fcr jpELKIRKP£»RlCK Fifteen foreign Aviation cadets have travelled twenty" thousand. to Lake Au8tin._on_4acka 'Monday afternoon. ' , On the picnic, the Cadets rode 20 term,*JtrV This was not such » "feat as .r^tt might seem, however, since the In the DUKWs on the lake, ate fey will be the first day 61 later enrolled in New York University and hot dogs, -and sang songs. , ''ducks" Army BOTC the new director of the Texas Unibn. Brock the ttniversity of Minnesota Where he com*j Joe Neai, foreign student id­v-^|J>|JKWs.... »«S visor, helped with arrangements. Pearce. ' ', . 1 pleted Work on a masters degree in educa­ pVii^pThe fifteen aadets. aara' Italian, Members of the Council who were ' Mrs. Eugenie VoesHoward, director since tion and recreation "except for one-paper," *&•*/ * Portuguese, and Swiss, five from |A, in charge of the committees $S-V 'each country. They are part of 1946, is leaving for California with her hus­In New York he worked for the Madison Haul Daumas, entertainment on ' it­ *'a group of seventy-Ave foreign *W£& the picnic; David Ling, dates; band who will enter Stanford medical school Square Garden Boys Club and. the Police St •f exchange cadets In the U.S. Seventy-five American Cadets ire David Bainey, housing; and Gor­at Palo Alto in September. Athletic league, a recreational agency. ^ don Harwood, food. Anne Cham­ i currently touring Europe: Mr. Pearce is.an ex-studeft£ of the TM-He . also worked in the Metz and Palm'® v bers was general chairman. „: . various fraternity bouses for M.A» in education.'She late^ overnight housing, taught ground aviation at . Dr. Milton J. Thompson, as­phens College, Missouri. sociate director of the Defense Under her four-year direction\ Research Laboratory, will accom­ of the Union, student participa*|i0|i§s§i ny the cadets on a tour of the tion on Union committeea. oratory Tuesday morning, Af- Union functions has greatly ex-^ pandedi A sferong advocate 6# ..... Mmmm -The cadets have made a flying Union expansion, Mrs. Howard tour of the United States. One A group of pharmacy students she had taike^f to several students ommended that the course fees be has continually furthered expan-Italian boy commented, "I left have complained to their dean, Dr. and had found few against it. paid for veterans, by the Veter­•BatjiAtpe e^iuiuios uots Italy on the third of August." We H. M. Bvtrlage, about the commit­Morgan emphasized that he was John Fry, student member of ii v an's Administration, but made no 'li will be back there on the twenty- tee set up by the Student As­not against the inspection trip as the expansion committee, : re« third. During that time, we will sembly last week to investigate such, hut felt that it should be suggestions, on adding it tfl „the marked, "I have never known any­the senior pharmacy trip. They purely optional, be^WBe ^ the curriculum, one with such a sincere interest claimed that they had no knowl-expense involved. in students and their activities and' WiiM' edge of the resolution until it was The duty of the committee is to welfare." '37 Grdd to Assist Late Registrants introduced. investigate the value, expense and As director of the Union, 'Mr. •r < ' ~ ' > 4, ' The trip under fire is an eight-time required by the course. Its Pearce will be in charge of main* day compulsory junket for all sen­objective is a recommendation that tenance, supervision, business^ ior pharmacy majors. In reeenfc the excursion be returned to ini­scheduling of Union activities, ar*'/< Attorney General Get Cards by Hail years, it has covered a drug and tiative status. rangements for room reservatioiw»\ ' Charles D. Mathews, *87 grad­ chemical center in the Midwest. : "Rumors circulating .that fx;ee and providing for information. •'* "Students may fill out a form uate of the University Law School Non-credit, the f100 tour was not transportation' for the wife of the at the Begistrar's office-for ob­"Any plana' I have for the from Lubbock, has been named a degree requirement prior /to faculty member along it allotted first assistant to Attorney General are false/ said Dean Burlage.*'He taining September course cards Union will be centered around 1948, — and registration time assignment present activities—at least^ they , jPfrice Daniel. • A resolution against it, intro­"gets his own way.paiiT by the Uni­by mail," W. B. Shipp, registra­will~be the nucleus for planST* Mr,~ Prior to his appointment, Mr. duced by Pharmacy assemblyman versity, but &ust furnish his ' 7P tion supervisor, said Monday* Pearce said. Mathews was executiveassistant to Jack Morgan, was adopted unani­ wife's." ­ the attorney generaLHe has also . Mr. Shipp stated that fliis pre­ mously. Morgan ~was appointed -"The trips do not take ten days been head of the. transportation liminary step will be advantageous^ chairman of the investigating com­ of classes," he added, "None has Wm division and Chief of the^anti-trust — over -eight days, and only for students who failed to pre-Gains mittee. lasted f A'^;Texes citieS*1937, editor of the Texas Law Be-pharmacy representative, said that similar to the present one, rec-fice not later than September 1. are taking over their own gov#:;', view, and member oJPEhe Chancel­•rfSTr.-r lors. After .graduation he prac­ernment in an upsurge of home* ticed law in Lubbock until 1941 rule activity, with twenty-six out when he was appointed legal ex­of thirty-fjve charters favoringaminer for the Railroad .Commis­ the council-manager form of gov? sion. . . • ernment In charter adoptions,~ During World War Xl ,Mr. Mat­ hews went overseas with the Twel-ports the University Institute of .fth Corp Artillery and served with Public Affairs. ' the Third Army. At the close of A study of rpunl&piM noma* hostilities he was transferred to 'rule charter activity from July* the w*r crimes commission and 1949, to April, I960, shows: was assistant prosecutor in the 3. Kells close Nuclear I^ysics Besearch Labora­ 7 Mauthausen concentration camp the University Off-Campus Re­check tory. It was anticipated that a Thfaty-ftve new -or; 'jcevlsed. %%. iwoun4#il ease.. After his discharge in 1946 search. Center, says that' the se- security lid would he clamped on charters weref ^presented^JWltli^ V Vh',' he joined the,attorney generaL's cret research program now being Sev^lenmsearci% this phase simultaneously with -its twenty-two adopted and tiiirteen »£ -•ffice. . , *41 -carried on has been geared for tories and twenty-si^ J Installation. -r" Mr. Mathews is married to the immediate conversion to thfr comprise the center. -SMp/i Closely guarded research Is al­defeated. By contrast, only five former Miss Bitty Eubanks of Mc-lieeds of toto wife v "Top secret" research Is so being carried1 on in the, Fluid cities enacted ^chtHrter*. -in the Kinney, Texas, and has a g-year According to Associated Press beiftg, done, by the tary Phy-Mechanics and Electrical :^ngi. 193040 period.' ­ m & as reports, Mr. Thompson bas s sics Besearch Labo: ry. This newring .Lahoratories at the pre­ •Id daughter. ' 21. JPorty-sfac Texas ir|\ that 'the oif-cajmpus center ah la housed in three buil sent tbne. '<$':• • -; now eligible for home-rule i has five laboratories doing 'tt«-^ The military physicist#^ are In a broihttre recently releaied ter Sections by having 6,000 plus iwrdi 4!or .tte Kurj, Air moreei reportedly working under % con-by Thompson, detailed assets at Atomfe .Enei— " *' * «*d 'tnm-> ..wi^h . Itnsswieitt the center whkh would expedite ktions. An estimated thirty*, r a .0ther::iwei^ag«icieBiV'w'::;v*£.«• labolatory of Wright Field en the expansion • wire named, -< They eft* < v«mIw4, ^flatoa-., i The nfodk is Wng carried out were principally* the following: 1940. j.l Mr CHARLIE LEWIS World >awson, ^BoQStbni....Wflliam jB.' tain their former rank. «c«^itiye director j^^ejtodveiv 1949. And Texas ipta**familiar voic« Roomed out: {"Wfclhi Stttpbur 0p&g$;*eff Je»-" ""fa* 1 * ~was Offlc^gnf ^Ckiwuneiit^ ty rfiowed a28 percent Oks • to «oinpjo^is#sSe'f&fi dea;^o£ iaeces«e^%^4liS(--.i|wt «M»ntha 1 9 OpfM tile & la the bestTol • ^ve-game #*d it AfetM*. £"T iju. Wichita Falls.; 4 In Kansas City Sunday Crawford, smashed two held in connection with clinicsreeords in the Okla- Twte 5 ^-University3 Wf Tolas' for publicity teen of 'the aehools, AAU Op«n swimming facet golfers—'Morris Williams fx, and and, the Midwestern Officials As­Wver the week end at Ponea City. *or Marion Pfleuger—teamed to cap­sociation. Crawford, swimming* *be ture third, place. in the Odessa ifnu Aquatic Club, set new Pro-Amateur golf touniament A fishermanfrom Illinois, Arch mrb is the 100-yard breast over the week end., ffi* * M» GaskiB of Elgin, won the .'title ath>le» tad ti»e 200-yard breast of 19§0 Fishing Champion of rtrokei He also holds the South­Williams, now a professional Texas Sunday at the eleventh an­west Conference record of 2:30.2 out of' Midland, joined with nual Texas International fishing -l«r the 200-yard breaatstroke. Pfleuger to fire a combined.,.,04 tournament held at Port Isabel. 1 on the last round. \ \i -*" }?>* 1 »»; ­ Bernard Gerhardt, member of Byron Nelson Of Roanoki"^ Several thousand baseball fans the University tennis team, and Bo Wimmiger of Oklahoma AAM watched a bat-swinging spree inC; Jim Peterson of Austin bowed to walked off with first place in the Mexico City Sunday night be­ ^Kenneth Crawford and Johnny second annual $5,000 tourna­ tween baseball teams of JaliscoJlernandex, 9-7, 7-5, In the dou­ment, and Mexico City in the Mexicanbles finals of the North Texas League., ' Open tennis tournament Monday. Oklahoma" of the Big Seven, One player was knocked un­~v" Crhwford, Southwest Confer-and Detroit and : Tulsa of the conscious and another got a gash ' enee singles champ, from SHU, Missouri Valley Conference are in his scalp which required eightwon the men's singles^ v and favored to dominate footbaH in tches—plus a $11.5? fine. teamed with 'the women's singles the Midlands, this falL Cuban Adolfo Cabrera of Jalis­ winner, Nancy Armour of Dallas, Coaches of the two confer* co got hit with a pitched ball by pitcher Rufua Lewis, a United States recruit. Cabrera went af­ter Lewis, and hit bim in the Indians Edge Tigers; neek, knocking him out. Both teams swarmed on the field with bats. When order was -•n— restored, Cabrera was down with blood flowing from a cut in hits IIwrf -mm tks 3lUK«r ­ Six Schools Face as the New York Yankees were idle, and now are -only 2% gamesbehind the Bengals. Sanity Code Check DaleMitchellgroupded to Neil Berryinthe bottom of the tenth CHICAGO, Aug. 14.—m— inning to-score Roberto Avila Declining to name names, the With the winning run. Strategy National Collegiate A\hletic Asso­ paid off .for the.Indians as Avila ciation Council Monday, recom­ had -been sent in to run for Allie mended suspension of six 1950 Clark, and Mitchell itad pmchhit ; imported violators of tile NCAA's ­ for Bob Kennedy. „ controversial "sanity code." The game was a pitchers duel; The policy-making council, fol-as Early Winn limited the Tigers ''-1^ lowing a week-end session here, to seven hits, and Prince Hal vaba reviewed the eases of five Newhouser gave up only eight to father suspected violators* but d«t-the Boudreau men. Al Rosen, ferred action until evidence is Tribe third sacker, hit bis thirty-first homer of the-year, and Four of then were said to be Johnny Groth bit one for the verge of mending their Bengals. sthletic fences to observe tile The Detroit-Cleveland '"tode which places strict limits on was the only game scheduled in Uancial aid to athletes. i -iB" The council's af suspension .must be submitted the full NCAA convention in Kelt, Musiat January 10-13; and • mn­iffSSylIvote: of the testhnated SlZ «eml . is necessary to blacklist. Lead Majors The DaUaa convention will be » complex if not a paradoxical ses- InHittinaf. »ion, since the members atoo mtt , jr>4 . ^ -'nr-^ study proposed George Xril of Detroit and f lbs code. ' ^ ^ Larry Doby of Cleveland are still iseS nadt aad^n^ f^r tinn AmeicaJ^ atadied suggec^ed Leagaa !y battiag * Mebftptpi^aaMp.' .in the code aitf reeonuM*d«dr«« Through Sunday, KeU was leading which it declined to Identify for wHb aa averagepresentation te t|M DaUaa.c YOU buy a pack c Thwm of Houston, 7-2 and 4-0, hornets. He has hit' 20)0 homera fc^r Chesterfields and yo tbe lisp, pen it up. wpppi*PWlS'-if T5he ,4^ajt|e ibmtf-miL Waxa-'• Sal Mag%e -'«x ue' jw^fitelpate ia Bob MiUelr of fee PbSBiea mMfe 0 Ameaileatt KitiMal Iteagua^bwrlewirfrttti. ^ Baton a AMMiiriofI Satarday «• — ings of Texas'ii lefty. WrmaimSM shipu ^ 1 l!?0 «iid Jkgft Xalw: f«r Tie Weimar nine; loadedwith led with bftaawk a ?ietot$. Tba Texaa Longhorn baseball bey* continiMd tbe$r bating tmmkSk a'l?rltteiumpl^?#" .. _ out UniversWy aopbe ^ *OK« start«r» Jianmy Hand. T • ' Schroederto Lead Kobby Graves, TCU pitcher, . . , : ;,5"v y-'-P -Wf jfr«att»allwax.in tt*.firstgame «hd aided his own canae with five Davis Cup Team hits in five times at bat. Buddy Parker Of Baylor, playing third NEW YORK, 14.— lorAlpinct, rapped two homef Tom Brown of San Francisco, S«vmhonie«avMreblasted^ Ted Sehroeder of La Crescents, hi the 17-10 *ff«l*. WMCalif., Gardner Mulloy of ,Coral Tbe CoMbQfyn won the Gables, Fla,, and Billy Talbert of game vrtth t&n runs Ik the bottomNew York were named as the of the ninth inning the big blew,; United States Davis Cup 'team being delivered, by BaybMr'a T«HrMonday. They will defend the Chandler. Weimar collected . 13 huge trophy against Australia at rZltt bita off five Alpine toesers, buttbe Forest Hills, N. ¥*» August 26-27. Cowboys blasted few Trucked James H. Bishop, chairman of Etchers for SO bfam, Five enroM the USLTA Davis Cup Selection hvtt the Welmav cmmm^ ­ committee, said Budge Patty a»f *'W-Ci-•• Los Angeles and Paris, Winner of the recent Wimbledon ' singles championship, would have been « WASHINGTON, Aa*. l4--(*)aaLkmW of the team except fgr —Lew Jenkins, former world -;r^gy • the injury bf suffered,a£ Newport lightweight boxing champion, la Sunday. going back to his old job of mesa Bishop did not say whidk serrMmtwitiiaa army eutfivaboat ber *f the selected t;!tS--la^reactivated. ­iSov«a up~when Pa lined. acar Philade^>hl^. <-«7 »**•)» ts*k' y.'J;'' rtii'' m K5A3 PROOF #»\P O W M CIGARETTE EX PER T Ji; vfi i1 v *?i. .;p aJL " r§mt *" \f :..iiv.,,t. vJ$i eligible*whnawnw^ ^ i:jjii; -,_r <"T~ Tr# Jal^'tiie orgntiinid, Norton* **vtoTuesdayaa Com. munist eovmandcra shovedmore an administrative iliii^iB^iilf»Wip. A. >^A Monday, J v,t >;• A Field ' unit 'lilt. l*a*t apt t. •tilin >r "x^fT— # wjjAiMWiiittf under tho act, *.Sfl^e 8#".. *f!*£*»*» <*» ifamft ago-? Choi*# " f> X'< i, « nr*s At^toMATic! • »j«« *t kwi lwfti it] rJTS SHOCK-RESIST­jjfSMITI Shiiilwi 5«mI *%•<*, cW«Mtop owl M&tssts:g»mi *!••«* yUii^m «4^ m'l I •>.^. ..Ttt .^r W*-' f* 1 > * * "-iSL.jtl.'i ->%r>TJ 'WUL •Vr "rji>&; -T ? * Az.^1^ t*V ;3 sf-ri. /!> $%liKs -:-*>§ j| *»• &&£/• \& V^ -> \ i­ 1 «, v ~>1 jk „v BAHNE( J1 je5® fef %IV tif*" " , " -+* For Oa^ Watch for aMftfSI %3s —. &>% •*••>' ix~%' m {& rVrfOT ^sjg"P ImLM•i*. isfyjSi, i'' lpf- S ja>' vw Wk. i*y»tdi»(| mi 17 Jlewd BANNER j&s W'M ^»Ni«ii».,.. ...0feTl".:..^4 v-i«| ANT14«A6NgTICt " .If f. i' "" sSiS? 4> ^ ^ tSy^l gwi_ PrWi! .ML': V-j W^mMrn HIP ' 'v..:. o''.'•".•',• e^L'' ;•-; iv'.i''5^'^•.•'Wr^ci )JSS?b?A{K52 •HHSEHOBBBIBngW r<4iteoke«nuB «* Gea«r«l Km­Arthm^x lk«»dqaart«ri Mid)» had w> t^porte «f Moad*^ l»| titet tm. ^ A iMNMlviarlwa openltm^«ra»^ nutty wtd IT. S. Vint CvnArj Di. vision troopers killed LOOO Cow­jn«uii8te fai the «re* Monkey ,l» mpnblag » »n>vloa« chMMit« naer ^»I«»WC. * -* e , , :' JQm-M^ovi tfcw^wd^ «ttrtherti flank of the U 8. 24lli ™w,«" *»"«. «» wo v. ». 4«m Division, engaged in a,ntajor eonn-J the river. -Jf ky&! MawsBrfefs Little UN0>uhcif To Draft Korean Peace Plaw 8mml •»" «*• AmtHmtti frmm India suggested Monday that the United Nations Security Coun­cil entrust to lie six am^l-nation members the .task of drafting a ... . M ;-i -•fj**?. -.-.-•••-. \ India's.chief delegate, Benefcai N. Ran, told the council frankly that the plan was designed inainly to end .th* pro$fedural ptalemate which has increased rather than reduced "tension between the two great pSWers." Xh* prbpoied committee wenld include representatives of India, Yogoslavia, Cuba, Egypt, Norway !¥4 DockhandsifVeto , £*f? Russia's Latest wmm yod of Crabs ANEW YQEK, Aug. 143|f —Longshoremen refused Mon­day to unload a $250,000 ship­ment of crab meat because $$. eame from Rottia.* ^ ­ "Why help Russia make in this country? Most of the < vnen hove Me vetarana^­he fighting Russia soon,'* The crab meatTmived CuawrdLiaerParthia. i-^xf %l",r fl' ^ Summer nwp % lisrM' .. $ '••'•-•i-"i'•g-'Btgs^reS — $md > Ecuador'and 'wkdi'.eet :&i{& sort of J*tttae Security CoupetL" if • W, E. Lowry «®' beeoiiie en»* tive assistant to the president and dean of the Seheol of Education of ..^iw Sa«6 Houston ilitate ieaChers Coi«^—T~ it commissioner for voc»* tional education with,the Texas Education Ageney was announced in .Austin Monday. * • . 4 ^ t>oa» Brwte" Tiwwaar­named acting president 9t Trin­ity University in Said Antonio fol* lowing the veslgnntion of' Ihs, Monroe G» Everett, the university MEKounced M^wAay. || •sM '-§$8 • SMITs^ieifinttllflU^ 000 worth of West Texas oil roy­alties it purchased, will gb toward = ttws school's endowment fund, fhft.­univerrity said Monday,. ^ "* » A fifth c«l«ak» mor* tenrei^fA !1fean t||e nne whick tumbled Czechoslovakia Into the Russian orbit is harbored in th* United Stages,v&efetefean§"JfciV* Eaker, retired wartime commasT deaf of tibe Elghtii Air Voree, mI| te SnelmMnte*-Calif. Henfrfy| ~Z A -^ $88^^ COLUMBIA University recently led the distribujfciffi if ®f theStockholmpeace petition. " , California University Is on the verge *?f reversing its ea*w fc--t-rt' fitia per ten-to^nineBoard of B: w vo ziTf Murvy*xu«« professors who refused to sign the "Loyalty Oath/' according teJ;­ <;fes m $ to 21»,Mew York Times. % -Let it be clear that the Texan is as scornful and indignant about Russian hypocrisy in the peace petition as any Ameri- W* ; v„- Vu can. r ^ ^ i Vj, k4^ .The Texan-believes, too, that Communists who teach violent overthrow of the government .should not be accorded^ theliberties ^e^f|e^1» desteoy^wii ^ free educational; ityggT- But to suppress a petition which on the surface simply asks for the outlaw of the atomic bomb recalls the Alien and Sedition laws of the Adams administration—in spite of the petition's spurious anddamaging nature. « f ' And to fire thirty-nine men who, evidence indicates, are Hot Communists—to fire them because they refuse to yield* their unconventional but courageous and high-pitched) intel­ lectual principles, to which they are entitled, refealls the Latti­more injustice and the overall McCarthy horror. g££ becret By CHARLEY TRIMBLE P-3A**ociat4 Editor^ ^ . u > . <., There has been a lot of Ullt Ft lately about Texas's new secret |>allot. Is itreally secret? y Yes, says EdKilman, columnist, for the Houston -Post. -He says' that though we still don't have the best system in the United States, our voting method Is pret­ty foolproof, ~— Voting machines are preferable, and Mr* Kilman hopes that they will become more plentiful in Texas. But in the meantime thai Voters themselves can do a lot to insure secrecy in Texas balloting. # Many persons believe that after) % signing their name on the bacte: of the numbered ballot stub and' putting the ballot in a separatee­box, it would be no trick at alii for a malefactor to find the signed:' stub (in the other box) bearing the corresponding printed num* "That'll be all, Bevo But you can't. The box con­ This nation does not need to resort to suppression and to taining the ballots is delivered to ' authoritarian fascist-like tactics to defeat Communism in the the connty clerk, who keeps them for the prescribedslength of time. free market of ideas. -^ And the box containing the signed Lyndon's in the Light If we do, we have no business fighting, for American ideals.. stubs is delivered to the district' clerk-—a different public official—• who keeps the stubs for sixty conspiracy between two public of- By RONNIE BUGGER i.? -is a severe reflection on 0iose VocLt-Loohd* i3coominfy Texan Editor t parts of American industry which ficials, Mr. Kilman says. A BALDING BUDDY of oura are profiteering at the expense of So if you elect honest officials ik'r H. A. DUNN'S latest'project—Pocket^Books to Korea— eased up to the desk Monday and adequate equipment for fighting -----•• . -• Whispered: men..•, There are other questions raised iSii .is snowballing. ; "Five'll get you ten Lyndon. That he did speak out lends about the ballot, but in any event The wise gentleman came by the Texan office Monday and Johnson will be a candidate for fuel to the camp fi?e glow^,there would have to be collusion .. . .. xi. ,. president in 19621*' that may soon spread to toe for-between two elected officials. ;8aid that a woman called him after reading the Friday edi-That was typical of the"specula-Jlthat could happen, of course, but torial and promised to get him "a thousand books.'* tion in evidence ever since the "Johnson for Vice-President." its not likely. , Monday we received a copy of .. , uTT junior Texas Senator began mak- : i j. _ * 'Don^t say any more," Mr. Dunn replied. Hang up and ^ a strong bid for the pubUc an intriguing speech he made over go get fem." That's the best possible advice. Don't say any more; don't agree that it's a fine idea and forget about it. Look around jour own bedroom, buddy, and kick in for Korea. A1 & K-3jop-\3(Ufte ^Speaker6 . . . -, . r a m IDBSCBIPTHW EATM JUtttt* J I«Brt-IWUm wuirtai ^ |U» " " & muwam TKXAK BS MCOBP or M iomatJajBU ATNU>MA THATBAMK UA-nm J»CPE PBUYVFV ST ttQVh* UVENO OU18XDS xuvmx totns. 2t«p«xt^ JOEL KIEKPATRICK MW .Uk.i^jUilL'UJKLLM ^JB^.pisQr Be#, JMc-W«a Wrrl Editor Editor Xeoii y.,BwMk'& eye. ^a-Fert Worth station Sunday by But our pal went too far; Sena-transcriptibn. Excerpts: tor Johnson is without much doubt. Just as military unprepared-a potential candidate for the Num-can mean defeat on the f%ht­ber Two spot on the Democratic inK «ont, economic unprepared- ticktft-^not Number One. ~ ness can mean defeat on the home "ont- IT ALL BEGAN when Senator * Johnson took the Senate floor and "Bravei7 oii the figh^ng firoiit gave a rousing oration declaring is futile if cowardice and timidity that Korea would either be a great have the-upper hand on 'the home * victory or a Thermopylae. front. . ~ Yea, though I walk through the Sho^Hy thereafter, he was ap-"...some have been too timid, vaUey of |lothfulness and econo- Kii ^CONCRETE STEPS were taken Monday to obtain top-pointed cha&man of » watchdog too heuUnt, too slow in recognis->»ic duiger, I will fear no evil, for . fefe,v WIAHVam fhv tliA ar^nf TaniiM Hah^ in +ht> fall '''"1 ' subcommittee on the war. effort, ing the need for home front, eco-H Will be with me; ita dole and fl^ht speakers for the Ureat issues bourse in tne fail. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram be- nomic preparedness." paternajiism, they comfort ine. It Immediate action by the Public Lectures Committee is gan ^>eculatii« on the came his proposals: "• prepareth: a Utopia for me by -r.yn.v,;.,,,! «o«nAt tu. iiiimiffiui between his career and Harry "I believe that we muat... pass appropriating the earnings of the promised. The speakers-r-whose names cannot be divulged Truman's. legislation providing stand-by con* frugal; it filleth my head with fool until a definite list is agreed oo—are experts in their fields Saturday the ' Senator was trols for prices, wages, and man-expectations; my mounting inef­quoted nationally as he called for power. X also believe that we must fidency runneth over. Surely who are at the same time gifted with broad perspectives. Immediate price controls, th^ ab* have, along with this, high excess goodness and mercy shall follow sence 'of ^Mch he said is costing profits taxes. You can't control me all the days of my life; I shall-mm bounty of the State—• WW)'**®'-* goods within the but slx months is not automatic, then I personally f«ju« to Active D«tyhave reduced the.purchasing pow-am afraid that controls may be-TIM D»Oy T«xu, a itstot & Th* Uaivmttir «f 1KM, h jaMiiW w of defense dolburs by as much come a political' football. Tliat ^ Morris MxaKiII^Jr., BJ^ ou, nas 3 la Awitia wvmrr monki»t mxemA UoDd»r *nd — 50 per cent, he said. would be unthinkable." ;anpt'ittfsi k«8day «•!.IMMW Mrfaoii *B4 • TrMnir by TOT — That he should find it necessary How can Controls be ^and-by Btooks Air Eoi^e He i^ a :Stodent Fobliewtfoa*, lac. . fz-*4?>v •r >i tk« «Btorfai to make such a statement publicly and a^so Automatic? That wasn't "entenant m the. Air Force »e» Mews eratrilxitioM wfll fce Seeeptei-tr sirvesu ttitati aw h»iM to Visit th*'editor iM.uwdiU •dHor doifos tto Two Bttjdents, charged with ag- :' Barns the fury Of her French breasts Under th* arch • Of a Undem gat^ She sticks a knot Of eaineil'sihalr ft ^ Tun of shining with emewd the^African nij^bt the jbeart Of her «oldier-lovns ma htaliMl thought. not **>*<*> Wilaon, was ^ fojr World War X.Sit-T ier, not Roosevelt^ * ' ble" for World War II* ts$&» "Joe Stalin^ ^mrnnn^ m President Truman, were responsi-hie for the Invasion of South Ko­rea. We must remember this. Hie Official «M3ni — h « «XS«I we enemy and not at our leaders, H. *. XAMVn. the quic]tet ** DU«etot the lob StadenU at* immM to e«nauit tlw Senator Johnson ' his »«t VhysieUniT i» tbeuaivsMlty MmHh 8«r- AU HBCTFCA slammed any doors to the White ^ _ Ammit He has voted c^utiousl/ H: „ .r_. fbTaUitk IfhriM ia ta tin p«*­ + s "F•'J 11 -mnMidenij^l nomination. , * --'Wi1 ' • ^ FteMMfat SMrrlee rmiatarMto Es Work* ..Doct.rM. ,ffiS"!?1 »w.".Kii ry.trM hfa i^y ^S?T''Sr'2SK5^^ a»ter^| ,degre« *** w*m*atmrM r m\ m n v> ^ (SfVV^ r,1 UT Geologist Deads be,-jgagf • Columbia •*w own Dr. Fnd BullJrd Is g§§ Otology Chairman ' School Ik llbrvar&iFLuxe^ ACBJ sequence OnWc^toJoi COmmnnity newspaper tnrrimlnm Accrediting ConmiitWe chairman organises trips to safcft papers,, *_ Dr. Fred M. Bollard, Univer-has been approved by the Ameri-In iy professor of geology, is chair-„ _,f * committee's approval of the Uni­men, Snd stresses tlj advantage* ^ can Council on Education for P. Porter, a 1940 University versity's training program for of life and work in the smaller V of the geology department Journalism^ciDirector Paul -J. mHsm graduate, was visiting students aspiring to. Journalism communities. This club is spon­ friends on the campus Thursday* rihe second summer season at Thompson Wd this is the third careers in small towns. : Thirty* sored by Professor Hinkle. polumbia University, Where he sequence to; be approved by the nine schools in twenty-si* states A new $650,000 building will Porter, who made It reputation ts also teaching a course in geo- have been given basic aecredi-on the Texan and in the state for ACEJ. The other two are ad- soon house the School of Journal* |K^phy. ^ ^ reporting conditions in state men- we^(aii»g;, sm. CMin S. Hinkle, associate and tal institutions two years ago, wag For Ave weeks at the beginning C. A. Newton, lecturer in jour­ on his way to St. Louis to begin ef the sumjner he wu in Mexico, nalism, teach£ the «ommanity as reporter for the St. Louis Post* Texans Awarded doing-mora research on the Pari-, newspaper sequence, Dispatch. Student Fined $25 j?Jfl* —In ita thirty-five yeittJUatoav . can't beattheo 8essionatColumbto,he is goingto the School of Journalism baa tion, join them,.'7 was Porter's re* give a series of lectures at Like placed hundreds of graduates in y?*. ply to sympathy for his failure t* In Assault Case Monhonk Mountain House, near positions on ;Texas newspapers, 'Seven Texans have been award­receive the Pulitser Prise in pub* Poughkeepsie, which isaresort many of them in small cities and .iiiSfs One of four ^University students ed scholarships and fellowships at lie service reporting. He Was operated by Quakers. towns. The Grass Roots Press charged with aggravated assault the University of Chicago, Chan­nominated while a student at club of students enrolled'in the His two daughters are also busy on a policeman was fined in Coun-cellor Robert M. Hutchina an< Columbia University, where he in New York. Fredda, an ex-tyCourt at Law Tuesday after­Dream FwmMowi Death nounced recently. received his maiter'a in jo student ol the University who These are among the 312 stu­ustti. *•<* noon. The lon6 student appeared ... TEXARKANA, Aug.14 1 (ff) • graduated from Vassar on June dents who have been selected for in court aifd waived jury. Mrs, V. D. Wood had a bad dream Porter also carried on cam* #*4 the graduate study awards, as a paigns here 12, is now working with the Geol­Judge Mace Thurntan found the the night of July 30. She dreamed to get dry parking ogical Society of America, which student guilty after he entered a that her son, Lt. Robert H. Wood, part of the university's annual lots and fire escapes en older Has its headquarters at Columbia plea of "not guilty." The fine was was injured in a Korean conflict. program of aid for outstanding buildings. iSP University. Peggy, who will he ¥25. Monday she received a War De­students. a. Wam was a University .senior in the fall, is The other thrde student will partment telegram. It told her that Texans who will Mudy "at the Blackfoot tribe three years ago working with the Movie Maker's face trial during the w6ek of her son had been killed in the University of Chicago with fellow­while lecturing tourists on the ships are Ernest L. Lundelius Jr., "•gajnttfli-'v". . September 11. -Korean War—July 30. > ^""£-- scenic wonders of Montana. Austin; Charles A, McBride, Beau­~" " *-*•*»* mont; Stewart I. Oost, Dallas; Joe T. Thnmons and James P. Morgan,Fort Worth; Jack L. Cross, Odessa; and Charles J. Adams. Houston. Lundelius received a bachelor's degree in geology at the University To Cancel Rooms: in June^ 1950. McBride received hia hachelor's August IS is the last-day to »ai and master -of-arta-degreea &fem caneel semester bousing-contract#the University. . foi^ summer residents .who have fall reservations; • Notice of can­ Get your Announcements at The Stock Co. today!! celation must be given by Tu^day 10 Years Could to receive deposit refunds. Wis -w -Jhe$e announcements areavailable ONLY at Stocks!! k < * Students who are o>n .waiting.; {\*lists and pre not summer resident* Even though no public exercises will be held, Your Graduation is stiU v.t-s must cancel "by August 2d to itt» Bring Floods •tK sure deposit refunds. a -most important event in your life. Your friends and relatives will, 11 Austin eould have floods simi­ ;e appreciatebeing remembered onthis occasion. lar to those in 103$ in tile next 1yi Graduates Can Get Si decade, says Abraham Streiff, 'r-'i­world-famous dam and flpod pon-Air Reserve Commissions i Men with masters* or doctorate mmmm (a) White in French degrees and from one to three the Lower Colorado River Author­Fold. Embossed cover and years of experience in their fieldi -•ity's new dams at Marble Falls,worded -invitation en­ may apply for Air Force reservesaid that the dame are function graved. 15« each ing properly, but that danger lies commissions, Lieutenant Colonel in tne islands. sand bars, and trees & E. McKesson, Air Force ROTO that are cluttering tKe river chan­director reports.­ nel below the Austin dam. The program applies to tM Excess water could not be fields of engineering, architecture«(b) White Kid Finish drained quickly until the channel electronics, political science, eco» embossed cover. Four in­ is deepened by City and private nomics, ge<^rapby, library science*sert pages if the Tower, owners of river property*, ex­education; Jbistory, psychology, the Main Waft, Texas plained Streiff. ~ " geophysics, geopolitics, chemistry, ^'Union, and the Worded Invitation Engraved. Gen* ' ITWfi botany, modern languages, soci-v' nine Leather Tie-String. FutureTeaching Fellow1 ology, and journalism. 18c Applications should be made to! Illustrate* Poetry Book : University of Texas Air Force ROTC, miZ Tom Oreen, Austin,r ' Mrs. Merry Kone FitePatrick, Texas. , /"tT f who illustrated -the volume o:' (e) Genuine leather » poetry, "Raindust," written, by embossed cover in Tan. Frank R. Lembo, will begin A. V.Martinez SucaMds Black, or White. Interior teaching fellowship in history this Pomiguez AsConsul and tiestring same as , r ' i c ^ n ^ f »-n \ * i ... BJ Ex Scores Perfect OJicago, ^fc*tsmela and Havana, Cuba, as weUpaJSan An­ !»is Qualifying for Air Force Special prices on enclosure cards, from new plate. tonio. whore )mi W Itnftn juL' Universi^ exH^u^ent b| Che tioned recently.,: $i'h4 ys V only-applicant in, the history of the Waco United States Army and UT Professors Lead tts * » ^ iSflli Air Force Recruiting Main Sta* At CottonJ^ngress tion to make a perfect Score in 'l A j' University Professor* ­ the Air Force qualification exami­ .I •« v vjl, . . *• .. *' n nation. _ -X " r1"'/-Cot­t^n tlMmxOk Dallaa »em<*rat -befbre 1TW:1« f 'V i,1 >• Air Force, He enlisted for four •• .CoiS, -.99. mm ^ years, entering as a private, and after completing basic training at second-day prognim. The -a Lackland Air Force Base, San An­noon discussion -was directed tonio, plans to apply for OfRcer *0*?, economka professor^ Candidate School. ,-s­ E^aMriac AM* 9 Ciwft*ee . , The M^cbankal Engineering1)1? partmenfs graduate tAtrriculum AWttmtwramtg Hm ghAV, hM .'.•WP''".SaiV.-INwIw w ... *»b« o c;*d' $ fM fjon e r y—5tt e OO 11 tt»e a«4^o» vof,v-<|ur«e r: .. '. 9i ..•W.-.L-; ' 4*_. •• , "Quality Control in Industry,^ SSSS^8^f^M ^Stoting/ind.AfeLC&tdjftening,*? Mm and ^Advaneed -ltyniui^i emb«r« tie tJ* * rf { 1/VXS mmrnm «Ml ^F,T,...,S-i.^».^.J jp ... . . -"-i ..'-.Wf . .f m>i\ ^l^ryonts ;torv'#^-'m|HM»e«a''>et' mas audi • ^Uoweea the Curtain Clol» WSSf tw btid ois annual banquet and picnic, a b«pt %!W yytoww the-Ro«nd "Ladies^ , »**»" ' it~»#a* •?»-p*»2JK£S?sc*,S student in the Univertity inter-theater, are ursod to aiA,«. «t MLB was the uniqtte spirit of I Monday night. The court report* ,. -^-..jfarce astadl i* dramatics te eligitie for the 'tryouts, said Charles Bakecv 'tion. The playgoer* ware. «r useda crowded shorthand and ieitt~^wlik£ dipehls op *feT& as cogrt fooia onlookers. tfcejurers' food was' genuine ftr CttHila7 daK''''>"~: • ' ptesident of tl^elab* Ho li^pss%a rIAA ~Z^> ss8we*l^-e ^ A M -* 1*—^ 1*^*. named intelligence of the jurors Tim 'plot Is simple: a wealthy A few lines, lighting muffed & laimM' w* wdr *S**TitoSrt I"*• ,T*5S -•picked up is the second net like ineScalMible * • fraternity man in a convertible her husband. Mrs. Crano (Miss store afc-rd styloft of A* fill Monday night Butler), fupwttor tifltty woman, was MbK^KWiNkit by tho^na* .. r— Ana Butler, play­undertakes to insinuate herself usual., production circumstances • mm s®. ing an ingratiating toeiefy woman onto the jury and then soften, that had the audience intrigued, many other "'•'psfe ug • pWk a ,ter for feigned stupidity, s^ry to produce ja-ahow. provoke, cajole, bribe, and vamp The lawyers (one "M them using|MW through' li«r Imandiof the jurois' in a hilarious tryst Die pointed-Index finger typo of the purpose '^C «h» «!«»< @wfe win a refreshing original with a psychological study of «H« oratory) called witnesses liars, five:.tho»e':|il... ± l --ifaalfW "!-4ti>nblwstriking ••isi'rilnll Aiom date wherein every member will Frans Schubort ««ninm»i cai facte**^ .|gum^,11 Vith persistence, by characteristic of the Theater-in-In a round stole aola a scene or two; be given a chanoe to participate production, detail .fvtwHww will make up the fi^st pert «l once ^rin« each Frank HSrland, *k the "moral, •* 1fa8tt «*"!*••-Robertson's program. J. »» ..r* . M i*r th* nrookltr nmrnma t* k> '»Jr ,/--upstanding/* etc., jury foreman; ter Jn the weekly programs to be The second part of bis program Rea -Booker, whose flaming red given*. Scheduled for, the season is MIntermesso Number 1" and hair should ihave been left natural are two plays, variety shows-for "Intermesxo Number 2," both by for the stingy Scotohman's rple television in San Antonio, Christ-Brahms. hefilled well; Wm0S^^&fiv The last portion of his program Sharon Coraelluft, Who, when includes three numbers by Schu­ Shows for ^Austin Kids •W$M garbed in a-nightgown, looked Curtain Club Ex mann^ They are ''Intermesxo like anything but the stern I*«PP«t allows will bo given on will perform as guests of the from Opus 26," "Des Abends," churchgoer she characterized; HasSummerRoles eleven J&yplaygrouttds playgrounds. and "Elide Ymk Lied." Beverly Kirlflsnd, pla --• faring the -week-long marionette At 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon piSLi'lWith Playhouse love-starved newly-wed, epitomis­ the show will be at Chalmers tiie Apollo Boys' Choir as guest festival which beg£n Monday.;* ing, with her subtle vigore and Courts. Govalle Playground will wide blue eyes, the purity of Art Parker, B.A. in drama *4*, pianist, He has giv^n recitals in ---J-Children from each playground Fort Worth, Dallas, and San An­ P4, five "Hansel and Gretel." "A (unleashed VVK>K'S&^-1!1 "•:»• -•/! • J.'J~» Southern-womanhood and last year's Curtain Club pn»-tonio. Variety Show" will be given by fan wedlock); o v ~ ident, was on tihe campus Monday, He is a member of Phi Mu Al­Mete Playground, gmd Wart; Aus­And Gene Wells, an atcurstely visitingi the drama department pha, honorary musical frateicV^ty. tin Playground wi11 perform pompous snob. , " WMs "Bobby in Dreamland." r ' a! But it was Miss Sutler who following a ght at 8 o'clock In Zilker Park, aue Playground, * men should serve on Texas juries. Parker Mid bis greatest thriU The show ruhs through Satur­earn* jrhen be played a role oppo­ l&s. Betty Lfeo Lafferty, dramatic Wednesdayc^fte*nooi^^t 4 L»-A V jf " > p o'clock the performance will be day night. Byrle Cass directs, site Zasu Pitts, the movie actress. Specialist for tike Austin Recrea­ with Janie Boulter assisting. " at Mets Playground and at 7;1& I>nring the summer, a differenttion Department, has announced, Wednesday eveiUng at Zaragosa. "big-name" #Ur appeared bach^ A ko™ trio performance en­ &-'-f 4?Y " v The puppe* show will |ef ai week at the playhouse.-Among Vtied "Triplets of-the Fittest" will B>3r^m* * -• ^ * Palm Playground Thursday after* them were Ruth Chatterton^ UT Ex Tex Ritter Jo given by Fenton Kats, BiU .movie actress from the silent days noon at 4 o'clock and West Austin.Wallace, and Tom Whitson. IHck and author of the recent book SKA "* that evening at 1:19. 'Homeward Borne*; Faye Emer-The program conclues Friday To Sing in Auslin v,s„ «on, of television fame; Martha afternoon with performances at Cliff Robertson w01 play a pt-Scott, of the stage and movies; ' NNiVfY : «no solo, "Opus 118, Numbers Bailey Playground at 4 o'elock -Tex Ritter, a star of iBhe "shoot-and Brian Ahearne of the movies. msuim '• ' ^ ­ Que and Two" by Brabtaf. Ac­and East^ Avenue Playground Fri­'em-up" eowboy movies, will be • J.- Wtii . ^ ^ K?i j" ^ g. companied by Bet^y Jane Steele, day evenix^r at T:16. ,, "y singing some western tunes on p A « Bob CantreU w01 sing the "Song There is no admission chsrile. the stsge of the Capitol Theater THE J . . l. n, \ •'.t. .• ••••• SHSRIFPS^ the Volga Boatman." All Tf • Wednesday and Thursday—just IMIIGilTES^Other performers will t/f accom-the way he used to sing them IS ^ -£: yanied by Tommy Bibbink. -around the University campus ncKca— (lipping Bureau When he was a student here fom - JCh^ Publiie k invited to the mm beheld in the outdoor theatec aeroat" from »ar-. Tex (or Woodward Maurie Rit­ STATE #on Spitega ter) will be accompanied by bis -iioa is free. Western Revue. Taesdky / £*• «Tbe Student dip- Included in bis Rsvtfe are Spud 4—Six musie education.majors %ping Bureau operates about the Goodals, a guitarist; The Souther­ voice recital. Music Building. r:same -aa national bureaus in the ners, a singing group; Quincy 6—Pr. Carlos Castaneda to adr tSnodgrass III, a comedian; and dress students at buffet su States,1* stated Hermon M. Black Dorflthy Fay, a movie starlet. Newman Annex.^ ' hafter visiting to Chicago «i41few , Tex Bitter comic books will' be Wscussio^gwtti TMCtf 1 given away to the first 100 child-8-—"The Fine Arts Under "fc. SW- yen attending the show, ^ ' dent Clipping Bureau, visited the I Admission will.be 60 v.; -7, i ;• 8:lfi — Movie, wGunga Din,» WaltDisaey^s' Open-Air theater. m . Drama Graduaf* Has t TREASURE ISLAND "•f. »«JJO Sport WtdMwbijp '.'WSUIuOAFEIIS^^-^ mmw: $4.M only from maga»nes» and the tales in Summtrl^pilf others dip from newspapers, The f" Vtanli^Cirs^ord, luring j^ada« Timrsday ' 'of ttst bureau caters to 7:15—Swing and Turn, Texas LMtDavl ,;, to**#* wMch b«lnc n#e Ite from the University With a de- Union main lounge. ;' " ' m* MaWCK Bros. tnoiiey, Mr.;Blaek sftid. li gree 4ji drama, plays the p^t of IU«. _ , . 8—Sing-Song, Barton Stf/M, "•?«OWClC jtiSfchsois* Oremio in "The Taming of the • - -i»lso„ bureau he visi' •OCW5IW ^ Shrew," with a drama being given w ywikmp and,^ fUent lb*, jiraeb " ™ fw a part of tba aecond annua! FRANKENSTEIN ^#a othem, Jfe Black Open-Air Theater# mane is w Rummer Shakespearean FesUval T-SHljRTS I Glove Theater in Californlb,! mm flram >ayn&Un£%ii*r er,is directing timplays fjki itt thi Shak«qmarean Festi^d, . . •" % ^ ^ Ilium. ?|II ~i mm I I fflti II m . lastead of niUonal UniveHtfty wtstft s. a...a ... ­ oni Austin to tWlNWdl will begin Angust 14. This P#?L operatbn lor ;tkm JCmm-ti 'yr//v ... _ vjpMldl' Ma r1ittteiMiNi z 166 " Tlfiiwr • -'''•* s^m"®aw1 • '*f^sspmas^psm *Smsi: w'ilA'iE, : ,131 *&*$» iWwrtbr ^tntfaiit my**#*** • skls aAilc k^*--a ^ ilM lhdvarritr KsScd ldsd Imtwuft m Bradford, University Swee# tVfldnc at , -r f (4.!,* ^ IS5S86K -'HI 1 Aai; :w$eai vanlac to pxa^^cf .. .**: «hi-»M*' Chunk. • lto,San Antonioatton*y,v sttiet personalfiytfeae U ^$**> ied Aagoit 5 fat ih|t %F|k^ HE...... • anof Dentistry in incidence of polio having reached | Tho bridoraaenior Houston in SeptetWfowii.;.! |gsy-^5 —-Y--'* " 1 " -«* „-n total of tmiffli, T waulj elected thel9«0 Portia. She like to r«-emphasite tome person* received her BA degree from «i« i N^rk KoW and Em» Wenael it. al aa^taty measures which may, Jniversity. H| *5* married July atSt. Paul help in preventing the spread of <^arch.^^u| bride atu- The Bridegroom «u gradua*P S»is d|sea*e," Dr. Co* •aid,;;-S from Lon Morris College titd from died, interior .degfi&ptiott at *1M| Frequent bathing and ,«llae ' University School of Law. Ha,,-~ closing are vitally necessary, |h* •a member of Phi Delta, Phi health officer stressed. Oral hj£ teta Kappa, and Delta , P*rf item"Atw«nfl,;Chapei wffltethe giene, thorough brushing^ of in# mega, honorary fraternities. *• seene of the wedding of Aadroy teeth and the use of a mild aati-t ,lst> I Boanbion and Lloyd jL Grove Jr., ffil * • ,, aeptfcs, ia recommended. N«m1 *\'M August 22. The-bride-electf at­ Dorothy Mu Ym*|ltd Waller passages should he kept dean and tained the University. Grove at- Wellborn* ./hasp dental e*rre«ted immedt-.• tend*. St..Edward's ColtegeZg eptember 2. ' -$§•*. Miss Yonng gradua good personal hygiene" k kustin High School and a< jtoisiV R^C combined with good community !V Dwhw aretolsrinarried Septemfi le University, sanitation and hygiene, it is hard' pjibber 2. Their engagement was an- Wellboroe Is a for any disease to get a foothold," graduate stu« nounced at a luncheon recently. Dr. Cox said. ili« ent at the University. ^ -Miss Phillips received a B.S. de * I,.V-gree from the University in June. "With such Vareaa disease aa^ The engagement of Misa Cat1*-> Durham b a senior majoring in ^poliomyelitis prevalent in thei^i.. Elisabeth Brook* of Saa An* * radio broadcasting. state,. no precaution should be »nio to Joaoph Edwrard SckinJUr, h » M overlked and no bars should be left down for its entrance.'* '50, of Edinburg, has been • W£raf£ B.A. '80, and Albort »unced. If auch aymptomsLaa heads e throat, aching muscles &r,!» ephens College at Columbia, -The bride is a university grad­io., and attended the Univi K'-Jiate and was a member of Sigma #S1 year. " ^ Delta Pi, honorary Spanish society, and Cap and Gown. "Williamson 'T^Srgtierfte Smittf% Hototll| • is a senior student, at the Uni­University Co-eds Jd Edwin H. F«r(HM J*. will, versity. , i ^ Will Be Honored married September 2 in Hotter Johai $ia>aa» Jr., were married Jt|ly In Rose Festivof 'i^r^ 1 Ferguson received*»"'"i 8 at the Newman Club ChapeL journalism degree from the Laui» Jill King {%*&-> Dalel^f^ ^ The bride attended the Univer­ diversity -in Jane and' w* Cochran, two University co-ed^f"sity. and Mr. Simms graduate* arming on a master's degree in will appear in the Texas Rose| with t bachelor of ^business admin­ >ry. Festival in Tyler October 6-8. istration degree! At &e University [The "bride-el^ct attended the MRS. HJWIN H. WHITE •yJS'sV' he was a member of Hewman Club Miss Kirig ia. the Queen of the ' Ti-/ 1 mersity of Houston. business -administra and ThetaJB fnit«rMty. festival, and Miss Cochran has from the University. |Rfcfh Mario H«»clik« and Froddio frofm the" UikiferAty. Itacaliwo^JaL lan Shhrera aa^uchesa of Texas. „ , **\>A ay Miller arte io be married Sep­ a graduate of Rice Institute. netk Edward Tiomann will he mar­Both' girls stre members of jPl £laaa«re H. an3 ismber 4 in St Martina Evangel ried, September.2~in Immanuel Iai-Beta phi sorority. Miss King; Lutheran Church. Anthot Albert aluso'will he bride-elect; attended the marrie atStAustin's The marriage of Margaret Al-theraa Church at Pflugerville. • whose home is in Tyler; will be _ Mass Nelle 'attended the Univer< a junior at the University in ihe Jniversity for three' years, and Catholic leen Npble to Arthur W. Row*, falhgi|tShe is majoring in home sity, and-he is a junior in the Col­ >•"Miller received a bachelor of Miss Houssi<««^%iiefve'a€' ^ es:-«todent, was solemnised Friday lege 9f Pharmacy. economics. Last year she was one of tiie ladies-in-waiting of Marriage vows were exchanged the Queen's court at • the Rose Produce by Gil r;; Texas1 come to Tyler for the three-day event Rose shows, rofttf>. Results! The engagejnent of Pott? tours, and social events honor the#«i hoff to Carroll Ryden has been Queen and the duchesses during For font Funu'sK^^ygNBrhrientt Utfter Goods announced by her parents. The the festival. w­ mds i' i1 '.•!j."' j't!' ii ...i i,i'.i i -BttitwriyriitgfiiifBrtnt »H-Vjyr{* ceremony will take place in the COWBOI BOOTS. Eaat Avenue Baptist Church Sep-, bol«ter». Mddlw, kiM SAMAGS AfAUTMm J»EW AMB 3CODXRM ~4a aiad* to Iv«ntU«| tember 22. The bride^leet ^kt^ "pimmandoes'' ii«M; ijnlver»ity ecftiaia. <«k* Am*x#iDrnoM& tara. Capitol . Mli U> tended the University. thborliood.^ nert ^Lalvefalty B^£%>r«lMi«St fttaafoia. ,£iiH^Me Wedding'vows ware axchanged F#snd by Valaaa Mario HiOiml «h| Bo­ lacNiM -ffftlfOttH; ^e Ae^in area t» jeh»; t*»ej—»«.«6 eost a >OKO • bert Brooks RoSsin a fortnal the "Co-Ed Commandos," a Parker (1 p«» with -•Over metallie mony July 8 in St. Mark's %tm -t»>4TTs. 'oc. 7-134*. copal Church in Ber^trom Air Foieel GARDBNTVP® '-^W' *nr The bride attended -the HfambM^Dr intunUM^m >>'• u'A* Riders Wanted «ity. where «ke %aa!m>«eitijtor of . m »p«ctncAU with b>t« . HARaiSON-WlLSON-PIABSOr1 CoinpoS of unmarried *•. iHlstu room. tfl« MUhm awl Delta Zeta •armity,; jCattterbury , "SKALTORS" L *m»iU doMttf • .juiUbJUi for. Hty^sn agea .18 and Club, and 'Bbosto# WtoN WMl w come to 11U Mil ^Bbt uu "Ketu^i;V*'tSTAu;t® S^t the members are.to serve as i w •JbwIMMPw< JB*. .IfCaMWWU. , ®Pw r--Mr* 4 to~« VM,^. bridegroom plans to graduate in Bndixti. PUrrrouiKU. VM«f Mad. l»4# Ch*r. W«1 dHr« (tr^tcbt ners for airmen at the BAFB August and then do graduate work w. cental teUat, 8m Manas* >,1-.I HUM, null, in f r cial Clubfunctions. A,C/ „ > •07A. * Mri W call e-SU*. while employed *t the state tvlfta­ TM«M Iht *M M TS4 J<-*rlr 1111"1 11" Transportation Tt T Service Club will be provided **»CH«VROLBT tl«de, miaht i-47«4 «rfter Maria* Bairn Hall and Shoraaa >. «AUple, M OtelMtioa t» Mutt . to Uv« ia Mg kou* wlU» *Mv t!» •» ««• •t »84-D JM Kdd> Apart- EIdo» Dyor Jr^ will be* maaried ncutv? « -r Gar* tor house, prepare taaala la August SI. in the Pyesbyterian lllToulg '.women! fhter^ted i m% J IM*a«»-iMtlt -aad »at* for r**' Wmmw " " 'Theological Seminary Chapel. Mtt. Dortha F«we« at Rooms for.Rant BAF»| , C!w%, -tyftot. wrfttos tepetfeae^ Both are University graduates. «p**r«Mtiac. _ «pSC44. miCB* At UNIVERSITY, Dyer ia no# workirtg on a doctor 8-932X^1N1M« tiAKTOtT: •VfrWGx THEMES. Wm ^«oU* Bad^rlm -are to'be married Sep­»» aaTjWhw. tember 2 Sn the First English Lu • '• 1;%a« bacteriologists, ^ioehenilbt^ §mm* eFm4"'" '"• ' i ii-F in »ti firi >i Ja»a>aatojawiMu • tjyLjuOS 'If* V* , *X? t « *• ij ' S-W "tw4 , -*"1 ' ,iV> ip-f it Al ' >• <•$? p •& '/•i'¥*,J z* &£§&$• vs&'~ * A »•«»**« ^ •$ ^ r r{rv * SftVa, ft ,>VVr *«> v " «fS^"ti *;? -? JL^iS^ J^sif "v-* zJf-M " ' i < c v.V IlllSiStl " l!£V ^Jk VV« < ? r>r--' ,T «•—•K.'\^ " t •| -/i:.->«•• '^y'/ .Ovt"!1 -j >-^ * t :• V.i« '.• . *...*?• t •? 'v"5^V::' t T*# ^ ^4 * ^ I -K_ i-7<•si^v s-P'^l-s< r J. ?n!kf a"" *sV w^<,y-v i -r-T^ a -r— r' 1 ^ ' -QuyV ,i -5 ^I T " •AT.?1*' -iff , AS. , , " t £««-n ^ 4*1 i\ He * <1 f 'J. ?v #• 1^ V ,t *> < •"* £T y r^-5^*' * f >,U-v r:^ ^.,1BmraiS v Jw. $>v! $k_C.fi Yes, despite an unusual marketI we are offer­ing the largest and finest stock it-has been our pleasure to show in many years—We >* urge you to make an early selection of your " n&eds in .— ' ~~ * T.-' FALL CLOTHING. .TVAT NO INCREASE IN-WIICE i \-r 3^I "^'-:.,&S-J * ^ . *,£<> : itpAM r^/fcv«\e , ^ ?• V,A£» ^tt;:tF: rtvjI1 F^ j ' v , c i —* REMEMBER I?JS-1 1 f ''t ^ ^ ^ , S>',*? I ^44 ^^Abi * ^ '<•:& ?4»f> P l"fe; V1 f^ vtt " •*, -£ -v _S~ tt. i 3®>c ^5 -£>f^ sf m W d 1 jV" __ ^ u ^ f " 'tn.V/gplu$ ~t >'» f, " * „.2Labels 2 J5 * >"7 ^ v i —p |r\ M • ». w*. *' "' S- , '• -? w -v "V4 ^v--T > ' ' - .^f-r r V; \.•;'!•' Y^;:-\--S„... wj-> ^ '' .'*? "" """> <1 r / * ^ 4*4 ­ V"vT—S.J ^ ^ ' —•••• J i V iV 1 >'f.^' *> *4 r 1 >&** 5, ^<• ' tx - w V ,atU^; aiiors: fts -i^f'J&J ™wr"• Surf? , • HART SCHAFFNBt ft MARX, frolta SSifeai# pa^Y-«HMAN, fop >r; v ™" "" »•>»[' dfs,!. »,„ » « > " ' ' " «"-* , f« • CUmRO^HV lrom 45. • HYDE PARK, 60. ^# VARSITY TOWN, 60. ^^PPINHBMft Ipowi 75^ ^•^ICIHGSRIDGE, 60^ * • Oar* exclusively in Austin| ..Kffei *nfrJT» y •jS^J ^ 1P>S 14 !<• S j^­ ss«? G-f £ 5^1