\ I I I I \ l I ( I I I I I t ) ) i ' \ ( \ II 1 .l . l I! l I I I I . \ \ l I I i I I ' I \ I \ ! 11 1 I I ; \ \ i : I ! i I ll \ l I I . .\·~~---­ .___ ' C~\L I~&LLIGENC!I A~bCY Dir•citorat$ ot tnt•lliaeno• 10 '1n7 l\)6B .· 1'h• 81tu-At1o~ ill c~~choslova~ia •• I I (i\a ot ''mr p.Y. •tmr) t-3 prQtt• r•port.-o! Sovi~t troop doplo,lMnts has· oo.m• fro111 a SoV1•t di~lomat t~ ?Atin ~~$r1~a. Tns SO"fi•t, \ ( h~a al30 ~=c~~~-~ t~~ fi~3t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ knO~~ .r•tpon.a~ ot any k1~d :ri·otJ a Sov1.• t aou..~• t~ t!l.1ta'i r9l)Or~~, Wh•a qu•3~1onad y~gt•N1a7, th• ecvt.t o!ti~•r prf>duo~d "11.At h4 c1a1maJ ~~ a ~~cow ~r~•2 r~i..amo t?ut a~ld tJu~ the t:-oo~ ::ao-vGJS•G~ll ar11 part ot a Wa.rsa\f Psot •:tSr-Oia•. ~1~t troops woula not, ll• sa.!.d, •nt~r ~~ho§1oV2~1~. Mo ~uoh prog~ rolaa•a ha• 1~t O.~n r~portad fr-om Moaod tho iUO. Tb• r•laa~e •2 h• ,· d.-..or1\Md 1t i• prstt7 much wh~t the ot!io1il Sov~t rsapoo•• can b4 •1l~o~d to bG. 2. In a •o~wh•t ~!~1lar v~in, t~~ C~•cno•lovak naw~ •~ryio• r•portad today tlut the EfOV~rn=$nt in Pt°''4'U• bad be~n 1nfor9ed batorohand of ths 8oV19t troop mov~m~at• and d.o'cri~d t~• aot1v1ty 'lfJ · HrefiUlrl.r nu,aeuY$t"a •• ,tr; tho ar=aiea SANITIZED \ , I I I ~''' E0.12958 6.l(c)>25Yrs of tll• WRuaw Piot couatr1•s."' ~~i· to ff anther •fto%"t bf th• Cs.ohoal.ovclk ra;1•• to k•ap t•Ntlona· rroa ri.1na. Je!•\ Q!1'!='! V&aw•, . S. TM DUJaber t1'o aan ln the IQat GeruQ pati't)', · 1 8rlab 1~.MOfcer, ha• oontirmed that the SOvS..t al\d Ba•t ~ ' lm'opeaa lsadeu 1U•tiu.; ln Koscso• oa 8 ttar ·deot..ded tha.t f~ thell'. rt••PM.nt the sa1tuat1oc ltt .~tah01llovakla had cht•rl()ratecf to •uoh ari •xuat that G01Mth1q bad to be don• to H•tr•ln tu C&•obosl()'V'ak•-Th• ••t Oeraana ' • t lN•t appear ho,.·tul tftat tll• ~~r~t~!.;:~ i t~•~t ·~· •111 csl.atQ tbo ~~.d 4'owo • .1 : . .­ •~ llolleonr tntoru.d a d1atriot p1.r-t1 ttz•t ••e••t•r7 to.da7 tla•t tu "&l•ne-ral •·,all.Ulttoa..,. pr•auaabJ.r made at tM aw.oow oouf•••ao•, wa1 tb.&t tho 0 oowatt:re4'nGlut10Aar7 · ..nlOp!*at" la C.. llr:>11..okol" •t•t•d thAt "p1·obabl.7 in t~ n•n _f n da71, •02N ot th.II Czoob a01M'ado• will opta11 oa11 for a •t~az•l• •«•1n•t tb• oowit4r-revolut1()1l," 1n what .-y ha•• M•n anotber r.toreoos to tlli• top1~, lloffGMr •l•o . . ,JI ,;///' stated that "we figur• th.at 1u tbe nut t•• Gays ~bo•k ana ~th•~• w111 coaa ou~n1y a~ain•t 1t. lf not l>\lboek, tltea otn.ra \l111. '' .. - • . I . • . , • I '". . I t?!1•~ J1awa &. A I May m•aaac~ fi-o1l t~• Poli•h 1••4•rs to th•l.r I • Cz•ch~~lovak. ~unterparts aeemed doal1n•d to tnfluenoe tho Pr&,u•.· ~~~~er• to ~~1'. th• liber•J.a : . .U Cffcho11l0Ta.kta. . . Althou,~...~~tusiv~ ~.nd ·~~·~1al .. ~~: ·:~'· ~~fao•'-· '!~'~ ..,tad ap1a.t .th• ·b4okp'Gund Of th• 1 ?Py Po-lf..eb. prot••t and of . cr1t1cal._:'1>11•h pruaa oomt11ontar1.d• :t'h~.. JMa1ake' ·clearly wtts rM1adia~·:·Pritgu.· ·ot 1i11 bindin; t1•a with ~ae 1J'8Sa, Poland, .. • I .. .. : .. . . . . . ; . . . ( Th~ -W~rsaw re1t.m. rt111.lns ' .. . unJaiatakeably nsrvou11 abc:1ut. th~ po·~-·-~t1a1 e~~~ota of . . '·: . . .... . ,, ·, . . .. ~obosloyak •vent.s on th& 1nt•rnA1 Poli.ah &iiuat1on and about tbs dama~ whioh a Cz•cuoslovak-W~•t O•rsaan rapproo~Jt&nt would do .. Poltmh foro1in poltcJ" int.er•ata • .. f~· In whmt WAS probably an •tfort to pla7 down the ro~ct1Te1J', l1•uad a r•solut1on yesterda7 1~ Te•1n, C..ebo11~1a, wfitcb aaaGttoa'fd tha ez.cno.lovak ' I• ' l l l I EJ 129Sa 6.t(c~>25Yrs [ l "d91100••s. Th• roso·1u.t1.~n 1• probably d••l~4 to r••trsttr• PratrtM '" AllLtt·ri thm t tho C'2{oal:&owlo\1ak HilH hu not 1oat and will not lome aontrol of th~ 11tuat1ou. a.· The r•~olut1on could a1~ r•~•a.~t an att••Pt bJ' tbo Pole• t~ mttlg•te thoir earl1•r crltlclame Wb11• at tb.9 •11• tllM r•-aff1n1nii that tbe·1 •111 oppos• •ny ·., fa~ther loo1J\)J11n1 of O•t bat tui-opean Collnul9t •tate• haw not r•!lscited·-th• 01•ltio•l •ttut!.o~ betw••n ·(. SoTLGt troop moT~~•nta to"o.rda Cz~hos1<>Yak1a be~n 11... ~ pub11o. ~ Yueo•1av1a t 1 111Uaia and !Illnga.rr w•r• eftu.iv. ln th•ir oontrr" tuln t1orur ·to CJse1ohoa1lonlcia tn honor of 1ta lfatton.al tmy on ~ MDy. Wh111t1 Dula~ria'• ovak NationA1 Day l'H~tion t.n 80fla na •11;ht1y 110r• pr~•tl1towi than l••t JQar'•· 10. Tito haa applaud.11d tll~ hrit of ennt• ln Cffc~ • lov•kia from t~$ beatnn1nJi aad n<hor ho nor C..u.segou ~ou..ld ooltaborat• in wbat.ver mat4•ures Mo•cow a13ht tJ\ke • 1•lnat Oa•oho1tlovalda • . On. th• oontr•rv, tboy •1'• •blo•t c4rt.aia to •~•rt wh•t~v9~ intluenc• thay hav~.t• opp~~• &UJ lut~tvent1oa ln C:Z.Qhept1on ot Ulbrlcht and Oo.mulkA, other Ba•t 1tw:op9an party l~ader~ would not favor . ' .-~ 8ov1•t m111tary 1nt~rvent1on ta ~onoalovak1a 1n ap1t• of nny anx1ett.e• thoy mo1 hava over the oour~e of Praau•'~ dGmooratlzatloa. They undoubtQdly reoosu.1z• tb.at auo-11 a oourae o~ action on tho ·~~rt of th• Sov1Qta would aari.oual.1 •et baok th~ir ow~ hard•won lndepen~enoe trOtR Moaoow and could wtl•ft~h irra.tionat nati.onaltllt stnt1menta w1th1n ,11 th.e11' oountriaia against tlteir own r:1gi~~a.• ,;Ji' l••tzt:S 1m:o2ean ii.action . •(.-­ : -.. .. . . ~ 1~. R•wl~a continue to rn. rea.1vetd f~~. yeaiGrday•a aolioltation of su.ro~ao ;ovorum~nt9 tor 1nto~mat1on regarding rumored troop ~ov•Mant~ aroWJ~ ez.oho•lovak1a, The Br1t1•h, ttft11an an4 Auatrlan uov~rnment1 ar• lno11aod to believo that eome troop movemsnta n.r• ln faot ooo~ini, but are uaant~ows that no 1nvaa1on ls 11\ualy ,t tb1• point. 18. Th8r~ 1• some dt~rgenoe of opinion over the llkely objsatlv•• ot troop aovement~. The Br1t1sh au1peot thAt mau9uvsr• Ats dsa1an'd to Gnooura~ hard~ltne ol•m~nta in th& Casooho•lotak Party's oontral oomm1tt~e to avert the ooura• towa~d llberal1~at1on, wh1l~ thG Auatr1ans s~e tha aane-uvera a• ona of o•v•ra1 etementa (oth~r• lM1ni soonomio p~••u~ aud me41a attaok#) intooded to •low th• pao• ln Oseabo•lovaaia • . Th• I ta1J.an., too, ae• the •11ltary aaaeuvera 'EJ 12958 ' ·1l~)>25Yrs ae a foria ot presaui~o and w~rn1ng. .., 1•. Th• Au~trlanB also believ~ that czeobO•lQVak efforts to Glarify 'he d\)a th11 ot ~st\ryk a~ other Cz&Oha eK4oUted. in tb~ 1"te '40s ar• what oonoorn th• So'V1e tcs JI.Ost • t ·thl1t t im•. Mol!O<>W, thQy tae1, fear• th.at •uoh . . ~ .. muck-i'aklng wlll unoover the oomplta1t1 ~f at1ll•aot1v• .. ik>V1•t tead9rA, lnalud~ng Mikoyan, and will have a c~ta1n itemonanca el•~~~re la ·Ea~t9rn Europ~. l~. The Italian Amba••ador in 8udap•ct h4s heard rumors of !ovtot troops mo~&m0nt~ in northern Hutigar1, aud baa dQ11pato~d h1s MA to lnvestlgate • . l) ll)>= s·:::s day vieit to Pr~~uo on 7 lf.ay w1th a ronasur1ng iJupr•~•lon, Longo vi~wa ~eohoalovak leader Dubcak as a roapona1ble pe~on who will not at~e th• sov1ets cause tor provooat1on • . m1litar1 aotiv1ty in aouthorn Rast ~r~tl7· \ This i.• not noriaal. '---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---­ • Jt(lr ol.ta prooedur9 ns tbero is no resul~r tra1~111i area IOUth Of Dr••dan. SJ 1295-3 3,q(~) (l) >:s·:·~s . I ( 3 I 19. OUt-of•garri~on activity bag1nn1ng on 7 Kay b•5 be•o noted 11t th~ eoviilt 57th nnd 89th Guards Motorizad R1tl.o D1v1e1ou luatallat1ona in aouth and ao~thwest East Qsrmany. There have ~J3n 1nd1o~t1on~ of a pendin~ exeroie• ln the Bisennoh training area wh1oh may tnvolvs eloments of oae or both ot theae diviaiona. 1~. Tb.e.SG a1rt1e1ds ai·e used by the taot1oal a.t.1· ll~Y or tho Sovi.~t Northern Orou.p Of l'oro•e. EJ 1::::953 3, '/l'O> (l) >:::: S·:rs (S) .. ·' (Continued) Eo ::.. sa ·'i(b)(O -SYrs •4/(b) Lil :s·i":s r-------------------­ 2Q. ll.. th• hi(/h-rattki.n '1) >.:s·:::.3 / 2l. -1 \a p•r·&~ (prob~ly on g lfAl't ha<1 l~on -<-~~~~===========~ ~AM>$1.lttuld. ho onlle)1j ~ie.r\:apt.in9' ft Viatory Oo.y par·a~. )l. TM Yuqo; l.r.v 112ili.t11ry attach• ir1 I~udApe•t told hia UB countarp.,.rt on 9 Kay th4Lt C-toviat ti.-oop• in Uunyaty h4\l'rlt not a:ovrild northwar~ •nd aro not on alo.rt. . i r EO ( s ) 1 ·~959 3.1/(b)(t) >:SY.:s nota" no ~ajor movo of GGFG aJ.~ unite li.tiaon ptJrsonnol '· toward ~l$ CcQcho­ • lovak bord•r during Auto tour~ or. th9 border araa 01\ 9 May. rurt.hsr ra.porta from theat> missions are eucpeota~ late thia eVGning. l5~ unfavorable conditions lGd to cancollation o! plana for low altitu~G photogrsphy ot o~l&etcsd So­vJ.at 20tl1 Ouards Army installationa in tha llerlin area (eaa ptu:agrft.11:i t.-wc1 of tha 0700, lD May ilitu~~ tion naport in Czeahoulovakia) , ~h~ flight has ba~n 1:1a1oh&duled for ll M4y. to ~ l~orroapondont tharn clatm& that Uub0-0k ......-·----' told . the Sovi~ta durinq hia viwit ta Mouoow on 5 Mny that h.e no longor controllo~ ewnta J e1~t\6.~¢. CE~Cllo1'­elov&k army is wholly on tho zsi\1a d11Yl\roa1~a1lt .Q_Qvt>oda I that cz~onoslov~k troovs have beon movad to the Poli9h and ~aat German bor~rar and tha.t Oubcok fa.vora a ···­ E.) 1,9 5 8 ' ,'I ( f> l) : 5 Y r s s, ( braak up o! th& •t~·~ it\to two parta, one ~'poaod of Uoh•nda and Mora'Vt'a, thfb oth0r of filovakia. 'tl1• Poliah eri>aJJay. .. ' / 27. AB to that sP.,cif'icri o! th11 roport, thore la no tn~ic~tion that C~~choalovak troopB n&VG b•an ~ alGrted o, r:ovQd ainae tho criaia broke. Dube&~'~ 1• koO'fn to be AqA1nst any bratlk up ot tho oounti.-y into two parta, a.n