.-,.. I /;). _,R.. DEPARTMENT OF STATE llu 5'7 Memorandum of Conversation . DATE: June 23, 1967 . PL~CE : Secrctacy ' s Dinner 2t :Tal c~orf-.\stor-i2 SUBJECT: Th.e llillcH 2 E:i..s:: Cri s is Ti.1e Secretary --, • " .. • • ... l L'Or-ei~n l''.iln::.st2r .~:~:r:escu Assist~nt Secr2t 2ry Sisco 0ei)l:t°' ;7orci·:n ::~r1 is•-0 r 't,.'..·li."t?"' '-J -·-0 _. -.. ,,_. ...,. -J.C. -~C.. A~b~ssador Pcd2~sen (·lr. T_,is l e , !Jirector, 'EU~j-;::::; !:·~r. . Toum2yan , I ntcr;:>!."ete r speech 2t the G2neral i~ c-.....,. ~[.'}, l \.;r n ,"':" -L 1i C1 ·L-;-',., ·:--t /j ~ -.r .... ~_,c ... _ .,, c;;,.;._. --""' .. 1<... ~c...i • :~ sRid he found a curious inconsistency bet~2~n the Soviet e..:)b..:..:.:; i'.:i o;i 2:.s ;_·o.e l i L.-oo? ~'ithdr2~.reil o.~d Sov.Let l.::.c~ c2 i nt('. rest i:1 '.;it:1­cL-2.~1.::. l D/ '.:: ,2 :·orth Vietn;..:c2s2 . There WciS 2l so ci_ lo::; i c2l problem. Th'2 Soviets 6'.::.r._;8•: tl.1.:; Isl.-.:.~lis ~·1it:t at;~rc:;sion out :;2.3scr h2J sa.icl there had been 2. con­ ~inui.·n ·· c-'-~t-· o:= •1 -,r L~o·-t'no,..., co1Ull~ ..... .,..,..,._'::> be "'-o·"-".:><'C"l.· on'? 1t . 1 t',n~ ::::J...l.nte '--•...., ul.C. ~ -• ~-'-. • .. I ~'· • l.ccc..L ·--.._,..;:,LCwv • .J.. l.S c ear "-~ ­ of ~ial.-r,~t:st be endc:G . Thi;; r.~od~liti2s fo::-2,chieving a state of peac::; c2n be found ir: th2 :11<'1:-~8:-of '.:lLe Ur.itcd i·:2tiot:s bnt a continuin;; "stal.:e of ·uar" is i ncon­Sl.·s:·ent-• ~ '..·i.'t-'.t~ -;::, -•D~~c"'~'-• r"'~l -c:. ..... . Tiu~ Premier SC'. icl that in his S?C2Ch he had called for Isrc-~e 1 i wit L1d:-<::,rc.l. He ~r.1911.'."l::>iz~d, ho·.:~v2r , ti.1.at 02 h2J not us2d the 1-mrd ''ia1mccliately" but. ~athcr t he phrnse "~1ithout c~elay. " The ::-:0~:2.nie_n3 lrnd t:1ou~ht t~1is over c.::.refully . Before there c0ulJ be ccfcctive discussion to settle be.sic probl ems , there r:1ust be a ?rior st.:-.~e, th..:..:.t of ~;ithJ:-c.l:·:al. Th-3 Sccret2ry1 s re2sonsing ~i3S logical. fhe state of bc.:lli·r:;rc:i.cv u2t·:ecn Isr2el aml the U~\-~ h2id never bc2n ended . Ire S~' "))O__ .._i...., .--; _...___ -" ........ -L, l~o T~e Soviets re~lie~ th2t i:'.c:. s s er h2d not consu1ted them. .I. To C.he S2cr-~t2cy ' s co~'1I~:e:;t t1La.t. he ( '.:he Sec:retc.ry) ~·7.::s r.ot holding th2 3oviet Union :-espo::-tsibl:;, tl1=.; ?:>~.r:iisr r·~?li~d t:-"at he C~G.u:-2:: ) did. 1£ tl':s ~oviets h2d tole i."2sser tri..3.t t':e::; ·::oul(2 no'.:· .SU?:_:iort r.i::l , ~lOUld .:'~C:3S2 r: h3.VC. done ~·~~O..t he did? T:l.e Secre~nr;r 0ai:2 he ·.12s not s~l"'2 . ~-iau ::-2r Di3:1t be oT""er-e:~1?~1:-~siziTI~ t b.2 role 211::. influ2i1ce of ~re2t D0'..1'3r:-s . :!e don ' t cont r o l :'e l ..-'.viv . fl'.::; g::-e2test po~;2rs c.J.nnot c:.l;1c.~1s co::-:tr-ol. Tel :.viv and '.:.:iiro bot:-i p::-o:Jisec us thc.y -.:-:ould not s t c.rt hostilities • ...,,.1..· he 7'r'-' '··i .':>·--;-c.-..1'"' ': .... '.~::-t th ,,.. ~ecr,..,"-C'r~r r1J...'r:;'··"­ L. L J.. -~ ... -.... --'C _-' .1.. .._.. J l..-.. l _t -.. .--' -~ L.. i..... J \.~ V LL L.. be ri~ht . The Soviet Union ~~s not ~rilel:· resyonsible . Eo-.1~-:;ver , i2 the ~ovi2ts h2C: dorte ~·;h.::.t tb.e ~!.onc:nian3 did , the ,,: ... ., .... -. • __ ,._·,," ".CJ:-.--.'-.... ,,,.,. u t' ., . . .. "'-'-Uct t..LO,l ::11.v.'..1~ D·-ClL.i.. ·-l~r1t.. L.0-..1'-/ • -~0-·7CV'2r , . Ci.'2 '.?I'O:J-E::;'. lS no~; 2 pr.S.S,C:l2.L:lC On2 . The ?;_-2:-2q~i3it2 L; ·:ii:hdrc::.:; ~, l of troops . ~:o~·; t~:.is coul d be. clori~ he could not say b 111-t'~,-. 1..,.,r i·_,_ -T_.,,. ,,0~1"' t:'"'''"r.:::i::: ... Tcr--:i;:ii-.,,~ +-~'-"' i.:i--" ·0 of f' .c--... 1.."'r-.·oul'1 ~"'r> ...,.innin-;s '.)Ossi­ --___ .... \...L• ..J ._.. L.. •• c.0 "-.. ·._ .... _ J...-..,.,i -•. ....... "-'--__ ._c..u ..... ... --\.:;:;.::;, -.:. bilities of c.. s2ttlcL'ent. 11 ~:o~:evcr , th2 Ist·~elis ·~.... oulc' be quite justified i f they ~ 1 1 . ' . . i , . . t' . . . ' -1 1:\ d re.I:e.rrec to t 1e cor:'.::ntm~nt w"1icn L1.2.·:i. ;_:)r2c202a :tel.r ~n-cnar.::.~·:a. ·.; yea::-s c.:;o c.n pointe<2 out ti.:.at th2t · c.:or.1111itn2nt h2d not protected tJ.2~.1 . The Secrc~ar:/ repli2d th2.t t:1e Isr-aelis h2c not ::::..ited lori.g enous;h. It s:1ould be quite clewr the LrrliteJ St2tes did not d2sire c::.n;" ne\·:' troubles or diff i cul ties of any kind , "Our bJ.S~(;t is full ." ~-'.fture:::-s2id he ful l y 2cce:>t2d th2.t . t.he United 3tatc::s U.:lS sir1-:er2l;r sc~~<:ing .:i.. solution . Ti.1~ Secret:.:-y no:::2z:l :·.:o.u1:~r spo:~e o.C ::ithur..:.~-:al ZlS c. pr2:-.;;quisit c . Th2 re i s soc.2 question hc=2 both as to the sequ2nc2 of events u~d th2 shape of the fi nal result. If tr.ere could be confidenc~ th~t c.t the end of the ro:-lC:. certc::in r?sults ~:ould be achi2v2d , such .::.s the rccosnition of th2 ri~ht oE Isr2el to exist and to have the nor-CJ.al ri~~1.ts of .:::. state i n the int2r:-i2tionc-.l systcD ( he no t ed t Z12t he d i d not re[e:;:-here to dii)lo::-,12.tic r2la:.io11s ), ~(;rl-....:-t;)S ~:ithd:.-2~;al coul d be E:. t 2.rt early st 2gc. 3ut ~1he;n t:-:e =-~oo.;~ians S=J~.::.~~ of: it .:.s c:.. prer'2quis i tc-~ , ~;hat i s mec..nt? I s it t he PRESERVATION COPY ( pr2requis ite to som2 thing or to no thin:;? The Secret2ry di dn' t iii.sh to di~r2ss f ron t he :·Siddle E~riJ.. b' . . ., ..., . , d . c • ..>L. .lC 'Cne · .:Duarll.C:ns l1.:l s2i.cl that i n the F.=:r .S2st cess.:.tion o~ bor.1b::.n.:~ mu:3t b .._. _.. '-.... -­ ~ C L.l1C l:lrSL. SLE:~:> . ~·:e ~.;ould 02 V"'t'' rrl2d t o l1~v;:> .._L. he-. ·"t1.1.. """'­ .a.. -J 0 -_. '" (,,1 -.. ., li.U \ ·4 ~ 'J -!.. behinJ t!1ei:::-hands ::h:::.t ti:e seC'ona· ste....., _ -~ b .,.. t ' · · ~ T,-o.,11... -~ ~ e Le ~1e ucre o sto;;i oo~:Dl..n'-' . .-.. pr2req~isite is ~ooc if soL.ctl:inz fol l ;·,1s but not i f nothing foll o·.~s . The Sc c::-et<:.r:>• r~ c2l l.:::c obs e rv in~ ?rince Fe isa J ( •7 ':i.· n· ) s '-~ M. 'lu . .... ·n,, G-:. ~T"''l no.. l\~ :...c.n~ LL 0 1.:1 L. e -_nc _c.. c. I~ was clear his prid2, re ligion, sense of justic2 and of 2. 11 c1 e e ')-1" J .::. f :E 2 c: t c: (l. The S~cretary sai d ~c Gould un~er~tand t~a t but coul~ not sh~r2 it b2c.s.us2 he ~-i2.S no t &n ..:..rv.b . This is 2.t the Th:; 2-.?.~: ·L· c-. ·-· :1 -.• : n -~ '-"-o C... .l.. .. 2.c::no:::l~C..~2d that the SQcn~tc'.!'}' ~-:as r.i.:sr1 t ~nd note~ ttat thos2 :i~O set U.? Isr-221 :12d sou.::;ht to char:ge 2 cr20.m into r ee. lity . 0-~---'--~~-~ 'rc-c~ "~n-' to .-o-·_.·t'r1:--•. "'s OJ.." '.Iler. " " .. :-n.J_.-. :·:--C1"'l'"' t--. ,_L. l The .J"'..:!'~.L\.:':.l,.. •:..!. .i...J t...!.Ci.uc L lo.!;,.,.. ~ .......-' .... ·~ :,:! .... 1.~i'­ T!.1c Pr2Lli·2r c~clci.2d it ·123 unfo::.·t 1.m:::.te, ho:-.1ever, that the price 'C'JSt be ,?2.iJ u:' t:12 • • • • ' ' 1" • • l I • l '-,_,.,, 1 • 1 t t f t' ,.-, . I _"..:-a0c. ::no Cll.C not sr::-:re LllC er s ~ul. L. . inc o:;l.c2 s rt:c u:-e o tle :::.ecrec2r-y s ·2r_;um2nt 2.~<.~.inst 0:1itl1dra~;c,l i!as solid but it ~'~~s afi:~r: z~ll only foF::::l l o.;ic. fhe Z.:.c;:s i L\)OS.:! ~ different sol11tio<1 . fh2re 2rc ris:~s involvec but t.his :;:i::-·:: ­r2quisi::e of '-:it~1dr-.:.~::.l nust:. irt sor(liers c.ust get. toget~1er . On·~ spcci':'..l ]roblec :_--_ff~ct2c: the 2.ns~:er to the ?l.-2r:.ier' s c:uestion. Fo!" 2-J ycri.rs t .... ,::'\ :::-::>r'\-,........_ -:·. .. -·r l1·"' rl },of":'I~ t ·, ,1:-1· ,., 1-to ·'-~,o--,....,~(, .._ ...,...<"' '"'el T~ h t 11 ., +-' " '··"-....e1...:L'-'---'-,-'-·'· --'-l' ·'·.:O -~L.::. ::o ,_u ld 1... J..,,r u. • _r e Z.'.. ,:ec .... o Orte ."l.r.'.:.1) , L.••_., ~,c fouriJ 2. ;:-22sot1.;:_l)le m.:..~n, If he t.all:2c to ElOi.'2 th.:.n one -=~t .::. tit;c2 , ti':.~t ,\rJ.b b e•_-. 2.Ll2 :: .--~ .• :.l'j tl'01 1r· '"'-'-thJ-o c M0·1l-1 'De v~--· r~ct·0 t con t-c:'-­ 1 1_~ 7'-~ l \:...-i~_."":~2 for one D2rson :-:~10 h.::.d --.,, . ti.:.c conI:i:.'.2:~ce o;: t~·,c; :;:i .:.~ ::.-tics to ,;;:-,::ilo::-;~ the ?ossibilities. E:ich ,\rc:b Gov2::-nn2nt 2·~0 on2 ~-rnuld T.1ish to t?.k~ t~.c difficult . There miG~t be ~ t~ird T' . . , . .-. . ')ossioilit··. !l2 r e c::.:re orincL;;i es i.ri t.:1!.e. \..Jnc.r·cel.-~hich could be ryut in a r e solu­ 4 ­ tion [oi-~·.:i.1icll t ~12 •\.!.-2.bs co;.i.ld vot:e . Th2s2 rri.iz:hi: hc.v2 2. ?r.:::.ctic2l re2ult. For ··-r-...... l n ,..-· o 1 1]•'1 o' l·o'""'·~ . t_ ·~--1·1·.-.icn ron:-~~1· :T)1i~ '-~icle 2 nrr'"" -r--~1h 1 T.1nich e.,a.t_, -, ;.~1 co'-'-·'-'-D.;·-<...:c. LO 2. r ,_;:,O_ l ~-'-' -L. c: _n.J..'..Q -L.L.-' ~c. '-'c ... '-·:-l-' ·"-'--­s.::vs tha.t "ti.ie Or-:~~~n i:-::-ition is o.::.s ·~d on the ')1.'in.cil)le of the sover:-eb;n 2qu2lit'.1 .,, ........ .. • .I.. -..; of nll its r.1ecb2 ;:.·s . " I[ sc~,·2 of tb.2se ori'.!Ci:)le.s of the ;.;r.c~rter 7_,1e;:2 in c. resolu­ .... ­ • ~ ' • ' ' ' • 1 ' • 1 • • • h ' 1 ~ ..L. ,_ L • t l.o n r: o r '-:t1 }_ c :?. t , 1. e ~ .r?. o s cou _G v o t c , t '.1 is rr. i.:;1:1t e i.U:Lnu. ce t . e p;:-oo eo. ot s L 2 ~u.:; 2002nians · should underst~~d th2t He did not speak for the tnitcd session . Th2 ?r2oi2r ended discussion of this question by em9h~3izing that soo2 soluticn ~~.Jst be found :J.nJ t:':.2.t th2.t \.12.S th:::: i;-.~l10le se1.1se of havint; 2. session of the G2:'.er2l As ser1bly . •