w • v.•.•••. -• ­ m , ' WR w& m Vole* ^VOLUME SI' sjss^i'• • • • Pries Five Cents A Jl:­ D atl'y l it T It •South 4. "50 NlMi 1f250 Signp^pprb^l lonors : In Hogg Debate ~~ Br ANNE CHAMBERS ^ Regents the request be turned v.. , ThttBO who setve'd oft the sum­ A three-year pull for a Great, over to the Public Lectnres Com­ By ikss Dikii^.;rsi» mer committee besides -Dr. Hoff­Dyer and Halbouty ' Five unopposed candidates are tissues course ba*been smashing-mittee, a faculty,organization. Dr. Irrn final day Irtish 42 candidates iRlea^for ^ Student man and Dr. Moore are Dr. Lewis sorority members. approvedby -University stu«--te-'B. Tie Second Place Hatch, * MMffttt- 'Assembly Beats and fouf Associate Justice places"Thursday. dents. It is in conjunction with this 1 chemistry; Dr. DeWitt Reddick, In frosh Final! . " for three acata art An approximate total of 1,260 committee the Great Issues com­Seven of the candidates are unopposed an& this is the professor of journalism; Dr. Har­ people will participate in the mittee is able to bring nationally-ry Ransom, professor of English; Oliver Hialey, apeaking on "In same number that were unopposed in the election last year course when it begins October 19; known speakers, to lecture for the Dr^.; Jesse Billereal, associate pro­Defense of Our. Constitution," at the same'time. In a Bimilar last minute rush 48 candidates The actual count TTjursday night course. fessor of speech; Betty Bauman. was awarded first place in the . wa 1,183, but individuals still The $2 fee covers.the co$t of Jody Edmondson, Mary.Marcelie Hogg Freshman Speech Contest, filed in the fall of 1949. ' .Jody Edmondson, Zeta Tau Apha, and Barbara Haworth* hpve registration cards assigned publishing background material Hajrher, Mina Seipel, Anne Cham-: Thursday ni|fht at.tiie Baptist Stu­ • . •: Alpha Delta Pi, are unopposed. out, and mailing deadline doesn't about the course and the speaker. dent Center. be.rs, David Rainey, Ronnie Dug- end until this afternoon. The It-also admits the registrant to for two associate justice pfc*si ger, John Prater, Rick Robbins, He was awarded a certificate final count is expected to be 50 to the reserved section, in which all and Ray Peeler. -entitling him to a $25 Defense ees for women. Unopposed ^ 100 over the present count. discussion and questioning will be $1 Clip Jobs Not Justified Dr. Ransom is co-ordinator for Bond from Mr. W. -G. Pope, exec­ for the two places for s The registration booth ran out conducted. „ ' the course.' - utive vice-president of the Texas of regular cards again Thursday. State Bank. ' ] **e Har^y Webb, Phi BelUk ^ thorn* who did not receive a ^|ndMorsw, co^,, blue admittance card will get it contestants Adair Dyer, and Tom­ • by Jtnail -or be asked to pick it up my Halbouty. Third, place winner at some central >place in the next was Bill Wright. These winners < Br JOHN PRATER ~ for a cost analysis showing how Noyember. In showing that their :lew days. , Z? nom{nated by. the were given medals from the Hogg Union barber shopB in the Uni-much barbers* cost had increased overhead was higher tiie barbers The large .crowd may eliminate Fraternity Clique. Last year V Debating -Society by Bill Perkins, over 1948. He pointed out that pointed out that their business thosespot registered from attend­ yeraity 'area are justified in rais-wiqne nominated seventeen. few ing thp lecture. Policy* will be president. r". " 7 ing the price1 of haircuts to $1, the general price level -had in­actually covered only nine months 'telm creased. only 1 per cent according each year in that summer business determined after a suitable place Judges, for the contest were dftTso^on1 men ^ Student Government officials de: to, official government reports, was very slow. • °r has been found for the lectures The English language is ac­W. P. Lehmann, former as­Judge James P. Hart, Texan Edi­ Snr !. ^ h*<* the Dr. J. Ci Dolley, vice-president ceptable for lectureship opportun­sociate professor of Germanic tor Ronnie Dugger, and ' John elded Thursday afternoon. and that the bathers had not of­The barbjera furtBer asserted S: vi lBdependen) 0^ of the Uniyersity, said Wednesday ities open, to'University faculty languages, is now in Oslo, Nor-Davis. Lou Vener was chairman Present at the hearing of the fered.;statistics justifying the that they Kid dever refused to of the debaters. ^ ..1. night the enrollment shows #t»r members'in fourteen of the nine­way, studying Norweigan litera^ barliers " were "Charles" Roberts, help the University in public ser­ dents are definitely interested in teen nations participating in the ture. 1 The six participants had been The editor further stated that f*12** fcwawe of an extensi^ World problems. Fulbright Program, according to selected out of .last week's pre­chairman of Steer Here, Student the student consumer has a right vice camp^gns pointing particu^ social sche-T" " "Experience with ibe lectures information received by Joe W. Dr. R. R. Blake, former asso­liminary debates and they spoke President Lloyd Hand, Texan Ed­to resist prices which he thinks is larly to the Memorml Stadium s?assr-y —St.s will go a long way with deciding Neal, Fulbright Program advisor. ciate professor pf psychology, is on the same topics as in the pre­itor Ronnie Dugger, and other not justified and that he has a drive. AH of the barbers said that liminaries. other con­ right to information proving that *what will become with the course Although proficiency in the nq>v doing research in psychology The two members of Steer Here. they were having trouble keeping as far as University credit is con­language»of the country applied in a London clinic. testants in the finals were Jack they are justified. Dugger feels good barbers. -— Hand ' admitted th£A Student cerned," lie remarked. .for prospects Hubby and Robert Jolley. no antagonism toward the barbers, One barber asked why students wHl . increase for Each visiting lecturer'and .. • the nations re­Winner of Government could not compile an realising their civic value. go to the . non-union ' selection, following search specialist is -given trans-Hialey's topic was could: not —Dr.~ H»rry Moore, • a mock trial in which an Ameri-accurate cost analysis of the bar-None of the non-Union barbers, shops if they did T not want to pay -have^-speeified-thiktrE»g)rH^ is-the portation—ta.„.ihA^fioujitry™a»d original faculty members of the io^»4o~'SHwtain~ih«u; lotJ«ui»aw»t^9sd_pricefcl^^ ,$Ll.JteRd. ansHLgred that many «sml IS ^ language of instruction or that back; a living ^lowaiic^dFTiiih^ policy committee, said, "It is a it will be acceptable: self and family, a fund for local our Constitution. The American He and Roberts generally believe^ were^present at j&a 'p students probably felt that they much beeter response thanany- witness' traced back some 6f our the raise justified." . In deffndsng the incsease bar-should be able to choose tiieir Belgium,, iAixembourg, Belgian travel, and clerical atfiistance. one could have expected, and it historical liappenings. and offered ? A sifokesman for the barheri biers als^ stated that a niew^ tax shop and , continue paying $5 ig the best indication in the world Congo, Burma, fiance, Greece, Students seliectied* from last them as proof of Americans'"wil­stated that they had already felt effecting barbers would start in cents. « V Italy, New Zealand, Norway, the year are Vincent Herschel Malm­ that students are interested in the lingness to s^tnd behind, our.Con­the effect of an editorial in the Philippines, Egypt, Australia, In­ strom -^nd Norman Pauling" Jr. great issues of the world today." stitution. , - Texan which called for a boycott dia and the United Kingdom and Malmstrom is studying Trans-Dr. George Hoffman, professor Dyer discussed "The Perils of: of all shops charing $1. .> it* colonial depgttdeiicieB. -Polar touting -in Oslo^ Norway; Kappa of geography and also a member stating America Gipson Visits of the policy committee, first com­• The fields in which lectureships Pauling is studying recent labor Fascism," that One'barber charged thait prices Delta Tau Delta; Mark Victoria could vexy easily fall into fascism of no other type of Drag business mented, "Holy smokes!" when he and advance^ research are offered government at Univer­ h^« A?®^dent: Cin<*y Chanjr a fear of left-wing move­ been •. learned of theenrollment. cover a wide range of subjects, in­sity in Wellington, New Zealand. out of establishments had investi­ Tewv w JGam,»» Delta} iS ments. Halbouty spoke on ''Let's-gated. ..Individual barbers gave He also added that it slw^s ^e' cluding botany, applied sciences, Neal says that he would like to Pr«7v Independent} «m|­ Keep Democracy Alive," illustrat­ Teason*why tfi? price increase was on Tour awareness of students to their Chemistry, physical education, ed-have more applications sen­ ing the two^American heritages—— just and necessary. Two vof the Keeking the three engineering s too -departmentalized -education iicational and experimental psy­iors and graduates. and that the course would provide chology, anthropology, sociology, democracy and religious teaching. men stated that rtiht' on . their "It is very, nkr to come back Tvorld:.outside his home. "This is ^»n»¥y seats are John BwW s •the integration of information politiaal science, economics,, den­ shops, wfs.beipg increased," while to, one's afhaa .mater and get such a long time on one. J>o$k, but I tojje^dent; Lea Quinn, IntemZ 1 ^ethers based. £h«-£*ise partly on- from all fields. " ^ tistry, American history and lit-the increase in general pri6e Jew .ceived," Fred Gipson, author ,of alleys before completing it " and Le, Alderrfice, Sig^ «f Education, who has been head' engineering mathematics, fine The Home Piece," aaid,.Thtin>to Mr. rnp«n« lf TwaVftaif "M have driven 60 miles into North the University School of Law in dent; A. C. Winkler Jr., Indsl v Whether China would aid Ndr$­ • tered in the course. Fulbright openings has-arrived V • * and may be examined in B. Hall Korea. , ¥prtea^ I say probably not, sincie it a nation-wide court competition' &ssm 5S. a ?WCk^epe#^r Ife« James D. Roach, assistant would probably goi along with Rus­this fall, Gray Thoron, professor dS .tatepeil A student movement for the 21. Application forms for gradu­ M. professor,, of government, com­ sia's ^ decision."* • -of law, said Wednesday. Cactus Activitie i and DonaldGreat Issues course, which began ate students, which must be com­ mented, "Earlier in the year, I Ernest ^ assistant men wiil' enter the t •Independent. • three years ago, was quickly pleted by October 80, will be" fur- ' A? Sharpe, . •: »The three was wary of such a move by the professor of journalism, remarked, ^first "elimination competitions in mm Candidates ftaf/'the ; snuffed out by a faculty investi­niiftied to those interested. " UN since it-might have provoked be November or December at Dallas School assembly seats a& gation committee. It reported the Dr. / Harry L. Leon, profes» "Russia would hazarding an ML mm. sor Classical Russian intervention. With cur­all-out war they for regional 'honors.* Winners in Guinn/Sigma Alplut Epsboja; Di^g m • course would cost $20,000. of Languages, has which do not rent developments, beings as they at the time the regional contests will go By PAT PIGMAN McDonald, Independent: Dofc Bom' I Agitation was „ revived last received an award for research in want present and -to ^ have, I seriously, doubt that Rus­ which they are unprepared for." the finals jn^ New York in Decem­Independent; and Charles Ro*"-^ v spring, however, by the,Student Italy, His project is a history of sia will commit herself, j Cactus activitiei a#e in full by Tuesday, 6ctoi)#r 31. tjfStb son, Beta Theta : Christian Association. Mass meet­the Jewish* people in Rome' during "I see why China .The Dallas. Morning News, in b e r . ^ -f . swing* as the staff bears down pages with' pictures will bi| $^5 no reason four candldaW^ M ings were called .and a students the October 5 edition stated: The case to be argued involves' on the new "many books within the Roman Empire. Dr. Leon and should intervene for the very' rea­for the two pharmacy rfacultycoriimitte'e was elected to "... the Korean question can be an interesting question of law one" that will be-a bigger job for and honoraries pages without pic­ his family left for Italy in the son that it will have nothing to settled only by'complete subjuga­ work out the policy during the arising from the use of artificial 'them than any fofmer CactuB. tures will be $40 the same prices seats are J, F. Collins, Theta . summer. -early summer. gain* by doing so." v v tion of the aggressors." means to induce rainfalL. charged last year. Jack. Pippin, Independent! Rn: Bluebonnet Belle nominations » This outlined A. Gude, Independent; ahd Bon committee the m«st ,be in Journalism Building nie Lorene Evins, Iitde|Natdent;fcourse and drew up * li^t of 108 by 5 p.m. Friday, October. 20. speakers for each topic. This list m,^r* Any recognized campus organi­Sorority Copy D«« Friday Hard on the keels tM was presented to thei University All copy for sororities is due in deadline, candidates . campaijm zation may nominate o!ne Belle, administration last August with the Cactus office by' 5 o'clock manager* assembled fo T«^s U#. lmt sKe does not have-to be a a request that "it be turned over Friday. Any sorority that does. 309 and were briefed on el ? * <*<*1 member of that organization. to .the Board of Regents for ap­ not get the copy, in by Friday has tion procedure by Election Qualifications for nominees are proval and appropriation of u&til 1& o'clock Saturday to Jkurn Chairman Delbert Stephens. beauty and personality. AppUc* nioney. , » ^ it into Louise Freedman air the "All candidates most report tion blanks must b£ picked up in Dr. Painter itt^stild^^tlie Alsha Epsilon Phi house. Texas Union 309 at 6 $'c£q&1 Journalism. Building 10&, signed day to take « quiz on.the stud'by an ^dXficer of the organize' cdnstitution^*^*0,, ' Blanket Tax Needed 51 ^*6#*z.Jr l-il tion and two memti^ itnd, WW} proved by Dean W. D. Blunk, as- Twenty-two qtuwrtions ax« to'fi cil^oslpp ~ -For Oklahoma GameS. \ Blstarit to the Dean of Student taken from , the dbudy '• thee) J 4"lei|B; Hall handed out and cahdidates ntu: The Banket Tax line Thursday Eachnominee^mi^jmbmittwo had given way to the crowd stand­ Hew Street Plan ossy picture^,. W & >y full Mesadbers of the Electioning in front of the Co-Op listen­ length and a 3"by $' portrait. Pic mission publicity committee ing to the World Series. The City Council has post­ tpna may be turned Irith the be introduced to' the officer _ Nevertheless!, pictures vtftt «" poned action' on tike one-way r f t r e — „ nomination Blank but mnst. be in a e t h c "itinue to be made'^October street system in the University I Journalism Building ip8 by No- a report and 1J. l?,S?<^!Ck aret. .pending by ijvember ^ Nominefisj inuitt make m# gobtyr • to',a»«:. tfe*t yim Ass1 in the morning and 8-to 5 o'clock city's traffic engineer Thursday, appointments, for interviews by5 break ,tha yo»-* /,\,fr*Jn the afternoon. {October 12) Mrs. Emma Lonr, November 81 eampaigping," said Stephens; city eouncilwoman. said Thursday. JJominatioas for SOutstanding The City.Planning Commission wand Goodfellows should MMM 1ms recommended that both Gt&­ November 1. Nomina­ dalupe. jmd Lavaes' Stxecte bo ; m. , made by «ny group made one-tray from West First to feres mv-. individual and the^;i|-:no.:'lii».; West Ifinetefiitit ~ «Als» it on the .number of nominatipiiv., «ndw ratkm:lii* plag to Bx OiAJRUE'USW19 : may turned in on any make West Twenty-second Street )i •" 1 ji i\nM|iiuiiw> . .. .8w mm paper and' can be brought ope-way west, West Twenty-third I!®rfey -nominatiotii peacefully together.-For results to Journ*Hsm..Building 10$' oi Nuleea. WGW W«kt " ' ~ in. * whtflfttcid S" " s sports ; • *V»'- Antonio Street ©ne-wsy north, atumbl nto the room oyer Cherry bwak in n itKpknctimf ' Stadenti'^iasii;.-y-Ther« jnariFaW list of andadvanced "Why -DID ; . Charm mm tjfe student's activities and •char* tWtoa for $*• •fter sketch. Nominations must titioned to ^take them* will b* given in anthropology, drama, ... .... 7 . **wi$!35l& :-|Clubs*. ^BOT»rie^ n^f^lrtr oy- gdvenane^t, .. JM h, WoHd Smk AJdknc iJL 1 ^ougias Arg««, W,Bill HeftJy'.w* 1 sanisati^64>]S«; under . .. punts little molition gqutd this fall, is being ing, Coach Blair Cherry pointed Bunny Andrews suffered -a leg in­ held out to acquire-more season- out Thursday that the Steers ware |SL *T BRUCE HOCHE'S-Sfl jury trying to run back one of indeed lucky to hive an open date" Bill Porters arching boots." An- Twnd* feagan deroloflhig hi this week end, ' ThtiM were»^^evet', i <;ottpleIt&raiwural football „ Thursday A game eou^itieaing ecritfunage of brigH ajpotf concfTR^riif thf in­ planned far Friday has been can­ jury situation, Center Dick Ro­ "** j. _ . . Barton will be a doubtful par- the winning ways of 'the Bloom-This sort "of practice same is ticipant, however, ainee he has ,quirt Swedes; 13-6, in a Class. A planned for the remainder of the •~==ii^!aF b—n out of action aince Sentem and Edgar Wells herded the Dra­tions against Oklahoma's split-T ber 16 with a broken collar bone. gons to vfctory* formation. When he 4oes get back in shape, Lynwood Elliot passed and ran Bftrton is expected to be of The newe«t additions to trainer Thcleme Co-Op to * 28-6 win over on the defense^ / *• , . Prank Medina's squad are tackle ip&.. the Eajrlea in aClass A Mica Gene Vykukal and'guard Joe Ar­Jim Pakenham, with a chippedBp game. Elliot threw three toaeh-nold. Vykukal is out with a pulled ' bone iiii his foot,^"and Jim Lang- pi dOWn passes and'scored Theleme's leg muscle, while Arnold is bat* ford, the 225-pound tackle, with WS "fourth wx-pointer on a run. tiling a seige of flu. DON BARTON a badly sprained Anger are still Ill la a Cl**s A Mica game, TLOK sporting their casts: had little trouble in winning from The other major casualty in the Twin Pines Co-Op, 3S-0. Wilson Longhorn camp is co-captaini,j„ On* intercepted a Co-Op toM and Bubba Shands, who is still _ to score on bothered with an injured leg. The a piay Jhat brought Jana to ffieir Steer halfback, .counted' on for-Iteet, first-string offensive and defensive yp* -, _ duty, worked out in sweatclothes Csech Club an easy opponent, the Thursday, It's not known how engineers winning, 28-0. Fred By KELLY CROZIER long before he'll be in shape. 4'f Prickett and PhB McLaughlin led Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. a Clif Polk of Handley, Carrol He­ -Hie AIME onslaught new crop of football ^players will rtand of Robstown at tackle, and " The Draft Dodgers had little to make their' bow at Memorial Sta­Stanley Studer of Austin ft W% worry about Thursday. They took dium when the' Yearlings meet the guard. • ".T*""-~:y: ' fy§| the measure of.^Brunette House, "demolition" squad in a* public Saturday's game will offer fans Sports Notice dy 25-7. Led by Mack St&elje's pass-scrimmage, coach Buddy Jung-a Chance to see the Yearlingr~iBr lug and running, fte Dodgers were michel announced Thursday. . action before, they meet the Bay­" AH «ntri»» tn th» IThiveriity Op«n never headed in the Class A Mica' The "demolition" squad will be lor Cubs in Austin on October 20. TennU,Match must be is by I o'clock Frld*y ;»)fternoon. made up of boys who are tralosfera 0pp.osing the "demolition" Bfc D; A/ PBNlCKl §&• > Ahothei^Class A game saw Cliff' from ottier schools, transfers Irom tscldield'composed of Bunny An­ Ij0}, Courts • swamp Tejas Club, .40-6, junior colleges.who did not gradu-drews, Bill Bible, Bill CHanslor, mi the passing arm of John Dalry­ ate, and ^ boys -who played fr«ih-and Glen Price will be the num­ mple. Tejas scored on a forty-man football for the Yearlings ber one! defensive group of Year­ JRund • pass two plays . after . "the last year jbut who lack the necea-lings. Courts made their first touchdqwn. jskry experience-to win a varsity The only change in the defen­ touch- James Boe jthrew two . berth. •••••••' sive and offensive team, will be the —Thttr»d«y,»'-ui>detu"th« -directaon substitution of Gilnfter Spring of past Tau Delta Phi, 12-6. Pi Kap­ of coach Jungmkhel, the fresh Lufkin in place of Gist at-end, pa Alpha downed Lambda Chi men were running through the Tommy Ward of Galveston at the Alpha, 20-6, in another Class B defensive patterns that they will rig),* linebacker pait, and S. M. fratonity game. use. Saturday with various teams Meeks of Jefferson at the safety being juggled to determine the. spot. •••* -' ---. NfttHtton Advanc«t most potential. group. There is still a warm fight atSunning in the number one of- In Catw«H N«t M««t the quarterback slot but Ingraham fensive backfield.Biturday will be is holding the edge despite a Clint Nettleton advanced to the Hub Tngraham from Abilene at sprained hand that is hamperingfinals of the Caswell Open net quarterback, Pete Gardere df Dal­his longer tosses. tourney by defeating Bill Harris, las at right half, Donnie Smith of €-2, 8-8. Nettleton will meet the Kerrville at left half, and Phil winner of Friday's tilt between Branch of Gaston at fullback. TO OLD SEVILLE PLEASE MA­ TRICULATE ... AND MAKE SUJtE X«d Coffin and Art Stiles Sunday. > In front of this quartet will be TO BRING DATE ... FOR OLD In £lassB, George Sigier moved James Gist of Marshal at left end, IS NEAR AND Military SEVILLE VERY MUCHO FAMOUS FOR KJNE FOOD ine t2ie final round by nosing Larry Fagan of Franklin at left AND ATMOSPHERE .T YOU'VE Stanley Rosenberg, 9-7, 6-8. Harold tackle, Bill Trafton of Austin at NINSULA UP Clothing Hdq. GOT THE WHOLE IBERIAN PE­ ... WRAPPED IN Schmit defwted A1 Liessner 6-4? left guard, and J. T. Seaholm of THE PATIO. 6-8, 6-lf in.jawL_ibw«r hali' df Austin at eenter. BEJEVlLUigp- OLP SEVILLE CuMtelujMlt. tiw dnms -. " Tile eight side i^ill have at end IS01 SK0«S . -* Plain-to«-regulation Black or brown for " N*ry, Army or Air Force KRUGERSlof JodhpUlt 13.96 pr. Black or Brown -4? Khakf 'Troustrt --PfficwVBMMSf! . -. '• high-rise back, flap ELmuam ay||l| pockets, zipper front JMY9T MM ,pr. 5.50 /;:r; NIW MAN, NIW l> UIANC«> MAUTYI Poplin. Shirts n • MM ROTARY MOTOR I with or without shoulder straps ea.2.98and -• NSW HI-VILOCITY Jbr 3.95 % P<:r'f " <• SMART NIW CADDIS •W OvtrMas Cops lM/{ CAISfct? Airforce Blue ea.1.95 . S«rvlc« Caps ftfr Airforce Blue oa* 5.95 * to 7.95 s^> K » ifr&P A»2 JciclitHf r ' n ^ :­ W AfeJf«rc« StylV iMthor Flight Jackets , Baft's the peat mm Schick*2 $3^0 4-^ t h,vw'4' » Vl If ci<, *»^ r ^ •» -f 1 I,,, t'2 1 1 fr~y>v7•^.3. iH-vuiiii •* V / ^ 5 «r Mf fij?p Ay -.t!1 r ' ^ » r%: "*£S.±> r as if •* * y Fotmal Hose r by Interwoven. . . t* -a. ? ^ * <*»• 9 *• H r iTV ^ 1*"^ t *«d * TlW 5iSMMaK MifiiI*»ngb«nc<> 4 ' ^r iu , ' T 3 count two balls and one strike* Mne sent him across with a roller . .. :WfiV, And'for those fans who do not T-s, 'i , -tr £ ° jo ' -+ ' ^ » * *li * m year. * ^ •r-s-•? 'Woo&ing,' It care for the intersectional attrac­ .•; •>•;<•:•;• v^-V.A.-.• «;.\*^ .-...••> o-.j.-Ai'xy I 4 DiMaggio found one he liked and deep to.shortstop on which Granny Rinnto, _ ^_4» 00 t ^ s a x it*.#1 y _ i i >* drove it.into the spectators some* Hammer had jm» real' chance to Bern, e —-s 0 7 S ionB, the TCU Horned Progs and Meanwhile, irt Hoiatott, «w ^ *^ - < ..».• The Phils made their first Score Jobrafttt, tb i o o i Brown,ll». ,* o'a • * Conference confwt fort Worth their winning streak in tact. TlM Fried Cod Full .35 , and Cream Gravy .35 Joe's timely waHop crushed the of the series and tied it up in the Hopp. lb -10 • s « Saturday nigftt^ -> Owls, Who easily defeated Santa Baked Red Snapper •40 fiarbecuedLamb .35 home crowd of 32,000, and' it all fifth; Mike Goliat, theh; second Bauer, 1 s Coleman. 2b.. .1 S I Thff SMU Mustangs and'Texas C3ara, 27-7, last week hav» not Tamalies and Chile .35 Individual Chicken Pie .40 but killed the championship hopes baseman, rapped one past first Bftynoldv, p _ .SSI 1 2 Aggies, undefeated in two games fosfc a gsme since the Tigers but of the Phils. The Bombers will go which a £*?iW£ .*••. •• •.v-" »-' .'• • tase on Coleman made Total* -49 S 11 this season, have their work cut tfowjW 14-7, at Baton Kouge into the third game in their own great running stop, but threw, Jt them VEGETABLES : stadium Friday holding ,a tremen-Wildly to first in his-haste. [JPH11LADBLPH1A (t> out for as they face the toughesfe .teams from the -Big In another Saturday night tnnip -jdk—r_ Macaroni and Cheese Ifcoberts, t^Tng to sacrifice Goliat Wittlcui, lb1 Bsylor^L Bears iwrgy JMisaissippi , Frosh Frozen Spinach ,12 Nationat Leaguers; a — meet atiMnssigpat. along, popped out to Reynolds. Ed­ s Mashed' Potatoa»|'.|^S .10 Mexican Style Beans ; .12 Aihbara. ct —« SUler, Tigen and OkUh™, Manager Eddie Sawyer's boys die Waitkus then hit what looked 0 _ Fresh Frozen Corn ' ' •' Danish • ":.12 were not quite so helplete at the Gnnts, rf _ S « Sooners,^ the esrlfest exponents of •12 Spanish Rice ; v. like a simple out toward. Coleman Semlntck,Jone*, 8b. t . •0 split-T are the State gave warning by. upsetting s the formation,z-C*bril«ro . 0 s dominating factors jn their oWn Special,L^-''*-; •' Silrmtri,Bunntr, n o _ . e 0 league each yea*, *nd always highly-touted Tennessee, 7*4, last 0 Maroons Come Back x*-Whitm»a 8 •» prove mean opponents, for South­.Siturdaj&v,'" S^ak and American Fried Potatoes liOMta, c_ .45 « 0 west elevens. \ With the return of Mrml key ; Filet Mignon Steak Goliat, Jb 1 1 .50 Roberta, p _ players, this week, TCU hopes to Hot Baked Potato and Butter xxx-Majro ---» o « In fact, Don Farout's Tigers .12 0: 0 avenge last year's 27-7 defeat by have been one of the few teams | Hot Apple Pie with Aifierican Cheese .15" Against Bears Tonight Total* _i_ -ii i r n 4 to play SMU on even terms the The Justin Maroons will at­Antenio mauled the Capital City x—ran for Seminiek in 7th. last two years. At the Cotton • *JrrI°t*ntlon*ny walked for Sflveetri * tempt to bounce back from their eleven, 27-0. in 9th. Bowl a year ago, the Missouri crushing defeat last weelc when The Bears, who like Jefferson, xxi—walked for Bobj^ta in loth. eleven was edged out by the £onies, they tangle with tfce light' and operate from the. T-formation 28-27. And in 194fr, at Columbia> Intrdmutat Sch«dui« NEW YOBK oift 000 OS0 1^-S Walter Eclnrt speedy San Jacinto—Bears of have a 1-2 record for the^ year. KHLADEI.PBIA, ^^=^000-SlSt-«lo-~0->a-Mo„ site of Saturday's, gam^, the FRIDAY Manager . IN ROBERT E. LEE HOTEL Houston Friday night at House Odessa and Woodrow Wilson (Dal­ Tigers upset SMU, 20-14, to entf Oaa* A Mies E—none. RBl~Wood]lng, Aahburn, *7 ©'cfcck' Park. „ • tt»e Mustang winning streak that las) defeated the Houston team, i»nftggii ;; DlMasgio* 2B—Ashborn, Waitkna, Cole- Whiti* Wildcats T». Raablin' Wreek» Coach Johnny Kitchen's squad but last week the Bears defeated knan, Hamner.H SB—Hamner. HR-^-Di-had lasted since the Arkansas' avawk^' -'vCome and bring a friend to listen to the has a 2-1 record so far this year. Sfc Thomas of Houston, 17-7, with Maneta. SB—-Hamner. S—-Koberta, Wait-victory in 1946. SR0 Darkhorae* •*. Oak Orova ,% } DP—JobAgon I* Coleman to Hopp; . . Last week, the Mustangs, behind In their, opening game of the sea­a fair running game. ' kb*. DP­ - World Series while you eat your meal. Games son, the Maroons clipped the Waco Riatrato to Coleman to,Hopp. Fred Bennera, whipped Ohio State, Xpptin Wob jr*. Pe« Chik " The. Maroons will have a Rio Grande•Valley Clob va.ltarlnets ten York 11; Philadelphia 8. BB—Off Bo-32-27, while jplemson Vclvelc Tigers 21-0, and the following pound advantage in the line, but ^ert8 was trounc­6 • ••• wjin Jvp brofirlcflfit rlAilvimtil series* week, Arlington Heights of Fort *. (Coleman, Reynolda, Rissntb) t ing Missouri, 34-0. However, the "T" Allocation vb< Winter OarSea CM their leading ground gainer, Dela­Remold* 4 (Hamner. Semintek, Whit- Dorm H *a. Roberta Hall tefore single- Tigers were tabbed as a co-favorite Worth fell their no Womack, may not see-action »»«»1 Mayo). SO—By Reynold* B (Si«- Oa«* B Fraternitv V^j wing tactics. Last week, however, Roberta, Snnii, Seminick); in the Big Seven and should be S o'eteck beca'use of an ankle injury. Kick-Robert* IL. .(Barra. Miae, Reynold*. 2^ B«a TbeU Pi_ >«. Phi Kapp. gi^n, . Winner—Reynold*. . Lo«er~ bounding baek this-week. , the Jefferson Mustangs of San off Johnaon). s ' - ilpha tM> time is 8 a'clock. ffAkAfie - •.j&i. - Mz ' a# —i. ,y^ are your sports-bred iW FASHIONS FOR THE 0. D. GAME •**W't,> '.r&jM ' va H '.'. vV.ir:1-.' • ?•-.« j farmshings—the extra ~r~­ points in Clockwise, slip-over jerkin" >yith fine worsted blend gabardine front, action *. back of wool knit, 6.95. Rich, hard-Weating, washable! Combed ­corduroy sport shfrt in fan, green, wine, mM. .navy, rust grey, 8.95. S, M, ML, L and II . XL. .. •• i - SSW-A ,4?. Imported .wgafT argyle hose anklets, s^3|j|§|S sHririk-resistant, slies 10^ to * 13* Lightweight gabardine, sport shirts, in regufar sleeve lengths, 32 to 35,* 4.95. Men's Furnuhinfk, Street FIdor t , fc&mm ^ rv V*, 4 * ' ,. * . '• -git tfti 4 f 'am-JSir 4 ***« -f. sr ( ,-> -*, •»^ M « /<>•,<•"* .5 I V ^Sf.! 1 Sv ^ |s ^ f JUy> . v y -'" h. V EVi 'Ssp s s-\ i 4 « ^ N P > d.0^'t '' '>1 "3" ­ m 1 l 4 " 3 4 A1r ' 5i t •, 9 • ' . t, ^ £3 rf7Ci^ 'i \ ^ -v ' *. t ^ i J sport coats||wool slacks -football fashion L. -6r«rrtl-? comerto ^jortrcfothes^whe+he^ ^wants iHem •~2l fiv £\ .W? v fhe big game,Of relaxing after classy. See our wide selection of soft, comfortable' ' k1'1 >LJ'' > * .* -S ' -'1 . •* 'It •' •• • .V..,. • . ••.,• a . •.*•.• -:i:r''iT­ < i-i'. nla. , ^ym:2wp.*ty%L ^ dPS-5 i ,1)' ' ' V> J $jSmm uiafaasM-jcigmrS A % -" • r^k 4i /^"sn ,n SSe*, -jhj, winynpoT Imj^ -f So6ftH ' ' r ^ with double soli, rubber heels. , 3* Siz®^6'/2 12. widths AA to D. , 'Uwar, brown-flat saam.jnoccaiin to#».} V^"4* . sires 7;to, &VWfhs A to G. ^ ''fB %m, * , - •«.5» 4^ 1,§h. itf*£ B V*Sl -W.VW»W.SvV<«W •***"*,* * yWi jtit ^*'< *t>~ **• *v ij^w WSK l'^ ' •« fj-.®* W,l/•J * »74* fr' ,-•/* e si v>' ?•,% •iSjwt MUTnlft* tj^jitetfa. i«»& «pR ttt»-JtasftS. M.^MflCOBfiK aMOfflF swadtm* tsr-7-X-T" ~ i .. ., irm_.. -•>...„ .^. .....«, —---..-^—mm$Mmttosm*to*x$*im' 'IWAftqpHniWiMtttrv' gBfgpMfteafr otff iJfce <®E«t ri«Bt« ^^rssss: sssssr ^£mm,mM .titoiS* .*et»iH«>, «^tb«nr. t9*t<*m» _ ««d mm**i M*MCiitaw^s »b, q^,tfaltttosftw* jfjgKSf awid.f^iawttBilfertlfatXitrmlf& ttoid^t{^cw^eHiW!Mi«> fcwwi©439^p!WMwl#it$y^ Tints. '.••••:*?• oo -^wrta^ *.•*•.:•;.• £Rr d43*4! . • • ~,_ 'ttOWBR IfW^vTimss?pM« T„ iiC «!* Y„ ^ # \ it*B .*i«*o»*6 Ifttemlisy"cbb*t TEmms .. iflMrt&S.artfrttfrte^••flPMqy rrattfekfej*, awiit (iildappfeisB«| iSSrtfate^mm se»­ I«wm£ d»o i^Mtt (X^iib«R«ft o«r a«a»y ^ tlMHtp lib •:&? ;-^«il^wM«!t cfimSf^­ jf>«r<3ej»ttt?4nwe aWMB-•' ., . mfrmmm?m(xmman£ • i^tite. &. ;*»*&»••» .•_ __ .'iA ?i»»itt ttiw»ie->iodi«r tifew ile tWm HIT adtf I?8fy-' . aBpwww»i^> c^f tteie (ligUtanill .®si* ^mr;nEcaaa&e,, "" • m '. aBhfcife ;m&i tteam-zmf­ «p^ 4m> *WWJ*!*® «• S®®^y *•*•" l astimottMitii itetG3m-• gpeiy.'eiBBWfe tifer Jtetfam ijbwm; ito • "nF-^ 'rkam z# nWooiiv^ sSBWfF 'lijWB. t.1swB>iE«iBp,fcti»!&6«»-. dfe.,^amiwtiawta o&.mmi-CfMi*.ttSee t«ci^gn^c°3aiMr Hbb Hnipim. s»A®o ;a*a6g-'•ct^r' • T*tm^t.kt&ki&}:_ ^raaar. iskfflWKi-imsss' .^fertEajEEEayAj., sfKiee* -saaarrj' •& ^K«fcee USiwie,-s»^i. ISUSXT • a«inttwM&. • 1 jrntiiiMt ' g»ty*um ste -®orffl<fce ,/«p. e^ied#@S, ;W&pe^is deetiBHte' ,r®efcfeiss?g jjpbwsb ifTi as "Hfc#!#' simmuum' «fc> 'iWtttfe difodm. >m \i&£:trtSftffM IfesaC • Tf^t&!i»ee®9»e rsat ;ja»«y '..veb»i-;&tUa£te' r.bitm fifes I^bhsski rksim. ''jaaiBciinM q«tta»ii>pww^a^a»B!jgitt % s*j*e M& rMa%t*o .^sfatti <* ilaot «m»-lUtaswtt sW»e ;iaa»i ?taeMt-i«4«iec*te 'ieepawt, <«r tto MMVT «hmr '-!<*», *" '•' ht ^ & ; .MMIIliitljii ^ttaSte-aa^jaaaww^^ig'wdi^fe :* v • ^ :t|od Ifi^smMnaa iis-r««t. -agjstlfji®®:, •• j^ili«s9i^4.^^%ennne-itee ites HI»stlSwgeis^MigMe. &t manna. aa»5«®e' ;.a®';a#t'. |^ys»-• 'Bas ' WisrMfe^j* f-jdrtwwslfeiP'WPi® viHsagBaran E.-.-E""' Sb«*N&-f«p ^Bpasr-jpd.tttiiS8i! -»»->»»tit£' j«tt oomR. i isassaee »«r> i^Rpfe--ssffie ttise ucsomhshkms masmtst. ^^KCtss^ Wte'-'H^ntm iimnhtsy^m-^Mitic i^teeseg^ ®at;j^e t**tiati*|6ee Iltaaaaiji biK^wnHugBRg'^o 5*ee-oaew '5-V . SRyJimtt* ! UT forger Asks Papa Joe <^3HB« ^»»; iWlESe*«|6wilfc OP ^*. . '..<|«si :4i '•&&&»?&& -tthe .^Ba^e. . T.jiy ,|^.^fjiTiin«n~ :ta '" qjBlfe»^Mte4«M9g«e'tliK aqasltet & .:.vtbam*hed­ jtitiimt ••aft . sifee t30*i»*e*l|ar'«-SW:»') r,)^:1 wsm; [kmgfckmm witt-' siws,*Mbh*ir nk --tin* ' .js ijtefe "Z*«-;iHtttSK' ij-»«sgfe»xas .-tteA roo s^tystw. -tirt»5#issi r.fee. ^mitMaiLttaii JiatteetBSt -iae fi&ti. I-few?^ /ilit ' %•"Stisi^y-iattjieaijc, o —M*x»i IfcOM^tomg" ifeeas^lii iti,:isataea^£igiKKmta Pt«w riR lM|p ttee t|«W»£ '•wwpj^ c t«>! ««m; v<»f '.fcbe . s*»fcl fcf-:' .-psye®i>t .nxim yme •^ Mmsmim -Ajwe-tliMMttlhtir--• SSlw.p-'Tfiwi -:t®i :ilk« itt ibfettnr tttan jft« •«t w »«HMwjiti rrtTissBatiBt . i'i4Hsil fmmafth. IBat ••jiii$y • «m ««r­ ; " ;-• •*a,%:: ?6i3 .jcfetoiJStl'Kttieaj. " tt*ro ]|Kraims jiri i.fesr/ .-ate ::is5e^i5U-m ;#* o«Mr && liitlMI. ''-SKe • . #it gpi(»^'aws|W)»«l«w»-«yf •<£*• .. -:iT^^j6dbg^dt^^«wa^p^ffeWrtiiirrrjfaawwg '•" -rtrnttutias^irhismiiasF.sa»is-,-:ta«£-?4»e-. • iwi ;-jwt itt «£> _ ;-A^. .tSik€te -r*4*sr^'» ,'«r>}ur i-trr^MxteMMn ;.«fffi&-i»wrtia*i s«pSaie«tike> ^'4cr-in-oto»­ $)^Ae riff ifee. "|Mmi|t xlU0m -atafc-ttfT SSwuawriwr-JK, w Irrt-t umi or At or. Ittew* -sMutot.? : 44*q?M a««« •J»r ?E- d»P««is nt. ^r«M^i C. CltiK,.^JwrxuMz-. ttT'tiiv 'Jsjtsrbft' yi t^-.J*<'I'.tr" '' ,i?J^..^ «**» fa««. rot'. to. :aE mod 3Mt iMlhe; & '^r. %*•• !S-rf^' •^^BS ^ ^ 5;-«" A*m *>&*&$& aflt.il .-tff bH&i i*t&b*fe' . 't/tvy (XkAtexp. tr; aatn «Q(tre»w :gst . jte?. 5?™'BSSroawK'BSSaeBee?.:^«ri »-|fee iHP otff <.Cr*«' 'Ati-:3aac9f -Hvrrmg Jh. aaid ifaat ^fmaiKia •li-RattHfj'. .'.rtJyria^snjr: -.s, -tlJetittac,-!;*T -«l4s '2to4i3lit ;jtet>i9Tzse3: it7r«3K ... SkttiP' y«weru«y. .'Ufi *nv&-» ttttiti i«s -Ji» ii-K.. iki^m-4­ *ot«n»«i3. Smn^Amt is ' tte anmaai . &ejMt«: :*a;. l>e*.r «: A>raai*iacj>ri • .oaasristMnx as -po-sjaaataatacajr Cc-'*»»- SrS^ ' 'HiMlitP . i-WfRfe; ^S¥S0!P' rt^«9-• i ^uittenwte ''fewrr >tm-tjf ^mda&tnwr jwfti»r : s4C3fc -Wte. :ij-v .'StCSt. •rvrvmmv flKftf*. jjlte hwi|»«|,. • -• WS i®> "f cfiwunar tt««CB*s oati •wlii:..3»e .aiTcr.:. c ..BrOffii^}' ItaiiiEKf' M iwwssrtttBg: t&c -tmditeonai .-*•• bo». • >i*She«f tux I^t*a: c ft««s • ,;f. L: v^' tet*£ -iv ,-mfs*-to tif jon«m- .*«'• :tarinfen ooKjatu-oat." 6»r -.tawrr --rmtittJUttaa;.'. '«)me. tlsM/ 1 IS reran too;, jr. Um *—n\ntsp«i®i9irj. sjfaBoa, jr»*«r»­ ipfomteibMk l*TP­ rtmttu l>x. '/a mwHrftcwWR' ol swwsTiis. sKwlia*- ; to*, -exruev Att.-o«Ei5i>K -•3a3-i«JM»B3'> . . • '•KtadHj. Bcflae.; *• rS^TT »is.. ittttlfc aii2f! «a»wj!f .t« fe oa«6snui- tk-:-,u*ieK'' '»-ng-wr«*. Btih, . , ....,... ,, /ktffc mtak (4$, 00 jpwf iMfp> tltetfr tim m ttfeme ^tu^aimle jw ttte -««Kwii :Mm~-"ij «air vsats-taaf "£*T*inoTvy !. t^ob.< -i^sismis.' -MrttttattMiAWaB. ;jd^aEaiiteau-. • >^n.t ^dllup WNA TS«l5»*f*3. s#t^ ^^ ttin TBwnnpeot; „ niii—tii'iUfttii ..Gauifite?'. -' •• — •• "~ eew /jstttf i«s ^}}'" . -^t(N«• ^!Wtt,.".<*®<>'i4»T4«D!i .Bncaet". IJt; 1 ft—>!i«tcv> emsut*t7>, «eeacaaiS», "" MMZt&Vr. iJtatKttt' T*J»e fWH^ t'ai-wnw I«wiwrH wew *wi . Uei5cctW«r4 ; iHnzr: -x^Z ~ ;. m ziii&:--«mtmw rite .^-.^1 i3CIH.OTirJ#««SU'QfflM.Ua^^.f Vr fflBMElmxtasi' .'W8>. jo^agu, $%tsi«!t -Wfa fflim ^!»*WWN«a>itfCynwt mi? -&<*#*• m.bis •««».• i' *=• t&»:ifantn;, fmnst'ruw,Skiigs. «t»*r .'jKtowitt. . '• "^ffimm m&fi*# ijittts&kee> t*ff ftoe|j»»8®oaii m -.io^teau^c rtf -Ujc.TBtstvw&rttX -wwttter iaRymeawamrxr ^-. ... .• ..r. *rH.ar.afcosatmK ^rnmk&mk . :tt«rt«rr*r • ~^mt (0 <*me e rjWIwyf. :te!oer .&tt««ltsUar; c«mstes» iw­ ;H«i .Hdtttatinm lftttt .'tos tte * -flk- metts oo wpMt v%ttawa*« .'iMteteMt**­ ' tMd MMro**ti Iter >' ;B«srM«e .i^Blec. '-.Viftil! J^S^Vrffler* >..c.JBBPPMWP' U«S. i^olli>n CDAKwr.tr!lBwbjw -Wtiv^rmw^'Sc^ihmm-mAV-'^a.t rvectrMf -jwimtsii.' " •"• TIM 11ifihr ' tiiietlfi &mw*" • -:.••• IKlffilSO-.XAKOHBOK, 3)twtocrr jpnwsf bO«Mwb* '••• \V*xm&* <*£f jits !«T«tt£OE... lit tieim-'Hsxiiktyk dNMNMtw r *W fl»s i-«i :m ' lic»j^nB^i«p Jum-" aa* '. .5K 'ffitee .» dwiri^tl iim» ttwo .« gEhqaattfh aOOWSf. mrantfe •ttmtMmHemtuiU :«*li'.in.! mm' .Haoal EJ&DSiantee 2!iuB8irt«r iftcextzitfcatt .arKBtaattiWi. .tMeuc "««e --tttr ^ tm text iMensHtis, wtUi ibe Stew** Jpatte, )4te -IWBWS-'WHiW, '.-fee !inwer - • £te*;li«e. . « 232;fit>te •.-Staiicat SBwHvjaimi iBsrimxi li•'Corr £0}JBa.ttnwa^y • idfem. ,^mmm mmm* tvtith id «R«MIS tftertttm &£ &"*& Ki ffcetri -uuMir .o^T-fMi- te«Ht% «m ««wmt mtu->ggniWBH<0«^tto^tote. ih» tthe 4L26@im*we" 3T7JBB«Ef»idi ^feroKsp . Grtii' (Uatcdinss: mmm-Wtisfet as ttf£ to-tteBgw, aarfimais €0»«6-, ?S4<«rt .;w«. • m&w <&w •&&&• ...^ ^ ifawm ,'ittr Mi»w»R rqiwri a» item rswdte :it :aM.* SW». *1®# $&m$ mm mmWf& 36.rQ«Mkit«tter ftafesnngp iGreotllaEttaB . "' •• {fnon^i i«f site ttoe «» ^ 'ijmwtar .*S7.^tWl : two^tesaiae Ate wtaate; yrtff irz^SMit! ^i»^<>^hag.i|u»'»»»» #HMR ite snsttom fcto aiisy 5S? /W *. Wimanp iio ^anecAtai r^(' n-> SSfdDncwtro <»^raMWniw* IM wm*kmm Wnxm6tan/'3?!$ty. :••« -#l{$ -v y ,v. U j 1 \-f'* SknMt «b* 1 fiC'Jn-ii 3?» yg|ijiBlyiiiiij|irii PIPPI^W^ i|ii|i^jiiii.i,tii(fijiiii)lj "" rttylM Jwd «w» «fK -A aawSk jtff •$* jinaiil -jMiItt-aiilftM iii A*ypr--'frar#r /i^tfraiBii $i>|f ra tfflMsni "I n *• • jSSsaigiii^SS v^rr ^iikKV ^ " ' r ; r '' ( 'f f r r "' * - 7 * " *7^ ^ ' ''''' ' 1 . .. -. * . . "i ^ . ftW B CHANGE IN MY 75« ? * TOKiro/Ici1. _ . Mi it^ mt'lSbm sible American sourees estimated slayings by the Reds. eause, th -• •••' • •.. ^v?;v ••• -. • tost SB,000 men, women and chil­ ^ The. Field CHERRY'Slt TOKYO, Oct, ft—<£»)—United The planes tore at convoys to-Jt» setting *4«fense Ifne north north' of Jyongy»n|r iroere ittpply dren have bwm masm«red in Soath wtare sreaid at Pqtatt m.., BARBER SHOP *-*$ Nations troops massed Friday tailing more than 130 vehicles, of 88th. That parallel is the ar-movements ttoia the Manchurian Korea by retreating North Ko- yyyr^,s.j| , .u •;y*wff»..y4PPW'­ by Graham Lucas, the commte­ along the North Korean border A dispatch from IT. *. Eight boundary which has di-border area have bein noted 'in *e«a RedC# gg SgfgS = .1111 Rio Grande " while planes attacked Korean Reds sion'e acting deputy prinefoat &e* this tell: . k ^ ^ t • Army headquarters aitid U.S. Ma-Sooth and North Korea since recent days. Other stiperforts The* total is an &ia#~£. retary. giving every sign of determina­ Seoularea, 10,000 and peasftdi infantrvmen. British.British, -* World War II. dropped sutrende? leaflets on nine mated Americaa offi­ rines and infantrymen, minhnum. uth Korean Third Division rpn Thursday 40 B-29's hit Kan-tooops,. battling more than 60 Ni arsenal, 10 miles north of the miles inside North Korea up the Communist capital at Pyongyang, east coast road," ate within 50 where some new activity was' ob­air miles of Wonsan. Pilots esti­served.' mated this second convoy had be­ B-29's also patrolled routes tween 60 and 60 vehicles. Isiews Briefs UN Committee Asks made to STAY 9 A ^ Formosa Report INSTAUJD FMI BEAUTY? lasting,^colorful beau­tort M the AnoeicUd Prew bly. In addition to Russia and ty Is built right Into Suskana Th* UN Aiiemliljr'i steering China, Communist Czechoslovakia - Saranl committee Thursday recommended also.Voted against the proposal. a full airing of the question of .1 TRIM FIT? No shrinking, stretch­ Formosa,. the last bastion of ing or sagging .... Suskana' , W. Stuart Symington, head man -V Chiang Kai-Shek's government. M* 4 / ? in the national mobilization ef­ Sarai#stays trim. The committee voted 3.0-3 for ** $ $>" ­ fort, disagreed Thursday with an American proposal to give the KASY CAM? A whisk of a damp some of tiie tough draft ideas ad­ issue right of way in the assem­ cloth keep* Suskana Saran look-vanced by Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Ing like newl Hershey, selective service chief. DURABILITY? Age and .hard TheipKtaEoWed up niosrclearly tMrtlDMAM Of wear do not affe^ the beauty LAUNDERWELL for scientifically-braihed men, but there is also an.argument on how of sturdy SusfcaTa Saranf " Y«% there's hnmry es^weS'as 4ttAiTTHBr'CAWUS^*™" IBfe avafifflSle manWwe^",^B^if8 MONOMY? You get more for ... apportioned. Wift flflrf AflNiv your money in Suskana< iSpraol 2716Gamdalup« Flu 20233 -* g ^ * Bcndix Aatomatic Laundry % A speeding Now York Central 'LEAVE your" laundry with m streamliner wrecked-m a terrific CHROMi and pick it up anytime at your explosion and fire early Thursday conrenience,, near Erie, Pa., but its 15"3 dozing 6A5 DOOR GUARDS • wash and ,fluff dry passengers miraculously, escaped Models to lit all ears • Finith Work dona death. More than 40 persons were e Shirts 15e Trousers 30c injured, none seriously. •: ' • •' $1.39 _ • Pakistan'* defenio ministry, de­ clared Thursday night that defend­ CHROMI ing Pakistan troo]» have driven invaders from Afghanistan hack HONOORANHK INITIALS COMPUTE SERVICE across the border after, six days Snj®y «oel driving com- I of fighting. ­ torMmd ti Minimum a» (-—---*•• • • In 9 MWidt sen glar* with this An Ineomploto total of 20,756 Doehen Bros..Special Sun American casualties in the Korean lill* 19c heh Only Vised fighting was announced by the Defense Department Thursday. mm (tlswl-eamiltt. The cumulative total-represented{ only the losses where the-next of w «. » .. STREAMLINED FENDER SKIRTS EASY kin had been notified up "to mid-^ & * v-«>—-^r-V-^r­ night September 20. — *"*"""" imm The total'included-3,536 killed :#1 Kubber rolled inside of shirts. in action. *7 ' i• y/vif J? IMMMaflaaaa Froneh force^ supported • hy Crislsl"Sear Vietmanese, have -routed several: MW» Gutter •My Communist Vitmihh battalions , The expert? ea^ Aese^^^" Ah Battiaa which attacked a French Algerian "Donegal*." end! you'll cell tfiem remarkable J force about 75 miles southeast .values. Cleverly riyled, with ease and eieganee ^ «f Saigon, Indoehina, * Preneh military spokesman said Thurs­in their lines. Shown in singis brented drape day. , . • MOTOy TWttWC , model...grays, tans. And for e happy • BftAKC SERVICE ir WINDOW -change, wear the cwit with a eentrasi •WHftL ALIGNING The 136-foot Amorican . mine smJ sii lurmr sweeper Magpie was officially pair of our gabardine slscfa*;..Wt W»'' -5" r--« GARNISH listed Thursday lis stit hy a float­ adding an extra suit to your werdrobe, > ^ MOLDING ing mine off South Korea with 21 men missing. Custom CAPITOL WINDOW GARNISH MOLD COVERS. Chrome— Doing #vofUm« business of saving privet V Model# available for ttiost can. Beauty and protec­ Dopartmont atore sales over the Chrome tion are combined in this .useful accessory. "Just CHEVROLET nation slacked off noticeably last mokes «vaiy day « bargaki day at Start yYw-i,;-*;; snap'em oa." week, tiie second week in :which -.r. •-:.rvv-:iy Cleaner 5th and San Jacinto : f.^vTi controls on isstallment credit were BMnUtiM <«*»*» « Ph. 8-6655 in effect. prod«o» ***** *" r4e~: ' Adds Communist*. eallod aft their mmkm Trt^e tkroieit »!***• general strike hi the Soviet sons Custom AA and early Thursday Red rioters . Austin Battoiy Chrome loosened their strangle-hold en the Austrian railways* >g Radiator Hose and Eloctrlcal Co. 41m^ j|M Eliminates rotting «d blow­featuring •«. manager James H. Stewart has outs. Beautifies ame ap­ predicted -that the 1050 fair will M»nuice. Lifetime durabil­ ity-Triple Chrome plated. draw 2,225,000 customers. SS . # HOOD TIRES ^1955 M»d »fereBrys l9S7 it Brothot^bOod of Flromen and .3/ %:v.' f Exide Batteries AND SLACKS Efrginemen have carried to Rail­ *oi^-~$ef»fciating^^punittee. a VV "i Triple P—-, Tune-up -4 demand for higher wages and —Produces DeeP ^e!" _ ~~ ^ ^shortfr BoursTT""""!"!" ** *^ i •:smk.ii# GALORE!!— few Ton# — «*• •' # Battary Recharge Model#. LICENSE PLATE and Rental Evald Johnson, who went free ly Smartest S>yl«,(n. T«v^i. .Service » t " aftepslaying Tex ^lonit^ iL'$ aaniMaiec BRACKETS .... 49c eo. * *-? Thursday waa sentenced to f«ttr GASARDINES • P*®mpt Service yean in federal prison f. m. SHEEN GABARDINES t,,­ AIR CONDITIONED BU5WJ ^ fUNNELS " «in'i.m i un i iliT in i rf m .M FEATUREDA1 'Jf Odwr AN^ACINTO •y-tjfrt- W , PHONE 2-6813 KERRVILLE BUS CO,f+ •; v.; * mSH^CUSTOMfR fARKING , £ /$ ? > k vj PlHOIOLir ^SftVlCE ^ g24?6 Clottm hr Mm 11» easi^dthSi. ffc.Mill 1 V ' llIP &*****£&£,it-sia •WW* 111' " V 9m!ff t|-:' ;«»/ I > ,| western style, inclnrority. band and pnnch servc^L£eoiiia The Garden Valley Clnb will are, Babs Saworth, Hamed Amer, ^ . Kedgea. iwill ••• ?'ip^-C3pa#»«^.; expand oft harvest time, date dres­ meet Tuesday from 7 to*9 p. uu couple* at the foot of * red cer* pledge' class elected Jean McEl caps and wooden kegs. 'fz$ Marie Sandlin, Dan Bruce, Chuck' reath, Houston, president; t>ixie ses wltt be worn by the girlu, in Room .401 of the-Texas Union. Van Cleave, Charles Pistor, Frank-• pet spread down the front walk A Mica or Wica membership Lee Williams, vice- AU students from Dimrtit, Maver­lin Spears, and Ray Ferrick. Baytown, Two "pledges from each frater« *«•»*. "M"™ eard"wttlisl^»a"t*«ftatefalty wfil V.p Sunday afternoon at i p. m. , , . , . _ Pledge elan with aparty and Heart of the. Hills near Kerrville :-.^4 in Texas Union, John Ktfly Jr., doswg bouse in honor of dancing from two -until—five and rntnrn RwV»d«y ahAwt n«wr>n. | will be director of ' the tourna­ >5:-l j -jeers Saturday from 8 to 42 p-w. dient. ^THr HECORI^ YOU AH bridge players are invited 9«5 Pledge officers are: £ene St. to play, and partners will be found ALL SPEEDS . ... ^Clair, president; -C*rlyl Fryer, s to jfor those who* cbme alone. J P' ivice-president; Jack DoI3;*e6^K TUNE IN—Station KNOW— fe easurer; Pat American : lnvtitut* of Electrl: P®,.. , . _,. ^Si^JNoel, parliamentarian and ":;%eiv •cal Etafineer* and the Institute ; BAKKE'S BASE3M0ENT ^%"$eant-at-anus; Jim-Amlong, social of Radio Encineera aire planning'i1 chairman; and Kenneth Brougher; mm a picnic Sunday afternoon at 3 are planning south sid^ of the atley. " - p. in; at Austin MnniclpaV PWk. KING'S RiCORD SHOP to move into their remodeled A playroom opening onto a for­Barbecue is the main' dish and _ ^ Officers of Alpht Epiilon Pi are ltonse at 2019 ^khita, November mal terraced • garden, a cstedy charges ate $1.25 for stags, and 821 Wert 12 . Phone 6-9004 ^Irving Poiroantier, master; Gerald $2.00' for-couples. 1. The house has lieen e^large^ to room,-and a storage room are in .%;y'Abels, lieutenant master; Aar6n Fradkin, scribe; Hyme {tebnifcur* the new addition. A hall; a din­ •^•••xcheqaer; Alan Aajronson, mas-' Thi front of the house iuu been ing room, and a wrought iron ter-atrlarge; Melvyn Schreiber, extended across the lot next door, stairway have 'also heen added. xnaster-at-large; Loois • Shlipak, and an ell has been built on the The present dining room,, kit­ chen, and pantry will be turned in­ ' -*v MRS. O.B. KIEL JR. was the former Miss Ann Cleveland before to a new large living room, and • her -marriage Tuesday^vBningTfr ihe Trinity Episcopal Church in Wefoip^ a sitting room. The present ^erraiee Midland.; Mrs. Kiel attended-the Universities of Oklahoma and will become a glassed-in porch. Texas. A Kappa Alpha Theta. she was chosen as a Blaebonnet America'* Largest Faction Shoe RetaUer* /Mrs. Augusta Gl^nn, €luntnf ad-Belle lost. year. Mr. Kiel is a recent graduate of tbe University and visor, safd thst tije main color a member of Phi Gamftta Delta. The. couple are honeymooninq in theme will bf grey. The living New York City. room will have accents of yellow and green; the »garden room, green and chartreuse; and the dining room, green and eo'raL The first and second floors of the house will be-air-conditioned. Attic fans will pull the cool iur to the other floor. ~ The wrought iron for the stair­ way has been made in the patternof the sprority's flower, the car-'College girls have pidced com-los, Peggy Whit«iides, Barbara % of a price! "«Ba^It ' .. . ; . foii_fflr-their criterion for cam, Surman, and Jo Presser.' ""r; 'i• v.. ' I.-— -~~ i i I pus clothes," Mm Janette Good* " Aiier tEe show, Mrs. t56dafrtardj~-|. Baptist Cmbtcil MhIi . friend said at the Charm Commit­answered quesiiona asked by the Tlie Youth Council of the First tee's style show held in the audience. Refreshments 'were Baptist Church met last" night Women's Lounge the of Texas served -by he models and hostes­ in the church library. Union Thursday night. ses. •••> \ . New offfceTs who presided at Mrs. Goodfriend said that gijrls the meeting were Sue Worthing- The i^harm Committee is plan- should pick f&brics that'wUl stand ton» president, Bud Collier, vice- •ning1 «• charm-school-^in-^fiie rneafc stress and strain, and; those > that president, and Charlotte Parker, future. There will be texi lectures do not need a lot of pampering. secretary. given by members of the commit* The. favorite colors for campus tee. '• \w • wear are greys, greens, browns, 'r-f--• -v > blues, and reds. » i5i;. •­ •IFOCAiS HEY FELLAS Gay Sanfon, pktsy Keeling, Church to Have ^ Molly Moffett* Joan Armstrong, ' Longhom Special' Ann : Dwoskin, Nadine Sivley, Play andWorship Wash and Lubrieatioh Virginia Nichols, Barbari Friday, ^Vacuum Clean •*-Madeline Karchmen, and Mytle At Picnic Saturday Wa^iiw^modeied ^ from" s only $1.25 Goodfriends' Department Store. University Avenue Church' of Hostesseb were Betty Jo Lilly,. TEXfiS STATE O^TICfiL Christ yotrng people will have a May Marie Porter, Nell Arhopii Uroy's Service Station picnic Saturday afaernoon at 2:45 o'clock. Comfortable clothes are mi in .order. The young people will K Magxiblw Products *LOMA UNDA ifteet at the church buildinj^gn 16th San Jacinto travel by car.Mexican Restaurant -1 Smartest suitable of the riu r. -,t; StrvM yeti the f inoat i« season! Black polished calfskin ^ 4-&> "t#.-)5 4 r ~ ^ Mwdcan FoodL Modorately HARPER METHOD *r"Te< »; V# -f. iwwiwd R—K»»bly ... with smoothlines...easy•walking Prie*A ' Scalp Specialist ­ 'S", • •s 1 - middlin' heeL And at a price ­ #•? Vv J t . f'J:? ' Luncheon Serred Harper Mathod -Scientific ih' ^ Uk>- ClM*d Smulays ^ Shanpeo and Scalp Treat­you can't afford to missl will and 967 Bvloa SprfatfslRd. . 7 ment tomet dry falling hair. Our shop af- 708 Congress S>vviift^rjr fm tin latest in all bran* f-Vfi h 'f "«he»; of basiutjr work. . Vk Phone THE HOMESTEAD 2-0737 Phone 80340 i mail orders add704 nostsse or order C0.D. CltaraoingAtm«*phM"e— **%-new fashion sfpryt T*»tr F«H»d_H0«a;l.ak«l Rolls and Pastnas leoked velveteen Dinnar* S^IO f.-au< -6.^~UK* M 1~. CCloaed Mradays) jtf? S«adaydhan^n("NaM<>t ""I s.10 p. 7436 Dallas Highway^ ogii'r PbstMT4i » I'll K>, r : ^ #Ji •>* j: -tu m (, ;g% HW< 9«y $*pwh* *5 fall wardrobe compliments '.^^Wxwieire smoking }acketl ­ . Hie beautiful4and plush velveteen rn* wlnSfb^hdcet --v-. • ^ , w1irif^i^ar»>fex»i6f^ur%ir 14 -*epjirates. Tritt-up wardrobe. Aqua, Orange and R"edr22.95." &Q RADIO CONTROLliD • -The bright plaid wool bag adds this m %% JfcaMSh's note of, color.to coitumes. to your costumes •i"» «??5ara <,»n3® <» K9& In " $£ ASK X.-• $-*•£' > f - m. «S|.. igreen wiffe blad or red wttH vfpA R, spff Htv^jroutfMl wih A** - ,, -WAY HAIRCU -™ ^,Vl Distinctive Ac Fa»hian*bla m^nscA<\fcy ^ . BEAUTY,SHOP ttSrCawdtup* MM Mi Dickson'Tells lences In t "^'toi'w.di'^. hn.1 tried herd enotjgk Thi* i« the day '" W lYw 1< ' *8 -* » -* .­ ' . '.»*?'U" Br FLO COX ia itill time. £** Wnlwwfee *8| be errsifeo The person Wi» today, pi Mtirray Diefcee®, Methodttt mUb change feet of whathe doe* sionary to Bolivia, hasurged the Blake ..._ taking of the Christian Ajnswer of Dt.s Smith warnedttet eontyli* temptation Sunday evening a* the cency facilitates the sue«ei*effaith, lore, and brotherhood to University Baptist Church, countries plagued by domestic vio­temptation. ipik *««.'«rten». k ~ "What we do "with oar lives de­"If anyone thinks he is able tolence* pends ­people who do them, Is wrong p"t.J,„ w.ui«,i U1..» South American, countries ^.tba hcink at stage in which hois not/t«Wpted nobldit acMevement, ereation^ 104 *hinkiBg> The greatest psrit ot for of student activities, define the Christian thn -im taught school in addition to oaring .fevoluhon. evangelists is that kind of arro> ^T Trhtft -rrn nse htidjf " " •t-M "The root of temptation is our setf-htdulgence.1* W§ for their two children. The young gance that says 'I'm right and own fallen human nature," the family lived in .school classrooms. 4Y' Director you're wrong; so yot> com« over changa « numaii ''na,.„ pastor told his congregation. "But ream Diekson continued tt» story of Worlds End Note and be like me'," Dr. Smith sai^ the resources are there for efeangfe. BUI by relatng the young mission­, Socially, the human necessity to "Quoimg; mm Wiffiam Jim* With God's help, human nature ary's experiences in the Bolivian In Revelation/ can change." "belong" is a temptation to .ac­Dr»Jhnitl» siid ilukt on# mult' revolution—the mobbings, the cept truth from the group in which ognise the fault before he ca« killings, the bombings, and the Block Smith Sef;3L/p: Smith to Teach-. . Subtlety is the chief .character­ont de#M. it Second, according to istic of temptation, he said. tify evacuation of the small village. V* said. • 4 -V""^^ "The Book of Revelation does "Temptation will never violate |aa»% ke siadbt fiwt one moifr Former director of. Wesley "We want to fit in and not to $s foundation nine years ago, Dick­not prophecy1tbs. jend ,of. ilie. the total-intelligence. There it al­be different, ft jp evidence of the with "all one's power to £irst Y in ways reason and justification in son told-of Bolivians high • illiter­world.? divine wisdom of Jesus that lie come that bad habit." l%a . any temptation^ Likewise, we are acy «ffd~ afaressed ~the-need for By BERT TimXT. Dr.; Blake Smith, pastor of the dished a fellowship of step is to Watch one's assoda . ~7~ . -. • -. . , ,, never tempted to a point of moral more missionaries and teachers in One of the moBt popular, men him 'while they were students ac­University Baptist Church, will insensibilities of everything we not compromise iong and mrportance in self-developa|,(. Bolivia. working on the University of tive in the Y and have "retained try to interpret Revelation from know to be good,and right" wllwe. 1truths."' Dr. Smith said. ,"We must-c^ Texas campus today is Block thfeir friendship" throughout the a new viewpoint in his series of ; To counterrwhat he termed the* ~ Sh&ilo stantly watch ont about our comave' a ini>ye taature Christian he went into the Army. Immedi-research by Dr, Smiths Declaring ?teMer>7.,TTSb ately^followin^-^-discharger-lie ji.;--&/•'' .: 'V tiiat it has always been a favorite Driv Out For An Order Of was assigned to' Siberia to set BooTtofHTsriS^ifiWwiantHiir up a YMCA for the Army and he-believed that it would convince Leslie's Fried Chicken Navy men .stationed there. All Murray to Speak— Christians of today that the ma­Ceremonies and Practices Explained the foreigners were forced' to terialistic forees in-the world can leave when the Bolshevik Party At WSF Banquet , be overcome jit gye*t odds. For; * ' " "irs A TREAT THAT .'With became the rulers of Russia and seri(|&.. Dr.. Smith CAN'T BE BEAT" imposed the .first iron curtain. William Murfay, chainfaan of hopes to regenerate the interest -"'V -* ' ' And Mr. Smith returned to Texas the Bailroad Codimissibn, will religious questions among Uni­ionday and Wednesday Eveningrit Seven and began his present work in the versity Students. He will also hold THE CHICKEN speak at the annual Stewardship Y here at the University. "Fire-side Talks" on Thursdays at Banquet of the Westminster Stu­ 8 o'clock. < SHACK Many :.-students .. have come dent Fellowship, Sunday evening •••" / '• S NEWMANiCLOB ANNE#through the Y program who are at 0o'clock in the.Fellowship Hall Rsbbi Roiingar Speaks Friday HMtl N. Lamar Phorft 5-5401, v " now .prominent doctors, lawyers, of tte ~ University Presbyterian Guest speaker at Hillel Founda­ business mein, and.outstanding,citi­Church. 2010 UNIVERSITY AVE tion Friday night *will be Rabbi zens. Mr; J. P. Hart, new Univer? The banquet will be under the Samuel RoBinger, Temple Eman­sity of Texas"Chancellor, was very direction of William Odum, chair­uel, Beaumont, who has xeeently GIVEN BYactive in the Y when he was in man of the Stewardship Commit? returned from Israel., schooL The jwalls in Mr. Smith's sion. The budget for this next "•V.rM:-FATHER GERARD E/ MA^UIRE/ C Services ;Will start at,. 7:80 office are covered with pictures year will be explained and' pre­ o'clock, and. a reception Will be of men who became friends with Sented for adoption. ; ­ given Rabbi Rosinger afterwards. IV 5.D0* buys - quality, fashion and variety in • .-Vi S f* fel • qennins lsatber handbags furfall vnart bt ' Vi-i \ *&. Chooso th« emblem shouldor bag. tfce'douti# ywmg satchel, the double fwindja box, the top hand)# box or t—tl the clutch bag with insrdo zipper. They're our "fe»Hon?i , fives," vHth a styla for ovary occasion, a color for every costuma ...and such a value prica. Black, brown, navy, baiga, great), rod, in calf, taddl# or cowhide leathers.^ »-L Vt?5.A Bags, Straat ^ «#s, smmsM JV',") n. •/ • **t *1 f > ' ^ >1.4 -^ % n, " fin* •>» W*p Svth h*wntythortc©*i#"H X -~£Sr r i * Itt M f oumimnoms&*wMtfarfuLs^. I* •> i s fA / Vj* itf, t, .? A?*, « "» •WfiV.&ftS: WWIHW" if' ^ K"­ -"1J< -> yfj 1l -J' J-tr -P* i attspicictts r « iiaa^a n& Members |w&3:;'eftor t^ty«foafr!j*aw; ttinistirator m CHEESE .., Thxtieday •*»** n*.*Jl»Ming 1st l« kaeping peasants off'th« lend "KV ' ' *' »» »-an effort to overcome the upper» «ouneil of Co-Ifc Assembly, Dll* u president of TSCW, came down • Dr. Hnbbard il§Wa«|^t. ii:&* uppercase iwiMnd# w taChina. classmen quartered titcre^iTh* co<^rdlnattog body, composed of to the University, «n£#^and re-entered »d with the University beforehe ond SPREAD (t r«ult was two*seriously tnjtired ft* *£lCli-W<4,<. flaw e«*r Jertaiq Kamlani, chemical «ngi» Hie classroomson is V$torj£ jn&p« want to Deftton to head the Wo- prsridentsof «H Women's or- students and $12,600 international ,|rtMHiend the wintorahd the a» "This was so serious that fib led % «M fto-TW Towto«i% .nd 6tm CMU* . " lift fcer*-tfeSa< served dean * Aster, ebwnctl cng)> Dutch to returnto Indonesia in University coarser a» an interest* from 1924 to 1*28. to an agreement between frMb* president of the Assembly. . »• Amerieen.fype procested or pesteurhced. ikW* .Sii'l. *£*_jfcwv violation mm Modern Language Building, (both «8m j1 / of philosophy degreo in 1980. sistant district attorney of.Dallas DUES M;«•' t* ANYTIMEl Gold enps will be awarded by Last year an all-time Tiigri atten-In 1902 Dr. Hubbard was play­bounty, has recently been pro­ing halfback for the Longhorn moted to 'Misdemeanoxi Depart­j* a \ ^r «t wi.pi «**H rofitfej Tocoipt MttiHes '> U football team when they were first ment l^ead. He is a1949 School of ii« the fifteenth annual Band Day »v«nty-ei|rht bands attended. defeated by A&M. Law graduate. • ask yoet eiecit fok em »as« ricipc roL»» • <;you to • f0% rebato •haft : Octobeir 21; ...... After * parade up Congress y, i \ ^ ~ "/ ^ VX-*^ ^ ^ • ' t» J fc 1 , ^ s ^ s ij,\ Z* 4T" V*v ri 1 ,, i'v -jfL i *? * < t~ £ J« l' l,'N s 9Md M^,rtomorrow «r fys* ; Avenue the day of the Texas-* % ^ }*\L \«, ^ i* 4 ' 1 w " t ' ^ V* J ' & t " *" C w »*. ^ r • Aflriimii fftfttKill Mma. ^Jia Jkaiiilt > 1_ x,'-!-^-ju-A *-f * — * .•^k%Fi^eU^waw, WVPVI v^wvim f A:-,I_ -^ vi r#» "v»-& A -i / ^-,y- it? MR* y—r.' will attend the game as guests of . , j--^ -» iv« yT '»'M0$m S,!,y( t ,tv the University." While on parade, 'vi -1 ''-i-if A the bands will be indeed on , J" ^ •J- i^r ...V Us* your f«batos ANYWHERE marching, musicianship,: and ap­ pearance. B4f0kf' m iha Tnas^odk Store because . Five gold cups will be awarded f <. < * t-i during half-time activities at it's ^ood on veny merchandise HI Memorial Stadium to the first and US ~r -> «-, J, * second outstanding bands in two < BO OK Saturday Deadline > V W * " for 'laws' to File -•*> Saturday noon is deadline for' srj STORE _M»a ?• Law of­ candidates ftor School s: i;' fices to signify intention to run. r' ^<¥ A petition, signed by twenty bona fide students and signifying the office sought, must be posted on the bulletin board to establish eligibility. 'tiff#,1,;! Ittecfton of Law School officers, Honor Council representatives, &v •/ fviK > i -and the Board of Directors for. i v'"" "" ~ ^ the Society of Peregrinus, Inc., will "be held Wednesday in the <»» mfcin lobby of the Law Buildingl „ Students seeking a position on J v . V the Peregrinus board are not re­ -2J5 . quired to file a petition. Also, -a position on the board will not dis­ v !v» qualify„ a student-from ' seeking r-l\ v another^ office, f ' " \ * Young Republican Club ­ot lc« V1. w; Gelt 24 Now Members Twenty-four new members were received into the Young Republi­ can plub of the University at a meeting Thursday night in Sutton Cb^£SM>W*6"1 ^"StUW^'i' ^ iarn Hall 101,. OAKl^Si«i,«'ed^y**e co°6dC°?-'° P«*S Acting Chairman Clinton Mc-ethst i Nabb ^ appointed the following ) so,« committee to draw up proposed amendments' to the constitution: '^w Cletus {tines, chairman; Joyce Swld OAK ? l«Of® fieiley; and Stanley Mope*. The ^«a«^8!.r^»etod»y»*Irffc« 9***amendments will be presented at i S" the next meeting on Thursday, •3£.of OAK M"-'^ s^o° "Z* bvwe,m^ October 12. sT-.«eodedbyn" AMelo"*1 "7.u.,lou»Yr. i \ " 22 Flavors of Ice Cream Combination Sundaes.-M I ' ^ Cones-Pmts 1,^^ 'i$-4123Guadalupe . X ,«f IWi srnjrest E»*bU'TufeS« ^T0M^ llL * J-* >v colow. HMti* ®f Ny- ® th* JERSEY l:? ^ loit ^ Mtiii trlmflL. K:' , V>X p.«io^nV^7oB« w'^^ndiu' &tir*t!•«•,WHii St •tolM, taff«tan Aiistin !OM* ,^ ^dtot Jiekcfa. Welding & /VPs r eom- IS. 1 "Mnoy JMoac _:&Radiat6pote­ bbu^ons. Shoul­ f r} S' " Works W j der* are bare, pan- ' XM Soo w. eth St. 4;v; «I* and ptplumji M. e^as «wirl «i yon wJbirt rfj-;sr v~* Cobm> % mod m»% ' T6w^lt$$ 4xmtd * **. Jj« Good Food "* *->* for dan^nff la tfee tr*i 'Xt"y­rt,r fsWWii Fast-Service v ' v'Wii.V-?; Open 7 A.M. p|2 *,. Ci f '*• "v' till 1 * i 4'1 '':}riSr £ 0-« ?}£.< v* TO-T FOOD FOR THE CODS.,; ^¥0»t^aIW I' :K'A^-v-^ ."•"^11 Gnadalape DESSIS, 100. SOI FOR CROSUy "SpecialistirrTmlwed-Mechanic ^ r jtf ii£ ^^ i iaber and material V5fwwantoiar''"'~i'" *+*• ­ iffafiwlltt 3800East1st. SSL FAST SegVj Bllli JPi v. WITH THF ill FINEST '.)4v' : J mm ' j • —® sfen.JitJ' p.-r,: iWfewpi^ -.r-dT-.You^hclp^ lU;i5s" JOOC pettonage, to mskc OAK FARMS tbe fmm seftto^i flwtr tnlbed sbont^ nnd note hwwi {••-• JkeCttim laTern.And soria tpptodetioxi,OAK EAKKS twin* yenXuitfai Patfall Yoall ngiek ^CinMt»ShiMk llg^ jw <•...."v; .* /-C vV-v^ &"-'1 iiMiMlii m fmmWTLf« •«* •'•' r «!'rama prodiH*** This is the fifteenth anniversary easily do-if we look about among; and staff members. The program^ attettd thefor the association, the oldest or­our friends for new members who lasts from until 10 o'eioek tee lecftdre if Still Draws Guests ganisation in Austin devoted ex­would enjoy the kind of music .int there is ne admittlon feeHj attHr«andae>««& Unowned Organist clusively to the presentation of we hope to present,'! (SREGOR FIAT1GORSKY Dale MeLemore wiH he c^liiig Activities going on in X Hati the turns for square dancing.,The seem to attract mftny spectators. faculty and staff members get * And, since everyone ean't attend good start Friday with two ians the. rehearsals of "Hipay Boo;" squares. San Antonio Wi­ here's -a sample of -What goes on Even though some students re­ Heitmann. celebrated or-stances under whifeh J;he^music was when the windows of X Hall light spond to the «all of do-si-de, the »f "the Berliner Hochschule first written and performed. up. •-. . -u r—:—~ majority of married eouples, dates He Early Thursday afternoon, Peri and singles are interested pri­ sik, will be heard in a con-also learned of the organs which sis Hopkins, choreographer, and marily in awimmiqg, ping-pong, i Recital Hall, Tuesday, .Oe^ were available to Bach and which V Charley Baker, director,' were badminton, and volley balL All i!©, 8:80 p.m. j Vv'. Bach had ill mind when he com­standing on the stage conferring The San Antonio Symphony Or­^oo-^mice symphony chorus and Tickets are available at tlys flan equipment ia furnished. RNER aann is widely know$ posed his organ works. By this i-^probably "*ab;out. the diminutive-chestra will open its twelfth sea­one Mith ; an all^orchestral pon-Antonio Symphony's bo? office in Those especially interested in Sghout the musical world as token, he conveys to listeners the ness.of the stage, the private grief son undlr the direction of Max cert. V: the Municipal Auditoriuni. Mail square dancing should get an LANO of the Department of Drama Reiter, founder am! permanent ... iMfe, Reiter will be on the podium orders with the earliest_posta»ark early season start and not get b#> ihful interpreter of the works feeling that they alone are hearing ; The "bald-headed row" is the conductor, in t&e VMunicipal Au­are filled first. 'y -•' for all!; hut two., of the-aeason's hindialearningthedarAes^i Each; and his infcgraws the music of the composer him first row of seats. It has a won­ditorium, ^an Antonio,"Saturday, concerts> Two distinguished guest andelsewhererdurlnfhis self. • ' " * ' ' November ­ derful view of the atage, so you 11. , conductors, Leopold Stokowaki, 'Faust* Draws Big Crowdat tour of .the United States, ' One embarrassing incident in can guess w;here most spectators The list of 60 events include and Pug«ne Ormandy wilP direct Major's'Beasl' Commemorate the 200th anni-Heitmann's career came during sat. To First T«xat Matin** fifteen subscription concerts^ the other Subscription performan ot Bach's death, July 28, the; postwar period when hard Rehearsals are conducted on ah thirteen . featuring well-knbwn ces. ; "The Urst matinee at the Texas Bach's works are said to times were known by most, and extremely informal basis, and, un­guest artiBts, with the Theater waa a success," said Wal-HUNI another red by Heitmann in a man-food wd luxuries were scarce. til all the cast had assembled, .Guest soloists to . appear ere ly. Womack, manager of the STATE Hffil Here October 17 most faithful to the com-Pianists A|rtur Rubinstein', Sigi s He had wired ,the program for his there was a constant hullabaloo theater, "and there will he wore' intention. ---: organ concert to * North German of clowning. -People were flitting Weissenberg, Clifford Curzpn and: ^Beauty and the Beast," tha mstinees for feig shows featured • career :bep^j^aiToifls^ town, and had listed on it the across the stage like the old Rudolf iFirikusny; violinists '.Ye-at the Texas." first-in a aeries of three Clfre the ago of 12, when he sub-great Chorale Fantasy, "Hallelu-"flicker flash" movies. at \joei hudi Menuh|n and-Erica Morini; An Italian movie, "Faust and Tree Major plays for children, tdfor his father and played 1 jah»Jto-praise God (Gottzu loben) "* Miss Persis Hopkins obliged aingera \Kirsten Hagstad, Boris the Devil," which started Wednes­organ: built, by #M» great shall be my soul's joy." When he With a terribly affected Northern-ChristoffL an\d Frances Yeem " "Be Tieldt)ctobe^T,«t ^:80o,clock initsiiirir iteenth Century -organ builder, arrived, he was shown the tele­accented version of "Dixie." Anoth^b ' ipnportant event in in Hogg. Auditorium. Season tick­a matinee. The last showing of idtg^yBne$_thin he has ap-gram that had been Teceived over cludes tljiip American premiere of tha picture, based on Gounod's "I wish I was in Dixie!'f she de-ets are available in three prices, •ed in concerts in the principal his signatured. It rtead, '•Hallelu­the lastjifoutr songs by Richard opera "Faust," will he Friday. claimed in a feminine version of •9 $2.40, $1.80, and $1.20 for theof E arepe, including jah, to live well (gut su leben) Strauss. the old Ted Lewis style. FRIDAY (and, France, Germany, Italy, shall be. my soul's joy." plays sponsored by the American "I wish you: was too," sotto-10-1? 3-B — Blanket Tax Plana for the season' call for Russia. •. Association of University Women. His sense of humor and his hu­voiced the pianist. pictures, University Co-Op. the.Orchestra's*appearance in fif­ f-1y; otivated iy a spirit of devo-man approach, to music have won "Tea For Two"-—a dance num­1 — Worl4 Series listening party, teen other Texas cities to be an­The box office, located In the Good Food # QtS4L£~A/ 7 J| to Bach and his #music, he for. him an enthusiastic following ber featuring Howard Callus, Val Texas Union. nounced. lbbby of the Driskill Hotel, w»l h** 3EB m III been able, to make a thorough in every country in which he has Axelrad, Alton Ruff, Chsrles My-2 —-Special examinations in an­be open from October 9 to Octo­Fast Service -•m Season tickets for. the subscrip­ber 13. Persons desiring tickets jg y in Germany of the cireum-appeared. ler, Jim Read, and Bob Cox—-was thropology, drama, government, Held tion series are priced at $5, for should contact Mrs;' H. P. Bur­mfirst in line. when the rehearsal • philosophy, physics, and psy­students only, $7.70, .$9,£0, $18.-leigh, who 4* in charge of the Open 7 A.M. -0% "SUNSET started. chology, Geology Building 14. 20, $19.80, $26.40, and $33. box office, at 8-3620. tlH 1 A.M.S,¥f BOULEVARD" Hard-Top Although informal this "Hipsy-3, 4, and 5 ^— Classes in folk, * irk • -'r •4i • mmm a I 4 Boo" cast really workSi ^Tea for • square, and ballroom dancing, 'tfv-'V • I" .' A 'A''M WIW Gt.rlm Two" doesn't take mote'than five Women's Gym. AUTO RACES minutes, if it takes that long. But 8 —» A1EE and IRE pienie, Aus­FOOTBALL CAP/ TOi. • monk from 7:30 to 8:30, those six boys, tin Municipal Park. iS? Ti-Drft--s!kyi 2*A70f „ SUNDAY^ OCT. frit U With Persis cracking the whip, 4 Dance committee, Texas Un-UNDER THE ARCH ton (taiUw DpnDule^: went over the ^routine time after v'. ion. A^ne TltneTrials1iOO~F»rst RMlTdlows Immediately time. . Ji ^ Deadline for ente^hg -Hilde-^/frHE'-iHEWWR^Admisaion$1.00 per person r— — r brand Hoot Court ^Competition, m-&AWkrE&'> Attend* Father's Funeral Law Building. ,e»SANilli Oak • Alfio Pignotti, guest lecturer ifr 7—-Cheaa Club, Texas Unioii 301. SJACINT^ violin -waa called to Chicago Octo­7:16 Duplicate bridge, Texas y/iRS/ry •MIIm Watt «f A«fln •n PrwIfciubarg Ht|hwi]r (290) — •ACROSS FROM INTRAMURAL* FIELD ber 3 after the death of his fa­Union 815-816. Barbara Stsuiwrtcik -!• ther, Nazareno Pignotti.. 7:80 — Addresa by Rabbi Samuel 7^ Where Friend Meeta Friend* % lea Actete Walter Hurton Rosinger, Hillel Foundation. ­ 2008/Speedway 9 a.m. to Midnight Tvy *«r filet M|s«| M&: "THE FURIES" T:80-10, — Co^reereation for allQuick atudenta and staff and faculty Shnjoy ear Sladiag8teiife^| yji/sr/Af members, Women's Gym. Awl ShriaM^i"' * Produce 8-11 — Friday Frolic, Texas Un­The Best FyiwiCfcleWw 'v' ' Double Feature ..a?,, ion. ;/ Trnwkm "BACK TO BA^AAI#; Texan Results 8-12 — Brackenridge Hospital A and "rll5' junior nurses' dance, 707 East FREE BEVERAGE $ "MARINE RAIDERS" "Fourteenth. " •'" ', rr-r-r yrr-— THE SAFETY TEN. IbdWdwl «»• .Saturday rvur by .the hour.nvtui Amusement Leather Goods , given your childcflita djt .vow ««y»day. month PickuiH—delivery. Call . S-0S96 12 '— deadline for law election Two For One ­ • .'V 1. . . AXl Pl«y Feel at. the Longhora COWBOY BOOTS, hate. belt*, bolftera. or fi-0468. candidates, Law Building. i.b. lfOS San Jacinto. 14 good ta-•addle*, bridle*. All leather sood* Fiiday Night 7-8 PM.r v:T For Savory Treat# I HI Mi l N op«a 6 A.M. ontllTT ^ made to order. Everythin* We*tern. Professional 1 — Turkish Club, Texas Union Capitol. Saddlery. 1614 Lavaca;.. 801. In Mexican Eats. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY Board HAIRCUTS 7(o 1 World Series listening party, The Best in Music Brinq Your SwmH: Feature Start» »t 1jg>. flood workmen. Stacya Barber Shop.. . Texas Union. .. Lost Found. S Barber* ' #4 SS0S Guadalupe / 1:80 — Cars leave YMCA for re-•t ^agHtehf to " nag Cntby treat to Boy Scout Hut. UNIVERSITY MBNl-LOST: Brow* wallet, Sept S7tH.between ._ featuring ' CdbnaCray . 2 •— AIME picnic. Lake Austin, '•ali family style. Horn* mad* roll* IS now and 4 p.m. on eampa*. Kee» Rooms for Rent money and return wallet. Phone Carlton EL MATAMOROS MBELLS OFCORONADO* d plM a apcelalty. ' .. 2:45 —• Church of Christ young • • • ... S.tlQO. •• • vrith Private bath. MB9, HOWABD PAINE ROOM twin' bed*. people leave church for picnic. <01 Scten 3 blocka wMt of campua. Near University.. 2308 'Leon Street. {Connie May • --j • LOST: Black wallet. Reward and Under Phone 8-1298. 8— Informal dance, Hillel Foun­FatttW IwrCrfopy Taces Fhou* 8-917X -Singing your f*yorit« *ona«».--. v._ . , ^Cea»tai»'Care*^^: mey keep money. Owner John Eugene Puclcett. Phone 7-7750, Room 402 Ro­PRIVATE room, end bath and (hare rest dation. £>-if S04 East Avesra* , U4U," . J" bert E. Lee Halt Need Important paper*. of lix-room house with three male — Co-Wed bridge and canasta • 'V.-vvS^r^T', -­ 8 student*. Three blocks to camput. MOCK MOOR Xii ' • ° 'LOST bjrown eeoloay notebook -in Com­822.50 per month. C«U 2-1(00 or' visit party, Texas Union 815. On tB« piano «... vf mon*. Union or Cheal*try balldlnc. 604£West 25th. 8-12 Mica-Wica harvest dance, Coaching Isvaluable. Lo«t Tuesday night. Pleaie FRUtO TORNAMy* m return. Box 1784 'UnlVeraity Button. GARAGE ROOM for men. Half block Main Lounge, Texas Union. THE MAN WITH THE HORN »bmw» Laws' Mi .canftt ia SpMUfc. XzimiaaMe University and Drac. .Everyday room STARTS har. Near tJeivaraitr 2-SSSS. aarvice. 820.00 month. Call 8-7277. -TEXAS Hetp Wanted SATURDAY 2422 SAN ANTONIO. Lars* lower bod- Dancing room for „l man; Very naar campus. 1 v 'i * Rex Harirfsea Dehoimh r> Maid service. Bill* paid. 880.00. (lis THE CASBAll •LEARN TO DANCE ' •pace with roommate, 825.00 Owner 4 • W«dy Hiller renity ballroom claaic*. Noaday and S-&720. . 1 * Deborah Kerr raday." 8—9 P.M I hour «!••• Six SOe. Wanted : men with late-model four, HAVE ACCOMODATIONS for two b«y(. i9Hi a Robert,Kewtaar'^ MSIUsSSSLmm SBTTE SUV&li. DANCK.8T laor Mdans lor cab *«rvice. Apply Each ahare room with present tenant. " W? --"TfcoCewfcor amF f*on.^ American Cab. Comsaay. .Twin Dally maid aer­ vlee. iloekeampus. T-8488.. _ Ge»e Aetrr >. *• >£* ^-l.-Tf'>•; rt 504 ELMWOOD PLACE. WeB furnished "We Mar &m* Jot Nmr Ctmf imlshod Apartments twin or single bedroom.'kitchen, and ««'MAiOR "JUNGLE CODDESS5' , homo privileges, Phoae M709 evenint*. > ->' 'j * UPPER-CLASSMEN want enoUMr 2-1103 we*k days. -^^^snsc erclaaitnan to ahar* turnUhad, Don't Walk : Prmnting ffi* 2nd •t ^*v*, BARBARA B«at. Block and-a italf twm Music ADJOINING CAMPUS. Steal* room for v^'f' *„• .Phon. 7-1811. aftar % p.m. business man or student; Quiet, bus, • r 1 /' ^ ^ * . , y RBCORDED MUBXC and PA *>*t«m* maid service. (<*701>1807 San Jacinto. /naj*n*fofBloek Ualwittgr. 1, mn brick . for all oeeM(on*. Campu* Mtuio 8er-CALL 7*6133 NEWLY REDECORATED Watftad matur# xantlamw aharo . alo sooth rooms for ... Private inaat Vriaidaira. >WUs p»H. Alao •tee. I»841f. « ^ ED double or aia-V,0-, near-University, hath ^ t*»m new awan apartment. M«i home f TSe^lUi with ifi'M Famout {ilSl _ shower. Phone 7-11W. * jL'i'-Jr-si • RED B1VER, Upper aar*a« apart-, • u{ .,1 *5i' ht room, dinette, Wtefcea,. ^ Fir8tShow2pm" oma and bath, furaUhed for 4 Typing OWL'TAXI • JL 6.00. Bill* $atd. S4I7S0. -KINDERGARTEN, 40< to.t M PlwB. Dl^ MM. THESES, reports, dictation. Electro-the modern e«ema comhhied^^BnVr." jPNBMWPt-VV''''" •Uadereartn,„new eaaipment, cerOflcated matie typewriter. Mrs. Petmoeky. I«708t« GOETH^ and G^N^%J#B^js|g|;i apartra«nt. Ea)»iea fwmltwpt. U*eber. estperieneed anperytolon. reaaon-RADIO CfoNTROLLEO •rood bed*. Foral*h*d (« t pt 4 able weekly, monthly rates. and artiatic tnumph *110.00 ,attd S1I0.00. «-«7SS. « ELECTRIC . to*. These*, report*. b % , STU0INT$l!!,.:,a * QjCUfl §&6MO/lA Gmo 'Wk «aatd UteAcadeiniii diSt. For Sale —.. ' .•••.» . 'Tele­ sa^a-1-This Sunday,! Octobor Bth, 3:OO P.M* 8BAMBE SKYLINE CLUB . j. and. «0«f ^ •wt|l«Ka.^A;iw>sata. *Sm* iMrtnreea *-« - Ty^wrifw Kwitdi-;©Ml»*i^at# n OHIOAiGO -71 RJP.M. Mm *' J*1 , Music By ' ® ciU4F"TONIGHT BURNET u 4 : ft*­ «"•!•*»«• ia a b«M. * >i Coma Casual HHHU tlu.UK V • •-• P':; r if II1 VIM riliiflllH tAi-mi, •4 -fflPBWRSPlHg TjtAT j' »EU»tE2 "•K Np]fiir.>i f'KiMusri Dane* a tmk jaTo^ja, SiUM bat# model* of aU makes. Ha de-BLUKBONNEt BOY3 £HefttV Mil iiif.; if.nif-ii! •U|pw tv eharaaa.. ttum wMtti Reiax. s S?«Ms.ee, KIMkilUiM •" Swiag yeargal wadtbeaa -.»e7j gss^rmi*, :a^ « .'w it; v', three University student* and Since fear* war* student* at tbirty^ine Aggie* H**d together, the can# from Purdue, Fordham, amiate together. Jlinueaota, &i*eonsin, and maw i'l^la atodanfc WMa all member^.°ther atWlii and Universities ll^rrw^ £ ?i8!i!t®§TfelgS, Wit 5 '-r^ j h is?H"®* " P*ll f •: '•••Wy.S. S msg'': te-1 M«4 wautband ••ami. Many* many ahad** whicli^ehooaa. 15. m'mm