-8-#1045-A Q Does the White House approve of it? MR. CHRISTIAN: I don't have any comment on it at all. Q Can you fill us in on the exchange between Senator Fulbright and Vice President Humphrey yesterday? MR. CHRISTIAN: No. I told you yesterday, the essence of the report and I did not tell you some of the finer points. I can't fill you in on it. I will leave that to whoever leaks that out of the National Security Council meetings. Q What is the value of the Justice, State and Commerce appropriations bill? MR. CHRISTIAN~ The value? I will get that for you after the briefing. Q Has the President already signed that? MR. CHRISTIAN: Yes. We will probably have a statement this afternoon. Q You don't think there is a leak out of the National Security Council, do you? If there is, this country is in a pretty bad way. You all must not be very strong on your security to find out. It seems to me that is a pretty bad thing for an official to say. I don't mean it is bad for you to say it exists, but it is bad that is exists, if it does. Q Congressmen and Senators don't attend all NSC meetings, do they? im. CHRISTIAN: No. Q Were there any ground rules stated to the out­siders who don't ordinarily go? MR. CHRISTIAN: I don't have any further comment on that. Q Are you in a position today to give us a more complete list of the attendees of the NSC meeting? MR. CHRISTIAN: No. THE PRESS: Thank you. (AT 11:55 AM EST) END