h p sident id h's m i r son for rai in this ubj ct in th th h lp of it in n'1.ber in cotchin th peculati n sub t nti 1 rift w1 hin dmi i tration rank 0 n the Pr id nt id Mr. McN r • Tie h r ed the m jor de i sions which the dminis- t id h t, 11 of th d ci ions h v e n viewpoint d , theJ h d 11 een of th t nd f n nd nd er ·y reed. Novem er 29, 1967 DD NDUM TO MINUTE 0 HE NATIO S CURITY COUNCIL ME TING Nov 1nber Z9, 1967 lZ:OO noon in the C inet oom tw en Item II nd Ill n th oregoing mi ut , th Pr id nt m d n xtended ext mporaneou.s t t ment to th Counc· 1 on th r arts of th pa t two days bout Secretary Mc .,. mar • 11 ged r ign tion. The P ·esident id that, as: n rly a.a he could r con truct the t, Pre i ent G orge Ą/oods of tl orld Bank had thr e tim i die t d intere t in r. McNa1nar ' v ilability to head the B nk. r. c amar 1 s r ply had been that h ... rernain t th dispos l of hi P e ident a~ long as he can be of value in his current ca city. ( Tot : Th purpose of th. President's remarks ppea.red to b to e t bli h the fact th t the initiative had ome from oods na. th t the r r iden h d pl yed pu ly pa oive role.). The 1·e id nt id that that is where the matter ta.nos of the mom nt. Th orld B nk has not off red the job and M..,... McN ma. ha not ccepted. 'I'h President himself '\Va n t consulted by r . oods. er th t th r r ports of JC n discredit to the JCS. G neral id th t r port of int ended r r "ti sue of lies. 11 cf-;._,('..()J..._ Pr d t • d. e I condn4tDt t t Q r d mad on TV the p evioua eveniq tit a U1 t u e th expreasione "hawk•" nd 0 dove•. •1 The Pr d h f lt th&t w wer all mod r te men. Hep ry McNar.nar '• aerric annly. He d t om traiion'• deciaiona may hav be n wro but the Adrnlnlatration &d not b en divided. Se r tary R.uak paid eim1lar tribute to Secretary McNunar and furth r att ated to the unity of purpoee and 10,.-lty to decision• tha had b n made. HaroldH. Saunder•