, • ~ • DEPARTMENT OF S'J'~~T~ CZECH TASK FORCE .. -­ ,_,.. §..tt1.H1tf_on Rcpo_r.~.J .1200 hours ED1'1 Au_gust 24,_J968 1. ~eEi.e!.!£.!=i.~f!-J..£..MoscClw: Lat~st reports f.ndicate that> nceot:1ati.ons are . cont 1.nuing i.n Noscot./ between the! Soviets ~nd Svoboda, ~llhougll one czecho· slovak clandestine rad~o claimed at about 8:00 a.m. EDT that He was on his way to the Moscow ait·port. A ~..Y.£1.~ t\rticlc t.ciday attacktng the "illegal" convening of the 14t:h Party Congrl!BS in Cz<:>.chosl.ovaki.n condemns by name a l~rge number of Czechoslovak offici.als1 including CiRar, Sik, Kriegel, Pavel, nnd llctin8 Party First Secretary 51.lhan, suggesting that the USSR docs. not intend to l:'~'.cognf.ze. their ·authority and wlll attempt: to oppose. thc.ir pre·' sonc~ in a n~~ gcwermnent, · 2. fill:vn,1i_!'A£tLJ~o,.Q,gt£.~~: At about 7: 30 a .m. ED'£ Radio Cz.c.choslovald.a reported a t<";l: <'.phon~ call Crom Husak, a Slovak f.n lite·. delegation pr.esent ly in Moscow. H11selt wns l~eportcd \:o have requested that the. Slovak Party Con­ cress, which 1.s schcdltled to open on Monday, be postponed i.n oro~r that he, lJubcek , and ol hc1·s who arc in Mose.ow· colt1d pA rtf.c ipa te, He f url:hcr was repor t ed to hAVC stated that Dubc~k would so6n be resuming his functions as Czechoslovak r~rty F1.rst ~ecretary. About two hours later RAdio c~echo-. s 1ovald a bro~dc.fls t. An appea 1 f:rom the '!Prestd tum o( the Centt:a1 Commit tee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia" fo the Slovak party not. to "st.le.. cumb to the intentionally misleading report" concerning the postponement.: of the Slovak Party Congrc.ss and as'king that the opening of the. Congress not be delayed. CEechoslovak radios ~cpor~ that thus far 84 pergons 3. }1~ort.s..Q..f:... C 1 E' l?..b..~~: have died as A result of clashes since the Soviet ~ntervention began on Tuesday evening. Moscow -radi.o states that fC1u.r Soviet set·vi.cemen. have been killed. q, Romanian Situati.on: USDJ\O Bucharest reports ·that ther.e. is no indice~ tf.onc;r·a-bu!i~(..;-pc;Tsov!et, Romanian, or Hungarian iorces for a move agal.n~t Romania. There is no indicatf.on of a mobilization of Romanian militat'y forces, althou~1 they do ~ppcar to bo in onB of the lower.phases of ~lcrt. 5, c~echoslovakr, Abroad: Ota SJk and FrAntisek Vlasak have r~tur.n~d to Belgri