A.M.M. HEADQUARTERS UNITED KINGDOM BASE APO 413 U.S. ARMY GENERAL RELEASE CENSORED NUMBER: 2381 August 4, 1945. U.S . SOLDIERS STUDY ARCHITECTURE AT LONDON SCHOOL HEli.DQUARTERS, UNITED KINGDOM BASE, LONDON ---American soldiers who a few months ago were carrying out the destruct.ion necessitated by battle are now preparing to design the homes and buildings of the future . Approximately 100 U.S. Army soldiers, all of whom were either students or practicing architects before they entered the service, are enrolled in a 10-week architectural course at the Architectural Association's School of Architecture, 36 Bedford Square, London. Designed to refresh peace-time talents and knowledge, the course ls part of the U.S . /,_rmyts Training Within Civili an Agencies Progr am, sponsored by the Informati on and Education Division in conjunction with British institutions• The curriculum, stressing the British approach to post-war architectural problems , includes tho study of housing, schools , development schemes in special relation to l ands cape , hotBls , holiday camps and programs requiring the analysis of British construction methods . The students periodically visit buildings and monuments of historical interest in British towns and villages . British professional architects staff the school headed by Major R. Gordon Brown, formerly with the First Allied Airborne Army. Tho current course is scheduled to terminate on September 22 ~ It will be climaxed by ~n exhibition of students' work . Present plans call for similar courses to be held next winter and spring . END / 4/8/45 No. 1 s. :E'.. .ASIA ~UNIQUE NO. 579 !h.9· , s. E~ .~. C. August 4 L.AND: BUR11i.A : Our t r oops aperating in the a1~ea of the lower Sittang, fi fteen miles east of the Mandal ay -Rangoon Rmid, cleared em.my positions astr ide the rail·.vay Dt AbyD , twenty tvrn miles north e2st of Pegu on the Pegu -lvbrtaban r ail-vVElY• Ac tive p21trolling continued else-uhcre on the LCJuer Sitt8ng where parties of eneny ·i7ere seen digging in. Further north, on the west bank of the river, IndiDn troops engaged e pEJrty of fifty enemy building r afts. He~wy casu0lties continued to be inflicted on enemy troaps surrounded in a nu.llah s8ven miles north of Ny£iunglebin. On the Mi:i.wchi rood encnw ortillery W8S active in the o·cea tvrnnty eight mil es eo st of Toungoo. In the Mokpolin Pyu sector ye::sterdny Spitfires of Air CmruWlnd bombed J 8p8nese troap s .:o nd stores north of Kunzeik, north-e" st of SJT;1egyi n 0nd eost of AbyEi; in the Abyo areo a rDil-N0y bri~e wos destroyed. On Jrugr;ust 2nd Mosquitos bombed oneir,Y troaps twenty five miles east of Pyu and devostnted the t2r~et are0. +++++++++ SiiTURDAY, JiUGUST ~-, 1945. THIS ~l~iBJi.RGO SHOULD BE RESPSCTED OVCRSEiiS BY PREFJiCING liJ\J-Y l' ~SSJ1GES FII~D WTTH THE Ef1LBJ-1RGO· W0~1 S LONGJ.!iST SUPPLY CIIJ-iI N KEEPS 1'{1,VliL AmDRJiFT FLYI NG J1s carri er o.ircraft of t ho Royo.l No.vy smo.sh o.t the Jnpo.nese honcl o.nd, t he l ongest suppl y cho.in in the world ~,rorks uncco.sinsl y to o nsuro o. rngul nr supply of vitnl o.ir stores. J1ltogoth0r 200, 000 items of naval nir scor es -spo.r cs o.nd oquipnent for mo.i nto.inins, and handling nircraf't -o.ro produced and di stributed by tho Nnvnl Store DoportDent of tho J1di:iiro.l ty. Stocks r o.nge frotJ. one-sixteenth inch rivets t o cro.sh trucks, booswroc to poro.chut0s, nnd include such it0ms os wings, co.no.rns, rndio sots .'.lnd oxygen- charging equipment, fo.brics, tools ond l ubrico.nts. J1ir stores depots di?l)ersod throughout Brito.i n f eocl tho s uppl y chnin. Tho mnin depot is nt ~:erth, whuro ovo::.· 1 , 600 nr e ouployod. Other depots o.re o.t sto.f ford , and Il·!.nge nnoch no.::ir svro. nseo.. 11 t Copo nncro, nonr Bnth, th.lro is nn undor,sround s·cor0 whore thouso.nds of tons of spnro ports for nnvo.l o.ircraft ere kept . Seventy foot b0l ow i::;round, t hi s stor e wo..s carved out of ol d stonu guorry ond used Cl.uring tyo heic;ht of the bombi ns of Brito.in. Jin air ferr y service th1~oughout th.:) BrHi sh Islos tckos Ur[£ontl y needed stor es to ships lo.::ivin~; f er the Po.cific. Used jointly with the U.S.Novy, flnotl;ior depot i s b.o.sod C1.t Phi.lo.dol phin, U.S.A. , whore L.enso-Lond stores nro nsseublod nncl.. shippocl.. direct· to tho Pacific. J1ir Storos depots for thu l"or E0st vror nro o.t Sydney for tho British Po.cific Fl...;ot end in Ceylon for thJ Bost I ndfos Fleot. Tho 3, 000 mil es fr o::: Syndoy to tho forwl'-rd opornting b.'.!so oro l?ridgod by storos-c:.:trrying ships which food J;ir 3t ores Issuine; ships 1·ith tho FlJWt . Those o.ro morch::tnt ships built as floating wnrohousos carrying suppJ.i os of tho 12, 000 different kinds of nir s tor0s i tc::ns ::i l::trge cnrrior roquir0s. Thuy ~pro sorv0d. to tho C.::lrrior floot by :i tuorn of expert NCtv:::il stordcoopcr s . . L_l\NDED 100 YA.'RDS FR.01:: ENEMY Gill'TS TO SAVE NAVAL PILOT Lo.nding his rlo.lrus soo.plctno ::mly 100 yxcc1s fr :;rn o. boD.ch 1~rho'ro JD.p ' mo.chino gunners wor e firing D.t him, CL no.vD.l pil'.)t picked u-p o. ditchcd 11 Hollco.t " pil'.)t o.nd [pt o.wey ci.go.in . Tho hor J Jf this c10.ri113 l"Oscu.o under tho rn so ::if tho enemy WD.S Lioutono.nt (_r1.) S. Lo.vr.conco, R.N.V.R. , ::if Sh"o.tt :::in, C:::irnwo.11. When o. CD.rrior-b :::irne Hollco.t, o.tto.cki113 enemy sh'.)ro insto.llo.ti Jns o.nd l"o.do.i" sto.ti::ms m the Nic'.)bD.r Islci.nc1s, vro.s shJt d '.Jvm, tho pil:Jt ditchcd o.b'.)ut o. c:)uple :Jf hu11droc1 yo.rds f1"::irn tho boo.ch. Lieut . Lo.vl".!."0l1co t ::.::ik :Jff i n his \{O.ll"us fr;m D.J.1 osc::irt cD..rrier, 0.1\d under. o. fighter wnbrollD. :Jf 15 Hollco.ts, sot :Jff t J tho rescue . But tho fightoT· pil:Jt, o.lth::mgh ho Yms o. p :Jv1-Y, when ho bcco.no o.n of ficid intorprotor botweon high ranking BRITISH nnd RUSSLiN officers, finds hii:1Sclf in n nw"'.}bur of novel situo.tions in his ne-w job. "Ono of unusuo1 o.n, ir1· t t · c o. ....... -.,,.,~"'"''~ i n th:; sortin.r.( out by r.y norc a cr0s inc'. ssJ·-L·n--v'n.Ls.(, ~ BRI'rI SH .::lnd RUSSIJ1N ropr0sontc.tiws of tho contents of sono 200 bt1r3us v1hi. ch ho~1 got ' stuck on tho RIVSR BLB:S butwoon blown-up brid;:;vs," sc.id CJIFTJiIN G1~0I.~G.; FROlJ'DE, of 21, 'if.CST CR01fo'ELL ROiiD, S. ·w. 5. "They conto.inod tho i1ost vxtretordin.'.'.ry vnricty of corgoos , fron Yihich you could deduce quito .'.'. fow intcrostins f.c.cts obou.t tho G:'.~Rl•.!./1NS in tho lo.st stages of tho wnr. "Somo bo.r,r:;c.:s, for exo.r.1plc, wuro crDJ.1-full of furniture frrn.1 B:Gi1LIN, nnd fron the obvious signs of ho.sty po.ckins -vnth the drnvrc:rs still full of c.rticl es i n ovury dny use -it wc..s pretty cloc.r thnt tho f uniture ho.d.. been set on the b.::.rG1Js in thD hope of so.vine:; it froi:1 our boabi ng. Tho so.no with othor corcoos of stuff s fron li(JJ3URG· "On one borgc wG found. sovorol tons of chocoloto v-rhich ho~L bucn desti ned f or tho \~EHR1.'iJ1CHT . It wo.s of first-clc.ss qul'lity. 'l'hi:;t vr0nt to pr sonors-of-WC\r cc.nps ::Lnt1 displ ococl. persons, sono of it to G.GREJ~N hospitc.ls . I n other c::1rgoes 'vVD found ,r.1ossos Of SU[;or, linen, she0ts, table clo·i;}1:;l end towols; On\J bc.r[;O YvOS full of perf'UDC froJJ. czochoslovnkic. "On 0nothcr occ.J.sicn, when I vrc.s ccct:'..n.c; as intorpeter .'.lt c.n 0x-G .RL:A1'1· prisonors-of-vrnr c co.mp :f'pr RUSSIANS, I discovered SOT.10 st.'.lrtlin3 figurns obout thJ do.'.'.th r:::tv in thG CDr.1p under tho GI;RI:/J\TS rt ho.cl o cc.pncity of 2,000 nod i throe y0c.rs ovor 19, 000 RUSSL'iNS h~1d died ther e . Ono RUSSIJiN, hinself suff 0ring bo.:Uy from i:K1lnutrition, sdi0. thot if vvc hod cor.1V ono tlonth le.tor there vrould h::vo bvon no survivors . In the final st:1.3os of thJ wqr , uodicDl supplies nlJnost cntiruly CGC!socl to cooc tlircue:;h, onc1 there wos very little modico.l nttontion. "Tho RUSSI JiliS protested strongly when it wc.s proposed t o send scv..c of thei:1 to n hospitol run by G_~R1.Y1NS' They s.::id th.::it nur.ibors of their people h.. reco ntly died fron 'ld poisoned r.1ilk suppli0d by G._m.'..!1NS c.ncl. v1Gre only sotis:c"'iccl. ·uhe n it W[ls proni sod thnt c. qudifiod RUSSIJ1i} vroulc1 be plncod in chJ.rgo of the hospitnl~ . On a nuuber of occnsions , · CAPTiiIN :B1ROUD.G has intorprotoc1 between BUSSL\N o.nd BRITISH genero.ls when questions hc.vc nrison over the MJGLO-RUSSIAN boundo.rics in occupied GERUANY. rt occnssionnlly hoppcns thot tho inho.bitnnts of c1 villc.gu in our zone ~r~ entirel y dependent on fields in RUSSiii.N~occupied territory; or, in n rQning district, nll work in nines ocross n boundnry. CJJ?T.iili FROUDE is .'.'.t present working with the 5th BRITISH INF.!iNTR Y DIVI SION Ho wos rn in RUSSIJ1, his mother being P.USSI11N nnd hi.s f o.ther ENGLISH· He went ovcr·sc.:C\.S in Soptombor, 1941. +++++++++ i.ITLITJi.RY .APF AIRS 1'iTARE SH~ I COUNTRYSIDE VISITGRf:? FARNED llG:!).J NST ST./\CIG~ JLt llJ.NI TION • • Ther o l1r o plocos in holidoy h<'.lunts -_,filcrc it is not S[lfo to pic nic . ','hcse cbngcr spots l1re indicl1t ec1 by notice boor ds which give worniri..g thot sudden ~.nd violent de<'.lth rnoy lurk in the ponce ond. quiet of· the countryside. Rec ent explosions [.rJ10ng stored explosives in the country colls public l1ttention to the 1/<'-r Office YWrning <'.lgoinst meddling ·:rith the stoc ks of' ommuni tion seen on thu verges of roDds oncl in fields ond -,;voods oncl protected by iron shel t ors. By this schai1e of stor8gc 'Ghc cxpcndi·:~u:r u of r;l.i..llions of pounds -.vns-DVoided, ·i:;housonds of tons of steel, iron flnc1 concl'ctc 'iiCl'C sDvcd for other purposes ond the l obour of hundreds of skilled croftsmcn ·,ws direc ted into other -.wrk. The vfor Of fic e dec~ded th.::t it could rely on tho good sense ond co-opn•rition of· the people of Brit8in to lcwc the orrmunition nlrmc nncl no·c to smoke or light fires in its vicinity. While this confic1encc hos been fully justif'iec1, H is felt thot no·;J the holidoy scosor.. is nt its height, l1nd motorists, cyc lists, 8nd hikel.'S Di.'C flocking to t.1-ic I countryside, emphDsis should be given to the ~rirning t ho t curiosit:y m.~y l cod to .lisastcr . 1\port from the clcrn.gc:r to the public l1nd to the countryside, on ncciclentol fi::cc o:c explosion meons so much l ess v o.lLwble ::irrr;mnition for •':he J oponcse :for • • Pending the time when ol l the Dr Cl1s c~1n be finDlly clom:ed, the Vfr~r Office <'.lsks everyone to remember thot the so.fc-guorc1ing :)f the country's c.mmunition is in 811 our inte:costs ::Lnc1 is, thcrcfo:c'c, n -public l'esponsibility. You ore therefore oskcc1 to:­Comply ·Ni,ch noticc-boorcl iir cctions Not to interf er e with i;hc shcl tc;~s ond st::icks Not to loit cr for picnics nor light f'i:ccs ncm.' tlmc dMJ.gcr 8r co Not to mcdclle ·.;1ith the shel tc-•s, st8cks nnd notico-bo0rds. + + + -~----~---~---------,-~~---~---~ 4/8/45. No. 10. The 1',l:inister of Food. has revoked with effect from Didni ght on August 4th, 1945, the retail licence 3rcinted to F2rk Gold.man (sometimes C8lled 11Marks" Goldman) under the Food (Local Dis­tribution) Order , 1943, now replaced by the Food (:r,icensing of Retailers) Order, 1945, to trnde as n butcher at 120, Upper Clapton J:(.oad, London , E. 5. His wholesale licence for the sal e of poultry ns also been revoked with effect from the same date . ------000-----­ MDITISTRY OF FOOD 4/8/4~-No.:._!_!_,. · ~WOF 01-'ERilTIONS IN SOUTH EAST J\SIJ\. OOI:il.ifl.ND :!2!:!_HihQ-1;iB:rili: J;;l'fuING 3RQ AUGUST, 1945. The bottle of tho bro8ktlu."ou;:h in Bur rnn is virtuolly over. Fron our point of vie-,·; l.t -;ms n gr ent success. No troops hod to be c1rmvn from other fic;;ht in8 zones to conbci t tho mennco, nnd for nn extremely smnllnumber of C8suoltics to ourselves 8, 600 Jnpnnoso ·;mre killed nnd 650 taken prisoner. The count is not yot Conploted. It is estirrk.,ted thnt this r epr esent s more thnn t·;ro thirds of' the totnl J::ip8nose fo~ce trapped in tho Pogu Yor~~s , ~ho 8ttomptcd to brook out to tho enst 8Cross the Hnnd.nlny Rnngoon rood to·.wrds the Sittnng river, to tho comporntive snf'cty of the enst bnnk. The first cstimotos of tho JopDnoso strength i n t.hc Yomos (6, 000 -1 o,ooo) w8s lo-r1 , for nlro8dy 8,600 hnve boon killed or nk'ldo prisoner, nbout 1 ,ooo or e still in tho YomDs 8nd bet-noon the rood 8nd r iver , 8\1d some 1 ,500 to 2,000 nre thought to hove got ocross tho river to tho cnst b8nk. Of the J8p8noso st ill in tho Yorm:is, mony 8rG in 8 very bocl physicol nnd montnl stdc. , They 8re r iddon with clise8SC , £\Del dospor8.toly ·:;cnk from ·;mnt of f6oc1. The nu.m·l)cr. of prisoners -tho highest yet t 8kon in nny one ph8se of'. the. fi ghting in Bur mci -is some inc1icoi;ion of tho stnto of their morolo, ·;lhich cluriri..g the lost eight months h::is hcid mony :cucL: snor.ks . A f·oot ur o of the fighti~ hos been tho success of tho nrtillery conc cntrot ions on tho pnrtios of Jnponosc 8S they mode their oscopo bicl. 0 Ul' po trols, enter ing villogos, hnvo found omplc ovidonc o of tho nccur ncy of the shooting , nncl of oirstrikos. In ::ill coses it hns not boon possible to mnko o complete c ount of tho enemy cnsunlti.cs. :Mony must be lying in tho fl.oodod pockl.y fielc1s , O:.:' hove boon t..hrown into choungs by tho villngors. This is borne out ·by tho largo numbers of bodies soon flooting down the 7vatorw8ys. It ·.KtS ra-oortcd thot sorfoJ of' the bodies wcr'o of comfort gir-ls who hcid ~ mado the cl.nsh 7fi th the troops. Nor wns the oostbonk of tho Sittnng comploto security for t.hc oscoping Jnponcse; bands of guerillas , who kno·;; vvory w::w through tho T.'1.'IZC of choungs', h8ve sti:;lkod woory Japanoso , picking off o oon hero nnc1 onothor· there., Our fighting potrols, clonring ·tho parties of Jopnnose still between the r onc1 :::ind river, nrc ir.croEtsing t:C o sco1"0. In one encounter in 8 villoge ton nilos south-c8st o_ Pye, Inc1icin troops en3ngccl 300 of tho enemy ·1bo ·Nero supported by ::lrtillcry, ;:ind killed over· 1 00 of thorn. /in the ... -· .: ..· .:-_.. ·········--·· -~ .. ·--... -_. -~ --~-.. -2 ­In the Sittang bencl sec_tor the Japanese_ hav~ _b.r:ough t throe guns ove'r the . : .} ..... west bank of the river, .and are internittently shelling villages hel d by our troops. The Jap~nese are still holding' the villnge of Myitkyo, 29 Diles north east of Pegu , and son~ villages in the.. aren of Nyaunglebin 47 'roRd r.1ilos north north enst of Pegu. In this sector the J GpDnese a:y0ear to be content to hol d on to their strong points. In spite of recent nrtillery concentrations , oir and infantry attacks , our patrols have not been cble to enter the village of Sutthwagyon , 25 tniles north ee.st of Pegu, in the area of :Viyitkyo. On the Mawchi road the Japanese put a fo:t::'ce across the road behind oUi:' forwa:t::'d positions , and ambushed a convoy of troops travelling towards .Toungoo. They nade no attempt to hold their position and retreated. C0sual ties vvere · sustained on both sides. In the northernmost sector ou'r pat'rols pushing out f'rom Taunggyi on the Meiktila Loilem road, bunped into a party of the enemy 15 miles to the south. Japruiese were also encountered on the road running south from Po-Pong. ll.. task force of the British East Indies Fl eet, consisting of heavy uni ts1 ai'rcraft carrie'rs , escorts and m~nesweepers carri ed out successful operation s in the Halacca Stro.its between the 24th and 26th July. This force had two main objectives -to clear a further area of mines end to E1ttack enemy shore installations. While minesweepers spent three o.ays sYveeping off Puket island on the vvest coast of the Meloy Isthmus to tho no'rth of the Malacca straits, carrier-borne aircraft attcicked airfields, l'.'E'ilwnys, troop­concentret>-ions, shipping and strategic points ashore in the Kre Isth:m.i.s and elsewhere. + + + S. E. L. C. NOT FOR PUBLICll.TION, BROJl.DCil.ST I N OVEH.SEl'i.S BUI.LlJTI:i'T:J OR USI~ OH C!.1UJ3 :..1.i\PES BEFORE 2330 B. S. T. ON 811.TURDI\.Y, _tlJG. ~-(i.o . FOR SU1\!D.l\.Y Pc\PillS , ;,uG.j ). NOT 1D BE 13.."R.OADCAST rn· 'I'HE MIDNIGHT WEWS OP I\.UG-. V 5. THIS EM13.:'~HGO SHOULD BE RESPECTED OVERSEAS BY PREF1\CING l\NY MESS_ GES.FILED WITH '.l'.HE EMBli.!.l.C~O . THE CABINET.' Tho f '.)11'.)wing vrill c'.)mpriso tho Cnbinct: The Primo M;Lnistor Tho L'.:)rd Pl~c siclcnt :Jf tho C::m11cil Tho Socrot o:cy ::;f St c.:tc f::;1~ P:Jreig11 Affnirs Tho Lord Pri vy So~c.l Tho Chnncell'.)r '.)f the Exchequer Tho President '.Jf the B·xi:cd '.Jf T-.cndc The First L'.Jrc1 '.Jf tho I\.d.mirn.lty Tho L'.)ru Cho.nee 11::xc Tho Sec1~etn.ry '.)f Sto.tc f :Jr the H:Jmo Dop ortment \r ho Se crotn.ry '.)f Sto.te f '.)r D:Jmini -:m _l\ffn.irs The Secroto..ry '.Jf Sto.tc f Jl'"" Indio. o.nd. f '.)r Bu:cmn Tho Secretory '.)f Sto.te f '.Jr t he 0'.)l :Jnios Tho Socrctnry '.)f Sto.te f '.)r Wor The Sec1~ctnry '.)f Sto.tc f :Jr _!\fr The Soc1~ctary :Jf Sto.te f ::ir Sc'.)tlo.ncJ. Tho Mi nistor. ::if Ln.b '.)Ur o.n cl No.ti'.)nnl S01"Vice Tho Mi nister of Fu.cl o.ncT P '.)wer The Minister-:Jf Ec1u.co.ti0n Tho Minist er :Jf He alth Tho Minist01:· '.)f _i\g1~ic.u.ltui~o o..nd Fis hci:'.i os. 10, DO\o/NING STREET. ·-' -· -----~. _____,...._·-------~-.. ---...,..--. --_.._,, __ . ..... ---~-· --· ., 4. 8.1+5 No.15 JiNGLO-FI:Nl'U3H :S'INLNCIAL . DISCUSSIONS The •liscussicns '.rhich h:.wc been t[\Linr~ pl c.co in London with c. Pinnish :i?inonci~>.l nnd. Co Llc.>rci:>.l :u~ 10sntion hovo now boen s ntisfoctorily concluded~ Cort nin t vchnicol .:trrnt1GCi;1onts r .:quire tc be r_1c.c1e bef ore tr·nde r.10.y bo rosi..no3. b0tweon tll" Un.~ted Kingdc~~1 .::i.nd. FinlCtnd, but it is hoped thr:t tl'lVsc will b...: concluded towards tho uiddle of l1U[;ust when, et furthor nnnouncenont wil l be r:l.."'\do. ++-.·++++++ FOREIGN OF'f'I CE NEWS DEPJillT11E!JT _____........... ______,_ ... 4. 8.Lf-5 ro.~L TiiTRD col::.:ow..c~~iiLTH iiND ..::;l.J?IR: COi\IF'JJRJ.~HCE ON HilDIO ?OR CIVIL J1VIJ1TION. The Jiinistry of Civil J1viation announces thett a r:1eeting of the co;·,m1omvcalth \ ncc1 Br.:pire conference on Hac!.io for Civil j_vintion will be held i n London, opening · f is exoectcc1 t o lnst nbout a fortnii:~ht . l 10· 30 a . m. Tuesda.y J;ugus·t 7• Tl1e con ·cffc nce t ~ ..Ll . • J • ..L L. +n' c co·.····"'.l''n-·'':!.'11+11 r>"'.C'L 'i-.';'f_·lI)l. r"' v'"on"';.·c·.L~cnce A11 co:.unomvea ull coum;ric3 conSGluUulng ~ ~ ··--v '-"· ~ .... v on Rnci.io for Civil J1viation will bo sendini:; delegations. In nd.c.1ition, delegates fro;·,1 Jir.ierica and Russin will c:rnhnnse views on the opcrationo.l needs of the civil ::tvintion radio user c.t1G. tcchnico.l possibilities, -v1ith the objc..ct of selecting for intorno.t ionn.l discussi:::i n, the ill.Ost promisin~~ systcr.1s f or uso on intorno.tiono.l qir routes. 11rootin::ss will t o.kc place o.t tho I"iinistry af Civil J1vin.tion:, ,;1riol Houso , Strand., ·.1 .. . c.2. Tho ngenCi.D. for the oponi n2: plenar y session will include an opa ning speech by tho president, openin.z speeches by Cor.ir.1onv-10nlth representatives, tho e lection of the conferor.co ch::i.irme n, .:;i r Gvicw of th.0 progress 0£' c;. :::; .~{ .C .J1, .:rnc.1. o. discussic.n on tho of,~ect of Cor.i.i:1onw'Co.lth J1ir Tro.nsport Council rccoi:u:'lcndc.ti ons on the scope and funct i ons of c.~,:;.n.c.J1 • COT.'1,rnnico.tio .s, procedures r0t;Ulntions, prcf cr:c.'ed stando.rcl.s 1Jte, o.nd rndio systens vvill also be discussGc1. Th0 elect ion of comui ttoe ch::tin1an, ond tho p:cogr ru:u:10 of business for th0 conf01'onc0, o.n.,; :ilso on tho ngcndc.• lifter tho op\Jning plenary sossic n, it is o.nticipnt....:d thnt thu conforenc" will spli t iff~o hro cour:1ittces. Tho provisi ono.l agondo. of those crn:-r.::itt0cs will i t1cludo c r~:viovr nni revisi on of ro.dio aspocts o.f th.;; il_:pcndix V of thv fi no.l c.ct of t~lc.. c uico.go confe;r"'ncu , tho tochnicnl cornpGtcnco of civil cvi C1.tion signc.l s opcro.tint; etnd nc.:~ntonc.nc..:: porsonn0l, radio ninrorthinoss roqui rouents, prof0rrod sto.ndo.rds for aircro.ft rndio ;;quipmcnt O.t1d other o.ccessorics, an(~ tcn.:itJO Of,Y• otlJO:..' itor!:3 f or discussic.'!1 ere sto.ndetrd rDclio systons for tho L ;-::1..x'Li;.1t0 post-w.'.lr poriocl., oporo.tional TCquircr;;cn·~..:; f or int0r no.ti ono..1 stanC~i..1l'Ci. ro.dio systcns , o.nd proposo.ls for i ntorrio.tionetl stnndnrd systems, to include corr•J::unic~1tion, short t o netvigntion, o.ids distc.ncc o.icls to n::wigo.tion, p'oscntdion; long dist.:H1cc oids/to obstnclcs n::irking Clnd .".voido.nco (includin:-_; air-to-oir collision wc.rninc:;) ~1ic1::; to f inn.l o.pproo.ch Clnd lClnG.ing, o.icls to r0scuo opcrctions .'.:'.nd nirwny n.nc:t oirpo:ct control. .::;ivil o.viation lon~· t ore. c~0volopr:10 nt p..1.'0:,rru:ne , ::1-t1d proposo.ls for ro.i~io frvquuncy .'.lllocettion Y1i.l.~ o.lso r ....:cuivu attention . LINISTRY c~: CIVIL 1NIJ1TI OH