Page 2 of telegram to·____....;;A=me;:;.;;;.;..mb~•=s~•,4..Y_.:;;..;MA;;;_R--=ID~---------------­=D &Be auch operational flights. ueations would then be posed: (a) in what instances woul we inform GOS and when not; (b) what would constitute acceptable explanation to GOS of rationale employed in such determination. Embassy's views on this general problem wou d be appreciated. it would seem 3. In present case, aside from above reservations,/ difficult for us to now go to GOS and inform them of operation. already underway. If GOS raises question, however, we would suggest Embassy respond that Torrejon being used as refueling stop enroute Wheelua aa part of publicly announced airlift of MAP equipment for Jordan but with no rpt no public announcement of stops at Torrejono DD 4. Depcirtel 107544 containing public announcement of airlift and pre&s background ID is being repeated to Madrid. GP-4 END ..--HI~RP!'i'