1 • ~ . • 0 ,­ OUTGOING TELEGRAM Departntent of State INDICATE: 0 COLLECT D CHARGE TO 46 Origin ACTION: USBER BERLIN PRIORITY EUR Infos INFO: Amembassy BONN SS Amembassy SAIGON G B g> Subj: Berlin Publishers@ Support for U.S. Vietnam Action L H Ref: Berlin 477~ 499 to Depto FE 1. Dept pleased eight newspapers' appeal mentions medical supplies IO p for Vietnamese peopleo Medical items most urgently needed are broe.d rgA spectrum antibiotics (except chlormicetin)o This material primarily for the half million refugees in SouLh Vietnam. For future reference, the CA NSA SVN refugee program needs following items most: sweetened condensed mil~ DD AID refined salt, rice, refined white sugar, multi-purpose tents (preferably CPR 8 man) blankets, bolts cotton cloth, bar soap and sewing machines. SVN SCA ORM refugees rt'-settlement program needs roofing, aluminum or cot"rUg<"'tecl A.GR HEW sheets, nails, prefab construction urLts, warehousing and water pumps. ·FP 2. In order meke arrangements acceptance token 400 Freedom Bells, Dept needs to know names of newspaper representatives and firm d8te of arriva 1 in ~Jashington. 3o Arrangements will be mad with appropriate agency to distribute Freedom Bells at .t.:'ter date. Since the number of Americans killed is well over 1000 now, suggest to publishers that L~oo bells sufficient as Drafted by: Telegraphic transmission and / _EUR ~GER~~;dl l2.l_2/65 clarnficat1on approved by: EUR -Welter J 0 Stoessel ~ii_ces~ Mr: r~ P -Mr 0 Jordan( in draft) ~ OASD/f>A=CoL Susskin{ in ~it_) EUR/P _ Mr. King( in draft) 0 F~ -Amb.Unger( in dra~t). 11Z,, White House-Mr .Rop~( in~ 1 FE/P -Mr. Lockhart(in drafWi:IA/lAE • M~° C~ip:hin( ik'~~,DUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS FE/VN .. Mr. Rafferty(in drC'ti.. .!t-6~A:-16Ątlf.~ltL1.u(in subs) IBITED~~CLASSIFIED" AID/FE -Mr. Kamens