# 444 MADISON AVENUE N E W YORK CITY TEL HA 1-1221 HA 1-1 234 FLORA LEWIS NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT :r:r . 1?il~ !·foyers ':'he :·Jhite !Iou3e Wash~~~ton, ~. C. Dear Mr . i'Ioyers : I h~vc been lryin~ to r~~ch you fer some time to a~k for a little ir.formation 1 need in connection witl: ;eYJcy <...;d ~n:0ortance of the accident . l wi2.l 'Jery rnuch ::.ppreci2t,e .J.ny help you cCJ.n :;ive me • .... incerely, /1 _//, ·'' I, I / .# , ~ ' (.. (_ I J_)