.. JTGOING TELEGRAM Departtnent of State 0 ' 7 4 ~~~~~;~00coLLEcr LlMITEObFFICIAL USE 8 5 . iftllttilitiH Origin ACTION: AmEmbassy, COTONOU CPR Zf 3 H' GPM FYI f l lowing mesaag will b se t direct via ti)'llm~rci\iil cha n@ls to Preijident on Augu t 1. "On h occasi n of the national oliday of Dahomey i giv . me great pleasure, on behalf of the peeple RSC f h Unit d States and on my own behalf, to send to y u and thr ugh you to the people of Dahomey inc r go d ishes and a surances of our warm fri dshipo LYNDON Bo JOHNSONo 0 De rt t will release upon co firmation of rec ipt nl •• objecti o erceived. Or1ofted bY• S/CPR~ LNicbols: jl 7/19/67 Tel. ht. 2007 Telegraphic tranJmission and c1 assifica1ion approv•d by. J ·-· W0 S~agtt• Chief of Protoco c1..rance11 sIS=c AFW:Mr. Strand v-eall AF:Mr. Trimbl S/S -Mr 0 ..-.­ WRITE OUSE CO CURRENCE NOT NECESSARY IJ.lilildllti'iftkLIMITED OFFICIAL USE FO R M DS-322 8· 65