. ' NOT FOR PUBLICLTION, BROlJ:xJAsT,OR USE ON CLUB Til.PES BEFORE 0830 B.S.T • • ( i. e. FOR EVE:N"ING P lJ'ERS) on :wm:D.:cr lJJGUST 10th, 1945 THIS llIBl.RGO SHOULD BE RESPECTED OVERSE.lS BY PREF..K:ING JSNY MESSJ:C-ES FILED WITH THE Ei'iBi.:RGO HI S PLJ.NE DIS.!PYBJ'J.-IBD N..,'.VJL PILOT 1S LUCKY ESCJ.PE A Fl ee t -Air ),rm Pilot -26 years ol d Lieut. (1,) Laurence Fr Dnk J.ukland -s.erving wi th the Br itish Pacific Fl eet waited to take off in an Avenger from tho deck of his air craft carrier. J.s he was cfilleo up to trod fo:i:w1n.ra., Dn aircraft S'Wished overhead. "I sm1 round red dises on it, and knew it Y/b.s a Jnp, 11 he said. 111tiy engine was r unning, but I couldn1 t do anything becaus e there were pl anes in front of me. '.l'ho next thing I k11ew, the Jap had hit the deck 25 yards Dhoac3. of mo. "You bot I hopped out p:cetty quickly, m1d , after the mess had been cleared up, vvent buck to find my plbnc. It had gone -disappeared cor;~lctely. I reckon I had a lucky escape. 11 li:.ukl ond cones from Wost Cross, SWMson. Ho wo.s a pupil of Svrnnson Grrunmar School cmd vrn.s one of the first batch of' 50 nc.vfil mil i t in. men cnllod up in l.i.pril, 1939. Since then he has soon action in nearly fill thoo.tr es of v1or. Eo.rly in the war, ns Dn Ordinory. SoDJnnn in the CURA:mn, ho iU.i.s bombed off A'.mdelsnes during tho Norwegian cDlTl.paign. He said of tbis action. ·. "Tho bomb hit tho upper deck, 11ent throuŁ:h tho moss dock where I was sitting ond OJtuU~y . Uncer the thir:J sdic··.1c ti"l:; "iir Officer co··i;-;1nn;;1:~n[;-in--Chi0f Flyin~~ '.L'r.'.'in;~nr; Cu:.-ir.l." l1J intcrrupt(.cl . Th(, m~n c::-nc-.:1·ned nrc licibl c for i--r.1-.;di ::>Jcc r .;.,c.'.111 if 1·cquircd. Lcrvc is cnly t::, b:.. '.:';1·[1n~cd unJc1· tn is scher,te-t'-' tl1.L C;Xt.'-nt t}"J;1t it is n.:.:c ·possibL. t0 lcoo ~ i_r,;1cn to f .'.lrrners unlleI' th'"' first scheme . off-~1uty h ·.:,w-c: . '.·'h--first [1l1'1 SC;C'.)Dd scf1.cmos oprlY to ·;-;i_·.;1b0:c-s of t he Wlif;F .'.IS -,·vcll .'.Is ++++ ++++++++ + 10.8.45. No.7. B. L, J,, LEAVE W, O. liND lu R MINISTRY JJ\lNOUNCEl/!ENT Sailing of Leave ships between Calais, Folkestone and Dover are cancelled to-day -men expect ed to arrive in this country by these routes during the next few days will be del nyed by 24-hours. B.L.A. leave parties Nos. 10, 11 and 79 will report back 72 hours later then the date sto.oped on their leave passes by N1ovement Control. Parties Nos. 12 -17 and 80 -85 inclusive will report back 48 hours later and parties 18 -22 and 86 -90 inclusive 24 hours later. + + + + + + lHLITARY AFFAIRS • CHANNEL ISLAND CUCUMBERS The Minister of Food has made an Order S. R. & O. 1945 No.970 amending the Home GrovVh Cucuobers Order 1942. The effect of this Amendment is t o bring Channel Island cucumbers within the scope of the Home Grown Cucul!'bers Order 1942 as regard maximum prices on sales within the United Kingdoo. The Order comes into force on 11.ugust 16th, 1945. + + + + + 1.~INTSTrt.Y OF FOOD .. J\TOT FOR PUBLICATION , BROADCAST IN OVERSEAS BULLETINS G:rt. USE ON CLUB Tll.PES BEFORE 2330 B. S.T. ON 10 11UGUST ,1945. (i.e . FOR SATURDAY 1 IORNING P!JlERS) . NOT TO BZ Brt.OADC1\ST IN THE MIDNIGHT NEWS OF 10/11 AUGUST. THIS EEBARGO SHOULD BE RESPECTED OVERSEAS BY PREFACING .1\NY MESSAGES FILED 'HTH THE ElIBARGO . SEli.FIRE "JY OFF THE SECRET LIST Details of the seafire ~, the fastest naval intercepter fight~r built _in Britain , have been released by the Ldniralty today. The speed of the Seafire "JY is in the neighbourhood of 400 m.p. h. Its 1890 horse-power Rolls Royce Griffon VI engines give an increase of 300 horse-power, _a higher ceiling , and a greater rate of climb than in any other British-built naval fighter. other specifications are :-Span 36 1 10" ; length 31 1 iou wing area 242 sq. ft; weight -about 8000 lb; ceiling -over 35 ,000 ft; armament -two 20 mm. cannon and four •303 mo.chine .suns; bonb load ­one 500 lb bomb. It is fitted for rocket-assisted take-off, The model of this fighter will be on show at the Jillied Naval Exhibition which opens in Rotterdam on August 16. Note to Editors; Pictures from. P;N. A. ' + + + + + + NAVJU, AFFAIRS io.8.45 No. lo. PRESS NOTI CE The King h.'.ls be en plo.'.lsc".1 to [lppi·ovc the follo-viin[; oppointmcnts : ·­ Ministry of Civil J\vbtion --~ pc:rlim:acntory sccrctciry Ivor ThoDf'S Esq., 1.1.P. riinistr y of To-,-m 0nc: Co tJl1t2J'.'_ Pl~11i1~------­ Porli.'.lncntory Secre tory H.M. Trcosurz . Lords Conmissiomrs ( Fronk Collindridgc Esq. ,M..P. ( C[lpt.oin .M~thu:c Bl c nkinscp,H.P • . ( Ro'bert 1.1icho-.cl ~ H. Hi. House hold .I, Vic e -Clwmbcrl ni n porliorrenk ry Choi~ity Coriu.1iss i on~r l_O_z IXJ\71\TING STH.EET. I. 10.8. 4-5 -No• 13 His Majesty' s Govermr.ent has not yet received any official conununication from the Japanese Government ; but they are in communication with the Governments of the U. s. 11. , The Soviet Union and China about t he radio broadcast from Tokio 2s to surrender terms. A further statement will be made by H. E Govcrnme nt as soon as the situation is clarified. In the meantime everyone should continue at work as usual. + + + + + + + + + + 10. DOV~ITNG STR3ET I p::::?ORT JF B1UTISii BnOI\S The r;;r oo.t c1omo.m1 f '.)r ::Jritish b::nks, ·which 11'.)"\7 exists in ever y liboro.tod C.)un try '.)f Zu.r'.)po, ho.s C'.)JnC o.t o. time \7hon o.11 typos '.)f_b '.)'.)ks D.l"O i n sh'.)rt . suiJply in :i3rito.in :L tsolf o.nd -1,rhon tro.i.1sp'.)rt, pn:por slDrto.gcs o.nd oxcho.ngc di fficulties moJco t:co.do o.lrncist iEIJ?'.)Ssiblo. In spite cif this, o.i~rm1r~omonts ho.vo boon mo.do t '.) rosto.rt tho C'.)lmnorcio.l e x;::oct :Jf b '.)'.)ks o.nd pOl"i'.)dico.ls o.nc1 tho so.lo '.)f tro.llslo.ti '.)n r ights t'.) s ovoro.1 :Cur :Jpco.n c ·:mnt:cios m1c1 110[:;'.)tio.ti '.)n s o.i~e w.1c1cr l',-o.y f:J:c similo.r fo.cilitios f'.)l" '.)tbor cJuntri os . l\.t present, by oi' ro.11.c;omont Y1ith tho ~~11"011ch o_nd Greek G>Vcrrnnonts , orders ~~r'.)m these tvn C'.)Lllltl'ios ore po.sr30c1 t '.) o. sinr:;lc :3ritis\-. o.gcncy. This i::i o. limited c:)rrlJ?O-ny under tho ti tle '.)f :Sl:::S }/ed., uhich wo.s f::n'Jnec1 in 191~ i-rith the o.ppr:wo.l ·)f ~··j_s :i1:0.josty 1s r'.:JVerr:n11011t. Its '.)bjcct is t 'J fo.ciJito.to tho ilnp'.)rt mo.chinory vv-horo in t ho po.st ll'.) rnrno.l t1'0..c10 chnm1ols oxi clod, '.)r f'Jr S '.) l::mg o.s mo.y be nccossory where such cho.nnols hc..vc boon i ntorruptoc1 by c·:mditi'.)ns D.l"isin5 ::mt '.)f t ho .,-,-oi~ . BES -olo.cos tho 01'c1crs licensed by tho i rnp'.)rting '·.JVcrnrnont with publishc1's :Jr b'JJlc oxp'.)l'tors in ·Brito.in o.nd o.1":C"DJ.1r:;cs f'Jr t1°0..nsp'.)rt . In tho co.so '.)f F-.co.nco the French ('.·Jvornmcnt ho.s o.11'.)co.tod o. p1~0­liminoi7 ,slOO, 000 stcrlinr:; f'.)1~ tho pLtccllo.sc Jf Bri tish b'.)'.)ks f·x so.le i n :fi'rm1co t lir'.)ugh n'.)rmo.l roto.il cho.nncls. Similm~ o.11'.)co.ti 'Jns f'.)1~ pLL'cl10.sos di1"oct fr:.:im the Bri t ish b'.).Jk tro.dc l10.vo boon no.de by '.)thor _l\llicc1 ~~·)vcrnmonts·. , '.)l~acrs t '.) be o.ccoptod fr'.)m C'J1Jl1t:..'ios 1;ith::Jut 'o.c1c(_UD.to sterl ing such o.s Ito.ly. _'.oco11t rop'.)rts t ho.t t here is o. bD.J.1 :m the; ox·p'.)rt '.)f b '.)'.)ks t '.) Ito.ly bcco.uso :::b.e is n::it o. member ::Jf t ho Unito.a No.ti'.)ns o.ro Cffciroly v1itb::Jut f )UJ.1C1o.ti '.)n·. A reprosonto.tivo of :3:SS is '.)n his ViO.Y t'J R·lmo t ::J rrot tho mo.cbinory [ping; i.td.lc in '.)l"C10l" t CJ moot t ho oxcopti'.)no.l dcmo.nc1 fr'.)rn Ito.liD.J.1 publishcTs f '.)r ·6J.~o.nslo.ti::m ri?,hts '.)f l31~itish b CJ')ks c:.mt:co.cts o.rc o.t present being nog:Jtio.tod i n this C'.)UJ.1try f'.)1~ which tho o.dvru.1cod r::Jyo.lty po..ymonts 111ill cxcooa Ł5, 000. ·. ./ ------'.)0'.:J-----­ li't)REIGN OFFICE N-:Ei.8 DEP_i\..."R.TH:CNT .\ i•IOVER OF .ADDRESS The Mover of tho .Addr ess on the Ki ng ts Speech Yvi.11 be M:o jor J ohn Fr eemon, 1.IBE. , 1~JP. , (Member for Wotford) . Mojor Freemon joined the Coldstreom Guord:;o os o privotc i n 1940 ond served in the Ri f l e Brigode in the Mi ddl e j~ost, Itoly and North wes t Europe . I The Seconde::c of the 1\ddress on the King's Speech -ivi.11 be Mr. F. T. Willey, MP. , (one of the two Members for Sw1derlo11d) ~ 1'Ir. Willey is o borrist er ond o combridge Blue; o merriber of the Fobion Society ond of the Noti011ol Cow1cil of Civil Li berti es. _..,. ________ __ MINISTRY OF INFOR.iVJ.ATION • NOT FOR PUBLIC.i\TI ON, ERO.l\DC.A~T IN OVERSE.i1S BULL:t."'TINS OR USE ON CLUB Tt'J?E3 BEFORE 2330 B.G. T. ON liUGUST I O, FRlID!iY (i.e. FOR SliTURD/JY .(\UGUST 11th MORNING P.t\PERS). NOI' TO BE ffi0.@0.tiST IN THE WHEN J!IP Vii\R. ENTIS GOVEP.NMENT GUID/iNCE ON HOLIDJ\YS As alre'1dy a.rnounced, His Mojesty1 s Government c:ire in comnR.lnic'1tion with the Governments of the U. S. ~~., Soviet Union ond Chino [lbout the JApanese Government1·s stfltement on surrender terms, but no officbl stDtement on t l;is motter cnn be In the me,qntime there will be ,q generol desire for some guidonce as to the arrangemen.ts for a holiday when hostilities with Japan ceDse. It has been decided tlwt, so far as Government foctories and Government services are cone erned, the tvvo ·nor king c.1,qys immediately following the announc ement sl10ul d be reg0rdec1 as cfoys of paid holid0y. It is importnnt in the notional interest th0t the holic10y shculd be limitec1 to those tvrn cl.Dys ona. tlw t ·Norkers should return to work imnec1i[ltely thererifter. 1'T.ostindustries wil l no doubt find it convenient to put into oper[ltion the some arrangements es ·Nere f ound to be cippropriate in connection with VE-Doy. During the holicleY perioc1 workers in essential services or engoged on vit