w*& rW4 WP .# r/£v**T jff 5 M9 " T\; "StUb*£le ajid Dr. Harry „ H. Ransom And. signs c%n say. add and thing's were Several thousand applications builds signs. test is to to the color white showing pf "Farm the Farmers." ^ecretary-trteasurer^TDr^ j^o is ' for Cotton.Bowlticketahave been spirit of" the* annual Longhorn-shovecf into over-loaded Ware, retiring secretary, an­si-more There are only three more Aggie clash. received. No applications nounced the following new mem­atop jeeps, and stepped on ia school days left to enter the "Beat will be accepted after Wednesday. No group had entered the con­ • - Twelve thousand tickets were the Aggies" sign contest. No en­test Tuesday night and' the dead­bers: •• motorcycles. ' Class of June, 1950 \ * set aside for public sale and will trance fee 4s required but organi­line for entries is 5 p.m. Tuesday, Intemqtidnal Ball Highways are lined with Ann Debenport, John Cantwellzations must sign up with Miss in /'be allotted on a priority basis. Novembpr 28. Signs will, be Buckley, Eckles, * Ira ful hikers lugging bulging bags Marion ay "T" lettermen, voting members of Marjorie Bell at Dean Jack Hol­judged on Wednesday from 1:80 Date l)ecember 15 South Lowry, Billye Burrell Mc-and an occasional book: Sprigsily the faculty, . and dues-paying land's office, B. Hall 15, Charles to 5 p.m.' — - Delphenis of the Silver Spilrs an­The Spurs will^ present the win­Lendon, Jean1 McNeiH, Mary Orownin;gV(as international of orange and white protrudingmembers of the Ex-Students' As­ Elizabeth Maher, Jean Esther queen, who will be the "sweetheart sociation , will get first chance. nounced Tuesday. ner's .cup, which may be kept per­from hat brims let drivers laum Peterman, Minnie Shlipak, Wil- The ticketaare priced at $4.80 First prize f ©£ the group manently! ;at their formal dancw the giiy with tha thi^ Srot K each. Each application should adjudged having the best sign Wednesday, November 29. If no IiSm Thomss Wotsack, Cirf will h^ilight the International from UT. .7­ cup. Nicholas Thornton. Ball on December 15. Th'e ball — accompanied by a check or money will deceive a gold loving representatives of the winning^ climaxes Week. Students to order to cover the price of tickets Signs -should either "run down" group are there, they will be noti­Class of'August, 1960 International planning journey pllis'a 15-cent mailing charge. the Aggies or "build up" the fied. • Marvin Ernest Cheriiosky, Ron "An international picnic will be home via bus for the holidays may nie Edward Dugger, Exekiel Gal-held Saturday for foreign stu­take' Greyhound out of Austin" 9 Applications may be made by" mail legos Esqueda, Mrs. Willie Ann dents, who are remaining in town bound for Houston at 12k40, 4:80,OT $t the ticket office in Gregory i 1 Hartspll, Alice Marian McMurry, over the holiday. It is sponsored 5:45, and 8^5 p.m. Wednesday. Applications post-marked Lewis Aaron Schiller, . James OFF FOR HOME AND THANKSGIVING DINNER—if 1 can by the International Council. Leaving for Dallas will be two in--William Wilson. t&r k Gym. Start the Spirit' "V Wednesday, but not received un-ever get this door open, says Ca+es Burrows, balanced precariously Nominations for queen must be morning buses, one at 7:41 and Class of January 1961 -submitted to the International another at 9:21. The Wednesday Ntil later, will be considered, Miss on one foot. Wrestling with a door handle while juggling two he Archer No one buy Alkis Chrysanthov Makrides, Council in B. Hall 21 by December schedule will be 1:50, 2:05, 4^4, said. may suitcases is not the easiest thing in the world, but such minor prob­ Ben Hamill Procter. 8. Any -foreign student club, 5:31, 8:36, 10:46, and Thursday n» more than two tickets. lems aren't too annoying to> Cates: he knows that in a-few minutes Junior Members ethnic area group, of petition of 12:55, 8:86, 7:41, Planned It will take three weeks Ho Gene Edberne Burke, Suzanne he'll.bejon the home trail (to Nacogdoches) and that's the import­ten students may make nomina­12:50 p.m.v >n-check all the applications for mi In an effort to show under the rallies the first three school days Hall,'Robert Nelson McClelland. ant thing. Have a good Thanksgiving!—Photo by Borden. tions. All queen candidates must tickets. Miss Archer said, and to Greyhound Lines will hav* famous Aggie school spirit, Uiii-of next week preceding the Univer-have a C average and have ex priority. buses leaving for San Antonio at rate them according to verstiy cheer leaders are planning pressed an active interest in in No one will receive his tickets sity-A&M game November 30. 12:30, 2:41, 8:48, 6:05, 8:40, and three days of wild and wooly pep ^national understanding. , antil after that time. Official rallies will be held Mon­llil4 p.m. Wednesday, 1 Persons attending the Iball will Blanket tax holders will draw day, Tuesday, and Wednesday A Greyhound "o«kial jttaSwf vote for the queen from1 finalists for Cotton Bowl tickets Decem­nights next week', Jimmy "Buffey, that, if necessary, there will chosen-: by a student-faculty ber 11 and 12 only. Eight thou­cheer leader announced. exterf Spirit, buses to accommodate: screening committee; sand tickets will be' reserved, holimy overflow. The rallies will begin at 7 Foreign students from A&M priced at $2.40 each. Vandalism o'clock each night, Monday's and. and the, University of' Houston ' Missojori-Kansas-Texas Railroad The number held for students .Tuesday's rallies being held in bave been invited to the ball; : has scheduled trains to leave for is based on student attendance at front of Hill Hall." The Wednes­tional facilities, he said it is hot Negro education he cited Prairie Dallas at 1:42 and 2:50 poo, this year's Texas-Oklahoma game'. Asked by Hand day night rally will held "The other day I was walking by choice. View College where the men .are Wednesday, and 1:10 a»m. The visiting Cotton Bowl team be on High college spirit without van­Fieshman . Field with the annual by the flag pole in front of the "We should start with the taught to make brooms ahd mat­day morning. For Hnu^n7:titer^if will • receive an allotment of 10,000 tickets. dalism at the Turkey Day game bonfire highlighting the activities. Main Building. I looked. up and younger minds and condition them tresses. He also mentioned that will be only one afternoon ~tnun^?l for the improvements ahead, In­there was only one medical school leaving at 4:80,. and for San An­ • is the goal of the Texas A&M and Students with ^pent-up school saw the American flag and it hit stead we are forced to take the in the whole Soutn for Negroes tonio, trains will leave Austin. tJniversitystudentgovernments. -spirit, who are staying in Austin more practical step and work from and that the ratio df professional at' 12:01-and '8:35 p.m. Wednes­ Cord Section The Student Assembly Goodwill for the Thanksgiving holidays, will was, a human beings not: just a the-top-down, knowing -thai it-is Negroes to the Negro .population^ day. r.; Committee visited A&M Monday beast to be stared at through tiie have to wait until Monday for an not right, but the only thing to was one to thousands. to welcome the Aggies to the Uni­.official rally. No official activities bars of a cage.' do.'! The Rowels, uninitiated mem­Missouri-Pacific Railroad has Sweatt said that there is a move­bers of Silver Spurs, have been scheduled a train to leave Austin Instructions versity and to discuss methods to So said Heman Marion Sweatt, have been planned by cheerleaders discourage destructive spirit on He likened the problem of-social ment in the state legislature work­taking good care of Bevo. for Houston Wednesday after- until then, Duffey said. central figure in the naUonal con­ the part of both schools. and educational segregation to ing toward the passage of a state Led by Joe Tom Hariris, the noon. A train will leave for, San i troversy regarding the admittance Are Readied Lloyd-Hand, student president, that of a hu£e serpent, its head in FEPC law. -Rowels buUt * new loading Antonio at 4:85 Wednesday morn-: of Negroes to universities at the be' remembered chute, arr«Hged for Bevo's trans-ing and another will be bound invited all Aggies.to the TUniver-? -the South with its body extend­"It must that -"The initial enthusiasm "shoWn Tuesday night Interfaith supper ing into the tforth: ~ /this movement" is portation to out-of^toWM' footban sity over the holidays and wel­San Antonio 'at 10 o'clock the by the Rally Committee is evi­at Hillel Foundation. comed them to pre? arid post-"We can chop off its tail and. of Northeners who are. trying to games, and Je^ him around the same morning. This will be thedence that Texas can have the game activities. He also invited A University student in the do no good. What we have to . do agitate. It is rather a result of stadium at this Baylor and "r TCU Texas Eagle Streamliner whtept greatest card section in the coun­School of Law, Sweatt spoke on is prevent it. from eating." * * the feelings of Negro sufferers games. 7 ... ...7: the A&M student officers to sit arrives in San Antonio at!ll:4> try," B. R. Barfield, committee with Univeitefa^-Student "Education as It Affects the life As an example"of inadequacy in here in the Squth." .. Bevo's large orange' blanket is a.m. An afternoon train leaves Assem­ chairman, said. , of Negro People." being embroidftgaj » Ifrge The Committee" in its meeting bly officers the game.* ' With the November 27 deadline "UT." Bevo will show off his P^n. «nd arrires Tuesday afternoon began filling The University committee was only a week-toff, an altaime high "There ii no more over-stimu^, school colors at the Aggie game. Braniff Airways' h&s scheduled }£j26-Greek lated subject than that of talk flights leaving for Dallas,, Fort outrinstrpctionHheets^forthesix ..The eighteen. Bowels became to be at student union before the meeting. sneered of Negro education and its ef­Worth, Falls, Lubbock^ ittee entered Sing-Song Monday. Wichita stunts presented the full-fledged Silver Spurs in initia­ Members of the Goodwill Com­fects,'' said Mr. Sweatt. "The and Amarillo at 7:40 aun.Wednes« , A&M game. One of the card stunts Sponsored by Panhellenic afid tion ceremonies Sunday. mittee were Jackie Farris, Ellie books are full of statistics: What day, 11:00 a.m^ 2:80 pjn^ S^S which has been prepared is an the Iriter-Fraterriity Cound^, Action Requested orange tower symboliringvictoty Luckett, Wales Madden, Phil Ran-Sing-Song^ will be held December we need is the courage. to put p.m*i and 10:40 p.m. An extra over A&M in 1950. fiOpher, • Sterling Steves, Tommy 8 at 2 p.m. in Gregory Gym. into effebt the necessary measurfs Engineers to Attend plane has also been scheduled Rodman, and Lloyd Hand. to correct these wrongs." which will leave Austin at 7 p.uh*"We may have to work till 10 Entries may be made in Dean Arno Nowotny, dean of student bers and two students. Official New York Conference northbound for Dallas and be- or 11 o'clock several nights n.ext of Men Jack Holland's office until * Sweatt said 4hat the deplorable life, has asked -the present Dis-voting privileges for the two stu­Seven University faculty mem­yond.­ rttk week to get the instruction sheets 6 7p.m. Monday, Jamie Clements, social conditions of the Negro, his clpline to make r*ec­ 5Toa apparent shiftlessness and his Committee dents was also advocated. bers will participate in the an­Plane" ^for" Houston - Ilk filled otit and -in order," Bar-publicity chairman, said". He ex-r omfhendations to. Boarjl .of Re­Whatever the committee' re­ nual meeting of the American So­and Galveston are ttt 8:10 s.m. Itta. field said.-Eaclf card has to be pects from 30 to 35 organizations oyer-emphasis upbn leisure, time, gents concerning the resolution commends. will be forwarded; to ciety of Mechanical Engineers in and 5:10 p.m. Wednesday, and forchecked five times after it has to enter. are due mainly to the faults of of sWdent-facttlty membership the Faculty Council, which if New York-from November 26 to San Antonio, Corpus Christi, La­been filled out. "...77 "'""V Last year's winners, Kappa Al-society as it sexists today-ratio passed-by the Student As­endorsed will be sent to the Board December 1> redo, and Brownsville, planes willAttendance must be regular at ph§ Theta sorority and Beta The Negro has come into a so­sembly Thursday night. ' df Regents-for final1, action, said They are W, R. WooWch, dean leave at $:52, 9:20 and. 10:50committee meetings, or the job The Student Book Exchange Theta Pi fraternity, are entered ciety that is not prepared to give Dean Nowotny. The resolution, introduced by of the' College of Engineering, a.m.; 4:05; 0:85, and i0:05 p.m< will not be completed in time for will remain open December r5 4H»d again this year. Other entries him anything or even to-admit Student President Lloyd Hand The usual procedure of try­Carl' J; There may be m^re flights added -the game. Any member are EckhaiUt, vice-president absent 7 from 10 to 1 o'clock in order Theta Xi, Phi Sigma Kappa, him, he said. "There is nothing and passed unanimously, asked ing discipline cases has been to of the southwestern region 'of if necessary. Chi from two consecutive meetings that more -stadents may have. Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha more apt to make a man feel help­that Dean Nowotny recommend have one student representative Byron J. "wltfUmt a valid excuse wilFFe" Omega, Pi Beta Phi, K&ppa Alpha, ASME, E. Short, W. chance to get their books or mon­less and rob him of hope of every­that the' Regents change present at the hearing, a boy for male of- the Dalley, M. V. Barton, and H. J. automatically dropped from Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, ey, Tommy Rodman, chairman of thing of value." regulations to allow one addition-fenders and a girl for-female of-Plass. * .. Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Gamma, committee and another appoint­the Exchange, announced Thurs al student representative to the tokaders. However, the studentment fdll be made from the file : and Kappa Sigma. " --Sweatt stated that of all the The article dealt with the new Great Issues Talk Ida-of applications. day. •' *• • • Also, Chi Omega, Delta Zeta, semi-skilled workers turned out by committee, making -the member­had no -official vote and was Hillel Foundation. Names of Rally " Committee if the 10 to 1 o'clock hours Kappa Kappa Gamma,,Phi. Mu, technical schools, most of them ship. consist of three staff mem-used in an advisory capacity. eonf^~for''i^y'lftGidVHt''.wli«> has In the-past the Discipline Com­MaeCorkle to Talk Ilk Buffalo members, will be given to the Delta Upsilon, Delta Kappa Epsi-are turned down by industry. Even Postponed#1 hooks Or money coming from the mit feehas passed judgment upon Dr. Stuart A. MaeCorkle, direc­ Ticket Office, They will present lon; Delta Tau Delta, Phi Kappa in. professional fields, he said, Weather to R*mBin, W«rm Book .Exchange, Rodman asks Sigma, Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Chi, students accused of cheating, tor of the University Institute ' John Oliver Nelson, the ftftht rot-their Blanket -Taxes and will be them to please call him. where-they are needed, they can­.The U.S. Weather Bureau fore­and recently, Of speaker the Issues stealing, more of Public Affairs, will speak OQ on Great given pickets in the Rally Commit­Alpha Phi, Delta, Sigma Phi, and not be accepted because 6f irii casts for Wednesday calls for The Book Exchange will re­adequate facilities. • altering Blanket Taxes for the will deliver his'' addres* "A Councilman in a Councll-Man-course,tee section. These tickets must be Alpha Gamma Delta. f partly cloudy ikies at^d moderate »T. main open until it is decided that Oklahoma game. Dean. Nowotny ager'City" at the National Munici­Tuesday, November 28, instead of-| ion* drawn before 5 p.m. Monday. Delta Delta Delta and Alpha Although they have • started at all the books that are left be­temperatures with the maximum said the Committee would make" pal Leagued annual conference Monday as previously scheduled./ Committee members, will not sit long to or Omicron Pi sororities have with­the., top of the educational ladder Wednesday near 73® and the min­ ex-students that the. kntfWn the recommendations af­on government in Buffalo, N.Y., Dates were changed because of in the card section itself. drawn. to acquire imum Tuesday night 48". Remaining books will, not be more adequate, educa­ter the holidavs. thU VAftle conflictiog activities oft Monday* The 1,330, tickets for the color claimed by students. \Tfce books Mr. Nelson's background mixted with the card section are that are left yrill be sold to one flea him to speak on his subjecti, regular student tickets. Any stu­ o£--thg book stores.^or given, tojpts, dent has a chance to draw a ticket e»' some worthy cause. as just recently resigned in that section which is between of IntercoHegian, student Itra the 80 and 50 yard lines. ' tian movement magazine, jpu} was/< Students who do sit in the card, British lecturer Talks mm a leader in the National i sat section are asked to wear light Churches numb« colored . or white shifts to the To Architects Nov.28 _ One of the four leading milk continued, "but at the present tims very changeable and prices could .Farms, was at the Oak Farm head-sells pasteurised and homogenised of for a game so that the color cards Will F. J. *Osborn, chairman of ijie distribution firms in AusUn .ha.s farmers haven'tmadeany demand go up overnight," he said. quarters 'in Dallas Tuesday. A ye#** -* nib. executive cduncil, Town and Coun­increased its milk one cent per for higher prices. These tilings are D. J. McClellan. manager of Oak milk inrpaper containers for 22 and He is at present on natloz stfnd out. ': spokesman ifa his office said there 28 cents respectively. try Planning Association of Eng­quart effective Thursdays of^^the 8s had been no price increase yet. HIT land} will talk .09 "Th| Garden Hillcre^t F^rms, whicb distri­Hillcrest will also inisr^ase pay­Christian Hiaslog,. The misition • I Hillcrest raised its pssteurized Fulbright Applications -City-Movement and Molero City butes milk from hous^ to house* ments to its 25 producers by 85 send* team* of iqntdlfied ^ealteii^ Planning," Tuesday at 7:30" p.m. only, began the^seasenal milk in­milk from 21 to 22 cents-,a quart to campuses over fKe country and|J Hit. cents per-hundred pounds, Harry Deadline Noveml^er 30 . in Architecture Building 105. crease because of the severe Cen­and its homogenised milk from 22 helps to sponsor religious 3ortu ;_4,Cte6 fled Peterson ;«md co- accepted, . Mr. Osborn is being sponsored) tral Texas drought and "rising pro­s» p«i^>ds. Mr,. Nel^im ^Ng| Applications will' be to 23 ce^ts. owners announced. The new pro- IS the duction costs. •' < , mduti m eoll«fM .itappvoV^ until November 80 for university locally . by Public TEectartS mmm This is the second Austin milk Committee. His talk will be th« ' The other threee .leading dair­By CHARLIE LEWIS duter's price of |8.10 wiil also mo pw^ems, ChristUin ^sith^'" lecturing awards made pnder the price increase iiice Augusts when Into effect Thursday. first of a series of events in the ies, Superior, 0*k Farms, and Mil­tian voeatiom^ " '~'~ Fulbright Act in Burnuu Greece, nfew city planning prograin of the ky Way, had not increased their Overheard from "»talled" Car at well versed in law, Lee Gilman pricni were raised Vm cent per It is normal for prices to in-higher the Philippines, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey, School of Architecture, , I prices Tuesday. -Clark Field: 7 and Howard Robiniwn idid okay quart. They had been reduced two crease during the fall when milk Lasfe^yMX'" he ')itr The grantee is given all expen­The public is invited, f ^ Joe Carrington; timet*t Milky "Danged if that clock's not Tuesd.ay down in County Court cenhi per quart last spring. -7C> production< declines and feed costs Christian. Care«r«..;Way, saidT that it is hard to pre-making better time than I am." at Law. •" ^ rise. the T7niv«nity. A ses abroad, including round-trip Maui* M«mb«r «| AOA ' HiOerest prices axe the sattVfti — After they got through The tbroaght ha| transportation, maintenance sti­University President _ T. S. i rakeMts pricea. 1 tiio^e effective at this time l«st pend, and'a An 7-' to man who recently of the and small grain which #MrtWe Um small supplemental ing, tije Yfeunff hoh-"The increase lb predicted •ay *bo«t tha yefffj but one allowance for the academic year Painter has been made an -on are §tiU less dairydfttle usually eat Many dai­ «rary. membet JJf Alplia Omega whether or not we-wi^!&«M« -f»atherat;7-tided t^ LW's nt*^jy«jveriable K«r' ^ I 1 V ,1951.-52. limited funds may also Alpha, medic*! honor; society. Dr. more for milk," he said. "Unless . "A doctor can ad«-got a f ltJO fine and a year in jail in hiAory. wKMhi»»oria«lly used inlate win­ ; be granted under the Smith-Mundt a' Painter . presided at banquet the drought season continues, I lajkM, but ir ttadwr'i siitdrn for driving while intoxicated. It Superior, Oak Fanfiffsfld Milky ter. v I 5»Si ifict. Details are available in B. meeting recently ~ in Dallas at can't see that'this will happen." «#» be Smm walkisig the was the heaviest punishmerit for Way prices remained at '21'c«Mw Hall, Joe Neal, Fulbright advisor, which elMpter was installed ita "Feed has skyrocketed because DWI that folks sround C^irt per^uart for,pasteurised, ancHai lay*h«tyr7f^i!!». 4rou#hy' Jfcr., Cixringtoa. for fcwe jroun* mm IMI mm. 'mmWI mwszm IMRI Ww&M ' t^Wl%0 mt DAILY iBCAlfPa^e% mmm ^•vy^T • „ ,7, ,L „ . ~.i.n.Tp^^ . 'Mmimm •. • . '• frjt .• «if AW ' Wawam 1M ' i. < • ^ -•* _ fern. tog* Tjbte other*intramural soccer vie. Immediately after' the game. Both: teams have identical sea­NEW YORK, Nov. 21—(ff) Tenp -1to play Texas in the Cottoni. . "We have a large number of ~ ~r^v' Sport* Vtfttvr XT tones had breather' battles, with JStound-triR'fstrain, tickets cost son records—one victory against Princeton's hard-hitting Tigers are -IKSJ^iPSSTiffT consideration. We The two -fraternity •taaii^'lsifc-With Turkey DAy as the setting $3.28. •;'& Day althtmgh it had not received OakGroveV 7-0triumph over the A&M's Kyle Field as three losses. A&M's only triumph back as the nation's leading of­have contacted Princeton apd and the tta) to * %& halftime deadlock Draft. Dodgers the easiest,. With The Yearlings will not,, be 1n a formal invitation. Army.among others, but wb have background, the Texas Yearlings top physical shape for the game, was in its first game against Allen fensive football power for the before the Phi Delta cinched the. Cuss Hrncir tallying thrice, Keith. ".Michigan State, -the 'Western not issued a formal invitatiorj contest with two quick goaty early Webster twice, and Frank Horak clone out their impotent 19150 sea­but for %he first time this Mason Academy. " firstJime since the opening week Conference's football mSmber-in-unyteam. son against J A&M's Fish-in the in tfre H«»y^ W^b qnd twice,the Grove was neverthreat- they have had a chance to.prac-The Rice Qwleta andJthe Baylor Qf_thecallege-campaignr-^ — Aame-only, had receivad Cottoa consideration ap* annual Shrine — benefi exclusivdy for ah opponent v Also""'under ettSi by the Borers. * ' Cubs defeated both the Fish and By rolling up 476 yards in Bowl feelers and sought to clear Kentucky and Tennessee. goals. .Thursday at 2 o'clock. during the last week. the way Previously to accept a fomal bid : Sigma Alpha Hu l^lo869'for the Yearlings. •• -., crushing Yale on Saturday, Coach Thompson said that a^meetfrig*" Led bf 'Gstm Warner, the Coach B u gid y Jungmichel's the freshmen have devoted part if it were offered,. fotir goals in the last half SAB'S came back for a goal with to freshmen will be favored to take Of their practice sessions to work­The University freshmen went Charlie 'CStUfWeirs" single-wing of the Cotton Bowl selection ten minute*: left, but Webb sink Phi -Kappa Sigma, 6-0. Al­their second victory of the year ing with the varsity; ' :r * i ' through a snappy dummy scrim­machine took over the top in total A petition by Michigan State committee would^ be called 'as fred Priedlander's two penally asked the conference to waive a matched the point "for the Phi as a crowd of 10,000 is expected -On the basis of comparative mage Tuesday, and Coach Jung-offense, in .rushing offense, and banning posb-season soon .as possible, ptoh4ps Wednes­ regulation kicks aided the winner??. to be on hand for the,game. scores'against mutual opponents, average points scored per game—r-day morning, to disT>lied by the" passing of Arizona State^ dropped to second -Corner khflw were the margin earned victory. was, denied. No official vote of 8:80 a.m. Thursday and return lings dropped the WogS, 26-18. quarterjMick. Smith of when it was held to 318' yards by _I ujciDAS Donnie .of victory ; fvor two fraternity — With Taffy Tucker standing out the nine conference members Was Colorado, State A&M last week. ' far rent-—all Sizes teams. Chi Phi was held to a 1-1 on defense, Sigma Nu overcame KerrviJJte, the brute.force of. fulj-anounced, but it was understood ti» hy.Acacia.but ChjP-hi-made -Pi Kappa Alphi^^ln arth back Tomie.Ward of GiEilveston, Nebraska was slowed, by' Iowa the ballot was overwhelmingly LONGHORN CLEANERS State Saturday and appears now ^ the..corner,boot to get closer game, Beta-Theta Pi. shut­ and the._ireak?away-.j^mng...of against the Waiver. ^ I • , 2S3B Guadalupe, .63847 se"noa^Rdbert BeJso-soared for out Theta Chi, 8*0. Russell Har- to have slight: chancg of over­As" a ~ . No. 2 at 710 Braxos, 28277 l^iAfiMia wSiie' Jimmy Smith hit for wood made all ;three goals. Pete Gardere and Phil Branch. hauling Princeton, in rushing ference member, Michigan State The Yearlings have depended since it faces Oklahoma's stout Chi Phi. ; ^ ^ It was -a rout all the way as is not eligible for the Rose Bowl. line in its final game this week. gnaan rttuuwzrtitin,cmwawuni In a close, hard-fought game, Phi' Gamma Delta tnauled Tau on an up-the-middle T-attack §in It enters football title competi­ Army's chances „ .., .Delta Sigma Phi beat Phi Kappa Qelta Phi, 6-0. The winner's goals most ortheir .previous games, but were spoiled by tion in 1963., •g^jSyEao via the corner kick route. The wfere scored * by Barry Sharpless the mud in its clfjjge triumph over The Spartans lost, only to Mary-Refrigerators "WASiHNGTON,-Novv-21.-—(ff) land's .home stedium in nearby the passing arm of Smith"makes Stanford-. _ *J,^eontest ended in a scoreless dead- land in nii^e starts this season, College Park. the Texas attack~veBatile. |i|oclt" Delta SigffiaPhiStaved off Who made two, aftdPrestOh "Dial Priricetoii " #inds up againBt and scored wins over throe Big letic council couidn't decide Tues The American Legion is spon­ — For. Rent several threatening Phi Taulad-who kicked in one. Gilmer Spring, the Yearlings' Dartmouth and should roll, while. Ten members as well • as Notre' day whether its football |»am soring the game to raise money pass-catchingest end, will start at Arizona State concludes against Dame. should play in the^ Presidential for its rehabilitation program*- Idaho. orie offensive flanker position -At Lansing, Mich., Dean L. C. Pay—Week—Month Cup game December 9. ' Dave 'Herman, the game's while Hub Ingraham will man the Southern Methodist, with 133 Emmgns, MSG faculty representa­The council, debated for three managing director, told a reporter egro other. Ingraham started the sea­completion* for. a total, gain „ tive in the Big Ten, said: fclEW and a half hours, and then brok'e eight-or ten testis still are under son as, number-one quarterback, of 1,877 yard* in eight, games, "Michigan State received "a bidsetting consideration. ' up without a time for 1«ras later switched to fullback, continued unchallenged in the from the Coton Bowl and we were another meeting.' "Things ars hot." Hermioi Said. Not Lifted now playing fine at air, even though the Msitingi ssxious to aceept same, through 1950 and is ball . "We're' liable to an- myself That left the picture looking have, an end to help relieve a shortage of pasted sparingly in defeating and Athletic Director nounceinynt at any time." ... . . TUCSON, Nov. Si_-<^_A11 cials' whenTiKeir "team vnis In TSc" like this: "' -• winemen. ' " ^ Arkansas in—Saturday's mud. ~ Ralph .Yound, the college asked­ Maryland's athletic co u n c i1 Westlnghouse and ^schools in the Bbrder Conference son to play Arizona last Saturday. .Texas . A&SC—still interested. i3 one of The Ponies need only 15 com* permission Of the Big Ten with . comment Ingraham also the to except Texas Tech have now Whether their policy against Nfe-broke up* this ; accept the bid." Ita athletic director spent the day from a spokesman; r defensive, standouts from his half-, pletions in their final two % International Harvester , dropped their ban against Negro groes will be changed is stjll.not here, "but he gavte gut n^state- : games to break the record of "Michigan State was one of the "I don't know how we ^ot into back spot. Refrigerators -athletes; it was learned Ijere Tnes-known, Dr. Thomas said. inents on his decision. r • 147 in a season by Mississippi teams on the list of preferred this anyway. We haven't made Carroll Hestand and Dick Bur­ "* The action of West-Texas State in 1947. opponents given up by the Uni­ Maryland-^~a doubtful starter. any overtures to the sponsors of K--i' Dr. Floyd Thomas, chairman of and Texas-Western ends what nett will man the starting versity of Texas (the host team)," Easy -Thor -Bendix True, Maryland didn't say yes the game. We haven't received tackle positions, while Bill Traf-Kentucky already has equalled the University of Arizona athlet­some Considered .a possible threat and it didn't say no, But no one major college record. By he said. "We asked Michigan State an invitation. ton and Stanly Studer will hold Washersic committee, said West Texas to continuance of the Border Con­ answer at all—-at this late date— "The idea that we were in it down the guard slots. J; T. Sea-running their total of touchdown State at Canyon and Texas West­ference. 1 obviously shows that at best the seems to have come from Texas. holm will be at hi? regular center passes to 27 last Saturday they West Texas to Meet Thor Gladirons' ern at SI Paso have agreed to al­Arizona and Arizona State Col­Marylanders are unenthUsiastic. "Of course, the* game is going-position. Snatched the Nevada 'mark of :\ios? Negroes to participate against lege at Tempo jgow free, to These two teams had been con­our stadium 1948. They did it( l>y scoring Cincinnati in Sun Bowl ate to be in so I guess ^Jheir teams. vv-Y v.; '• schedule future grid games with-Dean Smith, Bill White, Wayne Westinghouse sidered the leading prospects for it was only natural that we should "eight times on aerials-against gsff He said the subject was, also these schools, Arizona is already Sullivan, Ed Chambers, Bill Cal­North Dakota.. EL PASO, Nov. 21-~(SpL)r_r the game, to bs.played in Mary­be considiered." houn, and S. M. Meeks will see Sewing Machines r discussed with Texas Tech offi­seeking i.951 dates. West Texas State and 'the tJni­ plenty of backfield dpty. Wichita-Fall* for Price versity of Cincinnati said Tues­On defense, the Yearlings will day that they had accepted bids . WICHITA FALLS, ;Nov. 21— start Boyd Collins and Bill Brake to play in the annual Sun Bowl W—The Longhorn Club of Wich­ Now Have Kappa's, A Chi O Win game at ends, Zeb Furr and John Estes here January 1. ita Falls, composed of University • ' .1:. at.tackles, Ed Whilhelm and Jack West Texas is champion of the Do It Quickly-—Go%ily<—'Economically of Texas exes, Tuesday formally TIm Hirtlir —Srtii fl|iwijii'. v • wirtflt Crowns McMurry at guards, Seaholm arid endorsed line doach Ed Price as Border Conference. It' tafe won r in wrt «M Mi your kedr lotto M Paul Pierson at linebackers, with head coach at the University. eight games and lost one this .' M MUhfr. M arwmr rtrtw—li «r White, Gardere, and Meeks in the season. The Canyon team has u^M« (Mr Mt nrt 50% m 1 hwilwli. TkM,, Blair Cherry, present coach, is mwt rBgiow SOSi, Br LOUISE COLE backfield. resigning at the end .of the cur­one more to play, with Corpus _ Itmir vw h«v« M. Tm Ko*M*r rasiv;.V"".'." Women'i lntramttrol Writer• ~ Christi's University. BOTmBiBarent season. SVM4MR SMt .FWflU'WW' HMiCft iMfr MSM r It was a rough and tumble pa taking over on its 10. Fond-M thifl* MMmm 1ii«M lw>l»tl Hal ad Mfcai ims's'M) hi ftt wWH esnbM, grid.-battle afr the way-Tuesday ern^ passed to Jean-Richards for King Scouts Kentucky; as Kappa Kappa Gamma trampled a 45-yard gain, but ADPi inter­Steers Relume Training FREE EXAMINATION J Alpha Delta Pi, 18-0, to win the cepted the next pass shortly be­ Pflvat* and conf;cl«nf?aU No obligation.' While Cotton Bowl officials oTatige bracket championship in fore the. half. ' .Treatment* at low as |3^0. Hem* troat- scan the national scene for a Jan­FOR YOUR ACTIVE CAMPUS LIFE ... "Women's intramural' football.. ; On a series of multiple passes, irmiH •*« lau. Strict mon«y-badr guar- uary i "opponent for them, the aata*. Ofljce* #ar MEN *vOM6N. On. the opening kickoff Kap­ADPi worked the ball -down to Texas Longhorns plan to resume r Kt rt—!«••*Oa pa's,Ellie Fondren faked a hand the 35-yard line after the second >ractice Wednesday. after taking Arrow//Gabanaro/5PORTS shirts «—iS A ft) ' * Uf-*° off and passed to Betty Beasley" half kickoff, but Kappa Monday and Tuesday off;. for 20 yards. With the ball on on downs. Blair jCherry's Steers, South­ K the 30, Fondren passed to Beas­Fondern completed a long pass S2S UfHaflatd K|i^dii|ed..ca3!bE^llnai^^ A^3xxxaistiicak«: • ton Tuesday as he defeated Bob A pass from' Bowles to Dee Car­ for Bulletin C.: ' Long, 5 and 4. man was completed within a few Pinkston, representing Delta feet of the penetration area later %C«CA«CN ItflMO tOK UTAH TKAINHt& Kappa Epsilon, scored an upset but/ADPi held. 9NIVERSTY OF PtTTSBORBH * PltbhR|kn P«. when he bested the favored Long, Bowles pass to Jerry Renrier who represented Sigma Alpha Ep­set up the second score which 4­ silon. came in the third quarter. In Your Exact Collor Sim And SIeeve length! ..^ Sleeves too long? Collar too tight? Not a chance! This superb sports shirt is sized like your regularArrow shirts, so you can ask for yourexact collar size, your exact sleeve length, and be sure of perfectfit. Fine quality fsbardine ... really washable!continue In a wide choice of colors! * *5 95 ..m 4 ARROW SHIRTS '» vie| Siberia, in yote| which elected* state represent­board.—Governor Shivers, Secretary of (ff)—-Ufi Seventh Division troops ^ard M. Almond, eommande# ^f On the northwest front ative to a, district judgeship he didn't State Shepperd, and Attorney General jpfcftted ^e^WWteil Nations flag tha US Tei»th Corps, rode into fey- concentrations of , Cliittef^ m -^ on the icy banks of the Yaht Riv- even want. Paniel—should, the Texan, repeats: esanjin in ia jeep, Two other gen­North Korean Communists ^e^' er Tuesday in tiieir unopposed erals were hand—Brigadier . Now. that. Representative Vale has Delay acceptance off. the Duval votes. entry into the Kerean-Mancbu^an on Welding a defense line of fortified General llomer W. Kiefer, artil­ high points, This was $«tondid'«ar^ turned down the district juggeshity to ; Decline to approve Judge Reams aa border town ot> Hyesanjin. lery commander of the Seventii I seal off the V8 Pint O^rp^ itti' 111 elected to clear the way for his threat* After sweeipiftg through the cTe-and Brigadier General Hgnry which he was elected, largely as-a re* the RepnbHc og-Kory-Aieond. serted town, a tarik-pac^d column Hodes, assistant divisipn Com­ & suit or ws lio-to-l Write-in victory, in enecTauil; " , of the Seventeenth Regiment was mander. Corps—« tot«| fit 4k % and a brigade—-frofo approaching % Duval County, the State Election Board ' It necessary, send a state investiga­ ordered to pull baelt and dig into ^ The Generals fottnd a big sign within 80 miles of the bit internum ng which canvasses state votes • in Austin tory commission to Duval to check the good defensive hill posittons. : board sbowing a battle map iised ^on»T * Soiho; rief expense paid trip to New York, Jtebell and Whisnant were was Lieutenant " in a barrio called Calibunan. — sort of-specific action—that Delts, "only jfthe students answered them for our read­mention. They deserve much ' a screen test and radio and tele­robbed^tof $81 by two men Satur-Ojedm «n obaervar for the United Nations. He. was trained at tit* She wrote My. Dunn: may one day add up to hu­want it to!" • ers. Evelyn could Jhave simply more. -— \ vision appearances,— , flay night while returning from U.S. Army's-Infantry School at . "Children just go to school man brotherhood. And that's the essence of said there were no more tic­ Fort "Worth td Baylor after See­Fort Banning, Ga. •without eating their meals • • the thing. kets, but she spent time dig­Dr. J. M. Slaphona says he will ing the University of T«xas-TCU Until "Ojeda taken over, the lOtik and in school they will faint ging) Out the WHY of the protest to the Texas State Board football game. THE TOM CLARK chapter * • Combat Battalion will be because of hunger . . . not of Phi Alpha Delta legal fra­shortage.* of Health his "dismissal" from " '• • it \ THE Ameri­ Colond( oply the children are starring, our OFFENSIVE * firing of Mercy manded by LieutenantF voione* ternity has-called atten­can Medical Association gen* • the staff the Catholic Throo man: aacapod from Dar­Gamaliel Manikan, its also we teachers. We have tion to the details of the Law eralizations calling the Pres­Tom Toney, for covering Hospital in Brownsville for steri­lington iState Prison Farm ih the officer. 7«Nptiv» not received our salary for the October meeting, lising. a maternity patient, a School Honor System* ident's national health insur­A.AUP warden'e car at 5il5 Tuesday. In Manila,' Defense ' -uVCflilKJ; two (flow four) months al­Apropos of the Texan cam' ance plan "socialistic" and and Anne Chambers, for her Sister. Mary -Stanislaus, su­The Dallas sheriff's office was Magsaysay said the change ij|ready general Great Issues-coverage,-a,ine perior of, the Sisters of Mercy informed that two of the men "My school have paign for a University-wide > "un-'^nierican" must be" an» Command "was, wholly » PiOSbf <4 children whof operate the hospital, denied were from Dallas^. swered. -were -given honorable mention pine actuin." •system, the chapter^jsaid thatno clothing also. After three in the news writing contest. , the best_e*aiaple i^ found ! Under the plan, employe or four days of schooling, they . THAT'S LIFE T h e Committee--thoughtright under out nose^—under and employer would contrib*become so odorons that you Gene Ehrlich showed excep­To the Editor:could hardly go near them .,. the hill. \ f -v ute otfe-and-one-half per cent tional ability in turning out a . . . We sent for our tickets ta I'm suffering of beri-beri be­Examinations are given of the worker's income below comprehensive report on the . cause maybe of inadequate without supervisibn—by pro­$4,800. The money would be the TCU-Texas game last July. •v Texas-Arkansas game in the diet ... -fessor or quiimaster. Students" .{collected by the federal gov­ We received tickets good for seats, Texan October 22 issue. Close be­ ernment and turned back to Rtsum "My children could hardly may leave the room when they hind and receiving honorable , on the zero yard line. Then Fri-. buy a pencil and paper. Un­like—-for coffee or to collect the local unite for payments mention were Bob Seaman, day there were 40-yard line til now only one-half of the their' thoughts! After the ex­of doctors. " for his Rice game coverage, tickets available in Fort Worth Aparfment for Rent clash could write their names. am each student sighs an hon­Patients could choose their that the University' of Texas For S#le Roommata Wanta< please lend us a helping to violations, but-be guaranteed; hospitals tees tutoring math, Engltah, rminfi. deal with Estes Jones, Texan Amuse­MRS. JAMES L. CLEMENTS raaulta hand?" J would not be meddled with. I«t^n, 8panUk 7-4560. 'ka®^,8a« Trfbi at X70< Hvaeaf or mom Phi Alpha Delta says infrac- • Houston, Texas ments Editor, received the top - .Under the sta|us iquoi'tiased ' •Vih MidaEKB award in the reviewing field " t on the AMA's own bureau of Th« tielcota on *al* at.gams . Board 8 4 28c. RKOORDE0 for his review of "Hipsy Boo." « Poekat-booh adlt&ma, i»a, economics analysis in 1939, tine w«» thoaa not purchaaod *—Faahkro, Homa-Gardan, All--lor all oce One of the judges wanted to ' *l«a. 8-8418. THE D TEXAN four out of every five Ameri­ from tha block of tickata sat U*ed Ma«a*ln«a, i«o» SpMdway. Pboaa know if the show was really Z*B939. can . families can not meet aaido for Uaivaraitjr itadnti. UNIVERSIT5 MINI as good as Critic Jones had re? " fk:'VV" serious illness costs without Ed. Maala family atyla. Soma madk roSa BjnOK BUpisR WrartlbW 19477'.7 "•**. £**!»• « imnkpn of Th» UntrmitT of Taxai. %po#ted. The concensus: it wa*-; a-jd nlaa a apeolalty. • «*?•»* In appaaranea and oMabanlibaaMkl If i* Au«Un «v«ry moralntt axe«»t Monday and Saturday, outside aidt MRS. HOWARD PAINS condition. Saa at 8408 Grovar. 4 hk>3tabloi HAmcWtt T8a . -_J*. axeapt _ Gompertz's of waat of Chiekro 8baek. 4°7 -Un.*( «od -duHrii holiday and examination Only,:one out of two South­Ken review S40S Baton 1 blocka waat of camptta. All . and bi-WMUi durln* tlw> ivnmw Maaioaa undar tba~tiuir of "Dear' Brutus" and Bob GVES3 AGAIN ' Phpna 8-9171 day Sunday. . I Sums Taonn oa TaMday aadiFHday by Taxaa Stadaat PvbUea-ern mothers can afford or re* tion*,Ioe. ' Smith's movie critique, of .ceive needed child-birth care. To the Editor: ' i6*' , .by Mapboaa (14411) or at "Destination Moon" both j : S Loather Goods fo r a tb* •ditorlal offfoa J.B 1, or at tht N|iw*a Laboratory, J.B. 102. Inqnlriaa Nine of the ten states with* pleased the judge*—because "The people are about to reap TT Spacial Sarvicat 4*«l»a»» aad adnnrtfateii aboald mad. la J.B 101 the highest maternal death Coaching COWROV ;BOOTS, hata. Mta. bolatara; they felt that the reviews their election harvest," reads the" taddlaa. bridla*. All taatbar good* " «,K «»* •»' -MM MM Ml rate in 1946 were Southern " opening sentence of your lead' Jf*4; .^7,^«r> Waatarn. BAV*1 Wa areata: > were honest arid accurate^ OO ACHING, fmeb* states.; -;*• -' ^ .: tranalatlona. Capitol Saddlary. 1814 «ara for yoar eai editorial for November 21. Then Oarman. Stiton 2309 San Antonio, In the.low-income states of Ma.ry Ann you say the "mandate frtom the­t-8711. v ^-'7': 7 ^sss^tmEAPrTbo^r . w «*K»d-«J*aa toattw,O#tob» i«. l»4l at th« Poat Offie* at Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, B ea um ier Aattfau Tw. OBdat tb« m%ot March «• tm, thought the Committee, gave? people" is making Republicans, COAOH1NG FRENCH mvarlaacad. Tala-•4r' ' and South Carolina, the death and Southern Democrats in the' pbona 2-2180. «—8. 'Cloth jacket, gray, on tha bat* ^ ^ AKSOCIAITED PRESS WIRE SBRVICS -3""— _the Texan's readers the best tla jacket, ordar with Mil bottom. II rate among women in child' feature of the month—on Roy. coming lame duck session oppose; 'MATH, R. M. Randla. 8109 Grai^dTlew. found mU T.SSSft R«mi4 offartd. birth is three times as high •75 per eent tax on excess profits; -8-1188. • V . : -7 -7 . -' • Bedichek. To please the read­ as in Connecticut, Minnesota* Maybe so, but let us not forget COACHING: Frroch, Gatman. Rnailaa. feature move .and Rhode Island. ^ * ers a must taachar. Pkona , 7-1,409. quickly and give an over-all. it is the present Congress (Lucas, mm 8AMJJ* PKN. Individual ta* fo. In four Idw-income states, ENGLISH! All clmaaea. Expert belp by tH*ass. f^ook at a short glance. This Myers, Tyding*, et al) who will abUdma Moetbly. hourly rataa. il* Mn. 60 of 100 babies died in their axparla^cad teacher wltb Maatar'a dc< compose this session and ntft those' gt*m from Unlvaraity al Texaa. For first year, compared with ' who the voters • to tak^ appolntnant call 2-1884. &S8»rm' elected TYPISTS' POOL? XqNVt tyvhrte. to 30 babies j^ec 1,000 live their places ... ^ DOWNTOWN KlNpCRGARTEN. N«r» at«. 8-474? e«aobkCaT ****** CenagiMo: IWMi ; in, four high-income Dancing , aaty. _Iat. >«ada baby aitttag. «0a births I 4ori't think 'thinking Am«rii»: „CartlScaAH tajwbar. day tS.80, TY states. ^ hall, W.CQ. waakly. 400 Eaat 2nd. M»|; cans are feaxftd for this nation's LEARN TO DANCB IfaHa. etTKmMSfk:Twenty-two stetes prohibit icia future" as you suggest. tha-Ballroom olaaaaa. |l IroTuntaxy plans unleffi they If , S»f| PJB. I boar , Ropms For Ran* HM^^ge 'PBlTaraity-stria traa>­ "vsrss*. uss^uroatnRATES are controlled by organized this might be ferae. A complete-AWETTB DHVAl DARUB STUDIO T4UL medicine. At present, 86,000,^ lOtb, and Coasraaa.. :• v * P-A Mran n SaMart0ttei>»-tttM* mobtte> • Democratic ^ictoty would hSVe---Pbona >.»»!! at S«tMSjg§;e j pgswii 000 Americans have NO PRO* oipceA suited you fijie, RUSlNRSS GIftLS GRADUATB 1 Par month, maiiad ta. town and yet you areL t -maiMl out «f ^town. -• :»o TECTION agsinst cvippliDg among the .mariy vrtio are advo-; PurnUhad Apartmanfs STUDENTS " •* M isosts of m catinjf a strong two-party systeiinltM! barira room, and eloeata. 1 block TTJ5S^wbpSSS8w»R SI BLOCK" UNIVERSITY—Roya, coupla, 'J-V;.- : Young couplni, 1v#-lneom«T > Intardlbmff borrowing witl ba aos' as ptovidbiff th* besfc system . of|| lly aev nrara, w"v yj PERMANENT STAFF f' .or middle-income -families ?«»ded for »« period Dee«»ib«r 16 to U .\y> r. j Editor-fai-CliIof . January 8, baeauaa of crowded holiday checks . and balaiices;.'govfWM^ ARFFIU.R.AIVC'F SAFIAaiiiciaoc] i < 5'JI J 4 • • » ' Associate Editor ILU-i CHARS tewblI feS 1 me&t... ... • ^ffM4€e • tin ^ ., -Editorial Assistants .Bob g«U«, jKbSw to te tha HnmanftUa Baadlac Offiea -Finally, it is dear you are notfeW.,If-, ^ -Ail * OaoenW 2. 1* " ' enly;using tha Texan as a atep-i.^ For Salt TYPtNO Naat «ork. W» CNews Editmi Claude 1*86* rt___ ^nar and «m>N M' soamm <#­ BM U s -Night a Ifttnc mast b* done. tail Wi mr xm ROYAJL nt*. tm Ut ;ea»dMate/l>esuf-r4ti||; •^e» wlwHeMa eeeb Hue iiiiliaiiliy $, ***' ••• 11950 THE DAILY TEXAN P»g« •AVH&a &ZZ » ' < 'A*, t- Cossack Chorus *ri«^ To Meet Nov. 29 \ The rafters of Gregory Gym •sfe Folkloritt to Tell are' scheduled to ring, on Monday. -The Southwestern Section of conference, fie will speitk' on Negro Ufa in US the American' College Health As­"What Can We Do to Prepare The Don Cossack Chorus, « group sociation 'will begin College Successful of Americanized Russians, is due its meeting Students for Mason at to give one — -:r -• > :. ••.•:• v >v.t^*vw.wj&-^r-H» •. .• .• _<•• , J. Brewer, American November 29 8:80 a.mk and Marriage?". and "Hokum in the of their famed re- Sara Hay McCampbell will Methodist Cfoorch by tbe-Revi. Negro folklorlst, will lecture Sat­end.lnt 11:00. a.m. November 80. Hygiene Program/' ^ f " citals. ^ t ,ty •4 marry Dudley Fowjer on Decem-Marvin 8.'Vance. urday, December 2, at 8:15 p.m. It will, meet in Texas/Union 816 Admission to this concert, *pon- Other University participants -s'S­ L fee* 28 *t tfc* First Methodist The bride is a graduate of Aus­in the Minte Building Recital and 316. w»ll incltrde Margaret Peck, as-sored by the Cultural Entertain­ of Cwrpua Cbristi. J ^ . tin High School and the Univer-' Hall. There will hino admission ftesistxntion. will be headed by 'sistfnt .d^sn^ of women; Dr. Carl ment Committee, is free to Blan­J sity, where she was a Chl Omeg^u fee for students. . , Dr. Caroline Crbwell, University Bredt, assistant dean of student ket Tax holders. The genenU tfon major at the University end Mr, Cummins, BBA, is also a Mr. Brewer, current* redeltrch physician and section president. life; Dr. Thomas Blackwell, clini­admission to the public is $1.20, it, m ttetnber of Kappa .Alpha graduate of the University and is director of Samuel Huston College Dr. T. S, Painter; president of cal psychologist; Dr. George M. Theta sorority and Mortar Board. nowMV FT WW*VKl ilTUl in the University, will welcome the Decherd, director, of^ the Student ,' AKOH»> 'OVAV* lltj *»«U WI,V«*M HIMVVMIWU V^IC qj Austin,-wtu hora. inGoliad, associated wifK the firm of AUSTIN £tt SBe wasnamed (^dfellowm the andjjfush.; - reared in Austin, and educated, visitors. Dr. Thurman B. Rice, Health Service; and Eleanor J. v "!/ $ Cactuslast year* -k " ^ * '*•%-{ ;'% it Wiley College and the Univer-; professor at Indiana "University McDonald, epidemiologist at the WELDING A , VWi. The bridegroom-to-be"ktil a 8efr Lamont Moore and <&aries _ tfiti^s of Denver",'"Colorado, and will be the main speaker for the M-D. Anderson Hospt&t In Hous* RADIATOR ^'•iittid year law etadent and a men- dan Parker, both ,of San Antonio, Indiana. ton. « ,Works,W.. off,iPhi Gamma Delta will b :45 p.m.-Sam Gibbs. University JHOHt 7-J766 rstudent, will be moderator of the discussion. "LOVE THAT BRUTE" & V;®S?^iai;|iontlaa:9il m '"Jean Peters Dr. Oliver fo Lead Forurrj Monday STARTS TODAY In'Meet the Whisel' "Can I G^t An Education atLOVE? ebrto MUSIC! The University of Texas?" will be the subject of an informal talk and discussion to be led by Dr. John Oliver Nelson in the second r./t c ' •'(" J S? "Meet the ' Wheel" program on DPI\[ l\ THFXTRtS Monday in the lounge of Uni­ versity Presbyterian Church. TWO SHQWS NIGHTLY The program will start at 7:30 Feature Start# at 7 p. in. p.m. and is-open to the public. Coffee w^ll be served. ^"CINDERELLA' Dr. Nelson, a professor at Yale Divinity School, spoke in Austin A Wall Dluiey Feature mm last' November at the annual Srv-^ Reefing -of the Presbyterian Stu­ "THE BLACK dent Association. Last April he. •mw "• JtertSE** was guest speaker at the Westp mm minster Student'fellowship Rer 'ower treat at Me Banch. Monday even­ m»ouk ing's program is being sponsored m _ VERY by this group. M *0 A MODERN ADAPTATION " v- Make the tobacco Lowers A\ Ana Birth ^ OF PUCCINI'S. -.4 Farlev Granger*Joaa Evans QUALITY i?1 ri )£* , "THE BLACK HILLS" •^LABOHEME'* PRICED MODERATELY . -• Eddie< Dean :'W MILIIESS TESMOIRSElf# f "BREWSTER'S Fish & Chips ) MILLIONS" JhVST S11SST//V Dennis O'Kccfe, "TOBACCOS THAT $Mll MILDER SMOKE HIMEIT' mms ^ ^lConv«nt#ntiy Located ^nm­ H4an Walker • 'M m XW:M? -c" In Color ftf, 1 2706 Guadalu "DYNAMITE PASSW^I f 'ANCrPANJS" ' Tim Holt til* YES.i.Compare Chesterfield with iHcs brand ytifu've been <,t. Shrimp a specialty .. I iW -p^DeJaveaUd' • GOLDEN BROWN smoking.^.Open a pack...smell that milder Chesterfield mmJ •5 Fried Chicken J?#?'"! aroma. Yro\p-tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder.'' in $|00 Now smoke Chesterfields-rtey do smoke mildgr, ...Si'i, v'A-y ••mj. S-ITI0 _ mm .end they leave NO UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE. /' "«F«ACK KOSE" I1JSON •B techaiceiojr ntLAMT. rm."I'.^aUk fll'PIII* TjrroncPower ^3^ ftJmuxt AND fMiOrum W«Um miot'ouT*.** mm-! IE SLAVE, STAMPEDE" Joan Leslie Jaw—Cralf •t 6 « .»t 8 O'C'M fl1TA Car Wash Co; AU IU. 22l$.Camar "yV ;-;y jAtv...,c ^ a. a ­