PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE On behalf of the merica.n people and myself, r cm;:. con r tul t you nd the Czechoslov k eople on the 50th anniversary of the fo ding of the ,,,..zechoslovak State. F·fty ye r ago, President ~ilson and the t.Jnited Stat e Gove nment played an ctive role in th founding of Czechoslovakia. T y ure you, Mr. President, of the continuing interest and und r nd1ng of the nite St tes in Czechoslovakia's hi toric cou Thi cour eh s been marked by great cha.Henge nd great t a edy. The -zechoslovak eople have clearly demonstrated thei c city to me t chal enge nd tragedy with coura e, determin tion nd op . 1 a confid nt th· pirit will continu to prevail among the ""'z cho lova opl an their le d s. Lyndon B. Johnson