1 _..---­ Mt-G, l l~tJ l 1 I 0 i 7 9 7 OUTGOING TELEGRAM Department of State INDICATE: 0 COLLECT 0 CHARGE TO 54 Origin ACTION: LIVE OAK PARIS EUR 51 Infos SS G INFO : Amembassy BONN SP ALLIED STAFF BERLIN L SEC DEF WASHINGTON H JCS WASHINGTON MOD BONN SAL MOD PARIS B F Foreign Off ice Paris ·o MOD LONDON DAC Fo eign Off e London r CIA BONN FOR QUADRIPARTITE GROUP NS ARMY ALLIED STAFF PAS TO USCOB. UKCOB, FRCOB AND TRll?ART TE POLIT ICAL WO KING VY GROUP AIR oc THIS IS AN AMBASSADORIAL GROUP MESSAGE. SPF.cIAL HANDLING REQUIRED. REL~SABLE ONLY TO AUTHORIZED REPS OF FRAN:E, FRG, UK AND US .. NUMBER : WAGTO 25 SUBJECT : Communication Requirements for LIVE OAK Air Ac 1. The Ambassadorial Group has taken note of SHLO 800/l of F bruary 14, in which governments wer requested to approve r ~omm nd ti n fo fillin the aap in the LIVE OAK air access communications n work. 2. Governments have now consid r d the tudy in the enn x to SHLO 800/1 u and will be sending their comments dir ·t o LIVE OAK. Telegraphic tran1ml11lon • nd Drafted bys 8/5 / 64 K% OSD/ISl :Col.Winningham:b classlflcatlon approved by1 EUR • Richard H. Davie Clearanc;e11 BTF ~ Mr. Taylor French Embassy ... Mr. Morizet S/AL -Jmbassador Thompson UK Embassy "' Mr . Whi tehead Ger man Emb ... Mr . Wieck REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS PROHIBITED UNLESS "UNCLASSIFIED" 3o Decisioa on e:;:.;pensio:-i .:::[ syste1J. ~t:.n:1.:.:t ~3 taken ?Jntil fi.lndi ng formuls has been agreed Because of tecllnica l i ties inv·Jlved l..~,1ba. ssadorial Gr oup recomr..iends that o funding arranger.1e1ts end any other technical D.sr)ect:s be ·uorked out by LIVE OAK in direct consul taxion uith goverrn:1ents o Finr: 1. plD.n should be submitted to mbassadoricl Gro0p ior approvalo EUD \:J.ASBiiJGTGH /:J.'1Ek~SSP.DORIAL GP..OUP