27/1/43 ... No. 4 CHILE'S DECISION '.:"ELCOLED IH LETTEL1S F.;.l.QiI THE KilTG IJ'1D ~ G.~.EDEH Foreign liinister of Chile sends 1.iishcs for 11Trituph of Donocro.c:x: & Justico:r The f'ollowinc excho.n,r:;e of telee;rans ho.s tDJ.cen ;:ilo.ce between His No.jesty the King .:md the :::-tesidcnt of the l?.epublic of Chile: To the Xins fron the ChilGc.n :;:):-esidcnt. "I have the honour to infori: Your l.~jesty thcct, in the exercise of the povrers conferred on l:!C by the political constitution of the State, c1.nd after the favourable ar,reenent of the Seno.te, I h:.tve pro;-_1ul[;o.ted c:.. decree breaking off our a_iplor:w.tic o.nd consular relations 1·1ith the Govern;:1ents of Ger1::10..ny, Italy o.nd Japan. "In co:-i::1unicatinc the above to Your I1I::1.jesty, I have pleo.m.u~e in reiteratins the sentinents of cordial i'riendship tmTnrd this noble sister-nn.tion which o.n:ino.te the Chilern pco~Jle and GovcrnGent, o.na to tro.nsnit to you uy fervent wishes for the triunph of the ideals of cfonocrncy o.nd justice by which the atti"Cude of Yom~ l.Iajesty' s G-overrr:1ent is inspired. "In this solenn n0101ent in the history of i;nerica, I beg Your 1'.1ajesty to acc•:;:pt the· assuronces of ny hichest and ::mst distinguished consideration. ­(Signed) LNTONIO RIOSu To the Chilean .:resident fron the Kine. 11It ms given ue 3!'eat satisfaction to learn fr'.JD you, Hr. Pcesidcnt, that the Ho~)ublic of Chile hns b1·ole,:i-ple nnd Goverrr-;.ont, <-nd sena_ you ;:w best ·wishes for the welf::,re and :)rosperity of the !:tti.:i;·~blic of Chile :in ~ world. fotmO..ed on the principles of Cle::cocratic liberty o.nd. justice. -GEOJ:'l.G'B R. r.II The follmring exchan2e ol telezr.:;i:s h.'.'"S also tn.kon place between the Secretary of State for Forcisn .Affairs o.nd the Chilec-n >~:inistcr :Lor roreign J;J'fairs: To ~Jr, Eden fro;:1 the Chilean 1Iinistcr for ForeJ.sn J((fairs. "I hc.ve the sign3.l honour to inforr::_ Your ~x:ccllency of ny Governncnt' s decision, arrived at tocLo.y, to sus1)end diplo:-1-itic :md consular relations with the Governnents of Gerr::any, Italy 3.lld J alnm. I o.:~1 certain tho. t the nco.sure ta..'ken by the Chilean Governuent, o.ncl inspired by lofty princiTJles of J-n ericcm solidarity, will constitute one rea.son further for union anct close CO-O}JCro.tion i)etwcen Your Excellency's co1mtry .'.md nine. -JoD.quin P.ernandex, ~Iinister for :::'oreicn, .iw:"fo.:i.rs for Chile" To the Chile::i.n ll:inister :::'or J?oreign ,'i:ffdrs from Hr. Edon. "I cordio.lly thank Your Excellency for the telecrc..7:1 :in vrhich you were so good ar& to infqra ::-.1e that the Chileon Govern:~'-cnt ho..ve o.ecided to bre~'k off diplonatic anc1 consulnr relcJ~ions with the Ger; wn, . ItaliC\.11 and J:'-~)o_nese Governnents. This intelligence has been received with lively so.tisfaction by His Majesty's G-overn.".:lent and I share Your Excellency's confidence thCLt the ste~; 'irhich your Governuent has decided to take will contribute to stren[3then the bonds which so ha1;pily exist betvreen Chile and Greci.t :L'rito..in. -(Si,e:;ned) Lnthony }}3..en. 1' +++++++++ , 27/l/43 ... No~ 8 DEAF WAR VICTDIS TO BE TAUGHT LIP REA.DING ----.···-... -¥-~-·----..-.-...-..........-...-.......------··----­ Under a plan ~n v-rhioh thG Hinistrios of Health and ".l?erisioru! are oo-operating, civilin.n patients in ~gency Ho$-pitals who are suffering from doaf'ness us n result of vm:r-injurj,.es~ are now being provided vrlth aids to heo.r:i.ng or taught 1:tp-read.ing1 in the same way us patients from the Sel"'V'ioes, · ,. · Patients to whom this. extangm service is availablo are:.. Civilians sustaining injury by/J.aRon, Civil Defence Workers, and. mombers of the :Meroha:nt Navy injured. on duty,. Application for the21e forms of help to overcome deafness is made on t~e certificate of' the 1Ted.ioal Officer of the Hospital. The :patiant then receives from the Regional Offioo of the Ministry of Pensions advice on when and where to attend• . Whor~ necessary, arrangements ure mn.de for the patient to receive this help while .still in hospital. +++++++~:~+ MINISTRY OF HIlcted by the next-of-kin. If all tho coupons have been used, the cover alone, givins the account of coupons cx~ended, must still be returned, The num1;er of coupons allowed (i.o. 40 for the first parcel and 20 for each subscqu~nt pa;l'.'ccl) remains the same. similar arrnn1r,cments are being made for the next-of..kin who receive· their coupons through the Orsnnisations doalinp: with men from the Dominions vmo are :Lrisoners of War• BO.ARD OF TRADE I I ' • ' ! I -~ I I ! I I 11 I ' l:dr Ministry Nevvs Service J\ir H:Lnistry Bulletin No• 9109 FIRST u .s. :Ri.ID ON GEPJL~Y .... CONGR.Tur;sIONS FROM BOHBER OOl:li\L'JID CHIEF J,J.r...1,,1arshal Sir Arthur Ho.rris, Command.or-in-Chi ef . of' ·Bomber Conu-aci.nd> h8.s ;::;e-.nt the follmcring message of· congr:::i.tul 8.tion; on the occD.sion of the fi rst U.S. r8.id on Germar,y, to Brig8.di er-General N. Lo:ri...gfelloYr, Conm10.ndi ng Genoro.l of the 8t h Bomber Conmnnd of the United Sto.tes J,rmy L..ir Force: ... "Gr eet ings and congro.tul D. tions frfM OF OPER.;\TIONS UNIT2D ST1\TES A."'=Uv1Y SURPRISE R1~m ON YTILHELMSH.flVEN - The United States J~rrey' Eighth ,\:i.r Force bomb eel Gert'ln:n.y todny for the first time in history. Moving by day the giant Fortresses .snd Liber1~ tors of the limerlonn J,ir Poree struck with all the advantage of surprise$ WilheL--:lShaven hos long 'been considered as one of the most strongly defended of the German naval bases. Fnr fror,1 finding the nov~l bnse a "tough target" toC.:e.y the J.imerican pilots reported on their return: 11Not neBrly as tough as st~ N:.:iznirc. tt. Typionl conments of creYvTaen who pnrticiputed in the r:::iid follov-v-. : "rt-was perfect in every respect,"· co1m1cnted oi.p·c. J QL.Rynn, of Troy, N.Y., sldpper of the Fortress 'SJireet11Cat, Ryan's ship, nnmedmfter a British or:phnn "adopted" by enlisted men of the squadron, 'M3S badly shot up on a previous nission that coincided vrith the christening of the 'Sweetpea', The J?ortress came back from Germ~my vrithout a scrntch today. "The vreathcr vvF.s ideal, so fDr as cover wns ooncernec1," said Ryan. "Yte coasted bnck n big part of the vwy over the top of a white layer of' clou&j with plenty of _stuff to duck into if trouble showedo11 But there vVDS no trouble, although a few enei:iy aircro.ft were seen nt a. distance, They did not attnck Rynn• s formation. WJe snw ~1 lot of shipping at 'Jilhelmshoven, nnd I noteff what might hDve been n capital ship neo.r the centre of the f'lotilln," ndded Ryan• • •! figured we'd get heavy flak over those ships, but there v-msnit enough to bother." Gopt, Robert Riordan, of' Houston, T~exas, recently D'iiorded the Distmguishecl Flying Cross for his exploits in bringing safoi.y hor.10 three bndly dis2bled Fortresses, said the raid on Germany Vfns nr.10::.g the easie$t cdssions in ~hich he had participated. "vie -2 ­ "H0 came home on o.11 four en[-'ines this time. o.nd believe me it vvas an agreeable chmigc, " sci.id Ri~rcl.an. 1'Thoy 1·mt u few fln.k holes in the new 1Hn.hoo 1 anc1 put asholl th.rough tho cowling of the No . 2 engine, but overythin~~ wont smoothiy. 11 crovJJmt6s of J?irst Lieut. ·~[illirup Calontoni of Brovmville, pa., clairneO. for their b:::imbarclior tho:t he: vras the first Amoricei.._n o.irman over Germany. Calontoni Is Fortress \TD.:3 on tho risht vans of the loading for.. mo.tion o.ncl. vrhen tho bombers whoolcc"'.. b come in 0VOr German soil,; he was in the nose of the outboo.rC:L ship. Ne ofi'iciJ.1 rocognition of this honour has been o.ccorc'.oc.1. Mo.j. Errol Holmes, o. flak o:xr;ert of tho Hoyal 11rtillery, mac1.o his J irst f'light w.i. th ;\mericon Dirmcm in comba1: tod'.l.y. Ho was ·1.'r.:cm in his praise of tho "tight f:::irmo.tion" flovm.. 'Jhen a vmist p;unnor was slightly diso.blea., Holmes mo.nnoc'L tho .:;un, but c-:.icln it ~et Cl. shot at o.n enemy o.ir­cro.ft. They ctid not o.pproo.ch within ron go vrhilo tho .:1rtillcryman wus at tho gun station, Major Holmes is o..n interno.ti::mo.1 cricketer. Tho "Boomerang, II floYm by co.pt . Clifton :'ylc' pc..rtici:_J8.tcc1 in today's raid JVOr Germany. C::il. Curtis LeMn.y of Colwr;tus, Omo~ whc·; lecl. his group; was not completely sn.tis.ficcl with the ''roathor eno5untereCL. "Given bei;ter wcn.ther, we will get be.ttcr results, 11 he p1~omisec.1. Colonel LeMay said o. hole wo.s fotmc1 in tho clouds over the target aricl it was possible to bomb with· o.ccuro.cy. ./Tho ')'/ . 3 · T'h8 "Royn:l Flush", Li eu:t. Harol d Beasl ey, pilot, claimed three enemy· <:i.ircraft cLestroyed, 8.ll subject t o offici al confir:mD.tion At the guns were Sgt. JnL1es F<:i.rrar, of Tol ol'.:1., Okl.C1.honn.; Lt. Ever ett Clinar d. , of Gr) , Gl endal e Ro::1.d., famtoul, I l l., cmd Sgt~ Henry i3trceter, of Dry Court, ~.:rest Vn. Capt. J. 1 !. Cart er, of L2'"i-r·tvn, OkJ..o.., and his cr ew -a combat · ·~earn knoYm as "Carter nnd Hi s :'.Jittle ?ill s ", -chalked up their el evonth niss~on .rhen they rai dt:0cl Germ,my today. His bomber had not once been· hit by fl ak or eneniy fi ghter fire and today it came t brough n.g~in unscathed , _ Idrst. Lieut. I.D. Benson.t of Anguella, l!Iiss., piloting the "Devil's Playmate", believes his Fo::rtress wo.s the last to leave Germany. T~-ro of'his gunners, Se;t;. Howard Jcines, of WelJ.sviJ.le, Utn.h and Sgt. J.F. Byrd, of Baltimore, ·claim one enemy airci\'.ft each severel y dQ.l'iaGed. Other s vrho got i n lone bur sts at enemy fight ersvrer-e GUnner Sergeants Roy S;ni t h, of Indi anapol _i s , ! nd.; L~·wrence l·turray, of Lina.en, N. J . and Vi rgil Burger, of Kn.nsas City. - Cn.1Yt . c,-,'il1i am Crui:nn, of Scarsd!1.le, N.Y., pil ot of "Jack. the Ri pperi', flyi ng his ninth bor;,bing ni ssion, tangled 7rith sor,1e enemy aircraft., but he clesoribed the eneqy r:ilots as 11green11 • One of his gunner s , Technical Sgt~ Peter Dubay, of Arbut.:_s, Md.; got a close burst into one. of the Geri10.n fighters. ilosg_uitoes of :Jo:;:1}::er Co-,:Ti::.nc1 c,ttccckec1 the shi::_Jyo.rc':..s o.t Co::enho.,-~en this o.f'tc,rno::m. Joi-~.bs ·.rere cJ.~rs,)p'ed fro::1 ::i. low lev el arrCL rnny bursts 1.:ere seen in the yo.rc:.s. One Hoscluito in :Jissi.ng. i\Iusto.n[;s of LrJ'W Co-o:;:,ero.tion Cor.Y1c-uic~ o.nd S ..'i tfires end TY1_)nr1'Jns of Fi~thter Co:Tt·1cnd c::mt inuec the e.tt~ick on ro.ilway tetrcets toc1o.y. Umy locorntives wen~ C:..'.:.D::tc;cc1 in ::Jrittany o.nc1 Northern Frmce. In the ec..rly hours of this n::>rnin-· Hudsons of Cco.sto.l Counc.nd, one of which is nissinc:, D.tto.ckcd eneny shi::i:Jir..'~ :..>ff the Th.itch coo.st. I. Huc1s;m uf Coccsto.l Co::1n_::mcl c1estroyea. on ene"-1-Y :t'lo:lt-plo.ne this nornins.