I .. :.~.·· -::-§£'.PM! "' • I DEPARTNEN! OF STATE .. _/' · CZEbH TASK FORCE •' .Situa t i.~n_ _R,eport l 7Q.Q...h~urs EDT....t...se.ptetube.r ..4 '· 1.9~8 .. 1. USDAO 1 s. Co12tJn.ue, to, .~e,P.9r.t No Con fJ,rm.a ti.on oJ Sovi~t .Trrussels that, since the CzechoBlov8k intervention dampened NA'l'O' s recent efforts to find n~an~ of arms control, the 15-nation alliance ·will soon t ell Warstlw Pact count.ries that chances of ati\\s reduction . in Europe have gl.·etl"tly diminiE'hed and in a public declal'ation will tell the Soviets ·1n the next few days that it was reeKamitting its own situation e.nd dof:ng everything nocessary to meet any possible threa.t to itsolf. (Reuters -223) , : 4. ~resident :,Meets wit)l.'J