SECRET l. emu t forw d ummit uire c d ID ppropri tion d better u of P machi ery. uch South m rica. mov ­ent t ard economic int r tion is i. of 3. -hi communist su v r ion and ~nsurgencr has e c ck d, th thre t remains and w mu t continu h ping the affected countri e their cap billti to resi t. The C rib ean continue to be of pri ci 1 r. m rican ould avoi p nding sc rce re ources on un­ • - ·\itarx; equi2me~t.r but their e timate of r qulr ent ours nd the cuts in r nt id ha decre ed our lever • ry to hel off· int n pr c d th .cost of orn attin o bud tary help fro us 11 b nee l. r lla • nd continued US nee i ro th and political billty. 2. 3. Fri hl Christi rty into a minor- y lo e the 1969 co n 1 7 0 n tional r sea ou rty. 4. public • h outcome of the y municl 1 lections v jor inf u nc on a a u r's nd his ability to c r y out eco o ic rec very d pollt c l eYelop nt. o i :re onably f ir lectione and a n October. The Canal tre tiea re side­ 6. r relations ar pl ued by exc chas , un illingne • to settl boat• --prob ems hie t m larg ly from B launde'•