OUTGO!N~ TELEGRAf.J1 Depart~]DD1enlt of §tate INDICATE: 0 COLLECT D CHARGE TO LIMITED OFFlC1.AL_ll_.__.SE__ Classification Origin ACTION: AmEmbassy SANTO DOMINGO )o _J z 0 w U) ::> 1­ u 0 er 0 II. lnfoa STATE REF: Santo Domingo 564 FOR .AMBASSADOR CRIMMINS You are authorized acknowledge President Balaguer's two • communications contained Santo Domingo 232 and 530 in name of President Johnson using the text Dept of Agriculture release (Circular 31525) to explain the basis for the President's decision .. _J • 0 mb'sborne:met J ARA//CAR Tel.graphic transmission and R. say' re J ARA clusificelion •pproved by, o~nus:· An~/-C2AR&~~f~~~~~~--~~~~~-----­