Mltl>RdDUM FOR KR. McGIX>lll.1 BUIDt TU WHITI SOUS.I ubject: reaentation of er II on hot Photographa to Queen Ingrid of De rk In a recent eonveraat1on with an 1Dn.basa1 officer in Copenhagen, Queen Ingrid of Denmark expressed great intereat in the set of Moon Shot photographs which the President had sent to Danish rime Minister Jens Otto Krag. The llnbaaey bu therefore suggested, alld the Department concurs, that it woul be a nice gesture if a similar eet were prea•nted to the Queen. The Department recomme-nds that the )>re1ident sip the attached l tter presenting the set of Moon hot photographa to Queen Ingrid of Denmark, to be delivered b7 Amb..eador ite. Aa an alternative, the Department r ommends that assador White be authorized to present eet or Moon hot photographs to ueen Ingria. on behalf of the President, but without the residential letter• .Attac nt1 aft Let r.