INFORMATION Thursday, October 3, 1968 SUBJECT: osition Taken on Bombing North ietnarn by Vice President Humphrey In the ea.rlier memorand m ich we gave you containing aumrnary of th po itions taken by Vice Presid t Humphrey in the ational Securi y Council meetings on bombing North Vietnam, o mention was m d of th V ce Pre ident's report to the Council on November 8, 1967. The reaso was that the Vice Pr~sident's report did not eit er approve or di approve of the bombing. His comment& were limited to the fallowing two paragrap s: A. rrt a the j dgment of ll our military command rs, civilian adVisers, and the Vietnames le dership that the bom ing is hurting the NVA badly. This i not ly true in the DMZ t al o in North Vietnam where thousands of people and great resources are diverted to rep ir the d m ge." B. "Both American and Viet am se military and civilian off c a ls a reed th t th bombing of orth ietnam i in- ft•ctlng severe dam ge o the en my is certainly slo ­ing down the rate of infiltration of me and materiel. They are convinced that th population of orth Vietnam is fe ling the effects of sustained bombing. and th t severe logistic 1 and psychological problems ill continu through­ o t orth Vi tn • Already thousand of people have been reloc te n dislocations are widespr ad. 11 • W. ostow BKS:ksb -T