,,, J u 9 '·-' • -·-·--- -·.. ~ .. . . • ~ I I 'I _, ~'t: !J --· "' --·· \.. .. t:)"':> i 0 Qi:?T '(­..... \....l.. .A.~­ r I ··-·­·J ' [ __......... , T) '·""' "' ")'nd ?? ·~4.,,;i.,. . ;;­-­ 0 , _-, _.,._, _ .. f1 v.1 .. L.... . 1 ' ,., ' ( .f 1... \,0 i ~..7\.. . ~ ".: ' .· ,,.--......, ~·­ r~ .·. · .. .... ~.. ) v·..' ... . .,. Sp~ .::.sh !-1ini;,Jters Garriguc:.J c:-.nd Agv.i r~ er.ill.ad in by D~part.ral(.,.:t C·ialuy) February _9 to clarify statement.J ~cnt r_ .;tl S::i1nish Emba.:.3:>y Febru~u:y 14 Aide Merrv>ire r0t;ai""ding c.:...rriage commoditiaiJ to Cuba in Spard.sh aircrt.fl and V-.:.J.Jel$ and .'.)bt....in further indication SpanLsh intentions comply p:"'ovisi.or:s Soot.ion 620 ---...; Ry~ , Ni\ H~,, D:~te .3 .. ~t/ -ff) OPY; p E ( ., -:DIS .'·.. -GO?fPILETfntL i.r:~r:.1.:'2 .ldministrative action .rl.th respect to ne:1 obli2"!!.t1on._;) ol mil:...t :..cy funds _·c: Spain pending clarification Spanish in-Centi0na "'cc...K3 aap~Y"op.:.,i-te within ]tleani:-.:, :orei3n as>Jista.~1"'e ;;..cto Previously obligat(.,d ....,ut u:1dcl:... /cr~r military Us :i ...., '-".>rn l ~,r,_;,.,1.; .....o; ,.. ::-.,,..-.;. • .. ·,:. · ·•·,.,,. ·· .., n r·""· > .6.(.4 1l.-'-.-1U..L,_:...,,...,.V'-1' ~,;~.v aid not d.:f<;;,..., ced by this actiono .l•JC ,,..~1-----~ ~ · 4).,.1"' 2.·"e practical effect on Spain at this timao eVo:.;; J.• ·to r.ave prompt discussions to clarify Spanicili position ~1hich ::as purpose of Spanish Ministe:r>s sa.id they ltere under inat:r:.l~tiona not r ept:at not, c -. ·: ::r into any discussions to clarify their Febru.a.ry ll~ Aide Me;ruwire pending fur-:.her v~:)artment expressed regret Spanish unable receive Ol" dio0uss US requeclc~ for clar:ificationo Since -we considered it import.ant and i n the int.ere...1· ... of' all 'c:_.~c::'nea to esolv~ problem as soon as posaible we felt mattar x:as susceptible of sol1_tic::. ..:-~-<-t this solution could be found only th""ough ac.rly amic:..ble discu. .Jsion ol /:"..c __r~at problem ·with which we were confrontedo To be diverted into discu.-;;..::ion in depth of hypothetical situa.tiona and of effc.~t of US int~~t-'~11.L ._dmi.n:i.c.:tr c:.. ' :, ~.~e action ,,,n US~Spanish Defense Agree:nent (to"t-r-.trJ. .::1ich Spani&h ·; niaterd t ended -co J., .,._ J .. 'c..ld not be conducive to early resolution of problemo --4 bassador should see Castiella 3oonest andp dra.~dng on D0p..trtment~ s eA-plan1 :...· n above9 inform him as follows~ US stater1ent February 18 inoluding final p:.ll"'agr~ph rega ding .:.rtatus oi "':Ur:·er:t Ct.. ..., d,.,, .!. •• • 9 :as n6~essary to respond to inquiries from Congrez,:, :...nd prc5so Inter_1a..L act10n 0n funds lTas ..equired under leeiiilationo ThiJ internal ,1ction t ould :~.ut .£. normally have been raised with S-p:.i.ni.Jh Governm~nt a.s part o.. ·.lr bil.;..1..-:;t>al d1.3~U3Siv 1 and '"}( ·· :earn~d of it only through o ....... r ,;Spo.. ·e to a"c ·.ve inqu-i. .:'...~~o We 3till '!D..Jh resoJ.v.... CONF=-.d.1.!llJ PRESE ON COPY ( . :l~e:-~'3__ A1_: of telegram t0 ___ ~_;1 .•~)as0y" :-,:ADRID r e::olve this matter in sar:1c S.Jiri-c, ol ccoperation tho.:!:. Foreig11 ~11!in.:.Jte..."' exp1· ,...;;.;;ed or~ JG.nu::.:7 17 and ) 1 (EI-IDTELS 1452 .:i.nd 1509) o In ·~rl \...J of his st· t cr.ents that GOS wa shed :.1_., cooyerate with regard t o Secti on 620 9 ;~e have be1,,.,n :taitine for details 't. , • , ~ • • "~o·u'"".~ .,. ., 1 ... .., fY1.V--n ..._ J . • .&. ---"' of 3. anish pl8.nSo Our nemora.ndurn of :!'t....b:~Ual"·Y r:.~ ~ ~ ...,, ....,; ~ .-T"'1·;· • ... vl "" \ .. ,..,...,~ ·-r~/~ .. l:> ,,_.., 3a.2·c..z. 9 ·v1as prepared because we had not heard f r om Spanish CoYern.llent and i n o:cicor ~. · :.2.tc any misunderstandingo He now have Spanish memorandum but .still have no .;.!.(LI° idea of Spanish intentions wit~1 regard t o su.:3h matters a s air f r eight and f :... "8 sh.ips reportccl (EMBTEL 1lt-84) as carrying ccmmoditiea to Cubao We consider that US ~1as proceeded in accordnnce ·with September 1963 undertakings which stated that lJ3 -ssi stance iJould be provided in accordance ·ctit h applicable legislation (i·,; . -;-;~· ·r 2633) .. \-""-.... -~--... not ?fI ONLYo Garrigues endeavored probe why Section 614 waiver had /oeen applied to Spai.n.,. Although he did not speci fically mention i-t he referred to J z"ttt York ·:L: ::3 article t oday which alludes t o t his possibilit y o While we had intended ,?.•:o ·; aed as indicated DEPI'EL 20729 we decided thi.s ~;eak th~re i1a.a no practical ~::. r r~old bn.c~ information regarding ~toppage of 1ew obligations ., END FYI EiID RU S~<. OON!"IBEM! .:-IL PRESE V. riON COpY