• ... "' 1.• .. .: ..' • t·: ·: I 0f!lC~'f .. T 1 _. • / ' DEPARTMENT OF ST.ATE .. ... I CZECH 'l'ASK FORCE • ( .-1 l'. ~foscow Tsl ks-!£, C,o_n t inue Mond8y: Czech ....Soviet talks were expected to f;,: resume today with 2."Umors indlcating both expectation of compromise and continu-1r I l~ • tion of. ho~vy Soviet pte ut • .A~cordii!t) 'UPI~ XQscow diolomatic sou\·ces claim I:: I . 1 Ii I /' I that Soviet terms include gu~rantees of closer coordination of io~eign p~licy 1•· avoidance of ~ies with Bonn, reimposition of . ;,.;~n~orships Cllrbs on nop-communi~t I . ' I groups and stationing of Soviet troops~·in exchange, according to Re~ters for I j:; ' f' L11 i permf. tting Dubcek to resume his post. EE \1ources reported u favorable dev~lopme.nts f,•; l at Sunday's session withdut det~ils. : ~~­ . ' , I., ,; 1!' 2. EmbDssy Re.e_orts 7'rouble W! th Sovie~: Emba3sy Prague ask~d that Embassy ) . .. Moscow and_ the Department Join· ~~ in prolesti1g a scrie& of incidents involving l" th~ searching of vehicles, the r1ring over an anny ~ttache car, tho breaking ~ .. .. into of· an apartment a rid confiscation of a shotgun, and t.hc incru~d.on of Soviet ,q .. soldiers into ~he Embessy gard~n. ·t r·'1.. " 3 •. The O_c,c.. 1petior. ... Situation Com,e_lcx ar:d Very Teng: The tug·o~:..wa/ b'c.twe.cn· :~ .. . r I the Soviet-led occupation forces and Czechoslovak people intensified. Soviet ~. ~ . comrnandc~s oc:nt fresh troops into the capital> ringing it. with st<:el and tighten1ns l '! t he occupat.ion t;1 4:'oughol\t .the cou~t'(y. Soviet sol.die-cs often. without warni.ng '!. J fired on citizc.s violat i ng t he curfew, including leaflet distributers> and 1. confiscated the arms at the depot of the Pcopl.e's Militia~ Difficulties of Czech ~· .. bro~lied ..:hat the Sovi et military are 1osing p-1t1.eince -\• c;,le iace ~i Czech r-esLs.~n~~ " (Reuters .and FEIS). ':ASS in sofi n .. ot(.-.. -..·eport ~ c·.at Otto Si~ mignt ~'-':m "" Czech Govcrr-.r.1ent·in-{:xi:..e in :3c1grade·. 5. fj_-:-..:: i_~ .E~Y'l.. .Pr.~u~ J.1.~mpcrs Con'.!~..1_c.ati~: A f i..\.' c~l.!J~d ::,) -ovcr­heat~d .ncir..-ra~o~ bt.rning classified r1." t~r.is'....; tcmporer..:.:..>' ncr ;?e':c.c., c.:-:-::-,uni­c.at!ons in •..e ,:·;;-nce.ry. While the. proc"' J in~ of inc.01nL13 .:..:~.:fie i-.as :esu1ned, .... outsoing ~~:fi ~; zti' l restricted. (?~-~ue 3194) ·DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12356, Sec. 3.4 NL) '1tJ -If; 3 _S?CBE't Ov~ NARA-Date /tJ-ol f1> •·'·" ' : '1"" 111 <"' \ b .. ~l.~ '1 \j' ;.~ ! : . . . .. ;,J . 2 6. ~'2..~t':.~_Ro.m-1n~~n P~lemi~f!_ Truce Reported: ..t:..F? reports from Buchar~st that RomaniB on Sunday agro~d to stop t-rading insults in return for 'Hoscow(s pleds~ not to interfere in Rom8r.ia •s domestic aff8irs, in talks between Roman).~n !eRder Ceauscsc.u and Sovic.t Ambassador Ba sov. 'l'he Romt1n!an about.­i~ce was linked to som~ tough talking by· Basov) as well fls 'to Ccausesc.u's talks on Sat<.o:day with Yugoslsv Pres:'..dent Ti to. Meanwhile Moscow di.smissed allegations of Soviet ~nd Bulgarian croop concentrations on the Romanian bot·dcr as 0 .s fabrication of imperialist pro;)a.ganda!' (FBIS 109, 8/25; 17, 8/26; Reutc~s, 785, 8/25) ......·­ 7. ~gos la~ TR1{(~ St::rongcr Moves: •. Yu~:03_av ~'J ...,:-ty mee ting CidOptt~c a resolution cal line i or ~ n i mmccH.Rt.e e.nd t.o t .i.1e Sovicc:-led occupation ·and app~rently for the first time warned t:h~t YugoslJv troops we1:e ready to defend Yugoslavia's sovcrci guty. According to rc?orcs leaves in Yugoslav Army have b<>cn c.ilncelled, officers on leave h"ve been l.~ccallcd to. ~uty> and soldi~.rs due !or discharge in September are being kept in the setvicc. (FBIS 103J 8/25; AP 75, 8/25). . . -! •• " ...• . I ' •I .1 . -. . ,; ! ., ... .. ·1 . ;.. b t. :: (:r."J l"';:: n: i·: !"'i'.; I'. : [": '. (.. .. 11·: 11·: I• I.. I.: 1-: r-.... t...·~ !''" 1:1 ·i !J.' i:~ : ·' I' .•,. ·), • \ 1 ~ ( •. \ .'< .~ ;,r r;·.. r! .l,1 \•··.. t: ·· >­ ~ .~ 1-~·: r·J'.' J.: £. ; . ,, .·. . ,.. ~ ' ;· .. •i ·: >. ,,., ~ .. ·l -j'' • J ., .\:·: ·! ·l i I I I