mmm nr ssESs^wSiSisj X rs* t i A W| i ^, « v>. mn •§' IWfs ri** ra f .« !/^%s#1 * wmm «*«,•> Community'^ygs& 2ft J<* mmi® Iforcit -ft < 'N '' r diJi&y ww­ m~c. w„ *%>*' tfpl Vv-.-^f. .-. £•?!ftc:,Vi^-•>.--' »i .-,•« « 4p$ H-fo>*f no So vf lr J']K<^$*l8fes0S *ii« pw AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESOAYTNOVlMBER 21, 1950 Six Pflgw Today iSMI s gSSffifc. £Sfr. IISll &7-'*SS The first RaHy Committee meet-ceive those stamped "Flash Card ham, Adair Dyer, Gordon Edwards, ing will be held at 8 p.m. Tues­Section." Those V not 'wishing^ to Curtis E, Eklund, Marshal Feirier, day In WaggenerHall 401, B. R, participate should return these tic­Virginia Ferrier, Phil Fuget, Shel­Barfield, chairman, said Monday. kets and Trifcbdraw. No student will ley Furr, 'Don . Gninn, CarolynThe committee, .organized to be forced to sit in the section. '• J'.jl Grissom, Rosemarie Griffi^» Jeajir . . , ;... . . Officials to Attend handle the work for the card Students assuming a great por­ine Griffitts. . After extensive discussion, the the . University Chapter of the The CouncU endorsed the prin-tration for the summer stunts at football games, Will first tion of the responsibility for the Also Jack Hensleyi Wally Hen­TIL Breakfast six-point faculty salary and bene­American Association of Univer­ciple of the resolution, said Dr. Studenta will still be able t* appear at the Aggie same on success of the card stunt section derson, Al Hildreth, Robert. Wil­ fit resolution and pre-registration sity Professors were passed by -M. R. Gutsch, secretary of the In San Antonio obtain registration materials and Thanksgiving Day. , are the seme 70 selected ioi Ral-liam Hoge Jr., Lemox Jenkins, recommendations -introduced by the Faculty Council Monday* / Council, but further action on it "Rally Committee membership ly Committee membership, subject Joan Jester, Eddie JohngbB. MgF ChftHtfellw J^MCT P. Hart Will must be carried out by time assignments in advance of. is an honor which students will to assembly approval. They are: tha Jean Kiel, Stuart Klein, Betty speak on Education—A Realis­dent and Board of Regents. the regular registration, by maiL ™ . ~:"»ha*e'a chance to earn," said atu-Barfield, chairman; Buddy Ber­Koppel, Terry Leary, Billie Luck-tic Preparation for Citizenship" at . Legislative action and constitu­aa heretofore. However, formal - dent presidentLloyd Hand. "The ry ~and jack Kenney, assistant ett. the 28th annuel Texas Interscho-tional amendment will be required adyising on course programs ^ywork will require, a sacrifice, o1 chairmen; and Bill Bates, ituntj-Also Ahii"Mayo, Wallace Ed­l®8tic League breakfast in San An~ for certain points of the resolu­ faculty members and sectioni^ng time and energy in order for the d©signer; Frosty Adams, Bud ward l^cGee, Kayr.McKnight, Mary. tonio Friday. Approximately 200 tion, he said, and perhaps consul­ vtfll be done as part of tha re» ­ stunts to be successful." —— Baldwin, J. J. Barker, Don Beihl, Lea Mitchell, Henry T. Moore Jr., are expected to attend the break­ tation of an insurance company gular registration just preceding' Hand stresses the fact that-any Helen Blount, Gail Campbell-, Rob­Randy Moore, David'Moss, Virgin­fast in the Gunter Hotel at; 7:30 for point five. ^ ia Nichols, James Nickerson, Phil « members missing two consecutive ert Cantu Jr., Henry Caserta, Cin­a.m. The resolution requested salary the beginning of classes for arnr The" purpose of the breakfast McDonald .Astronomical Obser­McDonald Observatory, but will semester or summer aeiiioB^^^^ • meetings without a valid excuse dy Chamberlain, Toni -Corwin, Piteer, Betty Potter, Al Quinn, vatory, located in Fort Davis, and -visit it during the year, said'Dr. increases for all University"per­ will be dropped from the commi-Hoyt Craig, and Patty Crow. ' Dolores Russell, Ellen Saylors, meeting is to give an opportunity jointly operated by -the-Univer­Ervin J. Prouse, asslstant profes-sonnel; extension of health ser-"We hope"we have retained fh* to public school administrators to good point and cut down tha toA« tee rolls, and their positions filled Also Pat DaCamara, Jack Dan­John Seal, Frances Schneider. hear top leaders in Interscholastic sities of Texas-and Chicago, Will sor of applied mathematics and vlce facilities to staff members; fusion," said Byron Shipp, newlyfrom the 300 surplus applications. iels, Preston Dial, Randy Docker-Also Clough Shelton III, Mike League work. have a new director January 1. astronomy at the University. increased old-age retirement pro­ elected director of regisstsration Further, those not showing neces­by, Robert T. Dugan, Frank Dun-Shirley, Jerome Statman, New- : Among the director's duties will tection; an on-campus faWt too '86 Texas Negroes are enrolled in Plans *or a special dormitory nal organisms. proud. for 200 votes, Steele said, '-al* a medical 'school at Nashville, for mature students, graduates, The election, which has 'been though write-on candidates are «n­ con­ Dr. J. T. ,, Tenn., and the $15,000 required and married students were run in tha past to benefit Campust for this education is not paid by sidered by the Graduate Students Wreck Victim Chest, will raise money for APO's couraged. However, official «»n- Club at their meeting Friday night campus didates will ba honored with % the state.. Only two Negroes jira Transferred to Dallas recently-created emer­ A. tentative committee was set pre-election monster rally to-f^f« school -Galveston gency fund. This' fund wiH be in the at on them a chance to generally Stale money the report ahows. -up to investigate situations at Sherry Royster, SMU student held in store tontil some worthy "It is up to tiie people of Texas schools which have graduate and injured in i train accident!near or iieedy cauae presehti itselfT" aaeh other, Staala aaid. ' ^ Just as a remembrance ef %th« married Atudents' dorms. Dr. J. -T. Patterson, distin­ fo decide Whether they want,mch Pflugerville^ following the UT-Bat there's more than a several that have. come, to. Dr. J^lationaL Academy of Sciences in "We've even talked to rorae "cause" to work for, Steele told election, the "Ugly Man" witf baguished professor of zoology, has Patterson as, a result of his var­1M1. a study made . . . and if w;e are architecture students and teachers SMU game, left Brackenridge Hos­given the largest loving eup on been notified by the National Aca­ to solve tile questions lit the Texan. He's corralled' Auatin ious publications--' He was among Som,e recent visitors to Dr. Pat­ready about thfe design;", says. Bob Al pital Monday for Dallas* merchants into' pledging * over the campus, which hia orgmUxa^ demy of Sciences that he has been terson's genetics, laboratory have a Democratic way," Mr. Mosley £ The' girl was transferred by am­ tion may keep for a year. Thia cop awarded the Daniel Giraud Elliot the first group of faculty mem­ bert, president. .' • $150 worth of merchandisesvand concluded. \; ; brochure, containing Baylor Hospital will rotate until one organisation been Dr. A. B. da Cunha of the A perti­bulance to for servicea to tiib winner of tiia dab- Gold Medal for 1947. Though pre­bers elected to distinguished pro­• Also to be handed in with the further recuperation. wine it any three yean., > University of Soa Paulo, Brazil; nent information, will be submit­ious' honor. sented annually, several years are fessorships, wta elected president Dr. Daigbro Moriwaki of the Hok-legislative council's report is the ted to the Board of Regents after •Miss Royster said that the Long-And dates With camptls queens' , Sigma Phi Epsilon keepingrequired to determine the value of the American Society of Zoo­casoof collegejteachers pay, Dan-the trophy shined this, year for; yo Metropolitan University, Ja­ a careful survey of poBsibilitiea horn Sand members sent her can­ate Also in store for 1950's "l^rly of published research work.. logy in 1939, vice-president of tiie pan; Dr. A. Buzzati-Traverso of iel'L. Miller, president of T.S.T.A., for such a ^rm here and success dy, cards, and flowers during her Man," Steele promised. , the second time, Both times it ,waa"Dr. Patterson was given the AAAS in 1941, first constitutional the Institute of. Genetics, Pavia, announced. : of the dorms'in other schools. stay at Brackenridge. "Aa in all crooked elections, won by f'Ugly Ed" Andrews. Sfculk award in recognition of his con­president of the International So­Italy; and D*. D. A. Gustafsson 1 • Delta Phi won it tiM aaeond yaarn|tributions to genetics, particularly by running Bobby Gold. Ka&g^ Vf ciety for the Study of Evolution of the Institute of Genetics, Sva­his papers on "Isolating Mechan­ia 1947, and to membership i® the lof, Sweden. of the two la in school isms" contained in Volume V, "Anything goea in this ele< "Studies in the Genetics of Dro-as long aa it is allowed hyytotr. aophila," issued by the University University," Steele said* , vw it Prew, Preeentatioo tHU be madt wnu>t the comnanio«'la aettineup-'# at-the annual meeting of the Aca­such?flexible• rules aa "Ko v demy in Washington, D.C.,. o» tionaoriag wtthitt t*r&|a«t^ ,tx April 23-2S, 1951. Established in 191?,' the medal , XamV«ii'Itr^u Disr Will tion > Commission 'ara has been awarded to 80 scientists, Brue^, Stowdj* . CSmmI* ing -aeveraL foreign acho« A University fraternity will Cowboys, sponsor of the fire. Any Goldsmith, and Stanley 9Co4a. i lira. It is given/annually "to th| have to pay $pr the damage d6ne group that wins three times may mor, and originality, Charles Del-at which time all wood-to of "an essay or other worfc to 840 vegetable crates and 809 keep the cup. So far Phi Kappa phenis, Silver Spur color commit­judged must be oat-Freshman 'upon some branch of zoology cor crate lida stolen for tha A&M bon-Psi has won twice, Lambda Chi tee chairman. aaid. -Fiald, '• palMntblo^'p^lfiiEed durii^ tha jSra from the '-City Market early Alpha twice, and Delta' Tau Delta Deadline for regigtratlon in the ; 4. Because offire regulation^ •year aa in the opinion of tha • Holland, deaA of Sunday, Jack once.. This is the fifth year of the sign contest is 5 p.m., November no wood may be accumulated any­ judges shall be the most meri$pi|, men. said. contest. 2$ at the Dean of Men'a office where within the city limita ex­ ious and worthy ojt honor." ,y£i1 "The A&M came, when it is 3ack gte»J«, :«hairmair ;the iii. B Hall. cept on freshman Field. • Dr. Patterson /taught" courses in Austin is a focal point wood gathvring committee, said Monday, ip the deadline for • 5. The cup will be awarded on the develojnnent of goneties for iB students' activities,". Dean that the groups CM bring their groups to register for the wotod Wednesday night at the pep rally.froife 1912 to 1920, and shifted Holland said. If tha group is re­wood on tha field starting Qatar-gathering contest Fraternities Judges for. #»e contest are • Tama JBN^oi^nr HBfaJjm -his Research interest to this field ported again, it wiH not be allowed day, November 26. 1 • baslv. back s that hxv« registered are Theta Dean Holland, W. D. Blunk, mt­ [ '' in 1927. fa 1928 he was made dt- to participate in this or next year's Steele urged all groups to bring Xi, Phi Gamma Delta, Chj Phi, sistint* to tha dean of student *T at a "Goo* Witt •r bonfire competition, he said.' wood for the fire whether they Alpha Tan Omega, and Acacia. Ufa, and Dorothy Gebaqsr, dean in,.this position/haa )>een mainly _ The crates were taken from entered the contest or-, not. He Rules for tha wood gathering of women. Alpha phi Omega and b--az«:lwvii^tO'; wear raaponsible ior tHe davriopWUnt Karl Kemp of T08 Sixth Slreet.­ taaCowbo; abak ft*-"of thepre Austin poliee, who recovered the eral organizations staeking Wood 1, The coal after the ^pmalaghrfag gama» /•hiow regarded as one of the crataa Sunday morning, aaid. The within tha city limits. If this is Nofepb«*.2& The and most distinguished of it* ftudenta. adntitted that they hjKl ' kind in the world devoted to taken .them for • the pre-A&k be^ft^aified freshman Field in sej^7te>'fcs. at their formii dance Wed»6­game konfire. j,*>r . rtudy of basic fesearetu , Another group contfest 4h^con­Each participating"group wjll pro-day, November 29. Judging for tha REALLT M .as, " that collects the mo«t nection with tha game is the Sil-^wat^raanforita contest will " iiMW* »itm ver Spar siga aoatwt Th% Htm MfttUplMM « Frosh Scrimage LAMFII RBCH WmmWM ««•» M Fork B^hl'G^nii iss© Dj,"!!1"1""?1 ^ . »W?ii it SMU-Baybr. Gam* A rejuvenated 'Texas Ye"arl{ng Thursday pftamoen ta CMIefe*•* iiVMUM SPMad. Colorado (upset), if thay~anap football through a on tia* University cxmpn*. It Oklahoma's 29-gam* victory string Tops Week's Slat* squad went Station. long scrimmage session Monday Offense, with, Donnie Smith il WoUiwt Saturday. That's a whopper of an NEW YORX, The Sooners were seeond last gest shuffle-was-Ohio -State's drop The winning of the Sputhwest in preparation .for their annual Masterminding from hi* T-qua«* ihaaitsiHrwi bid—thanks Jy how*ver.• > ' ' r "V ; week., 1. v» a?' WiJ&ii^uKSB-^fromK-Zr firstj5ItoZXeighth.T Z r r ! — — f -? -tkiirfmTOe^—eh^tiron^in^Jaat.,T _tm m masterminamg irom ftW X- Oklahoma xeomed into first pla?e week by the Texas LonghornsT?^^^^wnteBt^i^-;-th4terbacl^ot,4^^e_J^a i *fighting, andsrdog Kit* team Thfch there arels^i^dark' tor. iii tbe Associated -Press Football Army fest firsUptftce Wp'pori as • After the first three'came. Cali­ Aggie Fish. wtau) now averybody wants to loser only to Maryland. The Spar* surprised most people but it the defense 'Monday—the' Yaarl-: Poll Monday with 173 of 388 first-it shaded Stanford, 7-0, in a mud fornia, Texas, Illinois, and Prince­ings' last rough work beforv ih* 1mWr Who the tMghozUi^ will tana, "who have finished their sea­place votes. Ohio State, last .week's .battle'but the Cadets picked up was followed by caught the Cotton Bowl officials Coach Buddy Jungmichel's ton. Ohio State freshman Gridders look the mens-Thanksgiving battle* ' '•atafet i*tb» GWfcea Bo*l «* l«n-son* are first-year member* of the. leader, tumbled to eighth after its enough points to advance a notch TemiesieV and Michigan State in completely off guard. was Bit Ten Conference iiieligible to Very little had been done about ure of tha TCU Polywogs last Big Tomie Ward back to loss to Illinois. • from last week's position. Only that order.j Only' Michigan State the Taxas play-compete for athletic titles this Powerful Oklahoma, unbeaten 86 put Army first compared to 72 choosing an opponent for" the Thursday, "26-13, for -their first the fullback position, replacing has completed its schedule. victory of the year. Wayne Sullivan, who suffered a em would moat like to get hold year; ' in 28 ^straight . games, ran away a week ago. Conference winner since, it was ( Oklahoma (8-0) has two more badly bruised hip. early An the. „ «i is Oklahoma, w&o handed t&? Since they, didn't get a shot from the other contenders with Kentucky drew attention with not.expected that ,the race would For the first time this season, games to play. Aftar ita tast with Polywog game. oidy iowr-this-Tiwr-at thr^twe Borwt bid, « Big Ten a total or2,964 pdtttts, 62rb«tt«r itar SS-O TOtit of North Dakota, be decided until the * A&M-Texas the Yearlings'will be the favorites sixteenth-ranked Nebraska Satur­ mm i*-t*. jgg;mgwgt-&&$ Conference vote might allow the than runner-up Army moving from fifth to a strong game November 30. when they, take on the Fish Besides Sullivan, the Yearlings day, the Sooners wind up with However, the choosing commit­J ; stillt have seven men on the in«* k M tka qu«s?ioii '14'NrUl' the Spartans to step out January 1. More than half of thefootball third place with 66 firsts. Oklahoma A&M. Army (8-0) plays : " 2-v.. . fJX*".'. -V' Princeton, undefeated eastern writers and sportscasters ranked There were no changes in the tee is now working hard on the jured list—six of whom will lika­ iBowiaw condescend to , playing Navy December 2 in its last game. itosxa* again? f \ Fower, is a questiJh mark. A Oklahoma in the Number One spot top ten .membership. Four teams matter and an opponent should Detective Isbell ly miss the A&M trip. Starting There's really no reason why member of the unofficial lv£ after ita 41-7 romp over Missouri. held the same positions. The big­ vM/ Kentucky (10-0) tangles with be chosen in the next week or right halfback Pete Gardere ibeague, Princeton's stand on post­ninth-ranked v Tennessee (8-1) in two. Leading contenders are ex­Always Gets came, up with an upset stomach , tfcay should. The Sooners would season games is not known. „ Saturday's most important game. pected to be Oklanoma, Kentucky, over the week-end, but he'll be b%ve absolutely nothing to gain It will be Kentucky's finale but Tennessee and Nebraska. set to go Thursday. and jrianty to lose, They've al­Texas, naturally, would like to Tennessee also must play Vander-The Longhorns, who won their Hrs Man Center David Mays, guard Joe play Army, but in past years, the ready beaten as (fairly and "Army policy has been to turn bilt December-2. Tennessee pol-fifth consecutive league victory "" WACO,^^ Nov-20—Lar-McDonald, tackle Larry Fagan, aquarely ) once this'year and do islted off Migsippi, 86-0, last 3ut^ by whipping TCUp--S,t^p""-twfr -ry Isbell is wot-only a smart down ail bowl oflers. Therirtrnft and ends Clifford Polk, James log it again would" mean nothing Urday^to hold its ninth ranking. Monday off and mil also rest quarterback and topnotch pass­ indication that they will change j Gist, and Walter Bond are prob- to the home folks. Is San Francisco threw quite a Tuesday. Wednesday they will be­er for the Baylor bears in tjfre ably out for the season. their policy this year. ~If the Oklahoma team lost, how­ scare into California (9-0) before gin work for the Aggie game. Southwest Conference football indicated ever, they'd lose an awful lot of -The nthere are BOme dark hor­ Meanwhile, Arkansas is making race, but is a pretty fair detec­Coach -Jungmichel ses that must be considered such Donald Andersons, knocked off Phi Kappfc PEI and Alpha Pi Mon­the Bears finally won, 13-7. Stan­that moving. of quarterback Hub tm» .unnecessarily. ford is the only barrier in Cali-! ready for its final game against tive too. ­ Another question an undefeated CjgmBon and Wyoin-Walter Wukasch Monday evening day, but 'the Phi Psi's had the Ingraham to end is a permanent concerning to become the I960 intramural largest number of corner kicks, fomia's path ^ri;hr Rose Bowl;— -Tulsa Thursday at Tulsa. —Isbell and another Baylor shift because of the large number, ihoma is:, Will thjsy play in ing, - Rice's Owls will take on TCU • ^officially, an • and won. Texas (7-1), a 21-7 winner over student, Wallace Whisnant, of injuries to ends. Any bowl? Oklahoma officials have the selection of champion. at Houston Saturday after giving found and caused the arrest of Texas Christian, has two to pla$ Indicated they prefer to by-pass opponent is out of University of­Wukasch, the church titlist, " Dorm H fell to the Turkish Between 15,000 to &Q,000 fans went down Anderson, —rTexas A&M November 30 and Texas -aLbig boost last; week by two Nebraska men the bowls this year, but they will ficial's hands, but they'll likely before Club, 2-1, and Alpha Tau Omega waloping A&M, 21-13, The Owls who1 they are expected for the game Thurs­ , Louisiana State December 9. But $61 Sat­ be consulted as the selection the frat champ, 15-9, 15-8. edged Lambda Chi Alpha, 1-0. said robbed them of >-l«»v* the final decision up to the In soccer Monday, scoring came University Christian sneaked they hare already clinched the are reported to he in better physi­urday night. -day—-all proceeds from which go along. . into the Shrine's (rippled chil­ and Isbell and Whisnant were playen. surprisingly easy^-for 'ihtrsmural past Newman Club' in overtime. Southwest Conference crown cal condition now-than in several re­ * The players will"probably t vote Texas athletic director, Dana a Cotton Bowl appearance. weeks. turning from the Texas-TCU dren's fund in Austin. soccer, that is. At the! end of the regulation game, for the holiday trip* , X. Bible, and coach Blair Cherry Illinois' upset of Ohfc State, SMU and Baylor meet in the football game Saturday night. Although the. Aggie Fish have submitted a preferential list oi Arab Student Association drub­the count was knotted, 1-1. had a poqr season, losing to the .^,V'V Second choice for the Long- Hillel Foundation rolled over 14-7, brought its season record to Cotton Bowl Saturday in a gfame They were waiting in a car on bed South Central Texas, 7-0, in ? '1hii>n>'s opponent ia likely to be opponents last week. 7-1. Wisconsin was the only team that will go a long way toward de­the Corsicana highway while TCU freshmen by a 60-0 margin the highest scorer of the night. Wesley Foundation, 2-0, arid the . either Kentucky or Tennessee, The Cotton Bowl selection com­ to defeat Illinois, 7-6, in early ciding the battle for second place. two companions went into a in one game, Coach Jungmichel is close was No-Names the mittee will , not even meet to dis­Running on scoring defeated Whitis ' who tangle 1Mb Saturday. Ken­ Latin Americas' 6-0 triumph over-Wiltcats by the same score with season. Northwestern is the final Each of these * teams as well as cafe; looking for a close game. cuss; the matter until Wednesday Rice and A&M could finish num--In the thirteen yearsjshe teams tucky has already won the South­Prather Hall. Thomas Taylor leading the way. ppponent of the llllnsis schedule. Isbell and Whisnant took a eastern Conference flag thanks to because one member will not re­ Unbeaten Princeton (8-0) ber two. have played, there has never been "• More in the usual, was Pem nap. It was about 11:30 p.m. CONFERENCE STANDINGS '41 handy Yictory by Alabama over turn from a trip to the Pacific Club's 2-O-victory over AIME. The nailed *down its fourth-straight W. L. Pt«. . Opp. Pet. when they woke to find a a lopsided score. Two years ago, Georgia Tech. Coast until laie '-Euesday. game was marked by rough play Big Three title by whipping Yale, Texas «S -O 125 68 1.000 stranger on the front seat with a highly favored Yearling eleven AIST-3 2 142 . 104 .*00 Fast precedent has been for the throughout. 47-12. They finish their season Baylor 1 2 2 -73 88 .500 another stranger poking a shot­4ed by-Byron-Townsend was shut Southeastern champ in the time that an opponent will be iWith Dartmouth Saturday. SMU 2 2 96 76 .500 gun through the window. The out by the upset minded ^Cadets, .Kicking the ball into i>lay: from TCU 1 6 7» 103 Sugar BoWl, but there ia no of-named, j the corner of the field by your Ohio State (6-2) needs a win Arkansas ..1 S 73 103 .167 pair demanded their money and 14-0. There has never been a tie Those Wonderful" Texas sup­SEASON STANDINGS in the long series. ! ficial contract' The lure of the opponent's goal can bring goals over Michigan Saturday to be sure -W. L. Pt8. Opp. Pet. got it—$21 from Whisnant and Beat A Chi 0,6-0 .167 1 egtra money handed 4kt by the porters jvhb' predicted Conference for a team, but—even /more im­ of the Western Conference cham­Texaa 1 200 122 .878 ~$40 from Isbell. Last year in Memorial Stadium 116 -Cotton Bowl, however,' might in-' honors for the Steers before the portant—c&n win games if the pionship. SMU 2 238 .750 The strangers -escaped in a before, the largest crowd to ever BY LOUISE COLE vagal Kentucky to visit Texas. season started and then were so final score is tied. Michigan State ended its sea­itice AAM _ 3 2 147 304 169 137 .667 .780 car without state license plates. see a freshmen tussle, 16,000, the Tri Delt won the orange bracket .625 quick to jump 6S the Longhorn Baylor 6 3 147 121 Aggies took a 13*0 victory. Tennessee will be a very strong And so it was, 2-2, between son, bowling over Pittsburgh, 19-0. TCU S S TO 4 134 .875 Isbell and Whisnant thought bandwagon ontb fee consolation by defeating A Chi 6, Standings of . 150 over and choice lor the bid if they beat gripe wagon all teams receiv­Arkansas _ 2 128 .222 it decided thfr p^ir The greatest margin of victory 6-0; in women's intramural foot­ LAST WEEK'S RESULTS tiie high-flying Wildcats Satur-after a few close victories have UT Basketeers Rated ing at least ten points with first-Texss 21, TCU 7. might show up at a carnival that has ever been chalked up be­ ball finals. now reversed their field again. place votes in parentheses. fice 21,14, A4M Arkansa* 18. playing here.' They went to the tween the two school's freshmen' MU 7. Another team to be considered ; Maybe, they're figuring on Fifth in SWC by took --Tri Celt had i penetration and 1.~Oklahoma (173) 2.964 carnival last night, and spotted teams, was a 16-0 Texas triumph fi&S: ; The Longhorn team 2 downs, Chi 2, Aj-roy "336.1 2,438 WEEK^S in 1947. ja Nebraska, who has lost only to cleaning up on Cotton Bowl bets. basketball first to Alpha THIS SCHEDULE the pair. ^ is ranked fifth in the Southwest Omega's 1 penetration and 8 first 3^ Kentucky (55> _ zm "Thursday—ArttaHfiS ' v».' TutFf at ' Tickets for the gama may fca Tulsa. , The two students called dep­ 4. California (20), Conference, by Look magazine. dovirns. , .6i Texas (6)' Saturday—Baylor »«. SMU at Dallas: uty sheriff George Apple who purchased at the Ben Hur Tem­ 8. Illinois';(14) TCU v». Kice at Houston; Texas and "Basketball Forecast 1960-51" Directly after the Tri Delt 7. Princeton (8) AftM have open date. arrested the strangers. ple, 18th and Lavaca, for f1.80. is the feature article which men­touchdown in the first-quarter, ». Ohio Stats 9. Tennessee (2) tions the Texas team. Alpha Chi Omega drove to within 10. Michigan State (4) SWC Statistics Arkansas is ranked first in the. 4 yards of the penetration area, 11. Clemson (7) .j f 12. Wyoming <3)uss SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE FOOTBALL STATISTICS Conference and thirteenth in the bui Jo Jo Streiber's pasB was in­13. Pennsylvania . 14. Miami. Fla. (1) : j (Tknii|k CUub*s Novambar 18) nation. tercepted. by Corletta Wollbrett. IB. SMU Fir»t N»t Gate F»d.PM* Pet. Punt «1 Downs Kuk Put/Total Att. Csmpl. -CerapL Av». Look's Southwest Conference "Helen Pi,ttman and Joan Webb 16. Nebraska (2)• t 14? St«t 874 8441 m «8 .472 *8.6 ranking is: Arkansas, Texas A&M, were the Tri Delts' passing team. 17. Alabauna — .145 1490 1(42 *0»1 skills' .478 88.3 18. Wa».hin(ttS)n 23.™ -• 132 tCSS 108« 8711 " 207 88 .410 29.3. SMU, Taylor, Texas, TCU and Jean Wesley had a nice punting 19. Washington A Lee (1) : 40 SS 38.7 . 20. Loyola* Los Angeles (1) 24 1*6 1446 9*4 2«70 148| .879 Rice. ' • -1XS 1404 1071 S47S 180 87 .48* 41.0 average of 35 yards. ' Others ware: I.ehiKh and Cornell,' cacb M *4 1421 704 X1Z& , 186 61 .4W 86.9 The big five in the nation are 20; Tulsa, .18; Tulane, 16; Wake For­ Delta Gamma is..the winner of est, 13; and Michigan, 10. •* > -tt 1»$» 8(2 *171 108 55 37.9 listed as .CCJfY, Kentucky, Brad­ 1*4 «S1 2477 IS# .418 tlie white bracket consolation with •lln. i 1SJ« . 67 88.7 ley, North... Carolina State and 248 1*8 - f, 142 1119 1877 > , .642 84.1 a score of 3 first downs to 1 over, RHYME THIS . . 'NO TIME . 10A 1478 7SS StSS 182 ?7, .4*2 87.0 Kansas. 'tr —«*--1488 984 244» -16* 72 .442 •-S6.3- the Baptist Student Union..At the LISTEN TO THE BOLD FACTS* ..TAKE ONET LAST FOOD FLING On*. 114 _ U64 108S 4414 162 74' ; . .487 *7.1 1X1 ' 131S MS 2X71 lt8 64 •SS7 37.8 what? No Wolves? end of the third quarter the score BEFORE THE TURKEY ORDEAL STARTS . . . THAT'S ALL' YOU'LL o*r «8 ' #S2 1084 20*6 lYl 74 .4*8 *5.1 BaaeA on th» Autoeiaied Prttt was tied 1 first down each. PROBABLY EAT FOR A WEEK . . . LEADING BALL CARRIERS IS 12* Kilgore football fans presented The Delta Gams' Shirley Holm-SO EAT A DELICIOUS MEXICAN StoUundtk*. Tcsak Att, Yd*. Av*. FOOD TONIGHT AT OLD SEVILLE. Hawn. SHU 11 202 Coach Woody Johnson an auto­green completed a loftg pass to faith.T*vbmb^A*KTOMvit-' 118 187 1«8 TIT 14 «.# LEADING SCORERS Tdo. Conv. Total. mobile after arch rival, Ty!®r JC, Shirley Groseclose .almost to the BE SEVILLIZED Old Seville 1001 Guadalupe St. Smltk. defeated ^ 1SR ««» S.t AA1I 14 Kilgore? 14-7. penetration area, but Were unable «» 4«» Rota. SMU — _ 12 102 470 4.6 T«was*a4, T«XM--11 • LEADING PUNT RETURNERS to score, Ruth Weisinger, Joy 7S 4*2 S.6 Parkar. Jdjhr -_i > «7 US S.2 Glauicr. Rie« —_ <_ « Lary, AAM * No. 9: Yds-A*sr. Guyton, and Phyllis Tutt were AUSTIN 11S 460 8.8 — 6 • -••JUfWrtMMm; lit ill -s.# Hillbouvc, AftM > Dillon. Tsxa* — 11 . others outstanding on the Delta m S81 Xmxr. AftM _ 6 Curtis, Baylor 8 Gamma team. WELDING * TWwell. A*M_ Cole, Ark. -16-. Hooper. A4M • ,• challenges m'-r. -» Pryor. ,ATk. 10 Bonnie Southwell was the BSU RADIATOR Att. Com) tat.Y4t.TD Tompkin*. T«•SM : * is ai Walker. SMU 7 . SWIUit «t ( 11*4 • OFFENSIVE LEADERS Richards, SMU _ 9 passer. LaVerne Voelkel-starred WORKS Barter _147 . 71 t >11 12 Plays Rusk Pass Yds. Ave. : Tsl. 8-3733 'Proctor, Rice .18 T«M « 787 « Smith, A*M ._ 178 1226 0 1228 8.8 on defense. CoAnie Wood and any other leading brand iw,' «* g»W 10 782 1 Bartosk. TCrgTEWTCT 1178 8.8 Martha Hunmeut bfittf sparked •90 W.Stb St Butoik. TCU ^IBSlff l' "7 "» 724 « Rote, 8IIO 184 668 .440 1198 6.0 14 8*1-* Bennsrs, SKV 186 -108 1164 108« 6.4 Intramural Schedule ^Skv^Lz"'. SS 7 440 0 bb«U. Baylor-188 18 948 W* «.I* to suggest this test 4M 8 TUESDAY RECEH1VERS LEADING PUNTERS GOLF SINGLES • Yd». No. Yds. Avf. 488 , Isbell. Baylor . 47 1881 . 41.1 Last day Jor tblrd round of third, 288 'Schaufele, . 40.0 fourth and fifth flight*. Scores must ft; •^'"^•sss — « Ark. 88 2121 ,Lsry, A*M 80 Stt.l be in Intramural Office by 8 :J0 a. m. Bk» i 1968 » Kappa Alpha.'s warm outside. iSPE vs. Kappa Alpha. Cold Weather iVanaca Flannel Coming . . • -\. Complete .Service on Southwind Heaters • Hood Tires , 1 tf-v/ri »§8lt £ A2 1 J INM • Exide Batteries 1.Lfght up d fHItIP MORRIS 2... Light up your present brand I Ju»t take a pufr—DONT INHALE—and Do exactly the same thing—DON'T •' Complete Moto; s-I-o-w-l-y let the snioke come through INHALE. Notice that bite, that sting? -f-'-.r:";] „ < tune-up Smdtnt Lunf »t 4tf«i»si Mm your*nose. £aiy, Isn't ft? And NOV(.,. Quite a difference from PHlUf MOMtiSl fwtfwa I •'Battery Itecliarge Other brands, merely make daims—but PHIUP MOMUS myites you and Rental Service '-V' ^ I *•i . to compare,to judge} to decide for •yourself* IliyiiKi » t -it Prompt Service Try this simple tesc Ve believe tbat you, too, will agree .• • I "' aaywltere in city "at k PHIUP MORRIS is, indeed, America's FINEST Cigarette1 / 1 % r->) AUSTIN BATTERY ^ and ELECTRICAL CO. Meeting jthe g .v ~-v• >: • . • •SXKaMU&i-• "^v£a9*B: ' rwy "Ifi m "3& V^A* tflexas QOP Ehfcts fie// Workers — >4°$$ >4 ? *T"*v> ,-*« \ A t'si «, t£ T ­ •)»* ingron &< < % Bated o* 'tto-XtoMfctM e BoHingteB «f ^icMta It took the Republleall State was faamed chairman of the Demands for wage $Q0#s> inid Committee less than an hour to­State Executive Committee to sue-chatgfes of nnfalr labor practices -T-, Nov. jum bt day vt(T~eIecf:~Be] SEOUL* 21—(flp)—US— *-/ The Seventh'*commander, Maj. Aleutians campaign.'in similar. and tth Regiments mad* no con­^ resi«ct Stirred the troubled telephone veteran"party wheelhorse, national ad*cisive victory for the* ©Id-SeVe nth Division infantrymen-Gen,,David G. B»rr, had 'dewed snow and ice conditions. tact with the Beds Monday, a tenth labor front anew in Texas M&n-tb« picket Hnes/Botbcommitteeman from Texas. ; guard ^ajority which had been reacher the Manchurian frontier tile boundary Tate yeSttrday from ---Slsewhere Mondav, Soatfe Corps, spokesman said. « ' B^& a&d Wea*Mi A rebellious faction backing closely j^sociated with Creager. Tuesday In. northwest Korea. the top of a ridgek He postponed ean forces advanced six miles in In thr all Uavy" Pattther jets :—l^)—The losses. don B. Johnson for US Senator. port Mpnday night. Others, it ahid, Monday a new labor law consid­ shock of Allied firepower has de­Damage ultimately will be are stocking up on vinegar to erably leps favorable to labor than moralized Chinese Communist counted in the minions.of dollars. guard against gas attacks. what the CIO demanded. Themorale in Korea, General MacAr-1-iOsa of life was^remarkably low It" declared a woman spread the' Democratic senator 4s known as athur's headquarters said Monday, —only two directly due to the rumor that the Smell of onions "liberal" and also has been noted floods, while ten or twelve died The Word comes from Chinese helped counteract the effect of for his independent thinking on consequence of Communist Prisoners, who also as a the attend-radiation aftjaftan atomic bomb. I party policies. ing storms. deny they came to Korea as vol­unters. Red China insists only America's plan to rearm West- Chinese "volqnte'ers" are fighting ern^arope for d.efensft within the, in Korea. . ~ They burn energy reasonable future is .in grave at An intelligence spokesman said "ircmgjractivity peril. This is underscored by these statements were gained from and sugar is a source week. end. election' returns giving interrogating approximately 150 victory to-a paTty, the of new energy...thus German prisoners from one division of the 8—12 and 1-5——A&M ticket 12—George P. Blackburn to an athlete craves Socialists, which opposes rearma­drawing, Gregory Gym. . Chinese Communist 38th Army, and. Bar session, Law Building sweet?. You, too, bum, ment as presently planned. The captives said the army's 9—Inter -Conference Commis­discuss criminal appeal at Bench energy, even at dram'*J * Methodist Move­ y \ morale hid been high before it was State Rep. A. J. VaU of Rio sion for State 201. ;• .44v^-some right this mirurte... toaster -Rush! hit by the Allied sledgehammer in Grande City Monday made official ment, University Methodist 8—Card stunt rally, Waggener other endeavor. EnjoyChurch. HaU 401. 1b"tnB ap? Yooll cram more 1 wupoqaM la a cap, add northwest Korea Nov. 5. Chinese his refusal, of the 79th District a GOOD sweet...the 4—Men's •tody into each night Mstioa piping hoc wter ud »dr soldiers had not expected any­judgeship to which he was elected 10—Faculty Wives j Social.Club, Debate Workshop, delidous chocoiaty 405 East Thirty-fifth Street V Speech Building 204. by taking time pat (fa*** la flavor, gjrice, cmmniene, thing like this blow, the spokes­by write-in in 'the general elec­TOOTSIE ROLL odd*!) for die qtiHiTifir of you'll Sod it's i te»l eye-man said. tion, . . 10-1—Book Exchange, Texas 4—Byrle Cass to discusa "Mod­ Nesaf**. opener. The 4-oa. i*t makes ern Trends la Drama" « HiUel r^ No coffee-pot. No froaodi. as maay atp« U a pound of In their wars with the Chinese Vale was 'hamed over the Union 208. Forum, HiUel Foundation. Democratic nominee and incum­v V^» No brewing. Yet Noctft onUnery coffee ytt com* at nationalists, the officer observed, 4:80—International Ball, com­SK makes ro«ter-fte*h coffee:., l«*tt 30*less. Gettome today bent, Sam G. Reams of Falfurrias". -the the Chinese Keiie could-not mittee, Texas Union. right this miaotel Simply par ,../or p*r* c*jj*e tujoymiu! Reacts had said Saturday, before have felt the firepower force of 5-—Mortar Board Smarty Party, Vale announced he wouldn't ac­ More people drink 'a modern army." Carothers Dormitory, cept the post, that he would file a to They said they du1 not know any 5—Deadline for Spooks vote contest suit soon. oiBcii NESCAFE | Chinese who -volunteered. They make Thanksgiving offering, * •W"3! wd la cuSy For Profits Tax Ip&ppa House. seemed a little surprised by the thept twwihtit About 100 convicts armed with than til other Instant Coffees! entire of 6—Heman M: Sweatt to discus| .Y 5 CTNTSl the question "volun­ crude weapons rioted for nearly WASHINGTON, Nov. 20—(ff) "Opportunities for Negroes" at teers." an hour Monday behind turr^ted —Organized business suggested Inter-Faith supper, JHillel Foun­Political officers were attached walls of the New Mexico state Monday tWft a "defense tax" on dation. . to each unit. These advisers penitentiary. top of corporate income levies be warned the men to die rather than The uprising was put down by substituted for the administra­7:80—^Intermediate Ladies' Club '"'a because troops bridge group, 8808 Oakmont risk capture UN prison guards and 24 state and tion's excess profits tax proposal. .1. iiiiin nrn .1,— —— would kill them if they surren­city police armed with tear gas The suggestion came from _ _J___|Mmr)m>a»iBH*iii^*'im>ii"">iiT»«niiniriiwi ariinmiiti niiVi -i i . 7:30—Interdepartmental Sym­ posium Group to disduss marriage, dered. and jiot guns. The , yelling, SAVE CASH & CARRY Charles R. Sligh Jr., Holland, University Community Church. ­Michigan, representing the Na­7:80—The Rev. Blake Smithtional Association of Manufactu­speaks to fundamental speech rers. clashes, Baptist Student Center, PICK UP & DELIVERY Despite a committee ban against • 7:30—Texas Pharmaceutical discussion of anything except on Association, Texas Union 815. SERVICE 1T4« excess profits tax, the NAM got 7:30—NAUD holiday finery its alternative proposal into the style show, women's lounge,1 Texas House Ways and Means Commit­Union. tee record. •. §—Cap and Gown to see pic­ What Sligh did was to' advise T ture^ by Elizabeth Keefer Bflat-SUITS -DRESSES &" the . committee its records con­right,' Scottish Rite Dormitory. t UU­ tained an inaccurate description •8—Newcomers Club m u s!c ti " ¥ 5-X of the NAM proposal. He then groupr608-B West Twenty-eighth* & M. explained the inaccuracy and fruot-Street TUXEDOS ed the Association's tax program. 8*—Roy R. Krezdorn to address However, the conimittee reiter­Sigmi Xi on hydroelectric prob­ated Its intention to stick td the' lems in Texas, Petroleum Engi­ subject of excess profits. By a neering Building 807. EVENING GOWNS vote of fifteeii Democrats to ten 8—W. H. Klapproth to address Republicans, it ruled that witnes­Delta Nu Alpha, Texas Union 809. ses could not comment on a sub­8—Dr. Eduwrd Taborsky to ad­PILLOWS RUG$|# wum stitute-plan proposed by Rep. dress AAUW recent graduates, •'•j??~ Reed of New York, top Republican 600 East Twenty-second Stireet MAKE YOUR CLASS PICTURE committee member. .-8—Tryouts for "My Glorious FUR AND WOOLEN STORAGE The Reed plan would let cor­Brothers," Hillel Foundation. ±}&r­porations pay a maximum corpor­ate income tax of 55 per cent or, WHEN YOU THINK .LAUNDRY OR CLEANING an APPOINTMENT FOR THE if they elected to pay under THINK excess profits tax platJ, they could pay~ a minimum of 50 per cent of 411 PHONE their net income. 19th <6tH DRISKILL Guided missile and rocket mo­ ds can be tested at simulated speeds of up to 8,000 miles perhour. CACTUS NOW WBVB A IMrSi This announcement was made by Peter P. Wegener of the hyper-ballistics sub-division of the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in White .Oak, Md<^ befofe a meeting of Barfitu in New ^ < experts in the field of guidedmissies and rockets Thursday. :: Brake & Wheel Sieiiee^E' The meetings are a part of a NIvy symposium being held at the Factory MeUied ReeappiBg '* University and aeheduled to end Seat Coveira-—Car Heaters Friday^ The White Oak scientists have b v developed a new hype.sonb^ind fennei *4d^i wfll emulate what ­is believed to be the highest con­trolled speeds ever reached by man. The turind will allow more In Journalism Building 108 if $m& advanced testing of guided missiles v Ph, 83-1221 3810 Guadafepe and rocket performance. ""V 11 it ml >ig—1 i'lisgi; > % Mcs. SAVE The Holr You New Hove -J* }f Do ft QikMiyi-gotHy—EconomlcaHy * A * b*1 t * i *£ yi. I' '*$• AMI NAT ION fflveta and eettfiy f«» TMrff ' TrKirtmrrhfir has «yolatto»«rS' proeeia that ha if necessary; And the priesthood profitable years aadl949. mendously successful in this election—;' ftm superiority by "lito.ll, ***!&** •*••••**•• •»» m*. ^xceptioiis .beating MUar^^ ;®0U1!!. J""?*?' physical: of the ­ f£01*. 9°rtain Jf, indeed, men • did a*Kl spiritual over should be taken account of, Ibut the bfwis hagan Douglas, for example—that his intelligent, and wore,resistant to the faithful in partibus; that this disease" than any other group of strengthening the physical charact­ t need is for an excess profits levy. ' Republican colleague are recommend­" people, in history. • "" -v -eristics of the babies he brought power is used to secure an undua Many Republicans and Southern Dem­In three Matchette Foundation forth, he might be opening un­share of wealth for the priest-* ing that he again blindfold himself and ocrat*—with a ^"mandate from the le'c&fca at Columbia University, limited fields of accelerated self-*t\ the expense of the rest start throwing darts, Irrespective..of .tog. population...." the venerable philosopher pounded improvement—<>r, maybe, develop­ §H people" to back up big business—are their directions. He proposed "a world gov*™­ |home the heed for a defense ment of something unlike the --opposing theplan."A temporary, tax .^i against the. A-bomb; dependence/ present self.— , ment with a monopoly of all 8er-7 Americans are fearful for ious weapons of war," raising w&rfund profits" is one alternative they this nation's future. of a high world standard of Jiving * , Standards of living, institutions on bifth control;" the need for InTOXICating idoa are suggesting.: As long as we hesitate in giving eco* world government; and human ^ of part"TOentfie Congress re-convenes-^en; —love, or compassion? as the best--Ahout standards of living and­ nomic aid, to our undernourished allies tech-and the traditional freedoms ofmah then, the American people will reap motive for; living. the intoxicating idea that —as Senator Taft would suggest^~wo, lie spoke of likelihood of a new nology may some day provide for speech, press^religion, etc, . their gay returns. They: can not expect to win the world war that kind of "armaments race" be­man a utop|a of leisure, pleasure,Elected the former president of the ^ now under way. • tween Russia and the West in and contemplation, RUBSOU ob­Stop an Explosion j§\ National Association of Manufacturers which the nations will engage in served: W Russia wins, he Intimated, If we expect to whip down the world a genetic competition to artifi-Industrialization in raising the thv ensuing world government |uT.over. the chairman of the Senate Labor munism, we must first put cially intfuce "desirable muta-standard of living of Britain and would be based on force for aif, >' Committee; " our own house in order—limit abuses on tions in genes," the units control­America has depended on demo­longer period than if the West v'^ Turned down Scott Lucas, Senate ling heredity. cracy, trade unionism, and birth wins. The 'near future will be it & individual freedom by big business— Russell was suggesting that it control, "all of whifch have i# sharply worse or better than theDemocratic leader, wUyyr ^e Chi^ |j0W1I, the isolationists—demand now •..& slight pause for Motion identificationr-^-Jhlt may -soon de feasible to"apply eurred hostility Tfrom the riehi" pa?t-*nd it will depend -on the . go Tribune-backed Everett Dirksen, who is Professor S N A R F-" scientific methods (now used on whim of a few indiitfduals." Re­ ' facts, not fanciful McCarthyism—estab­If these three elements and ab­ k has called the Marshall plan for Europe lish thorough-going human equalities. 'plants and lower animals) to olition of war can be extended moval of mutual East-West dis­°a rathole operation"; improve the results of human to the world,, poverty and long trust' is a pre-requisite to" peace,President Truman has commendably propagation.ti ' working hours can be abolished, he .said, "but I do not know what Allowed Robert Taft to continue as the insisted on his Fair Deal program—but "There would -at first be strong can be done to fulfill this condi-' Be maintains. tlon- No. 1 Republican spokesman after he religious and emotional obstacles," "But . , if world population Iji. the meantime, we must for at least two years he is whistling said Russell. "But suppose (say) prevent an explosion. continues to increase at the pre­m has challenged the Marshall Flan, voted into a tortiado. ' Russia were able to overcome sent rate, the abolition of poverty He believes in U. S. re-arma­ against aid to Korea (before the war), Duval Write-In these obstacles and to breed a. Blent, defenfse of Western Europe, And the tornado is dangerous. and excessive work will be totally balked at the North Atlantic Security District .Judge Sam Reftjna' Judge Geprge Parr presided at race stronger, more "intelligent, impossible." A sort of Malthusian ..avoidance of a China war, draw­ and more resistant to disease thanr ing a sharp line for Russia-over Fact, and is now harping back to iso­statement that he plans to content the vote canvas in Duval County Hell, if you like. any-race of man that has hither­which she is not to step,, officially defeat "write-in cam-days This raises the interesting mor­ •fs lationism—whether he likes the word mfortunale his by a a week ago—five and 15 to existed, and .suppose;,the other al question: is a numerically-lim­Jf? that we will not use paign" appeared in a new light-minutes after the polls closed. • m.Or hot. -- -. _• Monday. nations perceived that unless they ited Utopian mankind—that is, a the H-Bomb until it is used Parr recorded the votes as a de­ followed suit they would be de­con­against us, and NOT extending |g The people will reap the harvest if materialistic satisfied and BENJAMIN FAIRLESS has an-, State Representative A. J. Vale puty county clerk read them off. feated in war, then either the templatively . progressing homo this -declaration to ~tft« A-Bomb,Ind when the Congress refuses to pass nounced that U. S. Steel is going to said he will not accept the judge­Parr was asked . if some issue other nations would voluntarily sapiens—"better" than a mass 'without it we have very little an excess profits tax and turns on the raise its price 10 per cent. ship to which, he was named after might have been involved in the forego their prejudices, or, after of mankind which * is poverty-chance of 'Winning." an ^overwhelming 4,739-43 write-write in. He said that was evident defeat, they would be compelled He wound up his third lecture smaller-income groups for taxes needed laden but also unlimited in num­ Unfortunately, there is no correspond­ip Victory in Duval County. from the vote, "but you never to forego them. bers? with this thought:j: V; • to finance the huge military budget. ing move to raise the wages of soldiers "My decision 1s definite and un­wash your linen in public." In short Russell'a biological The root of the matter in" a j'They will reap the harvest when our fighting in Korea—even 10 per cent. alterable," the Associated Press Said Mr, Vale: 'Must Be Expected* speculation involves: very simple and old-fashioned thing, a thing so simple that Iquoted Mr, Val© "as saying. "Friends have added their sug­1. Birth control to keep the -The Texan Friday recom­gestions (about my decision), but "Any . scientific technique," population relatively low enough am almost ashamed to mention Russell' said bitterly—but ac­it, or fear of the derising smile mended editorially that the ac­I .have wanted , time to make up in numbers to enable adequate curately, "however beastly, is with which wise cynics will greet ceptance of the Duval ballots be my own mind. -My decision has material provisioning; delayed by-state officials until been very difficult. Judge Reams bound to spread if it is useful ' 2. The use of scientific techni­my words. The thing I mean— a special investigatory commi?-has been my friend and has made in war—until such time as men ques in mutation of genes to plase forgive me for mentioning a very fine judge. And I appre­decide that they have, had enough strengthen those who ARE born. it—is love, Christian love, or;sion analyzes the Duval votes and compassion. If you feel-this—youprocedure. ciate the friendship and loyalty of of war ... As that day 'does Turning to other problems, not seem to be at hand, scientific Russell outlined communism as .5 * motive for existence, a Vale's decision not to accept the. those • who have voted for me, breeding of human beings must being characterized by these evils: guiae in action, reason for cour­ position leaves . Governor Allan elected me, an'd encouraged me to CHARLEY TRIMBLE •f them were begun through be expected to come about." "Adherence to a rigid and sta­age, an imperative necessity for ed in the various State infti-Sh|vers freest© appoint" Judge serve a? district judge « • . Ar*9ci*U Editor . intellectual local initiative and pressure. ~ Russell's remarks-raise an in­tic system of doctrine,. of which honesty." tutiops is the number of de­Reams, John Ben Sheppardi Sec­(but) I do here now de­ (This Is th* twond ia « Junior colleges have a ten­teresting side issue about evolu­part is doubtful and part demon­In a capsule is the best that •t ttn reporta on •' partments which may be used „ retary of State,, said. Judge ReamB cline the election to the office of tion. falsef Bertrand Russell has been able dency to become senior col-strably persecution...; a -as a major in working for a originally appointed the RhmkIi Report' o* was by district judge of the 79th Judicial leges; thW tqpaciali^ed institu­Is it possible that the "prize belief that salvation is only to be to wrest from the tossing waves degree. The bachelor's degree Governor.' Public Hi|W Ednutios in District." of a life of thought. tions haya a tendency to b*. product" (as njan says) of the found within,the church and that T«XM to the T»M» can -ba obtained in 64 fields However, Attorney General eome .gefisrat::' v hneCouncfl.) "'i . at the University, in 47 fields Price Daniel cautiously told the VIEWEDjmOM tta or«w The Uacheir's colleges are at Texas Tech, 46 fields •AP, "I couldn't say right. now" ifl atandpofnt, higher educa-interesting -axamples of the~ at A&I. The narrowest spread where Judge Reams' alternative! tendency of higher education­ia in . the two Negjro institu­lie. Texas is on the one mad* up of several al institotions to develop in-tions—Texas State Univerw "I think it's a very-nice move groups of like eolleges. and rather than as parts sity for Negroes and Prairie on Mr. Vale'* part," Judge Reams View A&M. on the other a number of °? *n over,*n nystem. All the said. "I think it's something the- single iiotitationa that do not institutions founded The range of degree offer­Attorney General is g&ing to have originally for the primary NOT SO BAD murdered peaceful citizens in ia P. Lochner,\the laat Amer­work. He has always been tol­ land themselves to any-na-ings at tiie graduate level ia to decide for _ the Secretary of purpose of training teachers To the Editor: Holland and Belgium. ican to ileave Berlin before the erant toward races, being a Latin­ • tural grouping. ' --also great. Master's degrees . State." 'have expanded their programs Whenever a critic is unjustly (4) Von '"Rundstaedt sent" liis " war. Ed.) " American himself. ...I feel that There is no scarcity of pub-may be obtained in more than Mr. Sheppard inusj certify elec-. into additional departments critical of a motion picture, I am dive bombers to scourge French * you have wrongly interpreted lie colleges in Texas. With • 25 fields at each of these tion winners. and into higher levels of in­inclined to shrug off his comments soil. -To the Editor: him. ... total of 63 State-supported schools*"—A&M, North Texas, -,Mr. Vale, iii his announcement,, struction. Texaf and said that he took part in the at harmless carping. But the re­v, (5) When Goering unleased his In all of my ministry, which in­• I would like for you to get to and State aided institutions, A&I, Tech, the no Texas x is exceeded only by Two of these institutions University., write-in election, -citing the view, given "Green Pastures," if bombers on London, September 7, cludes seven years at Austin, I know Robert Cantu. V ab­ /Califorpia jn the number of have not been set up" with : sence of a single write-in vote taken aeriously," will. discourage with a '300 plane attack^h^i,.savar hav^^ojt bad m finer *young man J. W. HILLIARD, ^ Many degrees ire offered many from seeing one of the fin­in my ^lurch than Robert Cantu, .... Woodlawn Methodist Chareh* , public school* for higfcer ed-separate control boards and in fields where there are few for him in his home cbunty, Starr. gery^jaraa simply intended to' kill, est movies in many years. Admit­people, however innocent. Luft­Jr. He is active, in our .youth Saii Antonio. •-9cation. ' » the word "teachers" has been takers. At A&I. for example,; In the four counties of the dis­ Texas haa slp locajly jcon-dropped from, the titles of master's degrees are offered trict, Mr. Vale received a total tedly "Tittle's , Punctured Ro^ waffe-pilots killed 42,000 Eng­ msnce is antique, but it's still lishmen. ;trolled junior eoUegea, ^ona .five of iiiem. in 28 fields, but no degrees of 6,644 writerin Votes toi£,250 Daily Texan Crossword Puzzle ^ -funny, as those who packed the locally controlled Negro' jun-were conferred in 19 of them, for Judge Reams.'. ~ You may thank G6d that ydu theater even into the lobby will lor college, two State, control­• Only 61 counties, all thinly and three or • fewer degrees As the AP recounted it, County • -v were not in reach of the Nazi Luft­_ ACROM X. Long-tared Sl.JExcavata M admit. ~ led junior colleges, two lo-populated, are in major , part waffe. 1. Festive quadruped 24. Chum 'were conferred in 26 of the %ally oontiroOed aenior~ eol-further.than 60 miles from a But to type "Green Pastures" as . My American-friend Robert JLCUm 8.Ogle 18. Morasa ­ 28. At Texas Tech, masters' Today's leg«s, one agricultural and public college, either Junior ''little more than a photographed Lochner, editor of the Neue Zei-9. Blends oy 4. Showy 37. Pall ^ "degrees were available in 31 melting ... flower Answer Is taechaeical land-grant college or senior. Nearly 95 per cent stage play set against cotton tung in Frankfurt, writes me thia handle fields, but there were no tak­10. Good-by 8. Son: prefix 39. Jewel for men, two Negro senior col­of the population of the State ers in 13 of them, and three andi clouds, etc.," ehows a gross mis­• letter: (Sp.) to 8cotch 81. Highways in the . leges, two medical schools, lives within 60 miles of a col­or -fewer degrees were con^ • understanding on the part of the "... I have nerar doubkad that 12. Beginning names 82. Call on for Classified one dental school, and tta lege offering, a general cur-critic. This play is the li'l Negro there will be a general war, but 13. Tread €. Not working aid ferred in 27. Ad* chillun's version of the Bible— Other State senior colleges, riculun. for at least the first GOD THE PETUNIAS the atrength of the democracies heavily 7. One who lies>33. Put oh, aa Only, the Uniyegpity, A&M, SAVE the modern dress is deliberate an­ |The historical-development two years. which haa finally become appar­14. At home 8. Masquerade clothes and the Universf^ "of Hous-"Thank God," the gardener said, achronism, and the cotton clouda ent ahould be expected to put the 15. A color robe 35. Instigate3ef these institutions does not * • • ton now offer doctor's de«* "for young growing plants," Indicate any apparent; over-One pf the indications of and painted backdrops are frank­Ruaaiana back in their place . . . 17. Assam t.Insert aur* 36..A sturdy grees. On the doctorate level, < as he tramped acrosa the^flower «U plan or forethought Host spread of -programs offer-. ly cotton and canvas. This stylized "It If extremal? rafrattable silkworm reptitiously woolen 41. Habituat . 35 department* offered 46 , hed 18. Clique 11. Country treatment is mtr<;h more expres­that under the pressure, of the fabric drunkard* different degrees; 82 doctor 'bruising leaves ,20. Measure of in n.Chief Norae sive than unnecessary and elab-presentserenta, an army of seme 45. Large Wr-"of"philosophy degrees wera ""and crushing sprouta" •. ••• • orate reahsm couTirever Fe. length -Europe . -god cupola name will be eatabliahed. I eon* 32. Nickel THE-DA®TEXAN conferred by. these three ? at every step. — Aiid ai for. being a "photo­18. Canine, 42. Pen-name 48. Soakaider that almost fatal in view of schools. . "T .; -(sym.) 19. Little of Charles flax graphed stage play," consider the the ahaky position of Democracy 33.Journey quarr^ Lamb 60. FVesh , The small number of stu--Pausing, he atooped ta pull a acene in which Moses is left at In Germany. 25. Monkey Aw Mb fdu. * atodaat «f Vk* OalTittitr «f TcxUa dents"at the scattered schools ^ delicate petunia , ,.«n«pt Mosiay and 'Saturday, the edge of the Promised J*nd. -• "I personally would consider it 38. Cigarette w :»nWiaaM: ia AoaUa Mtrj mon4ps e .offering ; th« higher degrees up by the roots. "These are my itM and ittrfai botiday mmI axaniiQatioa The full impact of the scene came'' were to (slang) vhvtMriw to tn«t-4utfai holiday and oaaiu •such l»etter if Germany •mioda. tM4ona« tk««»an wtbu «ada» th« tttto ^-naturally J runs the cost up.' favorites," ; across as the wanderers passed by have only one police' force -Th. s«»m« T«M «• W3«r Md FrM., yhe department with tjie high-he affirmed, and thrawutt into tion». lite, •and placed their handa of Moses' would contribute productively to number of bachelors' 'de^ the \?eeds., -shoulder. All we saw was tha the strengthening of .^e West. 91. Plundered :greea conferred in 1947-48, .. "It dots me good' to see th'em liands* No stage play jsould do The' burden of an Army seems to 34. Present grow. 37. Ahead . ^jbusiness administration with iftiat ^to^U^ay teirftad to »W» tb tOft# «ml aaaoeiau «dltot dorins me too heavy aa regards, to man­ 38. Cut.aagrasa 1^8,070, had the lowest depwrt-• 1 -* ~ . Those bt search of "simple" en­power and eedfeomy. . OsteioM <rt4-m. *towd-«j«aa Mttw Oetcpm »«. 1M* et Uw Foat OSie* at department nfi-de^ v spoke, muntbledy-peg, but the movie-goex* these considerations are being ig-> a claaa TMW.TWI» th» «ttUHka.l»19. ^ |||jgreea' conferred, teachar eduf "for eager inquiring fiund ...who wants a good show can sea hiored. . 44 Bend the head aasoqargp.galas'.., ^^^ation;,with.v. 1,408, ^ had ', . *. • : "Green Pastures." •-•-,-iU. -' .. -—'Somehow we have thm feelisg • Jtegreeting^ ipBBiNlHHMtkM trmt Ja wstHMd to tiw u*(or n»aUli «ba of ail wtwtf AmMn etmAiUti to it or sot otb*r*faw oriditad ia ' 0jiaacnmg cost of $176 per If this sounds bittet a-^ CLEVE HAUBOLD here we are fighting a. lost battled s ,46. Personal »pw nw^aiwpaajwtiriB pabiisM haraia. ^jrtwtenti The' higbar tba de»v:-,„ just consider , j] / ^BILL DAY 1 ,4 •V pronoun ... The German soil cannot be M *D otbar «MtUr NMrvSl -^ £ 47. Sorrow _ ... „ . , Jtfbcrae-and the iawar tha atav four years is a long .time. , / * defended against a full scale Rus­ 49. Recipient t ;Benta tha higher tha eost o£„ WJL FIRST HAND REPORT sian invasion with or vrithout tha .:;v-.«fa 1** **/%f**™«on. ^ . To,, tfra Editor.. Germans,-These jilementa nay >1. Sudden.* The question to be decided */' Reading the linea about tha prove worthy allies mffi under­ ~ shower ­ ^""^^^Jformer Luftwaffe »pilot. Gerald ground forees if they cara.:at-all , , (Scot.) vl r JTujiti " ^fttMaiwksr' ! program on those levels and ^raumuellejr I %aa shocked and for freedom and democracy.^. .82. Correct t in those , special areas wha*tf||; icia laSpriwd (1) by the American But why is there1 no organized 53. TheOrient MSieisd'. aiiata ao the paople • oftfm mOitary government in sending ^ resistance of the Germana in the 64.Salamander Jthe^e *raHied" heroes to this eoun-DO#N Russian Zone as the Poles sra ' |ary and -(2) by tha importance resisting? 1. Onewho mmauntm,tuau : M. given to such a man by the Texan; This German generation ii lest operates a twhswrtartiw utei-aittK) r <-.*•. machinegtm ' ttiiona.^ • am obliged to warn Americana to ua. Thay ara not worthy of ba> Duplication-k eoai^r of any German rearmament and -ing our allies and are not willing •' DAILY OtTOTOquOTE-lhra'i worii Hi %ay anhject,. ,ia HmhmK Stadanta iatmaM iP Mnt t»ur-" prove thatVedon't need the.GeiH ' |p ba allies unless they can be a*» rv % 7 : AXTDLBAAXR poaltiona I» ilon-^ .^nans to fight Russia. It")l ^elda snd on thMtf' la»d»g J5?*4 rememoer aured to win. HLONflriLLOf twmy, MERFEO,. FOR tha 19S1-I2 acboolp ILFIT «• TRONIMNHAR •».« • > 5TJUT lers expense equipment ^ year, *fc»6M emitaet »• Tweliar Ptoea-?>'X * * tBS • nerote m"+*Miww iiiiy^inliii^iHy 0PCV' 8att°a Hall io7.5',-&^eeds ofr the Luftwaffe ,., who * A h ^ ft (Canaan i. a Univo^tSfIV^ £diter w*m ara requirad, the decent ™ dent who was educated in Get-*£**.LA^ **T ••**?. °*1 letters, apoa. :r omea of increasing irtgni-ar^te&ysi&iszs&'i; nmratHts issue 3SS ««»*]-u» Mtn «Wni .;'*?•^***' TMABIM ta TFC* AAEOAATWR alxth «rad«A, ficance*. * t Robert < Lochner,-parts -f irhssg,. SIMON RUBINSKY 3SS5KS letter is akowr ht thia aala^n^ »i|r i ""'" —•• -gjj^diac^at^k on »mo rvvz CUode Villarreal ia an American who, aside freak tfTStiDDOR 111 Wallaca " • i MitcheU dittos':acts as mn ent wbieh might K1ZAU6 C KUZLOLrr D!~OVU interpreter for impertant' cOn­ «onaid«red txo& tfit Human. :§f>a airfields in Norway and stabbed1 ferencea In Germany, During w,. • -•> in Gethnanyf Dsris# Teetsrday'a Cryp«o«a»ta( PRAT. GOODT. PLKASK m Ian# view of ganeral '.. ifeL-jhr-lTssMrtst Mm 1 ' ' ' ' " mmmm 1 m « M m m mm m L -9XOK9 k m » J? 1 i* •»....* , (?> £%. Ovmif T-Ciip CARPENTER TUXIDOS for rent—all size* • SS/ixfeJrsfc ***&&• "Hp' Heman Swe^ff 1 < i/t. h make i w-^SsalfS LONGHORN CLEANERS TEl.2 43tV SVM Qfliddtf*,, Pli. 63847, fSsst? 260 8 {**. Ne. Sat 710 Brttsto, 282771> GIJADftlUPF W >«w, p^r Hillel Tuesday Tuesday at Carothen Dorm by T Mortar Board in honor of all the We will be open Nov. 23 and doted Nov. 30. Hamas Sweatt, UT law student, girls who were on the honor roll wil speak at fha Hillel Founda­ aim Bornorden aad Fat lairt semester, according to Rachel tions Inter-Faith Supper Tuesday valla were ,in eluu^ga of _ Dr. Eduard Taborsky, associate Tickets to the ball will cost Clark, Mortar Board president. ton, reporter. Other officers are «t « p.m. on "Educational Op­ tionaj ^nd Jeao Haymie k i»1 professor of government, will $1.20 par person. ^ Conie Elicondo1, president, Iris portunities for Ntgrat*," : School clothe-will be in onlar charge of the program eommlttM. speak on "Women Under the Com* Members of the planning com­Tace, vice-president, ^ean Watson, at the party, Which will last from Sponaort for M&ttot Board am Members of all religious foun­ muniat Regime" at the meeting mittee ineludf Ed Notestirie, John 5 to *5:45. The Thanksgiving treasurer, and Bonnie Evans, dations on the campus have been Mrs. Jo Chatman, a teacher ia or the Recent graduate group of Goodman, Allan Becker; Margaret theme will be carried out, ^nd a membership chairman. iuvited to the fupper. Tickets may the physical training dv ered belt and" unpressedl pleats. Nayy, plum, teal rose, sizes 32 to 40, A,B, and C. tish Rite Dormitory. places for Cap and Gown meet­BEAUIY SHOP 7—15. 10.91 Mrs. Elizabeth K. Boatright, ar­ings. The dormitory, built in 1922, iiBM GUADALUPE . e-osee only 66c tist and wife of Dr. Mody Boat-is the largest dormitory at the right; will display and discuss sev­University and was established SECOND FLOOR Invest in­eral of her flower palntin'gs which have been on exhibit at the Eli-through the efforts of Samuel P. Cochran, who at the time of the HARPER METHOD 'zabet Ney Museum for the past construction of the dormitory held Quality lew weeks. Mrs. Boatright will the position of Sovereign Grand Scalp jSpecialist -/ }Vt also tell a story explaining an Inspector General of Texas. Mr. unusual piece of Indian pottery which she will bring with her. Cochran also gave to the dormi­tory its library in memory of his Harper ' Method Scientific Shampoo and Scalp Treat­ment will correct dry and ^ 6. wife, Mrs. Sue Higgins Cochran. falling hair. Our ahop of­ Senior girls who have not paid fer* the latest in all bran­ their $1 dues may give their ches of beauty work. money to Miss Jesse Earl Ander­ but I don't have son in the Dean of Women's1 of­2605 Phone fice before Tuesday night's meet­Guadalupe 3,-0737 ing. Dues may also be paid at the meeting. - to wear. »v Senior girls who wqre not in­itiated at the/ first Cap and Gown ^•••eeeeeeeeeaee*«a# vvwmfjr meeting this semester will be­ come members at the meeting i fM LUXURY AT Tuesday night. V.*' Is +His your tale of woe? i THE LOWEST COST i / If ao, get smart, man! Come* i 'Holiday Finery' |KUt Katv Chair Con to the Man's Shop in the To Be Presented • AUSTIN to for holiday evenings, One Texas Book Store. For NAUD Group San Antenle Waco •Way»1.SO 2.00 draped cocktail dress r-; "Holiday Finery" "will--be the Dallas Fart Worth 3.703.70 theme of the stylenhow sponsored (Plua Federal Tax) by T. H. Williams -and Company POk BORA COHV—w presented to the NAUD Fashion USE YOUR ' Group Tuesday evening at 7:80 p.m. in the women's lounge of KATY CREDIT CARjD Texas Union. Mrs. Patrick Flynn, BOOK assistant buyer for the company, FhansiS-8771 will be the commentator. / Suits for the Texas-AAM foot­ ball game and cocktail jiresses for festive Christmas parties will"be modeled by Mesdamta Harold Ray, Elda Stovall, Lee I. Meador Jr., ;untiliomt^smrnmr twau> and Lynn Vineyard. *eaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* Go-hostesses for' the-meeting will be Mrs. Harold Ray and Mrs. R. Gordon Bennett /All Univer­ FIVE MORE TITLES ADDED TO THE sity students' wives are cordially EL MATAMOROS Midnight black taffeta invited to. attend this preview of a swirl with holiday wardrobes. draped'" sheath skirt. New American Edikon of Reservations may be obtained THE'MOST POPULAR 4s the side by calling Mrs. Ray at 7-2501. Pl^CE TO EAT s flange net tinder skiff. Kappa* te Help Needy Net stole attached. EVERYMAN Janie Granger, chief haunt, an' nounced that air Spooks' should MEXICAN FOOD IJ—13. r 35.00 bring food and old clothes for the STREET FLOOR Thanksgiving offering to Kappa 504 East Av«i 7*0253 UBRARY Kappa Gamma house by 5 p.m., Tuesday, The Thanksgiving offer­ ing; is one of the many service jprojects to be carried out by the Spooks this. year. SAN JACINTO Ths LONOfUNNiD PBOJXCT of tfw New AmeHeut Kditkm of EytryniaftV Forty Spooks filled tha cellar Library haviog b«cn launched ao tueeeatftilly this spring, with ten titl«c in the new edition, the publisher now'announces the nest live titles This beautiful of the Old Sevillej Thursday} No­TRY vember 16, for their annual Inyi­ edition, with it« rich gold stamping on fine cloth binding, its clear type and wide: tation supper. '' f OUR margins, it growti^ in populaij^. They are only $1.25 a voldme. Here are the FILETS N0IT.BICK, • " • ... ,, Hn^tY.W TWK by Hennaa M< PEL»P«NNESKAN WA* LURCHES--*"Vegatablee KShermaa Panl, Ha »A rard Unlveriity, CONBAT EXPECTATIONS by ThUcydide*, Translated by Flchard 'Crawley. #453A •1JBON mi*SAT. win Drink, de*»ert SOc ap> V* 6 ,i ,j ^ ^ * M-w/MM . OPEN 7 A M.—12 P.M^ff ' V- w~ WASUNCmiV IRV1N6 or ' w « , 7 DAYS A WEEK , > * ^ t iS.of ft TboeM Aouta«>, Selectedand Edited ,-by the Rev. Father M.:C. D'Arcqr. #»S3A ' v: ?««I M«>«y r^_>c«r Aoo^rttoref ior compht* litf «f 900 Zrmrym*n Titht hi print-lif Al ITA Ce'We«h Co. 16THASAN JACINTO AUIV. filiUnw. atJkJ,oomsn.«%W!U89JB!SW>v«wa, t?wr*owc«fc».v. -1^-1»,• V* * - simmm WiMfi Jjsga < hm •. New findings establishing the w'The impUcatkms'ure useum staff members, baei' .\»!»* «» tteieitf and _ tHK>p Of homesick ^millennium, and *n indN of the museum staff discoveries nek Chords wa« born out of a dier,s0ngfsv litursiea._ dating orial Museum, Dr. Sellards spoke £>';, r ,.„ "-'-oua pbtfiny and danetag in Gre-then, they have traveled all over .viduality which-liiss in their vocal*:,]J near Clovis, N. M. Excavations gwrr^rMondJiy at 8:1* pja. tue wgrld, giving nearly 10,000 range, the Don Cossack Chorua re^^-,-there added to "knowledge of the concerts. . ceives much praise from music relative age of.early human cul­ & v$|»" »V* ^fcosstdT Chorug, A "«pit find shine** outfit" the lovers. tures America, brought to Austin by tha Cultural ADAPTATION of Puccini's "La Boheme/entiHed "Her in particularly ; $nt»rtainraent Committee, has b«-Ccuacka are inspected before The Cossacks sing without ac­ those of the great interior plains Wonderful Life," includes -Htis scene Where Martha Eggerth is Jaroff 'fines &W%o»>a on* of the most popular of every performance. companiment. Their programs are region. The findings help to fill Faculty and staff members have eral thousand dollars> ~ the Coteacks anywhere from $1 versatile, including everything visited by Jan Kiepura and a doctor. The Columbia^ picture is now i $&be committae's wriftk they h*ve the vast ^ap in which little is the opportunity to earn -3%, to 4. . At present the ' union has * for unshined boots or a creased ftom Red Army songs to lullabie's. playing at the Texas Theater.. m ,, •-, per cent return in­ a||imp«arad here many times. known about primitive man in the on money for ~$r share tunic to $25 liquor-on-the- Western world. vested. in the University Federal capital of approximately Adttiiaainn tor MMOB ticket --. .'.• ; $39,00Q with outstanding loans of holder* and Blanket Tax holder* breath." * , \ -Artifacts-—found-in a small lake Credit Union,, which is conducting If a mantis late for a concert," membership campaign. more than $42,000. A $3,000 re. 5 will be fr*e. General «dmi»s»oi> is bed near Clovis shed new. light a he loses $25: if he is absent with* serve fund has been set aside as" union, set up at-the-' 'rjl-tlita- -ef~human: .. The yiblAtlion against bad debts. habitants of ' Eastern New Mexico versity in 1936 to serve as a co­ «fhe Cossacks of the River Don Established on a federal char­in the late' Pleistocene Era—the operative loan and savings agency iflion have long" been known for ter and operating under the Fed­ beauty of their voices and the to geologic age Just preced'ng the for University'personnel, paid div­ eral Security Agency, the credit idends of 4 per cent in 1948 attj T?3*'"* weight of their men. A Cossack 5-9 Production persent, Dr. Sellards reported. is inspected by a union yearly 4 per cent Tn 1U49, Mrs, Louise ^Junder six feet is almost'unheard "The Clovis locality is the first bank examiner. At the end .of each The Departmient of Drama's j gue, the Dotssryj. is stage'manager. Frank Harland Barekman, chairman of the -un­ Because he •> ~ found showing clearly the, rela-year net profits are divided by fort ^ ch»sen the ^dSnce head^of board directors,' an­ ft countiry ox vomrck Those chwsearfifor Ts the prop crew; Cliff Wv geologic position of three ear ion's of vote of the shareholders, with Tall Husbands," promises to be large I interlude are: ^lary jane Bnmd: Harvilie is head of the stage and nounced .this week in a letter to if|{JlStige Jasoff, director of Thanksgiving holidays have ly plains cultures,' Dr. Sellards em­shares voting. in cast and high iri entertain-[ ho^st, the shepardess; Jim Climer, building crew; Bob Blaustone is the faculty and staffs . «horos, found a career. come right in .time to give Uni- phasized. Deposits accumulated in veraity atudenta an opportunity fd ment in its December 5-9 run at the first Egyptian; Persis Hopkins, in charge of the light crew; Jack tlie lake intermttently. reSulting Any University faculty or staff Federal credit unions are. organ­ groups Bantam-sized Jaroff, despite Sis a Auditorium. ^ , j the second Egyptian; Charles'My-Ashford is in charge of the paint n.ember may buy from one to ized to serve of -people **<*-> ~4 feet; 10% inches, became \r Kimten.Elagstad<:"the in-Hjwr distinct-iayerfr-of-earth;-J Directed by ^ameB Moll, as- ler, the dancing master; Haden crew; Charles Lane heads the cos-1TTO shares jn the union at $5 ^ havingi.' ff close, common bond of y^^lwutenant in the Imperial ma-est of Jtving-singers," who will be Three contained human relics occupstion,"association, " or sistant,;.proflessor; of rdrama, ^and-h JWfigKw,T^iT Cipyor, Alton RMf7 Pat Cook share: Membership resi­ guest soloist on the San Antonio tume ^ew; and fs in at present is •!i ?«bineHgQn corps. War and revolu- adopted from Moliere's "School and Valgene Aielrad as the men charge of the house and publi­and fossil animal remains. 430, ared the organization' invites dence. The University union !•is •M'r?"TiioB took the young Cossack and Symphony Orchestra aeries at the for Husbands," the production dancers; and Beverly Kirkland, city crew. The culture of the basal, stra­other members, of the faculty and one of seven such groups operaMunicipal Auditorium in San An­ bis soldiers far from their Don tonio SaturdayLnight. •; sparkls with dance, music and Jene Genehack. Dennie McTee, Tjckets go on sale November 28 tum of lake fill is older than the staff to join. ' ing in Austin now. \s •Valley home. comedy. Mr. Moll directed the and Fredricka KiCramp as women at the Music Building box office. welMinowh Folsum culture in_ the Additional capital is greatjy Applications for membership in ' f Tickets for the November 25 ife-Over the evening campfirei lie Department of Drama's summer! dancers. Prices are 35 cents for Blanket third horizon of lake deposits. Dr. needed now, Mrs. Barekman said, the University organization may «efr third program of the sea­three movements, run together;1 day prima ballerinas. ShS The Produce "THE son, an entirely orchestral con­After the agitated, storm section, cert,^Sunday afternoon in Hogg the air clears and we hear once Quick JRidkardi Rrlwa Avditoriulit with their ueu»l high more in the Shepherd's hymn pea­ I AslyDniM artistry.' sant melodies, strikingly similar to w Texan Results "3NOW DOG" The "Pastoral Symphony, Num­those of the first movement. ber Six in F Major," by Beetho­ Borodin's impassioned „and sen- Elm ven, was.the principal work. The suous' "Polovtsian Dances from] When the nher fai Medico Apartment for Rent For Salt Musie only one of the nine symphenies Pipe* or Cigarette Holders Prince Igor" were given an ani-Carl L. Svensen, secretary ofl C,lP/TOi-t'0799 luriu browiy throw it _ with a program, the,sixth is also mated,' imaginative performance. the board for registration of pro-BOOHS, community kitchen. Apart­YOU'LL. pay mora th* store* than MUSIC and P.A, systems' the sole one having more than the away with the nicotine, ments. 2101 San Antonio. Block cam-at BSOORDED 1*A LIFE OF HER OWN" -Although the conductor's tem-fessional engineers, led a forum pmi. Experienced teacher,. MA. Guaran­I'm asking for my late model Smith-for all occaaions. Campus Musie Ser­ standard four movements. The tan, iuices and flakes Corona portable typewriter. Will consider po seemed a little slow in* the discussion during the Bamshom tee* ' results tutoring math, English, vice. 8-8418. Ray MilUsd ^ r,Scherzo'; of Mendelssohn^s "Noe-1 meeting :i Monday ~ night on the lirf «h*Pe. 3m Tom at 1706 Nn«ce« or pEotl* m M Laws T«mr w ^ye divisions deal with the glories H haitrapped. Insert Spdhtth. 7-4580. trading tor a standard machine In good of nature ajid bucolic sen^ments. ii fre^i FilMr to get turne and Scherzo from "A Mid-, problems of securing registtsatipn. Professional cooler, cleaner, Board "An awakening cheerful Im­ SAVE, National Geographic. 25e, summer Night's Dream," the com-j. D. McFariand, professor of .sat am pressions "on Arriving in the dryer,purer 6—11.00, pocket>hook editions, 10c, 0^TU3VM TfiAT B«JTE%4. position was otherwise satisfying. I drawing, spoke on the origin and 8—26c, Fa*Won-, -Home-Garden, All- Country," the first movement, in­ Niiaklnfl " Used Magasines, 2002 Speedway. Phone HAIRCUTS 76c " The woodwinds, especially the purposes of the Ramshortf As- Good workmen—8 Barbera 2-8888. P»«l D^tglu -troduces the ingratiating themes fiute, were in n ONIVEBSIT* MEN! Stacy's Barber Shop outstanding iwui-r that characterize the entare sym- Meals family style. Home Qi|id« j;oUa THOROUGHBRED Siamese-kittens,-seal 2602 Guadalupe piece a-td pies a speifialty. Founded in the, spring of 19S?i point and blue point. Ideal pets. 7-6840 phonly. The orchestral sonority URS. HOWARD PAINSTEXAS* STARTS was great in the tuttis. The sec­ATTENTION FRATERNITIES—SOROR-Special Services it has the purpose of unifying all 1402 Seton 2 blocks west of campus. Phone 8-9171 the branches of the College of ITIES. Handsome Reed Barton ailTerTODAY ond section, "By the Brook,",is a tray . Winthrop 'pattern ' for sale. Cost Itisurdy, placid description of the Engineering. "It is an organiza­ $160,00; sale price $96.00. Phone 'S-2090. FREE: Make-up and skin analysis wftk tion that will serve some of the Beauty Counselor. Try Before Yoq rustic scent. Long, sustained haiv BUICIT SUPER convertible 1947. Ex­Buy. Presentations given by appoint* lOVflfiiariiK MUSIC! monies^ ^with lew. cadences, give needs of the College as a whole Coaching cellent in appearance and' mechanical ment in yfcur home or at 1900. Whiti*. tiiis a in doing avoid creating MNl QUALITY) condition. See at 6408 Grover. 4 blocks Call Mrs. F. 8. Wright at 7-7628. peaceful jknd relaxing at­and so JMMCO V. P. a.(vm weatof-.Chicken~Shaek,"4-7daiIy.--AU t>'0"'X-C TiMneir­ JNpM*lip«ci«llyMltct«d imported bfiar.Vi mosphere. i ' -. — --- ^^^ffewntnie-German. SUton 2S0S Saa ^ntonio, day Sunday. SAVE I We arrange your rides or pajiiea­ "VUlage Festival," "Storm/' "Modem SotattoM to-^ Wid* variety of ihapas. With10 Z 7-2711. EXCELLENT QUALittY 1-2 carat sola-gers -for your car. References. B«gi*« Abo Frank M«rf)co Standard"..i taire diamond engagement ring. Grade ter early. A AUTO SHARE EX­ Affecting Texas Hydro-Electric COACHING FRENCH experienced. Tele-A diamond purchased at Kirugar*. Call PENSES. BUREAU. Phone 2.8888. The association got its name , ; phone 2-2160, 6—8. Am«rlca^ Ovhfandlng Dollar(V)Wpe 2-6984. Power," will be discussed by Roy from T. U. Tsylor, Texas' first • rt -I* I HI \T!'I S M TCr^zdom, assistant professor dean of epgineering. -He-graded 8-1164. . Typing Leather Goods of electrical engineering Tuesday I f perfect paper with his rani's COACHING: French, German, Russian. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Experienced teacher. Phon/e 7-1409. at 8 in Petroleum Engineer-horf mar> ItWBS also ^e °ean's ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER. Expert typ­ MEDICO Feature Starts at 7 p. m. 9*"' „ sv , custom for many years to pre- ENGLISH—AU calles. Expert help .by ex-cowSoi)Y BOOTS, bat*, bait*, holster*, ing. These*, report*. Phone 2-6646. saddles, bridles.. All leather goods _ing building 307. Sponsor;of the 8erit to each engineering grs4--FILTER PIPES perleneed teachcr with Master's de­made to order. Everything Western. THESES, REPORTS, University *rada* gree from University of T*xa*-for ;4.-^CINDERALLA" meet is Sigm& Xi, research*science j uate a br^iw wateh fob, on: one appointment call 2-1888. Capitol7 Saddlvy, 1614 Lavaca. at*. Mr*. Julian. Call 6-8628. fraternity, *" • J jside of which was a ram's,horn TYPISTS' POOL! Expert typists, theses, A Wait Diinejr Fatar*^ jWaxaetaooa Dancing The lecture -is non-technicalind Ian^. "1>« .'Old filan's etc, ^-4747 ever(5ngs, will be open to the public. Engineers. yiy h i ^ ' LEARN TODANCE ­ TYPING t-tbesesr themes, notebooks, out­ "THE BLACK CTniversity Ballroom classes. Monday and IOSE" , .\The talk will be concerned with ( ReFrigerafbrs Thursday 8<—9 -p.m. 1' bo«Tr class les TH® SAFETY PEN. Individual car* for lines, etc. Phona 6-88691 ^ _ _ . ' .'fc. i.: •• •• r roar children. Monthly^ hourly rate*.) t(oa*. 60c University girls free. football of extremes in rainfall and Law Student* to Hear Special service for gains* ANNETTE DtJVAL DANCE STUDIO SCIENTIFIC MANUSCRIPT TYPIST. river flow on the use of hydro-JJ \ , ' A . For Rentf' 10th and Confcress Pickup—delivery. 6-0488—6-06U6. Experienced. Mr*. Moore. Phoneelectric power in; Texas, and how Blciclcburil Oil Appiflll •is Phone 8-8961 or 8-908« 7-6088. • DOWNTOWN KINDERGARTEN, Nnr. *GlRlf$|g the knowledge of these effects n -' ,, , . . Day- i«y. l*t grade baby sitting. 60e TYPING SERVICE. 2108 SwUjbm. Phona rRO»ili •Week—Month Furnished Apartmentr^ hour. Certificated teacher, day f8,60. has aided the Cplorado River au-Geor&e ^ Blackburn,state a at- 7-8206. Mi** Welch. balf, 16.00, weekly. 400 East Snd. 2.8(88. " " " ' A MODERM ADAPTATION MAN thority. More recent data will t°*n?Y in charge of criminal 1982-B SAM ANTONIO, for two boy*. TYPING, " ' 'J report*, tana HATXAN^ •«. ^1.,v—a •_ I ecution* wilt speak to Ifcw stti-) fui-V? A'^ NjEW _ Uving-badr«m»> ^ *tudy, b ^ bath and theses papera,­ OFPUCCINI'S notabook*. Talapboaa 7-7787. ' yre^wnep ne aescriDes xaarDie i ;™-inman in Apartment "8 or eau <-8720, EXPERIENCED. typist: manusoript*, C«oi1« Moat Falls and Granite Shoals dams, ®1")?11** 2018-C RED RIVER. Modern apartment theses,-disaertatioiis^ Phone 2-7168, "BREWSTER'S operrtion c! th. -^-5?--adjoining campus. Earn**, furniture, WAHTB& art-timeiyplng. Satnrdaya lovely floor*, sectional divan, beautiful MILLIONS" preferred. ~ aa.2-«70; installed pump-back system at J^*se 5ro®,'e 8 draperies for 8 bora at 111040 or 4 at D«nnU Lake Buchanan. • • Jflia l)ele«idwit.f^1w^wfew^ Westinghouse and I1S0.00. 8-8720. , BUSINESS GIRLS, GRADUATE f BTl^PENTS • % f TYPING Neat work. Will call for and "i&tt-1* v, l. www Walk«r New members will be elected latlona) Harvester ONE BLOCK University: Bedroot Large and delivi Phono 2-4868 m 8-9808. ' rooms closets, 1 Mock hCdw DYNAMITE PASS" after the talk, and refreshments -kiteben, private bath. 860.00. Bill* campus., 807 We*v Z6th. Phone paid. 2888 Univer*ity Avenue. 7-1194. LET ME TYPE your thesis, tbemfc. ffer pAm^,v, Refrigerators^. Phone 6-9168. SMALL, PRfVATE, nffic ieney apartment REPORTS. THEMES, THESES. >81T847.60 * ItYMtad' meats are Dr_J* F. Connell Jr.f fEasy^THor^Beljt*r in University, area. month. Oldham* 8-4716 after 6^0 p.m. Water paid. Call-«-5084. ACCEPTED MORNINGS: THESES-— Siraeticauy new garaga, effftlancy Roommate Wanted ip DISSERTATIONS, 800 W*at Slat. •vartmaNt, • tila bath, new Frigidalre; t-9444. Electric, tHor,01adirpt«v ilMo eottago; twin bail*; bill* paid; 8-6444. ^ OR senior girl to share fur­ QMAUP& nished hop** trith.'J girl*. Near cam pus. TONIGHT burnii Tor detail*'call 7-2880 evenings,. Unfurnished Apartment PRICED MODERATELY Westinghouse For Sde ••lTIH '"BLACK ROSE & Sewing Machines WILL SELL jvaiir in Ute modal eoa-6 BliOCKS WESf of campus. Pleasant vfcrtlMa. Exceptionally el«aa. Low •Liisrj IliUiHii I |bedrbom cottage -with garage. Avail­ Fish*& Chips RADIOCONTROLUED CARS payments. Private. .Call 8-8424 aranniH •IDDEH able for a family only. .170.00 month. Aifi#i* llpirpiisr amtiois S-1888. HDSHSU TARZANANI Coffy«ni«ntly Loe*4*4 M^r Owta jltrt Wswr dsii* T«f on 12MH HLHIO RI1H UEJ L-CM 2706 Guadahipe uunu uOUI1QO STAMPEDE BateoM of a -.aoadail'-wmlwiMk M** WaotiMl th* followlnc for sale, at a nice ynti Eta LI • SEAFOOD •mis*. recorder diet»-yiiunuu HaEiN til BO HH WANTED:lor 4 non-stadent tickata M jpUff OflUs# OptM tilevisfon re?elv*t». Zenith clock •13HH •KW L'lfl -AAM.-Tesas Sam*. Call 7-180* after S22 EAST Hh ST .r, tmrtabl* radios, dual speed at •»'tl#ek f GOLDEN BROWN r#wr«JjH*yers, pablk: addrats system QQBHU HBCinn PHONE 6 2 6 0 3 [iU{|Q(4 raaiiLiia Fried Chidbn Wd «tlml. ,Giai t-84tC iwewwiri# tor. iilraSit, i,P iJpPtJS.'V?* '•u iMs. rm*»