ARA lnfoa NSC AID lo Plean aliver to PJ:eddeat lalagaer fellew.1.q Rn Yun CPR ....... fl'Glll he•iden"t Johuon8 Q1l)ft .At the beg.tmafng of the new ,.ar. llr•o Jelmsoa 8M I ... you WDI grutinp ... but wt.he• Ve in tbe 0 States have hHn bapreaMa by :roar coaalbant to ...h>n aatt-..1 uni.~ .,. ninglag justice and eeonmtc and pelitioal dnelopa ant to your comib:yo we wiah J8U tlftr'T neeu• in ••ldag 1967 tM year of devel~t which '8U plaa fer tile DMlnfca &epuhlico UllQUOD 2o lbe Wblte Boa.. <4oea not pltm to relea• ....... but • if Salaguer wi•he• to do 800 llD