-~LSI. DEPf\RTiffit T Or __,,;:.;._..;;...;;.;.STATE ~­ -___ CZECH '1'/\ SK YORCE ............... . . Situa_t,ion Reeoy~ 1700 ,hours ETP1 !'!ugu,st 27>. 1968 1, Dubc~l> Ap_pea ls to N~~.J..or Sypp_o1:E, CB,lmn~L cH'lc}_l.D1dence: Evi1 effort will be made not to ant.:ago!1iz.e those who had organized it. " In the final ?ortion Dubcek endorses program adopted at January and April . Pl<:n.ums of: the Central Committc:ic, saying that 11 we stood on this position 8'nd . we st.and on it today." In tld.s he echoes Svoboda who in his speech eBrlier tod.a·y also -ref<>.rred l:o the Ap1~il Plenum (at wbic.h th~ Action Program (,.fas adopted). even though the Czechoslovak-Soviet communique? does not refer to it . . (It refers only .to the January and May ones.) Total impression of spcC'.ch •. o that Dllbcek expects a great deal of trol\ble ahead. 2. !~Si O~gf-.!.~~-t!-£n£...1'DE..2J:~~.L9.£Untr.)~ ~£:2..ti.2n....Yal i9.i..~L_Q..f Mosc.ciw Ag~~_g2fS1t~: E.mbassy ·P'r'1gu~ 1·cport$ that the fre.e 1·edio .has been carr~'ing re.soluti0~·'\s irom tht:oughout the country, mosl:ly from pcirt.y organiz~t1ons, terming. the. Moscow agt:ecm~nt. as capitlllation art·ivcd Rt under duress. A c.onst:a t:y recurring then\(". of the resoll\l'.iOn$ i.s a demand for the ir.K.('diac:e· wit:.hd1:awc:?l. o( all troops and rQ.jcction of all C(!nsorship. Hany of ·he resolut::.ons specU:i.cally c:ndorse the actions of the Attgust 22 clan