• -. OUTGOING TELEGRAM Department of State 0 3 INDICATE: 0 COl.LECl 0 CHARGE TO UNCLASSIFIED Orisiin CPR Infos SS ACTION: say con:mtAGBH. +s3 f 1 Mu 1 FYI ol owing message-will be eent via cowrcial 66" l~~ rtt , EUR p channals direct to ling, March 11. ·srA ~SC "The people of the United States of America take SC pleasure in commemorating this anniversary of Your Majesty's birth. on this ~·•ion their hearty congratulations and felicitations, together with my own, are extended to you and to the people of Denmark in renewal of the strong bonds of friendship existing between our two countries. It is our eamest desire that our two countries ill continue to work together for the promotion of p ace and cooperation throughout the world. LYNDOH B. JOIDIS01'" Department will release upon confixmation of receipt less objection perceived. Rl S"' Drafied by. I 1'.t. E~t. I " '" "'M' '"•-•• ••• ~• Lloyd No Hand gL~~ola:~ ~3/66 2008 . ~~~~~~~b~ -__~~~~~~i-•-f-o_f~~~ot~~~o_l~~~~­ ~,,........,.",.,, · S/S-C • Mrs. Denham o Hr. ckel:' UK )fr. Yo S/S •Mr. Thompson ID HOUSE c URIElfCI lf0'1' RICISSAllY REPRODUCTION FROM THIS COPY IS OJtCLASSIFIED PROHIBITED UNLESS "UNCLASSIFIED" ~~~MDS-322