floor corridor of the * The A&M Cadet Corps^Will par­ To Meet Today at.3 ,rV . -y;, , ii8k 9 t5!f 'waa Arcfp^l fit* Main Building. 9&ch card shows' ade up Congress Avenue Thursday Bo* a Loinghern in action and has|at lO.a.inr in its bi-ennial Thanks­The Rally Committee members,wear white or light-colored shirts, £, ren, soooo... P*,* 5 Black^nan, chief of the telling participants what to* rdo /WW®*?* are to participate-in ^the stunts. by Alpha Delta Sigma, honorary traffic bureau. Streets leading in-will be passed out before the Persons drawing tickets in these Te*s|«" •drertisjng paternity. Rowland as the paraoe is over. ice." said Bsrfield, "Af­ *. K-sr­ Cm^Ims Days' C^stina* Barfield mm y . .'file-ter the ul{ cards" skotild •, /-""T __ ICetmitl) g^'Coatless Novemberweather will .WorkedoBtJast sreek at •me'feting til passed to ^_per»on on the-e*? continue Wednesday althqtjgh ttie of representatives of both jjoUege*, treme jrighfc^ These cards should weatherman predicts it will -be .ro^mben of the police departnrent, «°n* ->, •• -^ not be thrown Tlnjr cost, JSMOW YOUR SFIHfT, decorate yotir car.­ • tightly cooler Wetinesda; Bar&jild also aaked thist' stu­approgma^ — -J --T1 loyal1 Longhorns shown oboye tirf Kighttriftg ibek "Tod Van Delden, Pagqy fetgr^m, and • ad Thursday. ^ dents s«at«l ».th« ,ear4^fe»etions i'l.Sjstn iwtim Tau Koppa Eptilcn DecoraW Wl ar» iwn!r»9 upfor airy if the fold m -..../tT .. ....^'•..13 V ..... ........ .... .................... ., . ^ ---" * / \ I M0 IfflfSf•«« OAH*TEXAN:Paj»*;? GJFG^S jf*P® Man on Campus By Blblar * ,' «,.*& 34 yiP" ,•,#.«&. , " ' • f S omorrout Vf® A & mMr ­ A w*t Would not b« «a*y. &V hp •k Aeheson Tuesday was being privately #£> i, br^Chin*. assured o£ bipartisan support in Con toTfg tffcSS* And, jl^liMk * xiUxl^a defense-grreiar^^ to ^NsgRgftf^ *iaiT®Sr*1*FwRSTTST^ Jam6» P. Hart. nown sometime after' the first of the University of Texas, steps threatens, a family holds Edward B. Tucker whose term* of the year. --* -;7 T into another new' position Friday A student government resolu­ ThestairgBrinff ,a Domestic issues are shrinking in im­when he . assumes the duties of expire in January. In -a statement tion concerning, the student-facul­ Chinese troops have Swarmed; portance in fate of the World crisis* Administrative Head at this Board a few weeks ago Governor Shivers *Wf<; pec ty ratio on the Discipline Comiftfe" lab of Regents meeting. said , perhaps it would be advisable Bite Iocusta" into Koree. -• * <* , . ^nt coi)itroJ, the lcind of new tax, state­tee and Dean Nowotny's recom* ye« The .several committees of the and fair to place new people lit mendation that the ~ Regents They are mauling UN forces, hood for Alaska and Hawaii—they are nat Board will meet Friday.: morning; appointive positions since there^are change present regulations to al-1*91They are Uirusting -deep into North—but sticks in the storm, while the general open meeting many Texans qualified -and inter­low one additional student to the .( pi* behind UN lines. Aid to Yugoslavia seems assured; the will be in the Academic Room At ested enough to serve capably» committee may not. ha acted upon, OT» 2 p,m»' This is the first • meeting However, he said he would not by the Board. The US has charged China with ag-Truman government lias gone ahead and since~th« Houston meeting Octo* make this a hard and fast rule, Aw A docket of routine items and ffression in the UN. MacArthur, saying implemented the 6£.$ million"dollar loan ber 7 and 8. Nothing of outstand* but would make reappointments business to be discuased at the' •sot lriin*We ' i>MAftA1*f fl to4»#fc Spain. Allies are needed from bothVv/\^1* int significance is on the; agenda if it seemed advisable. He made are facing a "new war," reports €5 mn«wt next meeting is sent to each mem-Ca frjt the meetuig, an administrative no direct reference to the Board bee of the Board of Regents. The 300,000more of the Chinese on the other margins—right and left* But Iran is assistant indicated. of Regents. last docket was sent^outjpn Novem­Side of the border. fading to the East;^he has signed a So­. This meeting might possibly he New appointments or reappoint­ber 18, before Deaft "Nowotny 1 0,7 the last one for Regents E. E. ments will prob'ahly "MimehSr fessor and . clialrinah of the de­ \*f&. If worlji war is here—and if Russia France, with the third-largest Com­ afternoon from 4 to, 5, o'clock in Psychologists,' American Psycho­partment of psychology at Brook­ % ill it—how do the Soviets stack up munists Party in the world, has an "army Physics Building 201. v logical Association, American As­lyn College. He -was-a visiting inilitarily? that is-15 per cent communist, ftiay not He is being sponsored by the sociation for the Advancement of professor and a, Thomas Welton Science* Optical Society of Amer­Stanford Felloe at Stanford Uni­ fV ' Time Magazine came up. with some re-arm, and probably could not hold out Public Lectures Committee and ica, Illuminating Engineering So­versity Irom 1948 to 1949. iiM•lowers this week. 48 hours. ~ •: . , the Department of Psychology. ciety, and APA Committee on Re-. During the summer terms, he Russia has about 20 to 25 A-Bombs, . Western German socialists are balking He will _ be_ $fB?|t of" honor at l'ition of Psychology to Psychiatry. h^ been\a visiting professor at­ « standing jirmy of two and a half mil-' a reception Friday-from 7 to 8 He was sswetary-treasOriF^of Cornell University, the University at re-arming. They aren't convinced that v p. m., in Texas Union 309. ^ the Eastern Psychological Associa-of Southern California, -Hirvard, ls~ lion, long history"of UMT,"' enough the West would go far enough to ensure Students interested in meeting ;tiQn from l939 to 1941, and -sec---and-"UGLA*­£ planes to bomb^he US on one-way mis-r ; their holding out and talking, informally with Dr. ^ «iwu^ 300 submarines,-a developing It is easy to bfeome overly strategic-^— By RONNIE DUGGER ag Progress: "Ajll progress is ini­ iV Ttxan Editor navy. to forget what the war means to indivi­tiated by challenging current con­which is being given by Psi Chi, STERLINGT STEVES, student honorary psychology fraternity. Transport and "steel shortages are ceptions t and executed by sup­ duals. vice-president, Will test the As-planting exiting ingtitutions." Dr. Helson, known for his work their most serious problems. They are Casualties — A^ericaajr^in.^Korea: sembly's attitude December 7 in the field of will on psychology, Poverty: "We, after the terri­ hardy, capable of withstanding unbeliev­have reached 30,oM), including 5,000 faculty requests for use of the ble experience we have had of the be in Austin until December 2. Health Service and for higher sal­He is conducting a series of lec­ |$4 ably miserable living-standards. There dead in the latest reported figures. effects of poverty on the whole aries. • • tures for graduate students in psy­Students and ..staff members George Decherd, director of the nation, rich or poor, must go fur­ Is little hope that the scattered protestors Figures don't say very much, Human He will back a movement sup­chology. y. from several colleges will gather in University Health Service Thurs­ ther and say that nobody must be 8?*v to the Soviet regime could organize with lives... plans ... families 1. . resources. porting the resolution which was poor." Dr. " Helson. is listed in'Who's Austin Wednesday 'and Thursday day in the closing address of the when the American C o11e g e tqeeting. ' the power and-police in the hands of Human Beings. -passed unanimously both by the Soldier: "Soldiering, my dear Who in America and is co-operat­Health Association hold# its South­ UT chapter pf AAUP and the Fac­ing editor of The American Jour­.University and SWTSTC stu­ the Kremlin. On this day—perhaps on the lip of [i' mUdam, is the coward's art of at­nal of Psychology and consulting western Section meeting on the UT dents teBfTKoTcl. a panel discussion ulty Council. tacking mercilessly-when yipu are pp. China and Russia alone have 630 mil­World War Ill's hungry jaws—what is Dr. George Decherd, director of strong, and keeping out of harm's editor of the Journal of Experi­campus Wednesday and Thursday. on "What Can a College Health Registration will begin at 8:30 JPpfc lion people, vast lands, and resources. comforting? ? c . / , the Student Health Service Center, way when you are weak.'' mental. Psychology. Service Mean to Students." Uni­ a.-in. Wednesday in Texas Union Russia has its hugh black caverns of tgld us Tuesday that we" are mis--Conversation; "The ablest and He is the author of "Theoreti­versity students are Ronnie Dug- That we are on the side of human 316-316. ger, Lloyd Hand,-Rachel Clark, and space, its cold, its stamina. taken in saying that student medi­most highly cultivated people con­cal Foundations of Psychology" freedom. cal services are being cut a One of the highlights of Doris Hall. tinually discuss religion, politics and of numerous articles, chiefly as Wednesday's events, said Dr. Caro­result of outside pressure. and sex." line Crowell, physician at the Stu­ It is true, -he conceded, that 1'^Experience: "We learn from dent Health Center, will be an in­ "elective" medical treatment is experience that men never learn formal open house from 4:30 to Austin Rites Held not afforded to students "by long anything from experience." 5:iJ0 p. ,m., of the University Stu­ practice." dent Health Center for associa­ We object to students being de-Figurfrs Flunk tion members. On Culture of Asia For D. J. Friedell JLng denied needed medical treat­WHO FLUNKS WHAT? ' During the meeting Miss Mais ment simply because it could be Students-in pure and applied Funeral services for Cmdr. D. J. garet Peck, assistant dean of wo­Dr. H. G. Quaritch Wales, Bri­ put off. math lead the pack, ..according to men; Dr. Carl Bredt, assistant tish orientalist and archaeologist Friedell, 85, executive officer of , njrw ^ For $12 *r year f*om -all stu­Registrar's figured for 1949-50, dean of student life and Dr. and a member of the council of dents, the Center sSould provide -One out of every five "pure the University Naval ROTC during Gwladys Jones, Southwest Texas the Royal Asiatic Society, will deli­ Br CHARLEY TRIMBLE > soeifttion of Colleges and recognized 9 of the 17 gen­alt needed services. Postponement math students flunked Jast year— World War II, were held in Aus­State Teachers College, will speakof "elective" operations or treat­19.6 per cent tin morning. body at a symposium on "Health and ver two lectures on the art and Secondary Schools is now tht eral public senior colleges in Ift applied, the fig­Monday His IThi* U tk* f»«rth Im . <>nly~ major accreditinjr asso­March, 1949. ment, such as a "hernia, might re­ure was 17.8. was taken to San Antonio for cre­_Student: Housing/' r ^^ culture of, Soi^heast Asia Friday iUm report* •« th» ciation for the college or uni­sult in complications. And with Engineering mechanics flunked mation. Dr. Thurman B. ftice,: profesoi and Saturday at 8 p. m. in Geology * r-eCrZ R»J»rt on • 'the facilities in existence, it fr~ PaUic Hi|lir E4«c»tloa {• versity as a whole, other Texas has spread its re» 14.9 per cent of its students; He­The retired member'pf-the. Col-at Indiana University, will speak Building 14. -. _ association^ accredit parts of only' tradition"and theory , that pre­brew, 14.4 per cent, and chemistry, on "What Can W® Do to Prepare 'mm*I* di*T«iu -gourcflS thin-For.,example. lege of Engineering faculty, died Dr. Wales, in the US on a lec­ _lhe -educational, programs of vents their use. . •• -• 44.2 per cent. College -Students -for Successful CmiKeil.) Thursday night at a local hospital. lure tourVIs sponsored Fy the Uili­ tiie schools. These are pro­the average total salary paid Dr. Decherd said that services Two other engineering depart­Marriage?" and "Hokum in the HOW YOU rank fessional educational persons full haVe improved,' although they have He was a 1909 graduate of the Hygiene Program." versity Public Lectures Committee DO the groups of professorial ments—electrical engineering and ? , «4tteational quality of Texas ^ vho accredit one curriculute; rank in the IS public institu­not-expanded, in the last four flunk figures of Unit#3 States Naval Academy and "PlanninrTg a University Health and „the Department of Fine Arts. drawing—had "T" sebools? --for example, one association tions of the state was $5,836. years, • 12.-6 and 12.2, respectively. the Naval War College. He served Center" wUl be discussed by Dr. The public is invited. 1 Although none of the tnea-accredits the teacher educa* The salary paid full profes­"Our general theory is that we On the snap end of the scale as a submarine commander in Dr. Wales is the grandson of. «ftion program, the in 88 large universities ^ World War I and had taught at another sors were Czech and nursing education, want to take care of acute things," •*tiitf>cfaary( tHa -most -obitc-, bu«ina "We ggrew up with neither of Which ilealed ouTli sirt-Oklahoma A&M and Northwestprn Bernard Quaritch, founder of the tifi -and defensible ^ single gram, and so on. , 18,899, or _$1,000 more than --glrF; ••••; ' Oak Farms Joins famous London bookstore; and is­ University-hefore eoming-tOF-ihe ;out t0^ete iiF^e RcaI^tuatToh. — University. ". ** m>A| drt•! « cc " diud l < chronic cases, calling them flare-sical education, and social science A graduate of Queen's College, fop these 88' American' uni­widow, Mrs. Maude Friedell of yanked other of Unirersities, which accred-17 public semor colleges and versities was mora than ups of acute conditions. among the white-Austin; three daughters, Mrs." Wil­Cambridge, Dr.* Wales was in the of washers. , . it«d und«rgrftdaate schooU otA}* ®® P°W|C iunTio;c.°l-$1,700 above the averige paid ,"We lean over backward to do bur H. Watford of Austin, Mrs. service of the Siamese government In the overall University, 7.8 Oak Farms has raised its prices coUsgcs and universities, was hes in the state. Judging by Texas publie educational everything the student needs. David-E. Wall of Fort Worth, Mrs. for four years. ... ;y.';; per cent of all courses were failed. : the only widely-recognked the ratings of this asso-Institutions. .William E. Findley Jr. of Alice; one cent a quart, along with three ' ufentif.> •> ^^ion, then, not Jul of th®# "We simply .don't have and Law School isn't as tough as ru­one son, Thomas D. Friedell of oth<5j^ majors milk y distribution He has published a number of never have had a complete medi­mored; its flunk average was 7.2i works on the Far Eastern studies, ; SiaSd Isf^tate's public institution. L pie faculty b a university's cal service here." Ellis, Kan.; and one brother, Adm. firms of Austin, an official of the and has a new book,."The Making f«re , iail lkt and diicontihued ' d°}?g work of accejpta­or • college's most important , The facilities are there—but not Returned Compliment W. L. Friedell, USN retired, of firm stated, Monday. of Greater India," to be out in «^xatton in 1948. The TJni-quality. "* ^ assfetr Although no definitive Coronado, Galif. „ . 1951. r: . ^ the tradition. That's the idea. Hillcrettt Farms was ^tlrt first f«vrii|r of Texas, Texas AAM,r-p Teacher education at the conclusions can be drawn, be­THE AGGIES apparently didn't And what about faculty use of |ai4 three of the independent ^undergraduate level is ic cause of the intangibles that the Center? to announce the price increase and think much of tJT'S peace delega­ S*' colleges were accredited . nctioa of all colleges offet» make objective analysis diffi-* notified its customers with the Army ProvostMarshal ; "" ' * Dr. Decherd says that is a policy tion last week. . by this awociation as of Oc--'.$ng a general curriculum. The cult, we can only touch on question for the Regents.. It cluld \ * November 21 milk deliveries. Both The Battalion wrote: ,' 1 ,tober of tiiat year. American Association of Col'. certain problem areas.. Superior Dairies and Milky Way To Inspect ROTC Unit* i be provided if they" gave the or-"Believe it or not, seven smil-/ % , Although the Southern As-leg<£s for Teacher Education followed on November 2% Oak *" ^iij j'L^j!_'r'" -"J-I" "J 1 '""1 II I* 'One of these problem areas ing Teasippers invaded the campus Farms then announced that it Major General Edwin P. Par­ in which analysis and a care­yesterday with highly, honorable ker Jr., Provost Marshal Genera] wotild also do the same. HI ful definition of values is ur­^Shaw-Shock intention*..." ­ of the~ Army, arrived in Austin gency needed is that of the Miss Edna Duge, representative The milk priee increase, partial­ Then Aggies m TO^DAA TEXAN JUfv six were caught Tuesday : to Inspect University . _ GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S of the Institute 0/ International relationship... . betw-r —n teaching. painting up the cafopjpur (with ob«. ly seasonal but largely attributed Army ROTC units. . :,, ,..vr/< . ; r p* and " death brought forth a writer's col­S_. . .. ,, . men praise me!" to help the 50 Philippine school day. Women sponsors of various Mrifa« h*tu«. Opinions of faculty mem-Truth: "The truth Is the one student activities. '.The Foreign as city to increase the price of wrote kids we about last week.' ,campus ROTQ units will be in the HnW*K (toMtttk* Aitaifadstia. r bers and administration vary thing nobody wjll believe." We'll have more on that,for yotj Student Program of the Institute milk this month. San Antonio an­«wwi "»»»i«ttw Otwur fl, m» » fart Offlc« «t ^widely ar to what emphasis . Laughter: "Oh, do not make me latere J1 \ deals with the two-way exchange nounced a one-cent'price hike No­parade,' Col. Maybin H. Wilson, v -professor of Military Science and! , note tha Act «f MaNh ». 1S7S. should be placed on each, at laugh. Laughter dissolves too of students, technicians, profes­vember 19. sors and specialists between* the Tactics, aaid^-—. () ( " -=; AttocsAite nussi watitittvia viiat ievel each activity many resentments, pardons too id Piwi Is MeiudTdy mottuti tp tb« t»« tor r'„ •• planned at "the Home Eoonomios ••J of «rici» pobU' •a othw BftUr >»wtfa> miiTit Tea Ro.om Wednesday. ; search should be condiic' Lover "Sir: there are two trsif* Foreign students who are inter­$2,000 In Fire Damage U.liu.1 * " |titLA—I tlx! ... Official ested^ in Fulbright, scholarships General Parker.will be a guefet edies in life. One is to lose your... J" ffljjS ,7Jrlr*'.** u*1** , . . > _ fork, tfc *. . In some schools^ a num ,.. heart's derive. -'.The other ia to'>^;^, opportunities for fctudy abroad ' The Lambda'Chi Alpha'Frater­of the University and Army ROTC • tm —B*» frpneiSM ;'" of instractora feel tliat teach-may see Miss Duge at B,. Hall 21. nity house suffered an estimated itf the , Texaa-A&M game Thurs-; '. • 12,000 damage by fire Wednesday, day. They ^1l«ave Austin after ingiabei&gunfairlyeubM'dk Marriage: "Every man isfright­ •tod ^^reaiaw^^aiid,;:-^^ ed of marriage whett it conies • A . -i November 23. the game'to return to Waahing- Technology in East teachers are evaluated not .in . ;..;,to the point; but it often tarns The fire began in the basement ton-* terms of teaching effective­.very eottafertabjie, verjr enjoy-A Potential Danger and was due to the steam heating ness, hut of production in , / able, and hapm indeed, sir—from pnit. It spread to.the floor above • Giving technological' advances Dr. Townsend Named , ^ 'J; r; i -time to time." and damaged the kitchen and ad­ auMcaanruw aaiva mail*. a*qucsU for booV« to be . to nations still in the feudaLslate Others maintain that H Im tow*d ttrt IM darta* tM« period *ke '.i'; joining, room. Little .other dam* Speech Journal Editor* f > ^ tJhe «feuty «f «r^r tmhik t» ifffs Do In tb« JbuHultte. todiii Otti has dangerous potentialities, be* age Resulted from the amoke;^ ^ ^.t * -* '7%-^ lieves Dr. ^Bernard Lerner, assis­l»r. Howard Tdwns#^, assist-' contribute to this e^ilarg** irkomt( ^ lis - tant professor of chemical engi­ant professor of speech, has been 5» < • a'1® M^M&th la Architect Group •^Mtonsnt Commando# H. lUtai, Jr.i? neering, who spoke recently at named consultingj ^diiw of ti rrArr ton tiiiiiissu KM ennyd yrttl intorvlo* imtnuury ««d Ju»* grud-j Professor Hugh L- Mc&ath of «aio» for commU»ion» roc JdJuUvo dnir Hillel Foundation. Quarterly Journal 0# ^rtech, the J!, .OTii Bom* balaae In ibe AppUeoiApplleonti apply • the' School of Architecture bo Navy. can «t has offinial publication of the Speech views sl« Student Baaployaaoat & B'' Pointing out discrepancies be- been appointed a member of th$ ^ssocia^on o^ America. He will «o that-exe^ilencii i* twfn the joeio-poiitical atcucture Vet as consultatiV on policies and of a nation and its-technolopcal , «aa fla a^tWiBihfr-r Committee on Educatipn. materials for publications to the W b« recognised and • ••y la Pknie*. advances, Dr. Lerner cited Russia .®®^,-.-S9ob, Seaman n her chedc/ , irlettr, «octwn»lM, radio, eommtraiea-•• an of ttate feudalism. ^committee.jtodies and rec-Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Bower Aly of. Flo G«t eownkged, and so that ftcultar You am plug an ortlud tlon«, < aeofiomtss, esrtdMfir, Wdrtf ~ ^* mm. lilto >« wa'. «d oualBeaa aro unod to Because there is no concept of matters for the architectual pro­He was also elected editor ofajelvery light, in China, fession and sehool|i of architecturet democracy India, or the-Southern SpeechJfoiirnaU ,afc function or tmc^nm FOR Iran, the speaker expressed f«ar the States. &&%;• throughout .United the Southern Speech Association mum"mmc-xmriw :Ext«ndc K«r vine. 0# : Ithat these' nations might follow Mr. McMath is tfte only South­ ^convention last AprU in Birmin#­ ^1A0 TSO : the itoMllh jpatt#«n|i||^ ' western reprtientafiva; -' ham, Ala, fensive last Eriday, fell back be* smashed at £outh Korean' troop* fore tho onslaughts of 14 Chinese attempting tog?eover-^he raorgant-iWnMirri Divisions an3 cludes the bowl^ wins over North .. The Reds were swiftly exploit-, motorized withdrawal caused the In such a manner the A&M exes Carolina and Louisiana State. ing this breakthrough. Chinese 25th to lose contact with the Reds are attempting to instill uncon­ The New Orleans extravaganza Reds were reported swarming 'who were advancing on .foot; querable fire into the Aggie foot­ i« will send the No; 1 team against along "every road, gully and The 25th established new de­ ball team that will be out to break (the No. 7 club—Kentucky. The ridgeline" Tn an area from Tok-fense positions between Pakchon t ^ Sis the Longhorns long supremacy Cotton Bowl winds up with -an­ chon north for 35 miles. and Won. Thursday afternoon at Memorial other topnotch pairing—Texas, Stadium. By BRUCE ROCHE Four 'Chinese regiments . The first RQK division was re­m No. 3, vs. Tennessee, No. 4. Ttxan Intramural Co-ardinator smashed into the Pukchang area, ported in new defense and de­ ^Pasadena's Rose Bowl also will Meanwhile, the: Texas toam Wednesday is the last day for Cromwell Dyer made two goals 12 miles south of Tokchon. laying positions just south of Pre Salehave two of the first ten in ac­wejit through another drill Tues­entries in intramural volleyball. for Beta-Theta Pi as they gave In the bi-eakthrough sector, Yongsan and east of the Taeryong £r tion—California, No. 5, vg, Mich-day aa the Steers continue"to work , Shortage of spaco will limit Chi Phi a 4-2 licking. ; • ' Chinese at .more than division River. . • ' .: —rjgan. -N&. Q. The MiaTni Orange -on-their offense and a 4efeng& ior-competition-to, rnie^hissrTeams Tip MurreH antl Lavoh Hively strength—8,000< to lO^OOO men—•: 0h the west flank of the Tine, Bowl pairs-Clemson. No. 10. the Aggies; who have proved to the -Scored -for BSU as Newmftn dub M the U.S. 24th Division reported against Miami, No. 16. Conference's best rushing t^fm s,o ternity, church arid Mica divisions. went down, 2-1. Fill Arnaud tal­ it no enemy pressure to positions far this season/ AIME won last year's intra­lied Newman's goal. near Pakchon. Led by Big Bob Smith, who has mural volleyball, crown. Oak Grove For Canterbury. Club, it was Professional Attention Over the Northeast Korean amassed ' 1,225 yards on the was runner-up. Alonza Bosley who scored the Dresses M to % off Front, where one American ele­grbuind, the A&M backfield has • Entries may be made .at .Intra­winning point as the Episcopalians ment stands Manchurian rolled up yards rushing, mural Office, Gregory Gym 114. downed Wesley Foundation 1-0. at the 2,5|7 border, two mysterious' four- more than 600 yards better than In,soccer Tuesday night, Delta AIME bumped Mariners Club, Coats -Suits % off engined planes appeared Tuesday. BEAUTY SHOP second-place TCU. Tan Delta blanked Delta Sigma 2-0, as Robert Cockrell and Rol WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.—(JF) 21M GUADALUPE tt-0568 Phi, 3-0, with Jack Klatt scoring land Yound each tallied. The En­A huge program to develop the Captured Chinese prisoners said Five Aggies are among the Con- twice. gineers had ^ 1-0 lead at halftiriie H-bomb and to step tfp produc­the Chinese objective was to fight H off on: . ' -A last-half surge brought Turk­tion of > the atom bomb was out­in Korea all winter "to destroy 1 7^ ish Club a 2-1 victory "over Pem lined Tuesday, >t. at,possible coBt 50,000 or 60,000 Americans." '•'vA Club. Nihat Apaydin scored the of more ihan $1,250,000,000^ The critical battle-front devel­•; Skirts ­ •Winning goal. • The Atomic Enwigy Commission opments, impelled General Mac- MUMS! Bobby Tanner and William De-picked a 250,03&$cre tract in Arthur to summon his two top Petris chipped in a score each tff "South Carolina for development; commanders in Kor%i to a secret • Weskits pile up a 2-0 lead for University work on the H-bomb. emergency conference in Tdkyo •iM In Practice Game IN AUSTIN IT'S Christian over Hillel Foundation. At the same time, Congressional that lasted until 1:30 a.m. today. / The Lohghorn basketball squad "Hillel pulled in their defense in sources said they expected Presi­They were Maj. Gen. Edward Blouses ,warmed up for their season's 'the. second half, but still lost, dent Truman to ask soon, possibly M; Almond, whose 10th Corps opener against Sam Houston 2-0. 'Wednesday, for funds for a vast" is spread over'2'8,000 miles in theWARREN'S for State Friday night by playing the TLOfL had fin easy tinffe with expansion of atomic energy-find northeast, and Lt. 'G$n. Walton Hj; Jackets Southwest Texas State Bobcats the No-Names, winning .5-1. electrical power production in the Walker, whose Eighth Army"five in an hour-long * practice .game Wayne Odom made TLOK's first Tennesse«r-Valley. There were in^ days ago opened an illl-fated "end the FINEST mums Tuesday. and last points and Miles Hardy, dications this expansion-would the-war offensive" in the north-Coach Jack Gray's cagers were Dewey Hooper, and Walter Ligoh cost close to $1,000,000,000. west. far from impressive as the scrim­scored the other three. Store hours:9 to 5:30 daily$1.25 mage ended in an unofficial 41-41 Ken Blashke was almost the en­ AH sales final, please tie. ft was fifteen minutes after tire show for the Reluctant Dra­ FLOWERS & play began before Texas even gons as .Theleme Co-Op fell, 6-0. CORSAGES scored a field goal. iBlaSmke scored three times. WARREN'S The Longhorns showed steady Books closed improvement as the scrimmage Chuck Dressen Named In managing ORDER TODAY moved along but letterman Jimmy charges billed in '1951 Brooklyn Pilot Dowies was the-oftly consistent Avoid the Rush -NEW YORK, Nov. 28—{IP)—A If council-manager city govern­must hue to the iine that its ma­January, -f"?$ point-maker. Dowies hit at least San Jacinto et 26th PH. 8-6921 four-year-,old-promise was ful-" ment is ,to be successful/ public jor function is to-carry out the' four .field goals and added a and municipal un­ workers must mm mately twenty minutes of play. (ChuCk) Dressen was transposed derstand-how body," Dr. MacUorkle sailT~~" COUple of free throws in app filled Tuesday when Charlie policy set forth by the legislative ^ ^ -y ^;y. Stuart A. MacCoikle"r skid last Ted Price, 6-8 transfer from clear, across the country—from Most troubles arise because week in an address before the And Now at Your Qwn Qampm Shoe Store on.The Drag Kentucky, also looked well along Oakland to Brooklyn—to manage many citizens expect the mayor, National Municipal -League in with veteran Frank Womack, the Dodgers in 1951. as under other systems, to be an Buffalo, New' York. whose ball-handling .was sharp. Dressen, a former Flatbush administrator rather than council Dr., MacCorkle, University "of third base; goach under Le6 Du* . Sophomore George Scaling, let­ chairman only, hfi explained. Texaife Institute of Public Affairs rocher, succeeds ' grizzled jSurt terman Don Klein,. Womack, and Likewise, they want a councilman director and Austin city council­Shotton, who until as late as ten ; Joe Ed Falk;.'along with transfer to see that their garbage is col­ before League's Jimmy Vinnontes were in Coach days agd was the number one man, spoke the lected and Mrs. Jones' barking annual -conference on government ehoice to return to the .helm- ; Gray's starting five. Sophomores dog is put in the pound. : " on "A Councilman in a Council-In announcing the signing of I Leon Black, and Cecil Morgan, Manager City." • . Those are problems for the city the 52-year-old Dressen,-president Dick Mm |and returnees Harris and "The council must realize its manager and other city employes, r? Walter O'Malley told a press con­ ; George Cobb -also saw plenty of true function is. tha* of policy •but it is only natural for a coun­ lerence he was simply fulfilling Lactioh. making, and the administration cilman,; being human, to give in a promise he made to Chuck back io such pressure, he said. in '46. . V Chuck us Dr. urged workers a MacCorkle Intramural Schedule "When left for Ponies Defeat TWC in • council-manager . systems ta similfr job with the Yankees," -WEDNESDAY O'Malley related, "I did my best In Cage Opener> 58-53 learn all: city^government func­ -VOLLEYBALL Entries close today for volleyball. to .stop him. When I realized I tions and perform only their your souvenirs ' SOCCER could do nothing about .keeping DALLAS, Nov. 28.1— W) — duties. H« praised an "open ses­ 5. o'clock Sophomore Derrel Murphy, a' 6-sion^ ^polifey aa o»e ,of the best Sigma Alpha Uu v«. winner of Delta him in Brooklyn, I told him I'd Chi-Theta XI. foot, 3-inch sharpshooter, dropped ways to prohiote internal har-, get him back when 1was in posi-. .'Dorm H. v#. Cliff Courts. at the i Piather Hall va. Tejas. tion to." in 16 points Tuesday night to mony and public uhderistanding of mlead the SMU-basketball team to governmental matters. a 58-53 victory over Texas Was. Texas Book leyan. . V-';, A crowd of 2,600 watched the 200 August Sheepskins Store Mustangs grab an early lead and In Registrar't Office .then fight' off a" fired-up challengeALL TAXIS by the Wesleyans toward the end. ApproxinJftely 200 Augutt Texas Wesleyan lagged until I960, {graduates have not pieked • •>. the last, four minutes when they up their diplomas or given: the tied qp the score, 53-53. SMU Registrar's Office their toailiUg ad- Cost the same then pulled away to win. dresaes, Max PlchtenbaumV asso­ .J| i./n ^-ThifTohies penetrated tfee TWC* c|ate ,rti^st^^: salicl^^^uesd^' vT'^ Mi Pennants i danger" tone almost at will, 'and Approximately 1,10(T '«ther di­'Stickers the Wesleyans were content "to plomas have"* been picked*, up, Genuino " ' BUT... snipe at the basket from long dis­ or mailed, or are in the prpcess of prepe Streamers tance during most of the first half. being mailed. . v Soles % " i' ' y Sunbeater Caps YELLOW CAB Orange Ties Texas A&M Listening Party c, , Orange JRainhats vU" || '»•. V" fOrange and White Jackets m. < ' nic«1i9tin obouf Nw wTiwmiti" .. ^Texas Belts and Buckles - r ^ <-* conrfortaMa doufe. IN - } "T" Shirts for all ages 1 the Safest, Fastest, and Moit Convenient kick# i»omt. Wee thm M&, lop Wndio^Aof hug$ > 'White Coveralls with rA JW >. ) ^VVi1V V*i rtSjiiit »*• >-VJ . ', Ifl voof foot YpumK to* Syi'-'TBJAS 0^ onJa bwii • .V . drive'm± J/1 YELLOW;\amzf r New hours; Ih30 A.M. until Midnight ;i4ok#^ . m SAfi •Mr mum*iMle* Wi^LIUumUM voo ter-o^. • on-fl ITEXAS DRIVERS kit" <*" —pleasu ; 1st -V-\ « * ^ *jr RADIO CONTROLIED Eddie Bocs • > ^ r^'w'-vS".' Jt mmmmmmmmrn. • 4 1 jw .Over fite iNtiii TAXC<* DRAG Play Own Work5 fait Nrfonvnmi ig diltanci To Be Held Today! for youree University. '•See yourself WW* good Mexican feed., «*n be. _ A, group of original eohwosKt*etal by Helen pWalrt witli t«h«Unl*ersity tions. By students of James C. Wil­ Quartette wad the Britt Trio. She EL ;TAXCO liams, instructor in composition; in e m»nahnr of frht TUtis Ifapy* «Ht «t lOfo Pignotti, Tiotin will be performed at the "Listen­ „ Gillis, viol*; And Horace and, honorary music fraternitiea, mw-^myrn 270lGuad«lup« v ing Hour" at 4 o^clock Wednesday ,iW!4, will b*. gi*en today at Ma Phi Epsllon *nd . PI Kappa Silver Spurs will hold their an­floor, pennants wil line the walls, given by Fmhl^ta Fellowship at Driskill Hotel Friday, at 7 ±80 p.m. Malt Martmex, Mgr. Afternoon in Recital HalL . on*'in Hit Gnat Hall-of HiUel < Lambda* nual fall .fpnnal at the Women's and goal'posts will be set up. 8 o'clock at the University "Y". Entertainment will be furnished •---r-' . be ' • >-•;;• '.>.•! .Ji-• •' Several of' the works will Federated Club Wednesday night Mr. Pi^otti, guest lecturer t« performed by their composenl '^Water boys"' in football uni­Arrangements! were made by by three girls-doing Arabic dances. after the A&M pep rally and bon* forms, will serve refreshments » «IU 1MS~ as -tdi^dii violin, is » former member of Beatrice Gaspar will play her> Joe Osburn' and Kay Tutt. Refreshments, including a special and the public Ik invited. the Gordon String Quartet. While "Andante and Allegro," Lowell fire. Decorations will be tradi­from water pails. Hot dogs will be served with Arabic'4e4sertr baklaw^h, ordered 1, .... "Sfw-': • member of the Rochester Phil­ tional Western figures and scenes A buffet lunch will be served all the triliaii^\''ilh'» ^fteslMiURK will be served, Sinister will play his f'Pieci for for ' String Trio, Violin, harmonic, He played-With Jose lHano," and Robert Jordahl-.his covered with shiny tin foil, said Thursday at -noon in the Annex Will join in the torchlight parade ck^tt for the dinner* $1.75, EL MATAMOROS and Cello" by Beethoven; Iturbi and Albert Spaulding, fa­ • Jamie Clements, social chairman. for a nominal-charge. v-j »s it passes by the "Y". '" •v ori sale Wednesday thb "Two Songs," Which .will be sung go in t pieces bySchumann for,sella mous violinist. Highlight of the dance will bke the :v.­ by'Walter Reynolds. Foreipi Students Advisory Of­THE MOST POPUUti «I$d piano, and <: ThaUnfrersitjrCsech Club .will on. logarithms. 504 East Ave. v ¥> 7^0253 P string instrument*, was a former, "Five "Short Preludes," by hold.-its annual western dance Fred G. Roe«ener announced. * Provides Loans assistant concejrt master of the JBernhard Kuraweg, and "B'our-Wednesday at 7:3b p.m. in the " ; "* •-••••-• Anb Stndtnt AliMittion will Honolulu Syteplhony Owjhestra. Voice Fugue,"~by Gladys Day, will old Boy Scout Hut. There will be Tm> later-Vawity Christian hold its third annual Arabic Din-For UT Women Withths New Haven be played by Shirley Lewis, in* both popular^ and Csech music; Fellowship will honor the A&M ner in the C^stal Ballrppm of the University women in need of,, Symphony Orctoeatta and the"TJ«sn-atruotor in-piano. Also OB. the piro*-; Everyone is invited to attend, • chapter et a: reception J," Go te the game with Humble financial help may boCTOw wuney tral Pacific String Quartet, he is graitt is /'Variationa on an -Origin' f Union" 309,. Wednesday W0*f it Vjga-'" evening, from a loan fund set up by Cap 2-5411 no* a member of^the University a 1 Theme," by Louis Gssinsky,J32mi Interaational : * Banquet 8-10 o'clock. All Texas members Y' to Entertain ani Gown, tibe class organization THURMOND ^43 String Quartet merly a College of Fine Arts fac­sponsored by the University Bap­are invited. — of senior women. . ^ HUMBLE Mr. Britt, guest professor of ulty member. This work wUl; be tist Church, has been postponed • Delegates "Wo interest is charged, -butceU^i*^ performed by Mary Ellen f Keller from Friday, December 1, to Sat­Swine and T®rn Will hold a bar­whan their SERVICE MM JMMIWS some girls repaying a cellist and chamber music play­"scttd Frank Crockett,'violins; Paul urday, December 8; All foreign becue and dance Saturday from The 'University tmua is en­ an extra dollar loans have.added STATION (EMC TIERMEY er. He has appeared as conductor Todd, viola} a$d Robert Collins, students are invited to attend the tertaining the cabinet and staff of tf to 12 p.m. in the,old Boy Scout or two to show their apprecia­'r and soloist in the music centers cello. -banquet which will be held at the the A&M YMCA with a dinner V-1801 San Jaciate Hut, Dale Mcl^ffiore, president, tion," stated Miss Jesse" Earl An­ of. Europe, -the United States, There will be no charge for this University Baptist .'Church a$ 6 Thursday at 6:30 p.m. , on tb# left toward tow has announced. derson, assistant dean of Women Canada, and Latin America. public performance. p.m. They are requested to call About 30 guests will attend the ;The regular Wednesday night, and sponsor of. Cap" and Gown. for or pick up their ^eketsHhere1. dinner and' the informal program Still the Leader! meeting has been canceled, he The loan fund is ^maintained to follow at the YMCA. r~: — . said. through the $1 dues of. Cap and KSO EXTRA GAS A "Beat the Aggies" dance and Plans for the dinner were made Gown members. Dues may be .Members wishing to attend the a .buffet lunch^ for Aggie New-barbeeue and dance should call by Marian McCurdy and will be given Miss Anderson in the Dean manites, will be given this week Charleen Shannon or Nancy Rog­prepared by members of the local of Women's office. Now there is by Newman Club. v -ers at 2-3872 by Friday morning. association. ' ' $28^.89 in the fund and $309 out The club .will i>e decorated to Transportation will be provided. Shirley Rejphert and Merle in loans. resemble a football' field for the Tooke are in charge of the de­The asttORRt Jeaned-to any on# SAN JACINTO 'Students can judge whether Auditorium. •' -• 7' ; » ^ r-^ dance Wednesday from 8 to 12 A 'pup' rally before the pep corations. Jody Edmondson and student is $25 ^a semester or $60 304.years have staled the wit that Comprised of an acting and a p.m. Yard, lines will mark the rally Wednesday evening will. be. Richard Robertson are planning a year. However, loans may be once amused a king by seeing dancing cast, the cotaipa'ny will be the program. or renewed extended. ^directed by Jam^^oll^'BMltant —i . Drama Department's presentation Gambits professor of drama. The assistant Chiaefa Student* Hold Picnic , of MoUere's *The School for Hus^ director is Walt, Richardson, and baads,'f December 5*9 in Hogg Frances Roddy is stage malinger. A pidfiic,; for the Chinese Stu­Moliere, the seventeenth cen­dents' Association was held at Annual Reception LUNCHES-r-3 Vegetables tury playwright, wrote all his Bastrop State Parte recently. Af­ IMONI Qvr£TAf Drink, deiiert 50c up \7-mZT. plays in verse, which was all right ter a meal of Chinese food, the President and Mrs. T.. S. l-a? t'PIVt IN THf \TI?I S for the original production, but n House Painter's annual reception-was members played games and for an American audience it need­ danced in the Hut. »'-^Ury CMP« • 7"1, TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY held Tuesday night for 'faculty OPEN 7 A.M.—12 P.M.­ Jt«th Roasaa ed an adaptation. This was not Feature Stnrta at 7 p. m. and staff members in the Main 7 DAYS A WEEK la an easy task because of Moliere's Tau Delta Phi fraternity will barn dance Wednesday from 8 to Lounge of the Texas Union. >ALLAS" * , , . cold intellectually. The original have ^ an open house and buffet 12 p.m. at Geralania Hall. A President and Mrs. Painter, TUXED OS t* "FANCY PANTS" play is too void of emotion for dinner Wednesday at 6 p.m. Af­Vice President and Mrs. James C." for.rent—«11sizes '....The;J|f«t,jF«od' for .Less., •. local hillbilly band will play. Csir/roi-&8S* the present day audience. Al­ter the pep rally there will be an Dolley, and Vice Resident and LONGHORN CLEANERS • Money "MIRACLE HOUSES" though the play is the story of informal dance. Pledges will pro­ * : ' Mrs. C. D. Simmons received the -WIUiaM Heldan ; Phi Kappa Tan will have a buf­2538 Guadalupe, Ph. 63847 two lovers it contains not a single vide entertainment. _ guests. 16TH & SAN JACINTO « Gloria Swanson » "TEXAS' ' love scene. To give a warmer fet supper Thursday from 5 to 8 No. 2 at 710 Braxoe, 28277 BROOKLYN AND %tJkSET BOULEVARD" HEAVEN" touch music h«$ been introduced Lambda Chf Alpha will begin for members, pledges, and dates. Eco Club , to Meet Dec. 6 to the play as well as dancing. .... . . . ' • the selection of its Crescent The Economics Club will be re­"BLONDE SAVAGE'* Alpha Phi announces the pledg­ w/?s/ry Tim Gay Madison * DJaaa Lyaa Tickets for this play will go on Queen Thursday at sC buffet sup­organized at the first meeting at CkaHi* Chaplin ' sale Wednesday at the Music per following the A&M game. All ing of Nancy "Cater and Mary 7 p.m. December 6 in Garrison SAVE The Hair YouNow Have la ** _ j . < "CRISIS" Building box office for.35 cents candidates will be honored and Glade. ' . v Hall 1. Dr. Howard1 Dye, pro­ **CITY LIGHTS". • 1 ^ Cary.. for Blanket Tax Holders and 70 the selection of the finalists made fessor of economics^ will talk on Do It Quickly^Ea*ily--Ecoiiomically f \tP&° ^ • Grant cents for others. at-that time. Finalists will be Delta 2eta will hold its annual "Monetary Problems of Latin ' e w awwiw ihvvotv sv ei^vw^^pia,% # TCX-/1S . seccenfat. la int eee tfev i 7sf»«4 "SHADOW VALLEY" announced Jbefore the-annual formal dance on December 9 in America." A tr. He' *1 11 Imtsbcs Ollvar Eddi* Dean Crescent Queen Dance December the .International : Room of •ehrM. Heir foil e«t S0V> to 3 Thee, ,the H yoe wfafc, ceefieee Ireetwl* wl rfo im * '/ % 8, when the winner will be Union. •» >«% of aril -•USURY V"^!!-§|*DUKE OF WEST crowned. The present queenv is. pishes— •\f SyttaM ' la tedmteojto»£^,%i- • • Tantalizing ef flunil Bobbye Jones of Delta Delta Alpha Gamma Delta will give aether wefp tpecMhf* ie Ik* worW crabM. . , Delta. • ' sll'ST/A/ its annual Christmas formal on 7-Z900 Louis liayw'sird^'Joan Fontaine' a..-. V * w _ • _"i 'Saturday night 8 to 12-FREE EXAMINATION ' Robert Cnnmiafi . ' from Fish & Chips "CHECK YOUR GUNS" Phi; Delta That* will-have a Private and confidential. N« obligation o'clock at the sorority house. jM^Ca^bU^; £ Eddie Dean Rudolph Firkusny, internation­ e* low e* $3.50. Home treei> | In , ally known pianist, who will be Conveniently Located meiito even lew. Strlat money-beck auer-THE PETTY GIRL" presented by the Community; Con­2706 Guadalupe antee. Offteei for MEN and 'VOMEN. 'Ojos Da Jnyentad' --la-Taehal«elar;-i%1 ',7.. IRIS cert Association Thursday even­ itftn UtotM 'Ytr M.te; ing at 8:15 o'clock in Hogg Audi­• SEAFOOD "•­torium, will play works of Mo­oeS on ere -Shrimp a specialty zart, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, ""rokofieff, and -Smetana.-——^— • GOLDEN BROWN «S Uifiefleld tldfl. He is considered rthe top au­8:30-12 and 1-3 — A&M ticket 8 — 6ritt Trio arfd Hellen Haupt,. Fried ChTcRen thentic interpreter of Czech mu--drawing, Gregory Gym. Hillel Foundation. -*£ . Color by . TocimicolotH -feic, especially that of Smetana. 8:30 — Registration fop Souths 8 — Pep rally dance, Texas Un­ Cabr by TedUiicater CURTAIN CALL "CURTAIN CALL} Although, only , 39, the pianist weirt Section of -the American ion. The Produce Bat cactus -i AT CACTUS last year app/sared with eleven College Health Association, 8 — Inteir-Varsity Christian Fel­ : CREEK" ""— CREEK" major orchestras in twenty per­-Texas Union 315-316. . lowship reception for A&M IXWAU) O'CONNOR' DONAI4> OtomNOR formances. ;; Quick | GALE STORM GALE ST6RM 1-2:10 Lee Wilborn of the . chapter, Texas Union. V —PLUS— Sin —PiUS— jf Texas Educational Agency to "FIGHTING "ARMORED CAR speak on "Who 1^ in the Class­Texan Results! COMMAND** .ROBBERY" room?" at a meeting of Uni­ ROBERT MITCHUH , ROBERT STERLING* versity Kiwanis Op«B«iOO—Start" »4S ADELE-JERGENS Area Club, Social Calendar $1.28 ON TFWC Building, Apartment for Rent For Sale Professional 3 —-iine opens for sale of left­ Wednesday ROOMS, kitchen. SAVE, National Geographic, _ tSc, HAIRCUTS 7Be over game tickets, Gregory commnnlty Ap*rt- I 7-12 — 'ments. 2101 Sen Antonio. Block cam­6—$1.00. pocket-book editions,' 10c, GoodKi worjcmen-*-s •workmen---8. Barber# 3SS- Gjrm. . \ Ciech Ciub.cjance, Zilker pus. £xperiepce<} teecher. MA. Guaran­8—2Bc. Fashion, Home-Garden, All-Stecy'a Barber Shop I • 11f"//} A. Spring Club Hut. tees reaults tutoring math,: Ensllvh. Used Masaxines,20O2 Speedway. Phone 2602 G«adalu{>e ^ — Rally committee, Waggener Latin, Spaniab. 7-4580. 2-8888. • 8-12 —-Tau Delta Phi open house. . ' " ••M ^ , SPECIAL SHOW 401. -, "8-12 -Newman Club dance. 1949 i Door Deluxe Plymouth. 15 Special Services qiontha. old.> 16,000 mileage, Excel­ % ^I Wayne «Holtzman will Newman Club. Board ^ THURSDAY, NOV. 30«» lent cpndUion. 9ee or call Mary Andres, SAVE! We arrange your ridej or paasea­ give pop lecture on "The Anxie­8*12 — Phi Delta Theta barn Newman Hall. 569. jafter I K M. gera for your car. References. Regis-'r^ Brrng your out-of town guests wirly. ^ A AUTO SHARE BX> College Student," " bicycle for ties of the dance, Germania Hall. BARGAIN: I7S.00 ^chwfnn PENSES BUREAU. Phone 2-8888. io the best entertainrnpnt in Austin. 'A I I I 'V% : Co, Main Lounge, Texas Union. 9-12 — Silver' Spur for ma 1, fSfi.OOi Men'a boots, shoes, catchers' mit, i>oreelain top table, wardrobe, MU I \J¥ 22 J S. Umtr -Gold In The Hills" 4-6 Professor * Harry Helson . /TFWC Building. UNIVEESlTTf M£N1. chairs, rpeker, screen doors, ^binoculars CHINA PAINTI1TO—the moat' fuel. •' Thursday ,Meaia trnmily «tsl«. Hom* mad* rolla and Guitar. 2002 Speedway. . Phone will discuss "Behavior as Adap- :•••• Bating hobhy on earth I No expensive or 'The Deed Sitter's Secret^ aid pie» » apeoialty. • 8-8888. .... sapplies .(color a taiion" in open psychology lec-11-1—Beta Theta Pi -Buifet sup-MBS. HOWARD PAINE necessafcV and brushes at" the Texaa Book Store'; <408 Seton 2 block* weat of cjanipne.. Various 1890 "MeBerdramer" ture, Physics Building 201. per. oil # and -turpentine end Cotton * at the Piona 8-9171 For Rent University Drug Co^, L«gons end m:WITH VARIETY ACTS 4 —^ Listening Hour with original 12-1 — Kappa. Kappa Gamma white, chine at the Unt^sity Con­ buifet luncheon. QUIBT^ ^eslrable bedroom. Private hath. gregational Church. Just off the compositions by students, Re­ Ceil AUSTIN CIVIC THEATER /Private entrance-.-University neighbor* Drag on Twenty-third' Street. C«H 6-7;30•!-!* Acacia buffet stipper. cital HaU. ' -hood. *22.60. 88-4670. ' , there between l:?o and 2:00 p.m. 6-0541 lor Reservationi 5-8-a-Phi Kappa;Tau buffet sup* TuesHays or phone Mrs. Trenckmaqa. 4:16 — Orange and White parade Coaching 6-8642. Mrs. Estelle Teirrell' Arm^ ^?per. Jsfi4ther Goods ' strong. — —;• , starts at Twenty-fqtyrth itlWSSfi goes down the Drag. ' GO ACHING, translations. French-COWBOV BOOTS, hats, belts, holsters, 14i304>-i30 -gouthweit Section ,iWj^.uAga3rua Qarman.—Silica 8108- MdjUca. hrtdiet AH • leather--tooti* ,7-2711. made tp order. Everything Western. of the AmericjftMCollege Health C»rttoi Saddlery. t§i4jUv*Z., „ JL •3,: COACHING FB#NCH experienced.. ELECTRICi^rypSjWRITER. Expert ty«. Association "m inspect Health Refrigerators . .v: 1bjk phona 2-2160, 8—8. ••• Theses', reports. -Phone 2-6646. L Lost and Found enclezvoud Center ^ , -^ ^ . MATH. "R. M. BatodIa, J10tf Grandvi#w. THESES, University 5 :f-RADIO CONTROLLED CARS For Rent REPORTS. g*ad»­ 6 -r»4^up" rally, YMCA. 8-1158. i0,ot,l J«°ket, grey on the battle ate. Mrs. Jnlian. Cail 8.86M order with If 8»^0 — Slide rule class, Engineer­ Jafeket knit bottom. found 'callpresents the origina ing Building 301, Day—Week—Month Experienced teacher. Phone 7-1409. • , fOOLipvwt typists, theses, P^e May OeM Bat Never Qsn* COACHING;" French, German, Buisieii. 7-4380." Reward offered. mm* etc. 6*-4747 aveniings.1 — Czech Club dance, -Zilker ENGLISH coaching by PHD candidate. shNursery. SS^CAtlJ™­ Club House. f;^'J'NEw PhSne 6 P. M. 68-4164. TYPING? .theses, themes, notebooks, eut* THE SAFETV PgN. Individoal care for lines, eta. Pbone £-8859. 7 — pep rally starts at Twenty- COACHING: XVench,, German, Eussian. j chUdren. Monthly, hourly rates. fourth and Guadalupe.^,' , Experienced teacher. Phon«i.2>166B. 'WW, service for football g^. * Pickup-i—delivery. 6-0468—6-0886. 7:30 -r-Bonfire, Freshman tteld. • w 1950 •vff > 7:30 — York Club, |>nterbury Dancing DOWNTOWN _K»0)ERGAETEN, Nur< 1st grade iby 60s baby sitting. House. hoM-_ CertifUited Westinghouse and TONIGHT • LSAUN TO OANCS i half, ^6.00, weekly. 400 rb~:: University Ballroom classes. Monday asd Thursday hour claa* International Harvester 8—9 p.m. 1 lea- t i' \%i W Rooms for Rent ^ PubAe Oimafld "(^JJWK^^AL ^NOKKPDDiq ' R^r»9^rator< ^ ' -* * iCOBKB^S ,! GENTLEMEN! tb« Rcndizvout .ftahiras iQonh private bat Phone, linens, thaid ing a| its best­ "'"7,"•*»» y«vue, iineni! c ^ Ik t.'F ^ v-1*" * ' "" "J,'.'' 1018% Weat 22nd Street, fVe> * Thor -Bendix Furnished Apartments Phone 2 Hit Dixieland Jambom Washers I f !A* BtOCK^UWV yj^.coupki.Oont Miw it! Entertain your 0u?*it in the BtmetiesUr new . T re, ejffiaiency BECORDED MUSIC « P:A. systems wartmetit, tile tat new-4^ricidaire: Gfadirons else cottages twin beds; bW» paid! *£b 8*8418!** *" C*n,pn* 8e»* • #->444. 4' li"' " i • W«Knghoi»»s •Mtomthr hm* 'n' For Saie after 6;>0.p.m< • Sewing Machlfwit jnore student* may operate 'abed koeiaeae while *•*»* _ m'l TonsCall VOX STOLE, pracUcally new. CORRAL 7ft$!le«>iroitt«•£"&» JV^,A., i,r'1, '•" 'Vw-* i -~&i »• j x*»5l 1 t J * fk^t? WKfeS.liti *53&* i&hsy tHRQAIlYTBCAN tags* mr-Gm S ELTAXGO s-rs'i ON THE DRAG.. J-ivhgs 1 t'Tirir In Ftm Ptrfomtcmct^ tetoua Mladt—aalk distance Of ths ijbqp To Be H»ld Today J _. 8m today atveralty. Sm far youreelf Mexicanfood can.he. A group of original pomposi* weltal by Hel«B H*apt, jtfanist with t&e'tfaWtitoHf String lions by students of James C. Wil­ tdtfceHotture StItfclMW, Quartette and the Britt Trio, She EL TAXCO liams, instructor in composition,is k member of ffci Beta Kappa .of AMo Pigftotti, viofiti; will be performed at the "Listen­^ srJt r^Guadaiupe j. rillia, riola; and fidnw* and honorary music fraternities, ing Hour" at 4 o'clock Wednesday^ . h>, will be given today at Ma Phi Epsilon and Pi Kappa Spur* wBl bold their an floor, pennants wil line the walls, given, by Fmahmaa Fell^wchlp at tiriskill Hotel Friday, at 7:30 p,m. laft Marftnez, Mgr. afternoon in Recital HalL -Ilk tha Gnat Hall of Billet .-Lambda../ ;••,.•••:•'• «ual fall f^rmal at the Women's and goal 'posts will be set -up 6 o'clock at the University "Y"; Entertainment will be furnished ' Several of the works will be idatioa. /—W'Yj Mr. Pignotti, guest lecturer in Federated Club Wednesday night "Water boys" in football uni­Arrangements werei made by by three girlsdoing Arabic dances. performed by their composer*; after the A&M j>ep rally and bon­forms will serve refreshments Joe Osburn and Kiy Tutt,1 « wll be ao admission violin, is a former member of Beatrk^ GSspar will pl»y her Refreshments* including a special And &e public is invited. the'Gordon String Quartet.' While '4Andante and Allegro." Lowell fire. Decorations will be tradi­from water pails. ~ Hot dogs will be served with Arabic dessert, baklawah, ordered Theprogram will include "Sere-a member of the Rochester Phil­ tional western figures and scenes . A buffet lunch will be served all the trimmipgs. The freshmen front New York, will be served. Meister will play his "Piece for tttiie > far String Trio* , Violin, harmonic, .he played-with Jose covered with shiny tin foil, said Thursday at noon in the Annex will join in the torchlight parade Tickets for the dinher, $1.75, El HATAIKKIOS Piano,*' «nd Robert, Jordahl his Viola and Cello" by Beethoven; Iturbi and Albert Spaulding, fa^ ''Two Songs," which will be sqng Jamie Clements, social chairman. for a nominal charge. , * as it passes by the "Y".-go on sale Wednesday in the Highlight of the dance will be the Foreign Students Advisory' Of­ &£*• place* bjSchumann for cello Indus violinist.' by Waltfer Reynolds. THM MOST POPULAR •Md piano, arvd. "Tria for Violin, After two years as concert roas­ presentation of the awards to the St. Martin's Lutheran Church, The Slid* Rule Class will meet' fice, B. Hall 21. Deadline for buy Mr. Williams, the instructor of of con­Foqrfg&ith and at ft^O winners the Aggie sign Street Congress Wednesday night in En­ ing the tickets is Thursday* v i1 *-.*1 TUXEDOS a mm , ' -At,-h tf§^*DALLAS' cold -intellectually. The original have an open house and buffet 12 p.m. at Germania Hall. A President and MrSi Painter, H la Tacknieolor "FANCY PANTS" play is too void of emotion for dinner Wednesday at 6 p.m. Af­Vice President and Mrs. James C. forrent—-«1! aizea The Best Food' for Lets'^V-; IW. local hillbilly band will play. 1 ^ • _ fNON> the present -,day" audience. 'Al­ter the pep rally there will be an Dolley, and Vice President and LONGHORN CLEANERS Money , C,lP/TO£-2-8789 'MIRACLE HORSfeS • though the plan ts the story of informal dance. Fledges will pro­ Mrs. C. D. Simmons received the — William Holdon Phi Kappa Tan will havf a' buf­2S3& Guadalupa, Ph. 63847 «1T*A< two lovers it contains not a single vide entertainment. •. No. 2 at 710 Braxee, 28277 16TH&SAN JACINTO §5¥» Clori« SWUM - fet supper Thursday from & to 8 love scene. To give a warmer S§55 i* BROOKLYN AND touch music has been introduced for members, pledges, and dates. Eco Club to Meet Dee. 6 Lambda Chi Alpha will begin "SUNSET BOULEVARD' HEAVEN" to the play as Well as dancing. the selection of its Crescent • • •. -* •-The Economics Club will be"re »HONJL Gay Madison *Dmaa Lyan tsW/JS/ TV 7-1736 Tickets for this play will go on Queen Thursday at a buffet sup-Alpha Phi announces the piedg-organized at the first meeting at "BLONDE SAVAGE" Charlie Ckaplia sale Wednesday at the Music per following the^ A&M game. All ing of Nancy Cater and Mary 7 p.m. D.ccetnb' * .Am..-— •yMMr Building box office fox 3S oenla candidates will be honored and Glade* Hall 1. Dr. .Howard Dye, pro­"CITY LIGHTS" -Carjr for Blanket Tax Holders and 70 the selection of the finalists made fessor of economics, will talk on 0© It Quickly—Eqsily--Ecoiiomfcally. fla'fa^a* aalkai'.k tkaaaaA'' ., • J >MONt VAO"*" Grant cents".for others. -at that .time.' Finalists will' be "Monetary Problems of Latin . IH ^VVWm Mfflive ie a a -a Trx/l Delta Zeta will hold its annual -itfilM.te Ml ymt Mr Miht ,.| 7-|©64 announced before the annual formal dance December 9 in America." . wW«Te» sbq Nwiivr*, iff w* • • I "SHADOW VALLEY" on mIvm. Heir tan «at se> ia 3 ;4Lairmm: OKm . ; • Eddie Dean Crescent Queen Dance December the International Room bf .the aa aMlaAi . .*• TO" to 8, when -the winner will be Union. N >a ta WW *f eTWi^ reelwye Iimm' IMAp-!• ^*HEIOlY V* 7 "' : r crowned. The present queen is ailSysfww' fcw a —" "DUKE OF WEST Tantalizing Dishe«—• •»alkM lwWWWIm' IHMVII 'V1WB -j w ' j.„fcl- la taduicdw-. Bobbye Jones of Delta' Delta Alpha Gamma Delta will give POINT' Delta. siisr/A/ fast*. its annuaLXJhrjetmas^formal on 7-Z9CO Laoia HaywarcNrJoan Fonfalaa •+ J Saturday night from 8 to .12 Fish&Chips FREB EXAMINATION Jtolwrt Canimiwge Private and confidant!*). Ne obliaatioa, "CHECK YOUR GUNS" Phi Delta Theta will have "a o'clock at the sorority house. Jota Ctafitld•#•, . : Rudolph Firkusnyi internation- Tr«atm»nfr*t low Horn* treat­ EddiaDaaa la ?-> *-,•„: ally known pianist, who will be . Convenfentiy Located ment* even t*M. Strict money^back quar­aafee. Offieet fer MEN and 'VOMEIC "THE PETTY GIRL** presented by the Community Con­ 2706 Guadalupe 'Ojoi D« JuvenHtd' s r gs#. la Ttcknlcelof IRIS cert Association Thursday even­ »»»• "1-**-»• j* /% MfoiDaH* *« Vaar / til fit Sa ing at.8:15 o'clock in Hogg Audi­ e SEAFOOD ^ on torium, will play works of Mo-oed ere -Shrimp a specialty ^ JMrt, Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, e GOLDEN BROWN .Phoaa m UWanatd tld«. Prokofieff, and Smetana. ' fa*a»—— ^HEfeHfe cor^d^ea^T^ fop au-fr;80-t2-and 1-3 A&M ticket!8^^Britt Trio and Hellen Haupt, -" -fried Chicken 5-17101 thentic interpreter of Czech mu-drawing, Gregory Cxm. Hillel ..Foundation. Color by Tecimici^or Mc, especially that of Smetana. 8:30 —-Registration for South-8 — Pep rally dance, Texas Un­ Cater bfr Tachaicolor. Although only 39, the: pianist West Section of the American ion. -JfCURTAIN CALL "CURTAIN CALL The • Produce AT CACTUS S; AT CACTUS last year appeared with eleven College Health Association, 8 — Inter-Varsity Christian Fel­ m CREEK" . • CREEK" major orchestras in. twenty peiv Texas Union 31&-316. lowship reception ifoy A&M Daily J -DOHXLD : OfCOMNOR formanccs. -r.rr 12:10 -— Lee Wilborn" of the chapter; Texas Union. m; GALE STORM GALE 9TMM „ -ADS jg* —fLUS— —^S— r " ^TeSas Educational Agency to Texan' Results : "FIGHTING speak on "Who, Is in the Class­ "ARMOttED CAR COMMAND'.' ROBBERY" room?" at a meeting of Uni- ROBERT M1TCHUM ROBERT STERLING ; Kiwanis OH» gtOO—Stert ADELE versity Area Club, ial Calendar 6:45 iERGENS S1.2S ON TFWC Building. Apartment for Rent For Sale Professional \ 3.1*~ Line opelis for sale of left-, Wednesday; ROOMS, community kitchen. Apart. B A'V E, " National Geographic, -2Se, HAIRCUTS 7C« WSfDE**our w. viu over . game tickets, Gregory ment«. 2101 San Antonio. Block o«m-6—$1.00, pocket-hook editions, 10c, : Good workmen—8 Barbara -V:r b* «P«n . Gym. \, 7-12 Czech Club dance,-Zilker pu». Experienced, teacher, MA* 8—25c, Fashion, Home-Garden, All-K^Cg.r.ataey** Rhrb«r-::Slu^'-.: Mm vU^11""///, o» th. Spring Club Hut. te«B reaulta tntorlns math, Engltah, Used Magazines, 2002 Speedway. Phone 8802 Guadalupe ' iWT • i "Pi 2-8888. 3 — Rally'^committee, Waggener Latin. Spaniih. 7-4580. : , * .30tk. 8-12 —— Tau Delta Phi open house -'SPECIAL SHOW Hall 401. 8-12 — Newman Club dance. 1049 2 Door Deluxe Plymouth. 16 Special Services Board months old. '16,000 mileage. ' Slxcel- THURSDAY. NOV. 30th — Dr. Wayne Holtsma^ will Newman Club. lent condition. See. or call Mary Andrea, •8AVJS.I We arrange your rtdo* or passes­ " give pop lecture on "The Anxie-8-12 Phi Delta Theta Newman Hall. 6-0669 after 1 P. M. . gera for you* oar. References. Regis- barn Bring your out-of town guests ter early. A AUTO SHARE EX­ • ties of the 'College Student," dance, Germania Hall. BARGAIN: 175^0 : Sehwian biejrela (or . PENSES BUREAU. Pho5TM8$8. fo iee thd best entertainment in Austin. Main Lounge, Texas UniQn. , t86,00. Men's -boote, ihoei, cateiheri AIITA Car Wash Co. 9-12 —' Silver Spur f.o r m a 1, mit, porcelain top tabic, wardrobe,: 1 V. 221 S. Lamar 4-5 — Professor Harry Helson TFWC Building. ' ' -> UNIVERSir? MEM! chairs, rocker, acreen doors, binoculars PAINTING-—the fascl* "Gold in Th* Hiflt" . Mfcala famfly itsle. Home made rolla and guitar, 2002 Speedway, s >..Phone CHINA _ most 1 -will discuss "Behavior as Adap-• Tftursdajr-. • *. •: a id pie» a apeeialty. _ , ' 2-8888. ! <. .. , Bating hobby on earth! No «*pen«iva or "Die Dead Sister's Secret" MRS., HOWARD PAiNK, supplies necessary (eo 1 or s and bruahw the i •y. tation" in open psychology lec­11-l~Beta Theta Pi Buffet, sup­24(>2"S*tojr 2 blocki we?t pf eampoa. at Texa*v Book Sto?e; Hilarious 1890 "MeHerdramer" 7_ ture, Physics Building 201. per. -" , oil and .turpentine and eotton at tha Pbone 8-WJJ For Rent U5»*r,1ut1Cr««f Co.). Lessons end 12-1 —-Kappa Gamma y at \ . WITH VARIETY ACTS 4 — Listen:ng Hour with original Kappa white chitia the University Con­ buffet luncheon. QUIET, desirable bedroom. Private bath. gregational ChuMh. Just off the OWL TAXI Call AUSTIN CIVIC THEATER < compositions by students, Re-Private entrance. University neighbor­Drag on Twenty-third Street. Call6-7:30 — Acacia buffet supper. hood. 182.60. 68-4870. there between 1:80 and 2:00 p.m, ' cital HalL 6-0541 for fteiwrvafiom • of Phone Mrs. Trenckmann^ Phi Kappa Tau buffet sup 4:16 — Orange and White parade 6-S — ;g;' Cmc)ling "teftther Goods starts at Twenty-fourth . and . VC'C.^V.5, eh&v ^^foes |Bli|lll§ COACHING, translations. French-COWBO* BOOTS, hat*, belu. holsters. German. Silton 2809 Sao Antonio. saddles, bridles. AU -leather goods 4:30-5:30 —r Southwest Section 7-2711. t ' made to order* Bverything Weat&a. Typing Capitol Saddlery. 1814 LaVfa' '' the American CollegeHealth mmii COACHING FRENCH experieneed. Tele­ BLECTRIO TYPteWRITER. Expert .typ. ' Association ot inspect " Health Refrigerators ' ' 1 phone 8-21SO. 6—8. L.ost and Found lag Thaaaa, reports-Phone j-6648. ­Centers '" ST MATH. .R. X. Randle. 8109 Grandview, THESES. REPORTS, University gradu-RADIO CONTROLLED CARS 0 ~"Pup" rallyTYMCX.^! 8-11SSfffa v J I-' knit ata-Mrs. Julian, Call 6-8628, JFor .Rent *- ^Jacket; «r#y on the battle offered. 6-3Q,— Slide rule class, Engineer-COACHING: French, German, Russia®. lontid ca^l,i0r7-4380. ^'^-,TithReward_ bottom. I If "W« M»r Dm* But Nmr C3om" •' ing Building 801, ! Pay—Week—Month Experienced teacher. Pbone 7-1409. TVPISTS* PdoL: Expert typist*, thasaa, Nursery etc. 6-4747 evening*. ' /<*7, —;Czech C|ub dance, Zilker ENGU6H eoachfns by PHD candidate, 11^ CAtt "Club House. Pbofte S T. M. 88-4184, TYPING i tbesaa, themes, notaboeka, «ut» THE SAFETY PEN. Individual care for Hnea, ate. Phone 8-8889. . 7 — Pep rally starUi at Twenty- COACHING: PrencU, Pernan, Russian. 2 •'•I'dtwn, Monthly, hourly rate*. ^ T? \ Experienced teacher. Phone 2-18S9. " w^; ««*tce for football dixie land ^ fourth and Guadalupe.' 1950 Pickup-Delivery. • t-0408—6-0«#8. SCIENTmC _ MANUSCRIPT TYPB8T. 7:30 Bonfire, Freshmdn Field. jS, V-fowT ' U9**^pPbtn* m Dancing ill® DOWNTOWN KINDERGARTEN. Nur­M2 -Club, h *®ry* *rad« «fty sitting. S0e 7-6133 ' JBouse.;' »^^^atad teacher, day 86.SO. TYPING SERVICE. 2198 Swisher. MmmWestinghous® and . LEARN TO DANCE l*al^> 86.00, Weekly. 40a East Sad. 2.8668. 5U82Q6. Miss Weich. ^ ' TONIGHT •Onlrersity Bailroom claasea. Monday and Thursday 8—0 fun. 1 hour class lea-TYPING, theaaa, ceporta, tone papara* international Harvester tons. 60e University girls tree. Rooms for Rent: notebooks. Telephone 7-7787-.. FubHc Demand 'ANNETTE' DUVAL OANU£ STUDIO Refrigerator*. f -10tb aad Congress EXPESXKMCED typist: manuseriptat i Ai", Phone 8-8861 W g.»08<;, theses, dUaertattoafc Phone 2-71»8. at its Pbone, Jlnens, miiit] Hit Rmdizvout features service. 1918% West 28nd Street, -'(<• i$y -^Thor «r Benciix Wanted part-time Saturdan ' :Furnished Apartments preferred. Phone S-4S70. th» Dixleianil Jamboree , J If Music Warfiert ^ ® UNIVERSITY—Boy», uAiple. TYPING; Jeat work. WiU . Don't Miss your BBCOKDSID MUSIO and PJV. system, deUvar. •hop* 2-4888 or t­ •E,/: : ' -LT&Svffii. • ' I. • JSSSA iSSSK .f**1 Thor Gladirom C***" *t»aic s«r* a»M>; 'cottagas twin Mds; biliaT piid. ciavsMurroundings tin * • . v ' > •-'>444. LET Wmitmddy, frtdaf, Sundpy, 8 Pho ,.r$?^ 1?Vv Westinghouse oldtQuniryhome For Sale RiSPORTS. n-_ p Wb^#jcp|r,di«9f Oldham. 2-4718 after 840 pSL Sewing f^eetiinei (sr wore atudtnta iinay epeimte thte 4ks # INkn^'«.Wnl6iiRn % EPTED Sblished bt^ainess while ' ettendinc KCMfNJKGSi acaatt ~ " 1)aa' ef w—fcsadlu> wi —-ywtr •fatr­ ^rtjnced help. AW equipnjent indudln# | W&r-S*- 1950 pick-np, stock, tool*, ottfee ti*-mir Oxneifl meef K new managar tnre#. »2,6&0.00 ca»h» all »««nred, will n«t oyer 18,000.00 pfr year, 2-0S09 lor >8-8846. 4 , WBfT»3 IMIIImoi baaoW thla -weak> oabt '-tM'-y1-•v «Ssfg J-7688. aaaonahle rfmi ery »«asi>nabl«. W ($" ' 7 U^uW ttSMk-AxHannlo *ver^V» Wanted ^ f if, n 42 PI#.. Rendezvous »10 |ii|Way»4r«Kfi)U|^^l'4o«r rything r^kuilt. gee I?'*,. ^tlWjWTO ecmdjtion. to Schmld i * « -i ' «£x, . < >• ,, at*. 1«W w Dr. Ht^m-.aiWr^RrHal -mmm