\ DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON July 1, 1966 10228 MgMQRANDUM FOR MR. WALT W. ROSTOW THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Letter of Acknowledgment to the President from President Joaquin Balaguer of the Do~inican Republic I am enclosing a letter from the Dominican Embassy transmitting the text of a letter from President Joaquin Balaguer of the Dominican Republic. President Balaguer expressed his appreciation of the President's message congratulating him on his election victory and stating that the Vice President wouJ..d-at__tend the Balaguer inaugura­tion on July 1. Also enclosed is an offfcial translation of the letter. \ I The Department does not r commend a Enclosures: 1. Letter from Dominican Embassy and English translation. 2. Letter from President Balaguer and English translation.