• • r • • I 4 " I 6 OUTGOING TELEGRAM Departlllent of State INDICATE: 0 COLLECT OcHARGE ro UNCLASSIFIED 86 Origin ACTION: USBD. BD.LIN 8 7 7 EUR In ZG · 13 PH '65 Infos INFO: .Amembassy BONN 3 2 3 8 SS p SUBJ: Message from the President to May Day Meeting of DGB cu I r REF; erlin's 1241 USIJ\, / Ns, Mr. Boy Wilkins is authorized to convey at May first meeting of DGB SIL CPR following message from the President: LAB QUOTE On this traditional day of rededication by the Deutsche gre i ga fr om the Am rican people. Fre labor enjoys our respect and admi a on9 for it efforts h•ve raised the dignity of man and lifted his piri • I know that i n the future9 as in the past, the community of free labo th ol!l.gbout the world ~~ill continue to serve the great aims Ber i should 1 form Dept of precise timing of rele ae of statement s th Houa may mak simultaneous release. hd. : w lli I lmtyr :df . • -M:fs.. Hubba~ Sfl\ White House ... Mr. Klein S/l.L ..,. • D 1 l'l. G . ... Mr. Finn us ... • Ch ch~jtJ\ REPRODUCTION 'FROM THIS COPY IS I lr. Hilli CUSSU'IED PROHIBITED UNLESS "UNCLASSIFIED" ~~MDS-322