21/1/43 No . 9 JOINT INDI!iN VIJ;R CONiiUNIC}UE The follcwi:i:1g Joint Fo.r Co;-_u:1unique vro.s received in London fron C~.HJJ. L1di2 this r.1orning: Lnst night, ,JnnuDry 20, Hoyc1l 11ir Por ee long r nnge bombers nttncked the eneny nerodrame o. t TouEgco i n cent•'.'etl BurE1n. Henvy bcnbs wer e seen to burst across one of the 1:1nin rlmwnys and in dispersal areas nnd fires wer e stnrced. Bor:1bs were: nl so dropped. on objectives on At<.yab islund. During offeY'r;ive pni::rols yestsrdny our nircraft attacked several enemy targP '_;s in Burr.Kl including a train in the :Mogwe area nnd the aerocJror.1e nt Shvrbo. On ri:' iesduy night Janunry 19 Hellington nir­crnft bonbecl Hc:ho ne:codrome ond ~he r a-i iv-vay junction nt Myingynn. · Fron these. do.y and night ope.. :ltions, none of our o.ircroft is r:ussing, It i s now· knmm thnt in -:-he b:'.'ief Jnpnnese r aid on the Cnlcuttn area on Tuesdny night the ·',;wo encr.w bor.1bers shot do-vm in flnries by our fighters constituted hnlf of -'.:;}1e o.ttocking force. One of our fighter·s vms shot dovrn but tl:e pil ot is sofc , +++++++++++ Wlffi OFFICE Air Ministry No. 9045 . AIR MINISTRY AND MINISTRY ffir HOME SECURITY CO:M1'11UNIQUE Last night a -few enemy aircraft dropped bombs at :places in East Anglia and South East England, Only slight damage was done and no one was .injure~ Two enewy aircraft were oost:roye.ns­port at a nu.:1ber of points in the Tripoli area. Pighter bonbers r:iaintaineCL steaCLy pressure vrhile in Tripoli hs.rl)OtlI' hits were scored on the nole by heavy bonlJers. Lci.rr:;e scale lJoubini::; operations were cD.rriecl out during the nicht 19/20 January when tl~e airfield. at Castel Benito wo.s attacked with Q;Ood results. Tri1Joli anc:.. tn.rcets in the battle areo. were . also bonbed o.nc-;. ni3ht fighters, givin13 the eneny no respite, inflicted considerable c1Cl.t1c.;~e on concentro.tions of' tr.'.illsport. Two i;;;neny sup}Jly ships o-:'f' the Tunisinn coast were o.ttackec1 by naval torpedo aircr2St. One ship was ·seen to bJ.011r up and sink and the other was badly c-;.3.Do.,:::ecl. Ji.nothor ::d.rcr::l.ft dar.10.ged a third ship in tho sane area o.nd yesterday o. fourth ship was torpedoed in the AegeM sen. 3nc1 stmk. 'L'bree of our aircraft are nissing fron the :.::.bove and other operations. 21/1/43 No. 17 IR.AK PREMIER! S REPLY TO MR. C~HI§ The Prime Minister of Irnq has sent a cordial reply to the telegrai:i. which he received frot1 :Mr. Churchill on the occasion of Irnq's declaratiun. of wnr, Genernl Nuti snid that the .Arobs .-rould neve;t forget that it "'iras lfir. Churchill's farseeing policy in 1921 i7hich laid the foundation for the ' independen::e of Iraq. The Iraqi Prime Minister expressed his confidence in the victory of the United Nations nnd stated that Iraq wos ready to do her shore in h:=:lstening thnt victory. +++++++++++++++ FOREIGN OF:B1ICE NEVIS DEPART.MEl'ifT 21/1L43 -No. 2,1 NOT FOR PUBLIC.i.TION, BRO.ADCAST, OR USE ON CLUB T..t,PES BEFORE 00a30 . B.S.• T. (i.e. FOR MORNING PAPERS) ON FRI:b!.Y_. 22ND JJJJUIJ?.Y 194-3 P.QSLQF LIVING FIGURES ON ~S'r J.PJWJ'J?.Y, 194~ At 1st January the official cost of living incl.ex figure wo..s 99 · points above the level of July 19l.4.o..s conpared with 100 points a nonth earlier. · · · 1 · · There vms a fui~thcrfall in the average level of clothing prices, as a result of the larger proportions of utility clothing and naterio..ls on sale o..t prices below those of non-utility goods, On the other hmld there wo..s o.n increase in the price qf ooO:las frotl ·the 1.st Jo.nuoJ:y. . . For food alone the index f;Lgure r .Qna:i,ned ~t.?11.anee<;l at 64 points 0..06\'.e the level of. July 1914. ·· · · · · · ++++++++++++++++ MINISTRY OF LABOUR &NATIONAL SERVICE ....................~...-c.--.;,.c,~. . I 1 I • ! i I I I •i1 "I. ~)1 /1 /i)·; -....c ~-~ .::::...:.L ' ' . ' • ~~ .1n.rft3 r:.ircr'.~:.rt f~:··~Gtcrie~~; i:n tl~G ··.u-.~t Co111~t1'y ·rrsr0 ...vir·itccL by tX10 1'urk:i.;:;h J:'.ro C1.Ucticm :.I~.~·Sicn tc ky. i.rl:i.i;.~ r·:crr~ir~c tl~.cJr ."'~verc; ·prt~sc..;nt8d. to 1 the :Cor~l >~ayer cf ttm di:rt:.cint ..ncJ (·5tl1~:;.r' ci\r:i.c }1c:~·.:l.0 . l'f~~-r1i:)·.~t tl1oy s.r c b,;i11g 0rrt2r··L.s.j11~jt..l to fij.~1!1.L.r li~r t-tv.:: lier(·~. :,.~·-~y'.Jr.: cf IJcr1Llor1 ~t+; tJ1i.:: ii"~.::...n;3ivr.:. ?m.~t].c;ular in'L..:rs:::t Y!t .\)Gp:1.b.lity L~ntl i:nte::rcc-,t h:vJ.. be.en :11cvl11 tc~:t·~rdw th.0L1. H~ti'b.:.::.t Viu lu.1.~lc ~.:Jeer1 i11 yc.1LU\ f-~t.ctur.iz::u i~=-Q. spl cncli,1 r:~cdol c±' (c;xtr er...ol y Vicll oru~.nL:...:.l wcrl<:". H0 J.l::.>o so.icl, 'it:fe h.3.vc; bc(:::n :>r>0okl1y :Uir-re320d by th8 rapidi ty ·t' ·t.h...; cb.~nsc frcL" _;,:.'C..cc :;;roC:.uction tG th.~1 t cf ·"\~1r·. '' }1ajur GcnarD.l Uey1~ck ::lee cor::nontC;,::,. en the ":.rt 'tirn:..E:;~~. W<:':re rk.yiri..s :Lvi tl1e .i:·~.llic~; ' \V~:~y: cffc·rt. ']·;11:i;-:: l1c~·J. i1._..·r0~:-c:cc.l ·v ·.J.--:~L1 ~h...<3t cf 2.. ll , HI··~ot cnl~)T t'lc the '\.rc,:-·k~n her·3 :~:.ppv:..:r to ·be r·.r_;(:;t excell (.:nt \:1url-~J.:;rl-~ t.n.1t they-·-:..re ::oho.vinr; :;,. \rond.orl'u.1 :c.':;.>ir..Lt, Thi:J i.e.; ,,11 thrc: ;../--CO r1.oh:w·ortJ7 tc::c3.uso yc.ur vvci:.011 ~~.re '·'l(;.rldn:~: or.c ju'l:J:; v;hic~h y;-rcvicu:.:ly it h:..,.d not ·nc(:';n thcuc;ht pc:::;sibl o ·Ncncn con1cl do. n ~-l~/_1/~4-3,__~~-N_o~ :l;@ivorsary of Lo.nding cf u. s. Forces J.fa; l2rnlinc; of Unit.eel ~)tates Forces in Bolfo.st on Jr.muary 26th, 1942 ­the f'ir;:;t conti11gcnt J,;u r<;ach 2.ny then.t:i:-~ of opCT'\tic)ns in the present -.m:r ­w; J.J l ;e er) 'Jr1orr1'1r~.tecJ by the unvcllir•G of a 0tone by IIL> Grn.cc the Governor of N;;r'~h~rn I~~l.;1d: i~ the grc1-mds of the City Jk.11, Belfo.d, next Tuesclay. The stone, n.. short colunn on a circulc,r bcr,so , 6 ft. high, boo.rs the badges of the United f)t0..tcs };;rr:w ; HG.rine CorpB s.ncl Navy. Round the to::;1 of the cclui:J.• is the inr:wri:rJtion: li'i:c:=;t U, s. A. E. F. lc::.nded in this City 26th Jnnuary, 19l+.2 Bel oy; the b'.J.clgos arr:\nJed in.the forn of ::?.. V .:ere the ·,wro.s Officers of tho Uniteel :::to.tc;:l }i'oroe;::; -;:ho have so.~;n the design fm· tho stone speak c,nthusiastically of it..:; ant syr;J)olism. --; CI:REl'!iONIAL i\HlUiNGE~:CBNTS _...,.--~ ~--­ .....,......______ The arrangeT11cnts for the ceremony have been made by the Nor thorn IrelD.nd Govcrrment Hith the arprovn1 of the Ir:1)eri::i.l Goverrnncnt nnd. in close colh.boro.tion with the British o.ncl Ai:tericD.n fighting s 0rviccs m1d arc r.s fullrn-rs : Thero will be tl:u~oe military 1xmds, ::m~l the varn~e . will " include cletci.chmcnts l'rom a11 the fightinc sr.::rvices, British ana. Jl;mcricr.n, inclull.iDG th...: Uniterl ~}tci.tcs U'.1.rine Corps, "lvho have not yet 3.}!J;Oetrocl in Belfast on nny cerer:'loni n.l occasi on, the Ulster Home Guarcl c'..ril tho British Women' s Services. 'l'hc unveiling cerci-ciony iVill be .s.tte;ndec1 by the Lord lfayor (the Ht. Hon. Sir Cro.vrford r:,IcCullagh) and the mcnbcrti of tho Corporo.tion, Sir Thom,...,_s DL'Ccn , H. l:i. Lieuteni;.nt for the City of B8l;f'ast, the Prin.e Jilin.ister of Northern Irel o.nd. (tho Ht. H~:n. ,T. T:~ i\.Yld.revrn) .'1.nd .the r.1er:11)cr fJ_of the ~-\cnate nn•1 House of Cornr.1ons, n. represent2.tivc of the Brit:.sh Gov<.:;rnment :·..nc1 H:o.j or Genoro.l Ifartlc, wh~) wa2, in command of the first Unite€1. f)t D. tes Contingerrt 2.nd nho i s naw Acting Corso.:i.nder of the u.B. Forces in the Unitecl Kinsd.om, r'Ir. parker YT. Buhrr<'.n.n~ .i\Jneric:.m'consul-Gener r-il i n J3clf'.\.~ot, Li0ut­Ge::ner.::l H::i.rolrl E. Frnnklyn, Gcnc:ra1 Officer Co;rn:r,nclinr_; Brit ish Tronps Ncrthei-:n. IrcLmd, the Senior Navnl Offic.er :;_,brthcr n Ireland, Air Vice :MarskQ A. T. Col e , Air Officer Comr::1.:'tndi1i.r_r, , H.J1 $Ii'., licrthern Irelro1cl, C01;1moCLore Hoss Stcvvo.rt , H. N& Naval B:-'":··2, Lonclonclerry, · JJrig::ulie:r-Gener ul Ednund \/0 Hill, Conr'.:anding Genere,l U.S. Forces, Northern Irelana, Co:ptn.in Vnn I~ecr Kir kipan, Comn"J'1_dant Nn:vy .. u. S. O!Jerations Dn.se, Lcnclonrlerr.t1 Colonel L. ~!. Burnk1n1 U. s. l/Io.rine Corps, Londornkrry, n.rn':. Lieut-Cr,l onel Sir Ch:'crles V!ickhr~.m, Inspector General, Hoy~u Ulster Const o.bul m:·y. , f\,ftor short s:r.inechos by the LoJ'.'11 ~.;[ayor, the Prine.:: trinistcr and the British (}ovcri1m.ent rcprl;sent3.t ive, the co:·:1P.emorn.tive ,;tone '.Till be unveilerl by the Governor~ who uill be o.ccornpc.:nied lJy the :ouches:..i of Abercon1. Sixrult~1:n.eously tw,) non-co1mnis::;i::m.c€1 officer s of ·the 1\.mer:Lc:m Arr.w whc; -;c.reri..; racrnbers .'Jf' the f irst continr;cnt to reach Belfo.st vrill h0iL:t the Unitcd Sto.tes :fl::i.g ~ un(L o.s the flc~g is 1Jeirl{; unfurleu a bo.ncl will plri.y 11Thc ~)tar Sp(.mgled Bu·mer 11 • T:In.jor-GenercJ. lI;::..rtlc -,-ri-11 then express t he tlYtlJ..1rn of the rico1;l e :•f the Uniteu. Sto.tes. · \ ........ _... J1.ft<::.n1o.rc1s the Governor \Vill t~'..ke the) salutc; :tt :i. rr:r:.rch r;n.st of several hunllrecl troops. The 001rn:1cmorative st:me \Till be a 11 t dccn11 monum8n"'G and will r~3nnin in tho City Hall gr;.,1mc1s until a clt.;cision is reached, D.ftcr the wr~r, on the l<;natinn r.)f [l }:'0J'.'11J.'1JlE,1.-1t struotur<~. ' • 21/1/~-3 -No. 21 A iiUNl-hED THOUSL.ND 'J'OE.'3 OF ~)lJ.JVAGB LOST 1::-vl.':~t{ YE1'.;t( TI-IHOCGH MI XING ·---------------------------.......:...;....__.=~~ If the t -.·rnlve ni.115 ..cn hou sehol ds of th:i.s cmu1try sr:LVed. o.11 their \'Tast e pn:;)(::J:' anc1 Cl.\.rcfull.y sorted.·their ~>2,lv'.:Cc;e of [ell kinds, o.t least w.other ­100, 000 tons per ~umt1n YrouJ.d. be;cone ut:i.li<:>D..~)le :iJ1 the nc"tionci.l ~r1teres·t. The sc:par ati0n cf 80.l v 1.r~~e by hoU:LHohol clcrs s::.vt::;:i 1;:.;1.st e throU[;h cont~1nino.tion 8.11.cl ni x ing. • The public i s asked to kee11 separ:::~te pD.per, rr.:~:s, rub1)er, netal, bones o.nc1 kitchen wn.ste. Bones c:m lle kept m1ect ty r enov:ing fron then r:ieG.t, f n.t nnd sristle, 2..ncl by dryin3 the bones :in o. vr'.U~n oven t o utilise the waste heo.t o.fter cooki:t1E, K~tchen 1Jo.stc 8bould be kept :in o. conto.iner, unless the Local Anthox•i ty -provic1es special ~;tr(:;ot bins. Rope, str:ins and twine should be plo.cul. with r :o,gs. +++++++·~++±++ii·+++++++ MINI STRY OF SUITI,Y 1.i:r· H:ini str y Ne'.JS Sc·rvico The c~evcticm t~ :;_ier~~ti.un '."1.S ne::.nnbiJ co; bi::oinr:; ccrrLcc~ cut on ,':'. T!. A • .f\. l<'. sto.ffed 1xllloon .site. In thin cr.~:.-_;r:e ~1. 22 yc:tr-olc"'.. ne;::1ber ui' the ·,;.L.A. J? , ~ Corpor n.l l1:I. JJ)rscr1 vras D.t t11c vrinc)-~,. :·nc.1 10 :'{e,xc-olcJ. _\_G~'J·. I\l'~:: . Dees on Y7&s ·,.ssi.st illc her l>y ·;r:'tch.~ns tlh; storc..~:e 0.run c-f tlw ·;Li..J~1ch. \7heCthe bo.lloon ·,r::..s ho.lf vn7 to the heiuht o::. clf;r6Ll, ·two J:.,J~;:c h:L~;h c:x:-pJ..osive bonlJs f ell o.lnost toe:ether, one 2bout 2~) y:-.r0.0, r.na othc. other ?C yards to the ri:~ht :.md J.eft of the -.-r:inch. 'l'he. C1'6W s1c:e;.J:il1(c'. lmtfJ en the site WETe ent:U~ely rlenoli::>hec11 o.nd it vi".cS f urtu.11.D ..te th:.1t the r.~nai:r1.rJer of the crew vrerc under c~Jver.. I n e._pit'e of the t-;,-o b0n;Js ~ C:orpor a1 Dyson contixmecl. to c~-....rry '.)CC tlv ''.::}YJr:'.tion l1ntil the b t:tllCJon Yihicll lrd not l)een dan:\'_:ec:L vm.3 lirou:;ht t:J the huight orc'_,recl. c.iruen oncJ. uirvrorc1cn. / :Sef\)re the wc..r, Cor poral Dyccn, who lives rit Dtir:nley1 L:illcr-,shire, vro..r; "L racker and CcGSL;J::blc;r o.t D-l:J'.."\11Ufact1Jr:ins cheui::;t 1 s, ·while AC\!, Beeson Ylhc) lives at In~c-,testnrie , Essex, ·.·-·.s a shop (•.nsistant. -.A. C. Hutchinson, ·who is 35 yec:r::; old, w~.n -r..""l1 insm·anc<' ·=<::e:nt ond l ivccL 8.t Gat0ahead.. Lil.C. Cl iff . vr:is 30. Ee vr.as a clcrL c.:rvl live'-i o.t Dr:Jnley, Ho"therhc.::1. ++++++++++-'-++-<· \ -· ~rttt.; l\Ja-:a f_;e'.:::.1:~111-1 ~;.~;r~,:.:>\~it •. ·.u\·,·1 ..... ,_ ,._ ;:ti2lin" r 1.Jturnccl frc;j <.J. r ocunt r:iine .. r i ., ,.., lriyin:~ t:r:ir .::.nd r1rctu o. i; t he •o'::J,:L cf ....... ~u 1.'(c_).:.·.ct, -11Thi ::. ~i ::; cons iderccl u che.de :~le :iel·l 0nc01n~tei'u >.dtL H1r v. cn01::y f i ,:11t er s -enc E81:l 0 s.1d hrc Jut33s -i.lncl lud. t vfl.ce i:;;:,s~c:od t.hrou::·h '' ccnc ,;ntru. ti cn cf" }v:.,r_,_vy an-::l 1 i,:;J:1t fld:. II i rJ a.dv c:1tur<;C\ dtu·...'dU tlL t tho L'Gj)l<:brJly hu.;1d:r:'uD but necc:Jcary tnsk cf l ei.yins 1·;:ir1u;:; :in encr:iy ·:c~teLJ c .:..n be '~s cl.nc0r cu3 : ~-' ·r:01:1bi:cz~ Gcrr.:::cny, Thd E10:c ~=e.:.~:ct.-1 i1.0t , J.n I.JO .. c,; t i r.:<:0 :. clsrl; COL.t: f'. i'ron Ot c:Llmhu, nee.r Lucklan c1, l1Ivvv Ze·:J.lc.-~ricl. r~L1l1i.c; '\7~....:; Lj.[...fi.r o't ~;;y1~,t;ri~.:::r.1co ~:.·:J CLt~ptc..j_n c:i) a ~ltirljr:ig, He w:1s v ~:-rc~n1":i.~1;~ t:1e rw. cf ±' ths C:Uitjncnk l ec ,st, vdkre hu Wc<.S going t c\ l ay hi e 1:1i :no3, when he '): ;: r:;;d sh""' ,.ks of l:i.,)1t c,~;r,1:iJ.1z frcn t he port 1J0an, 'l'hose v:cru 0hct£; frcn u l'.!c.110 ::,nd hi r: r cc'.lr ..gurmc::r tcl J. hin to turn in to-.vc:,rdc the a tt~cc:k:ing fif{ht c.r ,. "\~~ th~" Vi-:. 110 ere:: 2c:,;J th._, 2 t :irl ~me;, ·[;ho Lrn~1-ber rs nicl-ur.:ip er an•l r 8;_\r cunner s bo-t:h got .i.n biu· ::~t.-, , ,_ml th•; fi,'.'.:c1t0r pu:l\::)d ever on its bc,ok <:::.nd. \7,_-__3 l cc-:-t t c 3i,~~l.it . TJ.tc.~ 0t:LcliJ1:=_> t1:i.en r."c:r~t 0 11 &11c1 d:roc.iI10 U. itiJ r1ine s . ':L'hc er.;;;: next f c1.·nd t}-k.. D:':•ClVe~~ cv<~r .'.: nui_t~·er of' (',,.>rT:J.n flc~k~-;hips Y.hioh .L:>l.JL~)(;i} up s·h,:•11:> a t ti:u'.J. 'l:"h\;; i)ilot t•xk e:v:_;:.;iiJ'e action l !ut ex;)l csions rocked t he btirl:ing, n.r1C. :\. t one: J~·oint tho rc:::,r ;µnrier S[: id h8 cuu.l u c::.ctu;.clly sr:;<;ll tbo fl'.lk. The f}ak :~tG:'L~td ·-t 1:. ~ :ct · Hll en c,, qy,i:n th" :pi1ut ::;1... t cour~~e f or home. T~10n t he burn'b cl:lc':er , 1.vho L.;.: ;;:i.tt:i.Lt:: in th~; ;:::tj ccnrJ. pi lct 1 ::; ;_;cut next t o t he c:..r\ l:(dn, :.'<-vr '' JH., 1FJ f ly:i.11.L" tc ~_; L.rbc_,~,rd u1l~' 1CCJ , .. ~.ri; c: u,\u.y. The cc.trb.irl 0 ;,.is8(1-· i •·t e-I ,, .J... 1y i°"nI \,(, :1·~.-0 -·l ° 1 t r1:--·1"'.,L< _t,i·'-. ;;.,, l.J · ,,~L· .L.-J·C.1v~,,, }.l .• :~ .'. •'V''"'.;'" "-:_..... . ''W' ~Y-... bllt ··· • ..... '"-·" ·11... 1,.),1· ........... J.... .. . \,,;; ·'-rl.VL ~....... <.·.~-~vi...... \,J c· c·ti .,... L"il:l (.-. c,....... ~ ' t h:Ls t:i!:,e }:._:; di J. not 030.:..1;e :::c .;: :3ily. n,f.:; cri:,;J::c:co~;~:ed even~ •::c,,oh oth0r" 1 .:32. i (l t he IJ JJ_c !;. "But i'cr the ;:10,·t ! ~lrt ho ;_;i:;_;_~/1,;.J. lri_,'linc_r, :'>0hird our port ·,1ing, /c'D f o_r ="~~ \Ne ~::1c1vv" 11e r1e\r0r _,:-1.r'l)': t us. "Tt1e r · c.J.oon f\)1~ t l1in occ·11 'bc(_;-... r::G ol:.vicll:-~, y}·}·11..:r~ r.1y r cr.; r i·;unn.. er Ec..v e r1c ·:J.:iroctionc. r'cr turning ::ccJ:.y r·:cc-1:'. :;.:n, .cct·u::.ck f'rc.: ··.:.nuthsr Ju. SJ f'rc:n tho recir,. -!:!'., c~1 l--. .,r ..,-·•"• n f'-': '::-l1t ' 0·r ".,,. "'' ..,,P.,-1 4-0 'hn .-, ct· -"L·"r-r 't'· · ,i,_, c··c··v "c·r~ ''·l·1n c .t. i---1··, r· 1 ,_r,,.c1 I ~_.. ,;. _ re; _, .... _ .J..c~ v '--"' l:.: l) V1.. \..,.;. ....1 \ ..~ \,.. .....,......., ,_,_ ..., . .•. .i.:, t.. :1-.l •. ·• _.,....., ·._, .1. ' V .._, ··' l,. .t.. t; , ..i..1\-v auo:pt <::d my r e:c,:i.· cu1::uer 1 ;3 ·lirccti(m3 vre ;:,he;uld lnve been expo~;Gd t o t r10 f:Lr0 of t be fighter on tho }:iC.}-·t vd.r1i:_:. "But h rny r e.·Jr fl,11.d. ni d -;.lli:)8r '~'..unners 1mr0 r.JJle to get in burst s a t the cnerr.;:r on cur t :1ilJ "uut whi1u I YiD:.:. t::•kino· cv · :dvc c.'..otion I s::cw :0encil~:; of light comil:.[~ f'rom ooth cd U.00 of' our 0tern .mcl (.-:cnvcrg:ins o.he.''.cd of r'io, Our gu1i11or;:; sa id t :'.'-1n t t he .f'if)1t er -vr:~::, :.>o cl:::.:e t:r1cct t h0:; c:0i.il.(l tcturlJ.J hu~~r the popp ins of the (',0r man cn.ru1on, "--t t hi.::; ntclr:e we 1-:ur o J.cwn ~tl1r,c;::t t c t hb 1 1-Nel of the sea and mu At 'ha ve ber:m :::Jilhoue ttec1 ::-.goirn,t th,; I\.:-:f] ,,, .,., '':t1 oi' t he ":,-,.,-,,~nn':rr.. t:i nu the (~0r1.nru.1r: ; H 'J"t 11}' nin1 + ;, <>nl n'i] c t; (<:;:ci n ·-: :·~,~--·.J:•Ud, 'r11cn he s0t coill'<'.C for huno. During Ui<: :tctiun, cor~_..:iss(:;~ b,rJ 'bi:::en ;31• h m ·i n13 :in co~;;_..lc+.r; ~irc]_";!c;> and c. 8 t 11.o crC'>'f r'J. (M hor:t8 th•J./ f 0•n 11J c:vcrJ<.hin:~; vh i nh L'-'h r.nt ,:)d •m tied down ·ut.:c-=:\•m 0v,~r t ho !'Joor of the ~;t:irJ ·fr·~. 'Thu :t1:.;.vir:-Lt nr , -./ho h::u1 -i/;cn :J<'3D.tr;rl b~hiud the pil ut , r a tri.chinc; tho Sout h E~'.st co~'-St of En SJ-D.nd t h i s ucrn:Lng ;,/'--~' c..1osh 'oycc.1. by 0110 of '· ur p:·.trol s. +++++~+~+++++++++++++++ 21/1/43 .. No. llt . :Air Ministry News Serviq~ Many th::;usands of miles from their homes in the Ar gentine, A~C.Vi.2. M. B. Lee, of the W. A. A.F., 3lld Second Lieutenant Denis Neelboom, H. 1~.c., both of Buenos Aires, were married today in a little village church near the airfield where A. c.Vv. Lee is s tationec-1. BDth are British subjects o.nd came over to help in the w2..r effort• Second Lieutenant 1'J[eelboom has been i n this country f or 18 months o.nd A.c.w. Lee made the l ong journey l ast August. . A.,C.t/. Lee was given 'J.Vm.y by the oper ations officer at her statiun, the only relatives present being t -v-vo cousins. The best mo:n vras o.n artillery officer and among ·i;he guests wer e several i:r. A. A.F. fr:::T1 the station. The reception was held at a v7. A. A.F. host el, and the f ood for the s!!'.ttll co~E'..ny was prepo.red by ri.A .. A.F. A.O.W, Lee is empl oyed on nn airfield of .A;r-aJy Co-operation C:::ir:ur1a.11cl of the Royal Air Force. ___...__.... __,,..._ 2lt)L43 -No. 35 }J:.r Uinistry Ne-,rs Service £:.1!:•.iJ..:inistry Bulletin No. 9053 TYijHOONS SHOOT Dorm FIVI~ -. aTHOU'l' LOSS Five of the fourteen eneny o.ircro.i't shot 6-rnm on '\fednesClo..y were c1estroy'ed by Typhoons, Britain's nev high-speed fighters, Yrithout lo8s. The H.0 wker Ty;:)hcion is the product of the s:::r.10 f'irr_1 ·i1hich d.esi3nec1 the f3I-1ous Hurrico.ne, ond is pouereu by a Nn.pier So.bre engine. It hn.s proved its worth i.ri Fighter Ccrinand both ~\S o. c1..efensive intcrcepter fighter n.nd also in offensive opero.tions. Aoong its victins ore alro.'.lC!.y the P.1.7 190 the ne.109, the Ho. 210, the Ju.88, ond the Do.217. The pilots concornec:. in yesterclei.y' G successes lJelons to tho Yfest Riding of' Yorkshire Squadron, The ,=;.o.y bec;an for the squo.dron when n. Belgi8.n flight lieutennnt nnc1 a fli.c;ht ser:::eMt took off at 8. 30 a.n. for n.n offensive patrol over Belgiun durin~ ~·rhich they shot up tl>:.ree ro..il·.ray engines. Another pair wllro took off nb'Jut tl're sone tine intercepted tYTo F,':l.190s over tlt:e Gho.nnel. One of tne pilots (a. Belf!,io.n fly:i.ns officer) dived. fron 800 feet r111a_ firecl sovero.l bursts o..t the lc:~dinr, I~1. GT. Pln.nes shot out fro;-:1 in front of the cockpit; then it cr~;.shccJ. :L."1to tho seD., 'fi1e next two success0s were scorecl by fly:in.:-.:; officer B::dc1win, Yrho with o. conpo.nion, :intcrcoptcd oi[jht or nore He.109s on their wo..y tm-rci..rcls Lonc1on. BrclC:;dn atto.cked three of' the enor.:y c..:ircro.ft which were :flying o.:po.rt fron the others. The fir~~t lost o. winz o..t the root o..nc1 S:?irnllec:. down out of control, the scconc1. c1is:intes-:rettec1 conplutcly, The th:i_rcl rfo. i7o.s novr behind Bo.lclwin 11but I reversed tho pos:i.tfon11 he S[1.irl o.ftcruo..rds n 011.cl.. o. tto..ckea. in '.). clive. I s::.w strilrns lJut I c-:cn only cletin hfr1 as c-:_<'JI.lD.ECd, 11 The sque:.clron' s fourth victory Yv" '.lS a F. u. 190 clestroyed by .'.).,_'lother Bels iroi flying officer neo.r Dover. In the pilot' s ovm vrorCls 11 It t)GC.'J.De a ball of fire, 11 The fifth Hun, onother P..'11. 190, wo.s nhot dovm lo.tor in the o.fternoon by a flisht lieuteno..nt who sc..w it dive into the seo.. off the South :E::i.st coo.st. / The 'ifost Ridinc; Squc..clron is cor.Jn::i.nc1ec1 by Squat'1.ron Leacl..er R, T • Beo.unont, D.P. c. who has successfully attn.ckcc1 D. nu:iber ·Of ~oo;ls trains in occupiec country in recent ueeks. On one occo.sion he n.'.1.cl..e fivo se::,x1rate attacks on o. train ne.'.lr Hn.zebrouck, ro..k:ll1s it fron encl -to onc1. Squcu_::Xons equippeiJ. with TY};hoons between the;:o1 c3-estroyed eleven snen.k ro.icl.ers in nine chys betvreen Decenber 15th D..rll":. 2l+th lD.st. Tho f'irst Typhoon wing ;to..s f ornec1 cmd. ler3. by W:i.IW, Cor.1Do.nc1or Gilla.':1, D, s.O., D,F.C., and B::i.r, A.r..c. Unc"cer h:i.D o.t Die'J?pe the ·wins Ci.estroyec1.. n Do. 217 o.nc1 o.o.r.mseC. several other eneny c.ircraft, 11\Ve went into o.cti011 o..,srd.nst very l::t.-rr,e nt1nbers on tho.t ocu1sion11 he s:c1c1, "onc1 proved. that the Typhoon is quite C:'..petblc of ar:ie squadron in i!'rance D. t the bo;~;inn:ll-1s c,f the war. Sqmclron Leader :lfoin foui:;ht :ll1 11al i;, and he.s only just beono.llt ·,reel. to return to flyint; after ·boinr:; injured 'by o. bcnb ~n l~he islc:;,nd. 'l'odn.y he is flying ·with n. Spitf:;,re E scpm.clron "to cet DY hand in &gain" anu ho cel ebrn. ted tho oc1.::asirm by destroying a §, i. .. 1JO. Squaclron Lec.;,der Kingo.l>y r-cdJ_ after tochy' s svreep: -"Near Calo.is, vw junped e i ght F. ~.-.1 9os, which wo ,:o:J.:v> about 2 1 000 f'eot i.;ol ow us. ,,',nether sqUD.clrG 1 st.:_-..yod above to 1::,ruar:l us wru.:: e we went down to £.. t tack thor_,. Lain am'.. I each got one. I kept firing at ;-·,ine until ±hD.d t.o breu.:~ c-r'x' k avoicL colliding with hin arnJ. it went flaning dovm. "Then I had a ct·n.ck at another 1:tnd hH it in the petrol l;c1nk. Clouds of :Jlack sr:ioke pouroa_ fz·or:~ the front of the coc!q:iit, but unfortu· 1.tely I lost it in ~he clnud. 11 Mer);er·2 ,;:f ct Pc.:1-ish Spitfire wing hn.d a fie _t with !jroup:c~ of F. ri. 190s nciar I,e 'l'ouquct. 1'he cneny aircraft nunbcred be"c ·een 20 ~1.nd 30. A r.1c:nbor uf' tho w:i.11(~ sa;i.d: "Our pilots cLstr·oyod (,nJ F. rr.190 fer certain, o.nrt they were robbed of so ·:i.J:1[ the end of what night ho.vc been several uv:::-e victim; by thi.c1~ cloud into which the enemy o.ircrD.f't cli.s~p~iearcd." The ''destroyvd' W:J.S one which blew up when cevor&l r il_ots of ( L18 Polish sqmdron flying Spitf'fre ncs (lived on about 15 i.;i. ,r, 1 S00. L,;. ter r: ,nbers of this sqw:td:ron dived on fotll' :.1ore Huxu , two of which we;r/" sp:llmin,r:; dov-tn. Unfortun:1tely they ;vorc soon l ost in thick cloud. The third enci;w o.ircro.ft was o.lso l1it und. onl y the fo111'";;h got avrcy :unsca thea. Member s of another Polish squrvJron n.ttD.ckod '.ncl broke l.~ o. seconc.1 forr:.o.tion rl' four F, ii.1 90s uhich al so disappeo.rec1 llito cloud. J!~ther sqmdxon :tlso sa·,-,· htll'sts th. ,_~e. Only two en0~':1Y aircX'aft vver e seen on t he whole trip -l''. \1, l 90s at sea levGl :• ·~ < i..r f'or'v:,tions wure cL'bcnb ·15 :n:i.l es off t he }z-cnch coast en the WD.y hor:ie . Both shocro'd off whEa. they so.w tho Spj_tfire.s. They wore cho.se :_ and fired c.n but Got 10.wo.J . In tho attack on Tricquevillo,. 1JY escorted. E istors, ,.b.ou:i:; an hour later the lJcr:ibers were E\O und1atnrbed. tba t tlley LLi.rle tw,J ru:n.s over t ...e tarset, ClcJud prevented our fir;hters, Jircling above, fron' seeing the rcsults ( .::' the bombll1c. Chcr1Jourr; docks were bombeci. at o.bcut the same time as ~~':c ..cc1uovillc. 'l.'i1e opc