DEPARTMENT OF STATE OIVISIO~ OF LMtGUAGE SERVICES (TRANSLATION) LS NO. 38525 T-89/R-IV French REPUBLIC OF DAHOMEY Office of the President Porto Novo, August 25, 1965 Mr. President and Dear Friend: I take great pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your message of August 13, 1965, and of the copy of a photograph of the planet Mars taken by Mariner IV on July 14, 1965, which you were kind enough to send to me through Ambassador Klinton Knox. This historic event of great scientific importance will be a milestone in mankind's steady march toward light and progress. In turn, I wish to express, in the name of the people and Government of Dahomey, the hope that this great achievement will contribute greatly toward strengthening peace throughout the world and toward the progress of all nations. Accept, Mr. President, the expression of my gratitude and the assurances of my very high consideration. [Signed] S. Apithy Sourou-Migan Apithy His Excellency Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States, The White House, Washington.