OUT-GOING TELEGRAM Department of State INDICATE: 0 COLLECT ,. 0 CHARGE TO UNCLASSIFIED Origin ACTION: AmEmbassy COPENHAGEN CPR ·. ~ lnfor STATE ILf 9fJ-9 ~ thi anniversary of Your Majesty's birth it gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the people of the United States and on my own behalf, to send to you and through you to the people of Demnark sincere good wishes and assurances of our warm friendshipo I also take great pleasure on conveying to you my personal greetings and the best wishes of the people of the United States for the increasing prosperity of your country and the continuance of the cordial relations between our two nationso LYNDON B. JOHNSON'' Department will release upon confirmation by Embassy of r ceipt by King unless objection perceivedo RUSK "••r•ncH: S/S=C """ Mrs o Denham CAN = Mr. Tucker ~ Mr Yost S/S ~ Mr. Wal~h 0 Y-9'11'Y'l1Pml't'E HOOSE • CONCURRENCE NO'!' NECESSARY UNCLASSD'IED :~~MDS-322