I I I I . ! I -./1 /47. No. 6 .:!:;....,:. -:J GDvEmTI:1J~hTT . OF'FJC~ES TO U,SE. Q.OKE. Or. FIP.ES At the suggestion of the :Minister of Puel ::11d Power,, instructions ho..ve been sent by tho 1viinist!"'J of Works cind Plo..nning to the occupo.nts of some 10,000 C':-overronent premises throughout the com1try telling them to mix coke vdth tho coo..1 on office fires. This step ho..s been taken because coke is wnre readily available than house coal in :rrnny pci.rts of the country o.nd it is :i.nrport::.mt ·that everyone-i..1cluding ordinary domestic consumers, who can do so, should use it to eke out coal on open fires. The instruction issued by the Ministry of Works and Planning points out that the most suitable type for the purpose is broken coke in by 2" but tho..t other sizes mn.y be used. 11Coke ·will not bur.nu, the :instruction po:i.:rrcs out, 11 :i.n grates :ifl which the fire rests o:n the heo.rth but will give satisfactory results :i.n other gro.tos if u:o~a. properly. lfJ!,ires should be lighted in the usual way'with a smn.11 uo..ntity of coal Md, when reasona.bly st.ctrted, o. piece or pi~ces of rolLY1d coal shoald be put on the front ',vith coke behind 1it to the required runount. I 11As coke requires more draught thmi coa.l it is essentic..l that the bottom of the fire and the spn.ce immedio.toly under the gro.te should be kept reasono.bly clear of ash., On the other hm1a·, care sl_1puld be ta.ken, by tho judicious use of the ash pan, to prevent excessive draught, :::i.s if the heo.t gonoro.ted is too :intense the grate may be dnm;:i.ged." Domestic consumers vr:i.shing to follow· the aclvice to eke out coal with coke, may like to be reminded that 1J.ll sizes of coke (together with oerto..:i.n other f'cwls) n.re subject to le's severe restrictions than house coo.l for the three months Janun.ry to 1110.rch. For coke not exceeding l" i:n size, antlu"acite n:nd Welsh dry steam coo.I not exceeding 1~11 o.:n.d all types of l:~ufactured fuel, total supplies may not exceed 10 owi;. per month and no consumer mo.y n.cquire any supplies vrhile his stock of' these fuels e:xoeeds 10 cwt. For coke excee::iing l'1 in aize, n.nd anthracite and Welsh dry steam coal exceeding l ti;" total supplies may not exceed one ton per :month nnd no consumer" • mn.y acquire supplies while his stocl1: of t hese fuels exceeds one ton. It should be noted that the ruaounts nentionod of the above fuels ci.re o.dditiornl to those allowed for other k:ll1ds of coal. +++++++++++++++++ :tITNISTRY OF FUIIL AND POWER 19/1/4-3 No. 8 Air llinistcy No. 9016 AIR HINISTRY ii.ND HINISTRY OF HOlIE SECURITY COl:i:HUNIQUE In the early part of last night there was a little enemy activity over a coastal district of South-East England. Bombs vlhich were dropped caused some damage and a small number of casualties, +++++++++++++++ .19.1.43 No. 9 JOIN'r INDIA. \H:.F?. COi::'.illNI(lUE The following Joint 1ifo.r Cor:n:iunique v-m.s received froB G.H, Q. Indio. t his nornin,_n; : ­ On the Asson front our troops continue offensive patr olling. Oi.i+ levies ho.ve con_:>acted the eneny in the Chin hills area cl.uring the past fey; days -.rrhere there have been occasiono.l e~counters. ' In the f.lro.ko.n district, Kyauktaw o. village_on the Kaladan river, about 30 niles north east of Rathedatmg, v-ras occupied by our troops on Sunday January 17 with only slight opposition. Ener:w resistance in this area continues. On the lfayu Peninsulo. pressure is being maint a:ined against the eneny in the Donbo.ik area where we ;:iade a snall adva.11ce yesterd.ay, (January 18) . On the sx-,1e day in operations against Rathedaung our troops secured a foothold on a snall feature north of the village. Large fires stru.~ted by our. aircraft on Sunday wer e seen to be still blU'ning in the villo.ge during the fallowing night. Yesterday R.-11..J? , Blenhei.r:.1s continued to bomb enemy t o.rgets and occupiecl. villc.:.ges in the Mayu river area. Other aircraft attacked ond ddmaged Japanese water tr.msport on the Chinc1win and Irrawaddy rivers and drnm the Burno.. 'coasts south of il.kyab. No eneuy aircraft was encmmterec1. On Sunday night, January 17, our nediun Qllcl heavy bonbers attacked eneny aerod.rones ne3r Tomigoo mcl Meiktilo. with good results and bombs were also dropped on Akyab town. From these and other operations none of our aircraft is nissing. A delayed report indicates that on Stmclay night three or four eneny aircrc.:.ft dropped: bonbs in the forward ope:r:ational area in south eastern Bengal. Ther~ was sorie ninor rao.terial dam.age but rJD casualties to personnel. Wiill. OF'.B'ICE .£@...MINISTRY C01~I9._~ Last night, aircraft of Bomber Coimrn:md laid mines in enemy waters. 1lircraft of Fighter Comrnapd on offensive patrols atto.eked goods trains and locomotives in N0 rthern F:tance . Hudsons Qf Coastal Command o.ttacked a convoy off the Dutch coo.st . 'l'hrBe enemy supply ships were hit . · None of our aircraft is missing from these operations. +++++++++++++++++++++ I '1 I \ I\' I ,19/1/43 -No,14 BLACK-OUT IMPROVENIENTS -~-­ The Ministry of Home Security makes the follovr.:Ln8 announcement: ­ It has been decided to introduce, except for certain nreas, improved lighting on railway trains and on public service road vehicles, which in genero.l should o.llow travellers to read in reasonable comfort. Lights will also be left on in railway corriages ·while trains are standing at stations to. help pl!lssongers entering or leaving trains. Tlris lighting will be extinguished or adequately d.inuned on an air raid warning, Where alterations to railway or public service volricle stock we involved some time must elapse before the full effect of the changes becomes operative. Those alterations, however, which are not already in ho.nd will be undertaken immediately and it is hoped that it vvill not be long before the improvements begin to be o.ppo.rent . ++++++++++++++++++++ MINI~'.I]J OF HOME SECURITY 19/1/43 No. 20 • IlEDUCTI(]{ IN CHEESE D.i\TION In July l4st, the Ministry of Fooc1. nnnounoed a ternporary incren.se in the cheese ration to 8 ozs. per w·eok for the ord.ina.ry consuner,; ..lt 1ms found possible, h0Yrnv0r, to nJc'l.intE'.in this increD.se until JMuary lo, Yvhen the rn.tion yvas reducecl to -6 ozs·, Fron February 7 (n[ttioning P~rioL1 No. G)., tl;le ordinary r.ation will be further rec1uc~c1 to 4 ozs. per week:, the t specinlt cheese ration for ve;_,;etarians anc1 certain classes 'Jf i«i::-;rkers re1Th.'lining 2.t· 12 ozs, ·It is expected thnt the reduction will operate for the next three months. A corresponclirl[_; reduction will be nade in the alloYvances to CC\ ter-inp, establishments. ++++++++++++++++++++++ The Ministry of Sup-ply regrets to o.imounco thd o..s o. result· of on accident at a Royal Ordnance Factory in the Midl2.nas 18.st night, fill cr.1ployce of the factory, Sydney \Yilcox, '\7as ~dlled through caning into contact vith an olcc-trified fence. MINISTRY OF SUPPLY. / 19.1.43 -No. 26 LE/J)ING-SEi1.EAN PENNY 1S ESCAPE Last October Leo.ding-Soru:no.n l...lbcrt EdYmrd Penny,. ;-rho ho.d been c;;i,ptured by tho Ito.liMs in August 1 1~401 escaped from his cnmp nonr Viterbo n:nd,nade his wo.y to Romo. · He had, throughout his cn.ptivity, constantly ho.d it in mind to oscn.po o.nd ho had never ceased to c onsidor how this could be dono. Ho could talk a littlc Ito.lio..n, On getting out of en.mp ho 11 borr0Ymd11 o. bicycle and made off for Rome as hard as he oould. Uith ·the help of his knmvlodge of Italian he succeeded in arousing no.suspicions. On roaching Romo he did not, as might have been expected, o. tte1i1pt o.t once to t o.ke so.nctun.ry in tho . Vatican vvith the Britishl1Iinister, but very coolly spe:i."lt some time in visiting the sights of the Eternal City. He then entered the Vatican· 4 City, in order to do which he had to pass plain clothes Italian rolice, tho Swiss guard o..nd the Pontifico.l gendnrm~rie. . Having got inside he ·. 'lmndered ci.bout the City for over an hour lookir.g for n. BritiSh Legation building flying o. British flag. In this ho l'/'8.S not successful and he ther,3fore m.ano.gocl to get himself directed to n.n Hospice Yvhonce ho was conducted to the o.pn.rtrnent of H.M. Minister. The o.rrival of' this unexpected guest in the Vo.ticn:n City proved o. little embarrassing to the Cardinci.ls. Discussions follmwd ',vith the represento.tives of tho British o.nd Ito.lio.n Governments nnd finally it i..-to.s agreed tho. t the best solution Yiould be the exchange of ·Penny for o.n Italian prisonor-of-Ymr ·of o.. similar co.tcgory. After tho necessary negotio.tions which took some time the exchange wn.s arrD.nged uith the co-o:pero.tion of the Portuguese Govornment, a.n::l Penny is now o. free mo.n in Lisbon o.nd will shortly be bo.ck in this country vrhere his .'.:l.I'rival is anxiously expected by his wife o.nd f;:u-;iily. FORiUGN OFFICE NEUS DZPilR'f.i,IENT INDIA. JOilfT W.1.'Ui. COIV11'1UN~QOE The following joint war cornr.1unique fror.i India was received in I,ondon to-night: ­ A s1rall number of eneL1y o.ircra.ft raided Calcutta area early on the night of January 19. Several bombs vrnre dropped and two fires were started which were soon 'brought under control• Our f ightcrs contacted the raiders, No casualties have so far been reported and da.Inr'lge is negligible. WAR OFFICE