.. / J _/ , ED 12958 3AlbU1l>25Yrs lSJ s C£rHT~'\1, IU'l"ZlJ.1lG.rl>Cl! AG~:?iCY DtrootorAt.Q of Int&lli~onco ll Nov~mh~r l96C . -· t~""llil.LIGlrnei! l1P~OlV\.t,OUli GODJ~C'rt . ~b~ numoninn &ituntion no o! 1200 f.~~ . 1. ThQ political and raf.litu~ &it."at.1on in Rtw.::4nia CQntirc\i (\;:; to oo qui.oecont.. Rum~ninn ot!ic:iala and d1.plornatg uroynd t1lo \::orld oti11 _pt'oj.'.)~or ~;e Unvhin~tcn, Co~~¢l1u &ogd~n, cal~ly oa1~ yoat~raay thot ho ~n~ . ED 12958 3AlbJl1l>25Yrst,hri)nt or on lloviat-~wr,anittn t~l):o l\bout rM.no1.lvoro. SJ l ----------------------------------------------· J. 't1o~tern t\t.tAoho:\ in H\,ngc.ry and ~ul9ari'l rer....or~ ne ovid~&:l o! M ll'lort in th<.:taa eoun;rioa or any bui.lduS' no::.r ED 12958 6.1lcl>25Yrs ~au:m!lni~n tordora. '· JJ!gMWhi lo 1 tlu:i-ro ArQ in.;.o~ ED 12958 3AlbH1l>25Yrs lSJ SANITIZED \ \ J f • i ED 12958 3ACbJC11>25Yrs CSJ 18: 9ecrl..Rg up tor n l'oliticnl Conaultativ~ Cor. i+-teo """3 inq~ 'th& 08 ~fono.o >.ttaoh~ in nuchnr~tJ.t ropQrta th t so of~io -c vllO oro ror>resentativo& of. tl\o chi.Qfo o~ otat!fe o 41 1.;h EO 1295 Wllroew Pact for.coo arrivc~ in ~uoh~ent on 2 2 novarr.bo , lCJ · Thio pro i · n y ~~otin~, tthlah nor~4lly p~oc~~co ~ !ull ~otin9 o! ~h~ ~oli io l Ooncult.4t1vo CoM1t.too, J'tlportooly ...,il1 lnot until 2S l-lov<;;.lb t" ,. Tb6 full CoNlitt&e roportcdly c.1tlt rr.eot in Doonnb<>.r, po~oibly in. Koaoow or t?4r0Av. IO 12958 6.1lc1>25Vr -:­ ED 12958 3AlbJC1J>25Vrs CSJ