• . . DEPARTMENT OF S'l'A'J~E ...._.._..,_._~ CZECH TASK FORCE l --· ._....,._.__ -t 1. Y:..uspsl~.JLc..!~2Jn Unbe~!ilr).8.• , ··Yugosle\71~ t.\pp~a~s pt·cpared to c--ontl.nuc its ·ind~pcndent polieies in the f~ce of. sovi~t displeasure and possible presst.irt> .• · Alexander. Grlickov, ~irector of. iY4goslavia' s relations with ·COMECON, sald on Septcm}?er 14 that Yugoslaviti would have to tr~de entirely with the West if the Soviet bloc severs tr~urn"list Mi.ljka S~ndic gave a somber ~ppraisal of t~e 1effects of Moscow's policies on Sovie.t ...Yugo.slflv r.clatiC\ns. He observed ;it~ a radio commentary that "the r~habili-t.ation. of StalittJ.st: methods in rcl~t.~ons between socialist ·count1:ies and co1mntmf_st pa1·t:ies clearly ,shows that the Soviet leadership· ·is abandoning t:t1e policy proclalmod at the :20th CPSU Congress .••" and ~uggcste4 that Yugoslsvs ,sre p~cpared to rid~ ·out.another rou~1 period in Soviet-Yugoslav relati.ons .as they had on ~arlier occ8sions. (FBIS 05, UPI) I I .I DECLASSIFIED E.O. 12356, Sec. 3.4 NLJ 'fp -16 3 llv~NARA. Date /fJ -.;)-tjtJ . ·. '1 ! ' . I r:· ('.: ~