I ) I' I ' \j I ( 11 -~ J I I I /' " ~---24_7_3________ , !', 1 _z [ A Jl ,-Al'l-KARA, GENEVA, LISBON -N BERN~C'-co~-~E'INl!l!Il!AG!!IJENfi, Hc.Ll-IN-~-"I-, ( i - LUX&-113vURG, MADR D OSLO, OTTAWA, REYKJAVIK, STOCKHOIM, VALLE"TA A '5ef A-~-.-_.,~~<.~ FfU8JE.CT Views on Soviet 'ressures Against Romania R "" REF 3145 Nov 27 from Bucharest Our Embassy in Bucharec:,;t is inclined to suspect that re.cent rumors of a Soviet invasion of Romania may have been Soviet-initiated. Given recent \irarsaw Pact con­sultations in Bucharest and a probablE. summit-level meeting before long tc deal with both Council on Economic Mutual Assistance (CEMA) and Warsaw Pact matters, the Embassy sJggests that the Soviets and their allies would not be displeased to see rumors circulating which would raise anew the spectre of an invasion of Romania. rb.e goal would be to make Romania a more docile member cf both organizations. The Embassy discounts the possibility of a pro-Soviet oup agai1st Romanian Party leader Ceausescu. The Em­bassy observes that d£spite occasional differences on tactics, the Romanian Communist Party leadership ha, be.en pretty much united in confrontation with the Soviets The Embassy considers that Ceausescu's scendatlcy ove 1-he p; ty is now so great that it would b most nlikely that disgruntled old guard leaders o other elements could ~tage a successful cup against him. The E.i:nbassy b ..l eves that the Soviets would pro b y like o g rid of Ceausc.vcu at some stage, but that th s is a 1 ng +-me project and ne wh re th di.f icul-y off nd:ing logical and agre abl~ sue e o w uld em at 1 st , to be ~c 1-nigh insuper be. GBOlff 3 ow 12 y ar ( t R JS • r l lv dr>c 1, 1.e l