10 I JC. oT-. 1 ./ •~•4'-U • .Ln..J .. if NEW LORD COMJTISSI ONER OF THE ll.DJ1TIEJ1LTY The posts '.Jf Deputy Filnst Seer Lord° o.ncl I1.ssisto..nt Chi ef of lfo.vo.l Sto.ff (Ylec.pons) tL'.WC novv-lo_psod . • Reor-Adnir.:•_l R.D. Oliver, C.B.E., D.S.C., v1h'.:> ho.s hithe:cto held tho post of .1\GsistD.nt Chief of N:..1:vo_'l Sto.ff (Yfeo.pcms) hcl.S 21ovi-boon o_ppointec1 o.. L'.Jn:l C::m\mi s si::mer of the J\dnirdty o.nc1 J?eputy Chief of Ncwrrl St.:i.ff . Ji.DMIR1\LTY . RELlw\'l'ION IN EXPORT LICEJ\TSING 1 Fu.rthor :cclo.xo.tions in ox-po1t licensing control o.To mo.de by o. new Bom~d of Tn.Ldc Order C'.)J:iing into cffbct on I1.pr:il 23 . The p:cincipo.l rol;:rn.o.tion is on non-WciliJcy go.rmonts (other th011 knittDd goodS', l1'.Jsic:cy o.nd corsets), but it is pointed out tho.t ro.vr mo.to:cio.l C'.)ntrols o.nd gcncro.l supply circwnstDnccs will still il:'\posc li1niJco.tions on tho quo..n"citics of those goods 1 o.vo.ilo.blc fo1export om1 th.:i.t o.11 Utility gm-:montn vill still roq,uirc export l~~..:ncos . Tho WoTld sho1~tago of lco.d, huwovcr' hD.s mo.Uc it necossc.ccy to impose export licensing control on loD.d 01~os, concontro.tes o.ncT compoundn o.nc1 soldc:cs of o.11 typos . Bo.11 clay ho.s o.lso been o.c1doc1 . C'.Jnsoqucntly o:-;:p::fft licences will bo required for those wxxls from April 23 . A full list of the cho.ngcs is published in iho B'.J::i.rd of Tro.do Jou.rno.l of Il.pril 20. TILf\.NSPORT OF FI.DUR BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN JIND NORTHEHN Hl.EL/\.ND The cn.pJcion to tho n.bove, N:). 11 of Sn.turdc'.y, 13.4. 46, sh::Juld ho.ve roo.d "T1~0.11sport 8f Flow..~ Mixtures betVVDen Grocrt Brito.in 011c1 Northern Irelo.:nc1 ; Licence 118 1811gcr 11e cesso.ry." It should be n8tec1 tho.t the movement of flow..~ to o.nff fr'J1D No1~thern Irelo.nd is still prohibited exc-.cpt under Licence , by .t\i~ticlo 22 of the Flour Order, 1945 (S.R. & o. ~945: 1) . MINISTRY OF FOOD . i\. '11 • c. TEJ\IJ TO VISIT srrITZERLAl'ID. Tho A. T. C. will plo.y thci:c first inton10.tiono..l footbCLll mo.tch this Eo.stor when et toruY\ rcproso1:ting tho C01°ps \-,i.11 visit Svritzorletnd . Ii.t tho invito.tion of tho Englir:d1 Pu:_tb,:;_ll AmrncinU.··n, the too.m vr.ill jcin in o. Junior Intorno.tionc:.l Footbc~ll T:.:;:..i_n10.r1ont o.t Gcnevo. on Eo.stor SU11do.y o.nd Mondny. Tho A.T.C. XI will o.b::i plo..y ngo.inst o. Jrn1ior l\.ustrion Te01:1 fron Vionnci. o.t Zu1°ich :.:;n 25th l\.p1·il; o.nd ci.go.inst o. Svr.iss Junior XI o.t Bon10 on So.tun1o.y 27th I1.p1-il. Tho po.rty, undo1· S/L. H. C. JoiJs01~, M.B.E., will lo'..'.vo fo1· Switzorlnnd by o.ir frcn I'Tc·rthclt on Sccturdo.y morning, 20th April, o.nd ·will rotm·n tc Ncffthclt c:n Surnlo..y 28th, I.1r . /UJC1y 1Jils::m, Sc::ittish Intorno.tiono.1, vril1 o.cconpo.ny the tom:1 0.2 trnincr nnd conch. The 17 c '.'.dot pl::tyers h:we boon chosen by o. Spocio.l Selection Co1mY1ittoo o.nd n·e Qrcwm fron six A. T. C. Ccimmo.nds -th1,co from Scotlo.nd, twci from Wo.los, one f1,:::rn tho Midlo.nd, five from tho N:::ii·th Eo.st, four fror:i the South-Eo.st o.nd two fron tho E:::tstorn Conmcmd. of tho British Comi:mnity :i_n Switzorlo.nd OJJC1 tho S-wiss Fo :/cb0-ll l1.ssocio.ti on . Other clubs conpcting in the 1_r·YJ.l"ri[cr:1ont o.t Gcncvo_ m·e: ­French Ju..ni'.Jr Toc:m -Gonow1, Hacirig Clccl:1 Ll.e Fro.nee, STlillE FR11.l'JC~t\ISE DE PA.. OLTivSTiillE DE TtIS, I?IC DE H!l.RSEILLE, ST . Ri\PHAEL, STADE CLE._BJviONTOIS, JUUIOH IT/l.LIIU'J FOO'I'Kt\LL CLUB TORINO, o.nc1 tho best Junior SWISS TE/IMS . +++++++-:-+-.-+-:-++++ AIR MINISTRY . 19/4/~-6 No . 9. H.M.I.S. SUTLEJ. H.M.I .S. SUTLEJ, 11'.:W sto.tionod o.t KLrce, po.rt of tho No.vo.l Cornpcncrnt of tho British Conunonweo.lth Occupo.tisi11 Forco, steo.med out of tho forrnor greo.t Jo.p::moso No.vo.l 0.nc1 Sub1:io.ri110 Bo.so this morning round for Bur;go Sti·o.it . Behir:d her slµo towed a 0110 thouso.11d ton Jo.po.nose submo.rir.o which is 1~10.king hor ·le:.st voyo.go . This submo.rine is 0110 of twenty-five from Kure vv-hich o.re to Son1e vd_ll get cut up o.nc1 tho i:ioto.l used fer more poo.coful purposes, -othoi·s will be towed into the oceo.n beyond the Islo.nds cf Jctpo.:n . Hore they vmulcl be usocl o.s to.rgots for His Mo.josty 1 s Ships. Fcrtunc..toly tho weo.thoi· rcmnins springlike, o.nd thoro is little do.11go1· of. the submo.:cino brco.king 6.U.i·fft duxing ,cl10 tow, whci·o it will ncot o.n ingl::irLnrn end o.s o. tc.rget fer 0.11 Indio.n 110.vo.l sloop. +++++-r--i--:-++ BHITISH C011MO:tT\i/Ei\LTH OCCU?I\.TION FORCE . F:::;ot o.11d m:::;uth disoo.se ho.s boon C'.:mfi:cmod todo.y cu11ong co.ttlo o.t Yi:::;rplo ston , Guildf'.:rcd, Surrey. Ar: 0..1·0 ct oxto11di11g o.pproximo.toly 15 l:1iloo o..1~cu11d the infected pTonisos ho.s boon declo.rcd tc bo 0.11 ir~foctcd MINISTRY OF _l\GRICULTURE. \ HAGI CAivJP _t{c HJ\GI, which is presently occupi ed by 27 New zeolond Bnttnliori, tho troops cloim thot they hDVO oric of the best comps in Jnpnn. ThGir borr.:1cks ore situated in nn ideal site in o pineclnd height ovGrlooking tho North Bost nron of Jopnn. Tho CDmp cortninly impressed Gon. John Northcott, C· in Chief British occu.pntion Force, who is ~11uring D:coos under his commond by spcciol train. 11 T] Lcir qunrtcrs ore the best I hove seon11 , "cho Ge l1Effol 'cold the compony com.111ond.er, M~1jor R·H· Fergusori. Before lenving BAGI, Gen . Northcott wos presGnted with five qucintly dressed minioture dolls, tho gift from the MnY,or of this seaside town. on the vvholo tou.r Gen . Northco'ct mode n ·point of tolking informolly to tho men, ond without exception they told him t hey ·were sntisfied with their conc1itiot1s. +++++++++ BRITISH COMMONWE.ALTH 09CUPJ1TI ON FORCE The swe8ring-in of tWo Judges 8pcl the. so:J._omn in8ugu.rol session of the . . . . Intcrn8tioml Court of Justice took plnco ot Tho HEJguo in the presence of Pr~ncess Julinrw, ·Prihoo ".BornhEJrclt~. members of._thc Neth~rlands Govcrnr~ont rind prominent Dutp..h [lncl internot iond porsonC\~itics. The t6p-h8ts i bl"::vck conts' Dncl gol~-:-embroiderod uniforfns of the pulJlic .EJnc~ _the blDck l"obcs :;vith ·v:fili.to lo.cc of ~he juclg::is ocldocl to tho ceromoniDl splonclou_i;' •.. Tho HC\ll of Justice ·· , wos illlli'nita.ntecl for tho filming Dnd the photogr8phcrs. For tho first time in hi.story the Po.loco hoC\rd the h\.unming of cnmorns EJnd pop'ping of flosh bulbs cluring tho pr ocoedi.ngs. When the Princely r:o ir nrrivocl a bulb o:x:plcclocl in their irnrnc,xliatc vicinity~ ond -Nhon they loft EJgain, But Juli8n:,·'·.:.. . . !. ..____,; / .