no Fe;:~·; rem nr:-=-.,;-~..·i.,r . ".,.lm·r~ ,n-·~· 1 J/, ·· (C a.~.~ific•Jtirrn) • -.u.·i k.44.' ....... I ·~~· .:L .....· - ovrat l-:L!;i \Jltr TW.'I' C•uVI:·!l'' PVI.ISH M•:D ;;!=~~;-,_ . •,, .. , ~ . .... _ STATE lNR GF~IEFtNG NOTE TROOP3 'l'C> EiXl'~R ROI·l1'.1:11A ON NOVE}'r,SH .22 AT 4 AH :o: o•re1 November 19, 19~ · The Olreetor, IHR TIMI!' nussi.!ln Polish arx1 IlUfl1arinn troops will inv.'lde noo.<:'tn~t.a n.t ,\_ :.: ~ local t:fine on Novomoor 22. 'rhe totill a£rcn&£h would bo .150,Wo.,,.,,-=ra:-::~o:-::r~1.---­ f.ou~co oiva tfu n:'VJle or t}Je co;;;in..i.r.clcr o.r the P.:1llnh dotncfirn01 t, Col. Fr:osickowcki> .i.nd sl,).id it would consint ot to.nko, niroorne> ·troops, "rad bcrot" detnfhment~, rad too report to tho USDAO 2'~~~ ra:~; :'.~·~ ·{too. Tboy ' ' 3 · drc~ted that the Prime Uinistcr o.rd DofonE:1Jl s notii"ied bm~· but 00 t laction )>/'fl.S Conternpla.tad Rt this tizn.Q ~g a rsaUlt, Of the report, .... . . . ~· In a.i.'Tplifi~ition of the ~port stat$d t.~.''.J 't=·.nk battalions iri Hungnry were nlrGady movine to1..;urd ho Roma an :rcn....... ., .. f .· )passed the rqJ'rl directly to SACKUR as· \-J·o·ll.;._. In·doine eo,· they !rd.ica.tod tint the;r believed the movoment i·opraventod a Warsaw Pa.ct exorC1$o rather than either intorvent1onagainat tho Ro~ian ~gi:me o~ military-pressurQ a.ea.inst Yueoslavia.. · ":" .:::..· .-~· .. . .. : . :. '..... ·~ ,. ·, ,; .: • !-' I : . ·..• .·· ' '• I . ' . .. ~ . .. . ... f 0 Gr~ck ~tt~che in l-bacow ' . i • ·.·· ; :.•••.·:...:" ... . ..... • t ~ ! • .f . ·-. . i 11nsv1cri~ a D!A query occaaiorod by th~( ' )report .thG ..USDAO in Mooa:>w · .. ~ . . 3.~(b)(I) recalled thl\th ~ ;;: Jon Nov 5 hnd !u\jd ·ha had "good Worn1:.1.tion•1 t thn.t in A.ddit on °0 tho MIG a dollvcrac!_ to Roll:13.rd.a."tha .us~m hnd shipped : ' i· conv;1untc,ct:ton6 and rMzir_mau!pmcnt to Homani?.. for an oxe!oiso 1n tno "lattet.. pt1.rtof Novcml?_ar. That. ennlG evening tho DA.0 nskod th<. ~ttnch& aboU. · .. . ~ ths ~11.Gs Md tho po~sible exorcii:;o nnd he deni~d tl.n.y..kl10wlor:1eGt or ~hem. 1. ·, ' ' &RIEFER !-{R OFFICe · nt\l"R~ ... :··.. · ... .. .. . ... . . . C.OMMEHTS ·CONT /\l~EO IH IHR BRIEFIHv lS the Yueonlo.v militcry attach~, norm.1.ll'1 .a·tnlkativo eort., ~· 6 210 montion ot ~uch an exorcieo. ··1 . .. " .... . . .