- .fYw~•"i"" ,...T ' \r 0 .) ,. ~ .J\..J1'\..:4.r~/J.. J . j\':°) FO=l THE PRESIDE~~T FROlvI BUNKEI'{ Ee:-..: ewith my thirty-seventh \vcekly n-iessagc: ....-,_'t" c '""a ...... ~'-11o r o+ J a~u·a r 3 1 l ...i. t-... c: .J...J./ u s .... J..1. .Y .J., rness2ge. It thus covers a The early dc:.ys of the period, build-up of eJ:;_-:;:;.r...y V\'ith ant.ic:.?21.-:ory preparations for the Tet holidays under\v2.y, phere 0£ ::...·el2..tive calrn. It began, grez..t sig...1ifi.c2.nce, Appe3..:-ing legislG..tive b:r-anch 1 I .J , •1• 1 c was a soocr> posn:;..ve, 1 1 • , • • l t in sco?e, Ol.:t,,_1r...:...Ylg pLans o oerl.ellL che execu-civc and iegisl2..tive branches He ir_dicated his plans to move cuicklv in establishin • .... .J.. for in the constitution, cou::c::..is. · But he · _,.,, 1 ~ t' ' . , :i f e.7_::er:n2. :::or:r.; ,~~at: n: aernanas '\vell as developn1en.t of political parties. \V'r:ile he meJ.J.~.;io:;.ed s o:r... e of the substa:ntial achievements which had alre2.C:y oc:en a cco.:-1-. 2lishe:d, t.l:e ::na.in thrust of his speech lool,ed to the future. Here :::e covered ., + ., , d t.. .L •t , . , .L1 4 J... • b o·c.n. plans _01· tn.e io:~ger t..crrn a:n . suort.. r-a:1ge pr1or1 ·y prograr:is on Wft:l.c:-. ,_;:e 4 0 over:-.1.lnen·~ ':.).:'..40'.1:)0S ec: to concenb.ate i:n the ne:x..'i six to seven mo:nths . Thcs e ~ch:de.ci 0 ... jll.C.icial a:-ici ad.:::-ninistr2.ti.ve rcforrn, e:~pansion of educational oppo1-".:u11itics ; :!-... e devel0?:.··n.2:::.t oi industry a:ad agricu1.ture; f!:1e stimulation of la:nd rcforrr., i~: the social fielC., vigorous measures to improve the refugee situatior... ; ".:o 8X~):=.,~d pti.'Jl,ic hcah:-.. :rne:c..sL::r cs; to improve the co:nditior-.s of labor and measures a.:nC. i::c -.;::..tivc s -::o b!'i:.'1.;S t:1e youth into the service 0£ the nation. To c2.rry out ::hese pl·ogr3.::-:'is, he 1 4 ' , d ' .. 95 b .i 1· . . . , . , th " ' , . ... ~ ~'.., ::> d -. ... ri J. 0 t --~ :'.):-esc:..-:·cec a o-:..: gC:....: 01 i ion p12.s;::e1·::; wn1c:i .c ...;.SSc:Ylo1y 1:::. :::; .......c:: l.~..:: ....... '-C:.-"'-'­~'J as ·.::;.e firs~ order of business v'l":c:1. it resumes its session on .?eb:::-t.a.ry o. I: lS .. a·~·.0 -=~-c -·.-,...·::::.iri '.J.nov.1·~v"'" r --~at by r!.ic-ycar the cro\.'."ernnlcnt wiE l:ave to sL:b:~.i: --"'-o..J .... \,,..o~~o-.w .... --, '-J' \.,.; , ..... .. -0 . b d "'-. , • d d .~ .. .L. ,., 'Y"\ ,._ ~, 1 ""'1-.-. .; ..... ..... i' 0--, : 0 .J ~ a s-..:..?:)lemcn::ary u 6~" s:.:'lce -.:.-.. e amm.ff.. i..S prov:.. e lu h.::. prc:sc:.~.., -::;,_..J ..... ::::>::. ·-­ .L ·:..:--~c: :-...:. i:ita ry t.::£o rt are i':.1ad.(;qu2.tc. Nt-"J q3 -4/o5 €!3) -5 BErR:E..'f·./~0 DIS , [, tf·Jb,OJ-­ (~ I '!"'-·-·::::. . . .. -.I .. . , ~ .. ., ..LJ.-c n1-ass1v.:::, coun::2:yw1Cic. ccri·or:.s·c attac.r\:s 01-i cer;.ters of l_Jcpulatio::-i \•:;:.:c.: 8~gc.:;. ;,., "' 1•:. e:.1· lv I-y-,o··-.... :,....,-v '.-. 0·1··s o-~ T ·1 :.11 . ,. l" . , -"'"· 1.-,....... c.. ~) .;..J. .l.H.:."·.::!i J"'" 1.. l. i J 3.J. ua1·y -> ,,1e::.v;:; Deen ru iy rc·oor·ceG . I \•::.ll :r.o: • J. ai:c~L'.. :)t to di..:r)licate thi:3 l"e;::Jortin0' here . I~: is obvious th~t fhey \v ·-=-re r)·.-..-.~--.r1: .... ~c.r1 , .,... .. • .... \._) ... ~ ........ \:_.; I.. --........ ..... t....; -_t,....C.. -\,;,... .......... 2.::.:Q ~)12n::.1ed vvell 1n 2dva:ncc. It is equ2.Hy clear that they were coord:;-_c.-:.,(::2 o..:-~cl _cor::..·el2-t~d \v:th the rr1ass1ve and open invasion in northc:rn First Co:~:ps by l:\ort~ Victn.a.n1ese Forceso It is evid2n-i.:, too, tl1at the initial success of the attacks wc.s due in ?art "'...o el2:rr:.e1:.t oi surprise c..:::id to ::he fact that L1ey were n1ade irJ. flagrant vio~c.:.::.o:-... o: t:-.e T et ti·uc e pe rioC. which H2.noi as v1e~l as the G over:nrnent 0£ Vietnan."l hc.C:. 0:..-oc:~i:.-:-_e~ . I think it1 s fair to say also that there vvas smne f ailur e of ~ntelligence 0:1 J. ou.:::-sice, for a size2~bie nu:::ribe1· o:f Government of Vietnar.n. tro ops and many Go'.re:::-:ar:1er.t of Vietnam ofiic:c:.ls were 0:::.1 leave. 7£--.at --.:~1ese -..vid.cs?re2.d, concerted attacks w i ll result in a r:ias s1ve r:.l.ilit2..ry de:e:2:'.:: fo:: ·.:he e:-.teY".cl.y is evident in the c asualty figures r eported Saturdc.y mo::-;.1ing . Fro::.--:. 6:00 ~) . rD. Ja:-n:ary 29, the beginni:!1g of Tet Truc e period, to r...J.idYLigc.t, Fe~ ?·2r1 2, ac.::o:din:; to our figures, 12, 704 of the ene1r1y were killed, a:r;.d 3, 376, :.-:.1.c..ny uf v.1 l"'.o::-:;. ·will bcco1rie prisoners of \var, "\Ve::re detained; 1, 814 individual and .345 .::::-2\v-ser-~r2C: weapo:ns vvei~e captured. Allied losse.s were 983 killed of which 318 we.re. U . S., 1 01 -t. "r"ffi'T o·f '-1,.,e n "°-')11.bl:C OI,. 'T~e-·L"-" -··rn a-,..,d Lt O,_her frE:'=' \VQr 1 r"1 · +i,..,e .,...,n-..i-=-·~ 0.: .,.,c.:..J1ie.J 0 .L •---J -l-.l.1. J:\...c;J. ~ .l \ .L .l.1.0.J..1._, .1..1. • 1.--1 IC _ J.._., L-.1.. .1.. ·....<.-l-'--'~-.l. ---I... ~ ,:J 3 '8..., .,....... i·. + l ,:J 1 1 ,. • -• v.rou.:1.C.:.ec.. wc~s , 4 .:> . ..'.:'....:"lemy casua ties .1..0r t.nese 1ew u2..ys are cor..3:..de:-c..:i~y 12.:-ge;.:­._·:.-. ~n ·io·,. .., -1.y ~·-,.ev~o11 s mo·11t"h of -'-'no \~,-r~ Based on the e::;::err..y cc..s·~;,c..lt:.es, I 2.S~~;:;C. i...--~-...... .-o...i. r..... .... \A. ..L• ...... L. ......... -v a o G er.. e:;::al 'v'.f es"'.::no:rc:la::-.:.d. for an esti:.natc of the -::otal nun.J.be1· o:. e:r-. e::.1::y co:1-:.~~t:ed he said he thought tha.t tnis was probably in the neighborhood o: 36, 000. . · .J -• i • ~ ,.., C "" I I ·· -_, . ··a· a 11 -:-· rr•.1.'-0:-l-l:·:_(;)r -.. l ~ ,.....t : .!. \.. \,. ... \....l.-.J.... I c.1n i:1cJ:_:..._:d ·~·.o "l:!:..~ ic, ... · 'i.".i..··-· ~--:.,1 ,··r) .,, -.-..._,......, '-' J.·----'--}o , l."\ -~ c .. -, ... , . .J.. =,-1 .. ~-~ ~ --.... -.:. ~ -. .. ....... .... . . ..., l:J-·~ L. ....... l ....... _ 0~_1c..:. at-.... v.i.1 \\'.::~::) . :· .r"'.. e . 11. c -=., 2 ,..a: ' - 2.;) ._. c "l.C.' v.rill enC.eavo r to k ec<) L o::.!. <:;.s ::n·'-2.cr_ '0i· .::· ..::3s;,,: :::e: e:..s t::c::v , hooc - ':.: hat '.:h.::;~1r ca:r: at l ec.s·c ai.ve t:1c 0 :c~:;:i:-ess i cr1 o~ 2.. . .. -l -...,, , . .. :::> .,..y... .... ~.,a..J..t...­- ' 1 ' ~·,·:: .~ ~..... -. ··c..u"'""""'" -c....._ ........ <-.t..­J so ~ J_ --, 1 • • -' . 11."lO re c.e .... a1.i.ea , though pre lin--:i:..'la 'l.·y, Q1s cuss ::..c:c. a r.c -:::s-:1:-:.--:ar.e r .. r •, J -0;''· v··-·\":c ,.,,-,....,,:-. ""··-er:,.,,r S ,...,,., ). 'O~ r,c 0-~J.. -'-.. _, \.J J.. "'-.... '-' !,.,... .J...i. .J... .1. ] i:""' U. . ,,,....J ..... G -..J o P.::.·cg:.:~ss .:::o:nti:-.l:.es to be nl.adc a'..:: cleanin~ up the s ituation , though a s , ;1 • ·1 ·1·· .c 1 ·~ .• ,. c.i:;cv12: c.c.. e:.·e is a ~)oss10Ln,y o.... 2. scco:...·.:.c_ w:::..ve atccrrrpt by ·.:::l.:: e:18Yr.!.y . 1·r-. .:1---~0 1• :...,.,..,,~ .... ...,.ro..,..i..,,..J ..: 11"'.\.i.. ~·11c· c··,-,.-.·~·"'Y ~'.:)"' n·'r y·-~-c o1-.., 1---.i.,+-.r·· ·.!·-; ::-~r--.. ,. \.....t.J\..o .... .J. .... -L..-C....---'-~ --CJ..J ...... 4,,C.LL v-~C:.-..t.. """.J. -•V•-..t -J.C ...> u ..... C l.> ............ .... .L.-L-v\;.;'-. •.i.....J .... ....... --... ~­ c::._ ~c::. . Ir;. the -~S ".:< (\...,"' • -• • , 1 , 1 .J , ,....... • .,,,-, • • J, v'vv _::--... c.:!.v1c:.~:.c. c..::o. :::::1·ev.r-s\:.:::rvecL \.vc:a:Jor:.s cZ:-pcu:!::ecL \...Zcncr2._ \,· es~::::'}.o:::.:e_.::..:..~_c~ .s hz;.Y:.::.; a:n a"L. .:Lt aY:.d s~ot checks rna.c~..:: o.~ ·che cou-zY.::ry a.:.J.c~ b..3li-:;ves t:-.c.t :::..::: s (: ..::.:;·": ::-.:;:::; a:::c c0.1sc:-_~vzd::iv-.; . T11.:;y are sub.sta~h~a~.cC: to sor:::e extcn'!.: by ~..:t_e l:i;i: c o-....::"'.t o:. -c~~-c~~.,..,-~-. 1.~~(;Q-: . o.-. o-,-· --~c'·.,. c-... ,.-;c.: "\' .r.o· · _,_,..,,,, -~·-.1; --:i.rio,.:i ...,,~"O'''' ""-:.,:; Lo l l 1 ::.. \1"/c;C...") l_!:J ~1..-. -.... _ __ L~-~ ... '°"t;;J C:..:..u\.. .. C.. -. •... .:....~!:::) .l. ..... ~J.i.c bc.t.l.l. \...:. ..t!'--.... \...4 ~.... ..... _ 1... .. .... ....... '-.; \.-v -, --V , c,_ ·w~·::ch 1.J. S. V!8?.:c 3v 7, A.·J..-11-y of in-:; l'-<)Ub~:c o~ Yiet::."larn 7 33, c.::d. £:::..· (:-:; \•:o::~C. 1 1 ro _ ..;1: .-.l -.. ::.y1 .-. ' ..... ..,... :o:rc-.:;s "'-... ....... l....J .. \,.; _......, ........ ~ .1 -• -r ' -J.. " ...... -: '1 -/ . J s cctior_ ] ~~_; '°''-" .... \.... ... 1..-... 11 1:'\ 1-,,-1-..., +..."'f .... ................... -... ---.::> • 1 r \.~ ..Jo~· :: \.:.!G. ..... ,. . .. 1 . 1 {\ .... -.. ..., ~...."':. \ 'l' .: ... .. ~ ---­ '1....1 -=>; "' --""' · -----"-.... __s:-:.er at. :,~.c !:)o ..:cy .c\·c~ . -., .. . -.. , ,. ..... ...... ....... ... -~, v -.::, ~-i . -. .. .__ --~ . -, -l­ . ' -8 ­ -J-· .l ' . ' .' ­ .. , .j. ..._. ...... ... .. ..j ( ~ r .. .!_" ...... : .. I.: •• v. , : ,... ... , .. I' -"' \,: :· .. :~'" .; o. co: ~~ ''\'~.. --~-:: 1,·::·-~; L"_.._..._ .. r. ... , • -( · '• : I ~i ·--, -' .. L!. ._ :_..... \_..c.. ........... \.,..: .. _.:~. L !)(:~~ ... .:.. (; (. I •• J, , J ' . ' ..... c... -. Jf .., .... l.., '.!~ () :!_• c ........ . .., _..,.•_, L •-'­ . ­ l-.:.!. t;n.-..: l G ::;. e C.!. 1 c; ~-;::_ .;: ,-:. 0_.c t }1 8" -Ll-,, ~ o--'"' r::-· -, .::: "-' ~ "' .·v -'-"~--...__.. ------_...1.,.c;,,_.JC... 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