. --. / \ I ( t 1 : I . r• MEMORANDUM INFORMATION EO 12958 3.4Cbll11>25Vrs lCJ THE WHITE HOUSE ~-,.,._.. ~' WAIHlHOTOK /') >·,. Thursday, November 21, 1968 --7:10 p.m. Mr. President: I have not wished to trouble you today, but you should know that the intelligence conun.unity is evaluating certain rat~er disturbing signals indicating possible Soviet movement into Rurnania. You will recall that th e earlier intelli ence was shot down b the intelligence community as I take the ED 12958 3.4Cbll1l>25VrSa.ttached CIA report rather (Cl • It is still by no means clear that the Soviets are planning a move into Rwnania or an enforced military movement into RUITI.ania. But I believe you should be alert to the possibility. EO 17958 3.4CblC11>25Vrs lCl .,_ .. ... S/i l1TZJ~.D ..